Genuine Research Paper Examples

Educational entry level for professional nurses

The results of Aiken's research also found that a 10% increase in nurses with BSN degrees caring for the patients decreased the risk of patient death and failure to rescue by 5%. Educational mobility to the BSN level is important to positive outcomes, creation of a reliable professional identity and unity among nurses.

Option care

In 1931, the company's shares were floated to the public, and Walgreen formally joined the ranks of listed American corporations. It answers the question of what business the firm is in and what markets it serves.

The kostelic family

When it was dark Ivica and Janica were training on the stadium stands running up and down the stairs.==> Ante said that the exercises were meant to reduce their fear, which was crucial to their futurecareerin sports.==> Ante said to their friend when the children were young." If they let me work man, if they →

Backstroke swimming

The speed of the backstroke is limited by the restrictiverange of movement of the shoulders as well as the ability/inability to use the power in the chest muscles to thebest desired effect by the roll of the body which will be discussed in more detail in the chapter about the upsweepof the arms. Swimming backstroke/ →

50 shades of grey novel and how it contrasts to one direction

50 Shades of Grey novel and how it contrasts or compares to One Direction smut fan fiction Introduction In literature, authors of books and novels often try to ensure that they present their views that are representative of what happen in the normal society. 50 Shades of Grey novel The 50 Shades of Grey novel →

5 pieces of amazing advice from twin space heroes

Even though he was scared, he knew that he had to stay focused on the job at hand, and rely on his navigator to do what he needed to do. His year on the ISS is a massive scientific and human achievement, but it also meant that no matter what happened over the course of →

Microplastic pollution

This study had five research objectives: establish if seagrass habitats are accumulating microplastics compared to sandy habits in the Florida Keys, identify if there are any microplastics present in field collected sea cucumbers in the Florida Keys, determine the number of microplastics in Pensacola Beach sediment, determine the number of microplastics in St. Types of →

My favorite healthy meal

After that, take the shredded lettuce and spread it across the sub on top of the meat and cheese. It Is a great and healthy meal!

General motor’s mission statement

GM shares are valued somewhere around two dollars a share, and it is widely known that without the government bailout, the big three auto makers are in serious trouble, and perhaps that is true even with the government bailout. The unions have a strangle hold on General Motors, and even with the " no strings" →

Flow past aerofoil

279 0 0. 787 0 0.

The human condition

The choice setting of the poem-the countryside-clearly reflects the widower's isolation; the vastness and emptiness of the setting conveys to the responder the experience of the man himself. Isolation is a key aspect and how we respond to this notion is a critical idea of the human condition.

Plans for expansion of the new 3g technology

If the product is price elastic then the product in very sensitive to changes in price I believe that the new 3G mobile phone is a price elastic product and if you changed the price the demand would vary a lot. In conclusion I have found that the new 3G technology would be a good →

Duke ellington

DUKE ELLINGTON Duke Ellington, named Edward Kennedy Ellington at birth, was born on April 29, 1899, in Washington James Edward Ellington and Daisy Kennedy Ellington. C, In 1974, the Calvert Street Bridge was renamed Duke Ellington Bridge; in 1989, a bronze plaque was attached to the newly named Duke Ellington Building at 2121 Ward →

The french and russian revolutions: similar? or different?

A king who believed in absolutism, just as France was before the revolution, led Russia; the kings did not accurately represent their people, nor were they close to them; the middle class wanted recognition; and in both cases, the royal families were executed. Unlike in the French Revolution, soldiers were ordered to shoot at the →

Advantages and disadvantages of msn messenger

MSN is a one of the most popular instant messaging service in the world and in my opinion the best I have ever used. If you do not have a hotmail account you can get one easily and for free from the hotmail website and If you do not have the MSN program also there →

Zebrafish in toxicology research: advantages and limitations

The coupling between behavioral assays and analytical and molecular techniques permits the elucidation of mechanisms of toxicity, the test of new drugs for therapeutic treatments and the study of new drugs. Since genetic mutations can interfere in brain function, the use of molecular and biochemical techniques in zebrafish allows the identification of molecular substrates for →

To what extent has the eu become a social regime?

