Genuine Research Paper Examples

Example of diabetes mellitus research paper

S and affecting the 6 percent of the world's population diabetes mellitus is a serious health condition that should be treated with proper diet, medication and by educating patients about their disease to be able to monitor their condition and inform their health care providers of any worsening or other problems. Being a progressive disease, β†’

20 business-building alternatives to trolling social media

Ask your questions to one of those three people you listed in #2. Ask your questions to the third of those three people.

Impact of social media

Due to the nature of the social work profession and its efforts to enhance the lives of youth and plan for their successful transition into adulthood, further examination of the impact of social networking on adolescents is justified. Therefore, it is the purpose of this study to examine the impact of social networking on the β†’

Instagram adds live video with a twist

Meanwhile, if one of your followers starts live streaming, their profile in the Stories bar at the top of the app will gain a pink " live" icon to alert you to tune in. In addition to live video's debut, Instagram today is further encroaching on Snapchat's turf with a new disappearing photos and video β†’

9 social media tips for your small business

If you are not clear on the , then the chances are you are not going to use it properly, and it could be damaging to your business. Take the time to understand social media and what it can do for you, and invest the time and budget needed to do it well.

Is social media making us less social?

People need to understand that the over consumption of social media is disintegrating our society because it disfigures interpersonal social skills, it showcases an unrealistic ideas of what body image is, gives a fake ideal ofhappiness, and it acts as a distraction which results in less productivity. They focus on what their body should look β†’

The rise of social media

If the internet gave birth to a revolution in the way we stored and sought information, then social media has brought about a revolution in the way we exchange and use information." Social Media" is a term that is relatively young of age. Some of those roles being " the social animal", " the global β†’

The effect of social media in the business world

It is also important for the owners of a company to discuss the legalities and hidden costs associated with the social media sites, in relation to businesses. A huge risk factor of using social media in the business world is the safety.

These are the best times to post on social media

Knowing who your is and what the best times to post are key components toward an effective social media strategy. Related: When and what to post on your brand's social media channels is different for every business.

Effects of social media on society

Propenents of social media point out the benefits of social media in regards to educational tools, and increased student engagement, while critics of social networking focus on subject like privacy, time, and miscommunication. Cons of Social Networking There are many challenges that face the use of social networking in education such as; on-line safety, time β†’

Free science milestones and their impact on society research paper example

Evolution, defined as the change in the characteristics of a population that occurs over the course of generations, had been considered by various scientists since the beginning of the 19th century. From certainty to uncertainty: The story of science and ideas in the twentieth century.

Product overview: refi-back pack research papers examples

The name of my product is Refi-back bag and the slogan is " take it with you, everywhere!" Refi-back bag is a small electric fridge that can be carried on the back like a back pack; it serves to keep perishable products such as snacks and drinks fresh when one is out travelling. On Instagram β†’

Questions on microwave electronics

Use the Smith Chart to find SWR on the line, the return loss, the reflection coefficient at the load, the load admittance, the input impedance to the line, the distance to the first voltage minimum, the distance from the load to the first voltage maximum.[9 marks] 0. It is obtained from [pic] Zin can be β†’

Research paper on chernobyl disaster

The Nature of the Environmental Problem The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is the destruction of 26 April 1986 of the fourth unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, located on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR. The accident is regarded as the largest of its kind in the history of nuclear power, β†’

Free renewable energy sources research paper sample

Apart from going solar, that is, using the energy of the Sun, people have mastered the ways of harnessing the energy of wind, rain, waves, tides, and the so-called geothermal energy. This notwithstanding, European states are pushing aggressively for the intense production capacity of wind power in attempts to suit the demands of greenhouse gas β†’

Research paper on solar power use in the united states

The paper further highlights on the impact of solar power generation and use, the efficiency and ability to store solar energy, cost of production of solar panels, and advances in manufacturing that make solar energy more cost effective. The only cost in the production of solar energy is making the solar panels.

