Genuine Research Paper Examples

4 ways to establish transparency in your business

This is how Porter's CEO story began: " In the first year of SalesLoft, we fell flat on our face," he said." We burned up a lot of capital and learned a lot of lessons. I also was a bit of a wild troublemaker in high school and college," Porter said." The entire company knows β†’

Plans of reconstruction

He argued that because of the fact that the government was indivisible secession was politically impossible, and that the war was a result of only a small rebellion that violated the authority and laws of the government. Lincoln's " 10 percent" plan, while perhaps not the greatest for bringing the nation together, was the best β†’

Daily routines

My daily routine now that I am enrolled in college on a Wednesday is to go to work try to complete a participation post or a discussion question during my lunch break, and then come home and make dinner while studying. My daily routine now that I am enrolled in college on a Thursday is β†’

The place you most loved to spend time as a child.

Walls that have been laquered to preserve what Ma Vio, as she was lovingly called by everyone, considered a amasterpiece that not even the most renowned of painters could have done with such perfection'. Her pound cake and whole grain bread were what my brother used to call 'the bestest in all of Trinidad and β†’

Richard bedford bennett – canada’s 11th prime minister

He came into office in 1930 due to the accusation that the previous prime minister, had no idea how to deal withdepression; the majority of Canadians agreed. Bennett had plenty of plans for Canada, to change the economics and political issues.

Research into obesity essay sample

I will then focus on the idea of ' fat camps' to see if they are a useful method of helping people to lose weight in comparison to other methods. Review of literature: Through this literature review I will focus on the use of fat camps in the country as a possible measure to reduce β†’

Psychoanalytic theory and tony soprano

Soprano, the main character of the HBO series " The Sopranos." This paper will attempt to contain specific examples in the show where the theory applies and as such the psychiatric session between Tony and his therapist will also be analyzed with the purpose of knowing the extent of application of Freud's theory. He articulated β†’

Loyalty and betrayal in a political context

With the catastrophe at Tianamen Square in 1989, and the ensuing crackdown on the fifth generation in the 1990s by authorities who were not comfortable with many of the politics contained within the films, the restricted filmmakers began looking for international financing. Each section, which is integral to the plot, shows a different era in β†’

Egyption medicine

It was noticed that the organs In the body would not remain preserved so they removed them before the burial. This was crucial to medicine, as it was the first thought of practical cures for illness.

Giligan oakmont country club case

However, the fixed price system promotes chronic imbalances between the number of members wishing to leave the club and the number of eligible candidates wanting to enter the club. THE PROBLEMS The fixed price membership system used at Oakmont is associated with at least one potentially undesirable feature; a chronic imbalance between the number of β†’

Contributions of modern society

One of the main achievements of the 12th and 13th centuries was to determine the engineering expertise of the ridged vault, pointed arch and help to give a famous cathedral that is at once sophisticated than the ones before. What makes possible the extended use of ridged vaulting and pointed arches to open and revitalize β†’

Soapbox on chavs

Even though they might be carrying a knife in their pocket waiting to shank you, more than half of them I bet will not even know how to use it. With all this in mind, I hope you will come to an agreement that they are a waste of space and this contagious disease should β†’

The business & proprietor’s background

It is a single proprietorship operation owned by Sahim Shastri." The Coffee Hall" will cater to the budget conscious young urban professionals and other sectors of the society of a mega urban market segment. In general, the feasibility and marketing vision of " The Coffee Hall" hinges on the segment of the market that it β†’

Mary celeste

The Mary Celeste is a ship was discovered atlantic ocean unmanned and apparently abandoned and she was fine and the people and it remain a mystery. It seems reasonable to suggest that in order to take a break from the pounding sea, the captain gave the order to sail to the lee side of Santa β†’

Arts impact on society

In the time of the Renaissance, for example, only a select few were " society." They commissioned art, were patrons of the arts and their artists. The portraits of theFrench Revolutionby David, Benjamin West's portrayal of the death of General Wolfe and Poussin's recreation of the Rape of the Sabine Women all strive to provide β†’

Intelligence and creativity in problem solving: the importance of test features in cognition research

In literature we find models of the creative process that define certain stages to convergent and divergent thinking; the stages of purposeful preparation at the start and those of critical verification at the end of the process, respectively. A problem space is an abstract representation, in the mind of the problem solver, of the encountered β†’

Importance of life

Life's meaning is what it means to you! The meaning of life is to make life meaningful.