The paper will first provide a historical background and development of the EU, identifying key treaties and agreements, where the EU derives its power and exploring the accession criteria. The power of the EU has however shifted since the 2009 Lisbon treaty from the political level to the administrative level and even to hands of →

Describe sources of internal and external finance for a selected business

For Media Markt the owner had to use his own personal savings to start the business, as we see Media Markt at the moment, very big and so much product, It was not like this years ago, because the owner had to start small and in this way he grew each year by selling good →

Model and incidence reduction formula

Impacts The expectedgoalsof the program 'Yes Can" will seek to foster self- acceptance of the youth's sexual identity, promote positive self-image; emotional and psychological stability; acknowledgement of guilt producing behaviors that affect cognitive abilities while wanting to achieve positive hanged. Ability to encourage others of the lesbian and gay community.

Cancer diary of osteosarcoma

I am preparing more DNA and for that I am also synthesizing mRNA and important proteins. In near future I will have my own colony of cells and my own sarcoma tissues01//14/2014As usual I was preparing to divide but the proteins detected a damage in my DNA.

Pharmaceutical(pill mills) industry regulate and profitability

For instance, regulation of the amount of pain killers to be produced by DEA and monitoring of distribution channels by HDMA will affect their supply and establishment of their quack businesses. Without proper regulation and monitoring of the health sector by the involved stakeholders, will lead to rise in Pill Mills whose activities is a →

Literal vs. figurative blindness

The importance of figurative vision as opposed to literal vision to the influence of an individual is emphasized by the power inner vision yields, even over the power of the gods. Clearly, the strength of inner sight, or the weakness caused by a lack thereof, is a force that even the power of the gods →

Rhetoric is used in the play julius caesar

This is used when Cassius persuades Brutus to join the conspiracy, Brutus's speech to the plebeians, and Antony's speech to the plebeians. Brutus ended up changing the minds of the Plebeians that killing Caesar was the right thing to do.

Bio-medical discourse

It is out job as social workers to look at all of the other factors such as environment, family, cultureect of that individual, not just the focusing on the person and modifying the person. All they look at are the symptoms and the medications to go along side of them.

Nba lockout – story of basketball

NBA LOCKOUT I feel the NBA Lockout has been one of the worst, incidents to ever happen, in the history of the NBA. I feel the NBA lockout polarized the summer for NBA basketball.

Life-changing influence

Timothy encouraged me to study hard and helped me believe that I could perform as well as or even better than the students who were usually at the top in my class. In choosing business administration as my major I hope to learn to essentials of managing a business.

Ap world dbq

Jacob Gonzalez AP World 11/29/10 DBQ Even though the economic affects of the flow of silver from middle Sixteenth century to the beginning of the Eighteenth century seem to play out nearly the same in the different countries, the social affects are way more custom based on the source's pov. A document that would add →

A small business

Another reason for locating in Tonbury is that there is less competition with only 4 other jewellery shops in town However the population of Tonbury will still be smaller than that of Dyton in 2012 and although it is rapidly increasing it will take a long time for it to equalize and even in 2012 →

Assessment tools

The assessment tools that I have selected to analyze are: The Spiritual Well- Being Scale, The Hassles and Uplifts Inventory, and The Well Being Picture Scale. The SWBS can be used by nurses within the assessment process to help guide and show a patient's level of spiritual well- 3 being.

Double blind randomized controlled trial

Double Blind Randomized Controlled Trial The controlled and randomized double blind trials refer to a situation in which a medicine investigator is not familiar with the nature of a drug. However, when human beings are concerned, such as in experimental psychology and medicine, double-blind events can be used to watch against the anticipation of both →

Naturalistic observation research results

The whole purpose of carrying out two sets of observation was solely based the concept of finding out whether there is a difference in the crowd and the way they behave when they visit the Cafe in the late hours of the morning in contrast to those that visit the Cafe in the evening. Most →

Divorce as one of the main social problems of every country

It is a dilemma that couples do not strive hard enough to keep the relationship going; and, end up in divorce which is psychologically lethal for the couple and the children. Kelsey states that infidelity is no more the primary reason for divorce in UK, as growing apart or out of love is becoming the →

Intelligent campus using rfid

This is part of the transceiver unit, the component responsible for sending the reader signal to the surrounding environment and receiving tag responses back via the reader antennas. The access between the EEPROM and the CPU is described in the following, specifying the EEPROM Address Registers, the EEPROM Data Register, and the EEPROM Control Register.3.4.

