Genuine Research Paper Examples

Paper chromatography

Observationand Measurements of the Hydrogen Spectrum: Using the calibrated spectroscope the scale position of the observable lines of the hydrogen emission spectrum was measured. Using the measurements and the calibration graph the wavelength of the lines was determined.

Baskin robbins marketing research case study

The research design to be adopted should be exploratory research that can be based on the focus groups and direct interviews with the customer. The secondary and syndicated data can be used for the research.

How government can regulate foreign investment

The paper aims at discussing some of the policies available to state policy makers in order to attract and regulate foreign investment. Screening aids in identifying the purpose of the firm and the validity of its actions.

Long term capital management

Meriwether put together a high profile team of traders and academics in an attempt to create a fund that would profit from the combination of the academics' quantitative models and the traders' market judgment. The main problem that eventually caused the demise of LILT was the market's flight to liquidly following the Russian Financial crisis.

All adoption records should be open to adopted people over eighteen years old

The right of the birth parent to privacy is weighed against the fundamental right of the adopted adult to know and the right toequality. The adoption triad refers to the adopted adult, the adopted parents and the birth parents.

Religion and new age movements

Some sociologists would argue that religion and spirituality is a private matter because of televangelism, which is where people watch their religions services on television or go on online churches in the comfort and privacy of their own home when we have free time but other sociologists argue that this does not mean that religion β†’

Vo2 max and aerobic power

The total amount of oxygen consumed in a minute is the VO2 max multiplied by the body mass of the subject. One of the differences is the increase of the speed is 0.


Required Through a memorandum, explain to the directors Why Is the need for an the auditor off public company may be appointed under the companies Act What are the rights and powers of an auditor under the Companies Act The responsibilities of the directors in relation to the accounting, fraud and internal controls functions β†’

Pre-shipment finance

As per the present procedure, no separate claim of duty drawback is to be filed by the exporter. A copy of the shipping bill presented by the exporter at the time of making shipment of goods serves the purpose of claim of duty drawback as well.

An insight into michael collin’s life

The source is from one of his close associates who were on the same side as Collins in the Rising and therefore it will be in Collins favor towards his significance in the Rising. The aftermath of the Rising resulted in Collins being sent to Foregone and whilst there he was one of the organizers β†’

The importance of research philosophy essay sample

The case study approach to conducting research is on the rise because of the abundance of secondary data available because of the availability of the internet and in a way the sourcing and recording or referencing of the where you have gathered your information from is traceability in some shape or form. Therefore, the case β†’

The art of bartending

Means of entertainment: In some bars, the bartender becomes part of the entertainment, for example in " Coyote Ugly " the bartender is the direct source of entertainment. Payment and maintenance: Of course, bartender cannot keep serving drinks without collecting payments, also at the end of the day the bartenders have to take an inventory β†’

Maria theresa: the holy roman empress

As she was maturing into an adult, the possibility of her being the one to take over her father's throne was extremely high. She was the only female monarch of the Habsburg territories.

Age of acquisition

The participants rated their preference based on the age of the acquired face and familiarity of the face. The categories of pictures were run in each of the phases and blocks were assigned to each participant in the experiment.

Story writing: moonlight

The body is starting to smell now, I guess I should leave, then I can tell you why I killed for the second time tonight, and the second time in my life. I am back in my car I need to visit someone, I can smell the blood on my clothes, it's a dark night β†’

Disparate treatment and disparate impact

On the other hand, disparate impact is the discrimination caused by policies that apply to everyone and seem neutral but have the effect of disadvantaging a protected group. The content of our categories: A cognitive bias approach to discrimination and equal employment opportunity.

Mapping system

In relation to this, geographical mapping of coconut trees is a visual representation of different plantations of coconut trees specifically in District II in the province of Negros Oriental. In geographical Mapping it can sees the lands of the plantations of the coconut trees, and vacant lands.

Ideas inside of us

Another advantage of listening to music is that music can helps students get creative ideas while studying. One other advantage of listening to music while studying is that it helps students have a better memory.

