Genuine Research Paper Examples

Small vs large organisation

It is composed of two or more people but the actual number and the way in which they are organised into groups vary from one organisation to another therefore creating the differences between small and large organisations. It will cover both advantages and disadvantages of small and large organisations in business respects and will argue →

My hometown

What is the geography of your hometown? What is the best season in your hometown?

Forces that drives growth in international trade

FORCES THAT DRIVES GROWTH IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE Affiliation Forces that drive growth in international trade According to Van & Lewer, international trade is performing better in the modern times than the past decades and it is projected to get even better in the days ahead. Many of the driving forces that have kept international trade →

How to grow your affiliate website business

You need to take a close look at the company that you want to partner with, and whether or not it's likely to have longevity. Since content will be a significant part of your marketing and sales strategy, you need to ensure that it is of high quality.

Maalouf – leo africanus: overview

As he comes of age, he shows a remarkable ability to observe and understand the peoples and places he encounters a gift he sharpens when, as a teenager, he accompanies his rich, well-connected uncle on a diplomatic excursion to Timbuktu. Hedreamshis entire life of his birthplace and the words of a visiting delegation from the →

How to steal a million dollars

He accepted the job with Carlton Chemical and he was on the track to excel and have a greatcareer. He had the ability to look at the problem and see the solution.

Mexican cuisine

It is known for its varied flavors, colorful decoration, and variety of spices and ingredients, many of which are native to the country. The north of Mexico is known for its beef, goat and ostrich production and meat dishes, in particular the well-known arrachera cut.

History of computing: alan turing, the father of computer science research paper example

Alan Turing was born in the year 1912, and he lived in a time way before the age of the domination of computers. During the investigation period it was discovered by the police that, apparently, Turing and one of the accomplices in the break-in have met before; in a homosexual encounter.

Disney: the decision

Eisner was of the view that the project had to go on. So it was best in the interests of the company that Eisner decided not to go ahead with the building of the Disney America theme park.

The golden age of hollywood

Harmonizing to Maltby, " the thought of " the classical" implies theobservationof regulations of composing and aesthetic organisation that produce integrity, balance, and order in the ensuing artwork". After the attending was given to this fact, in early 1930's, The Code was written by a group of Hollywood executives, The Motion Picture Producers and Distributors →

Music is education

We must not allow them to pull the teaching of music out of our school curriculums because music is an essential form of communication. Our children do not have to be fluent in the arts to receive the value of broad exposure to the different musical dialogues.

Iq tests and the iq scores

Gardner recognized that although reading and the ability to do math are important, they are not the only forms of intelligence that a person may possess. Gardner is not the only person to recognize that there are other types of intelligence besides verbal skill and mathematical ability.

Supply and demand and larger societal forces

The macroenvironment consists of the larger societal forces that affect the microenvironment demographic, economic, natural, technological, political and cultural forces." We stated on this website that marketing was about meeting needs and providing benefits and the customer should be the central focus of the business. The companies marketing environment can be defined as the 'controllabe →

Experience and perception of space

It will be ideal for the user to deduce to a percept after sing the infinite through interaction of the senses and apprehension of the surrounding in world. Appreciating the infinite by fluxing in and out of infinites accelerates and give rise to a perceptual experience that is non formed or shaped by a different →

Transform dark days into opportunity

The better action to take is to remain as calm as possible. Whether personal or trying to work with a client, the first step is to figure out where the discontent originates.

The gift of life

Today, I am going to tell you why you should become an organ donor and perhaps save the life of one or more of these people. There s no cost to the family of the donor, and most religions do support organ donation.

Land use changes

The greater the accessibility of a location, the lower the economic cost of movement in terms of distance, time and convenience the greater the comparative advantage and the greater the demand for property in the location. 4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The outcome of this study is expected to create awareness for Lagos state Government →

Research on the memory of infants and toddlers

The infants of such ages were chosen due to the fact that infants in the second half of the first year are able to attain information about the shape of an object precisely and able to distinguish an object visually. The study found out that under all conditions, the 12-month-olds infants were able to display →

Where there’s a will there’s a way

Minner English 1301 9 November 2012 Where There's a Will, There's a Way Many people who are physically challenged have accomplished a lot during their lifetime, proving that they are not " handicapped". Steven Hawking, most famous for his book A Brief History of Time, used a voice synthesizer to dictate his books and conduct →

Product complexity defination

For example, it modified of old products through the similarity of the components and the function of the products. In the literature, the levels of the products are product categories, the portfolio of a firm offering, and extend of the product components level.

