Genuine Research Paper Examples

Group theory and leadership

Organizational Behaviour is a study and understanding of individual and group behaviour of the members as well as the patterns of structure which helps in improving the performance and effectiveness of the organization. Thus, it is the work of the management to arrange the individual and the organization in order to achieve propergoals.

Basic lesson in finance

I think the article is very analytic and informative as it offers detailed analysis of stock market falling stressing the causes, flowing and consequences. In such a way the author cites economists and financial analytics to show the current situation at the stock market.

Bereavement support for older adults

The Facilitator is to Bereavement Support for Older Adults help the group understand the group purpose, establish the groups structure of when, where, how long group will meet. Moore registered and was pre-screened as a potential client at the Golden Grief Counseling Agency to take part of the free bereavement group session.Mrs.

Dr. lindsay

In the position of a nurse instructor at Carmel College Dr. Lindsay had to act as a clinical instructor, lecturer, and with a member of the committee that assessed the whole nursing program.

Abdul kalam – kalam’s life portrays

He writes at length about the birth and adolescent years of the Indian space program. His Humble beginnings, hard work, persistence, and above all a passion for life and all things that are possible in it, are all well described in the book.

What do ethics have to do with research?

It is the function of the researcher to contribute to the understanding of the phenomenon and to communicate that understanding to others. The task of the researcher is to make certain that participants have a complete of the purpose and methods to be used in the study, the risk involved, and the demands placed upon →

Installation of the activity-based costing system

With all of these changes Super Bakery management still found inefficiencies with the amount of control they had over the costing of the outsourced parts of the company. As opposed to a normal ABC system, they used their database to assign costs to specific customers and to their outsourced contractors provided service to the customers.

Outline and assess the view that vocational education simply

This would imply that it is not the cause of vocational education, solely, but more the individual interpretations and experiences- like most things, there will always be those trying to benefit from some kind of system. It plays a genuine role in at least attempting to do well for society, and not for those CEOs →

Economics question jaibb

PAPER 6: ACCOUNTING FOR FINANCIAL SERVICES Full Marks: 100 Module A: Introduction andEnvironment Purpose, Nature, Uses and Users of Accounting Information, Functional and Operational Definition of Accounting, Accounting Principles, Standards and Regulations, Forms of Business Organizations and Accounting systems. Essentials of Accounting.

Running away

Sarah said in a quiet voice " where's my mum im getting scared?" I thought to my self i know the feeling.we sat there a while longer to see if she turned up when we could hear a rumbling noise from the drain was like someone was in the house. I turned not knowing →

Gemeinschaft vs gesellschaft communities

Ralph Salesman implied that it is an established community that allows everyone to share the same beliefs and assets, regardless of heir abilities and strengths as long as they follow the rules of the community. For perfectionist female clients, the problem is that they tend to keep a distance out of fear that self-revelation may →

Special interest tourism

Tourism trends and factors in holiday interests The rapid growth of the travel and tourism is one of the most important social and economic phenomena in the last decades. Market segmenting is dividing the tourism market into different groups of people with similar characteristics, motivations and needs in order to respond with the appropriate products →

Od action research (step wise example)

Step -2: Consultation with Behavioural Science ConsultantAt this point the consultant was called upon to suggest and work out the solution seeking the following outcomes from the project: To develop a happy and functional team so that staff want to come to work That staff cope well with the changes ahead including the shared physical →

Sound and images, the culture and the role of media

Due to the fast evolution of thetechnologyin the society, there has been an increasing integration of sound and images in the media that people are exposed to. Given the joining of these disjointed features of film that may be generated in different times and in different locations, such an interaction of sound, space, and image →

Plugged in or plugged out?

Entire businesses can be created and destroyed with the click of a mouse; doctors and nurses rely on it to store medical records and ensure thehealthof their patients. Newspapers, once so imperative to American life, and in shaping the history of our nation, have been completely replaced with online news websites, and businesses have learned →

Technology use in a foreign country research paper sample

The information technology infrastructure of Brazil is ranked 4th in the world with a turnover of $233 billion in 2012. This is because there are a lot of services and solution to be offered in the IT sector.