Research for all people, which means that

III Classification of humanrightsHuman rights mainly organised and arranged an universal level which is themost known categorisation of human rights: civil and political rights, and economic, social and cultural rights. They are universal: all human beings have certain rights, for no otherreason than their humanity and the values attached to humanity.

History of professional wrestling

Pro wrestling has been a form of entertainment for a very long time, and has seen its share of ups and downs, but the storylines that have been used in the WWF have become legendary and something similar to the soap opera of the sporting world. The WWF expanded nationally through the acquisition of talent β†’

The physiological effects of exposure to nature

One of the most cited explanations behind the impact of nature on mental health is that of the effects which it creates to balance the left and right hemispheres of the brain. It is apparent from the literature available that exposure to nature may have a positive impact on an individual's physical and mental health.

Home rehab day at tymco

At the end of the day, they exchanged smiles, high fives and hugs [1], and received positive feedback from thefamily. Problems in the house rehab day At the end of the day, Ian, a staff from the technical manual group, commented that replacing shingles having no particular impact on becoming a better team player.

The driving age should be rasied to 18

Not only should the driving age be lifted to 18, there should be more draconian restrictions in place during the licensing period. A full license should only be able to be obtained at the age of 17-18.

Brutus’ feelings at the end of act 4

I am overwhelmed by guilt that I stabbed Caesar and I still cannot believe that I agreed to do so. On the other hand, I had to end the fight somewhere as Cassius wanted me to kill him, and I cannot do this to another brother without a solid reason, but also since I was β†’

Ottoman vs. mughals

However, with the decline of the Seljuk Empire in the early fourteenth century, the Osman Turks began to expand and founded the Osmanli dynasty. In this system the Ottoman leader began to claim the title of Sultan or supreme power over his domain." The Ottoman political system was the result of the evolution of tribal β†’


There were many ways of use of the gas for example; artillery shells, mortar projectiles, aerial bombs tank sprays and landmines were used to spread the chemicals around. The bad toxins that are Inside somebody can get Into their genes and be passed on to their child If they have any.

Business and government

In the Genius of American Politics, Daniel Boorstin analyzes three views that American historians have taken to the subject of government and business in the twentieth century: the Progressive, the counter-Progressive, and the New Left. In The Genius of American Politics, Boorstin describes the significance of the debate that preceded the conflict for the American β†’

Customs broker

The company will process all customs-required documentation, declare the value of the merchandise, classify the merchandise, rate and pay all applicable duties on behalf of the importer prior to releasing the goods to the customer. The company has secured a two-year contract with ABC Imports, LLC and will act as the customs broker for the β†’

An indigenous understanding of reciprocity

The Aboriginalphilosophyof reciprocity encompassed the idea that if the balance of life was disturbed, there must be a 'corresponding action' to repair the Imbalance and the status quo must be preserved aboriginal life and this essay will discuss the importance of reciprocity with regard to economic, political, social and spiritual spheres of Aboriginal life, although β†’

Maria sharapova on being a champion on and off the court

She and her coach Sven are fans of the show and we connected immediately when we met up in person. Since then, Maria and I have become good friends and I have watched her handle the biggest challenge of hercareer.

Discovery museum gold rush history center

Before I made the tour of the four galleries inside the building, I first went to the visitors' information center, wherein an introduction regarding the building's construction has been shown in a nine-minute film clip. Based on the clip shown, I learned that the museum is a replica of the original building that was built β†’

Illiteracy rate in america

A generalization of illiteracy is not being able to functionally read or write and " is essentially associated withpoverty" Whereas the definition of illiteracy stated by Webster is being unable to read and write; uneducated; having or showing a lack of knowledge of fundamentals on a particular subject. Such types of problems are not being β†’

Love and logic philosophy

Benson, Galbraith, and Espeland, defines love and logic as aphilosophyconcerned with raising children in such a way that makes both the teachers and students more satisfied and contented, empowered, skilled and able to relate in a mutually beneficial manner that allows for the students to learn in a freeenvironment. In another study by which involved β†’

Why does plato argue that rulers must be philosophers?

