Genuine Research Paper Examples

The greater good of society verses individualism

He believed in the three states of Democracy which are: a state of equality, state of liberty, and a state of nature. The state of nature is to ensure safety so the nature of war is ot reached, so no man will step out of his state and threaten another man's state.

What is the role of social enterprise in society?

While conventional entrepreneurs typically measure performance in profit and return the social entrepreneurs take into account a positive return to society and attempts to promote broad social, cultural and environmentalgoalsoften associated with the voluntary sector. The foremost object of a social entrepreneur is not to earn a profit, but to bring widespread improvements in the β†’

The cultural challenges of doing business overseas

In this paper, I will analyze the major differences and incompatibities between the U.S.and Czech Republic cultures, addressing the major business risks involved, comparative advantages that exist in Czech Republic, addressing the major business risk's involved, and Czech's business environment including the barriers to trade. Steve needs to know and assess this in order to β†’

Benefits to running bleachers

This is because after going up the bleachers and resting for a few seconds, the body needs to be ready to be able to work hard again once it is time to run back up. This helps to increase the body fat loss and allows the heart rate to elevate for at least 30 minutes.

Cory ng edsa reaction

The problem in this story is when Bella becomes pregnant with Edward's child during honey moon and once Edward tells her they will get rid of it she calls Rosalie for help. They realise that saying Bella's baby is unsafe to the world of vampires and keeping it a secret would be a perfect oportunity β†’

Abigail williams analyzation

For instance, she accused Elizabeth of witchcraft because she had a doll with a needle In Its stomach, saying she was using voodoo to hurt Abigail. Abigail Williams Analyzing By shinning pin pointed those people and decided she would accuse them of witchcraft in any OLL with a needle in its stomach, saying she was β†’

Quiz econ

What happens to the demand for Brand A Plain potato chips? a) As the price of A rises demand A falls so that demand for B rises. The demand curve for B shifts to the right b)As the price of A rises, demand for A falls due to the law of demand.

Should people be allowed to keep pitbulls

The Pit Bulls are the kind of breed of dog " that has been skewed by misrepresentation of evidence and flat out lies" over thinking the significance that they have. What makes Pit Bulls as one of the most popular and demanding type of breed is that they are very loyal to their owners.

Research and distance learning essay

The Impact of Distance Learning on a Student's Work and Home Life Introduction In order to better understand what affect distance learning has on the work and home life of a student, students from the Education Department at Anglia Ruskin University in the second year of their Foundation Degree in Early Years collated data from β†’

Food channels culture in pakistan

Foodhas always been a big part of the Pakistaniculture, but with the current revolution in the means of media, the food industry in Pakistan seems to have exploded. The channels claim that the way to win the goodwill of husband and in laws is through the kitchen.

Public health

The role of public health, therefore, is to " assure the conditions for people to be healthy. The site first discusses three prevailing ways in which the determinants of health are conceptualized, and the political and social problems each model tends to create for public health efforts.

Mongol invasion on the muslim world

The rise of the Mongols and the beginnings of the Mongol conquests arose out of a dramatic shift from such disunity to unity, and it was achieved through thepersonalityand military skills of one man. A syncretistic approach had long been the hallmark of the nomads religious beliefs; it is reflected in the Secret History of β†’

Why do accounting rules differ from country to country

The study showed that the difference in accounting rules from country to country occurred due to the following issues: The final research was done on the above measurements and the final result was that " Deviation"; which mean that irregularities could result to variations in many ventures". Factors that Shape Development of Accounting in a β†’

Declaration of independence

The Declaration of Independence is divided into five parts: a) Introduction; b) Preamble; c) Indictment of George III, d) the Denunciation of the British People and e) the Conclusion. The United States Constitution The Articles of Confederation was once the supreme law of the land for the United States Government.

The problem of starbucks in marketing terms

In order to recommend the course of action that the Starbucks needs to take, this paper will analyze the strategic position of the business organization through a SWOT analysis. With its commitment to provide quality products and exceptional experience to its customers, the company has grown to become the largest player in the specialty coffee β†’

N. j. ask – state assessment of students

Each activity measures and mirrors a different aspect of the job performance in those activities and observed by evaluators who are trained to be fair and objective. This is what the grade 5 students are taught to do, sufficient and effective for their level.

