Genuine Research Paper Examples

Bad debts

Meaning of ' Accrual accounting': An accounting method that measures the performance of a company by taking into account the economic events regardless of when cash transactions occur. Allowance method: One way companies derive an estimate for the value of bad debts under the allowance method is to calculate bad debts as a percentage of →

Explain the post 16 options for young and adults

Explain the post 16 options for young people and adults Once a young person finishes year 11 they have different options available to them they can choose to go on to furthereducationthis can be either within the school in the sixth form or they could go to college. Diplomas- are when the student is still →

Matt leeds

Leeds was interviewed by managers that impressed him but he was also told he would not know who his boss or assignment was until the first day of work, He was also told he would become an engagement manager within 2 to 3 years. Lyle tool Leeds his initial Job was to work on project →

To my grown up son

Chase My hands were busy through the day, I did not have much time to play The little games you asked me to, I did not have much time for you. The little things I would ask of you, You took the time to see, to do...

Second foundation 14. anxiety

I have a trimensional cube of him somewheres-" And now his baby girl has a son of her own in the navy and most like if anything happens-" And we had the bombardment patrols, and all the old men taking turns in the stratospheric defense - I could imagine what they would have been able →

From corner office to field ops: 4 ways to make data actionable

According to Shiva Rajagopalan, CEO of, at the end of the day, the COO lives and breathes numbers, and the numbers all need to match. Rajagopalan is an oil and gas industry expert, who developed his enterprise software solution to give oil and gas operators better insights into the data they need to eliminate inefficiencies →

Harvard business case

The marketing manager needs the help of the consumer insight team to conduct market research studies that will shed light on consumers and their attitudes, behaviors and preferences towards the product. The key learning from the usage and attitude study was that the scratch backing Is the dominant method of baking cookies In Canada.

Law of xenia

In theOdysseythere are a few instances in which the law of Xenia is broken, quite a few of those belong in book nine of the Odyssey, in which Odysseus and his men are lured into a Cyclops' cave in which the owner, Polypheus, is angered and does not care about the law of Xenia. When →

Roger sperry

Born in Hartford, Connecticut, Sperry was a son of a banker and son of an Assistant to the Principle at a local High School. In 1964, Roger Sperry, in a conference to the Division of Biology at Caltech, presented his ideas on consciousness.

Ford pinto case brief

Lee Iacocca, who was in charge of the development of the Pinto, had specifications for the design of the car that were uncompromisable. There was no single event that caused all of the deaths and injuries related to Pinto's.

Advantages and disadvantages of using skype

3 Purposes The purposes of writing this paper is to know more about Skype and its features, how to operate on this software, and to know more about the advantages and disadvantages of using Skype.II. Skype Name Enter the name that you want your Skype friends to see and which you will use to log →

Comunication nowadays

I do not think so, they are just preferring those ways to communicate because they are fast, convenient and fun. Communication nowadays may be less frequently and directly than the past but things are changed, people have their choices to decide to communicate in their ways.

8 ways to gracefully receive a compliment

A compliment is, after all, a kind of gift, and turning down a gift insults the person giving it, suggesting that you do not value them as highly as they value you. The rule of thumb when you receive a compliment is to simply and humbly say " Thank you" or " Thank you; I →

Research into bi-polar disorder: causes, risks and treatments

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder As explained earlier, the condition is noted in victims due to its symptoms. Forms of Bipolar Disorder The symptoms of bipolar disorder also aid in the categorization of the various forms of the condition.

Square deal

Roosevelt was committed to addressing the problems of labor and corporate activity. Roosevelt defended the right of labor to organize, and avoid the use of federal troops to put down strikes.

A world class education ch 3

Educationis one of the most important things in a child's life, so what happens when someone decides to present new challenges to our way of thinking? I apply global orientation to my classroom by teaching my students the metric system and explaining why it is important for scientists to have the same system of measurement.