Research paper on police role and functions

In the United States, the police force varies for both local, state and federal level to function in various instances to ensure that the citizens are protected and at the same time, crimes are prevented and solved to maintain peace. Both Worrall and Schmalleger and Dempsey and Forst emphasized that the police functions as the β†’

Civil peace

I think that in this part of the story Jonathan means that although his bicycle had been buried in the ground for a year all that it needed to work again was a little oil. As this point, I think Jonathan means that despite the war and hardship a small house withstood the effects of β†’

Research paper on the european union in the israeli-palestinian conflict

According to Tessler, the conflict can be traced since the 19th century when the Zionists and the Arabs first came into contact and argued as to their right of access and claim to the religious sites such as Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Canaan. In order to understand the nature of the issue and the action done β†’

Sports and development research paper examples

However, according to the third article the unorganized and informal development of SDP programs has affected the potential benefit that they could have. According to the authors of the articles, their purpose is to gain a deeper understanding of current and past SDP programs in order to build better SDP programs for tomorrow.

American arbitration association

Discussion Role of the American Arbitration Association The American Arbitration Association offers arbitration services to parties that may be in a dispute or experiencing a conflict. Some of the administrative services that the American Arbitration Association and ICDR provide to the people include settling disputes through mediation, setting hearings, and the appointing the arbitrators and β†’

Tolerance and world peace

When the citizen is devoting himself to the nation, it is most likely for the person to be more ignorant of the values and rights to be followed around the world. 3 To bring changes to the tolerance level of nationalities is the students to be taught that they are the citizens of the world, β†’

Post-conflict peacebuilding in afghanistan

In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the US and a Coalition of other states to initiate a ' war on terror', a result of the Taliban's refusal to cooperate in the apprehension of Al Qaeda's leader Bin Laden. Following the re-capturing of the capital by the Allied forces and the dispersal of β†’

Bad credit cards

This push from the credit card companies is pressuring Americans to place such a high importance on using credit cards that many Americans are not stopping to read and understand the contracts that they are signing. The sad truth is that credit cards are the leading cause of high debt and bankruptcy in America.

Green banking

The objectives are: The general objective of this report is to fulfill the partial requirements of the BBA program and making me competent to cope with corporateculturethrough observing the general banking and remove the gap between practical world and theoretical knowledge. The following represents the methodology of the study.* Conceptualization: Conceptualization is the way of β†’

Establishing a secured atm banking system

Two types of ATMs need to be addressed, one of which is the branch ATM, The other being the out of branch ATM. Problem Objective The overall objective of the research is to develop a model to reduce the waiting time of Customers and the total cost related to ATM installation.

Heartland information breach

According to the magnitude of this case, it was a bit hard to detect the case as the software impeded into the system in a way that could not be detected. In the case of Heartland breach, the management tried to conceal the publicity of the breaching due to losses that were incurred by the β†’

Atm card project

After consideration of various corporate structuring alternatives in the context of the emerging competitive scenario in the Indian banking industry, and the move towards universal banking, the managements of ICICI and ICICI Bank formed the view that the merger of ICICI with ICICI Bank would be the optimal strategic alternative for both entities, and would β†’

Challenges of microfinance banking in nigeria

COMMUNICATIONGAPS AND INADEQUATE AWARENESS As a background to the undeniable problem of communication for effective microfinance, listen to this quote by Stan Paris on his article on Microfinance As A Means of Reaching The People " Problems of communication are endemic in the industry, dating back to what could be considered the first micro-loan. Generally, β†’

Primary internal and external influences to which the banking sector in the united kingdom

Primary internal and external influences to which the Banking sector in the United Kingdom is subject to The banking sector is one of the very important sectors in the country and its the main participants in the sector are include the the central bank, the commercial banks and also other financial institutions that include the β†’

Professor muhammad yunus

Professor Muhammad Yunus established the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh in 1983 to help the poor by giving out small loans. The activity of the Grameen Bank is known around the world.

Freelancer’s guide to getting paid online

This helps you pay for your expenses as you work on a project, and it can help lessen the blow if the client bails on the final payment. And, the longer you wait to invoice your clients, the less likely they will pay your invoice.

