Genuine Research Paper Examples

The one percent research paper

Unsure of what it was about and what I was going to get out of it, I turned on NetFlix and proceeded to watch the film. The documentary deals with the disparity between the wealthy elite and the citizenry and how they are both so far removed from one another." As of 2010, the top →

7 year war

The war consisting of three names, known to the Europeans as " the 7 year war," the Canadians as " The conquest," and to the English Americans as " The French and Indian War." The French and Indian War started in 1756 and lasted roughly 7 years. This and the wanting The " Forks of →

Is the global expansion of architectural practice a result of style?

The research effort will investigate:- the risk of intellectual property - the expansion of computer networks, because they are infiltrating daily life - the development of CAD on 27/7 basis and development of virtual design - the impact of Internet communications on architectural design - the expansion of architectural practices in recent years - the →

World resources – scarcity and conflict

In the 1960s, one photograph changed the way world leaders, scientists and the general population thought about the management of the world's resources. When the first maps of the world were created, many parts of the world were not discovered and therefore because society in that day and age believed in sea creatures and mermaids →

Danshui plant case

The budget shows that Danshui has unfavorable variance in the assembly of the flash memory part, variable tools and supplies, assembly and packing, shipping, and the last one on the supervision. Variable supplies and tools show an unfavorable variance has it has a connection with the installation of parts in the iPhone 4, especially on →

Us robotics merger

Discussion Description of the 3Com / US Robotics merger When it occurred, the merger of 3Com with the US Robotics was considered to be the biggest merger deal to be witnessed in the communication industry. The financial strategy of the merger The 3Com acquired the US Robotics in a stock deal that was estimated to →

The mind and its functions

The statement that the relationship between the spiritual world and the physical worlds to Fechner, indicated that the spiritual world was the only world. Psychophysics is the study of the relationship between physical and psychological events that occur.

Venture capital and financing innovation

The new model of Valhalla thus endowed to change the management of TX. The Valhalla team, thus, get comfortable with the management of the TX and thus they showed their efficient and well-organized policy of working to run their diligence process.

What is psychology?

Low performance in the work and having rude behavior are the points which are to be noted here and observed and the output of this goal is just theobservation. So that any theory can be form as this is the output of this phase of understanding the behavior.

June etta downey

After a sabbatical year of further study at the University of Chicago, she was awarded her 1908, and on her return to the University of Wyoming she became head of her department. Downey soon gave up the teaching of English to concentrate on Philosophy and Psychology, and the title of her professorship was changed →

The art of ballet

While the first production of the ballet known as La Sylphide took place in Paris and most famous ballerinas of the day were still coming from Italy, the second half of the nineteenth century saw the axis of the ballet world shift from Western Europe to Russia. Duncan started a form of dance that was →

Talking styles

The more that the two people are paying attention to each other in their interaction, the higher the LSM. The more similar the topic and the mindset of the two authors, the more the LSM score should be similar.

Daily time record

This Automated Student Attendance Daily Time Record focuses on the need to design a system that will automatically arrange the record and calculate the average attendance of each student. Our school using ball pen or log book to record a attendance this system need a computer and the student will record his attendance with a →

Rfid in pharmacy …

RFID in Pharmaceutical Industry In 2004, USFoodand Drug Administration has called for the implementation of RFIDtechnologyto track the distribution of prescription drugs in order to protect the medical supply chain from counterfeit drugs by 2007. A new research report of Jan 2010 revised the market for RFID products and services in the pharmaceutical industry that →

Practicing veterinary medicine

These people are skilled in in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of animalhealthproblems. There are many different forms of veterinary practice, though 70% limit their practice to small animals or household pets and are said to have a 'large animal" practice.

Reader respond to short story we might as well be stranger

I do not need eyes in the back of my head to figure that out"." I cannot do anything about it, can I? As the explanations before that in this story Alison represent the independency of a woman, Alison decides to choose her own way to be a lesbian.

