Genuine Research Paper Examples

What are your primary and secondary vals categories?

As mentioned in the results, I like to have variety in my life. It is accurate in the sense that it reflects some of the key features of my personality, such as enthusiastic and impulsive behavior, preference to variety and excitement.

Reaction toward formation of malaysia

REACTIONS TOWARDS THE FORMATION OF MALAYSIA The proposal for the formation of the federation of Malaysia aroused various reactions from various segments whitin each of the potential Member State as well as neighbouring countries. Third, the was a ready a plan for MAPHILINDO, a loose confederation of Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Eastern religious philosophy quotes

To pretend to know when you do not know is a disease." He believed that even the wisest if humans is still ignorant, and this quote show some reflection on that thought process. I feel that this quote is related to karma in a way.

Statistics cheat sheets

What analysis would you use to test the hypothesis that VIZIER credit card customers get more bonus points than customers of Extraterrestrials credit cards? What analysis would you use to test the hypothesis that flavored peanuts make people buy more drinks than normal salted nuts do?

Research update

Cognitive-behavioral therapy can overcome obstacles with emphasis on education and addressing the disorder that presents including a strong emotional support, developing a collaborative environment, identifying the thoughts and assumptions that maintain maladaptive behavior patterns.c) the article mentioned above, is highly productive in the research project, because it shows clearly part of the origins of disorders →

Michel foucault and john locke

This idea of the private sphere outside of the public life and of the center of the private activities have forced some political thinkers to take part in theoretical discussions regarding the separation of the public and private spheres. This is demonstrated in the Second Treaties of Government, in which Locke offers three different realms: →

9 tips for public speaking

The reason you are up there to give a speech is to have the audience listen to you, and to achieve that you must first gain their trust with your confidence. This is the time to gain more trust of your audience by showing your expertise.

Massacre of the dreamers

Ana Castillo, the author of " Massacre of the Dreamers: Essays on Xicanisma" explores the 500-year old roots of Chicanofeminismin America. Her collection of short essays dedicated to the issues of Xicanisma is aimed to denouncediscrimination, the stereotypes and exploitation of Chicanos in the U.S.

Harry houdini’s most mind-bending quotes

Related: " I am Houdini and you are a fraud!" " The eating of burning brimstone is an entirely fake performance"." The greatest escape I ever made was when I left Appleton, Wis"." The easiest way to attract a crowd is to let it be known that at a given time and a given place →

Missing the target

The article asks the question, ' can the town continue to use racial targeting to close the achievement gap?' Is that what is going on? The question in the article is about closing the achievement gap and that is not being addressed or answered in this article.

Holocaust drama stimulus

Brandon is much higher then the rest, this shows that Brandon has higher authority and is a much important member of the family, they have used height arrangements in a clever way as the audience can quickly spot out who has higher authority within the family.2. I think this really worked well as saying it →

Turn of the screw

In Turn of the Screw, the governess ' s attitude while around Miles is flirtatious and almost inappropriate; and she uses him to fill the void of the children's beloved uncle whom she lusts for. Grose is not significantly talkative, it is difficult to form a conclusion about her opinion of the children and the →

La haine and sans toit ni loi

In this case it is the banlieue that is their prison, it is this space that is excluding them from the rest of society and thus alienating them.'La Haine is constructed around the opposition between Paris and the banlieue The exclusion and enclosure that this group of friends faces appears to have forced them to →

Why do teenagers need to have fun

But what you do not know, teenagers like us need to have fun and there are many advantages of having fun. First, teenagers need to have fun because having fun can enhance their social skills.

Research paper on namesecond secretary at (protocol department)kingdom of saudi arabia ministry of

I have been continuously upgrading my knowledge and will bring in all the learning and insights that I have gained through these experiences into the job. These different organizations that I have worked with have helped me improve my organizational skills, attention to minute details and the accuracy and speed of my work.