Trends in banking and international banking system

Discussion For the last two or three decades the face of banking has tremendously transformed in various areas which include: Lending activities Shareholding Competitive landscape Expansion capacity Level of participation in the market Proportion of total debts in relation to the respective bank assets held The level of real estate loans as compared to commercial β†’

Survey paper on banking system using location-based system

A major challenge in cloud and mobile cloud computing is to ensure security and privacy of users personal information from malicious attacks. A major challenge in cloud and mobile cloud computing is to ensure security and privacy of users personal information from malicious attacks.

How credit is evaluated

A client is opt to meet the said standards to make a credit otherwise, they are given the status as what is called a non-conforming B-C-D credit loan at higher rates. Credit Strategy Seminars Retrieved May 27, 2007, from How a Loan Application is Evaluated.

Banking concepts and practices

The Bank of Amsterdam was established in 1609 to meet the needs of the merchants of the city. The entire gain or loss made in the process is the gain or loss of the bank and not of the issuing company.

Bank of england

The question being asked is what blame should be attached to the Bank of England for the impact of the 2007-08 Credit Crunch on the UK economy? Drying up of money in the investment market The genesis of credit crunch Shiller explains that, the current credit crunch started in the U.

Negotiable instrument and secured transactions

There are three parties involved in a note: 1) The Drawer The drawer writes and signs the note, 2) The Drawee The drawee is ordered by the drawer to pay the Payee, and 3) The Payee The payee will receive the money from the drawee. If the transferee becomes a " holder" of the instrument, β†’

Medibank privatisation

This Research Brief examines the historical development of Medibank Private, and the questions of who owns or enjoys other rights in the fund, and whether there are public policy reasons for the government to maintain the current Medibank Private ownership structure. Therefore it is advisable to maintain the public ownership of Medibank.

Bank overdraft

For the majority of overdrafts, arrangements are made with the bank in advance and the purpose of the borrowing is stated and the length of the borrowing agreed. In the following is an example of how to apply for Tertiary and Graduate Overdrafts in ASB Bank: Stay within your limits.

Square pharma ltd

Vision We view business as a means to the material and social wellbeing of the investors, employees and the society at large, leading to accretion of wealth through financial and moral gains as a part of the process of the human civilization. There is therefore the need for working capital in the form of current β†’

Negotiable instruments in banking

According to Section 13 of the Act, " Negotiable instrument means a promissory note, bill of exchange or cheque payable either to order or to bearer, whether the word ' order' or ' bearer' appear on the instrument or not." The rights that could be incorporated in negotiable instruments may be rights for payment of β†’

Antigone aristotle

Jordan Antigen Fear/ Pity Fear and Pity Shown In Antigen The Greek Philosopher Aristotle defined tragedy as a form of drama that evokes fear and pity in the audience. This would concern a Greek audience more than modern audiences because the curse of Oedipus would cause Antigen to die anyway, and Greek audiences would acknowledge β†’

Descartes’ dualistic conception of human nature

The cogito basically states that we are existing to the point in which we can think; however, when looking at the body we cannot be entirely certain that this is real in the sense that the physical things around us can all be imagined with the use of our minds. The thinking aspect of our β†’

Political thinkers

The first is that of political philosophy which was method rejected in the times before Plato such as the well being of society, the theory of the state and individual by which he prescribed certain methods through which an individual needs to live his life according to certain guidelines to maintain equilibrium in society. By β†’

Explain what aristotle meant by the final cause. 25 marks

The route to the final cause is as follows, the first cause is the material cause, it refers to the matter of an object, it's substance and room for change, so the material cause of a chair would be plastic and metal. This then applies to the concept of the final cause, if everything has β†’

Mary kay reference sheet

Preview Statement: In the modern society, one of the major social constrains to this particular issue has to do with liberty-I am going to discuss this 'V. Our society is suffering from the condition of anomie, which is a situation in which society doles out very little ethical guidance to individuals, and allows a great β†’

Jeremy bentham versus john stuart mill

Third, John Stuart Mill rejects the thought of Jeremy Bentham, which states that the motivations for humans to act can all be reduced to one's own interest and to his own exploration for the utmost satisfaction. I believethat John Stuart Mill's utilitarianism is more plausible than that of Jeremy Bentham's because of the following reasons: β†’

Is aristotle the father of logic

Plato presumed that the " ideal" form of an person or animal is the result of a " sensory" world and that every man knew and understood his place in life. Whereas Aristotle believed that the " form" consisted of several characteristics together as a whole, which eventually was proven and known as DNA as β†’

Philosophy: “explain the differences between plato and aristotle’s view of reality”.