Enger tower history

He believed in sharing his success with the city that helped him achieve it and allowed Duluth to develop land near Enger Tower, including the building of a park and a golf course. The 70-foot tower was built on the highest of four mounds in Enger Park and was built by L.J.

Wise travel tips and tricks from frequent travelers

This can help you to sleep in a situation that many are uncomfortable In, on board an airplane Take a mild sleeping pill to get you through the flight. If an airport is in a major city, it can be quite difficult to get to, especially your flight so you are sure to be ready →

Aids 3rd revision

During the asymptomatic period, the cells of the immune system are slowly being killed by the rapid multiplying and infecting of the virus. The most evident outcome of the viral infection is a decrease in a component of the blood, the number of CD4 positive T cells drastically decreases.

New testament, alexander the great

New Testament, Alexander the Great New Testament, Alexander the Great The writing of the New Testament occurred from 48 AD through to 95 AD. This implies that there was no extended phase between the happenings of the New Testament and the writings of the New Testament.

American association of retired persons

With the number of retired persons increasing in the United States, AARP has been in the forefront to influence public policies that serve the interest of this population segment especially on important issues likehealth, housing, and others. The organization speaks in one voice and has a common motto of " To serve, not be served".

Stakeholders at tescos and the post office

Employees The workers have a significant impact on this aim as they are the ones having to create sure they are created satisfied. Customers The clients have a huge effect on this aim as if they are not satisfied with the mind-set of team they can grumble.

Rise of drones

Small drones can provide immediate situational awareness to first responders; transported in the trunk of a police vehicle, the back of a fire truck, or carried in a backpack, drones give them a birds-eye view of the situation, day or night, to save lives and protect property. Decisions to use drones for surveillance are generally →

Similarities between math and language

It occurs to me that learningmathematics, especially calculus and other forms of higher mathematics, is much like learning a foreign language. Calculus, or a new language, is already existent and the learner needs to adapt to it and work in it; the new material will not adapt to the learner.

Precise software: overview

By the way this product will provide an end to end solution for customers; therefore it is better to train the sales representatives separately. A dedicated sales force should always be present to sell a niche product which allows the sales team to focus on marketing the new product and also to capture the space.

Cultural difference in malaysia

In generalculturecan define as a way of life and process of development of thepersonality, spirit, mind, and the human effort in a community or cluster. In terms of religion, Islam is the official religion of the Government of Malaysia as subject under the Constitution and the most widely professed religion with the proportion of 61.3 →

Remembering our heroes

Some heroes will not be forgotten because they are written into textbooks for schools, Poe peel related to them ell others about their heroics and stories about them so people can know ho w heroic they were and as long as there is religion there will be the heroes to the religious that WI II →

Subflower sutra

Ginsberg personifies the flower when he states: "...leaves stuck out like arms out of the stem" and "...a dead fly in its ear..".. The sunflower is a representation of America and how there used to be so much promise of development.

Color preference with respect to sex. research paper sample

The intent of the paper is to analyze the color preference development across the different sexes. In a precise way, the study evaluates the factors that contribute to the choice of a color of an individual.

Ethics of stem cell research

While the pope opposes abortion for seemingly the same reasons he opposes embryonic research, he states that the destruction of an embryo or fetus in order to save the life of a mother does not count as abortion because the intent is not to kill the human but to save the mother. If the intended →

Study guide history 17b

Part II In this section of the exam you will be given two of the following questions on the day of the exam and asked to write on only one of them. You will want to discuss both the issues drawing the United States into the European conflict and how it became involved with Japan →

Contemporary auditing

It becomes quite easy for every individual taking the function of an auditor to work on their field of expertise despite the fact that all functions belong to an auditor have been extended to a more complete and broad analysis of the whole management within the bounds of the financial and accounting field. For a →

Spansion apart

Most factories in the park, which is east of the city of Suzhou in the province of Jiangsu, offer medical plans, in-house training programs and promise to treat employees likefamily, says Mr.Loh." But to me the difference is how you do it and how you engage the employees. Management is about winning and managing the →