Research on fitness programme for employees

Coronary heart diseases have been found to be a major cause of death in the United States, and this can in a way attributed to the inactivity of the citizens and less participation in fitness activities. All these problems, in turn, lead to health problems of the workers and in turn, leads to low productivity →

Driving age should be raised

Homework should be banned because it just is not useful and wastes time. Homework is pointless because kids do enough work in school and they do not need more.

Organizational level outputs

Skype is a new Microsoft Division, which provides low cost fee calls to landlines and mobile phone not registered within Skype, using the Peer to Peertechnologyand its latest version which has the capability to support nearly any computer operating system including mobile device with the ability to connect to the internet, giving the user the →

Comparing and contrasting good and evil research paper

The essay is a critical examination of how evil and good are portrayed in two literatures; Shakespeare's The Tempest and Poe's The Fall of the House of Usher. From the review of the two stories, The Tempest and The Fall of the House of Usher, it is evident that the theme of evil and good →

High scope in education

There are a few characteristics in the High Scope environment that are a necessity, these being: a welcoming room for the children, it must also provide enough materials for all of the children, it must encourage different types of play, and last but not least the room should provide materials that reflect the diversity of →

Phase 1 – intro to economic thinking

The reason I feel this way is because as the prices increase a lot of people would not be able to pay for the services. Discuss the issue of health care in the context of the following microeconomic concepts: Marginal analysis Marginal analysis in the health care industry for example would be if you were →

Introduction to research methodology

The research methodology applied for the purposes of this study covered areas like research design, population of study, sampling technique, data collection method, data analysis method and limitations. According to Mugenda and Mugenda, target population is the members of a real or hypothetical set of people, events or objects the researcher wishes to generalize the →

Chapter research

The properties that we will find In kamala will make a strong reason for this study to be 100% successful. Now, the researchers will make a new use of zamias extract and that is as an alternative dishwashing liquid.

Assess reasons

However, both camps would agree that she was, without question, one of the most controversial prime ministers the UK has seen, and her economic policies were at the heart of that controversy. Opponents, on the other hand, argued that this had more to do with the descent of the UK economy into recession during Thatcher's →

The war to save a nation

In the article " Justifying sacrifice: Barack Obama and the selling and ending of the war in Afghanistan" Trevor McCrisken goes on to say In order to 'sell' the renewed effort to bring the Afghanistan campaign to 'a successful conclusion', Obama has drawn heavily on the idea of 'sacrifice' by emphasizing in his rhetorical defence →

Kabir das

Kabir chose instead to live the balanced life of a householder and mystic, a tradesman and contemplative.[edit] Philosophies Kabir was influenced by the prevailing religious mood of his times, such as old Brahmanic Hinduism, Hindu and Buddhist Tantrism, the teachings of Nath yogis and the personal devotionalism of South India mixed with the imageless God →

Tok – art as an area of knowledge

However today irrational exuberance of the contemporary art market is about the breeding ofmoneyand have lost the fertility of art. It is how the audience reciprocates to it, and perceives it is what is important.

Why is autumn the best season?

Autumn, the only season where you can watch the multicolored leaves fall and the unique chirping of birds in the fall. Halloween is also a special holiday in the fall.

Limiting the use of technology

The Internet is one of the many forms of technology we use on a day-to-day basis, and it can be very helpful or very distracting. Time management is one of the biggest problems we face when technology is in our day-to-day focus and priority.

The impacts of economics crisis in indonesia

In order to cover the budget deficit, the Indonesian government asked the assistance from the International Monetary Fund. Due to this, The Central Bank has to print newmoneyfor injection and bailing out the insolvent banks caused by the rush.