The appearance and development of haitian creole

The Appearance and Development of Haitian Creole As written in Jacques Arends' " Pidgin and Creole: An Introduction," Haitian Creole first originated from a pidgin. What will also be discussed is the changes the creole underwent, hand in hand with the various perspectives associated with the creole and the factors that lead to its successful →

Life is a gift – think about things that are less valuable in life

If we are to pause and sit back, thinking those days as we dwell on this earth, had it also occur to us how we live our life with? So, when depressing thoughts seem to get us down, we should always be reminded with those beautiful things that will lift us up and be grateful →

Stop! wait! i am pulling down a menu!

Even before it was installed, officers were already upset that their input was not asked about the design of the interface; nobody asked their opinion and suggestions for the creation of the new system. I would hold a lot of training sections to the officers to make sure they knew what they were doing and →

Leyte gulf

The four-day battle of Leyte Gulf in October 1944 marked the eclipse of Imperial Japanese naval power, the last sortie in force of the Imperial Navy, and the largest naval battle ever fought on the face of the earth. As a result of the destruction of their aircrafts and carriers, which at the start of →

Jetair ltd. and contemporary companies and securities law

Introduction In acting as advisors for the Pilot's Association Australia and Airlines Union Australia, we seek to explore the legality of the various actions of the Jetair Ltd.'s Board of Directors which ultimately lead to the hiring of a new staff body in New Zealand by JetairNZ Ltd at a lowered salary and the subsequent →

Are we free to make our own choices in life?

Through a discussion of censorship of history textbooks in Japan, censorship againstracismin Singapore and move ratings, this essay seeks to show the benefits of censorship to the community. Due to the complexity of censorship, the government needs to be prudent in using censorship to the best interest of the society.

Taiwan living culture

Refer to the article title, preserving military dependents' villages, the article is discussing about how the workshops trying to preserve military dependents' villages and what are the concerns they are having. The workshop was formed in 2007 and operates the Kaohsiung Museum of Military Dependents' Villages.

Circulation weather types as a tool in atmospheric, climate, and environmental research

In the last decades, the advance of computing resources and the availability of datasets have fostered the development of fast and objective methods that process large amounts of data. Circulation weather types and spatial variability of daily precipitation in the Iberian Peninsula.

China education system needs

On the first day of exam, we take Chinese test in the morning for two and half hours. On the second day of gaokao, sstudents who major in arts take the test including politics, history and geography in the morning.

Turkey and russia relationship during world war ii

In the phony war phase of the Second world War, Russia got reach and control over the Turkish Straits which were of significant influence in the entire course of the war. The development of the aforementioned scenario and overall tension led to the annulment of the treaty and further strangulation of the ties between these →

Reflection journal

Gravity-A force that attracts the body toward the center of the earth.2. If there is a solid and a broken yellow line you can only pass if the broken yellow line is on your side of the road or else passing is not permitted.C.

Perceived aspects required in an ideal system of education

The majority of people believe this is " obtaining education." There is more to the concept that " students are depositories" and the " teachers are the depositor. If a teacher is not confident and prepared, there will be doubts that will be raised in the minds of the student.

Good example of research paper on britannia bridge on the border of staffordshire

Suspsension bridges have been around for quite a long time but the first one ever built was the Britannia Bridge which has been renamed as the Menai Suspension Bridge and is a suspension bridge which begins on the island of Anglesey and connects the mainland of Wales. The famed engineer Thomas Telford was given the →

Lincoln elect.

