Genuine Research Paper Examples

Research paper on dissolution of eastern european states – czechoslovakia vis-a-vis yugoslavia

Resentment towards Communism proved pivotal to the successful transition to democracy; the standing of the nation as one with a history and memory of democratic government became beneficial to the victory of the revolution. The manipulation of ethnicity: From ethnic cooperation to violence and war in Yugoslavia.

Example of the importance of the cold war research paper

The fact that President Wilson had refused to recognize the legitimacy of the Communist government after the resolution, and the fact that the United States had refused to share its nuclear weapons research with the Soviet Union, all had made Stalin hostile. One of the first official actions that Congress took after the expression of β†’

China communist party

However, three important reasons for the CCP's victory can be attributed to the Japanese attack and occupation of China during World War II, the CCP's treatment of the Chinese people, and the political failures of the nationalist forces. The added attention that the CCP received from the Japanese occupiers showed the Chinese people that the β†’

Difference between vietnam war and korea war research paper examples

In Korea, the war was more of the North fighting the South. There was also a will of the North Vietnam, to continue with the war with the Americans and the South Vietnam.

Terror and repression were essential elements in establishing

At the end of the second world war, Budapest in Hungary was in war with soviet soldiers, the streets of Budapest were a war ground, and people took to the streets to try to fight against these soviets. People were at the time now aware of what Rakish was doing but they were simply unable β†’

The federal omnibus budget reconciliation act (obra) of 1987

OBRA changed the care and lives of nursing home residents all across America. The OBRA-87 nursing home regulations and implementation.

Example of research paper on suffolk police department budget

Policies The attorney's office for the eastern district of New York announced that the Suffolk Police Department implemented new and enhanced policies and procedures to ensure nondiscrimination in the provisions of police services to the Latino communities in Suffolk County. The mission of the department is to enforce the law and public service through partnership β†’

Efforts to reduce the budget deficit research paper sample

When the spending and expenditure of the government exceed the incomes the government receives from taxes, then the budget deficit occurs. If they become worse, budget deficits lead to loss of confidence in the government of the day.

The job description of a budgeting manager

We will be arguing for the importance of the planning function in the overall budgeting activity and will be arguing for the many ways the budgeting planning function is coordinating with the company's strategic planning. First of all, the planning function in terms of budgeting refers to the planning activities that the company, starting with β†’

Free research paper about federal deficits, surpluses, and the national debt

The total budget of the United States is comprised of the off-budget and the on-budget. A deficit or surplus in the total budget is influenced more by the on-budget than by the off-budget such that, a deficit in the on-budget increases national debt.

Managing financial and non-financial resources

The administrator of an organization organizes a meeting in order to ensure that all members of the organization participate in the preparation of the budget so that the following year's activities are adequately addressed and then the financial managers ensure that appropriate funds are allocated against the activities of the organization. It is important to β†’

Why do we believe presidents have power over the economy?

The national economy is consistently on the mind of business owners and investors and finds prominence for everyone in four year intervals as we compare candidates and their respective platforms. But if we view the idea of presidential power over the economy with a mindful eye, we notice the practical limitations of policy and recognize β†’

Latin american political systems: a case study of cuba research paper sample

In fact, the Straits of Florida separate the country from Florida while the Windward Passage separates the country from Haiti and finally the Gulf of Mexico and the Yucatan Channel separates the country from Mexico. As a result of this, the government has successfully cultivated a culture of professionalism amongst the teachers and tutors The β†’

Terrible death of abraham lincoln

When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom would by Walt Whitman expresses the terrible death of Abraham Lincoln." And the great star early droop would...." taken from the second line of the poem demonstrates the reference to President Abraham Lincoln with " Great Star" as the representation being the 16th president of the United States. β†’

Go sound the trumpet synopsis

Reginald Ellis Go Sound the Trumpet: Synopsis In the book Go Sound the Trumpet by Canter Brown Jr, he talks about the documentation of different African Communities in Florida and the communities of the freed slaves. There was a letter found from an English merchant that supports the possibility that the maroons had centered their β†’

Andrew jackson

He felt the Bank of the United States was unfair and that it was the cause of the panic of 1819. Andrew Jackson was considered to be one of the greatest presidents.

