Genuine Research Paper Examples

How are theories formed?

The second form of theory is used primarily as a possibility, in other words as a tentative insight into the natural world for example, the most famous in this category would be the Evolution Theory or in physics a String Theory. Finally, the third form is the scientific theory, and according to, it is →

Crispr-cas9-based toolkit for clostridium botulinum group ii spore and sporulation research

Moreover, we established a novel medium for the characterization of spore formation in C.botulinum Group II strains and used it to determine the suitability of a previously described CRISPR-Cas9 system for spore mutant generation in these strains. Growth and sporulation of three different Group II strains were tested in cooked meat medium-TPGY, which was the →

The paris basin: tertiary activities

Result of tourism - hotels, restaurants and other spin-off industries have developed due to the demand for additional services.* Towns Reims and Epernay - grown in size due to the viticulture industry - draws in wine tasters, home to the famous Champagne houses. Transport * Transport industry - highlights development of tertiary activities * Agriculture, →

Sigmund freud and phallic stage fixation

What evidence is there of it? Steve is fixated at the phallic stage of development.

Business improvement tools – lean and six sigma methodologies

The aim of this study is to understand the concept of lean and Six Sigma as a combined approach an also to investigate the advantages and the probable challenges in implementing lean Six Sigma in both manufacturing and service industry. Salah, S, Rahim, A, Carretero, J.A." The integration of Six Sigma and lean management".

Richard ivey school of business

In 2009 the company had 74% of the market shares of the Indian glucose biscuit category. The products are available in India, Bangladesh and South Africa because the company had adopted a " follow the costumer" strategy in order to maintain low marketing costs.

Economics and the railroads

Social Savings Actual GNP 1890 - GNP 1890 OR Fact contractual Explicit contractual Transportation system without OR Lots more canals and roads would have been built Must assume that most of the investment that went Results: Social savings in cargo = 4. Hill with no federal subsidies He built his rail efficiently and slowly as →

Ups’s scenario planning

An in depth understanding of the world around the organization Robust strategic thinking and planning process Great decision making StrengthsWeaknesses Widened field of vision for organization Help to identify new strategies to face possible scenarios that could occur in UPS future Guide future investment decisions as by living in the future through scenarios, there is →

The rising of the moon

There is a reward mentioned on the fliers which is substantial and the officers talk about this and the possibility of a promotion for the one who brings in the fugitive. Or the darkness in the lives of the Sargent and the ragged man.

Classic pen co. case

The final issue Pen Co.faces is the increase of costs related to scheduling and purchasing activities. The reason for such a large increase in overhead is because of the higher demand for indirect costs due to the addition of more complex and specialized products.

How fair british education for all

The originator of the functionalist ideology, Emile Durkheim argued that education is an agent of secondary socialisation which transmits norms, values and roles and acts as a bridge betweenfamilyand the whole social system. The founder, Karl Marx, assumes that education is part of society that is vital for the ruling class to exploit the working →

Const. law

My view is that the law will often tend to overlap with the civil liberties of the individual in the society whether the perpetrator or not, the strategy that should be employed is to what extent to these civil liberties have to be limited and which of these civil liberties that can be limited. These →

Advance practice theory paper

On the other hand expansion refers to the acquisition of new practice knowledge and skills including knowledge and skills legitimizing the role autonomy within area of practice that overlap traditional boundaries of medial practice/. Advancement in this context involves experience and specialization that is characterized by the integration of theoretical research based and practical knowledge →

Zz packer

It follows the themes of blacks to minorities, the presence of blacks on the east coast, and the main character Spurgeon is a " loner". The Ant of the Self is a story about Spurgeon, the intelligent son of Ray Bivens Jr.