Planning authorisation and development of a new maggie’s centre in south manchester

In support of our charity of the twelvemonth ' Pancreatic Cancer' it seems suiting to recognize the new planning mandate and development by Sir Norman Foster for a new Maggie's Centre in southManchester, which will be due to open in 2016. Maggie's Centres are built around her belief that people should non " lose the β†’

Religion homosexuality -judasim

You must not do as they do in Egypt, where you used to live, and you must not do as they do In the land of Canaan, where I am bringing you. I will make a helper suitable for him." Do what is right and good in the Lord's sight, so that it may go β†’

Student and teacher interaction: questions

The age of a student and teacher, group size and frequency of interactions are three basic variables used in this research. The research will help to improve various aspects of student teacher interaction through variability of dependent and independent variables.

Research paper about computer addiction

What Is the profile of the respondents In terms of the following factors: 1. What are the most pressing problems in their study habits as they go and play computer games in terms of the following: 3.

Euthymol toothpaste

Euthymol toothpaste is one of the strongest tastes of toothpaste and there are no mints in it. The place and the promotion are the weaknesses of this toothpaste.

Monopolistic competition and oligopoly

Apart from this, it is assumed that there are a large number of buyers and sellers in the market, each of them being relatively small and acting independent, there are no barriers to entry or exit, firms are short run profit-maximizers and that there exists perfect knowledge. However, as the product is slightly differentiated and β†’

Write about the ways in which chaucer presents chauntecleer’s dream?

The use of discourse markers on line 27 and 28 brings the passage to a climax as Pertelote implies that Chauntecleer is a coward.'Avoy', which is followed by, how could you? Overall I feel that Chaucer have been very effective in presenting Chauntecleer's dream to the audience, this is only been helped in the techniques β†’

Impact of culture on the spread of hiv/aids in kenya

Bafagih Professor Trent NewmeyerSociologyof AIDS Soc 309Y1F June 21, 2004 Impact ofCultureon the Spread of HIV/AIDS in Kenya a national culture is not a folklore, nor an abstract populism that believes it can discover the people's true nature....a national culture is the whole body of the efforts made by a people in the sphere of β†’

Issues of gst in singapore | research outline

With the sustain limited knowledge of GST, people will confuse and not be ready for the implementation because according to the pervious result of study, most of the consumers facing uncertainty of GST would increase the prices of goods and living costs in the upcoming future. The independent variables is the GST which implemented by β†’

Examining current reverse logistics trends

The topic of examining current reverse logistics helps us narrow down to the best practices in the field and to determine the factors that hinder implementation of good reverse logistics practices. A number of reverse logistics practices apply in most of the organizations.

You don’t know what you have til it’s gone

In the story, Tom was first introduce as the man who was to be defended by Atticus, because it was claimed the he raped Miss Mayella Ewell. Tate was right.' Atticus disengaged himself and looked at me.'What do you mean? ' 'Well, it would be sort of like shootin' a mockingbird, would not it? '" β†’

Founder-ceo succession at wily technology

As the founder, CEO, and chairman of Wily Technology, Cirne had worked hard to build the skills necessary to lead a start-up, had developed Wily's early technology single-handedly, had hired 50 employees to help him build the company, and had successfully spearheaded a strategic transformation of the company. Cirne Wily, Cirne:"? "?

The art of gentrification in greenpoint, brooklyn

Accordingly, this brief paper will discuss some key ways in which a community/municipality can seek to engage these key partners as well as provide some key economic programs which will at least partially defray the high economic costs that might be keeping them from the given region in the first place As a function of β†’

Bowlbys attachment theory

Introduction For the purpose of this assignment I will begin with a discussion of John Bowl by's theory of attachment, this is one of the most used theories in children's social work today. I will then discuss the origins of attachment theory, with giving an overview of what attachment theory consists of.