Nike research paper

Primary Business Function and Background A primary business function or activity is the main focus or line of products that the business ventures into and the types of products that they aim to sell to the consumer market. Business Goals For Nike, as an already established and successful business, the importance of business goals are →

Relative advantages and limitations of financial statements

The limitations for financial statements prepared on a cash basis are that even though it may show what cash is in the bank at the present, in the long run it can distort the true picture of how muchmoneya company actually has. Cash based financial statements as we have seen can be beneficial for small →

Coal keeps the lights on

When he got his Job finished he was ready to go home to his wife andfamily. He also said that most of his family worked in the mines, but he would want any of his grandchildren going through what he did to provide for his family.

Vermont teddy bear brief

Vermont Teddy Bear Company From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Vermont Teddy Bear Company Type Privately held company IndustryManufacturing, retail Founded1981 HeadquartersShelburne, Vermont ProductsTeddy bears OwnerThe Mustang Group Subsidiaries Calyx & Corolla Gift Bag Boutique PajamaGram TastyGram WebsiteVermont Teddy Bear Company The Vermont Teddy Bear Company is one of the largest producers →

Implications of the bertrand model

It is assumed products are homogeneous and perfect substitutes and due to the nature of the product the firm supplying output at the lowest price will gain the entire market demand. This firm will have to supply all the forthcoming demand at the price they have set; gb1 from this an important assumption of the →

Agenda setting theory

When you bring in the view of the relationship between the salience of a story, and the extent to which people think that this story is important, one can easy portray that people will attribute importance of an issue by how often the media exposes it. In Closing, agenda setting in relation to the President →

Effect of the swine flu pandemic on the tourist industry in the us and europe

Running Head: Tourism A Mini-Research Proposal on the Effect of the Swine Flu Epidemic on the Tourism Industry of the United s and Europe Course Title Name of Professor Date of Submission Title: The Effect of Swine Flu Pandemic on the Tourism Industry of the United States and Europe Problem Statement This study tries to →

English paper tuesday with morrie

Charlie took Morrie to the fur factory where he worked in hopes that Morrie would make acareerfrom it. She married Charlie the year following the death of Morrie's mother.

Starbucks in a war for coffee market

When starbucks went into vietnam market, there was a lot of coffee brands in viet nam, but the number of people consumed coffee is very huge, this is officer, businessman,...all of them are young men, they like new things, foreign goods and expecially the starbucks is the top brand in the world. Besides, Trung Nguyen →

Eleven, inc. case

Contrary to Japan, 7-Eleven stores In the u.s. Marketing Efforts In order to make the most of its new capabilities and vision, 7-Eleven U.S.

John locke and land ownership

The first of these is that land ownership is obtained through labor and that items on the land have no value until labor is applied and the second describes government's role in land ownership as simply being that the labor applied to land precedes government and government cannot dispose of the estates of the subjects →

The political setting of latino(as) in new york city

Latina Political setting in New York affiliation Latina political setting in New York Since the census conducted in the United States in 1900, the population of Latinos has been on a steady increase. The Latinos are growing in confidence towards their goal of putting a Latina Mayor at the helm of New York City.

Use this green beret plan to have a super productive day

Using the contract example, is the intent to make the mostmoneyout of this deal or do you want to win the contract no matter how small the with the intent to start a relationship? To win that contract, this lays out who you are going to meet with to get strategic backing, what you are →

Camping trip to an island in the umiam lake

While reading mystery and suspense novels, I often have a habit of placing myself in the protagonist's shoes and compared to what they were experiencing, my problems always seemed smaller. Although I was always close to my cousins, our time spent reading mystery novels together, sharing similar feelings of nervousness and later, relief as the →

The families in the 1950’s

Women stayed home did the chores and kept up with the house and took care of the children, while the husbands went out to work. Although the 1950's were a more popular time then other decades, I do not think people would want to go back.