Mary ainsworth

In 1942 Ainsworth joined the Canadian Women's Army Corp, and after serving as a counselor in the Army for four years, she came back to the University of Toronto and gained the position assistant professor. Mary Ainsworth's research and contributions are still important to the study of psychology today.

Sherman alexie the absolutely true diary of a part time indian

The first part is when Junior still go to school in wellpinit without any friend except Rowdy, and the second part is when Junior start going to Reardan and mingle with the white kids. This three event lead Junior to the answer about his identity that he is both Indian and white or as Rowdy →

Marvel comics research paper

The US remained unbiased but it was already taking the first steps towards the Manhattan Project and the making of the nuclear bomb. It survived the opposition to comics in the '50s.

Research paper on polio

Besides the major spread of this disease is caused because of the contaminated stool. But there were rumours about the president that he was besides affected by this disease called the infantile paralysis in which he was addicted to the drugs and sexually impotent and needed heterosexual jacket all the clip.

Research principles and practice of cloud computing

It is in view of this, that this research would examine the present adoption state of cloud-based database technologies and their uses, analyse the issues involved in moving data from local infrastructure to different cloud-based DBMS, perform an experiment to differentiate performance prospects of the alternative cloud-based DBMS, present the findings and make recommendations on →

To toll or not to toll

On the contrary, tollgates are also criticized as the bottlenecks of traffic as vehicles lined up at the maximum or minimum performance of the tollkeepers. Discussions It has been earlier reported in the 1980s that the removal of toll booths in the State of Connecticut have subsequently attributed to several road accidents that accounted about →

Alternative solutions

To develop alternative solutions for the LEI and Shang-wa merger, two mergers were benchmarked for this analysis, the Chrysler-Daimler-Benz merger of 19XX, and the Renault and Nissan merger of 1999. The three solutions were evaluated against four criteria: How does this consider and mitigate cross border issues?

Pierre bourdieu professor of sociology

His La Misere du monde, first published in volume in 1993 and in paperback in 1998, turned out to be a bestseller in France and a main source of politicalmotivationto the movement, both in the original and in its English translation as The Weight of the World. Bourdieu's reputation as a sociological thinker revolves around →

How to learn english

Tip #1- Make Sure You WANT to Learn One of the first tips that can help you out if you want to know how to learn English effectively is to make sure that you really want to learn this language. No matter the reason you are motivated to learn this language, you need to understand →

Advancements in festival management research

First and repeat festival visitors were found to be significantly different with respect to the two factors of excitement and novelty. The study examined the applicability of a motivation scale commonly used by festival studies to the Jerash Festival for Culture and Arts in Jordan.

Research paper (predicting the number of internet users)

In this case, one misgiving is that there is no indication of the data being used for the sole purpose of the research as it should according to the tenets of research ethics. In this case, the researcher used all the explanatory variables in the initial model and used the backwards which eliminates the variables →

The classical plays of tony harrison

The continual allusions to the opposition his poetry has faced, and his subsequent under confidence, can have said to have led to a need for the reassurance of the canon: using the models of other poets to validate the worth of his own poetry. Alternatively, Harrison may feel that the only way to express the →

Letter of complaint

Your company'sfailureto deliver the giant teddy bear to be sent to my niece before December 24, 2011 is extremely important because my niece has cancer and this will be her last Christmas, I spent extramoneyon shipping, and I was told a certain time the gift would arrive and it was not received on those days. →

Legacy of the kazakh khanate in the political culture and traditions

When the last khan Taukekhan died, the power had deputed to the number of steppe khans and each of them was at the head of separate groups of Kazakhs and the territories Kazakh khanate existed up to 1716. At that time the process of disintegration and decay had began and the end of this process →

Chapter 1- introduction to electronic commerce

Describe three factors that would cause a company to continue doing business in traditional ways and avoid electronic commerce.* Traditional commerce is a better way to sell items or services when personal selling skills are a factor, as in commercial real estate sales; or when the condition of the products is difficult to determine without →