A bump on tobacco road

It is a landmark case on the massive efforts of different groups and individuals to educate the youth on the health risks of smoking. If they will be hooked on their youth on smoking, it will be difficult for them to quit smoking while growing, and this means a big sum ofmoneyfor the cigarette companies.

Similarities and differences in sociological theories of crime

It is this conflict and the resulting laws regulating what is criminal and what is not that is ultimately the cause of crime. Where social conflict theory and social disorganization theory view the causes of crime on a group level, rational choice theory says that crime is caused on an individual level.

Three quantitive forecasting

A series of questions are presented to the consumer about a particular product or service. It is conducted in writing so it allows the participants to respond at their convenience within a prescribed period of time.c.

How to hold a conference people love

There are, of course, plenty of exceptions to that rule, but we have found that it's best to keep events focused entirely on the content, the speakers and the attendees. Considering the attendees will help focus the purpose of the conference and allow you to truly create an event that's in the best interest of →

What to do if someone alleges they are being abused

Do not ask leading questions Refer You may need to make a referral to another agency Identify ways to ensure that evidence of abuse is preserved If this is a potential crime scene, must be very careful not to destroy any potential evidence. If it's too difficult to make a complaint, people will not complain →

Coca-cola is everything: scm, crm, collaboration, you name it

When an organization is that big, has that sort of worldwide presence, and boasts what is perhaps the most well-known brand ever, you can bet that a multitude of IT systems are constantly churning in the background, not only keeping the organization running, but also keeping in running ahead of the competition. As Jean-Michel Ares, →


However, the nature of the duck in AFLAC's commercials makes the surface theme of the duck recognizable and that's why AFLAC's commercials with the duck are so popular and has been a big reason why AFLAC has been a solid company over the years. Moreover, in the strengths of this company, it also has to →

Gaas, gagas and pcaob auditing standards

For example, all auditing standards serve as a regulatory tool, prescribing the process to be followed by auditors, and determining what is to be scrutinized in the financial statements, internal control processes and management performances. The competency and sufficiency of evidence reviewed needs to be assured so that the auditor and others can form a →

Electrical and electronics engineering

An imprint of the brush, signs of arcing or uneven wear indicate the need to remove the motor from service and repair or replace the rings. As long as the oil is clean and light in colour, the only requirement is to fill the cavity to the proper level with the oil recommended by the →

The corporate culture between the public and the private sectors

The corporate culture is in a sense, a product of national culture and therefore a set of values and signs shared by the majority of employees. Another deference between the two sectors is shown in the system of remuneration, the latter is fixed by the state according to a pay scale with " assurance maladie →

The effects of substrate concentration, reaction time and enzyme concentration on enzyme reactions

The purpose of the experiments is to determine the effects of substrate concentration, reaction time and enzyme concentration on the direction of an enzyme reaction. The interaction of phosphate with the glucosidic bond results in the formation of glucose-1-phosphate and the loss of a chain unit in starch.

Examine the way in which bluetooth integration functions with wi-fi modems

This mobile is Bluetooth enabled and have a special designed software that helps to connect another Bluetooth enabled device and transmits data to that device. The aim is to design and build a plug-and-play Bluetooth interface that connects Bluetooth enabled phones with a doctors surgery using a designated patients email address.

Load shading crisis in nepal

Nepal was grappling with the problem of flood in the first week of August 2008, with resultant loss of life and limb as well as property in the hilly areas and Terai of the west Nepal. However, looking at the magnitude of power deficit, it is not difficult to see that even with this project →

Based on andres serrano’s “piss christ” can art ever push social?

There are evidences in the history of the greatest art in the world: Michelangelo's " The Creation of Adam"; " Last Supper" by Leonardo Da Vinci and many others. But the question is can a society living in medieval to overleap its social and cultural point of view?

Main events of world war 2

The attack on Pearl Harbour was a horrific ordeal because it was a surprising attack on the U. The attack was in Hawaii on the morning of December 7, 1941.

What is the gospel?