Unfortunate incident at your restaurant

Therefore I am writing this complaint to you, as I do not want to be treated that way. I before this incident had a good impression of your restaurant, but unless I am going to be given a proper and formal apology, this was my last time at your restaurant.

Obesity and government control

The government should have some in not all control or regulations on what the people of the country decide to eat. Because of the increase in the amount of people who are being diagnosed with diabetes, the amount ofmoneyspent on health care costs is a surprising one hundred billion a year.

Pillars of education

Learning to managerialeducationspecialized education Should be given and Is Provides the opportunity available to all despite to study a small number differences of race, of of subjects in depth, place and of physical and focused on training to economic condition prepare students for their respective workplace 3. Learning to do Adjusting Education for the 21st →

A cultural perspective

The Spanish influence is also responsible for the dominance of the Roman Catholic religion in the country. However, it is the countryside of the Philippines, with its rice fields, tropical setting and beautiful beaches that seems to connect the country with the rest of its neighbors.

Lakota hills

Challenges and advantages of developing a specialtyfoodbusiness: The specialty food business can be rewarding and exciting, but it can also be a real struggle. The advantages to this business are that it's creative and challenging, and if you believe in your product, it can be extremely rewarding.

Freestyle swimming

The 1912 Olympics, held in the Stockholm harbor, marked the beginning of electronic timing. In the freestyle, swimmers originally dove from the pool walls, but diving blocks were eventually incorporated at the 1936 Olympics.

Significant moment

Instead of trying to finish my speech, I went back to my seat and glued my head to my desk for the rest of the day. He held my hand and told me that I reminded him of himself when he was young.

North carolina gubernatorial election

The election for governor of North Carolina proved to be tightly contested race; with Richard Vinroot the republican candidate gaining support in the weeks immediately prior to the election. However, during the final weeks of the campaign the advantage swung to Vinroot as undecided voters were swept up in a republican surge lead by the →

Cultural representation in the media

Yet, the very nature of each of the unique cultures impacts the way in which the same event may be examined by the competing forms of media coverage. The lack of a product that appeals to a large section of the target population lowers the value of the media outlet.

Treatment & rehabilitation of grade ii medial collateral ligament (mcl) injury

The lateral and posterior aspects of the knee joint are encapsulated by a joint capsule whilst the anterior section of the knee is protected by the patella ligament. They are responsible for the flexion of the knee joint and the extension of the hip joint.

A reflection on research methods

This research is more appropriate in studying the culture of a given community or a group of people and why the culture is relevant to them and the challenges faced in practicing the culture. Observation study is the research method in which the researcher systematically observer the behavior of an individual or a group of →

The address by marga minco

In the excerpt, the narrator is in a house with all her possessions, and the daughter of the woman who took all these possessions has no idea what is going on. It is her sudden realization that she does not possess these memories anymore that causes her to change and force herself to forget everything →

High museum project

Teyo Remy was part of a group of young Dutch designers who came to the forefront of the international design scene with works that had a political awareness and also sense of humor. To me, each drawer represents a memory in my life that has thought me to make better decisions in the future.

Philosophy 103

According to, a " Marketer" is defined as " A person whose duties include the identification of the goods and services desired by a set of consumers, as well as the marketing of those goods and services on behalf of a company." This means that the job of the marketer is to convince the →

Changing views on homosexuality

Men and women are feeling more open to express their homosexual lifestyle and this is in part due to the changing views of sexual behavior and homosexuality. It is thought that if people no longer viewed homosexuality as a behavior that people chose to partake in, that less emphasis would be placed on trying to →

Kant and business

Kant thus wrote several works to explain his theory of morality, with titles such as " The Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals," " The Critique of Practical Reason," and " The Metaphysics of Morals". His first work, The Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals gave Kant's clearest explanation of his notion of the categorical →

The role of intuitive judgement in strategic decision-making

Thus this study will fill the gap between Hambrick and Mason's ' upper echelons' model of organizations, in the field of strategic decision-making which mainly examined the demographic factors influencing top management team's decision-making and firm performance not intuition's role and team interaction mechanisms affect in the process of decision making and firm performance. J, →

Sociology case

First, thefailureof the criminal justice system is one of the problems that might have lead to the criminal act which was committed by Sandro. This is in the form of the poor treatment of lower classes of people in prison.

