Genuine Research Paper Examples

Economic and more political

A further part of the answer lies in the political economy of the local state. Local political economy and the coherence of institutional aims provide a partial answer for the promotion of FED in China.

Historiography: mesopotamia

History is the study of the past as it is written in documents. The relationship between Gilgamesh and the Old Testament is that some of the stories are similar in both.

Pseudo research in marketing:

In spite of the obvious weaknesses of these studies, many of them admitted by the authors, nearly all authors state, implicitly or explicitly, that an examination of the results of the various experiments will produce a kind of general law on the strength and frequency of this price/quality relationship. Surprisingly, of the many hundreds of →

Forces in international business

For Japan, McDonald's is a symbol of this fantastic culture, and brings in many customers because of this." From the perspective of the ' civilizing process' McDonald's...[has]...helped to create an entirely new concept of manners." says Watson. This is another political pressure that concerns McDonald's as they attempt to meet the cultural standards for the →

Good essay on a short research on nurse publication

The publication will also assist other practitioners to learn about the details of what you have gone through, the ingredients that composed that specific experience and how the result of that experience was.- Comment on the guidelines you have attached to your discussion. In terms of learning the standards for writing references and citations, I →

Self esteem development

Self-esteem is the back bone of communication and the perception of who we are as individuals. In conclusion, self-esteem is a vital part of the communication process in society today.

Service package of village volvo

Mechanic will discuss problems that they have noticed in the clients' car and occasionally take a short test drive with clients for better understanding of the area of concern. Repairs that have been done and other problems that might need attention are then discussed with the clients, whereby these notes are brought to attention of →

The rosetta stone

It is only natural that they are threatened by this request of the stone being back to Cairo, as it poses to be a problem for the museum to lose its tourists. Furthermore, their response is that these artifacts that are showcased do not necessarily have to be in the country of their birth in →


Next, after you fix the human problems you need to make rules so you do not need to state the same things back over, and people will know what to do. Next, after you fix the human eve a lot of problems that needs to be fixed and Confucius might have attempted to fix it.

Cache dpp3

P1- There are many legal requirements to an inclusive practice in a pre-school these are: Inclusion-special Educational needs code of practice and SEN DFES 2002 Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 The National Care Standards 2001 Convention for the Rights of children 1999 Human RightsAct 1998 DisabilityDiscriminationAct 1995, 2005 section 1 The Beginning of →

Colombus day

Columbus day Is a holiday In which Americans celebrate a man who Is not even an American, but better yet the Spanish- acclaimed Viceroy and Governor of the Indies and Admiral of the Seas who overpowered and subjected a whole land of natives to succumb to his rule, follow his logon and traditions, and be →

What is the purpose of college

While struggling to prioritize and manage my time efficiently for the complete on of finals, the recurring question of the significance of college plays in my head. One of the greatest influences of college admissions is the impression that o en is guaranteed to earn a higher salary if they have a degree of some →

Audit research on diversity

The literature review should include sources from scholarly and professional journals describing the performance of the organization as it relates to diversity, in addition to the organization's website that you are researching. Part 2 is the final project paper - due If you are using one of the Diversifying firms, include in your research the →

How does counselling differ from other helping skills

The British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy define counselling as ' taking place when a counsellor sees a client in a private and confidential setting to explore a difficulty the client is having, distress they may be experiencing or perhaps their dissatisfaction with life, or loss of a sense of direction or purpose. Counselling is →

Business research part

The fitness bands make is fairly ass for anyone with a weight loss orhealthgoal to measure and track their exercise to include steps taken daily, and amount of energy and calories burned.N.B.has formed a team to research the accuracy and impact of wearing the fuel band. These range in review of the accuracy of the →

Moth man

Specific purpose: To inform my class to the truth behind the movie the moth man prophecies and let them hear the err tale of the hauntings that are so close to our campus.I. Thesis: The Mothman proposes is a legend about a human side bird like creature that has been linked to many deaths over →

Can oral history be trusted

It can also be said that " tricks that the memory can play, to efforts at rationalization & self-justification that all of us make, even if only subconsciously, or to the terrible telescoping of time which aninterviewoften encourages and which runs counter to the very essence of history" 2 This can also happen with age, →

Economic consequences

Cash flows, financial liquidity of assets, stock of cash and the structure of the balance sheet of a firm influences investments. Appropriate investments will have to be made to handle the new government issues so that the firm is not taken to court and penalized in the form of fines.