Beauty and brain

In behalf of being beautiful, let's Just do not forget about having a well- example, Joining beauty pageant. Beauty Is not about having a beautiful skin, or body.

Should developing countries concentrate on improving?

As everyone knows that a government represents the people to operate the whole nation and to structure a well-organized system for development, on the other hand, a powerful nation needs a strong administrative government which could constitute beneficial policies for the people, because government is closely connected with people, and its relationship is unbreakable. One →

Defining 18th century gender roles

The Renaissance spirit of inquiry renewed the debate about the role of women in society, a theme, which resonated in the visual arts of the era. Artemisia Gentileschi, was one of the first female artists to challenge the traditional monopoly over the passive female ideal, as her life and art redefined feminine accomplishment in terms →

Competitive factors of yum brands (mnc) to succeed in the business

Yum brands, based on the co-branding strategy have built a vibrant global business by focusing on four key growth strategies: They are building leading brands in China in every significant strategy They undertake aggressive international expansion and build strong brands everywhere They have been able to dramatically improve the US brand positions, consistency and returns →

In focus: on kurds and their struggles for independence

And often, the strategies deny the legitimacy of the Kurds in the country concerned. The Kurds: A People in Search of their Homeland.St.

Antigone – foils

In the play Antigone by Sophocles, Ismene is shown to be in great contrast to Antigone, who is her sister. That is what they say, and our good Creon is coming here to announce it publicly; and the penalty stoning to death in the public square!

How did the fascists come to power in italy in 1922

The roots of fascism can be found in thefailureof a whole political class and system to resist authoritarianism and it was a start of a big mistake made by the Italian government, even though allot of people thought Mussolini forced his way into power, in actual fact he was invited into parliament by an incompetent →

Merits and demerits of tuition

This is the reason why having a home tuition can be very beneficial to fast, average, and slow learners alike.the following are some of the benefits to students You will have the advantage of a wholeteacherto yourself, with their lesson plans and strategies of teaching designed just for you! The lesson plans will be designed →

Anthony kiedis and the red hot chili peppers

The energetic singer of the alternative rock group, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Anthony Kiedis was born on Nov. The album also marked the return of Slovak and Irons to the band.

a human is a complex organism

They are organised to work together to perform specific functions as the result of cells in the human body do not work individually. Various systems in the human body are well organised to carry out all the life processes efficiently.

Cells: from earthlings to martians

Some of the things a cell contains is a cytoplasm and a nucleus. The vast majority of the bacteria in the body are rendered harmless by the protective effects of the immune system, and a few are beneficial.

Can we hide from failure

If people learn to be equipped with the experience of failure and use courage to continue on, success will be theirs." Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently". When man witness another experiencing failure, they are more than able to help and support the individual while in the rut of →

Poverty eradication and hunger reduction

4 of the respondents believed that people's involvement in leadership creates employment opportunities for the people, 60 disagreed and 6 have no stand pertaining to the issue. The above table shows that 30 were in tune with the fact that inclusive leadership encourages enrollment expansion in schools in response to the yearnings of the people, →

Mergers and acquisitions

The processes and consequences of mergers and acquisitions may go a long way, beyond the projections of the integration teams and the management of both the acquired company and that of the acquirer. The prevailing corporate culture and values in each of the merging companies are also very important factors to be considered by the →

Multi touch technology

Rise of Multi Touch Technology Steve Jobs made a demonstration of Apple's new phones at Macworld in 2007, and the feature that people are most interested at the time was the touch-screen interface which allowed more than one touch at a time. Degree of touch A multi touch technology enables a device to sense the →

Caribbean literature

The cosmopolitan nature of the region's language andcultural diversitydevelop from the mixture of European languages with Native American languages in the formation of creoles and local patois and those of Africans brought to the Caribbean as slaves, not withstanding the contributions of Asians mainly from India and China, and Middle Easterners. The fabric of Caribbean →

Edgar allen poe alcohol’

Throughout most of his writings Edgar Allan Poe mentions the abuse of alcohol " I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity. In conclusion, Alcohol abuse became a part of Edgar Allan Poe's life, it affected his writings his perception and his creativity.