Audit in private and public sector

Not the last but the least, the audit companies will invest to increase thecommunicationwith private companies, in order to contribute in proper and right annual financial statements.* Significance of research The audit will determine the need for internal control in company, which increase reliability of financial system in company. In this research, the implementation of →

Philippines and mayor vice mayor

Ferdinand Magellan A Portuguese born leader of five Spanish ships, stumbled onto islands in 1521 in his search for the lucrative spices of the Indies Enrique Slave of Magellan who returned to Spain to complete the first circumnavigation of the globe Reduccion Barangays were coaxed or coerced into towns organized around a newly built church →

Biological and psychological basis of learning and memory

Learning and Memory Learning and Memory Memory can be referred to as the procedure by which information is first en d, stored and then retrieved when need be in psychological terms. Information can be stored by an individual without them necessarily understanding the meaning of the information they have stored and thus it cannot be →

Culture, traditions and religious beliefs of japan

According to the Japanese culture, mythology and folklore, the Sugawara no Michizane is the proper name for the Tenjin, the indigenous spiritual force that is also known as the personification and the embodiment of the ideal Japanese scholar, politician and poet. As another name for Sugawara no Michizane, Tenjin stands for both sky and deity, →

The good life

It's like the story of a good tale that always end with a man who can never tell his story is like a book which has been open for just one look, So like any other fairy tale A wish comes true The poor pathetic life of a blacksmith turns into a heroic life of →

Relative reactivity of alkyl halides

The purpose of the experiment was to identify the effects that the alkyl group and the halide-leaving group have on the rates of SN1 reactions, and the effect that the solvent has on the rates of SN1 and SN2 reactions. The reactants favored in the SN2 mechanism are the opposite of the SN1 reaction.the primary →

Health and hygiene

The cooking and eating area should be preferably elevated. The kitchen surface and the floor should be regularly cleaned.

The economic effects of a world without oil

The Doomsday Scenario The impact of declining oil availability depends on whether the alternatives to oil materialize. It is hoped that the alternatives to oil will be more environmentally friendly and help to reduce carbon emissions.

Enhancing the ability to think strategically

Enhancing the Ability to Think Strategically Enhancing the Ability to Think Strategically Summary The central research problem of the Casey and Goldman's article, Enhancing the ability to think strategically: A learning model was on the importance of strategic thinking in enhancing organizational performance. Another major strength of the article is the effectiveness in the communication.

Case aironic

The advantage to Aironic of having a core competency cannot be undisputed according to the information in the case. It is the right kind of opportunity Aironic has at hand and should be exploited to the maximum.

A parent’s dilemma

But the relationship and the values that children gather is more on witnessing the adult that they are spending a majority of their time in a day. From my experience, some babysitters tend to be warm and nice in front of my parents and start to change course of mood the moment the car is →

Serial killers as heroes in popular culture

Then you will find you have their strict attention." This is a prime example as to why the media can get, and keep the attention of their audience when it comes to being a serial killer. On the other hand, it could be that they just need the ratings to keep their show going and →

Lonely heart

Cope focuses on loneliness and the search for love in several of her poems " Lonely Hearts" and " Bloody Men" focus on the search for and the difficulty of finding love and " Rondeau Redouble" which tells of what happens when one the narrator meets the wrong man. To have loved so deeply and →

Token economy

The first is the beginning phase of the purpose of the supervisor. Jim is now in the facilitative confrontation phase, problems have began to surface and Jim hears complaining, with the incident of no one being there when he needed Jim will need to sit and discuss his role with the staff and their issues →

In an era where magazines are failing, how does fhm maintain its audience?

The magazine is published monthly and changed its name to FHM this being the abbreviated version of ' For Him Magazine' this is probably to gain the audience attention as they can print these letters bigger and bolder which a generic convention that FHM uses. In 2002 according to New York Business Wire, " FHM →

Technology impact on family time

The impact of Technology to our real life is time on family. That means applications of computer not effect on family time and relationship.