When politics trumps policy

While the public demand for the criminal justice system to help ensure a safe and secureenvironment, there are also occasions whereby the public may feel that the criminal justice agencies are actually the one posing unnecessary threats to the society. Issues like the abuse of authority, deadly vehicle pursuits and unauthorized use of weapons are β†’

The leadership of pres kennedy and johnson

Another one of President Kennedy" s crime Bills to be passed in 1961 having to do with crime was Bill S1656. The Federal firearms act of 1961 was a major bill passed for President Kennedy in 1961.

Bill clinton’s doctrine of enlargement of foreign policies

Since the American troops showed little effect on solving the situation in Somalia, Clinton withdrew the entire force next year, which the embarrassment led to the resignation of the Secretary of Defense Les Aspin and damaged Clinton's reputation. In his remarks to the U.N.general assembly in the White House on October 22, 1995, Clinton gave β†’

The electoral college research paper sample

Then the president of the senate would preside over the vote counting for all the states and read them to the Congress. Then, the President of the Senate opens the vote certificates alphabetically and passes them on to the four vote counters who then announce the results.

Mrs elizabeth dole’s presidential election

In 1980, the now married Elizabeth Dole, impressed Ronald Reagan to the extent that he appointed her director of his transition team" s human services group and a year later, promoted her to head of the White House Office of Public Liaison. She is a politically knowledgeable and powerful woman who has the ability to β†’

Example of barack obama and the election of 2012 research paper

Hillary Clinton was the first to raise the issue of Obama's race and the rumor that he had been born in Kenya and was not eligible to become president, which the Republicans also used in the 2008 and 2012 elections and indeed throughout his presidency. In this respect, the platform was a both a defense β†’

Organizing, researching, and illustrating your material essay sample

An explanation from the branch head is imperative before communication with anyone else in the company.branch head is responsible for the overall performance, and as a branch head, should be held accountable for issues the branch is facing, or needs to explain his side regarding the issues. In this regard, a report is needed to β†’

How has the position of vice president changed

The position of the vice president has drastically changed in many areas such as the way in which they are voted in, but it is still unchanged in areas like the powers given to the vice president in the constitution. The first two decades of the nations history, the vice-president was the person who came β†’

Abraham lincoln did not free the slaves

Though Lincoln and many other Northerners opposed slavery, emancipation of the millions of enslaved blacks was not always well accepted in the racist society of the North or the South. Lincoln preserved slavery in " loyal states" and parts of the confederacy in Union control.c.

Should andrew jackson be on the 20 dollar bill

There was the Indian Removal Act, the Trail of Tears, and he closed the National Bank. One western leader, President Ronald Reagan, above all others, demanded the Soviets to give up the Brezhney Doctrine and abandon the arms race, brought down the Berlin Wall, and ended theCold Warat the bargaining table and not on battlefield.

Ceballos lincoln and king

In both Lincoln address and King's letter they mention God a lot so it seems to me that they both believed in God's will and power. The difference between Lincoln and King is that they fought for what they believed in regardless of what people thought.

Criminal law 9 offences against property

Mens Rea - Within the offence of the theft the mental element of the crime the mens rea is the ' dishonest intention'. A) He has in law the right to deprive the other of it, on behalf of himself of a third person.b) He would have the consent if the other knew of the β†’

Placing criminals in prison benefits everyone

While it was basically still for the enforcement of the law, it was used as a holding area for people accused of crimes and in the process of trial, and for those accused of lesser crimes as non-payment of debts. Deterrence from the commission of crimes is effective to fight crime.

My future as a criminal lawyer

To be a criminal lawyer, you must have a four year undergraduate degree, and a J. I know that to be a criminal lawyer, I must try my hardest in school and put time and patience into my work.

Investigation into the outlaw motorcycle gang

Some more Information about the investigation to date: The Australian Crime Commission and the Crime and Misconduct Commission had been kept In the loop by the QPS since the early stages of this Investigation, because of their interest in illicit firearm sales and organized crime. However, as the investigation falls within the ambit of the β†’

Should juvenile criminals be tried as adults?