Anna freud

Her sister, Sophie, who was the more attractive child, represented a threat in the struggle for the affection of their father: 'the two young Freuds developed their version of a common sisterly division of territories: " beauty" and " brains"', and their father once spoke of her 'age-old jealousy of Sophie'. In 1935, Freud became →


In his keynote address to a conference of linguistics, Joel Sherzer argues that language is changing and disappearing in some regions of the world because of the social and linguistic changes that are occurring. The problem, as he first outlines when discussing the Francoprovencal dialects of Italy, France and Switzerland is that the speakers of →

Elsewhere: life and curtis jest

In the beginning of the novel, a dog is telling us that her owner, Liz, has died. Then the cruise ship takes her to elsewhere and that is where the biggest part of the book takes place.

Far from heaven

The pool scene which appears almost near the end of the movie carries the themes of race and homosexuality more clearly and very closely entangled within the film and is beautifully fused within the whole structure of film. The scene then turns towards Frank, and camera is focused on Frank when he sees the blond →

The philosophy of morality

This is a derived idea from the argument of Immanuel Kant in his work, An Answer to the Question: " What is Enlightenment?" This restriction is the reason why humans behave as they are: they need a harmoniousenvironmentwithin themselves as a pursuit of individual community of well-being, freedom and safety. To Kant, this principle of →

Change of position defence

Whether the defendant can successfully establish this defence depends of whether he can prove that his position is so changed that he will suffer an injustice if called upon to repay or repay in full * In order to prove a change of position defence, first there must be an adverse change of position by →

Kiki strike

Anna carried Dee Dee out of the Shadow City with the rest of The Irregulars, when they got out they looked behind them and noticed that Kaki Strike was not with them, she abandoned them, and she had vanished. Kaki strike By bothersome Kaki Strike is written by Kristin Miller and is about independence, trust, →

Boxing should be banned

The sport of boxing maybe fun and entertaining to watch but dangerous in reality and should be banned. Boxing should be banned all the cons that's in boxing and what boxing is all about.

A time of respite from something

For some people a vacation might be a chance to relax, while to others, a vacation might mean to leave their professional work for a while, only to do another different kind of work. One way of relaxing that has become popular amongst the people of today's society is to take a vacation.

Cultural awareness in nursing practice

I will be discussing some of the values and traits that we Filipinos have in common such as pagmamano and po at opo or gestures that showrespectto our elders, kagandahang loob or shared humanity. In cases that the unexpected visitor needs to stay for the night, he or she will be offered the best room →

Mystery shopper next

The customer was not greeted by any member of staff on entrance to the store and thought the atmosphere was not welcoming as it was dark inside the store. The entrance to the store was clean and tidy and the outside of the store was attractive and inviting to customers.

Field research in a workplace setting essay sample

In other words, ethnography describes the meaning of the situation from the point of view of the participants. In other words, field research takes place in a natural setting where the researcher attempts to understand the social meanings and different perspectives of the people whom the researcher is studying.

Managing cultural diversity – cross cultural communication

Cross-culture Communication: A Result Of Religious And Spiritual Beliefs The article " Cross-cultural communication for managers" by Mary Munter is an excellent article which takes a broad approach towards the topic of cross-culture communication in management area. The article " Cross-Cultural/International Communication", talks about the logical, common factors of the cross-culture communication like language, attitudes, →

Systems development life cycle sdlc systems

These include questioning why the information system needs to be built, to charting feasibility factors, analyzing issues that are expected to crop up, zeroing in on a certain design and architecture for the system, developing the system, implementing and testing it, and delivering it to the target customer. Even within structured design, two distinct approaches →

Corporate setups

Based on the foregoing, this paper finds Hermes principles to be applicable in corporate setups if the purpose is to have a maximum shareholder value. The paper notices that the Hermes principles failed to assume when the business entity is losing.