Plato further believed that our physical world and its Forms participate or imitate the real Forms in a disorderly way. So knowledge of the form or essence is in effect knowledge of the thing's causes, of what explains why it is what it is.

Drama: a road to heaven

As I entered the auditorium to join the rest of the audience, I noticed the set stage, afraid that the play has began, I soon realised that it was set up like that for a purpose. The play was very enjoyable to watch and thought me many techniques and gave me a wide range of β†’

Convention on road traffice

It does not cover vehicles, such as agricultural tractors, which are only incidentally used for carrying persons or goods by road or for drawing, on the road, vehicles used for the carriage of persons or goods; " Trailer" means any vehicle designed to be drawn by a power-driven vehicle and includes semi-trailers; Semi-trailer" means any β†’

River road community

After a nuclearholocaustdevastates the country of the United States, the people of the River Road Community have to work throughadversityand strive for the survival of everyfamily. Frank s quote is manifested throughout the story by the observed changes in the lifestyle of the community, the ways in which the diminishment of supplies are dealt with, β†’

Traffic problem

Traffic laws are the laws which govern traffic and regulate vehicles, while rules of the road are both the laws and the informal rules that may have developed over time to facilitate the orderly and timely flow of traffic. Another way to manage traffic is to prepare a travel plan for traffic movement in and β†’

Free research paper about general causes of traffic crashes

Not using Seat belts or airbags becomes fatal in traffic crashes.- Application of Law: the paper will identify and elaborate Law that address road accidents.- Identification of Law: different types of laws formed by government to control road accidents.- Discussion and Analysis: A detailed description of identified laws will be presented in the paper.- Conclusion β†’

Good drunk driving punishments in wisconsin research paper example

Drunk driving charges and penalties was clearly set forth by the lawmakers and courts in New York with the aim of enhancing safer roads in the state and reducing accidents arising from reckless driving and driving under the influence of intoxicants. O'Grady, W, & Archibald, J.

System-beaters: on the road to heartbreak

These kinds of people think that by doing all the work they are suppose to do to accomplish what they have to is just a waste of time when as to them there is an easy way out. I could say that I was one of these people when I was in high school, but β†’

Mccarthy’s novel the road is about man’s inherent altruism in a world of selfishness

He risks everything by shooting the man as this leaves only one bullet in the chamber of the revolver, as he intends to use it in a life threatening situation to kill his son, it means that he will probably die while suffering. From all of his actions in the novel, the reader can justifiably β†’

Why walk

Walking does not produce excess carbon dioxide or fumes or cause noisepollutionWalking is a more efficient use of space: 20 times as many people can move in the same space by walking as in a car Walking and public transport are perfect partners. Read more about finding good places to walk and free walking routes β†’

Safe driving

It's not always the road that complicates your safety; in the story it refers to Peggy wanting to visit the liquor store. Drivers are responsible for just about everything that happens to it and in the car.

Example of research paper on transportation and network capacity

For better understanding this aspects and for identifying how the transportation industry adapted or needs to adapt to the dynamic globalization process and to the changing economy, this paper aims to answer by providing an in depth presentation of the transportation issue, by analyzing the causes and impacts of the capacity in transportation, by examining β†’

Good example of research paper on non-disruptive road crossing (ndrc) techniques for dubai

It is the mandate of the authorities such as RTA and any other parties involved to formulate measures that would protect adjacent areas in the process of road construction Essentially the mandate of the transport authorities with respect to NDRC procedures is to ensure that there is minimal to no destruction of transport networks in β†’

Causes of road accidents

The unworthiness of some cars on our roads also invariably leads to road accidents. Fatigue driving is a known cause of road accidents by long-distance drivers.