The allegory of the cave is to illustrate that the philosopher is the one who sees things as they really are. The arduous process of education which draws the philosopher from the state of ignorance and belief to the enlightened state of knowledge and wisdom is comparable with the difficult Journey from a dark cave β†’

What is meant in psychology by the term attachment?

This was actually proven to be of a biased nature as Bowlby did find that most of them had suffered some form of separation from their mothers and he presumed that this was the case of their delinquency. The results showed that it was how the mother showed sensitivity, i.e.detecting her infants signals, managing to β†’

The baader-meinhof gang

The Organization The Baader-Meinhof Gang was formed out of the New Left and Extra Parliamentary Opposition student movements that had huge support from the German students in the 1950s and the 1960s, especially against the U.S.war in Vietnam. Baader was attracted to the leftist-student movement and he was one of the people responsible for the β†’


Drops Pink Highlighted Row: Best Trial of the Day Results of Day 2: Table 2: Trial Luminol Bleach DMSO H2O2 NaOH Results A1 TAD 10 4 10 1 10 3 10 2 Quick glow - odor A2 1 1 5 2 5 3 5 2 glow A3 1 1 5 4 5 2 5 3 β†’

Peapod: online grocery shopping

I do not believe that the store contact or the product contact is applicable here since the purchases are being made online and not in a brick and mortar store which would allow the customer to see, touch, and feel the items they wish to purchase. They have scanning guns at the entrance of the β†’

How to flunk college

Doing all these activities takes a while, and I usually end up doing all of them on nights when I have a lot of homework, or if I have a test the next day. Finally, lesson number three: social media is the prime way to ensure that I will flunk college.

Grammar in context

I like how the chapters begin with a text and the grammar focus of each chapter is highlighted in each text. The section on " Internet Activities" is similar but encourages students to use the computer to find grammar in context.

Tobacco use esay

Starting today representatives from 191 nations are gathering together to insider the smoking treaty that could restrict tobacco marketing to young proportions in Asia and it is likely with the maturation Of this epidemic and increased risk of death from cancer and other smoking Disease. But there losing at trying to get the teens to β†’

Enterprise-level strategic uses of technology at baderman islands

The alignment of technology with the business strategy of the company is important. Another important enterprise-level strategic use of aligning technological innovation in Baderman is with regards to the improvement and of the service quality of their tourism services.

The alamo

In the movie there was no mention of one of the 32 men that came to the aide of the Alamo being shot by friendly fire as they were approaching the mission. In the book it was only said that the Mexican band played the song on the morning of the attack, however in the β†’


Alternatively in the last four lines of the octet he talks about how humans are robbed of their sensitivity to the beauty of what is left in nature, people have become unaware of the wonders of the world around them. Between the two poems Hopkins emotions change of emotions from the Joyfulness of 'Gods Grandeur" β†’

Research on the paradigms positivism and interpretivism sociology

A premier illustration is the work of Emile Durkheim who aims to ' extend the range of scientific rationalism ' to human behaviors based on the belief that, in visible radiation of the yesteryear, it is capable of being reduced to relationships of cause and consequence. The subject-matter of the societal scientific disciplines: A chief β†’

Aa meeting paper

When I got there everyone was really friendly and I explained that I was a UNK student and I was just there to observe because I had to write a paper about AA. The first reading summarized the AA creed and the second was a passage from the " book." I noticed that almost everyone β†’

Native american treaties

00, to be distributed in parts as merchandise and goods, the distraction of debts the Nation owed, and the satisfaction of individual loss of property claims against the tribe by citizens of the united States. The United States was penalizing the Creek Indians for affording assistance and aid to the British during the War of β†’

Walt disney as a leader

Walt Disney achieved this and much more, his name became a renowned brand and his success to the form of amusement parks around the world and iconic movies that continued to be passed down to be watched for generations, immortalizing his creations into thechildhoodof millions. Walt Disney was a pioneer and innovator, " and the β†’

Research due sri lanka has residual (laterite) soil

So it is need toinvestigate the moment carrying capacity of shallow foundations on Residual soil. To have more economical and safe structures it isneeded to investigate the moment carrying capacity of pad foundations in Residual soil.