House of obedience

She is taken away by a police officer, a soldier and a woman and is brought to the House of Obedience where her husband awaits her. Her husband comes with police to look for Nabila and makes her return to the House of Obedience.

Coroprate restructuring

The first form of restructuring include divestitures, it is the sale of a business segment to another party. This method is very similar Spin off, with the difference being a very technical one which is the carving out of shares of the new many is offered to the public.

Research of amazon business

The dynamic world in technology meets the current needs of the customers. The penetration of internet in most of the countries in the world earns the players dire advantage.

Relations between o. henry’s life and the story “buried treasure”

Another fact in the author's life that is related to his work on the buried treasure is hiseducation.O. Algernon Sidney Porter is obviously in the same category of scientists and therefore O.

Difficulties and risks associated with internet

Oppenheimer, 2011) Analyze ING's Solution The security mechanism existing in the current ING's network is implemented a fire between the external brokers and the internal servers. Securing Internet connection a variety of overlapping security mechanisms will be equipped to guarantee the security of the Internet connection.

Cause & effect of european exploration

There were many reasons for Europe to grow and expand, some of the causes for Europe's expansion were; a search for new trade routes, religion, newtechnology, the desire for new products and gold. European explorers were on a mission to find these new lands and new technologies, those causes stimulated effects for the aftermath of β†’

Le coq sportif

Here is a chart explaining the governance of the brand Le Coq Sportif since it creation until the takeover by the Swiss holding Airesis. The aim of the strategy is for the business to become unique in the minds of its customers.

Ricardo’s theory of value research paper sample

With this in view, Ricardo explores the rest of the categories, every time raising the question, of whether the category, which he considers, is different from the definition of the cost of labour value. The difference in the degree of durability of basic capital and in the relationship between the two forms of capital leads β†’

Stress and how it affects students in college

Although many college administrators have put in place various measures like guidance and counseling to control stress, the effects of stress are real among the students. Certain administrators are trying to control the effects of stress among college students.

The causes of the indian mutiny

Through the course of the Indian mutiny economic, Cultural, Armies and the Enfield rifle incident caused the Indian Mutiny. The Doctrine of the lapse caused many incidences and was the first reason, of many, for the Indian Mutiny to begin.

My ideal school

The building also should be big enough to arrange the classes in an organized way and it must include all facilities that a good school need to give the students for better education. The teachers should be able to prepare the lessons as interesting as possible and must be concerned about the students.

Effect of unit of analysis in political research

This statement implies that the unit of analysis can be defined in the hypothesis of a study or within the topic of the research. In a study of this character, it is also important to review the validity and reliability issues.

Case 7: better late than never

Had Ryan taken advantage of the company's voluntary retirement plan up to the maximum, every year for the past five years, how muchmoneywould he currently have accumulated in his retirement account, assuming a nominal rate of return of 7%? How much would Ryan have to save each month, starting from the end of the next β†’

Mary ainsworth attachment theory

Patterns of Attachment: A Psychological Study of the Strange Situation. Patterns of attachment: A psychological study of the strange situation.

So many questions – original writing

I did not know anything about her, her wonderful life with her 'parents' the life I never had. I was right she had rejected me.

Notes on medical sociology

The modern context of medicine The medical profession used to rest on political powers and on the trust of the public. Thus, the new medical economy is liked with the rise of neo-liberal policies and ideology, and hey do not suit with the social-welfare-working-class ideology of Europe, where the health is a social and public β†’

Impact of culture on cross cultural managerial practices:

The cultural and societal values of China include individualism, Confucianism and collectivism, the reflection of which can be seen in the practices of Chinese managers in addition to their paradoxical struggle to keep a balance between traditions and modernity. International Negotiation and Communications: According to Ralston et al, in a global economy, it is crucial β†’

Zoot suit

The main character in Zoot Suit is Henry Reyna the leader of the 38th street gang. Zoot Suits Description The main character in the novel Zoot Suit is Henry Reyna and he is the leader of the 38th street gang.