Automated highway system

The principal idea of AHS is to remove the driving operation from human control and assign it to the vehicle, which in turn collaborates with the highway system to perform such function. Finally, technology for the seamless communication of the vehicle and road infrastructure is necessary for the integration, collaboration and connectivity of the system's β†’

The road summed up

The boy and his attempts to help the helpless, the father and his struggle to stay alive, and thefamilyat the end of the novel are all acts of the struggle of humanity. I am the one." I was never very sure if the eason why he wanted to help others was because of who he β†’

Good research paper on lake moeris quarry road-egypt

The Lake Moeris Quarry Road built while the Old Kingdom of Egypt between 26th and 22nd centuries the oldest paved road of the world and is testimony to the excellent sense of planning and execution of the ancient Egyptians of that period. The 8-miles of the main road was built by placing large β†’

Sample research paper on speed limit

Speed limit signs guide drivers in moderating their speed and ensure the safety of the slow moving traffic and the people on the road. Thirdly, it is not true that increasing the speed limit will add to the number of accidents on the road.

Pothole and roads

Repaving the roads in Fayetteville would be a big investment in many ways, not only would it improve the towns look, but it would also make it safer for the community members to drive on the roads. According to Midweek " Ball estimates that most pothole damage runs between $800 and $1, 200 for repairs, β†’

Contrastive and comparative analysis & conclusion research paper examples

The way the word is woven to form sentences befitting the theme, and at the same time, conveying the message is an art in itself. Though different in their styles and contents the central theme of ' journey' is maintained in both the literary works.

Three day road by joseph boyden

In the book Three Day Road, it is clear that Xavier enables Elijah's actions before and during war that lead to Elijah's eventual death, causing Xavier to fall ultimately responsible for Elijah's death. As they walk closer to the Marten, it is clear to both characters that it is still quite alive and struggling to β†’

Teen pregnancy issues in america

Also, teenagers who are doing poorly in school and have few plans for the future are more likely to become parents than those who are doing well and have high educationsl and occupational expectations. Children whose mothers are age seventeen or younger are three times as likely as their peers to be poor, and are β†’

Teen pregnancy by de anthony hall

If teens communicated with their parents this would be another great way to prevent pregnancy because they would teens would be comfortable talking to their parents about sex and what's the consequences if they do chooses to have sex as a teen. Lastly, sex education is one of the best ways to prevent teen pregnancy.

Teen pregnancy

Along with the youth and her family, the country as a whole feels the effects of her pregnancy. I agree with them; the report mentioned " Teach that abstinence from sexual activity is the only certain way to avoid out-of-wedlock pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and other associated health problems" as a philosophy of the program.

Sex education in schools

Central Idea: If sexual education is to be taught in schools I believe I is necessary to place restrictions on the issue.I. If sexual education is to be taught in schools, we need to put limitations on age.

Teen pregnancy

One of the bighealthrisks of a baby born to a teen mother is low birth weight. Discuss two of those risks to the baby that are unrelated to health.a.

Marketing channels in today’s business

Now a company can market their products by means of a wide variety of channels open to them such as banners, video, wireless, desktop applications, etc in addition to the more traditional marketing channels of print media and television. I think other channels which would be most effective in the marketing of this product would β†’

Manistique inc.

We will begin by analyzing the correlations between the different variables in the dataset to ascertain a conclusion as to whether the program has really improved safety attitudes and improved the time lost in injuries or whether the change is statistically insignificant Correlation between safe training attitude & i) Total number of injuries Using the β†’

Research paper on learning disabilities and current issues

Moreover, the current issues in learning disabilities are highlighted i.e, the more appropriate measure to identify and treat learning disabilities. Moreover, effectiveness of the treatment of learning disabilities in a child could not be predicted on the basis of diagnosis of discrepancy.

Living in a normal world

From birth Doodle was told he would not be able to do the things that others have because he has a heart condition. It might be difficult for the family to finally understand to the full extent that the handicapped member should be treated the same as other members but with a little caution.