Dance theraphy

As a dance therapist, your job would consist of " using movement and dance to enable personal, emotional, cognitive, spiritual, physical and social integration and development." That being said, with the systematical care and guide of a dance therapist, someone's life is enhanced greatly. As I researched the subject of dance therapy a little more, β†’

The principal crusades

The Crusades were a series of Holy Wars launched by the Christian states of Europe against the Saracens and the rescuing of holy places of Palestine from the hands of the Mohammedans. The results from the key events were the end of the Principal Crusades.

Experiment: the dumb jock

The questionnaire gave them the idea that they are only accepted in the university because of their athletic skills and not because of theiracademicskills. It is important for them to know that they are in their position not entirely because of their athletic prowess but because they are students first and that representing the school β†’

The luck of roaring camp

They were a rude assortment of all the stereotypical bad people in the world, certainly not fit to be the guardians of a baby. The presence of the child, therefore, forecasts the unprecedented changes in this land and in these men.

The orthodox jews total way of life

Topic 2 The Role of Taboos in Orthodox Judaism Taboos in Orthodox Judaism emanate from the Torah and the oral interpretation of the Torah and the codification of the Torah [the Talmud and Mishna]. These laws in the Torah became the total way of life for Orthodox Jews.


It is rational to say that this global trend of the growth in securitisation is a result of the advantages that are derived by the different parties engaged in the transaction. This protects the seller from the risk of the assets and investor from the risks of the bank, because even if the bank goes β†’

Cosmetic surgery on teenagers

The fact that Diana Zuckerman, The president of the National Research center for Women and Families, appears in both articles makes them look alike in some cases, due to the similar chosen subjects. One of the methods she uses in the text is to personalize it by referring to herself and her beauty problems, more β†’

Theory description: situation ethics theory

This raises the question of " what is love?" something Fletcher tries to answer in his six propositions of Situation Ethics, all of which are key to understanding Situation Ethics. Situation ethics: The new morality.

Economic interdependence

The theory starts by clarifying the notion of economic interdependence, fusing the liberal insight that the benefits of trade give states an incentive to avoid war with the realist view that the potential costs of being cut off can push states to war to secure vital goods. The total of the benefits and potential costs β†’

To what extent have uk prime ministers become “presidential”?

The PM is also very much seen as the head of state Also the PM is very much a figure head and the media portrays him as the head of the party, the government and the party ideology. But there is also an argument to say that the UK's PM s are not presidential for β†’

Media & invasion of privacy

Supreme Courts scolding of the media in the 1999 " ride along" cases for a perceived inattention to the privacy rights of the people featured in the news most likely reflects the current attitude of many judges and lawmakers and, thus, underscores the importance for journalists to be aware of general privacy principles." The intrusion β†’

Software developing

The enhancement includes chatbot implementation for limited set of queries about the usage stats and analysis of the data.2.2. The data will be passed by prometheus to grafana using the endpoint '/metrics'.2.2.

Punjab -the gateway to serenity

Men are not the sole breadwinners and women are allowed to work in the fields with the men. Village life in Pakistan is rich and there are many cottage industries that provide most of the handicrafts that are even exported to western countries.

Downsizing: fiduciary and great harm

The second argument for downsizing is that managers are bound by a fiduciary duty to their shareholders that is greater than any duty to anyone else. On the other hand, the argument that downsizing is permissible because the managers have an obligation to maximize profits to shareholders because they have invested money is also flawed, β†’

Low cost or differentiation

Think about the various clothing retailers in your local malls and city, and analyze the choices they have made about how to compete with one another along the low-cost and differentiation dimensions. Macy's is now trying to stop the decline in their reputation but are still stuck in the middle, like the example in the β†’

Commerce as the optional subject

When I was in the 9th grade, I took up commerce as the optional subject for the sheer reason of exploring it anticipating acareerin a non-sciencefield. My High School results card declared my excellence of commerce over science and I took that as a clue to take up commerce in Junior college & to later β†’

Increasing the age to 25 when purchasing alcohol

The percentage of alcohol consumption can decrease with the increase of the age limit. The percentage of individuals that become addicted to alcohol can decrease with the increase of the age limit.

