Genuine Research Paper Examples

The first day in australia

I was regretful I could not say anything to him in English. In the first night, I was not able to sleep deeply.

Australia-china relationship

Relationship between China and Australia It was 1909 when China offered a proposal Of trade-based relationship with Australia, however, it was only during the year 1921 when Australia formally accepted the invitation to trade. As the years of progress in the international trade continues to advance, the relationship between Australia and China appears to step β†’

James cook

They had everything they needed to live a long and happy life compared to the Europeans. Many people did not believe this, and had a clear stereotype of the Aboriginal culture in their head, but this was wrong.

Research paper on women and world war i

Under the fairly broad topic heading of " Women and World War I", this research paper discusses the roles of women in countries directly involved in World War I, the opportunities available to them to actively support their country's war effort, and the effects on their lives in those troubled times. The research covers β†’

The australian market

Rebel Sports have taken thephilosophythat it is not just about the product and the price, they are attempting to have a bigger conversation with the customer. Traditional department stores such as David Jones and Myer are examples of businesses that are struggling in the Australian retail environment.

Back to the dreamtime

Richard and Tom are full ofrespect, they do a lot of things together, adventurous, reluctant to separate with families, and also helpful and obedient children. Richard and Tom are same ages brother, even though Richard was adopted by Tom's parents, that's means that they are not natural brother.

Reverse innovation

FIVE SUBSTANTIAL NEEDS GAPS In fact, the needs and opportunities in the developing world are so different from those in the rich world that the very first requirements for reverse innovation success are humility and curiosity. In fact, there are at least five enormous gaps that separate needs in the rich world from those in β†’

Corporate social responsibility in international development

Corporations are attracted to corporate social responsibility activities because of the multi-tiered benefits for the community and the corporation itself. Jason Saul believes that " at the end of the day we have to demonstrate value, and the way we demonstrate value to business, and to society, is by speaking the language of the business β†’

Paul hawked’s sustainable society and andrew dobbin’s ecological citizenship

From the reading, " Ecological citizenship deals in the currency of non-contractual responsibility, it inhabits the private as well as the public sphere, it refers to the source rather than the nature of responsibility to determine what count as citizenship virtues, it works with the language of virtue, and it is explicitly non-territorial. It is β†’

Sustainability management

The practices of which extend into a variety of focus areas, including the very strategic operations of the business, via incorporation within the vision and mission of many companies. Some of the key issues surrounding sustainability itself are concerned with the aspect of " endurance" of theenvironmentwithin which we operate and ultimately live, in order β†’

Bsc participant

Described below are some of the Acts; The Zombie Environmental Management Act provides for the sustainable management of natural resources and protection of theenvironment; the prevention ofpollutionand environmental degradation. The implementing 134 agency of the Act is the Environmental Management Agency and Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Management.

Barriers and drivers to sustainability

How to overcome common barriers and make the most of key drivers to sustainability About this guide This guide draws upon research completed in 2009 fo r the Urban Sustainability Support Alliance by the Institute for Sustainable Futures, Univer sity ofTechnology, Sydney, into the Barriers and D rivers to Sustainability in Local Government. The guide β†’

Eco friendly structures

Minimize the unnecessary and inefficient use of potable water on the site while maximizing the recycling and reuse of water, including harvested rainwater, storm water, and gray water. Materials and Resources Key Principles: Minimize the use of non-renewable construction materials and other resources such as energy and water through efficient engineering, design, planning and construction β†’

Pre sessional research essay sustainability environmental sciences essay

The intent of the essay is exemplifying the state of affairs and jobs of conveyance in China and give solutions. In this essay, foremost of all, will present the economic system and population state of affairs of megacities in China and so demo the conveyance status.

Coca-cola sustainability strategy

Coca-Cola understands the need to reduce emissions for a low-carbon future and to do that the company first looked to manufacturing. The company has reached out to all it's affiliates down the supply chain to measure their own energy emissions and continue to strive for solutions to lower the global footprint.