Good research paper on disabilities in australia: policy barriers

The Australian Bureau of Statistics Report on Disability, education and employment outlines that there is a drop in the participation of people with disabilities in the labor force. Policy amendments ought to be made in order to increase the awareness and acceptance of the rights of people with disability.

Support positive risk taking for individuals

The Person Centred Approach meets this by asking for a clear picture of what the person wishes to achieve, why this is important to the person, what success would look like, a history of the risk and uses the wouldoughnut' tool and decision making agreement tools to look at staff roles and responsibilities, and at β†’

Vulnerability: disability and family reform act

The current definition, in the Department ofHealthguidance " No secrets", states that a vulnerable adult is " a person who is or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness; and who may be unable to take care of him or herself, or unable to β†’

Similarities between us gaap and ifrs for impairment of intangible assets – research paper

It is the requirement in both, IFRS and US GAAP that the intangible assets which have long life or indefinite life should be reviewed every year to assess the impairment. Moreover, Both GAAP and IFRS require that when the asset is recognized to be impaired then the asset has to be written down and the β†’

Employment and labor scenarios

To minimize the possibility of such a scenario happening In the future, a strategy just be developed that requires the Involvement of several relevant resources. A decision to hire or not hire a candidate should be based on qualifications and attributes that are attractive to the hiring organization.

Cloud research

It was easy for businesses to adapt the Accountancy product as their needs changed or expanded, thanks to the modular design of the software and a comprehensive suite of add-on options. As the pressure from management to drive new business increased, I spearheaded a volunteer mentoring program between Junior and senior sales professionals.

Learning from ojt

Background of the Company The birth of the Home Development Mutual Fund The birth of the Home Development Mutual Fund, more popularly known as the Pag- IBIG Fund, was an answer to the need for a national savings program and an affordable shelter financing for the Filipino worker. The order directed transferring the administration of β†’

Factors influencing employer-employee relationship

To establish the effects of employee appraisal feedback management on staff performance at the National Cereals and Produce Board.4. To establish the effects of employee appraisal feedback management on staff performance at the National Cereals and Produce Board.

Who are the real winners and losers in rjr nabisco takeover

This paper focuses on what the management team did wrong that cause them to fail and who are the real winners from this transaction. However the management team planned to keep only t e tobacco business and sell the entirefoodbusiness after the acquisition.

Causes of unemployment

A common cause of unemployment is many of the unemployed have gotten fired or laid off. Therefore, the causes of unemployment are due to being aid off or fired, overpopulation or disabilities.

Accounting for employee benefits (pas 19)

The standard establishes the principle that the cost of providing employee benefits should be recognised in the period in which the benefit is earned by the employee, rather than when it is paid or payable, and outlines how each category of employee benefits are measured, providing detailed guidance in particular about post-employment benefits. The principle β†’

Equal employment opportunity

Affirmative action is not an insult to women, but rather a method to ensure that the glass ceilings that have implicitly existed in the workforce in the past are destroyed. Affirmative action is a policy to encourage equal opportunity and to level the playing field for groups of people who have been and are discriminated β†’

Employee benefits

Practices of Paid Time Off To the health employees paid off time is an attractive benefit since they are offered more vacation time under the paid off time plan than they would under plan that differentiates sick leave and vacation. Under the paid time off plan, employees are credited with 30 days which are paid β†’

Has anyone of you ever been a victim of unemployment?

According to a monthly news release of Bureau of Labor Statistics, the total number of unemployed people in our country rose by 851, 000 to 12. Just to remind you of the decade ofGreat Depressionwhen our economy had plunged to its lowest level, and unemployment rate, as quoted in the annals of Bureau of Labor β†’

Problem of unemployment

There are many reasons for the problem of unemployment in our country. One of them is the slow growth of our economy, in relation to increase in the number of educated persons.

Puente hills

The employees are very valuable to PHT due they are the ones who have to advise the customer, sell the vehicles and repair them. The most important is to get all the employees in the same direction, to reach the companiesgoals.

Jobs of the future

In this article, the author talks about how the jobs of the future will come to change. The facts state that new jobs are being created, but there is always worry about the jobs that are to come in the future.