Classroom-based learning experience

ID Lecturer room-based Learning Experience One of the best room-based learning experiences that I have gained over a period of time has included my understanding when I was taught the subjects with the facilitation of the Internet technology. This best learning experience has been the cornerstone of my learning over the years and I cherish →

Search & seizure, open fields doctrine

The facts demonstrate that Tobias and Black had little, if any, expectation of privacy in the Marmaduke Spring kill site, in the Mud Flat field, in the Mud Flat field corrals, in the open back of Tobias' pickup truck, in the federal allotment that Tobias and Black shared with the Colletts, in the dead cows →

The best pieces of legeslation,the servicemen’s act of 1944

Moreover, the GI Bill fueled the development of the middle class and revitalized American democracy, as many veterans joined fraternal groups and community organizations and became involved in postwar era politics. The United States had endured the era of theGreat Depressionand the Dust Bow, thus the World War II veterans were a generation that had →

India before economic recessionary period

The importance of the study is to addressed the next change in business cycle by finding the root causes of recession. The thesis concludes that in line with the natural laws of economics, that an economic upturn is followed by an economic downturn, and that the length of the coming downturn often follows the length →

The brothers karamazov by dostoevsky

The result of his imprisonment was the change of his personal convictions: he rejected the socialism and progressive ideas of his early years, and instead adhered to the principles of the Russian Orthodox Church and belief in the Russian people. The scene of the novel is laid in a sleepy province in thefamilyof the noble, →

Differences between country and city living

In the city, the buildings are high and land is scarce and expensive, so city people have to build many houses in a small space. While in the city, there are very many different types areas of work and a person can perform many trades.

Uk post-war welfare settlements

In the United Kingdom, after the destruction weathered by the British populace during World War II and the subsequentpovertyweathered by so many of the British peoples, the argument for the right of universal public services or the creation of an all-encompassing welfare state became popular. Selective services sometimes fail to reach people in need," and →


The literal act of nostalgia is to recall a memory that is fond to you in some way. But that longing is not an overall bad emotion it is just a reminder of all the positive things that once were.

American materialism

What this does is to project the image of America as provider of all things and the land of greatness- the reason for American consumers' clamor for products. Corporations is not a reason for the materialistic America, their main goal is to provide consumers with a range of products they need, they want, and can →

Cold equations

Is the pilot likely to succeed? Is the government likely to succeed?

Audit committee

The arrangements for closing the project, and the outputs required, will be documented in the audit terms of reference and will follow a formal process and timetable. A reporting protocol covers the Structure and format of final reports, Arrangements for availability and publishing of final reports and regular and ad-hoc reporting to the Chief Executive →

Cosi: lewis changes by directing the play

Everyone swears it exists, but no one has seen it.' Although the women in both Cosi Fan Tutte and Cosi are shown to be unfaithful, so are the men. They do not brag about it like men? " Women are flesh and blood too? " I do not like men's double standards? " Women's constancy →

Media aesthetics notes

Pay attention to details and how they affect the film * Step 3: Identify the outstanding instances of technique * Understand the techniques/concepts * Note specific examples of techniques * Types of lighting, angle, shots, narrative, style, etc.- September 26th - Styles of Film * Two major directions realistic and formalistic * Directions or " →

Cardiovascular disease burden: evolving knowledge of risk factors in myocardial infarction and stroke through population-based research and perspectives in global prevention

Those studies were designed to address the lack of representativeness of low-income countries and societal minorities as well as to evaluate the actual impact of traditional and emerging risk factors on the population attributable risk, i.e, variation in prevalence of a risk factor leads to different impact on specific population risk related to that particular →

Being a freelancer may be hazardous to your health

As a bonus, I can use it with my hands at the end of the day to stretch them out. It will get you out of the house at least one day a month and gives you a chance to socialize with other people who are in a situation similar to yours.