This paper will discuss the content of the gospel, the fallacies in the presentation of the gospel and the fallacies in stating the content of the gospel.II. The Gospel The message of the gospel is the heart of the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ and of His church.

Life of a gladiator

Even though they were sure to be killed for the enjoyment of Ancient Roman citizens, Ancient Roman Gladiators lived a life of luxury. Slaves, criminals, and prisoners of war were all forced to be Gladiators in the Ancient Roman Empire, but the wealth and glory of becoming a Gladiator appealed to many free men.

Contracts procurement

It is managers who supervise and monitor teams and in which case, managers need to possess team building skills which are very critical to be an effective team manager or entrepreneur. Whether success orfailure, credit for the sunrise or sunset is always for the manager and it is believed that team members are able to →

Living together is not wrong

The reason is people in this era have been changed the concept of marriage and living together. Therefore, I strongly agree with the statement " There is nothing wrong with people living together before they get married".

Correlation regression and chi square

Use the equation to find the predicted value of Y for each of the following X scores: 0, 2, 5, 8, 10 F = 7x 2 F = 7 2 = 0 2 = -2 F = 7 2 = 14 2 = 12 F = 7 2 = 35 2 = 33 F = →

How will ‘brangelina’ divide their millions? and who gets the winery?

Because Jolie and Pitt are two of the most famous people on the planet and own a variety of complex assets, their case presents all the complexities of a high-profile. A monied spouse shows up with a business appraisal that is convenient for the divorce: " The business is not doing very well, and it →

Do you agree with the statement that america has no culture?

With the fall of the Soviet Union the USA became the solesuperpower, and although it is suffering from many domestic and foreign problems, it still has a huge influence on the world' s matters. Cocacola is the most recognised brand in the world and it is a symbol of Americanization and it' s culture.

School of athens by raphael analization

It is one of the greatest paintings in the high Renaissance, and it was painted in one of the greatest most extraordinarily decorated rooms in the Vatican, the name of the room was the Stanza della Segnatura." The school of Athens" was painted by Raphael between 1508 and 1511, and it was right around the →

Security monitoring

So for an organization to make sure that there information is safe and secure they will have to make sure that they have their network secure. Data security is the next step in which an organization needs to take to make sure that their whole system is safe and secure from the inside out.

James town

They traded with the Powhatan Confederacy forfoodbut that got old, and the Indians later put a stop to the trade for the Englishmen to " Starving Time" in 1609. If the colonists and the Indians had a different start of relationship, there would not be that many people dead.

Issues of faculty training for online courses

A case study in qualitative research is an approach to a research study that allows for the exploration of an issue within the realms through the use of different sets of data sources. Interviewing as qualitative research: A guide for researchers in education and the social sciences.

Noneconomic measures of development

Public Services The quality of public services and the creation of facilities to assure thehealthof the labor force are equally important evidences of national advancement.- Safe drinking water and the sanitary disposal of human waste are particularly important in maintaining human health.- Their accepted presence in the developed world and their general absence in the →

The mighty dung beetle

While the majority of the human population quivers at the thought of ingesting manure, the mighty dung beetle rises to the challenge, and uses the manure in unique ways. After the egg hatches, the baby dung beetle devours the dung and lives in the brood ball until it reaches maturity.

Everybody hates chris

The main character of the TV show is named is Chris and every episode revolves around him and his family. Chris's dad screamed." Well Chris you still owe me $100 dollars and are in a lot of trouble." You can start to see the trend because in the end his dad is upset with him →

Human life cycle

The nuclei of the egg and nuclei of the sperm unite the membrane falls apart and the chromosome mingles which complete fertilization. The beginning of the embryonic stage the of the offspring is called an embryo.

The gifted

It was a day full ofhappinessthat the grantees, though they did not have expensive things to share, and fancy gifts to give, did not fail the children experience the feeling of being loved through sharing with them the Joy and laughter that no amount ofmoneycould ever buy. Barras but it also rough them enlightenment unto →

City vs. country

One lived in the town and the other in the country. A lot of today's ' town mice' such as Maria would be happy to live in the country.