Howard hughes

This man left behind not only the " Legend of the Aviator" but also one of the biggest gaps in the world of film and aviation." Hughes was the ambassador who ushered in a new era of living and a new way of life". He single handedly defeated the social norms of his time and →

Who has the right to counsel another person

D, in Counseling Psychology, which is a field that is concerned with the practice of counseling. Apart from the professional aspect of a person performing counseling, the ethical issues are of high relevance and importance to an individual in the field of counseling.

I am not excited about people who are only into making money

With distinguished names and professionals who have proven their entrepreneurial acumen time and again, on board as investors on the show is a massive shot in the arm for them. To know what Shah really looks for in a startup while evaluating them, watch the video.

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and issues on its applicability

Traditionally, the motivation of each employee is based on fear of negative consequences offailureand the promise of promotion and reward for a job well done. The manager has to be keenly aware of the fact that no two employees will be driven by the same set of motivators.

What is sustainable development in tourism?

Introduction Sustainability as a goal of tourism is a complicated question and as to goal of tourism in developing countries, one needs to understand the broader social, economic and political circumstances relevant to country itself in terms of broader tourism considerations. Achieving voluntary reductions in the carbon footprint of tourism and climate change.

Cultivation theory & local news ryan phillippi

The authors have a hypothesis that fear of crime is in part a by-product of exposure to crime-saturated local television news. The general amount of television viewing positively relates to mean-world and scary-world beliefs.

Cochlear implant rst

In the movie Sound and Fury a young girl's parents restrain her from getting a cochlear implant in the fear that it will change her identity in the deaf world. If it is so import tan for the parents that their child be part of the deaf community, while still being in the hearing world, →

Webers law on visual perception

Impress among the students the values of honesty and integrity.5. One of the social problems in our society is a crime.

Regression of the human race

At the rate in which the human race is depleting its natural resources, future generations are going to struggle living at the same standards of the current human race. This weapon provides several articles and studies concerning sustainability of the current human population as well as the effects of human resource depletion.

The first appendectomy

Nolen's case, he crafted this selection, " The First Appendectomy", to inform the reader of the challenges of a young surgeon. Nolen wanted to exhibit the obstacles of a first-time surgeon.


Not only is the act of riding a longboard much different than that of a common skateboard, but there is also an entirely differentculturefor the sport. The popularity of longboarding is largely attributed to how fun it is.

Online therapy paper

This does not mean that the website of online therapy is of non-effect but it is helpful for the right person in the right circumstances. There are many advantages and disadvantages to online counseling that includes animosity because of the value of personal information on the client's part.

Final exam: classes of stocks

Using the direct method of reporting cash flows from operating activities, what were Marsh's cash payments for operating expenses? A.$228, 000 B.$232, 000 C.$200, 000 D.$280, 000 - 4) Where would the event purchased land for cash appear, if at all, on the indirect statement of cash flows? A. The entry to record the sale →

Lvmh in the recession the substance of style LVMH in the recession The substance of style The world's biggest luxury-goods group is benefiting from a flight to quality, but the recession is also prompting questions about the company's breadth and balance Sep 17th 2009 Paris from the print edition * * Bloomberg " THERE are four main elements to our business model →

Comparing domestic violence, traumatic bonding, stockholm syndrome

Domestic Violence, Traumatic Bonding, Stockholm syndrome Comparison Stockholm syndrome is a term used by psychologists to describe the irony in the way the captor relates to the hostage. Stockholm syndrome is related to domestic violence the difference is that in domestic violence, the abuse takes place between intimate people unlike in traumatic or Stockholm Syndrome →

Marx and law

The sections covered are: the problems of discussing Marxist jurisprudence; the philosophical background to the analysis of law and the state; materialism, political economy, and law; base, superstructure, and the ideology of law; and finally, law, politics, and the state. What was discovered in the 1970s, presumably under the impact of the surge of interest →