The relevance of loyalty in julius caesar

He takes no part in the conspiracy which eventually leads to the demise of Caesar although when Caesar does die, Antony baits Marcus Brutus with flattery to ensure his relative favor with Caesar's murderers. He uses his " favor" with Brutus and the conspirators to gain permission to speak at Caesar's burial ceremony, subtly inciting β†’

Literature reflection paper

I really liked this poem a lot because it was the type of poem that really stood out to you and you would never forget it. In conclusion, I really liked this Literature class and I am really happy that I got the chance to take it with Prof.

A confederacy of dunces as a criticism of higher education

More specifically, the characters of the story show the reader the educated are not always the ones who fare the best in terms of their emotional well-being and their ability to function in society. In looking at the characters in the novel there seems to be an inverse relationship in terms of the amount of β†’

What is biopsychology

US Congress declares 1990s as being " Decade of the Brain" Not only expand the horizon of human knowledge but also advances treatment of: neurological disease, emotional disorders, and addictions 300 years of scientific past The branch ofpsychologythat studies the relationship between behaviour and the body, particularly the brain. Thinkers have struggled with the question β†’

How has managerial incompetence contribute to small scale enterprise in the country

According to Boapeah, the following are amongst identifiable constraints of SMEs: Competition from the large scale industries Difficulty in accessing appropriate advisory services and research findings The over liberalization of the economy Lack of access to credit facilities Lack of managerial skills and competences 1. 5 Significance of the study The study will be useful β†’

Use industrial economic theory to assess the extent

Although most of the benefits are for Smithfield, the subsidiaries will benefit from having more efficient processes and economies of scale that may be gained from the integration due to investment received from the parent firm. The profitability of the integration is linked to the level economies of scale obtained from it as the ability β†’

Long term care

Basically what that means is that it allows for you as a patient to have your care managed effectively from basic care, like prescriptions and making appointments, to more advanced care, like in-hospital and critical care. Why I think it has become a challenge is because a lot adults in this world rather put their β†’

Swahilii proverbs

The death of not a relative is a wedding. Usishindane na Kari; Kari ni mja wa Mungu.

Research paper essay example

This shows that it is not possible to hope for a perfect research. In conclusion the above is a brief summary into the world of research and it is clear that perfect research is not possible.

How should we measure chunks? a continuing issue in chunking research and a way forward

In particular, though many chunking papers use a variety of methods to measure how chunks are formed and retrieved, it is unclear whether the majority of these methods of measuring chunks accurately reflect the internal cognitive processes that are involved in chunk formation. A decline in activation, similar to the conclusions of Xu and Chun, β†’

Human embryonic kidney cells

The result of this experiment was delaying in electrophorectic mobility of tagged PAG protein, when it was co-expressed with SRC. The cells will then be lysed in a buffer, phosphatase reaction carried out will be observed via assays and transfected cells will be compared with control ones to whom tamoxifen was given.

Economics paper

The main constraints mentioned in thiscase studyare the number of beds in the hospital for patients and the number of surgeons to operate. The shoulders hospital was initially a six room facility, however the capacity was increased to 36 beds in 138-acre estate and 17, 000 square foot main house and then to capacity of β†’

Effects of watching soap operas | research

Focusing specifically on the relationship between popular media and the attitudes of young people towards sex and social class, research addresses the power of media representation, the use of role models, and how popular media encourages the viewer to make social distinctions and reinforces our ideas of classification. My research examines the influence of popular β†’

Value engineering efforts to reduce the cost

There types of benefits associated with the VE exercise in the current case are First Cost Reduction: These reductions are attributed to the VE program only when required project functions or features can be delivered at the reduced cost. VE first cost reductions are counted as VE savings to the extent that dollars are withdrawn β†’