30+ questions for survey on the campaign research paper samples

3 how have you come to know about it?- Do you know any activities carried out in the above department?- Which activities do you participate in?- Have you referred any of your friends to the department?- How frequently do you attend meetings?- Do you find them helpful?- Would you suggest improvements towards the department?- What? β†’

Example of implementing industrial sustainability research paper

According to the World Commission on Environment and Development, sustainability entails the process of realizing current needs without compromising the capabilities and opportunities of future generations in realizing the same needs. A system is composed of a set of elements that work together to deliver common goals and in the process improving the overall level β†’

Core value of coca-cola

The central promise is to refresh the world in mind, body, and spirit, and inspire moments of optimism; to create value and make a difference in the world. As a global business, our ability to understand, embrace and operate in a multicultural world - both in the marketplace and in the workplace is critical to β†’

Iel 2011 research essay

IEL 2011 Research Essay University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law International Environmental Law 2011-2012 Research Essay 16th December 2011 The Environmental Aspect of Sustainable Development for CDM Projects in China 1 P a g e 16th De ce mbe r 2011 IEL 2011 Research Essay The Environmental Aspect of Sustainable Development for CDM Projects β†’

Sustainability issues in using paper and board in packaging research paper examples

The packaging can also be used as a way for the company to monitor not only the location of the product but also the existing quality of the product. The coating of the paper has improved the capacity of the packaging to contain the grease or oil of the product or its barrier property.

Six sigma for sustainability in multinational organizations

2011 The Clute Institute 7 Journal of Business Case Studies May/June 2011 Volume 7, Number 3 Statement Of The Research Problem Multinational organizations adopts six sigma as it offer them sustainability and diversity however, it is important to learn what type of sustainability does six sigma provide to the companies. In later part, the literature β†’

Self-concept: meaning of life and ideal self

As illustrative of this, the concept of self-identity is referred by theorists using a diversity of terms such as: the authentic self; the cohesive self; the core self; the saturated self; and the possible selves. He is aware that he is made up of both material and immaterial constituencies and, as a result, his self-image β†’

Communism research paper

Debatably, in its original state, communism was conceived as a strategy of improving the opportunities and the lives of the poor people in the society. One of the principles is that the government controls all the economy and owns the businesses.

English and vietnamese adjective phrases.

Word order in Predicative Function In Vietnamese adjective phrases, adjectives can directly function as predicative like verbs and the order can be formalised as: a + b Eg: B? phim th? t hay = The film was very interesting a + b When Vietnamese adjectives are in the predicative function, they can combine with the β†’

Vietnam war research papers example

The Vietnam War: A Chronology of War. Causes and Consequences of the Vietnam War.

Effects of the vietnam war

It was sold to the American people as necessary to stop the spread of Communism and quickly become one of the longest and costliest wars in U.S.history. Looking at the war strictly from the point-of-view of society, the after effects of the war were staggering.

Example of research paper on the tet offensive during the vietnam war: who won who lost

At the end of January each year many in Vietnam, the USA and other parts of the world, think of 1968 when the Tet Offensive was launched by the North Vietnamese against South Vietnam. It was hardly the only major target, though certainly the most visible and the most significant in the eyes of β†’

Different between vietnam and us

It is bother to the North by China and to the East by Lao and Cambodia. S to have better education The last obvious difference between Vietnam and The U.

A message from disadvantaged children of friends for street children in ho chi minh city – vietnam

A message from disadvantaged children of Friends For Street children in Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnam Ladies and Gentlemen, Ho Chi Minh City is an economic city of Vietnam, with a population of more than 8 million. Facing with the reality that many children cannot access school and their rights are neglected, Friends For β†’

Pho 24 – vietnamese franchise system

Pho 24 also uses a total of 24 ingredients and spices in its pho broth * Diligently stewed for 24 hours before it is served.* The 24 ingredients plus the thorough preparation process ensures that the pho broth at Pho 24 has a rich and sumptuous flavor, according to the company.* The broth recipe is β†’

Example of research paper on planet of the apes 1968

Planet of the Apes: A Parody of Its Time The film, Planet of the Apes was released in early 1968, based on the novel of the same title by a French author, Pierre Boulle. The story of the Planets of the Apes film showed a myriad of significant social facets that were starkly present in β†’

American involvement in vietnam war

The Vietnam War was the longest war involving the United States, yet it was only the war in which the United States was defeated. Hence then, the experiences of the veteran in the novel were a reflection of the credulity of the insistence of the United States to maintain its ideological dominance in the form β†’

What are the causes of the vietnam war

Nixon, who was President of the United States at the time, sent in troops to attempt to slow the process of sending troops and supplies from North Vietnam to South Vietnam. This is how the causes of the Vietnam War resulted in Injustice.