The age of the person who commits the crime is the reason why juvenile delinquency punishments are less harsh at times then if an adult would have committed the same crime. When they commit a crime they have to be punished and yes if the crime is harsh it should be as an adult.


The study of criminology is a very interesting major in the fact that it deals with the human brain yet it also plays a huge role in helping keep the community safe, I think that's what fascinates me the most. This is one of the main reasons I choose to study Criminology it is a β†’

How effective was victorian policing?

There were reforms which meant that there were less drunkenness in the force and the public approved the police were seen more as a friend than threat. There was an increase in the number of arrest the police made and the crime rate began to steadily fall.

Sample research paper on criminology

There are several advantages to the use of peer reviewed articles; It is important to note that the reviewers are experts in their fields of study and that they have been previously been involved in peer reviewing, for this reason they are bound to give accurate information based on their years of research in the β†’

Prefrontal cortex vs criminal behavior

Despite evidence that the prefrontal cortex in rodents and non-human primates regulates cognition and behavior in ways quite similar to that of the human, we are the most ' frontal' of species, insofar as the frontal cortex is its largest, in both absolute and relative terms, in the human. Most individuals have experienced severe and/or β†’

Federal criminal law debate

Rule: The rule applicable in the case at bar is the Supremacy Clause contained in Article VI of the Constitution which provides " This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which will be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which will be made, under the Authority of the United States, β†’

Running head: development of criminal procedures

However, following the nature of the proceedings of the case, a ruling was made that the defendants were not provided with an impartial defense which comprised adequate court proceedings. However, following the inadequacy of the case, an appeal was made to the Supreme Court.

Advance criminology

Where the question of sexual offence is concerned, It is not true to say that only Males commit crime, while females are with the par avian of males in the same manner. It is also fact that there is no end of crime till the Doomsday.

The pros and cons of employer drug testing programs

The Pros and Cons of Employer Drug Testing Programs Introduction The debate on the importance of employee drug testing programs has received much controversial views from the social, political, economic, and professional fronts of the community. The pros of employees drug testing programs Employee drug testing programs are crucial in an organization for the following β†’

Gastro- esophageal reflux disease research paper

Gastroesophageal reflux disease is due to weakening of the lower esophageal sphincter tone and is thought to be one of the most common disorders of the gastrointestinal system. Regardless of this fact, some studies have proposed that in Western civilizations, the prevalence of the disorder is in the range of 10-20% of the population, β†’

The importance of drug testing in workplaces

The idea of drug testing among workers has developed from society's concern over a perceived increase in the use of drugs and the relation between drug use and impairment, with resultant risks to the worker, fellow workers and the public. One of the biggest of these problems is whether or not it is constitutional to β†’

The effects of drugs on our society and youths

A survey was conducted and showed that most people found it to be true that youths between the of 14-22 use recreational drugs. Recreational drugs are not limited to any particular group in society, meaning that a very wide variety of people choose to use the drugs; including teenagers, parents, business people, and often very β†’

Benefits of viagra research paper examples

Viagra enables men to achieve erections as it utilizes the effects of the nitric oxide component of the drug, capable of transmitting signals to the brain. With the use of Viagra, men and women would be able to sustain their impotence and ensure that sexual activity is still pleasurable for the couple.

My experience with tuberculosis research paper example

Treatment of TB usually takes long and is through a standard six- nine month administration of four antimicrobial drugs these are often provided with the supervision of health workers to ensure patients adhere to the treatment. The exact length of treatment and drugs depends on age, possible resistance to the drugs, overall health, and location β†’

Research methods and analysis essay examples

This outcome is a result of the ignorance of ethical pitfalls that may exist in this type of research. Role of Family on recidivism rates The family is of critical importance in matters of recidivism and as such, it would provide a good area for conducting a survey research on this.

Teen drug addiction: a chronic ilness

Drug addiction is a brain disease because the abuse of drugs leads to changes in the structure and function of the brain. Teens that are addicted feel a loss of control and are overwhelmed with the urge to search for and continue the use of drugs and alcohol despite negative consequences.