Section 13 of the sale of goods act 1979

Section 13 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 states that where there is a contract for the sale of goods by description, there exists an implied term that the goods will correspond with that description. Even though the quality of the goods was not affected, it was said that the goods were not as β†’

Π‘oncept of bounded rationality

In game theory, bounded rationality is a concept based on the fact that rationality of individuals is limited by the information they have, the cognitive limitations of their minds, and the finite amount of time they have to make decisions. Daniel Kahneman proposes bounded rationality as a model to overcome some of the limitations of β†’

Post-industrial economy

The thrust of Gavison's article is to suggest that, ultimately, Israel does fulfill the criteria of being a democracy and that by failing to recognize the State as such, the web of International relations and the delicate balance between religious theocracy and national democracy which presently exists in Israel will be threatened. Obviously, one of β†’


Xerxes Debate Prosecution Building Programs * Economic decline was related to his excessive building programs.* Even though his building programs were impressive he neglected other parts of the empire.* Olmstead: " Xerxes was more interested in completing the magnificent structures begun by his father than he was in testing the formidable military machine." * Josef β†’

The antebellum period in america

With the ideals of Romanticism at hand, people were in the frame of mind to improve society in order to reach this state of perfection that according to the movement was indeed attainable. In this time period, there were, however, advances in the cause of women's rights.

The grand canyon railway

Navajo and Havasupai The principal attraction to visitors is the sheer size and beauty of the canyon itself. Williams is closely identified with travel to the canyon and has even registered the trademark " The Gateway to the Grand Canyon," which no others may use.

Cyber intelligence sharing and protection act current event

According to the bill's author, as reported by Wilhelm the bill aims to allow more sharing of " cyber threat intelligence" between the U.S.government and private sectors. Personally, I perceive the proposed legislation as a threat to freedom of speech and privacy.

John brown, an abolitionist

His plan was to seize the 100, 000 muskets and rifles that were located in the armory and use them to arm the local slaves. Soon the power of the Marines was too much, Brown had become wounded, and he and the survivors of the raid became detained.

Research paper: aztec culture

Whoever is made the leader of the Calpulli group is in charge and responsible for all the needs of everyone in the group. Fighting with the Spaniards caused the Aztec people no time to grow crops and this was the start of the downturn for their economy.

Salem witch trials and real hero

In the play The crucible, John Proctorone of the main characters displayed remarkable courage and heroism, John realizes that he must confess his sin of adultery to the courts, only to stop the fury in Salem. Proctor accepted the truth for what it was, not because he had to, but because speaking words of truth β†’

Miti and the japanese miracle

The book " MITI and the Japanese Miracle" by Chalmers Johnson should be considered the classic of contemporary historical and economic studies because it significantly contributes the fields by examining and analyzing developmental states. Johnson provides overview of the history of MITI stressing that it is central to political and economic history of Japan.

Concerts across time

Music has always done this through the changes in time and the persona behind the music. In general both Baroque and popular music speak to the crowd attending the concert.

Antigone vs. creon

In the tragedy of Antigone by Sophocles, Antigone, the main protagonist, is conflicted whether or not to bury her dead brother and go against Creon's law or follow Creon's law. In the story, Antigone and Creon are responsible for their own fate, seeing as it's their actions that cause them to be a tragic hero.