In the abstract the best choice would be a county with the most similarities to the countries where Lincoln Electric already has placed production facilities and achieved success. It is important that the new country, where Lincoln electric places production facilities is capable to offer a huge opportunity in the metal fabrication sector or more →

Primary colors

Jack is trying to win the Democratic Party's nomination for President of the United States. Jack and Susan decide to leak the information to the press and Libby in turn threatens to tell about the affairs and reveal the real results of the paternity test that says his is the father of the 16 year →


12: 51 and I thought my feelings were gone But I am lying on my bed, I am not thinking of you again And the moon shines so bright, but I gotta dry these tears tonight Cause you are moving on and I am not that strong to hold on Cause I will prove you →

Beautiful burnout by frantic assembly

The use of visual aids were frequently in use, which consisted of lighting and sound, these played a huge factor in the success and outcome of the play, they did so by using the lighting as an emphasis on the emotion of the storyline, both intimate and intriguing moments, for example when Cameron was struck →

Internet addiction: ushering in a generation of the socially inept

The detrimental effects that dependence on the Internet has on people is further outlined in the report " Technology Overload: Explaining, Diagnosing, And Dealing With Techno-Addiction" by Nada Kakabadse, a professor of management and business research at University of Northampton in the United Kingdom. I would almost go as far to say that I have →

The measurement of privatization

Privatization through delegation of the KPC thereby involves the transfer of management and control of the KPC and its subsidiaries to the heads of the subsidiaries of the KPC. Conclusion The problems faced by the KPC may be seen as the result of the management problems within the corporation which is evident in the hierarchy →

Do we rely too much on technology?

You can ask it to do something and it will do it for you, it is a way of improving our living conditions. It would be a completely different world to the one we live today, more like the one we used to live in.

Research interest in real estate financing

My research interest in real estate financing stems from the challenges facing the real estate industry-high interest rates. Despite this scenario, I am interested in finding factors that influence interest rates on real estate products.

Researcher points out, the use of deception in

Whatever had caused the change in the dependent Variable, that is, productivity, it was not the independent Variables that the experimenters had introduced. The " Hawthorne effect" reveals one main limitation of the experimental method, when people realise that they are experimental subjects, they begin to act differently and the experiment may be spoiled.

Medicine and ayurveda

Aphrodisiacs and improving health of progeny In Hindu mythology, the origin of ayurvedic medicine is attributed to Dhanvantari, the physician of the gods.[15] - Practices Several philosophers in India combined religion and traditional medicine notable examples being that of Hinduism and ayurveda. The disease is the result of imbalance in the quantity and quality of →

The battle of the little bighorn

In 1874 a man by the name of George Armstrong Custer led the seventh Cavalry to the Black Hills, to see whether the area held, the shiny stone that the White Men craved. He had Indian Scouts from the enemy tribe of the Sioux, who could of told him a great deal about the strength →

The throw-away society

When we throw away the no-more-need things and replenish our refrigerators and wardrobes, we throw away resources. Admittedly, the throw-away society gives us so many choices among which we are prone to be less picky but also more emotionless.

Joe dimaggio’s life and significance in his era

Joe DiMaggio's Life and Significance in His Era Table of Contents Joe DiMaggio 3 His era 4 References 5 Joe DiMaggio Joe DiMaggio is respected as one of the greatest personalities in the history of sports in America. DiMaggio's skills were incomparable and to honor his potentials he was chosen as the most valuable player →

Gender-based criticism

It has been said for Wal-Mart by Judge Martin Jenkins that " the higher one looks in the organization, the lower the percentage of women." Women make up more than 70% of Wal-Mart's hourly workforce but less than one-third of its store management. The subject of the barrier the women are facing for progress is →

4 innovations in iot space by indians

The drivers of this growth will be and are a number of startups who with their innovative ideas are bound to make life more internet friendly. This startup will give a whole new meaning to the famous line in The Lord of the Rings, " one ring to rule them all".

Why software should be free

The Argument against Having Owners The question at hand is, "Should development of software be linked with having owners to restrict the use of it? " In order to decide this, we have to judge the effect on society of each of those two activities independently: the effect of developing the software, and the effect →

Directed journaling level 3

Review the responsibilities of the dental hygienist for reporting abuse under the RegulatedHealthProfessions Act, as outlined in the CDHO Registrant's Handbook and Professional Issues II. Read the articles " Oral health professional alert: Elder abuse concern in the United States and Canada" and " Initiating discourse on recognizing and reportingchild abuse".