Kargil war

Role of Media in Kargil Anshu Bhatia PGP2- 18012 Table of Contents Abstract2 Introduction3 Literature Review3 Discussion of the case5 Analysis and conclusion6 Bibliography7 Abstract This paper attempts at evaluating the role of media in the Kargil war, which broke out in the summer of 1999, at a time when the Indian media was equipped →

Volstead act

The Volstead Act of 1919 was the law that made the sale of alcoholic beverages illegal, supporters of this act thought that this would make the country better as a whole. Another reason why this law was not reasonable is because of the time period that it took place in, this was n the middle →

Flag highlighter, winooski and mm

I think getting multiple ideas from college students contributed greatly to the success of this product because Winooski was able to design a marketable and innovative product that suited the customers needs.2.) a.) The special advantages MM had by introducing a new highlighter-with-flags product for college students are that MM was able to bring a →

Benzodiazepine as a pain medication in emergency settings

Since many of the drugs are given based on the intensity of the pain described by the patient, the use of pain scales is one of the key instruments in the measurement of pain. Apart from the use of such painkillers, there are many studies and researches that point to the role of various psychotropic →


When pharmacogenetics was first started, they did not have the aid of thetechnologywe do today, so the doctors of the 1950's discovered how genes affected drugs by testing how people of different ethnicities reacted to drugs, and they would record how one ethnicity would react to drug and what side effects they would get compared →

Breaking the rules, wrong or right

And if you really sit down and think about it you are taking away that opportunity from those who are really do need that extra help, but do not get to receive it all because you do not want to have to pay with yourmoney. What makes you think that you are anymore special to →

Financial education

It is an obvious fact that financial aspects are a major part of the daily life, as an adult and even as a young individual. The question is whether to start with financial education as part of school program or to postpone it for a later stage in life.

Treachery and betrayal in othello

Iago tells this to Roderigo, showing that he intends to betray Othello, by pretending to be his friend and then corrupting and betraying him. This change in character is mainly due to the fact that the treacherous and betrayal acts that Iago has committed have altered his ways of thinking and have poisoned his very →

Executive support system

The Role of ESS in the Organization Executives often face information overload and must be able to separate the chaff from the wheat in order to make the right decision. Astechnologyadvances, ESS are able to link data from various sources both internal and external to provide the amount and kind of information executives find useful.

How would you describe spirituality what are some spiritual practices that are comonto various religions around the world

It is far from religion though through all faiths and religions of the world, humankind practices the religious practices and belief systems. There are common aspects of spirituality which include the attractedness to self and one to another, the general enlighten in terms of who we are and what our future holds, and the higher →

Pharmacy technician

It can bind with a receptor, in which gives the same similar cellular response if the messenger and receptor binds.* Antagonist: drugs that does the opposite of the agonist. If a drug's half-life is six hours, how long would it take to remove the drug from the body.* Half-life: it is the estimated time that →

When brothers share a wife

According to the article, the idea of polygyny - the taking of more than one wife by a single man - is practiced by consanguine brothers for primarily economic reasons in addition to reasons of tradition. The article concludes by discussing the decline of polyandrous marriages, and even goes so far as to describe that →

Tourism in ledc`s

The vast gap in wealth and a lack ofrespectfor the natives by the tourists can cause resentment, but the LEDC's depend upon the income, which the foreigners bring to the areas they visit. In places such as the island of Bali, which is part of the world's largest archipelago of Indonesia, the inadequate coverage of →

Tun dr. mahathir mohamad

Mahathir Mohamad is a hero who brings Malaysia from the third-world country to the 17th largest trading nation in the world. Grow up in afamilythat emphasized the importance of academics, as well as the teachings of Islam, are the secret that makes him as a great leader.