The dusk

Looking on the ground, Gortsby spies a new bar of soap, goes after the man, and lends him the money. The man obviously has told his story to make Gortsby feel sorry for him and lend him some money, but Gortsby does not know for sure that his story is a lie.

The palace of versailles and contemporary art: takashi murakami

Looking back at the 400 years of history at the Palace of Versailles it was once a home for the French royalfamily, a center for political power and today is a symbol of absolute monarchy. The Palace is a piece of art on its own and does not need to have these controversial exhibits constantly β†’

Individuals theories

Silence was a big factor and was enforced to the Max; it was seen as a way to take away ones sense of self. Overall this prison has truly changed over time the different models and system have evolved overtime to it the needs of society's best interest.

A to explain the importance of the pacing guide

The Importance of the Pacing Guide Pacing guides are documents used by all teachers in school to provide them with outlines that they use to plan instructions. Some of the pacing guides also provide teachers with assessment calendar as well as enabling them to effectively outline the curriculum to be used to cover all the β†’

Strength and weaknesses of dutch lady malaysia

As the market leader in the dairy category, Dutch Lady Milk Industries Berhad has a rich heritage of more than 130 years of dairy experiences, a legacy we enjoy from being part of one of the largest multinational dairy cooperatives in the world called Royal FrieslandCampina. At Dutch Lady Malaysia, we truly believe that the β†’

How successful were the liberal governments of 1896 to 1915 in dealing with the problems they faced?

In the period 1896 1915, the condition of Italy was relatively in a terrible state in many ways with various political, economic and social problems that hindered the country's progress. This clearly meant that the Liberal Government's aim was to maximise their support for a sustained period of time.

How time flies

Some of the earliest forms of transnational environmental NGOs started to appear after the Second World War with the creation of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. Rapid deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon called the attention and intervention of UNESCO, who utilized its Program on Man and the Biosphere to β†’

Links to theory through observation.

As the other child was more knowledgeable on size and mathematical language he was blew to provoke adaptation in child As' original schema allowing him to assimilate and accommodate this new information also showing evidence Of Piglets developmental theory. As in first observation, regarding the FEES, child B is achieving several milestones within the seven β†’

Education and its effect on life

In add-on, deficient support of schools along with quality instructors that are retiring are some of the jobs we encounter in the instruction system. These pedagogues are genuinely valuable to our community since they supply our kids with the information and the know-how that they can work with to better their fate and the fate β†’

Commentary: principles, approaches and challenges of applying big data in safety psychology research

The aim is to discuss the feasibility of extending the conceptualization proposed by the authors i.e, Big Data of Safety Psychology to other branches of psychology going beyond the only safety domain, ultimately pointing out a big data of whatever psychology scenario. 1037/met0000120 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Hinds, J, and Joinson, A.

7 ways to keep hackers from destroying your startup

Founders should never be forced to scramble to change access for all personnel each time an individual departs, particularly in the case of a disgruntled employee - or soon to be ex-employee - who has access to your proprietary and critical IT, IP and other key data. Two-factor authentication is exactly what it sounds like β†’

Why people attend college or university?

One of such skills is ability to present ideas clearly, and every college and university train students to make a presentation and speak on the public. Undoubtedly, one of the most significant reason for attending college or university is an opportunity to build professional network and get a job in the future.

Media studies

The stereotype of blacks being incompetent in professional work is shown in the movie while hailing the whites as the great problem solver and savior of the blacks. Though the movie aimed to show the struggles of the lovers in the process of fighting for their love, it only magnified the discrimination experienced by the β†’

Cultural event paper

A powwow is a Native American gathering, or celebration that began with the Plains tribe, and continued to other Native American tribes through the years. This was a way to entertain and promote awareness to the Native American culture.

Nauryz – history of kazakhs

Was considered that in day of arrival of spring there is an updating of the nature which was symbolized usually by a spring thunder. The name of a holiday coincides with the name of month as Nauryz in a translation from Kazakh means - March.

How walt disney evolved under dennis hightower’s leadership?

