Genuine Research Paper Examples

Research paper on passion and tradition

Johnson's action is " in keeping with her own knowledge of the meaning of the quilts, the spirit that they embody, and her need to make decisions based upon her own values". But one of the most interesting elements of her work is a sense of cultural ambiguity, reflected in her support for, and criticism β†’

Mfecane debates

In the 1970s the mfecane has become the most widely used terms in south African history and historical literature.inding the original meaning of mfecane could somehow be merely impossible reason being from on angle the mfecane was the Nguni diaspora which from the early 1820s which took Nguni raiding communities such as Ndebele, the Ngoni β†’

Research paper on global fusion in new orleans: the birthplace of jazz

Cuba and Haiti were the location of the first important fusion of world music when the island's indigenous music and African music melded." process was actually set in motion earlier in the Caribbean, particularly Cuba, Saint Dominque, and Mexico, and carried to New Orleans by black and Creole refugees". Subversive Sounds: Race and the Birth β†’

The role of relative isolation in the african continent

The concept of relative isolation when talking about the African continent is determined by the cultures and the way the people lived in this time. It is also very difficult when these things occur, and the people left have to migrate as a whole.

ο»Ώfailure of the arab league

In the wake of World War 2 the UN assembled to form the new world order In the Middle East, 6 founding members formed the Arab League, an organization founded upon a common sense of Arabism with a goal of Arab unity In the wake of theCold War, Africa found itself at a political disadvantage β†’

Traditional gender views and the exceptions

Thus an individual who is more able to take risks and who is better able to exhibit a sense of confidence and independence is considered to be more masculine. The woman's traditional role as a mother and wife are the most emphasized qualities of a feminine individual.

Feminist and womanist criticism of african literature: a bibliography

Among the issues taken up in the state of feminist theory and criticism are the importance of feminism as a literary critical method; the representation and mis-representation of women in literary texts; theeducationof women; the access of women to the economic means of survival; motherhood; women in the domestic sphere; women as part of their β†’

Sex and gender in sally potter’s orlando

Would I then be ", " A real woman? " Yet it is this conversation, the embodiment of Butler's theories on gender performance, which bring Orlando to the ealisation that she longs for a child. Orlando's gender does not change her character in any way, she is the " same person.

Radical feminism versus liberal feminism

Ritzer indentifies feminism as that board of theories which analyse the social world of the point of views of women and other minority groups and the major objective is to investigate the situations and experience of women in diverse societies. This idea distinguishes the Radical theory from the Liberal theory as the later concentrates on β†’

A feminist perspective

In a feminist text woman performs and controls and promotes the action by her active involvement and concern and in the process it is she who acquires the attributes of heroism and glory. In Ice-Candy-Man, Lenny's relationship with her cousin upholds the principle ofequalityAyah is a flame of sensuousness and female vitality.

Equal gender education

It is perceived in these countries that education is not of vital importance to women since they " are not" supposed to work outside the house, and that their primary duty is to take However in modern societies and nations, the situation differs. Based on these facts, it is vital to put of equal stress β†’

What is the feminist view of the family?

They believe the family benefits men as marriage acts as a prison, men do little in the family compared to women the sexual division in the family exploits women, since their responsibilities for domestic labour and childcare are unpaid, undermines their position in paid employment and increases dependency on men. However black women and men β†’

Caste: social and gender hierarchies

The fundamental issues of caste not only affect the privileged and the working peoples, ethnic and racial minorities, and religious piety, but also the roles of men and women within the framework of gender relations. The response of the king reinforces that the primary purpose in a women's role is to become a wife and β†’

The world of feminist research essay sample

I have found that more research needs to be conducted on FGM, and it should be done in a way that respects the rights of the individuals and the culture in which it is rooted and practiced. In the first section, I will explain the history, and how the procedure is done and the type β†’

Development of feminism

The publication of Mary Wollstonecraft's Vindication of the Rights of Women and John Stuart Mill's The Subjection of Women ideas, social movements, and individual feminists migrated across land and sea, generating a powerful new context for the advancement of women's rights. The first wave focused mainly on women's suffrage which was the right of a β†’

The dichotomy of a feminine interior and a masculine exterior

Spaces are gendered non merely based on the user or the usage of the infinite, but besides based on the handiness of the infinite. In many families, the adult females are restricted to the insides of the house whereas the work forces of the household travel out to gain a life for the household.