Iso 15489: a tool for records management mergers critique

Article Critique In the article " ISO 15489: A Tool for Records Management Mergers" Mary White-Dollmann discusses the benefits of using ISO 15489 in information management planning, whereas special attention is paid to the period after company mergers. After reading the article, I realized that mire attention should be paid to ISO 15489 standard because →

Doing business with china

The important aspects of these products is easy to adapt in many segments of the market from business to commercial and individual basis, Foreign companies using eateries for their products are outsourcing their battery source to Chinese companies therefore have dominated the market Internationally. Drivers of battery industry growth Due to the elevating veneration of →

Naked economics notes chapter

Exchange Rate Mechanism This agreement was designed to manage large fluctuations in the exchange rate between European nations The ERM created targets for the exchange rates among the participating countries Each government was obligated to pursue policies that kept its currency trading on international currency markets within a narrow band around this target Currencies are →

Unchain your mind and begin to think like a visionary

And usually, at the end of the discussion, we have not come up with anything concrete - yet the consultation is still considered a great success. Yet a visionary also has the ability to bring everything together and seamlessly integrate it with the real world.

Ethical code of conduct in psychological research

Two experiments will be discussed in this paper, the two experiments are: The Stanley Milgram Experiment and The Harry Harlow Experiment. Harry Harlow Experiment on Maternal Bonding An experiment was carried out by American Psychologist Harry Harlow in his Wisconsin University laboratory, the experiment was carried out on the hypothesis of the first causes and →

Budgeting of training programs in the community

The dropout rate is having considerable impact on the community and there must be an intervention to put a stop to the current rate of teens that dropout instead of staying in school to empower themselves and to enlighten a city of the potential that still exists there. The environmental factors that must be evaluated →

Was the u.s. justified in going to war with mexico?

The United States was justified in going to war because Mexico had shed American blood on American soil, Texas was an independent republic and had the right to govern itself, and Texas was trying to become part of the United States, which means that the United States had a right to be involved, too. Mexico →

Hotel system

The development of this study specifically aims to: * Provide the exact information of the guest; * Provide a centralized record for the proper management of the information of the guest; * Provide convenience for the guest to make a reservation, show the availability of the room and give suggestions on the available rooms for →

Massive disappearance

The range of the contributions of these Latinos covers most if not all of the essential endeavors in the society. This feeling is overturned by the sudden events in the movie, specifically the part which shows the disappearance of the Latinos.

Satellite offices help improve work-life balance

Satellite offices to help improve work-life balance TAN WEIZHEN - 09 MARCH SINGAPORE To support the quest for better work-life balance, the Government will be carrying out various initiatives to support working from home, such as the introduction of satellite offices located nearer to homes. The IDA will also be revising the Code of Practice →

Labour law, fundamental rights and social europe

This study will critically assess the extent to which the European Court of Justice, in the Laval Quartet series of cases, has struck the correct balance between protecting the right to collective action under EU law and protecting the rights of free movement of services and establishment. Arguably, the interpretations of Articles 43 and 56 →

Elasticity of demand of petrol and cng

CAR AND PETROL OR CAR AND CNG: The general trend is that when the price of the substitute decreases the demand of the product decrease and if the price of the substitute increases demand for the product increase. But if the Price of the CNG increase, but it will remain lower to the price of →


Therefore, nothing has meaning unless one was to ttach meaning to it, and to attach meaning to anything proves one has created an identity, and that identity allows one to exist. However, meaning is all around us and whether one likes it or not, we were built to reate meaning in order for us to →

Early civilizations

The availability of these natural resources would affect the kinds of houses they lived in, the types of weapons and tools they used, thefoodthey ate and the type of containers they used to store food and supplies. Another problem with revisionist history is that it tends to judge people, cultures and experiences in the past →

Yoga for eye sight

Initially we have short theory and then we go for the practice and what is the whole basis for the eyesight improvement that we are talking? This is because of the differential pull of the rectie muscles of the eye ball.