Ww dbq

This alarmed the largest countries and due to the fact that they possessed a prepared force and a stock of arms, the leaders refused to seek more a more reasonable late ruminative in favor of Anonymous." Militarism." Dictionary. By the time World War I began in 1914, all of Europe was modernized an d troops →

Research methods chapter: filipino work values in education

Chapter II METHOD OF THE STUDY The descriptive-correlation method is utilized to describe the general characteristics of the respondents in this study and to examine the existing relationship or differences between work values, job satisfaction and work performance. This method enables the researcher to make a thorough analysis of the relationship between the indicators of →

Subway secondary research essay sample

3% of the market in 2011, followed by the burgers sector. In 2011, the share of the fish and chips sector stood at 10.

Use of e-books in an academic and research environment

E-mail questionnaires were sent which facilitated the survey of researches in the academic and research environment, specifically in the Indian Institute of Science and Technology about their use of e-books on their line of work. It is, therefore, safe to say that the comparison of the usage of e-books with the numbers of students and →

6 ways to boost sales with adwords expanded text ads

Now that you have a few extra characters, think about how you can pose a question to people in your market that will make them want to click. That's why you need to preview your ad in.

Introduce yourself

I like chatting with my friends, and go out to eat snacks, students offoodBeside, I am a coming and optimistic girl so I love smiling all day, making everyone happy, I have kind friends near me when I have that, I feel my life so meaningful. Time is up, The first thing I must →

Payroll department

According to the definition of Roos a payroll system involves everything that has to do with the payment of employees and the filing of employment taxes. The primary mission of the payroll department is to ensure that all employees are paid accurately and timely with the correct withholdings and deductions, and to ensure the withholdings →

5 key concepts underlying structures of cultures

The power of obligations and relationships and therespectfor order are of greater importance in the East. In the West, efficiency and change often equal effectiveness; in the East, passive acceptance of what is, and the ability to perfect one's work with others within the existing conditions, might be a greater virtue - and the way →

Comic elements in the first act of “much ado about nothing”

In the era in which " much ado about nothing" was set the wealth and power of someone was far more credible than theirpersonalityand this is portrayed in the first few lines of the play when Leonato asks " how many gentleman have you lost in this action" and the messenger replies " but few →

Shopping mall

For the time being, Lukas is not only the CEO of Getter but also the Head of the Sales Department. In the case of senior staff, the question of making the right choice is further complicated by the fact that the founders of Getter have been managing the company with their son for a long →

Home entertainment change

So beautiful life changes the people's mind, make people learn how to enjoy life, so many people can buy nice home entertainment, and one important point is people earn moremoney. Since people live became better, so people have more choice to do many things, because they do not pursue eat and water anymore.

Change blindness and visual memory: research and theories

A variety of tests have been developed to test the prevalence of change blindness and the results show that it is a robust phenomenon. This led researchers to investigate the role of attention in change blindness and now there is mounting evidence that attention plays a pivotal role in the condition.

The history of crayola crayons

And, in 1903, a new brand of superior crayons tucked inside a yellow and green box of " eight" was introduced to the public- Crayola Crayons. Because of this adjusting to the changing times Binney & Smith are still king at the market they created decades ago.

Let`s be lefties for a day

The discussion of the importance of understanding cultural, ethnic, and gender differences by managers and professionals in a business setting begins with defining the key terms. I believeall businesses can benefit from a diverse body of talent bringing fresh ideas, perspectives, and views to the workplace.

Brunelleschi’s dome

When he had to come up with a way to hoist the marble up to the top of the dome, he did it quickly and effectively. When there was an unexpected crack in the wall after it was completed and he needed to come up with a way to fix it without delaying the overall →

The forest management

Forest management is the maintaining and management of not only the trees inthe forest, but the streams, habitat, watersheds, and even the decaying trees or logs on the forest floor. But the worst possible approach to maintaining a wide diversity of species would be to manage every acre of the forest the same way.