Body piercings

Many piercers are re-representing the piercing as an option of styling or strong expressions about themselves, and having one of body piercing or tattoos are a means of personal empowerment for some Ger Xers who are typically searching for individualism and control of their lives. The reason because there are so many different characters of →

Ibsen`s vision of the norwegian society

In Hedda Gabler, one of the ways that Ibsen displays the effect of humor to address the superficiality of the Norwegian society is by presenting the facade of marriage. Ibsen aspired to reveal to the audience the oppression of the 19th century Norwegian society by presenting Hedda as a " human", to feel sympathy for →

“the fall of the house of usher” by edgar allan poe literature analysis research paper

Although " The Fall of the House of Usher" is traditionally believed to be a timeless horror story and a representation of the deepest human fears, it can also be viewed both as a product of its time, i.e, the " gruesome engine" of the then jurisdiction, and an observation of a gradual descent into →

Experimental research research paper examples

Differences Firstly, true experiments are used where it is possible to manipulate all the possible variables with a view to measuring the results, while quasi-experiments are applicable where the investigator is unable to control all the factors that are likely to cause the hypothesized effect. True experiments are preferable where strict control is necessary to →

Lost ethos and dreams in arundhati roy’s writings

It is clear from the affirmation that the novel The God of Small Things is about the sense of loss-the lost ethos. She adds that the theme of her fiction and non-fiction is the same-the relationship between power and powerlessness.

An ideal hero: greek vs. roman

Major philosophers of the Greek Classical and Hellenistic periods Greek Classical: a. The destiny of one is the FOR THE GOOD OF THE WHOLE.

Erickson’s psychosocial development

The above behaviors show the affection and loving relationship between the baby and the mother who Is very patient and gentle towards her son. This adolescent seems to be secure and happy as she has the support of her family and friends.

The environment of crisis on the nigerian educational system

The National Policy on Education It is necessary to examine brie? y the present system of education and its immediate past in order to appreciate the nature, causes and magnitude of the different types of crises in the system. A history of the crisis in the Nigerian education system, in: O.

The nobel prize

Nobel, Alfred Bernhard is the founder of the Nobel Prize. The Nobel Foundation is in charge of financing the Nobel Prize, in accordance with the will of Alfred Nobel.

Gaining the upper hand: three psychological tricks to watch out for in the business world

For the most part, this is simply par for the course: we are all trying to get ahead, and unfortunately the ugly side of human nature occasionally gets the better of some as they look to gain the advantage over colleagues and competitors. But beware of the individual who might be aiming to throw you →

Chinese lion dance

In the Dragon Dance multiple people are inside the dragon costume holding up poles, whereas in the Lion Dance, there is someone holding the head of the lion and another person in the back of the lion costume acting as a rear of the lion. The Lion Dance is not exactly the same in all →

Ap gov. chapter four study guide

First Amendment: The constitutional amendment that establishes the four great liberties: freedom of the press, of speech, of religion, and of assembly. This is a common method of limiting the press in some nations, but is usually unconstitutional in the United States, according to the First Amendment and as confirmed in the 1931 Supreme Court →

English research paper social change

In this story the author portrays " The Lottery" as an event were the entire village is gathered in the courtyard to draw a piece of paper out of a hat. The activities of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi's in Germany and the persecution of the Jewish community could have influenced the story line.

School health plan

Students need to be aware at younger ages of the concerns that face our society, and the ways that they can combat these concerns through good health knowledge. Students should also be offered the opportunity to see the school nurse if they are ill or have other health concerns.


It was a lake of 24 square kilometres built on a tributary of the River Musi to meet the water and irrigation needs of the city. The broad road on the tank bund is lined with lawns and 33 statues of famous personalities of the State stand along the bund of the lake.

Editorial: systematic observation: engaging researchers in the study of daily life as it is lived

This complexity is manifested in numerous aspects to be considered, from the initial filtering that must be done to conveniently delimit the part of reality to be studied, to the structuring of the ideal observational design, the construction of a customized instrument that allows to properly channel all the behaviors/elements to be observed around the →

Free essay on scientific foundations of health service research

Third, the range of phenomena or scope of the study must be established. The values or opinions of a researcher can influence the assumptions, experimental design and methods of a study.