Rise of totalitarianism

At the end of the war France designed the Treaty of Versailles to punish Germany, and it caused many problems in Germany. Germany was also not in the League due to the Treaty of Versailles.

Stanislavski- method acting and its importance

He was founder of the first acting " system", co-founder of the Moscow Theatre, and a renowned practitioner of the naturalist school of thought. It was, and still is, the most influential acting system on the modern stage and screen.

How to manage negativity within the medical aesthetics

The movement in the present day is to hire less than sufficient staff and work to the maximum. References Barbuceanu, M.& Fox, M.

Printing and key plate

This is true in that the black plate in a four color process print pushes the contrast and creates " detail". It appears the context clues may outweigh the notion that K is used to denote " detail" or " contrast".

Collaboration and professionalism and there use in educational strategies

Without effectual communicating and coaction, instructors in schools can be incognizant of the cognition that exists between themselves; as a consequence, they can non portion and pull upon that cognition. In Scotland, the McCrone Agreement places a duty on instructors to work together with co-workers and other people and professionals to prosecute the overall aims →

Bicycle braking systems

Excluding the original design quality of the equipment and materials, caliper brakes are often affected mostly by the moisture that is on the rim, as that will significantly hinder the ability to stop. One of the most important features in the success of the disc brake is its ability to dissipate the heat generated from →

Passion for excellence

To me, I have a strong belief in the knowledge I have gained. To me, I have a strong belief in the knowledge I have gained.

Symptoms, causes and remedies or treatment options for phobias

Some kind of narcotic drugs can also be used to decrease the anxiety and fear. To conclude, phobias are some kind of unnecessary fears and anxieties which can be treated with the help of medications, exposure therapy and behavioral therapies.

Women as transformational leaders

The practices also helps leaders have increased loyalty from the virtues they acquire, and this increases the productivity on the organization. It also helps a leader discover what he or she is good at and work on it to raise the standards of an organization.Q 4.

Power of the catholic church in brazil

Brazil has a population of over 200 million habitants and one of the largest numbers of Catholics in the world. Marx - Beliefs - Politics - Economics If we compare the decline of Catholicism and economic transformation of Brazilian society, we could reaffirm the work of Max Weeper's In the book " The Protestant Work →

Mary wollstonecraft`s vindication of the rights of woman

In 1790 Mary wrote " A Vindication of the Rights of Men" in response to Edmund Burke's " Reflections on the Revolution in France," and thereby established her credentials not only as a woman of opinion, but as a woman who was happy to voice her opinions on an equal platform with other intellectuals of →

Populism dbq

This unhappiness of farmers regarding the money system in the United States is also shown in a political cartoon from The Farmers Voice, a Chicago newspaper in the late 1880's or early 1890's. The belief that silver is the solution of the problems for farmers is opposed in J.

Kite runner redmption

Amir states in the first chapter of the novel that he has a past of " unatoned sins." Throughout the novel, The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini uses the following symbols to express the theme of redemption: The scar above Amirs lip, the lamb and the blue kite. The rescue of Sohrab, was the rescue of →

Maria theresa of prussian law

Starting in and around the year 1740 with the crowning of Maria Theresa as empress, began the buildup of the Prussian army. In the eighteenth century commenced the rein of the " Prince of Prussia".