Account for the continued existence of gender inequalities at work

Initially I will talk about the historical motives of gender inequality and the work of the earlier women's movements and campaigns for equal rights in the early 1900's. One of the most significant changes for women in the labour force since the 1960's has been the percentage of women returning to the workforce and the β†’

Teoryang feminismo

Calculus is the branch ofmathematicsthat deals with the finding and properties of derivatives and integrals of functions, by methods originally based on the summation of infinitesimal differences.a. Thereafter, calculus was actively used to solve the major scientific dilemmas of the time, such as: a.calculating the slope of the tangent line to a curve at any β†’

Gender and feminism in ‘why i want a wife’ research paper examples

In all of these instances, one group holds all the cards, and it is up to the agency of the lesser group to make the necessary changes in society to make it better. Because of the husband's natural expectation to not have to do work, and for allowing the wife to be the economically independent β†’

The yellow wallpaper psychosis and feminism research paper

As this occurs, and she keeps herself in the bedroom of her summer vacation home, she begins to hallucinate as a result of both the abuses her husband perpetrates against her and the crippling inactivity to which she has been prescribed. The protagonist of " The Yellow Wallpaper" experiences both tremendous psychotic episodes and incredible β†’

Feminism in aliens

As the film moves, more and more do the triumph of the female characters overcome the inferiority of the " masculine" soldiers; Cameron explores the power of the relationship between mother and daughter or just mother and its offspring. Aliens, written and directed by a male, is a film that yells for the strength of β†’

The gender income gap

The Gender Gap For as long as there have been Jobs and Women in the workplace. This type of discrimination still exists in the work place, and they are not trying to hide it.

Feminism vs misandry

The reason being: that is not the truth and the fact that people keep synonymizing misandry with feminism will of course lead the one being accused to hate the accuser, which in this case Is generalized as mem But the hate would be for the sin, not the sinner; feminists hate the lie, not the β†’

Primary school art teaching mission statement

Art is often a subject that requires the teacher to allow the children a certain amount of fun and freedom, however, fun turns into chaos if it has no ordered structure and discipline. I try and allow the children to follow their own instincts, so the result becomes secondary to individual expression.

Developmentally appropriate practice buzzwords or best practice?

Basic furniture such as cots, tables and chairs should be sturdy and appropriate to the size of the children in the group in order for children to be comfortable, have proper body support, and focus on learning, playing, and routine activities rather than their own discomfort. Whole group activities should be kept to a minimum β†’

Theory research research papers examples

Thoughts have been formulated to describe the behavior of the child and to help the teachers understand the causation factors for the behavior of the child in a learning environment. The teachers can also be in a position to work on a strategy of reducing the impact of the historical aspects that influences the learning β†’

8 reasons coaching is the perfect solo business

You get to choose your clients for your coaching practice, and you can focus your marketing on industries or types of professionals who interest you the most. If you know a problem that leaders and managers in organizations are facing, there is a coaching niche for you to fill.

To learn english as an english teacher

However it is worth for the wealth of information and the opportunity to open up for a person, for instance, the use of information andcommunicationby internet or traveling abroad the world, they are two advantages for learning English. Also most of the students think to learn English is difficult because they speak English as speak β†’

The method of teaching conroy’s used

A man by the name of Pat Conroy offers to teach over on the island, many people on the island have noeducationand are illiterate. The teachers at the school believe that the children cannot be taught.

Effectiveness of using handouts as an aide in teaching english

The followings are some of the positive effects of using handouts into students study. Handouts could be persuasive for those students, because it can easily capture the mind of one to review and study his/her lessons.

Native or non-native: who makes a better english teacher

Introduction In the recent years, the increase in the number of non-native English speakers in the world has led to the appearance of so many different varieties of English and has influenced some important issues related to English language teaching. One of the main subjects running through discussions of ELF is the insignificance of native β†’

Teacher who has influenced me

Barrett motivated me to not settle for mediocre work and to do my absolute best in anything I strived for. He simply guided me to success and I am honored to have been in such a rigorous and competitive class.

Downturn in ontario economy

In response to the economic downturn of the Ontario economy due to the excesses of debt run, the world of the Ontario economies is approaching a new era, which is very negative. From 1981 to 2010, Ontario experienced the largest income inequality of any of the eleven provinces at the same time having the second β†’

5 truths about gen-z businesses that want a future need to know

And like the generations that precede them, Gen Z-ers promise to bring yet another mindset to your small business - whether as employees or customers. Count on a minimal learning curve for your Gen Z-ers - and expect them to suggest ways to use the newest apps to benefit your business.