Current account deficits

The current account deficit is the broadest measure of balance plus the net balance of services, net income on overseas investments and net transfers. The current account deficit is problematic for the U.S.economy.

Aids controversy

Perhaps one of the most pressing issues involving this problem is the commitment of big pharmaceutical companies in the United States to give away free AIDS treatments to poor African countries ridden with AIDS in exchange for its continued patent protection. The absence of patent protection will give other pharmaceutical companies the opportunity to develop →

Patriotism is an outdated notion

Patriotism is not something that should be on display only on the 15th of August and the 26th of January or when the country is facing a war. Perhaps the people who said patriotism is an outdated concept, said it while thinking about a lot of different things, that you and I do not see →

Us history chapter 4 notes.

The African Slave Trade The Demography of the Slave Trade 10-12 million slaves were transported to the Americas during the slave trade. With the exception of the Seven Years' War, the slave trade continued to become more important to the colonies up to the Revolution.

The key influences

The budget, time-scale and scarcity of the required calibre of individual must be given care and attention. Thomson argues that competences of existing employees must be identified, defined and assessed to determine future competence requirements.'A good organisational strategy.links the recruitment of staff with their development and retention.' Heller explains the advantage of a recruitment consultant →

Cannabis and health canada

The brand mark of the exhibition is on the top panel of the signage to make sure that the direction is belongs to the location of the exhibit. It would be placed in the middle of the exhibit, where everyone can gather to take a look at the information and graphics on the topic of →

Nursing research methodology

The researchers does not always clearly state the philosophical stance on which the study is based; however, one can identify the stance by carefully reading the literature review, identifying the research question, understanding the purpose of the study and examining the researcher's method. The research design guides the researcher in planning and implementing the study →

Ethical business practices

For example, they may: * attract customers to the firm's products, thereby boosting sales and profits * make employees want to stay with the business, reduce labor turnover and therefore increase productivity * attract more employees wanting to work for the business, reduce recruitment costs and enable the company to get the most talented employees →

Feminism in literature

Burgos feminist poems present a philosophical view of the role of women in Puerto Rican society. The fact that this dominance is not in favor of women is a characteristic of feminist literature.

Coping with methuselah

In the reading selection " Coping with Methuselah", the authors Aaron and Schwartz work well together to convey their ideas using all three principles of argument to their readers. Or the world? " This allows the reader to feel in control of their own thoughts but these questions are rhetorical.

What does machiavelli mean by a corrupt people what does he mean by corrupt leaders what circumstances promote corruption can a corrupt people be reformed

In Machiavelli's view, Italy fell to the French and the Spanish because of corruption of its leaders and people. Machiavelli denotes that because of the brutal and selfish nature of the people, it is dangerous for a leader to become a philosopher king3.

Support services, social care and the law

X to the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 to mention that personal information has to be used in fully anonymous as awareness of confidentiality and one of the main principle of National Care Standards and SSSC torespectthe privacy of service user.Mr. In the above project, I contained my plan for an activity focusing →

Han and roman attitudes toward technology

From the around second century the third century C.E.the Han and Roman attitudes towardtechnologywere different in how they took pride in some of their inventions with the Han accepting the role of the craftsmen and their technology they created showed in documents 1-4. Huan Guan takes pride in the technology and feels that the →

Education system in nepal – research essay

They have school and higher education, where a student has to apply for higher education as people have to in other countries. There are clearly more opportunities for students in Nepal these days than there was, and they have certainly created a good structure on which to build a good education system, but it needs →

Research on management at pak n save new zealand business

Contents Application of alteration direction models: The chief intent of the research study on PaknSave Group is that it is the demand of the topic. So this is besides a nucleus factors for the success of Paknsave group.