The vietnamese culture, a rich heritage on many different levels

Was Communism to be practiced, as it should be in Vietnam There would be a middle and upper class which there are not except at the level of government, meaning it" tms the same old story of corruption, hunger for power and the odd need to keep the people as submissive and as under-privileged as β†’

Vietnam’s inflation

Analysts say despite the government's measures to tighten monetary policy, price pressures are likely to continue." The increases in energy, electricity and petroleum indicate that we are going to see inflation get a little worse despite the shift in government policy," said Christian de Guzman of Moody's Investor Group. Last week the Vietnamese government announced β†’

Sephora company research paper essay sample

Also when customers shopping in Sephora, they can compare the same products in different price, it is valuable to know which mascara they should buy. In other part, Sephora can change paper bag to recycle bag, which is a green products for the environment.

Skoda cars adverts

The advert then cuts to show the deals that Virgin are promoting and then cuts back to the man who is still listening to music. This is also funny, as it is a pun on the fact that to play music you have to 'turn on'.

Drivers of economic globalization

One is reduced cost in transportation and improvements in the communicationstechnology; other is the increase in the trade barriers which has led to increased investments across borders. This huge difference in the transportation cost has contributed to the reduction in trade barriers and hence an increase in the globalization effect.

5 ways worthless content is driving away your readers

So If you are looking to decrease your blog traffic - or if you just want to learn what to avoid as you grow your audience - here are my top five tips for writing the worst blog content ever. Or, if you are looking to really aggravate your audience, start by promising them something β†’

Aggressive driving should be avoided

The latest research shows that while using a cell phone when driving may not be the most dangerous distraction, because it is so prevalent it is by far the most common cause of this type of crash and near crash". A summer 2006 research spearheaded by the University of Utah even concludes that talking on β†’

ο»Ώwhy should drunk drivers be severely punished

For instance, if one has a formal education about driving before they jumped to the street, they would have a better understanding about the dangerous of driving when they are drunk than those who do not receive the education. There are many reasons to support the statement, one is to enhance the drivers' vigilance when β†’

Types of drivers

Are you the one to piss people off or the one to scare them and make them wonder if they will live or that safe driver that everyone wants to be? The old folks are even worse they seriously go under the speed limit like if you cannot see or are too old to be β†’

My first car gave me a wealth of experiences

Although not the most luxurious car one can dream of because of its age, it was a faithful and nice-looking companion that took me to a lot of interesting places. I was able to sell it at a good price, but somehow I still miss its feeling of space and comfort that engulfed me the β†’

Survey: ask 5 drivers about their knowledge

Alexandra: In: cell phone, kids, dogs, food, Out: ads, other drivers, pedestrians, and animals Henry: outside there is advertisements, cars, really nice cars, homeless people, working people, running women, but inside there is the radio, heat, the dials, and passengers. The space should be increased when the weather onditions are abnormal Ben: I would stay β†’

Tesla was β€˜pushing the envelope in terms of safety,’ mobileye claims

The safety of Autopilot, which helps drivers stay in lanes and steer on highways, was thrust into the public spotlight after a fatal crash involving a Tesla Model S driver using the new technology in May. Tesla said in a blogpost after the accident that " neither Autopilot nor the driver noticed the white side β†’

Bad drivers

It Is not that they do not want to care about the others around them, the problem Is that their brains are actually so tiny that they are enable to comprehend more than one thing at a time. What has happened, Is that In the middle of attempting a maneuver that requires them to think β†’

Drinking and driving: understanding the risks

Driving under the influence or DUI can hurt you or anyone in your path of destruction." Research shows that after 5-7 drinks the brain is numbed that one cannot even hold a pen yet alone get behind the wheel of a car yet people decide to make the obvious mistake and end up in horrible β†’

Elderly drivers outline

A possible solution is to have the driver retake the driving test at the age of 70. The best solution is to make it mandatory for drivers at the age of 70 to retake the test.