Psychoactive drugs and their effects

Drugs are classified according to their effects and actions on the mind and body. They affect regions of the brain that are responsible for coordination, thought processes, hearing and sight.

Alkanes and their properties research paper examples

The different is the orientation of the functional groups as we know in cis isomerism the both functional groups are on the same side though in trans isomerism they are located on the opposite side.reddish color in darkness but as it's exposed to light the color fades. Retrieved August 15, 2013, from Organic Chemistry/Alkanes.

Emerging drug trend research paper

In the analysis, the author postulates that the Fore Var System is one of the information systems that is anchored on the recommendations and research findings of EMCDD study. The article provides an elaborate and detailed analysis about the importance of embracing the Fore Var System to monitor and report on the emerging trends in β†’

Diet coke brand

Soft drinks and Coca Cola are synonymous as the company has a rich history of success in the soft drinks industry that will play a large role in determining the levels of success that can be attained by Diet Coke in developing a reputation that though dependent on Coca Cola will be able to distinctively β†’

Stimulant drugs and its effects

In the case of stimulant drugs, the release of these chemicals are forced on the body even before the need arises, thus, providing the body with extra energy. Having stated this, the robbery made by stimulant drugs is due to the direhealtheffects it causes in the long-term, such as ulcers, spasms, the constriction of heart β†’

Mandatory drug testing

There is the employers' right to state in the employees contacts the provisions and abnegations of the two in the matter of drug testing. The Effectiveness and Legality of Random Drug Testing Policies.

Free research paper on understanding the social benefits of

Part of the independently assessed and federally funded research on the benefits of prison drug programs, including: the Drug Abuse Treatment Outcome Study, the Drug Abuse Reporting Program, and the Treatment Outcome Prospective Study, show confirmation of the efficacy of drug abuse treatment of prisoners in one-year follow up. The variable of the savings connects β†’

Mandatory drug tests for welfare recipients

That is not air to people in the work force because we are basically funding their drug addictions, and it's definitely not fair to their kids, because that money is supposed to help them live a betterchildhood. Drug tests should be a part of the application for welfare and it should happen also during the β†’

Research paper on schizophrenia

It is seen that in acute stages of schizophrenia students do not feel the urge to go to school, workers do not feel the need to go to the place of work and so on. Most of the medication of schizophrenia puts the patients to sleep for long hours, resulting in an increase in this β†’

Research paper on correction rehabilitation in four areas

Reoffendering is considered to be a certain measure in the sphere of rehabilitation, which shows success and failures of correctional system. It is expected that with the help of drug treatment it will be possible to achieve social and psychological well-being of criminals and eliminate their negative behavior.

Factors of drugs abuse

They may want to find a way to release their huge amount of stress. The percentage for a person to take drugs is very high when they are being invite and encourage by friends from their group.

Dbq on ancient greece

The ancient Greeks revolutionized human thought and philosophy, changed mankind's values toward human life, and introduced art and culture that exemplifies human creativity of the era. Aristotle believed the most important characteristic of human nature is the ability to reason.

The broken spears: the aztec account of the conquest of mexico

The book has as mission, bring the voices of past to the audience: present the indigenous people to the rest of the world; contribute to the global history with this review of struggle. The object of study during those years is the arrived of the Spaniards, the resistance of Aztecs and finally, the surrender.

Moral status of animals in the ancient world

There is a hierarchy based on the theological concept of " dominion," in Genesis, where Adam is given " dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." Although the concept β†’

Mesopotamia civilization: aztecs

Another very important achievement that the Aztecs made was that they created " floating gardens", " Floating gardens" were used because the Aztecs were originally located on a small island, there was not a whole lot of room for the crops that the Aztecs wanted to grow and sell. The island was also the capital β†’

The king and his role in ancient egypt

The King as a Divine Creature Although out of the archives and data that has been collected over the past decades about Ancient Egyptian, the evidence that shows the King as being an actual divine being of the Gods, usually an incarnation of a particular God or sometimes a mosh of multiple Gods the King β†’