While, Dennis Hightower magically improved sales and profits of Disney's global operations in a matter of just 5 years, first as the Vice-President of Consumer Products and than as the President of the Television & Telecommunication Department. The Disney Traditions, the culture of local autonomy in each franchise and the challenges of cultural heterogeneity were β†’

Accounting theory cga

Slide 12 Present Value Accounting An English economics professor named Hicks said the way to determine the real change in economics of the firm is to take the difference between net assets at the beginning of the period and at the end of the period and that would be your profit. The present value system β†’

Reallocation of costs in information technology

Reallocation of Costs in Information Technology Reallocation of Costs in Information Technology Introduction With the rapid technological advances in the information technology sector, businesses have gotten confused as to how costs for IT can be allocated in their books. Process of Allocation of IT Costs When information technology is implemented within organizations, it is important β†’

The idea of love in the “sonnet 116”

The remaining lines of the third quatrain, reaffirm the perfect nature of love that is unshakeable throughout time and remains so " ev'n to the edge of doom", or death. In the final couplet, the poet declares that, if he is mistaken about the constant, unmovable nature of perfect love, then he must take back β†’

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

A study on the impact of media towards focus on appearance and beauty of African American girls showed that the portrayal of women as sex objects led to the greater consciousness and focus on personal appearance. People consider and adjust to the attitudes and beliefs of their peer groups on a number of issues including β†’

Why education is important to me?

That's you I know college is important to me because I want children to succeed and dream the most spontaneous dream. That's the joy of being an educator but to get there I have to get a college degree to teach.

Playing billy beane

Beane, as a player was not so great, but as the A's manager at the sidelines, he started a revolution. With the A's doing much with less, it is safe to assume that Beane as general manager has been successful in building.

Salvage law: stipulations and amendments

The amount is later arbitrated by a representative of the company for the services rendered of the salvors within the degrees of distinction that are combined with the precepts of salvage and law and of the policies of the company. Similar to the Salvage law and the LOF, the amendment in the IMO remain on β†’

The history of non commission officer ( nco)

A good NCO serves as administrative or training personnel and as advisors to the officer corps. The NCO is expected to be a commander, trainer and combat leader.

Food rituals in hinduism

One of the most important aspects of the Hindu tradition is the food and purification process. Food to Hindus is a lifelong religious and social concern; it stands at the core of religion and society.

Characteristics of the modern theories of international trade

Some of the modern theories of the international trade include competitive advantage by Michael Porter, Resource and trade by Heckscher and Ohlin, standard trade by Paul Krugman and specific factor and the income distribution by Paul Samuelson and Ronald Jones. This considers trade as a gain due to the expansion in the choices within the β†’

How familiar are you with the swine flu

The results show that, there is a cultural and societal understanding of the flu, not only based on the facts about the swine flu, but also from the influence of the media and the hype that is surrounding this specific flu. What other opinions do you have about the swine flu and what is happening β†’

Bonnier’s approach to establish a centralized research essay

The nature of digital innovation for Bonnier was to build a new digital business modeling the top of traditional publishing industry. As Orwell said, in a presentation tattle; University, the following constraints or problematic need to be addressed, especially in a traditionally conservative business contexts and industries: Firstly, you need to be not only the β†’

The surprising election issues working families care about most

And the least of their fears is that afamilymember will be a victim of a terrorist attack. Only about 20 percent of young parents surveyed said they believe that their kids will grow up to be better off than them, while 44 percent believe their children will be worse off, according to the Fatherly survey.

If only she had listen to me- short story

She can easily have whatever she wants because she was the only child in her family. She always think that she is the perfect one and she was right.

Stigma obesity

Brewis and her colleagues recently completed a multicountry study intended to give a snapshot of the international zeitgeist about weight and body image,".' The findings were troubling, suggesting that negative perceptions about people who are overweight may soon become the cultural norm in some countries, including places where plumper, larger bodies traditionally have been viewed β†’

Teachers of today – who they are and what they need to know

In terms of teaching and learning, motivation is the engagement that students have in their studies, and the efforts that they make to achieve their goals. The challenge of teachers in 2010 and beyond is to find these motivators for each and every student and use them to engage them in education and learning.