Martial law reflection paper

I realized how blessed I am, that I can do what I want to do, when I want to, because of heroes who sacrificed their lives for that. I salute to all the martial law heroes who laid down their lives to give me and every other Filipino the freedom each of us deserves.

Oil and economic change in texas

Texans in banking out of state banks could not do business in the state of Texas.i. Role of the government and emergingCulturek.

Embracing diversity

I can attribute this fear from to the society I grew in; I was used to my Christian community before I came to campus. Study of anthropology has helped know the value that I hold about my culture and the justifications I give to the are the same ones that any other person would give →

Technology plays important role our life

On the other hand, developing technology has encouraged employees to update their skills. Consequently, employers and employees should follow the technology to improve skills and business.

Behavorial paper

To this day I clean my house very Saturday it is a habit and if I know company is on the way I still dust and vacuum the floor. I have to realize that am not the only one living in this house and everybody that comes to my home does not know that I →

Website plan

Background to the business and business goals * Founded in 2005, our business is about innovating and creating distinctive flavors to satisfy your palate.* In recent years, we have opened several new stores, 20 varieties of cakes available to meet the needs of different consumer groups * Organizes promotional activities, participate in community public service, →

Critique of ada and affirmative action paper

Critique of ADA and Affirmative Action Paper The population of the Unites States of America consists of a variety people. Affirmative Action The Stanford Encyclopedia ofPhilosophydefines Affirmative Action as " positive steps taken to increase the representation of women and minorities in areas of employment, education, and business from which they have been historically excluded.

Peter tosh: a pioneer of reggae and trailblazing rastafarian

The high regard in which he was held by his peers would turn out to be a blessing and a curse. Mick Jagger, of the Rolling Stones, was in the audience at the concert and would go on to sign Tosh under the Rolling Stones' record label.

Manners makes a man

A man with proper manners attracts the attention and admiration of everyone, whereas the man with ill-manners draws himself the ridicule and contempt of others. This was a training in good manners, training in courtesy, not given with scolding and rebukes and reminders from the mother, but one of a lesson in self-realisation.

Hindu religion

This acceptance of the multiplicity of the Supreme Being in many forms is the hallmark of the Hindu religion. Hence, the concept of the Devas, or the good deities and the Asuras, the demoniac characters are very important in the Hindu traditions.

Circular flow model

In the Product Market, the households consume and purchase the goods and services that are sold by the business firms, creating exchange of currency between the households who are receiving a finished product and the business firms who are making a profit. The Factor Market completes the flow of money in which the role of →

Tradition theory and expressive theory

Clearly the two are not contrary, as Dewey's educational philosophy adequately demonstrated, but in the highly charged political atmosphere of the interbellum era, details of Deweyan doctrine were often lost and, in the process, so was the prospective for a rational progressive approach to writing in the disciplines. Maxine Hairston argued for a paradigm shift →

Marketing research study guide

Primary data: information that is developed or gathered y the researcher specifically for the research project at hand Secondary data: have previously been gathered by someone other than the researcher and/or for some purpose other than the research project at hand Internal secondary data: data that have been collected within the firm, such as sales →

External-internal factors paper

Amazon's initial desire was to prevent the average consumer from needing to leave the comfort of their own home to accomplish their normal and continual shopping needs. Developer services allow Amazon to use the new idea of incorporating human intelligence tasks into their company's services, now Amazon is better able to provide for their consumers →

Teenagers represented in the media

I think the media should have a wider variety of races, looks and personalities to show teenagers they do not have to have fit in with the typical image of them as shown in the media. In conclusion Teenagers in the media are shown in lots of different ways, often as being a problem to →

Sylvia a white heron

Sylvia " A White Heron" In " A White Heron", there was a young girl named Sylvia, for the first eight years of her life she had lived in a cityenvironment. Sylvia in a sense is the heron, untouched and at peace with her environment.