Gross domestic product – pakistan economy

The Macro Economics final report on the GDP and GNP trends of Pakistan since 1990 has got everything about the crusts and troughs of the Pakistan economy. The reason for writing this report is to have a look at the trends in Pakistan economy and comparison of it with the world's economy for a look →

While a kestrel for a knave begins with a sense of hope

Unfortunately for readers it becomes apparent that the novel and film is about Billy's inevitable defeat and the tragedy of this is increased by the fact that both page and screen adaptations of A Kestrel for a Knave undeniably begin with a sense of hope which is seen when Billy speaks to Mr Farthing's class →

Social structure theory paper

The people of Queens, New York, felt that it was wrong for Doyle and his two friends to have killed Mr. River's life was taken and his death left a toll in the city of Queens, New York.

Frederick douglass and his incredible life research paper

It is hard to ignore the fact that most of the historic events that took place in the USA up to the middle of the XX century were carried out by white men; slavery, a monstrous stain on the nation's history, did not allow any of the African American population make the least change to →

Program improvement opportunities

Monitoring the program and raising questions regarding the progress of program implementation and the consequences of the program not being implemented as intended. Program evaluations can assist program managers in refining and improving their program with a description of how the program is functioning.

How to determine your saas business’ cost of acquisition

A simple way to calculate your customer acquisition cost is by dividing the total cost of sales and marketing by the number of customers you acquired. Related: The added benefit to reducing customer-acquisition cost and increasing customer lifetime value is that it can help your valuation.

Religion and theology: lord krishna

Religion and Theology: Lord Krishna " To deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I Myself appear, millennium after millennium" Lord Krishna, in The Bhagwad Gita: Chapter 2, verse 47 Lord Krishna, is one of the most revered deities in Hinduism, and is regarded as →

The presidio san elizario

The group traveled for weeks across the desert until it reached the banks of the Rio Grande River near the San Elizario area. The small town of San Elizario is named after the French Saint Elcear, the French patron saint of the military.

Lifeguarding: swimming pool and associates professional lifeguard

The first step in how to be an Ellis and Associates professional lifeguard is to pass all the prerequisites. The second step in how to be an Ellis and Associates lifeguard is to learn the variety of rescues.

Lord woolf’s reforms

As research for the Department of Consumer Affairs on the pre-Woolf litigation landscape demonstrates that: * 50% - 83% of defended cases in the county courts were personal injury claims * overall at least 75% of cases were within the small claims or fast track financial limit; in most courts this figure was 85% or →

Management research project and presentation

The first stage of the marketing research process is to establish where the organisation is at the present time, to act as a baseline for comparisons and something on which the marketing research can build. At the heart of this situation analysis is the identification of critical success factors and distinctive competencies, which are the →

Life and faith of flannery o’connor in her short stiries

In most of her stories, there is the feeling of coldness, dispassionate, violence and a bit of starkness. In all her stories in the publication, " A good man is hard to find" there is evidence of God being the main subject.

Designing an havc system in a skyscraper’s project

The selection of equipment for heating, cooling and ventilating the school building is a complex design decision that must balance a great many factors, including heating and cooling needs, energy efficiency, humidity control, potential for natural ventilation, adherence to codes and standards, outdoor air quantity and quality, indoor air quality, and cost. Outdoor Air Quantity →

Abstract somnambulism

Somnambulism, commonly known as sleepwalking, is a parasomnia that has sixdiagnosticcriteria that must be met according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV. Courts have acknowledged the excuse of somnambulism to declare an individual innocent of their crime.

Government spending and revenues in america and china

As a result, it is meaningful to compare the government spending and revenues in China and America. In spite of the analysis of government revenues's size, maybe the structure of the revenues is more attractive and more significant.