Holistic care nurse

The purpose of care planning is to show a logical and systematic flow of ideas through from the initial assessment to the final evaluation. The specific problem was chosen because there are measures that can significantly reduce the risk of metabolic and hypovolemic shock which can be caused by severe metabolic acidosis Within the care β†’

Financial assets are made up of securities

Fundamental analysis was the method used to pick the stocks. The type of assets to be held was first determined.


The word is also applied to the beginning portion of a plot in which background information about the characters and situation is set forth. Describe the use of the camera, including camera angle and movement and the types of shots used in this short sequence.

Abrahamic religions

Brahma is the most widely known and is the recognized one as Creator of the world. The similarities that are shared by these religions are very few and many conflicts have actually risen from differences in views of the world.

Current business research project paper

According to the article, Mass Communication in Multicultural America, the increase of racial diversity as well as the rise of new technologies, influenced the media. These no longer target their message to a broad mass, as it was the case since the 1950s, but tend to rather tailor it for specific publics, which are defined β†’

Physics assessment task??”??”research task

3) Length Contraction * Length contraction is the phenomenon that length of a moving object appears shorter to a stationary observer than when the object is at rest. 000002 seconds and we find that to us, the life time of the speeding muon is not 0.

Case study research into healthcare leadership

This essay sets out to: briefly discuss the concept of leadership; highlight why leadership is important in healthcare; make a distinction between the closely-related concepts of leadership and management; briefly highlight how power relates to leadership; describe some theoretical leadership approaches applicable within the context of healthcare organisations; present a case study set in a β†’

American international group, or aig

As a result, Greenberg was asked to step down as the CEO in 2005 and he is currently the CEO of C.V. Leading up to the bailout of AIG in 2008, the company was involved in riskier and riskier transactions.

Nursing knowledge research paper

In addition to improving health, the resources are used in nursing research, evidenced-based practice, knowledge needs of the nursing community and healthcare providers. In addition, members are provided with free electronic subscriptions to a range of medical Journals and Journals published by the institute.

Reaction paper on cybercrime act of 2012

The Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012, also known asRepublic Act10175, may aim to bring crime-fighting into the 21st century by addressing harmful acts committed with the use of the worldwide web but it raises the risk of rights violations and curtailment of freedom of expression and of the press by expanding the concept of the β†’

The namesake quotes

One day it will be too late." He was still clutching a page of " The Overcoat," crumpled tightly in his fist, and when he raised his hand the wad of papers dropped from his fingers." Ashima means " she who is limitless, without borders." Ashoke, the name of an emperor, means " he who β†’

Life has a hopeful undertone

The child was an embodiment of hope and salvation; he was a light In the darkness. The child was an embodiment of hope and salvation; he was a light in the darkness.

Researchers and philosophers views on freedom of expression and negative speech

As such, debates come up as a result of how or where speech is used and the necessary actions that ought to be taken in cases where speech is used negatively. According to the classic marketplace of ideas justification as referenced by Michell and West freedom of speech is the free flow of information, which β†’


Giving positive remarks as the reinforcement every time the student performed better, finished a task or cooperate in the school activities are helpful in strengthening the students behavior or the possibilities of the repetition of the same positive behavior. Positive reinforcement is a powerful principle and can be applied to great advantage in the classroom.

Time and professionalism

Even to become a professional football player, despite of the great skills you may have to catch a 60 yard pass for a touchdown, there is still a great amount of professionalism expected from that professional wide receiver. The first detail you will put out to a person meeting you the first thing is that β†’

Small bussnes ganha

The government of Ghana acknowledges that accommodation businesses sector is an important part Of the Ghana tourism industry and has identified tourism accommodation businesses as catalysts for tourism development and by extension for the economic growth of the country as he industry is a major source of income and employment. The rapid growth in the β†’

Singapore airlines

The research involved: a review of available service quality literature; the identi? cation of causes of failure/errors within the host company; the development of key lessons and management guidelines. According to Gronroos the dimensions of service quality are diverse and relate to both the basic service package and augmented service offering.