Hybrid system for automobiles

As you will well appreciate, the issue of hybrid automobile systems has gained increased prominence in the recent past. This is as a result of the drawbacks associated with the conventional automobile systems currently in use and the potential benefits that hybrid systems can offer.

This is what being asleep at the wheel of a tesla model s looks like … we think

You apparently also do not crash, thank goodness.from That's what happened to, recently caught on camera snoozing at the wheel - make that hands off of the wheel. If the snoozer's hands were off of the steering wheel for long enough, the luxury ride would have slowed itself down, clicked the flashing hazard lights on β†’

Top gear reviwe

The banter between Top Gear trio Richard Hammond, May and Clarkson just great, May was old; Hammond's choice of clothes was laughable, Clarkson moaned about motorway signs in his usual comic way. The Homeland's star Damian Lewis was the ' Star in a Reasonably Priced Car', who dropped names and great story's with genuine humour, β†’

Classical style vs. the renaissance

The realism and perfection of the Greek statues of the Classical period were the inspiration for sculpture of the Italian Renaissance. This is clear in the comparison of the two statues.

French renaissance: kings and architecture research paper sample

The paper will show the Italian Renaissance stimulated the beginning of the French Renaissance and how the elements of Gothic style in French architecture were slowly replaced by classicism as the years progressed as the three kings shifted in power. The flourishing of the French Renaissance was accompanied by the building and the rebuilding of β†’

The renaissance person – henry viii – by casey krol

First of all, Henry VIII established the Church of England in 1534, and became the supreme head when he passed the Act of Supremacy. The trigger to the reformation was the refusal of a annulment by the Pope, for the marriage between Henry VIII and Catherine.

Medici godfathers of the renaissance vi

To what era did people of the Renaissance look back to as the golden age of human life? What power did the people of Florence give to him as a result? 5.

North renaissance 1400

Because of the interests of the patrons, the styles and contents of art work were limited. Bosch was the most imaginative and enigmatic painter of his era.

Major historical developments of the early renaissance

The beginning of the change from the medieval outlook to a modern one is called the Renaissance, or rebirth. The Monks and Nuns were the finest examples of the Christian way of life according to the people during this period.

Islamic influences on the renaissance

While the Renaissance was a time of cultural growth in the fields of the humanities by taking lassie aspects from history and building off of them -imitating and innovating, the Islamic Golden Age was also a time of cultural growth in every sense of the religion - particularly in the fields of academia. Most of β†’

Women in the renaissance research papers example

Women were under various types of subjugation though a slight change was observed in the condition and role in the women who belonged to elite class. Overall the condition of women was deteriorated in the society as they were deprived of education and training.

The principles of macroeconomics

We now study the effect of an increase in the price of gasoline to the demand to transportation. The Relationship of Inflation to Interest Rates.

Hsbc and the argentine peso crisis

After considerable help from the IMF in an attempt to control impending foreign debt, a mix of Argentina's political and monetary policies has resulted in the instability of the Argentine economy and the suspension of payments leading to an uncontrollable build up of national debt. The questionable sustainability of the Argentinean government has led to β†’

Questions international finance

This paper consists of SIX Questions and you are required to answer ANY FOUR Explain the term " foreign exchange exposure" in relation to the operations of a multinational enterprise.[5 marks] How are such exposures usually handled by management? [9 marks] Seattle Inc is a medical device manufacturer. Outline the considerations that need to β†’

Macroeconomic gdp

Unemployment rate is calculated as the ratio of Number of unemployed to the number of employed workers Number of unemployed workers to the population. If more workers Join the labor force of a country, the unemployment rate tends to Increase Decrease Stay the same Question 14 1.

Macroeconomics: comments

One of the advantages of using monetary policy would be the fact that all of the policies under this regime are all highly impersonal since all of the decisions to make regarding the condition of the economy are all based on the empirical data and not on the value judgment of the government authorities. In β†’

Impact of macroeconomic variables

History of the Karachi Stock Exchange Karachi Stock Exchange has had the honor of being best performing stock market of the world for the year 2002 by Business Week. The companies being listed have a choice to be listed on one of the two markets, the ready market and over the counter market.