Ancient egyptian history

If the pyramids were a structure for the afterlife of the pharaohs, the tombs that would have been built through the rock cliffs were the tombs of the kings of the Middle Kingdom, and in the period of the New Kingdom. In addition, the body of the deceased was made of stone and placed in β†’

Households and domesticity in ancient world

I will get down by placing what it is that separates a swayer 's home from the remainder of a community and will so seek to place why a house would be used as a temple and the grounds for why there would hold been the passage to a dedicated spiritual edifice. The period of β†’

Ancient greek theater research paper

The choruses were only men, as were the actors and the audience. The plays originally had a chorus of up to 50 people who performed the plays accompanied bymusic, beginning in the morning and lasting until the evening.

Abortion in ancient times

In contrast, there are 78% of developed countries that let abortion for economic and social issues, 67% of them permit it on request. In the vast majority of countries, to have an abortion woman has to pass additional procedural requirements.

Pangaea: the ancient supercontinent

Laurasia, composed of the present-day continents of Asia, Europe, and North America, occupied the northern hemisphere. By 135 million years ago, the breakup of Laurasia and Gondwanaland was underway, leading to the present-day locations of the continents.

Why was vindolanda built?

The forts stretched from east to west, and are considered to have been a consolidation of the frontier of the Roman Empire. They invaded the south of Britain and they used the picts to trade with the Brigantes.

Ancient greeks and romans.

The Greeks and the Romans are similar and different in many aspects including religion, social/political aspects, influence of geographical factors and the lasting effect they have had on later civilizations. The Greek and Roman civilizations were some of the greatest civilizations to evolve.

The ancient city of uruk

Low entree to these stuffs led to the desire for trade and the formation of extended relationships with other metropoliss, which, along with other factors, led to the enlargement of Uruk, an event which can be displayed by a rapid population addition and drastic societal alteration. As Uruk's influence, as the trade Centre of the β†’

Military of ancient egypt: warfare

The world's first armies are known for the invention and spread of agriculture coupled with the domestication of animals in the fifth millennium, of which set the stage for the emergence of the first large-scale, complex urban societies around 4000 B.C. During this same period, warfare assumed great proportions in the size of the armies β†’

Rime of the ancient mariner commentary

This is the origins of the ballad, because he is talking to the wedding guest as a warning. That is the juxtaposition created between the pain of the curse, and the happiness of the wedding.

The difference between ancient china and egypt

Ancient China and Egypt By: Jessica Isham Ancient Egypt and Ancient China were 2 of the biggest civilizations thousands of years ago. The religion of ancient Egypt was polytheistic and centered on the divinity of the ruler and the eternity of the soul.

The schematization of aesthetics was founded in ancient times

Tanizaki's key of aesthetics is logically plausible in Langer's philosophy since she espoused a relativistic means of understanding the nature of things and the contingency of the universe, in context with aesthetics. Tanizaki and Langer's philosophies on aesthetics are significant because of its willingness and openness to the possibility of new keys, in terms of β†’

How the constitution limits the power of government

The principle of federalism means separation of powers between the central power and the states. On the other hands, some powers can be exercised exclusively by the central government, so power of the Government and power of the States are mutually limited[2].

Constitutional supremacy

It is also called legislative supremacy because thelegislature is not a body created by the Constitution neither the powerof the legislature is limited by the Constitution. The Constitutional supremacy means that the Constitution is supremeover the parliament and the parliament can exercise its functions beingonly within the bounds of the Constitution.

Bill of rights and amendments research paper sample

The Archivist and the Director of the Federal Register then follows procedures that were established by the secretary of state and the administrator of General services. The OFR verifies the receivership of the required number of the authenticated approval documents then drafts a formal announcement for the Archivist to certify that the amendment is valid β†’

Free research paper on challenging section β€˜b’ of the baltimore airport regulation

The core issue in the present study is the right of the fans of Big Bad Bruce to gather within the vicinity of the Baltimore International Airport to welcome home the rock star and express support for his political views. 30 persons at the most, violates the First Amendment on the right to peaceably assemble, β†’

Good research paper on libya parliament

The GPC was the people' s parliament and was made up of Gaddafi's relatives and friends. The rise of Muammar Gaddafi to power in 1969 killed democratic representation of the people through a people-driven parliament.