The use of animals in psychological research

The Use of Animals in Psychological research Development in medical science is based largely on experimentation and research and animals have served to be the subjects for this purpose. With the progression of the human understanding, ethics have come into existence and the use of animals in research has been questioned from the ethical →

Is recruiting efforts, promotions, prejudice, and retention of minority officers a source of stress within a law enforcement agency

In this case, the vulnerabilities of the candidate, which makes them to be in a meager position than the rest, who have qualifications and experiences are considered, with the aim of giving such candidates the opportunity, since they cannot compete with the rest effectively, owing to their vulnerabilities. The stress to the enforcement agency occurs →

Demographics paper

The expected growth of the aging population in Louisiana is expected to grow and will have a tremendous impact on our healthcare system in the years to come. However, the future is looking very good for the aging population if the government can provide solutions to the barriers caused from the growth of the aging →

What different views of the duke are presented in acts 1-3?

In the beginning of the play the view of the Duke is formulated to be that he is nice but a little spineless; allowing his streets to be filled with sin, " bawds", " thief's". There is debate however that Lucio is aware that is the Duke and is deliberately making use of this to →

Chapter 4

1 Use of auxiliary sciences * Epigraphy- is study of inscriptions and the art of deciphering them.* Diplomatics- is the science of charters and diplomas includes a knowledge of the practices of chanceries and of the forms used in them.* Paleography- is study of writing.* Philology- determining the date and authenticity.* Archeology, Anthropology, and Prehistory- →

Dead white males & world of warcraft episode of south park

The follies of the digital world are intemperately exaggerated within the text to highlight and reinforce the absurdity of the social and physical sacrifices made by some people in the real world in order to be part of the World of Warcraft. A very visible example of this within the text of ' Make Love →

Traditional and nontraditional litigation

Traditional and Nontraditional Litigation Paper Traditional and Nontraditional Litigation Paper Compare and contrast Traditional litigation procedure is the process of carrying, sustaining and shielding a lawsuit. In traditional litigation process cases, power is based on the strength of the evidence that is represented in court and the party representing the evidence while in alternative dispute →

The effect of a new drug on blood pressure. testing

The z-test is not applicable in this case because it is normally used when the null and alternative hypothesis are stated. The design in this case will be the number of patients to use in the study.

Autism and psychology

Traditionally, that means that these individuals were ostracized, stigmatized and even eliminated for the good of the whole, as the compromised the very fabric of society by proposing to build a group of individuals, somewhat like a cult, that were interconnected forever. In spite of that, Supporters of the theory of mind suggest that people →

Gabriel garcia marquez

Jose Arcadio Buendia was the founder of the innocent city of Macondo where " the world was so recent that many things lacked names." He was a strong coordinator and looked to as a leader. In searching and revealing the truth, Jose Arcadio Buendia corrupted the imagination of the villagers with a correct answer for →

Union and intersection

In the initial stages of the investigation the detectives cannot decide whether this was a robbery gone wrong or a murder the perpetrator tried to disguise into a robbery. The advantage of a local database consists in a much easier access and output which is oftentimes much more relevant to the investigation in 99% of →

Assessment of financial health

In presenting a decision we will first conduct an analysis of the industry, then give a short history of Friendly Cards, Inc, and then examine Friendly's financial statements to determine the financial health of the company. The company believes in the economies of scale of the industry and appears to be establishing a national distribution →

The impact of gender in research

Hyman et al were one of the first to examine the effect gender-of-the interviewer has on the interview process; they found respondents replied differently to male and female researchers. Huddy et al looked at the effect that the gender-of-interviewer had in two surveys, where male and female interviewers were randomly assigned to interview male and →

Sculpture and ralph hicks

On the first visit to Salutation, the lack of sun casts a shadow on the face as it bends forward and faces down, displaying a feeling of sadness. The sculpture with its rhythm of playfulness and kindness, puts a smile on your face if you allowed it to.