John hick and david hume

They both believe that if God is good and powerful, then there would be no evil, that God would have created the world and the people in it as, " perfectly moral persons who could only do good and could not do any evil". Differences between Hick and Hume is that Hick believes that there →

Dharma bums

This quote from Ray Smith shows that a dharma bum must always believe in oneself and take the journey to becoming a Dharma bum from within. The truest dharma bum that is written about in the novel Dharma Bums is the one of the main characters, Japhy Ryder.

Robert nozick’s experience machine

Once we gain these good experiences, we look for the next opportunity in order to gain that same great feeling that we had in our last experience. We come to realize that this experience machine, while being tempting, does not correspond with our values and desires.

Gender equality

It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducingpoverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance." In Paulette Jiles's poem, " Paper Matches" and in Judith Ortiz Cofer's poem, " The Changeling" the theme described isgender roles. In Paper Matches, Jiles uses the simile of a match to display the irritation and anger of →

Internet-based research sbe citi

Which of the following examples of using the Internet to conduct research meets the federal definition of research with human subjects? Which of the following examples best describes an investigator using the Internet as a research tool?

Us. economic sanctions on north korea

At the President's discretion, North Korea would also be subject to the economic sanctions pursuant to the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998, under which the administration has identified North Korea as a " country of particular concern" since 2001, and pursuant to the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000, under which the administration has →

My hero

The way that my mom is so forgiving contributes to her being my role model.y mom is an outstanding athlete, which makes her my role model but she is also very hard working. The way my mom is so hard working and encourages me to do everything the right way makes her my role model.he's →

How to create a civilization

To start building a civilization many people are needed for the task. Civil servants are used to create a government that is stable enough to create Jobs for people, keep the peace, and uphold laws.

Dmembers of the design and construction team

The architect after having obtained the instruction from the owner, design the function layout and provision of functional accommodation. The Soil Engineer: He determines the sufficient specifications to achieve safety and stability, for the structure foundation.

Strength and weaknesses of ontological argument

While Anselm claimed that the God, who is defined as perfect, must exist because an existent God is better than a non-existent God meaning that if he did not exist, he would not be perfect and therefore, would not be God, Gaunilo applied this logic to the example of a Perfect Island. In this response, →


The plot tells the story of Naruto Uzumaki, an adolescent ninja who constantly searches for recognition and aspires to become a Hokage, the ninja in his village that is acknowledged as the leader and the strongest of all. Serialized in Viz's Shonen Jump magazine, Naruto has become one of the company's best-selling manga series.

Plague vaccine development: current research and future trends

In case of LcrV, immunization with both native purified and recombinant LcrV provides protection in mice against bubonic and pneumonic plague. The RCN-F1/V307 vaccine also provided protection in mice against an F1-negative strain of Y.pestis.

Growth management vs. growth control

Growth Control Growth management refers to the planning and implementation of policies so as to improvethe living standards of the community. On the other hand, growth control refers to a situation where the priority of the authority is to control rather than manage the resources for the benefit of the community.

Martin luther king jr.: overview

My role model is Martin Luther King Jr.because he is hardworking, a leader, and humble. Martin Luther King hardworking due to the fact that he led protest marches despite the critics and the government, he was arrested for fighting for equal rights, he continued past the death threats, and remained so determined that he →

Theory of justice

Cicero once SAA " the Foundation of Justice is good faith" The main theory of justice Is that It is designed to be fair and an Impartial point of view that has been adopted Into our reasoning. There is the principle that pertains to a distributive style of Justice which basically determines Justice as to →

Solve a problem

Management had to be sensitive to the implications of this consolidation and recognize the controversy from the change. The art of thinking: A guide to critical and creative thought.