How archduke franz ferdinand was assasinated

Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne, has been assassinated along with his wife, at the age of 65, while he was invited to travel to Bosnia in order to observe military manoeuvres and open the state museum in Sarajevo. Moreover it bounced off the back of the vehicle the Archduke was riding in →

Economic reforms

Talk Kumar, India was a latecomer to economic reforms, embarking on the process in earnest only in 1991, in the wake of an exceptionally severe balance of payments crisis. India took some steps in this direction in the sass, but it was not until 1991 that the government signaled a systemic shift to a more →

Utilitarianism case

The primary and most important stakeholders in the state ofenvironmentof that valley are undoubtedly the inhabitants of the area. This is more in line with the standpoint of a virtue theorist who will advocate rational steps to be taken for the most virtuous scenario to prevail.

Ap economics

The current business cycle Is bad, leading the CEO to make a few cutbacks Microeconomics-The part of economics about single factors and the effects of individual decisions. A family that is deciding to buy a car might have to face, depending on the expense of the car and financial status of the family, major cut →

U.s. department of commerce vs. solarworld americas, inc.

Holding: The court made its conclusion by upholding surrogate values presented by the US Department of commerce used to value aluminum frames, solar back sheet, nitrogen inputs, semi-finished polysilicon and blocks for the respondent. Reasoning: Upholding of financial statements and surrogate values made it possible to find evidence for allegations made by commerce towards the →

Types of listening

Evaluative listening In evaluative listening, or critical listening, we make judgments about what the other person is saying. This can be problematicwhen the other person has moved on and we are unable to pick up the threads of what is being said.

Understanding social change

4) Research Methods: i) Conduct a questionnaire to be carried out in Exeter.ii) Collect secondary data relevant to the project iii) Map the shops and services in the high street to gain an understanding of what age groups Exeter wants to attract.iv) Find out if there is a strong sense of community by finding out →

Amateurism in ncaa football

For example the NCAA is a business that are making money out of these athletes basically for free and yes they do receive tuition but that does not compare to the large amount of money the NCAA is making out of them. Another reason why the NCAA does not pay their athletes is because they →

Crj 200 automatic flight control system

Bombardier CRJ 200 Automatic Flight Control System Bombardier CRJ 200 Automatic Flight Control System What happens to the autopilot and flight director when the TOGA switches are pressed? If the plane is about to land, and the autopilot set to approach mode, pressing the TO/GA switch will disable autopilot, initiating the Go Around mode of →

Keats’ romantic eco-poetics

He does not believe that nature only funds the aesthetics of his poetry, but rather that his poetry forces readers to recognize a deeper meaning to existence.' Ode to a Nightingale' is an excellent example of Keats' use of nature in developing the poet's assumptions of consciousness andphilosophy. This pattern of cycles which can be →

Role of young minds in shaping india’s path towards

There are many issues we need to concentrate and it is the responsibility of younger generation to take the challenge and to act in a matured way rather resorting to extremism or pessimism. The issue is very important and we need to find ways as to how to prevent the media in damaging society and →

Voter apathy american govermnet

How would you go about explaining the importance of voting and encouraging citizens to participate in the most democratic of all processes? That is the right to vote.

Netscape’s initial public offering

The case indicates that a group of media firms made an investment in Netscape during April of 1995. Using figures from the case, what is the minimum value these investors must have assessed for Netscape's assets when they made this investment?

The modern researcher

THE BOOK- Summary and Purpose: This book is primarily intended to " guide and instruct students in the arts of research and writing", with special emphasis on historiography. The idea for the first principles is to lay down the necessary frame of thought, the attitudes and qualifications of a " researcher"- apparently, to distinguish him →

Steve prefontaine research paper

What is considered one of the greatest races of all time, Preparation was pitted against the greatest distance runners in the world. Preparation combated what he believed was highly unjust in the world of sports.