The wish english

A young boy, full of imagination and new exciting adventures, is the protagonist of the story " The Wish." This story was written by the author Roald Dahl, a well-known author that has also written the stories, " The BFG", " Matilda" and, " James and the Giant Peach," Children have minds packed with creativity, β†’


5, 6 To excite battle and to measure professional development during clinical research lab preparation, portfolio development and appraisal was proposed for the concluding twelvemonth Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences and the Diploma in Medical LaboratoryTechnologypupils of the Kampala International University, Uganda in 2008. The pupils were besides required to do a 15 proceedingss presentation β†’

Intrnational mkt research canada

Geographic proximity, cultural and historic ties, and strong awareness of business and other developments in the United States are key accelerators for the sale of U.S.goods and services in the Canadian market. The NAFTA has improved Canadian access to the U.S.and Mexican markets and enhanced the attractiveness of the Canadian economy to foreign investors.

The sexual harassment issue

Justice Sandra Day O" Connor delivered the majority opinion for the court which " held that the school would be liable for student-on-student sexual harassment if it acted with deliberate indifference to known acts of harassment in its programs or activities provided that the harassment is so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively β†’

Political culture

Due to technological developments, the political culture of Jamaica is less dependent on local culture. Globalization and Social media have had a huge effect on the political culture, as these seem to have more of an influence than the local culture.

3-methylglutaconic aciduria research

The mutations are located in the conserved C-terminal domain of the Tim50 protein that interacts with the N-terminal domain of the Tim23 protein in the intermembrane space and regulates mitochondrial protein import of presequence-containing polypeptides Both parents are heterozygous. Patient IV-1 was the first born child of the parents and was born at 36 weeks β†’

Description paper on gustav klimt

DESCRIPTION PAPER: ART INTO TEXT The purpose of this short paper is to hone your abilities in using words to describe and understand the physical qualities of a work of art. You should organize this part of the paper logically, i.e.there should be an order to your description and analysis.

Animation reaction paper

Use the film terminology you are learning in class and in the assigned readings. Iris-out: The opposite of an iris-in.

5 tools you need to finally go paperless

When you have a digital version of a document, like a PDF that someone emailed to you or that you downloaded, you do not have to print it to sign it. To digitally sign documents, you usually have to create a signature first, which is often the hardest part because people's penmanship is poor with β†’

Encryption algorithm as a composition of function

The S-DES decryption algorithm takes an 8-bit block of ciphertext and the same 10-bit key used to produce that ciphertext as input and produces the original 8-bit block of plaintext. The encryption algorithm involves five functions: an initial permutation; a complex function labeled fK, which involves both permutation and substitution operations and depends on a β†’

Intrapreneurs and intrapreneurial research in organisations

However, research by the employees of the organisation who are well aware of the organisational objective is a cost and time effective method to venture into a new business, or to improve an existing product. The intrapreneur has to negotiate the quantum of risk for each project with the management, since risk is a factor β†’

Amendment for protection of the american flag

However, all of this is countered with a frightening fact- The Constitution of the United States of America promotes desecration of the flag through the protection of flag burning as an expression of free speech. Specific examples of this disrespect include the perversion of the flag under the excuse that the flag is being used β†’

Factors affecting customer satisfaction

Cost, mode of payment and social networks will be the independent variable and will be bases for the decision on willingness to use the application. Cost, mode of payment and social networks will be the independent variable and will be bases for the decision on willingness to use the application.

Elizabeth short case

This case was so famous because the case was unsolved, the woman was beautiful, and the murder was so gruesome. Media from all over the world wanted a piece of this story and the story was headlining for weeks.

Developing an abstract for a scientific paper: basic principles

As practice shows, this often becomes a big mistake, because teachers pay much attention to the abstract of a scientific paper as the attention-catcher of your work. Almost certainly, it is a rather lengthy paper with a lot of numerical data in it, and the first thing you pay attention to while starting to read β†’

Agora swot anlysis competitive advantage

Agora the brand name of Rahimafrooz Group is the first super shop chain in our country launched in 2000. Many people thought that the name of the company is Agora.

Officer selection

In a structured interview, the candidate is asked a series of questions regarding the Job and his or her specific abilities. Though the candidate must pass all phases of the selection process in order to be hired as a police officer, the interview process is critical in the assessment of the candidate's attitudes, appearance, and β†’