Theories of social psychology and their research methods

Social psychology is a sector of psychology in which individuals are studied in a social medium, meaning it is the study of emotion and actions one takes depending on the situation they are in. Thus, when a social psychologist is assessing the interactions and behavior of any individual in social settings, they must counter in →

Lifecycle of next product

Growth stage: as NEXT Plc begins to experience growth in sales for women product, and there was the pressure on the company's management to meet fresh demands and the expansion of its market. Also with this maturity stage the company has being able to embrace a worldwide marketing of its product through its NEXT Directory →

Business cycle of pakistan 1960-1970

Answer: Parkin and Bade's text " Economics" gives the following definition of the business cycle: The business cycle is the periodic but irregular up-and-down movements in economic activity, measured by fluctuations in real GDP and other macroeconomic variables The term business cycle refers to economy-wide fluctuations in production, trade and economic activity in general over →

Are people living in cities becoming more materialistic?

Materialism is usually more apparent in cities because in the cities, people are constantly exposed to new inventions that make life easier. Industrialization has improved the living standards of most such, our buying power is greater and we are thus able to enjoy more of the luxuries in life.

Free research paper on reasons for higher rate of depression among minority youth

It is this paper's aim to thereby delve in the reason why depression is much more prevalent in a given social segment the poor and minority populations, and especially so amongst the youthful section. Additionally is the presence of subtler factors, which often result in the affected individuals' loss of self-esteem and identity, thereby contributing →

Hp compaq merger

Risks, uncertainties and assumptions include the possibility that the market for the sale of certain products and services may not develop as expected; that development of these products and services may not proceed as planned; that the transaction does not close or that the companies may be required to modify aspects of the transaction to →

My handsome boy named scooter

Another morning, Scooter awoke with a blissful look on his face, so I decided to capture the moment and go for a peaceful bike ride. The vet again whispered to me, he is a very luck boy, and must have nine lives.

Roland barthes and the hermeneutic code

They were established by Berates when he wished to determine the forces within a story which drive the narrative and furthermore the audience's desire to keep reading. The best example of a narrative which operates on the hermeneutic code Is the detective story.

Defogging climate change communication: how cognitive research can promote effective climate communication

The following description of the editing process is based on the personal experience of one of the authors of this article, who was a lead author of the most recent IPCC report's health chapter. Lastly, the climate change, and the health domains share considerable overlap in that climate change is regarded as a large and →

Belonging – ‘we are going’

This is in-keeping with the poet's heritage and the nature of ' belonging' to a language and to a people. And so, basically, the poem is in fact a metaphor for the disappearing old way of life of the Aboriginal people and their connection and sense of Belonging to the land.

Netw360 week 7 lab

In frame 1 what is the signal level? The signal level in frame 1 is 11.

The current extended interpretation of the commerce clause

Interpretations of the Commerce Clause Interpretations of the Commerce Clause The Commerce Clause raises several interpretive and normative questions. Commerce in the Commerce Clause: A Response to Jack Balkin.

Six sigma quality at flyrock tires

P We first need to find the z value for each boundary then find the corresponding probability in the normal distribution table: z = /? z = /4 = -2. Lower Control Limit = - z? where? =? /n = 400? = 4 n = 10 z = 3? = 4/10 = 1.

6 infallible sales strategies for beating even the toughest competition

In order to beat the toughest competitors, you need to show your offer in a way that appeals to your ideal clients. They come to believe the product or service is worth the premium price, and this makes them see you and your business as credible.

International finance: overview

If an investor can obtain more foreign currency for a dollar in the forward market than in the spot market, then the forward currency is said to be selling at a discount to the spot rate. If a dollar will buy fewer units of foreign currency in the forward market than in the spot market, →

The delphi technique: making sense of consensus

CHARACTERISTICS OF THE DELPHI TECHNIQUE The Delphi technique is well suited as a means and method for consensus-building by using a series of questionnaires to collect data from a panel of selected subjects. Ludwig notes that the number of experts used in a Delphi study is " generally determined by the number required to constitute →

Non-violent social change

And when he became the leader of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, he saw a lot of racialdiscriminationand inequality in rights against the blacks. The blacks has regarded him as a man of the people and experienced in the ways of the street.