The importance of the 14th amendment

One of the most influential amendments that is still playing a huge role even today in the court system is the equal protection clause. This clause which states in section 1 " No State shall...deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." In section 5, the Amendment establishes the federalcivil →

One (1996), market research is undertaken in

In addition to this, businesses and companies tend to use business intelligence to bring about consistency in decision making, emphasize on incorporation of business information and analytical technique into tactical decisions and strategic processes and increase accountability, transparency and traceability of main decisions According to Bergeron, knowledge management is characterized as a strategy in a →

Logic in the east and the west

The article written by Nisbett in Chapter 7 of the book presents a clear idea of how logic exists differently in the East and the West. Encyclop dia Britannica.2008.

Why so minorities in us prisons

The next stages of their research inducted was of the different labor markets or employment status of the minorities throughout the general population housed in the Jails and prisons throughout the United States. The labor markets have a big influence on the high rate of imprisonment in two ways: the dramatically falling of their wages →

Outback steakhouse in knoxville tennessee

He notes that one of the most blissful aspects of his Job is to attach his staff evolve, slowly working their way through the ranks of the restaurant world. He took a store that was in a good place and increased sales," says Sheer Monnet, who worked alongside Stanton in Knoxville, helping to manage the →

Attendance and daily time record system

The internet provides the sale of commercial card reader and writer and can be used to create a duplicate of these ID cards. To maintain the quality and effectiveness of this survey research, the researchers chooses to have at least 100 samples.

Ww2 introduction

From the end of the First World War, the Germans carried hate in their hearts for all Allied country leaders. So if the Versailles Treaty made up the League of Nations, it was destined to fail.

Medical field

Trauma and Orthopedic Surgery- These specialists deal with the restoration and development of bones, joints and muscles and sometimes concentrate on a particular area such as sports injuries, upper limbs, hips and knees or feet and ankles. Some of the disorders and Vascular Surgery - This specialty concentrates on the vascular system.

Ontology, epistemology and methodology in construction research

The exploration into how further to advance strategies that minimise the risk can be explored together with other strategies, through the interview process, which explore the effectiveness of AR, explore other risk strategies, and explore the experiences of the team. Pawson and Tilley refer the notion of contexts as a companion to mechanisms.

Poor and rich in society

" It is the duty of the strong to protect the weak There are many things and people in this world that is classified as the strong like for example, nations, individuals....but then there are many things and people in this world that is classified as the weak. Yet despite, the fancy gowns and certificate, →

Describing research methology and philosophy

However, this purpose can be achieved using any of the following Exploratory research Descriptive research and Explanatory research Exploratory research: this type of research is used to find out ' what is occurring'; to seek new and clear understanding; to ask question and evaluate an occurrence in a new light. Testing the operational hypothesis Examining →

What is cirque’s product?

Delong and Vijayaraghavan prepared a case discussion with reference to Cirque du Soleil. Further, the diversification of their commercial activities was intensified through publishing and merchandizing, which led to the opening of their first store in 1998.

Reaction paper of finance

In chapter the relationship between the quantity of outputand the quantities of inputs is called the production function. And technological change refers to a change in the underlying techniques of process of production, as occurs when a new product or process of production is invented or an old production or process is improved.

Case briefs

The case was a case of torts and it related to the assult and battery which the defendant should paymoneyfor the plaintiff. The defendant has no proof of any other hurt, and the medical testimony seems to have been agreed that this touch or kick was the exciting cause of the injury to the plaintiff.

Passages in if i stay by gayle forman

There is a choice you have to make in everything you do. Life is the greatest journey you will be on, so the decisions we make can affect our way of life.