Streams of silver 12. the trollmoors

The season was late and several weeks had passed since the last burning, but even now the low dells lay heavy with smoke and the waves of heat from the great fires still shimmered in the air around the thickest of the charred piles of wood. This was their domain, and all the rumors about →

Hr practices in pakistan and uk

The instant region of attention of this learning is the relocate of Human Resource strategies and their performance in United Kingdom headquarters and supplementary in Pakistan. This require for the Human Resource purpose to competition the excellence of the manufactured goods as well as service commerce has lead to a rising attention of the MNEs' →

Examination of historical context

But above all these, the question of the status of Jerusalem is perhaps the most complex and intractable. The establishment of Jerusalem as the capital of a united Jewish state is a great source of nationalistic pride for secular and religious Jews alike.

Forced sterilization

Forced sterilization is an example of this, because it denies a woman of the ability to bare children, and denies a man the ability to inseminate. The government believed that the Germans with the best genes had been killed off in the Second World War, while those with the worse genes stayed behind and did →

New generation of jails

Goalsinclude maximizing the interaction between the staff and prisoners, subjecting the latter to more direct and continuous supervision, and enhancing safety for both parties, by making the jail more manageable and organized. New generation jails have been successful in alleviating and minimizing future problems, thanks to the combination of a dedicated and satisfied supervision staff →

Business ethical problem

I prepared the surveys and they were approved by administration reviewed the results of the questionnaire and observed that almost all of the units had more than 20 complaints a week, the ENA requested me to adjust the number of complaints to one per person if he/she had filed complaints in several areas of concern. →

Traditional american family

The best foundation for the good family is found In the Bible. The traditional family is made up of a father, mother and a couple of children.

Radiation protection of patients in dental radiology

Focus of the literature review was based upon the different factors, such as the complications of ionising radiation, complications in different age group people, preventive measures and the current state of knowledge in the dentists all around the globe. The nature of ionizing radiation and its use in dentistry", Dental update, vol.

China rural poverty

But the lack of concern with the rural area brings China the decline in output and income of the peasants which widened the gap between the coastal and interior areas. During these few years, the government put a great effort in minimizing the rural poverty situation and there was a significant change in the rural →

Dear sahara shadow knights: the unsung hero’s

Chapter One: Sweat and Blood The stars twinkled with ferocity as I stared at them through the window of my room, the light of the moon brightened up my room with a natural glow. I slowly got up and grabbed the back of my head to help soften the pain that now overwhelmed me.

Research question relationship to research design

The purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between the research question or hypothesis and the research design. For example, the proposed research question can be written to show cause and effect: Increasing political bias among community college students is caused by intentional propagation of political ideas and beliefs placed in news outlets.

Supply and demand

A second example of macroeconomics occurred when the decrease in demand of the rental apartments caused Goodlife Management to convert some of the apartments to condominiums for sale to broaden the opportunities for an increase in tenants. A great example of a shift in the supply curve occurred when the property manager was asked to →

The lady with the pet dog

Anton Chekhov original and Joyce Carol Oates's updated version of " The Lady with the Pet Dog" tells the story of two unhappy individuals trying to find love in a long lasting affair. The mix of the plot in Oates's version I feel allows readers to really understand Anna and her emotions.

Reward and punishment

The emphasis is on the future and the rewards should be given only when someone is seeking to bring good consequences to everyone. The retributive theory states that punishment should be given only when it is deserved and the severity should match the extent of the crime.

Trip to a bowling tournament

The wooden floor is made shiny and slippery so that the balls could easily skid to the end of the lane. The bowling tournament is really a mix of feeling, emotions, and difficulties.

The marketing plan (optional company your pick)

The marketing plan 01 June The marketing plan A marketing plan is an outline of an enterprise's proposed initiatives to gain and maintain market control for its products. The company's marketing strategies include product branding and the company's logo, " the Golden Arches".

Blaine kitchenware, inc.: capital structure

He was elected to the board of directors in 1988 and became Blaine's CEO in 1992, succeeding his uncle. At the end of 2006, Blaine's balance sheet was the strongest in the industry.