Should we adopt the euro?

Another great benefit of the adoption of the Euro is the greater competition that it would induce in the market; the pressure to lower inflation and increase productivity would lead to the need for more innovation in the markets, thus creating a healthier and an ever-growing economy. A third argument against joining the Euro the β†’

Managing china’s float

Managing China's Float Why do you think the Chinese government originally pegged the value of the Yuan against the U.S.dollar? If the Yuan is allowed to float freely against the U.S.dollar on the foreign exchange markets and appreciates in value, how might this affect the fortunes of those enterprises?

Macroeconomics week

If they were rationed accounting to the teachers likes and dislikes, there would be a lot of bribing and illegal activities to get the teachers favor. According to the law of comparative advantage, what should be the distinguishing characteristics of the goods a nation produces?

Kfc markting

The potential of the employees who come from different back grounds and work together in the KFC and customer trends and aspect which the KFC has to consider as per their needs and wants of the customer such as changes in lifestyles, Level ofeducation, Value in society, Demographics and Change in consumer needs and wants. β†’

Establishing new digital infrastructure for e-invoicing to solve for gst tax credits

This is supposed to bring in simplicity of administration and expand the tax net, increase indirect tax collection, drive competitiveness and lastly improve ease of doing business in India. By far the most reliable tool in hand, it can do wonders for tax administrators in their endeavor to strike a balance between facilitation and compliance.

Italy tax system

In the case of income from a salary, the employer is obligated to deduct the amount of tax payable on a monthly basis. A Self-Employed Individual is obliged to pay 100% of the tax forecast for a year, or an amount that is the equivalent of 98% of the tax paid in the previous year.


Unemployment rate is the percentage of the total labor force that is unemployed but actively seeking employment and willing to work. Despite the increase in payroll employment in February 2014, the unemployment is increased slightly to 6.

Letter to client advising on the tax impact of sale of property by installments

Trust A is held in the name of the living spouse while trust be is in the name of the deceased spouse. Both the two trusts are meant to be for the benefit of the surviving as long as they are alive, but in the end the assets will go to the spouses' heirs.

Income tax within the malaysian tax environment

Section 3 of the Act provides:" topic to and in conformity with this Act, a revenue enhancement to be known as income revenue enhancement will be charged for each twelvemonth appraisal upon the income of any individual accruing in or derived from Malaysia or received in Malaysia from outside Malaysia." The Act does non specify β†’

Second foundation 3. two men and a peasant

Later, in the evil days of strife, even before the time of Hari Seldon, the weaker sort of men, tired of the periodic decades of insecurity and danger; weary of sacked planets and a ghostly succession of ephemeral emperors making their way to the Purple for a few wicked, fruitless years - these men fled β†’

Convert your start-up costs into deductions in 2016

It may shock you to learn that your start-up costs have to be carried forward until you are " in business" as defined by the IRS. A software system such as QuickBooks is critical to having a good set of books and making your life simpler in the process.

Trend and opportunities

Green Vehicles, which is a company based in California has started to sell an electric car that is pretty ' economical' and worth 20, 000 dollars.needs for alternative energy sources are felt by the consumers across the world and this urgent necessity is the main stimulator behind the development trends of alternative energy Increased rate β†’

Tatutory body

It Is on the above premise that your Company the following relief: Declarations on the applicable royalty rate and the correct calculation of PPTP returns; and specific damages for payment of the outstanding tax and royalty sums of Looking at the above relief, the issues in question which were submitted to Arbitration arose out of β†’

Gold and diamond mines

Not God, the " Rock of Ages', but the new source of hope became the rock " diamond." When the newly discovered 83 carat diamond, which would subsequently be known as the 2 " Star of Africa," was held up before the House of Assembly in Cape Town, the colonial secretary declared, " Gentlemen, this β†’

Wu international taxation research paper series

The purpose is to show that the motivations of those involved in international tax policy contribute to the inefficiency, inequity, and complexity of the international tax system. This system is potent in the sense that it is difficult for countries to unilaterally change their international tax policies in a way that collides with the principles β†’