Research: buying behaviour and culture

The below Graph is showing that females of age 26-35 and also females of age 18-25 are significant believes that cultural clothes are their identity and the Males of middle age 36-49 and above 50 believes that cultural clothes are their identity. The below graph shows that females of age group 18-25 and age 26-35 →

Econometrics project

The goal of this paper is to estimate the relationship between personal consumption and personal income among all Americans over the past 30 years. However, the model demonstrates that there is an insignificant relationship between personal consumption and the Coincident Index.

Grapevine for business

Taking the analogy further, it is crucial for any organization or business to both thoroughly understand the dynamics of the workplace grapevine, but also to enact policies and procedures which will blunt the possible negative aspects of workplace rumor while simultaneously heightening the positive capacities of the workplace grapevine. Times of uncertainty, anxiety, confusion or →

Marx philosophy and the end of history

It was in the light of economics that he viewed the problems in society and sought to provide a remedy to it. The end of history as envisaged by Marx is not easy to implement in practice.


The next best method to reduce infections in patients who meet the conditions for catheter placement is to limit catheter days by evaluating the reasons for continuing the catheter on a daily basis and removing the catheter at the moment patients no longer meet criteria. Detailed assessments of patients by their nurses during the admission →

Egyptian art: sakhmet

Sesames was associated with the goddesses given the title " Eye of Re" she wore a sun-disk and cobra on her brow, identifying her as the daughter of the sun god Re. In her role as the eye of Re, Sesames was dispatched abroad to destroy Egypt enemies.

The neuroscience and psychophysiology of experience-based decisions: an introduction to the research topic

Investigating the influence of dual processes, Hawes et al.focus on cognitive strategies in a complex decision task and their neural correlates, and their result demonstrate a combination of bottom-up experience-based learning and abstract learning. Contexts that facilitate the relation between frontal processes and behavior, and have been discussed in this Research Topic, include the availability →

Cloning in the media and popular culture

This essay deals with the issues raised in the media by the rapid technological developments of cloning and in particular on the religious beliefs of the uniqueness of life. In order to obtain these stem cells which are genetically identical to the suffer, it is necessary to use the cloning technique, taking the nucleus of →

New urbanism

In spite of the slow population growth of the countryside, the conventional suburban development spreads out to consume large areas of countryside.*Sprawl and its Related Problems* Urban renewal has played a significant role in cities worldwide such as Saint John, New Brunswick, Darlinghurst, New South Wales, Glasgow, Scotland and Bilbao, Spain, Canary Wharf, in London →

Example of researched conducted by goldman sachs regarding the economics and olympics essay

The Goldman Sachs estimate is made on the basis of how each country has productively created a " growth environment" for athletes to become known, the Olympics location and past performance, population. The predictions of Goldman Sachs also recognize that the connection between performance and economic growth may differ between sports.

Suggestions for beautifying the pronunciation of efl learners

This paper consists of the presentation of the factors affecting the pronunciation of EFL learners in Indonesia in language learning and teaching process and also it suggests some necessary techniques for the solution of these factors. Introduction One of the general objectives in the foreign language teaching, maybe the most important one, is to teach →

Cipd developing yourself as an effective hr practitioner

Understanding customer needs As an HR practitioner it is important to indentify the needs of customers and prioritise the needs of each. Information should be presented systematically on a regular basis and be as relevant, local and timely as possible." Armstrong 2012 There are various channels of communication and the method needs to be considered →

Breaking fresh ground in human–media interaction research

Novel forms of interaction paradigms have been enabled by new sensor and actuator technology in the last decades, combining with advances in our knowledge of human human interaction and human behavior in general when designing user interfaces. Sensors and actuators in wearable and mobile computing devices will contribute to the expansion of possibilities for creating →

College research task essay

In Chapter 4 you will larn how to develop play-based activities for kids.and with information from this chapter you will get down to develop a clearer apprehension of some of the cardinal characteristics of children's acquisition and development and how you can lend to back uping this. In this chapter you will larn: How appropriate →


This type of interview was more suitable for my data collection research because it allowed face to face assurance and explanation of the importance, aim, and necessity of the research. I also had to send my participants a reminder about the date and time of the interviews and accommodate them, otherwise they will forget as →