Public international law

Now in college, there were similarity in acknowledging the authors and the creditors, the deference is that when we are studying the PAP styles, it shows how broad the topic Is and how important to follow all the formats that were given In the syllabus. In the end, the last topic in all the reporting →

Financial management abstract recomandations

This information seemed to be consistent with the Dun and Bradstreet report obtained by the bank According to Gupta, the purpose of the loan was to assist him in carrying his receivables until they could be collected. He said that the would send a copy to the bank.

Good celebrity worship research paper example

The obsessed fans tend to create a certain connection with the celebrities, and some go to the extent of stalking them. The " society is quick to judge, and they want everyone to be a reflection of the celebrities".

Wanda why aren’t you dead

Wanda Why Are not You Dead" is about Wanda's struggling with the people around her and their harsh opinions about her, however maintaining her identity and becoming stronger by the end of the poem. By the end of the poem, Wanda is her own person and comes out on top.

Desert solitaire: a season in the wilderness

The author of the book Desert Solitaire, Edward Abbey, talked frequently throughout the book about the beauty of nature and ways that human beings are destroying the natural beauty of the world we live in. Abbey has experienced nature in a way most people will never have the opportunity to.

Alumni portal

Dau University is a member of the worldwidefamilyof Nazarene institutions affiliated with the Church of the Nazarene founded on the same principles - the development of students in a strong spiritualenvironment. The main idea of this project is to provide a visual communication platform among the alumni and non-alumni.

Natural law the prevailing theory in the united states today

Natural law is the law of nature, of morals and ethic that is part of the human makeup, in fact part of the animal kingdom, of which humans belong, make up. Natural Law is a major part of our very existence and we would not exist without it Research Constitution Society.

Significant experience and its impact on you

I that that would be easy but I figured that is very hard to learn a new language, learning English helped me a lot. I can understand better movies, songs even people speaking in English, and knowing this language is going to help me to have a bettereducationin university, and in English course I made →

New criticism

New Criticism was a trend in literary theory that emphasized the predominance of the literary text: " New Criticism was the dominant trend in English and American literary criticism in the mid twentieth century, from the 1920's to the early 1960's. Essentially, the adherents of the New Criticism school were opposed to the interpretation of →

Journal of my close friend

I woke her up and she is awake. That is why I as her only best friend will always cheer her up.

History of business newspapers in india

The FEE specializes in India and daily, The Financial Express, is today one of the leading newspapers in the country. The design of the Mint newspaper is geared towards presenting business and financial information in a compact format.

Robespierre execution research

In the Works Cited section of The Revolutionary Career of Maximilien Robespierre, David P. Jordan cites this book, which was written a year after the execution of Robespierre.

Ethics in computing or data protection act

Data projection and ethics Data Protection Overview To protect data stored in the database that I developed, I ensured that I incorporated are wide range of security controls to help protect the database against compromises of confidentiality and integrity. To ensure that I never contravened the data protection Act or anybody using the databases does →

Meeting an old friend

He comes in front of you and suddenly speaks in a louder but a very friendly tone, hi, How are you? And then he will say, " I was longing to meet you but could not get time," and you will reply " Oh! how sweet of you, even I was longing to meet you →

Mhr week asses

Answer Declarative, practical, and strategic Declarative, practical, and skill Compilation, automatic, and strategic Declarative, procedural, and strategic None of the above 4 points Question 2 1. A relatively permanent change in cognition that results from self efficacy and 1 OFF Question 4 1.