Bus 405 tax planning homework

He is expected to travel extensively in the region but for convenience purposes, he will be sent to and be accommodated in the office of Gateroom Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Gateway Corporation in Hong Kong. 2012ThailandTo attend meetings and vacation leave Required: Explain briefly the Hong Kong tax system in relation to income β†’

How issues are affected by the political spectrum

Social Security is a huge issue this year because many citizens are concerned that they are paying the social security tax, but with the current plan, themoneywill run out by the time they get old enough to use it. He is conservative by saying that the responsibility of failing schools is to fix the problems β†’

Forklift safety

Operating instructions, warnings, and precautions for the types of truck the operator will be authorized to operate 2. Refresher training, including an evaluation of the effectiveness of that training, will be conducted to ensure that the operator has the knowledge and skills needed to operate the powered industrial truck safely.

Robert borden

Robert Borden Robert Borden was the most successful Prime Minister because he led Canada through World War One, increased the war effort in World War One, and made the Wartime Business Profits Tax of 1917. Robert Borden wanted Canada to participate in the war and got several troops for the Britain empire.

Taxation in the united kingdom

Financial Risk The main distinction in financial risk between employee and self-employment person is that the second one is ready to risk ownmoneyby buying a materials needed to perform the work, and also paying for overheads and bearing the running costs. For electronically returns - 31 January following the end of the tax year It β†’

Microeconomic policies

Microeconomic policy is the application of the principles of microeconomic theory by the government in order to accelerate growth through structural change. One of the microeconomic policy tools that the government should investigate is deregulation or regulation especially in the financial sector, labor markets and the foreign trade sector.

Key learnings from a microeconomics class for mba students

Detailed below are a few significant points that were new to me: Law of Demand & Supply: The quantity demanded of a good falls when the price rises and the quantity supplied of a good rises when the price rises. Concepts of types of PD and their application was an eye opener and gave me β†’

Microeconomics of healthcare research paper examples

In the final analysis, each individual and the entities they form a part of, require decision making to reflect the contemporary status of the healthcare system they wish to benefit from. Whatever the result of the Affordable Health Care Act, the debate in the American healthcare system occurs whether healthcare is categorized as a tax β†’

Strategic management in non profit making organization

The way that a strategic plan is developed depends on the nature of the organization'sleadership, cultureof the organization, complexity of the organization'senvironment, size of the organization and expertise of planners. The not-for-profit sector is extremely diverse in terms of the organizations it encompasses and the work it undertakes.

The external environment ( strategic management)

Human Resources: Nature of the Labor Market A firm's ability to attract and hold capable employees is essential to its success. So, the companies assessment of external environment is to anticipate the situation and condition of the company in current and future.

The feasibility of wind energy from strategic management perspective in russia

This will enable the researcher to understand how these are undertaken in a number of countries and how practices may be improved in Russia.7. 5 METHODOLOGY Due to the nature of this study, the research will be based on an extensive review of the literature and case studies.

Spring exam

First Line Managers - supervise people who perform non-managerial duties Middle Managers - oversee the work of large departments or divisions Top Managers - guide the performance of the organization as a whole or of one of its major parts Governance - is the oversight of top management by a board of directors or a β†’

Agility logistics

In the business-economic system, logistics is one of the vital components that fuel success of companies. Logistics is the aspect that manages the company's flow of resources and information in order to conform to the consumers' necessities - from inventory to packaging.

Cancer research analysis: strategic planning

Cancer Research UK is named as cancer research and awareness charity in the United Kingdom, came in existence on February 2002 by the merger of The Cancer Research Campaign and Imperial Cancer Research Fund. It is difficult to overstate the scale of the cancer problem and the impact it has on the lives of hundreds β†’

The key aspects of project and research activities

2 Why/how to choose this topic: a) Find something we all interested b) We can easy to control -and think about as a designer what kinds of things that we can do in the project. Design brief how to present the project in a clear and easy way.2.

Patients need of healthcare by strategic management

The deliberative model in healthcare is expected to meet quite a few of the needs of the American public regarding the general area of healthcare. These are not related to the understanding of how the patient is taking the medicine.