Dealers absorbing state profitabilities in blackjack

For example when the house rule is for the dealer to stay on soft 17, wouldrawing no additional cards and passes play to the player', the dealer wins at the 'conclusion of the hand if his total exceeds the player's total'. The dealer, however, loses if the player obtains a higher total at the 'conclusion →

Philosophy of sport

The YMCA was the main leader in inventing the sport of volleyball, having facilities and gymnasiums where people can come and play indoors whenever they want, and giving the people a chance to experience and play the game of volleyball. The USVBA was the main company to govern the championships and tournaments, promoting the sport, →

Obtain information in research

Before acquiring started there are a twosome of footings that can be defined such as: It is the manner that you are traveling to set about you research, and the attack of the research. I will unite both methods in my research which is about safety in fictile fabrication because in some parts of the →

World and tone

Tone and point of view are both literary concepts, which provide the reader with an understanding of the author's meaning of a story. Bradbury uses the point of view and tone together to describe the irony in this story.

Collaboration in blood banks in saudi arabia

In recent years in view of the increasing cost of medical care and treatment, the efficient and proper use of medical and health facilities has taken priority and there have been hectic efforts to contain the cost of hospital and transfusion services, in addition to improving the techniques and qualities of health and patient care. →

Ambition & emotions

Faustus stands at the onset of the Renaissance period and the dawn of the middle ages as he contemplates the religious drama of his time. This Age of Discovery is responsible for the change in focus of ambitions from the ' otherworldly' of the medieval ages, to the more familiar ' worldly' ambitions of our →

Eli liily practices

To oppose this principle we would argue the two moral issues of rights and justice simultaneously. To oppose this principle we would argue the two moral issues of rights and justice simultaneously.

National health service reorganization

The NHS has gone through many stages of development in the last century, however the 1990 act introduced the most radical accounting control system since the birth of the NHS. This essentially involved the separation of two of the main functions of the NHS, purchasing and providing.

Cumberland metal industries

00; therefore the value to the contractor of a CMI pad would be $240. The value of a CMI pad to this contractor would be $360.

survey research

A survey consists of a predetermined set of questions that is given to a sample.[1] With a representative sample, that is, one that is representative of the larger population of interest, one can describe the attitudes of the population from which the sample was drawn. A good sample selection is key as it allows one →

Frauds, contracts and end of life issues in medicare

Frauds, Contracts and End of Life Issues in Medicare And their Implications This paper will describe different types of fraud, contracts and end of life issues and their impacts on individuals and organizations in the Medicare profession. Frauds, Contracts and End of Life Issues in the Medicare And their Implications A fraud is a deceitful →

Toll roads

I believewe should take out toll roads because they can cause a lot of conflict with people. People have jobs and may have to take toll roads to get to them.

My chosen sport is hockey

I play hockey because it is a sociable sport that can also come along with other positives like having the chance to exercise and become more fit and healthy, also helping with a positive mindset to others and own mentalhealth, I also enjoy the range in skills that can be learnt and put into a →

Practical psychology for everyday life

I think one of the most important concepts I learnt from the lecture is the effect and influence of the non-verbal behaviors and language, but the people mostly lack of awareness on them and create misunderstanding even discontent among all of us. Despite this, some of us may omit it and pursue the ideal self, →

Eoq, economic order quantity

An Economic Order Quantity is the optimal number of order that minimizes total variable costs required to order and hold inventory, that is to say, that EOQ helps us to determine the appropriate amount and frequency when ordering and holding inventory. The lead time, ie.he time between the placement of the order and the receipt →

Finding people who are passionate about what they do

I would love to do a job for Trilogy, because I am a person who loves to be autonomous. I will like to suggest to the management of Trilogy, to maintain consistent linkages with the educational sector of their country, because, in this fashion it will be easy for the company to identify appropriate talent →

Pure and impure matter

Hypothesis: The salt water will have a higher boiling point than the distilled water. Responding: temperature of the salt water and temperature of the distilled water.

Cosmetics and products

The more customer demand for the product the more profit to the organization, at the same time if there is no customers demand it's going to affect the organization in a negative manner. This is due to the high number of market players and large supply of diverse products to the market.