Publishing open, reproducible research with undergraduates

However, given the recency of the changes and the rapid pace of advancements, it may be overwhelming for faculty to know whether and how to begin incorporating open science practices into research with undergraduates. As an assignment for lab meeting, we ask new URAs to write about the consequences of certain methodological decisions, and have →

Business cycles are economic fluctuations

This will reduce demand for goods and services in the economy. This will reduce their purchasing power and demand for goods and services in the market.

Contract and italian cuisine

Introduction - identifies relevant area of the law elements of a simple contract Identify the issue offer and acceptance, intention to create legal relations Define and examine the laws and principles of offer and invitation to treat Apply the laws and principles to the fact rules of offer and ITT. An acceptance is an agreement →

William stokoe timeline

1955- William Stokoe is hired as the head of the Department of English at Gallaudet College. 1960- Stokoe publishes his first book on the research he conducted on signing, titled Sign Language Structure: An Outline of the VisualCommunicationSystems of the American Deaf.

Chem pre lab

What is the mass, in grams, of the sample 0.6 b. What volume, in liters, of Noah solution was used in the titration 0.

Electronic payment system

Types of E-payment Systems Digital Token-based Electronic Payment Systems Smart Cards & Electronic Payment Systems Credit Card-based Electronic Payment Systems Risk & Electronic Payment Systems Designing Electronic Payment System What is E-payment? The ability to provide security against fraudulent activity Being cost effective for low value transaction fees Being protective of the privacy of the →


It will not be easy or given to the person, there is a lot of time and energy put to having what one wants. He was the only one of his 15 siblings to become an entrepreneur, and today in my eyes he is the most successful.

Apush chapter

Slaves gets accuse of stealing for possessing items that they earn Slaves gets whip as a punishment 7) Summary: In this passage written by Frederick Douglas who was an escaped slave that became known as the greatest Black abolitionist of the time for sharing his terrible experience as a slave in order to stop slavery, →

Identify savas four strategies of privatization

Savas compares it to the exchange of roles between the government and the private segment. Newyork, NY: Greenwood Publishing Group.

Kant philosophy of self

It all comes down to the idea that you have perception, and you can think of your perception as a passive thing that is affected by something outside of it, and it cannot provide any material for inner sense since the self in itself is a pure formal unity without matter and the manner in →

4gt technique

The 4GT paradigm for software engineering focuses on the ability to specify software using specialized language forms or a graphic notation that describes the problem to be solved in terms that the customer can understand. The 4GT is a systematic approach to problem solving and is composed of several phases:

7 ways to stay productive while you’re traveling

The problem is that of all the places to work, a busy airport, a packed flight and a red-eye schedule is not exactly the perfect storm of ideal circumstances. If you are trying to work on something very dense, maybe diving in while you are simultaneously waiting to hear if your flight is delayed or →

Answers for case discussion questions in indonesia

This made a lasting impact to the economy since the people had not been given by the government with the right public infrastructures that they deserve to alleviate their employment rate. Corruption in Uganda turned out to be so endemic since most of the people just tolerate what their officials do.

Safe sex, or is it

The board of Education isdoing this, to demonstrate to students that safe sex is a goodidea. The Board of Education promotes safe sex that way to make thesubject of safe sex more comfortable for a parent to talk to hisor her child about safe sex.

Business policy and strategic management

Introduction Southwest Airlines hold a prestigious in the airline industry, not because of its profitability and culture, but because of the initiatives and strategies which it applied in creating a competitive edge over its rivals. While employees started complaining of low wages, Southwest also suffered as strikes and complaints by employees deteriorated the culture at →

Engineers contributions

Society's standards always change and engineers contribute to society by meeting these demands. Engineers hold the key ingredient for technology innovation and they continue to cater to society's demands.

Evidence law – imposing legal burden of defendant

No matter what the charge or where the trial, the principle that the prosecution must prove the guilt of the prisoner is part of the common law of England and no attempt to whittle it down can be entertained' This statement of the nature of the legal burden of proof in a criminal trial is →