Economics exam questions

Secondly, public expenditure as a percentage of GAP was lowest around 1999 to 2000 at 36% of GAP and highest around 2009 to 2010 at 47%. 8 million and was highest around 1993 to 1995 at 2.

Media influences on social norms and health

In addition, investigating how people in power authoritative the messages portrayed on the media outlets and the agenda behind the messages. By looking at the new diseases of fibromyalgia and anorexia it is clear that the media and people of influence taught the general public about these illnesses and facilitated there widespread exposure, but how →

Hero and ceremony

The refusal in the monomyth has 6 step's and ceremony manages to cover 5 of them, the first being the refusal and in ceremony it is not as a genuine refusal but a morale one that he wishes to continue to be accepted and not belittled by just being native American by the white people, →

World history-high middle ages

Philip Augustus also founded the University of Paris, and in 1200[-> 12] began construction of the Louvre, the palace of the French Kings. The house of Valois claimed the throne because Philip VI, of the house of Valois, was the nephew of Philip the Fair. However, Edward III of England, also claimed the throne because →

Characteristics of organisms

For all the cell types, a wet mount was used because it can quickly and easily be prepared, and improves image quality as it does not alter the natural color of the specimen under the microscope. Plant cells contain chloroplast and do not move, which indicates that the unknown specimen could not be a plant →

Somthing that annoys you

When cigarette butts are discarded on the ground, many of the toxic chemicals will leach out of the cigarette and will run in to the lakes and oceans. Chemicals in cigarette butts easily leach out of the butts, and are deadly to small but important animals that live in most freshwater lakes and streams as →

An international entry mode is an institutional agreement

Further to the issues discussed above, no matter which of three of the export modes the manufacturer uses in a market, it is important to think about what level of ' mindshare' the manufacturer occupies in the mind of the export partner, as there has been a strong proven correlation between mindshare levels and how →

Bu340 managerial finance 1

For example, if partner A and B contribute and of the capital respectively, limited partnership dictates that partner A is liable for only the initial contribution.). Inflation is an increase in the price of goods and services over a certain period of time.

How i became me

Even though the novel The Catcher in the Rye is set in the fifties, I can still relate to the protagonist, as well as others around his age, because of the lingo. The reason this novel is so good is the incredible insights the author uses, which connects the reader to the characters in a →

Benefits of using hypnosis

The aim of this paper is to identify the benefits of using hypnosis in various fields. This study of Mesmer started the propagation of hypnosis towards the end of the first half of the 19th century.

What is financial planning

The objective of financial planning is * To ensure that the right amount of money is available in right hands at right point of time in the future to achieve the desired goals and objectives. Research Methodology The main investigation of the study is to identify the degree of awareness about financial planning and how →

Barilla operations case

Our overall recommendation is that a JITD delivery system is premature, and instead we recommend building a new information management system to resolve the information bottleneck between customer and the manufacturer and align incentives at each stage in the supply chain to reduce inventories. The causes of the fluctuating demand The underlying causes include customer →

Ahad ha’am’s idea of the spiritual center

He is also known as the founder of Cultural Zionism and strived for " a Jewish state and not merely a state of Jews". Louis Jacobs, Ahad Ha-Am: Leader of Cultural Zionism, The Jewish Religion: A Companion, Oxford University Press.

California science center

These zones are: the Extreme Zone, the ForestZone, the River Zone, the Island Zone, the Rot Room, the Global Zone, the L.A. The Island Zone is a zone dedicated to evolution and adaptation by the animals that live there.

Incidences of sexual harassment: cases from nortern cyprus

Financial loss is a major consequence of sexual harassment to organizations, and it is more expensive to ignore the problem of sexual harassment than to provide training to the employees and employers, or students as the case may be. 1 Rationale for the Study In the course of carrying out a study on the incidences →