The dome of the rock

C, the Dome of the Rock was built by the Umayyad calif Abd al-Malik in the metropolis of Jerusalem, to hold the religious plane of the book stand out in the signifier of an Islamic temple. The building of the Dome of the Rock obeys the martyrium tardorromano expression of the ambulatory that allows those β†’

Safeguarding and protection of vulnerab

The Act made for the provision of a General Social Care Council whose role it is are to regulate the training of Social Workers, raise standards in social care through codes and conduct and practice with a register of social care staff to be set up and maintained by the council. To become part of β†’

During protestant reformation

The Rise of the Stuart and The Defeat of the Monarchy After death of Elizabeth, James I took throne. This was the time of Shakespeare, Galileo, and other creative people who invented and developed things to cultivate time period.

Media influences

When the people of the world absorb the many manifestations of the media they believe they are simply viewing reality, but in actuality, the media often proves itself it to be the sole instigator of stereotypes, as well as the creator of adverse social problems that often plague our society. The glamour that surrounds the β†’

As t-hub completes one year, here’s a quick recap of some landmark moments at the tech hub

T-Hub launched the'AgriTech Accelerator Program'in partnership with ICRISAT, powered by RViP earlier this. The technology centre inked a deal with ride-sharing appand as a part of this MoU, T-Hub will be leveraging its expertise in shortlisting twenty start-ups through both Uber and T-Hub's existing network.

Dance as an art form

The history of dance as an art can be traced with the emergence of cultures around the world and with the evolution of mankind. As the society advanced to a more sophisticated and more interactive community of cultures, dance has also evolved and surpassed its role in the religious activities and courts of rulers.

How are racial issues such as stereotyping, centrality and stacking related to the olympics?

An example of stacking is the North Americans in the marathons. There is a lot of over representation at the moment but only in specific sports, for example there are lots of Afro-Caribbean's competing in boxing and sprinting, Asians competing in badminton and hockey, and lastly the Far East compete mostly in table tennis and β†’

Economics and financial planning skills

Since you would be a foreigner in this country, you need to make sure you have got a good chance getting a Job etc.7. Describe at least one reason that businesses with a profit motive may be helpful for society and at least one reason that they may be harmful for society.


Stakeholder is the group or the body that can affect or be affected directly or indirectly by the action of the business as a whole Bleasdale Module class 3rd week, and Stakeholders Analysis is the " identification of a projects key stakeholders, an assessment of their interests and the ways in which these interests affect β†’

Week 5 quizzes – eco/gm 561

Your Answer: False GDP is equal to the value of total sales in an economy. Your Answer: False

Advice and support

2 The role and value of an advocate in relation to end of life care is to support and enable individuals to express their views and concerns, to access information and services, to defend and promote their rights and responsibilities, and to explore choices and options 6. 1 To support individual's care through the process β†’

The global flow of silver

Document 2 & 4 is about the effect of silver in Spain. It had major effects in Spain and because of mercantilism they had to trade goods for silver.

Age of enlightenment and course materials

List three examples of events/methods from Voltaire's Candide which you believe best illustrate the issues related to the Scientific Revolution and to the Enlightenment. The reaction of the Inquisitor for trying to kill Candide and Pangloss because of the earthquake is a typical example of the abuse of the church on people.

Linguistic diversity in france

These dialects became clearly split between the ninth and the thirteenth centuries forming the dialectical divisions of France: the langues d'oil in the North and the langues d'oc in the south. Although Francien had spread and was an important language in the country, the vast majority of the inhabitants of France had no knowledge of β†’

Yamaha fiore 2ne1 – celebrity endorsement

Celebrity endorsement is commonly used to market products, it is a strategy which gives a " face" to a brand, to which the consumers can relate and aspire to. Furthermore, in Bangkok it is apparent that there are very few scooters being driven by the middle to upper market segment consumers, some of the reasons β†’

How economic systems impact society

The main concerns for a big business owner is profit, and expansion. These two perspectives impact our society as a whole by creating less small businesses for us to shop at, and it can also provide for the needy.