The phenomenon of city as a symbol of a modern way of life

And if we take into account the fact that in the Western world the percentage of city dwellers in contrast to people living in the countryside is continuing to grow due to the process of urbanisation, the phenomenon of city as a of dominant life style of humans deserves the most attentive examination. In particular, →


The individual decides when their Rumspringa ends when they agree to be baptized into the church and take up responsibilities of an adult in the Amish community.-Amish are similar to most mainstream Americans by: they are of " white" European stock, and they come from families that have been in America for more than one →

Givin a million dollars, but can not spend it on yourself

The first obstacle I would face is to find a way to have fun, but to not officially spend the money on myself. Then I would need to find a worthwhile candidate who would be willing to share a $250, 000 gift with me.

Through the eyes of modern society

The intriguing documentary of Killing Us Softly 4 by Jean Kilbourne, provides for a controversial topic of the basis of advertising in the media and how it affects women directly and indirectly. An example of a fallacy is the thought that only women closely related to the white ideal are considered beautiful and modeling material.

What is meant and how can government attempt to correct it?

This is because the consumer cannot go for a cheaper product within that market as the monopoly has gotten rid of competition, thus leaving the consumer with high prices to pay at a limited choice. These people are the labourers of that economy and if work force starts dying out this leads to a loss →

The financial crisis’ lack of impact on ib programs

A year later, the academic year 2008/09, the percentage of students rose to a 70% and as it was the year before the financial crisis hit the country, it was the last year there was an increase in the number of students applying for the IB program. And as they feel they will a have →

Unicorns are real after all

Before I could formulate my response, my friend Lavada said, " No offense to you, or anyone else, I just do not get it." Throughout my life, I thought I had encountered pretty much every type of person, and I could have sworn that I had my generation completely pegged. Although, I do believe that →

The positive effects of technology on education

Research shows that student centered, constructivist approaches to education lead to better achievement in testing and preparing students with the skills necessary in the modern workplace. Technology, combined with a student centered, constructivist mode of learning, has the potential to provide students with higher-level cognitive and interpersonal skills.

Organizational assessment

Consequently, the retirement of the Deans of the Graduate /School and the College of Business Administration in 2008 without qualified replacements sowed fears of administrative paralysis in those key areas of the university. Finally, an invitation was sent to the Dean of a competing school to head the College of Business Management and Accountancy of →

Travel and tourism trends and factors

This is an area of the Travel and Tourism industry that is rapidly growing due to the increase of people who want to experience thrill and adventurous and stimulating experiences in their spare time. The third and final factor I am going to explore is Cost of Travel.

Capetian kings of france

Feudalism increased the power of these mini-states in the twelfth century, and was the tool used by the Capetian Kings of France to advance their influence and wealth. Suger, The Life of Louis the Fat, [ 14 ].

Affirmative action debate and economics

Yuching Lin ECON 395 The Affirmative Action Debate Affirmative Action has recently become the center of a major public debate in the United States, which has led to the emergence of numerous studies on its efficiency, costs, and benefits. Nevertheless, there is much to learn from the research that has been conducted as of present, →

7 top tips for international students

The more you can speak like a local the more you will blend in and the easier university work will be even if it's the same language. Make sure that when family & friends came to visit they bring all the foods and things that you have been missing you might be surprised to find →

Research agenda in medical sociology

The challenge for a progressive sociology of medicine is to critique the range of interests that make up medicine while holding a sense of medicine's benefits and deficits at individual and population level in balance with other knowledge systems and moralities of healing. The nation state has regulated health-care spending in favor of orthodox medicine →

The meaning of a quote

" When one door ofhappinesscloses, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us." Helen Keller Body: As we have known, most people are too attached to the past, to what they are familiar with. Alexander Graham Bell also →

Business research individual work 1 week 3

Identifying a Business Problem of the Apple Company Identifying a Business Problem of the Apple Company From the article offering Apple's SWOT analysis, which is available in the business complete database, it becomes evident that the Apple Company has some business situations that can be solved using research. The first component is the statement of →

The reason of marshall plan

This essay will specifically argue that the main reasons of the launch of Marshall Plan are the threats of communism and the interweaving interest's network of America and Europe. Between the end of war and the announcement of the plan, there already were loan plans from America to Europe.