Rights of accused: research paper examples

Because of the continued struggle for the freedom of the people, the due process has lead to the acknowledgement of the human rights by the government and they were finally made into legally binding statutes. Due process was incorporated in the very early state constitutions which lead to the amendments of the United States constitution β†’

The united states constitution is a living document

To state that it is a dead document is to imply that we should abandon this document. And that is why after over 200 years The United Sates Constitution is still a living document that we should never wish to abandon.

Is the constitution a living document

" Is the Constitution a living document? " Well the meaning of the living document is the provisions by which it may be altered in order to remain current, address unforeseen circumstances and make legal provisions for those accordingly. That it can be changed when, and if, the people ordain such change is a part β†’

National constitution center

The topics of all these activities are centered on the history and place of the United States Constitution in the life of the American people. Moreover in the interactive exhibits one can see not surprisingly many historical artifacts connected to the story of the Constitution, especially the original documents that the founders or the signers β†’

Individual differences

Openness to Experience * A person open to experience is broad-minded, imaginative, and open to new ideas; a person who lacks openness is narrow-minded, has few interests, and resists change.* Authoritarianism * the degree to which a person defers to authority and accepts status differences.* Machiavellianism * the degree to which someone uses power manipulatively.* β†’

Robert marshall case research essay

The Supreme Court's opinion shows that the earliest evidence of Marshall's preplanning occurred in 1983." According to Investigator Mahoney's report of the Kraushaar interrogation, she told police of a conversation with Marshall prior to Christmas in 1983 in which, while discussing his financial difficulties, Marshall had observed that " the insurance on would take care β†’

Free research paper on household carbon footprint

For this paper, the writer used the Carbon Footprint Calculator developed by Carbon Footprint, Ltd.for determining his personal carbon footprint. 97 metric tons of carbon emissions from the use of electricity; 0.

Test practice

A Chinook winds lower the humidity in the air, which dries out the trees. Chinook winds raise the humidity in the air, which dries out the trees.

Climate change and its consequences

CO2 emissions is one of the gases that has a dramatic impact on the environmentresulting in rising coastal flooding, reduction in water supplies and increase malnutrition. Therefore, it is crucial to gain in-depth insights in consumers' perception towards EVsthat affect preferences for and the adoption of alternative fuelled vehicles.

Research paper on livestock and climate change

The melting of the arctic shelf is melting permafrost under the sea, which is releasing methane stored in the seabed as methane gas, taking current average methane concentrations in the Arctic to the average of about 1. Immediate response to climate change is needed at present time and this will be about making hard choices β†’

Why some governments are more willing than others to help tackle climate change:

Some LEDCs may want to tackle climate change as it will be very beneficial in the future. Therefore countries such as the Philippines may be more willing than other to tackle climate change.

Climate change effect on polar bears

Climate ChangeEffects on Artic Polar Bears Kenneth Halvorsen COM/156 09/30/2012 Jocelyn Henson Climate Change Effects on Artic Polar Bears Climate warming and ecological changes have caused a significant threat to the declining population of polar bears in the Arctic which is affecting human habitats Polar bears, the largest of the terrestrial carnivores, live on the β†’

How humans have contributed to climate change

The world's glaciers are retreating and disappearing, extreme weather is occurring more often now than in the past, the sea's level and temperature is on the rise and it's becoming more acidic, increased evaporation is drying out the earth's supply of fresh water found in lakes and rivers, heat waves kill thousands in Europe, uncontrollable β†’

Free second take research paper sample

For instance, the aspects of color in the photograph meant something different when I looked at the photograph in the first draft compared to the interpretation in the second take after incorporating knowledge from research into the background of the photographer. My interpretation of the use of color in the photograph was that the use β†’

Why photography, at the end of the day, is not an art research paper example

This paper argues that at the end of the day, photography is not art due to the fact that photography does not extrapolate some of the fine details such as artworks, photography does not illustrate creativity but opportunity, and at the same time photography does not present the emotion of the photographer. This is the β†’