Oil & gas drilling in alaska wildlife refuge

ANWR is also believed to contain one of the largest reserves of oil in the U. As a result, advocates failed to muster support for legislation that would have lifted the prohibition of oil drilling in the refuge.

Professionalism in sports

We are much less liable than we were to reproaches on the score of our national illhealth, of the bad constitutions of our men, and of the fragility and early decay of our women. There is a certain tendency in the civilization of our time to underestimate or overlook the need of the virile, masterful β†’

Juvenile offender’s right to a jury trial

The " Sixth Amendment" holds that an individual who undergoes criminal trial should be given a right to " an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime will have been committed". In addition to that, juvenile offenders should be given a right to a jury trial because anybody who deprives them of β†’

Business explore

Sharing this information with budding social entrepreneurs, MBA students and investors, to increase their understanding of governance as a solution to mission challenges, could help develop more sophisticated attitudes toward the role of governance across the sector. More work on how the leaders of these organizations can create proactive strategies to identify investors who align β†’

Developing clinical research questions nursing essay

In order to search for the best evidence, it is important to develop research questions from the scenario and search for research evidence to answer the clinical questions. The study design that I have chosen to fit for the quantitative question is the randomized controlled trial because the question focuses on the prevention of recurrent β†’

Brief history of education in nigeria

The bottom line of the education delivered was to learn and live according to Nigerian climate and occupation. The first was the establishment of the National Commission for the College of Education in 1986 while the second was the establishment of Federal Ministry ofScience and Technology.

Tanglewood case 3

Referrals: it is a targeted method since allow employees from Tanglewood to promote and show the positions available to people who might meet the job requirements.* Kiosk: Is an open method since a large variety of people to apply for any position at the store, instead of writing on a piece of paper their personal β†’

Benefits of extra curricular activities

When choosing a school for their children, many parents have to take into consideration the charges foreducation, in addition to any fees for participation in an after-school program. According to Mary Rombokas, including high-risk children in after-school activities " lessens the number of disciplinary problems later down the line." Some parents turn to the school β†’

Fashion in the 1920s

Harding, claimed that he wanted to return to normalcy and to bring back the peace following the years of war; society did change, but it was no where near what it had been before the war." The reactionary temper of the sass and the repressive movements it spawned arose as reactions to a much-publicized social β†’

Investigating the 2012 olympics stadium and the wembley stadium

1 The London Development Agency The Mayor's London Development Agency is responsible for the physical, social and economic legacy of the Olympic Park area. The Olympic Park Legacy Company is responsible for the long-term planning, development, management and maintenance of the Olympic Park and its facilities after the London 2012 Games.

Common criticisms in psychology paper

This paper will also compare and contrast the breakthrough model of scientific research and the principle of connectivity in explaining events and outcomes; finally ending with comparing and contrasting the concepts of the single cause explanation and the principle of multiple causation in explaining events and outcomes. Criticism of Artificiality Long gone are the days β†’

Peter pan- coming of age

After a period of time in Neverland, Peter and the lost boys experiences what it's like to have a mother. Decision making is a process both the lost boys and Wendy had to go through.

Historical research methods: strengths and weaknesses

The combination of autobiography, biography and oral history is enrichment to the study of history through placing an emphasis on the role that personalities and individuals have in historical events. It could be argued that history is a record of human progress, achievements and endeavours so without the contribution of personalised accounts whether through oral β†’

Islamic political economy in national development

He had explained a lot of brilliant ideas on political, national development, mercantilism, Islamic thought and also Islamic political economic in order to develop the nation. National development refers to the process of national development and to lead a sustainable level of repairs and improvement.