My life, my favorites

I would like to think I spend most of my time wisely, but I have been known to get carried away withstress-free activities such as shopping, socializing and watching my kids' sporting events. I am most likely partaking in a social activity that is for the betterment of my sanity.

Option contract

If the price of the stock at the expiration day is over the exercise price by more than the premium price paid he will have profit. And if the price of the stock at the expiration is lower than the exercise price, the call contract will expire of no value, and only will lose the →

How to write a swot research analysis

For starters, you want to write out a detailed description of the company that you are going to be: Discussing researching and analyzing Find research online What that means is you want to get all the details you can on the company. What you are going to look for is any opportunity that they may →

Research design and mythology

The hope is to combine these methods and research findings to create and instructive and comprehensive platform to make the necessary changes in order to provide true equal opportunities for women in political and professionals sectors. It is very easy to find a number of women in different stages of their career to maintain the →

Corrigendum: mare incognitum : a glimpse into future plankton diversity and ecology research

The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Still i rise

In " Still I Rise" Maya Angelou is the speaker and the audience is the white race who has oppressed her in the past and doubted her future. Maya Angelou's experiences growing up during a racist era in history and the struggles of her past African American ancestors contributed to the tone in " Still →

The person i admire

When Barack was ten he returned to Hawaii to live with his grandparents - where in 1979 he graduated from High School and then moved to New York City to graduate at Columbia University in PoliticalScience. Another reason why I admire Obama is because he opposes the war in Iraq.

Planning of growth and long term employment

What this means is that, while top management and the members of the board may be taking a more tangential view of profitability, there is someone in the organization looking at the price of goods in the marketplace, the cost of making goods on the factory floor, and the inventory of finished goods in the →

The day i will always remember

I knew from the moment that I heard it was confirmed to happen that it really was going to be something special, after all it is the greatest DJ on the planet playing in my favourite club on the planet. Then the night as always in the Met came to an end far too early →

Young people enjoy life more than older people

Young people enjoy life more than older people do If we consider the life of a human as a movie of ours, then we can divide those 3 hours of time as 3 ages.2. Similarly in the IANAL stage of life we will have money and time but no energy.

The edocrine system

Hormones are chemicals in the body produced and secreted in the body that regulate the function of a particular tissue or organ. The pituitary gland is moderately small and is located at the base of the brain beneath the produced hormones that control other endocrine glands within the body.

More technology more problems

However, there are many people who see the advantages of technology.first of all, the products of new technologies like electronic devices are very makes the world become smaller.for instance 3G people connected at all times and in all places.ecnology put enjoable materials to our lifes like smart phones; tablets or even mp3 players.and Companies →

Bio-psychosocial model of health and illness

This is an attempts to move away from a simple linear model of health, to assess the effects of the combination of factors involved in illness, that is; biological, psychological and social/environmental. The biopsychosocial model of understanding diseases and illnesses is also similar to the World Health Organization's definition of health ' a state of →

Qnt final

Let's perform a statistical test of the difference between two proportions at the 0. Explanation: The z is of -1.

Various utilization and preparation of rice bran

In a study of " processing of rice bran and its utilization in food products" by Shweta Bhosale, it stated there that the rice bran was safe from microbes, pesticide residue, heavy metals, and was stabilized by microwave heating. Rice bran oil is rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats and free of trans-fats.

The medusa and the snail mistakes

Although some people do use their past mistakes to learn and grow as a person, not all are this wise. It is hard to make such a hasty generalization such as all people learn by " trial and error", and expect it to be accurate.

Research of the tingunee essay

Upon my return, I will hope to be the first person to have a basic understanding of the Tingunee culture. After I have been a part of the Tingunee culture, I then will be able to further analyze and document what I have learned and give an account for my findings.