Bilingualism and biculturalism

Types of bilingualism Various types of bilingualism have been found to exist as linguists continue to study the reasons and methods governing the existence of bilingualism. Bilingualism, the preservation of one's native language accompanied by command over a country's primary language, is necessary to achieve biculturalism in a society as well retaining one's true cultural →

Culture and identity

BROWNE CH 1 4.qxp: John Q7 26/3/08 10: 47 Page 29 CHAPTER 2Cultureand Identity BROWNE CH 1 4.qxp: John Q7 26/3/08 10: 47 Page 30 Contents Key issues The meaning and importance of culture Dominant culture Subculture Folk culture High culture Mass, popular or low culture The changing distinction between high culture and mass culture →

Death of mrs. mallard

Mallard's death may have been the reporting of her husband's death.Mrs. The news of Brently's death reveals to Mrs.

My brother, my executioner

The Rosales part of the setting shows us a world torn in half: one is seemingly blissfully prosperous part that is under the shadow of the great Don Vicente Asperri, and the other one being the epitome of blight who's farming community decided to oppose the evil feudal system. He is friend to a bishop →

From industrial research to academic discoveries, toward a new concept of partnership: the biomathics model

The value of academic research is based on the small size of research teams, avoiding too much inertia and making it possible to work through close interaction rather than contracting; on the opportunity to test candidate molecules; and also on their ability to work on rare diseases and orphans drugs in the CNS area that →

Resilience: problem solving and child

Resilient children: find ways to solve their problems xercise control over negative thoughts and takeresponsibilityfor choosing how to act and feel are more likely to have people to talk to and confide in when something worries them have inner strength, social and inter-personal skills, and skills in communicating effectively require parents and carers to model →

Slim wave in singapore

3 The tragic incidents in Singapore caused by the Slim 10 pills created a wave of shock among the health professionals and authorities around the globe in 2002. In spite of this, the usage of diet pills is increasing.

Softball vs baseball

The similarities are what groups the two sports together but the Intensity on the passion for the game of softball far exceeds that of baseball. Why? The grass is the same, so Is the equipment and uniforms of the players.

Describe two opposite people

Kelly and the other was the funniest man in the world by the name of Mr.King.Ms. He was an electrician and one of the most selfish people I knew.Mr.

Judith guest’s ordinary people

And, besides, there is no problem." Yet, there is not one problem in this family but two - Conrad's suicide and the death by drowning of Conrad's older brother, Buck. I do not know how to handle it." When Conrad is finally able to express his anger, Berger, the psychiatrist says to Calvin, " Razoring →

Is lying under any circustances righ or wrong

Second, if you were to lie, you would be following the rule ' It is okay to lie.' Also this rule could not be adopted universally, because it would be self-defeating: People would stop believing one another, and then it would do no good to lie, therefore, you should not lie. If you ask me →

Editorial: big data, pharmacogenomics and real-world research in pharmacology

In this topic " Big Data, Pharmacogenomics and Real-World Research in Pharmacology", we aimed for studies of pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics using big data approaches, studies of real-world registry or cohort studies in therapeutics, claim-based health database, and omics-level big data studies. Overall, we believed the topic, " Big Data, Pharmacogenomics and Real-World Research in Pharmacology", →


The environment and the demographics of the company should be considered. The emphasis is on the size and the nature of the respondents.

Michael catanzarita reactive patrol

Reactive Patrol CJS/210 January 17, 2012 Michael Catanzarita Reactive Patrol As I read chapter seven " Patrol and Traffic ", I learn that a reactive patrol is a form of random patrol. Random patrol is said to be incident driven, or reactive, in that officers are responding to crimes only after they occur, either through →


GEE has already established a large part of its manufacturing in China where it leads the top tier company market share. Over the last years it has demonstrated to possess technical, technological and managerial skills to become a relevant player in the medical healthcare industry also possessing most of the Men's competitive advantages.

Hamilton & madison’s role in the first american political parties

There were two groups of people who came out of the Convention, supporters of the Constitution and those who opposed it The first faction, the Federalists were composed of many of the famed Founding Fathers, including Alexander Hamilton and James Madison. Hamilton also believed in a Bank of the United States but was opposed by →