Know your competitors

There are a lot of ways, got with the help of advanced technologies, which can be used for acquiring enough data related to the market: Track the Ad: To track the advertising websites and the keywords used there by the competitors you need monitoring tools like Adbeat, AdGooroo, MixRank, Moat, SocialAdNinJa, WhatRunsWhere - any one →

Research in reproduction: challenges, needs, and opportunities

At mid-cycle ovulation, when the organism is sexually most receptive, the directionality of peristalsis is reversed, with contractility at ejaculation aimed at conveying a bolus of ejaculated semen to the upper end of the uterus and, depending upon the side of the ovulating ovary, with the ipsilateral opening of the isthmus to allow sperm to →

The play “away” by michael gow

The theme of moving on with life is best shown in the final scene where tom is back at school and is living and waiting to die but is getting on with life when miss Latrobe says to Tom " Tom, your our own Chips Raferty why do not you go on reading?" It also →

Bartleby in herman

To emphasize this point, the author uses the character of the Lawyer, the narrator of the story, and his conflict with Bartleby. And when the Lawyer asks him to leave the office since he declares he is tired of his work as a scrivener, he refuses.

Us pivot to asia

The US presence in the Asia-Pacific proves the point as almost half of the US Naval forces are deployed along the region while, the development of Chinese military capabilities within the area demonstrates the aggressive posture of the key players. The detection of the hydrocarbon and the presence of marine resources, on the other hand, →

Ideas that shaped the constitution

The overall purpose of the Federalist Papers was to convince the people that a stronger centralized government would be more protective ot their rights. The Federalist papers were written to convince people to ratify the Constitution The papers discussed the unequivocal experience of the Incompetence of the federal government and the need for a stronger →

Lagrange theorem

The following result types are displayed for each of the three named groups: Analyzed Not analyzed because, for example, there is no data for the client you specified when creating the analysis. The objects are used in the analysis period and In the systems specified for the analysis.

Referring to the following research plan see details

3 Strategies for Presenting the Findings: Strategy 1: Presentation I would use presentation as the main way to present my research findings to the audiences. I think presentations are the most effective method of presenting ideas because they enable face-to-face interaction between the presenter and the audiences during presentation of findings.

Blessings of liberty

In striking at the wouldomestic Tranquility,' 'common defense' and 'Blessings of Liberty' that the US Constitution was established to secure, the terrorist attacks of September 11 not only extinguished thousands of lives but also heralded a dangerous and unprecedented chapter in the 'American experiment.' 9/11 represented the end of what remained of America's post 1991 →

Saint augustine research paper

In his book of confessions he states that committing greed and gluttony brought joy to him. He struggled with the limitations towards sexual intentions, which included him to be faithful to his significant other and live a monogamous lifestyle.

Babysitting for sociology

Now that I am older I have trained my body to be able to stay awake and not feel like I had sleep derivation the next day. I have taught myself to take a deep breath when that happens and try to get the kids minds on something else.

Sexual harassment training and education regulations take effect

The main idea of the Bill is to provide Sexual Harassment Training to the Supervisor employees. It means if the employer has only 50 employees that too they are temporary in nature; still the supervisors of the organization have to have the specified training, which is burdensome to the employer.


1 Data Production Part 2 The production of the source data 2 1.1. 1 Data Production Part 2 The production of the source data 2 1.1.

Aristotle and george boole

The mechanistic movement in the late years of the Renaissance made Aristotle create a distinct line between the physical sciences and mathematics. Aristotle considered the knowledge of geometry and arithmetic calculations to be the most important of the mathematical sciences.

Sample research paper on movement in sport: the dead lift

He trains like a power lifter in the total-body exercise.a) Inhale by taking a deep breath before pulling off the floor to increase torso stability and benefit from an increase in strength generation of muscles that lift heavy weights.b) Maintain the bar close to the body in a range of motion c) As one pulls →

Children`s medical rights in divorce disputes

This case came to the attention of the writer when doing research on the topic of divorce in another course. The parents provide consent to medication on behalf of the children.