Non monetary system of reward

Complete delegation of power and authority may lead to its misuse and misuse of the company's resources thus this method of reward system may be undesirable. The share ownership method of reward helps in creating a sense of ownership and workers are bound to work harder as they become owners of the organization.

Cloud computing

Cloud computing is very cost efficient as it is very easy to maintain and use. Cloud computing has made it very easy to access Information but one of the biggest flaws Is that It does not provide with a lot of space.

Economy and its types

It is the sum sum of the ingestion, distribution, production in a state, which measures that how an economic system is. This type of an economic system is the mixture of planned and market economy.

The mixtape

Lonely Akon In the song the singer's girlfriend runs away and now he is lonely and his whole life has come crashing down, and " he has nobody to call his own." This song relates to the theme of Holden's loneliness. Use Somebody- Kings of Leon In this song the singer talks about how lonely →

Islamic religion and culture

The culture of the religion adheres to the laws and the doctrines of the Islamic movement. A good example is that all Muslims believe in the existence of one God who is the creator of heavens and earth.

Fdi and economic growth

One of the major methods of increasing the technology is by foreign direct investment. Thus one thing is what is well known s that foreign direct investment is essential element when it comes to the growth of a nation.

Zach galifianakis

I think he is exstremely funny and when he acts in movies or tv shows he acts like a child, that's why I like him, he reminds me of me. Today he is forty years old and famous actor that has his future in front of him.

Three potentail topics for final project

The results will be helpful to predict the number and the severity of the natural disasters. The research question is " has the number and the severity of the natural disasters significantly increased with the climate change?

A breadwinner rethinks gender roles

This would be a good thing according to conflict theorists, who believe that the male exploitation of women is detrimental to society; any sort of exploitation of rich to poor, male to female, must be deconstructed." A Breadwinner Rethinks Gender Roles" supports the rising number of traditional gender roles being reversed in today's society. The →

The absolute true diary of a part time indian

It shows that Arnold does not have that much confidence in himself and he believes Indians are treated the way they are because they deserve to be. This shows how Indians have lost all hope for themselves and that's probably why they do not even ry to make their lives better, because no matter what →

Family and tan ling wei

I was so young and I did not know how to place my legs on the passenger seat, consequently I hurt my foot by getting it trapped in the bicycle wheel. The reason why am I so boyish is because when I was a toddler, I mixed mostly with my cousin brothers.

Eva’s print shop

Eva's - - Print Shop: tripled bottom line operates as a social business and a corporate structure divided in terms of it's two businesses some horizontal connection between the teams but not a clear functional structure hybrid between functional and divisional innovative features: social business integrating the production and the teaching business side bringing inmoneyto →

Mammal classified

These are the most familiar mammals to people, and it is also the largest subclass. While all mammals reproduce sexually and have live young, the gestational periods are different in different classes.

A memorable journey

My first day of the trip contained making sure we had the everything we needed packed in our bags. The sound and light show, which is in front of the Star Metro Deira Hotel is a splendid and colorful experience.

Current trends in tourism

According to Giorgos Mamalos press advisor of the Greek embassy said:" Greece is certainly going through a crisis, but this has no significant impact on security and tourism." Let us have a look on airlines. To sum up, in the past few years has been a global economy and political crisis which has affected on →

Comparative analysis between two different firms in two different countries

The paper shows the financial performance of Ford Motor India and Pak Suzuki in the year 2010 and the political, social, legal and ethical issues that both these companies face in their respective operating countries. The biggest challenge for both Ford India Private Motor Company would be to produce cheap cars in the region in →

Neo-human relations

The Human Resources function in this case would not just be to try and motivate the workers but also to encourage Directors and below to be supportive of their staff. Beyond the details of air, water, food, and sex, he laid out five broader layers: the physiological needs, the needs for safety and security, the →

Nursing care plan & basic conditioning

Starting occupation: Patient has been a Title Researcher for two years, she claims that it is just a job to pay the bills.6. 0 WNR Potassium 4.3 3.