Madoff scandal research paper

A Ponzi scheme is a game in which the investment advisors get people to invest and then use new investor'smoneyto pay the returns of earlier investors. Part of this type of fraud and which lends itself to accentuate the scandal is that this Ponzi scheme used of the reputations of those involved as being beyond →

Diploma in h

But, Product concept is the understanding of the dynamics of the product and showcase, the best qualities of the product. Carrefour limited and carefully select the types of goods, It will first consider the needs of customers, From customers, employees, vendors, competitors obtain information to adjust the classification and respond to market trends, we need →

Morality and sacrifice

SACRIFICE " Sacrifice" is the surrender of a greater value for the sake of a lesser one or of a non value. Sacrifice" does not mean the rejection of the worthless, but of the precious." Sacrifice" does not mean the rejection of the evil for the sake of the good, but of the good for →

Comparing 2 cities

Bangkok is the capital main commercial center of Thailand and Seoul is the capital main commercial center of South Korea. Seoul, is in fact, the older of the two cities.

Do mooching, chiseling, and favoritism undermine police effectiveness

In addition, the officers are unable to undertake their mandate appropriately due to hindrances of gifts they received. This is because people who favoured the police officers know clearly that even if they violate the law, they are unlikely to be arrested.

This vc firm aims to fund companies that serve the big-middle category in india

That's the segment that we are really investing!" he says According to Sahil a lot of VC firms in India are significantly influenced by American firms that majorly serve the " 10 lac per annum" category and also have the tendency to invest in models that have been proven successful elsewhere. Sahil said that India →

Why ‘dancing with the stars’ should replace ryan lochte – with me

ABC is claiming that they were in talks with Lochte to do this before the whole, but I do not buy it. While I agree with this statement to an extent, this situation is different - Lochte is a bad look for the network - for several reasons, which I touch on below.

Rivers in nepal

Among these rivers in Nepal Koshi, Gandaki, Narayani and Karnali are some of the biggest rivers which flow from the Himalayas all through the year. They are Rivers and Nepal; therefore we have to show the relationship in between them.

Was bill cosby right or wrong?

He is just telling parents that neglect their child to step it up, and teach their children to do well in school, or to be successful in the future. He wants you to see the truth and what is happening in this generation.

Introduction to human settlements

Accessibility to other settlements also plays a role in the location and development of settlements. Social, economic and political organization is essential to the growth and development of a city.

Discuss the problems of the central business districts of medc cities

The CBD is located in the same place on both Burgess's and Hoyt's models which is in the middle of the city. It would help because people would park their cars in a multistory car park or the would park it on the suburbs of the city and ride to the CBD using public transport, →

Future job

The one thing I strongly believe in I will not succeed if my job is not exciting and there is not any kind of adventure. It seems to me that doing things I love and getting paid for the that is the best thing in life ever.

Development of collective bargaining in the united states

Development of Collective Bargaining in the United s Introduction The topic of the discussion will comprise the development of collective bargaining in the United States. For the development of collective bargaining in the United States, there had been a lot of conflicts that were determined to arise between the employers and the employees.

Pricing goals, demand elasticity

The firm must be aware of the costs and the set the prices for profit maximization depending on the market structure in which it operates. The demand elasticity is perfectly elastic and so the best pricing strategy of the firm for such a customer band is revenue maximization.

More government assistance for college

At present, the cost of college, in most countries, has been so expensive, that many would wonder whether, the high cost of tuition fees and school fees, the years to be spent in college instead of choosing to be in full-time employment, and the anxieties of keeping up with college life and financial constraints for →

The desert island problem

The implication of all this is that eventual rescue is remote but cannot be ruled out if they survive long enough: search and rescue would be based on the last plotted position thousands of miles away on the belief that the ship may have sunk at that point; the island is not near any trade →


In Beloved, Morrison usessymbolismto depict the atrocities of white oppression that caused the loss of African American humanity while also focusing on how the African American community came together to deal with the traumas of the past, thus reclaiming their selfhood. This removal is foreshadowed by the imagery of the Book of Revelation in the →