Media effects

For instance, Israel - Palestinian lifetime conflict has been America's most important concerns in 2003, and judging from the nature of the issue, it is newsworthy, but as the media turn their focus to the Iraq war, Schwarzenegger's governor election and the California Wildfires, the Israel-Palestinian issue is somehow diminished, although the debacle is not β†’

The unforgiving minute craig mullaney

Craig came from a strong Catholic upbringing being in a catholic school system where he went to confession routinely, " confessing all of the shortcomings that he faced during the week whatever it was, from losing a wrestling match to missing homework", that had been taunting his conscience and where he was taught to " β†’

Gender roles in north and south

Through the development of the novels female heroine Margaret Hale and through John Thornton's perspectives of her, Emily Gaskell is in essence taking a stand against gender stereotypes and highlighting the underestimated value of female empowerment in Victorian society. In attempts to draw attention to the fact that Margaret is out of the ordinary with β†’

Likely benefits of customer database to marketing research

The online bookstore will constantly have a new stream of customers and the database must be scalable enough to be able to accommodate information on the new customers. For the customer database to be in sync with the aims and objectives of the online bookstore, the management has to decide what the requirements of the β†’

Sample reference research and citation in documenting a science research

Sample Reference Research and Citation in Documenting a Science Research Science and Technology: Biology Textbook 1 REFERENCES Single - Author Book Berg, L.R. Illustrated encyclopedia of science and nature.

Pathophysiology of admitting diagnosis

Syncope is a loss of consciousness due to the sudden decline of blood flow to the brain. There are several types of syncope, such as vasovagal syncope, carotid sinus syncope, and situational syncope.

The british government vs the us government

However, they are considered as vital to the functioning of the government." The British government system is divided into four parts: the Monarch, the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary. The center of parliamentary power in Britain is the House of Commons." The House of Lords has limited powers in the functioning of the government.

Differences between shiite and sunni muslims

On the other hand, the Shiite group believes " that following the Prophet Muhammad's death, leadership should have passed straight away to his cousin/son-in-law, " Ali"." Moreover, according to Blanchard, a Middle East foreign affairs analyst, " the majority of the world's Muslim population follows the Sunni branch of Islam and approximately 10-15% of all β†’

Battle of the atlantic notes

In World War Two, after the escape atDunkirk and the inspiration of the Battle of Britain, the Battle of the Atlantic was Britain's next nightmare. The Battle of the Atlantic was the longest battle in World War 2, which was fought in period from 1939 until the german defeat in 1945.

What is socially believed to be beautiful

The women are entering the workplace side by side of men and the rules would change towards the believe of beauty is required to succeed in life. The majority of women believe men want them to be thinner, bustier and blonder than they are.

Focus on shell in nigeria

In a climate of growing mistrust for big business generally and in the fallout of the report from the UN which was financed by Shell the time is ripe to examine Shell's involvement in Nigeria. Despite the predominance of American thinkers in the 20th century the intellectual tide in the UK was turned by the β†’

P1- health and social care life stages

12-24 months social and emotional development At this stage of social and emotion development Tommy may start to develop a sense of humor and start to love being in the center of attention. Amy will begin to ask more and more questions every day but this is the development of a milestone.

Nature & function of academic english

Most of the linguists advocate that there should be a concentration for mastery of the different genres in the English language and that the teachers should focus on giving specific instruction that teaches the characteristic of each genre. They see grammar to play an important role in the process of learning the genres because it β†’


The director and the writer wanted to convey in their film the meaning and essence of Indianculture. Despite of all the odds, circumstances, and failures that they experienced within theirenvironmentand in the hands of the colonizers, they strive hard to be the best at anything.

Fountain of the four rivers

Fountain of the Four Rivers The Fountain of the Four Rivers is a monumental example of Italian Baroque style and eloquence. The town square that houses the Fountain of the Four Rivers not only is the location for Pamphili'sfamilypalace, it is also the location of the ancient stadium of the Emperor Domitain.

A geographical study of sydney

From my experience, urban growth - high demand for growth, housing - a lack of space and smaller dwellings, ageing communities - a lack of facilities that care for the elderly, the protection of Sydney's natural environments - little park areas in the city, a lack of infrastructure, poor transport systems, and the time needed β†’

Tensions in villette

Read in context, perhaps Bronte recognizes that in the Victorian world, tensions of the aforementioned impinge upon and are all shaped by one another.[1] Reason/ Feeling In chapter 23, Lucy Snowe penned two replies to Graham's letter, one under " the dry stinting check of Reason" and another " according to the full, liberal impulse β†’