Doing a business through the internet

The fever of doing a business through the Internet began in the late 1990s when the businesses decided that the Internet was a unique channel that was not used by many businesses. Symptoms Faced Due to the mismanagement or the misallocation of funds by, the company was unable to prosper in the manner that β†’

The rush of amphetamine use: the need for speed

According to the Princeton University online dictionary, amphetamines are " a central nervous system stimulant that increases energy and decreases appetite; used to treat narcolepsy and some forms ofdepression." These prescription medications are some of the most popular and widely abused drugs among teens today, and are depended on for better performance in school, on β†’

Specialization in undergraduates

Allitt states that having a choice on whether or not to specialize as an undergraduate, and not deal with the liberal arts can be a benefit to students. Jackson believes that students should want to take liberal arts courses, and that if educators want students to do so, they have to do a better job β†’

M statistics

14 at 5% level of significance.* The true proportion of red candies is equal to 0. 13 at 5% level of significance.* The true proportion of brown candies is equal to 0.

Research design essay samples

The goal of this research is to discover the real nature of the problem and to suggest new possible solutions or new ideas. As the example at hand aims to uncover the root cause of the problem, exploratory research may provide the ideal foundation for conducting research.

Business research methods

With new technology available for electronic devices and the high use of these devices to read traditional book online can affect the book sales at the brick and motor stores of Barnes and Noble. A research plan has to be put in place to see how the sale of electronic reading materials will affect Barnes β†’

Pollution from a primary aluminum smelter for environmental law class

In modern days, an effective system called water treatment center is established in most of the aluminum smelting plants where the water effluents are accumulated and eliminated. Since water pollution, as a result of aluminium smelting seriously impinges on the aquatic life, it is also a considerable threat to ecosystem.

General motors co.: ways to increase revenue

A well stated and indicated research question will lead to the development of the hypothesis. This paper therefore will focus on the research questions that will be used to study on ways of increasing revenue of General Motors Company.

Ethical issues in organizational behavior

It would put the organization in a quandary if there are gross ethical transgressions and the employees are unwilling to give their honest selves within the undertakings and tasks that they undertake in an organization. As an example, the discussion on the ethical issues centers on the Fuld & Co.which is a competitive intelligence consultant β†’

A heroic act

It began to rain as he pitched the last mound of soil onto the boy's grave. Picking up the boy's bag which he had found with a clay jar that had been smashed into pieces near the boy, he looked at the contents and stared at them for a while, remembering what had occurred which β†’

Mobile database systems

Due to the increasing utilization of mobile networks and devices, mobile database systems have become a prominent method of data access. The software is a vital part of operating and maintaining mobile database systems.

Smart materials

Animals and plants could be considered as consisting of a large number of smart materials, however, the scope of this article will be restricted to inorganic and organic materials that are used in a more traditional engineering sense.) The term smart material often also has a historical context, only being applied to relatively new materials. β†’

Production frontier

This is because when the opportunity cost involved in production of any commodity increases, it makes the production possibilities frontier to shift inwards. And at the same time, to increase butter production, it means that the gun production must be lower than Y.

Starch lab

To test for the presence of starch, the Starch Test is used. If the solution remains the color of iodine, reddish-orange, there is no starch present, a negative test.

The thin red line

As the reader gets a sense of the characters looks, personalities and thoughts, the persons in the story only get to see each other from the outside. Denise's thoughts of the two indicates the dramatic irony in the story, because we as readers know that Berto is the naive and innocent one, while the nameless β†’

Roman religion

In fact, the ancient Roman state's religion were practiced for the well-being of the government and the citizens. Before the battle, they would seek the agreement of the god through worshiping and sacrificing in the ceremonies.

Importance of vision and mission statement

First, the mission statement should state the purpose of the organization and the opportunities or needs that the organization plans to address. The vision statement should be consistent with the mission, goals, strategies and philosophies of the organization.