What is the future of human geography

As a result of different approaches to geography emerging from the 50s, physical geography had grounded its roots in the universities of the UK and human geography was also doing well with a similar level of success. Overall, I feel the future of geography needs to define and ground itself, as a discipline whilst at β†’

The future of nursing

According to this article nursing will have to change it role in the ACA and the three main categories that need to be changed and redeveloped is transforming practice, educationandleadership." The ACA outlines some newhealthcare arrangements, and with these structures will come new opportunities for new roles. In conclusion The Affordable Care Act of 2010 β†’

Who i am

Thinking to It, I knew It was a start, a new start of life as a beginning, new chapter of not just believing in finding myself, challenging more to my limitations, setting high bars, letting myself free to the world of judgments and doubts of others around me, and showing my heart to the world β†’

The future of biopsychology-obesity

Also, neither the potential effectiveness of the proposal in terms of reducing obesity or the potential harm to the family unit caused by the removal have been substantiated. In summary, obesity is a major public health issue with far reaching consequences to a fair majority of the population.

Research paper on avoiding taxes

After renouncing citizenship, the petitioner loses the rights that are enjoyed by the citizens of the US. One needs to pay the taxes that he or she owe the state before they think of renouncing citizenship since even after renouncing citizenship the tax liability is still attached to the individual and the individual will not β†’

What is our future going to be like if we continue

Another reason why resources are being wasted Is that people do not know how to be echo-efficient due to lack of exposure to Information/awareness. If we ruthlessly persist to waste resources, we will face a tremendous number of problems In the future.

The future of digital forensics

The new developments in digital crimes pose serious challenges to computer forensics thus calling for the need for the computer professionals to consistently look for new ways of mitigating the effects of such delirious acts so as to protect both organisations and individuals. The new developments in digital crimes and the challenges to computer forensics β†’

Limitations and future research

Another significant limitation of this research is our sample, the respondents were selected mix with luxury consumer and consumer in general, is hard to measure the if respondents are aware of the ethical diamond issues. Therefore, further study may conduct a research focus on the actual diamond jewellery consumer, who has a certain level of β†’

Getting our future back on the rails – slowly

Throughout the article the writer attempts to make the reader believe that a community garden would be a far more productive use of land instead of a skate park and he/she does this with an logical and passionate tone and throughout the article it evolves into a feeling of determination and importance, and this is β†’

Kant and the prolegomena to any future metaphysics

The true nature of metaphysics is laid out with scientific clarity in the Critique and the Prolegomena, and this is the essence that Kant wants to convey, not the final outcome. Such understanding is composed of components that are a priori and synthetic, and it is meant to make the world intelligible to us.

The future of democracy in south asia

It affected India because the ownership of the land was given to the peasants and the British government collected the tax which demonstrated not fair to the peasants. The British were able to establish political control in South Asia because of confusion created by the decline in power of the Mughal Empire, the compulsion to β†’

Our decisions determine our destiny

All of these decisions that we make In life can change our future, and of course we all want to make the right decisions so that we have a good future. We need to remember to make good actions so that hey become good habits." Watch your habits, they become your character." This Is a β†’

A view from the future and the medieval ages

The great publicist of the enlightenment, Voltaire, even while he advocated the widening of historical inquiry to embrace social and economic activities and their effect, strongly believed that any objects worthy of historical study were the peeks not the valleys of the achievements of mankind.l This statement shows that among the civilization that rose, the β†’

Research studies have shown that psycho-social intervention strategies

People with ADHD suffer a certain level of social dysfunction that may prevent these interpersonal relationships from being either as rewarding, or as fulfilling as they might be otherwise, therefore, methods must be developed in order to help people with ADHD deal with and cope with interpersonal relationships in a healthy way and to address β†’

Youth and economic development in the 21st century africa

1] Other countries have turned to a range of measures to reduce the gender disparity in access to education one illustration is the provision of free uniforms and books to girls in Kenya. The success of the struggle for leadership change in Egypt and other places by the youth can be attributed to one of β†’

Influences on belizean youths

It is more common to see the influences that other countries have brought into our country and which have caused a cultural erasure especially in the lives of us the young one. The way they dress, the music they listen to and the food they eat all can be seen that there is foreign influence.

Youth problems

This addiction also will lead to some illness such as back pain and eyestrain when there is too much time is spent on the games. Therefore, teenagers are advised to use their time wisely by spending on other beneficial activities As a conclusion, it is pertinent to note that games bring many disadvantages because it β†’

Counseling youth in times of crisis

When someone comes to us about suicide it is vital that we listen to them and not throw the bible in their face." Be nonjudgmental. One of the worse things you can do is try to teach a grieving youth theology; they have enough to worry about and do not need to have your opinions β†’

Research paper on human papilloma virus effects

According to the research, the possible effects of this virus include the prevalence of cancer, particularly anogenital and oropharyngeal cancers. The recommended methods of treatment, expected to be found through this study include radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

James dean

In the photograph that I have attached, it is as if Dean is trying to keep a hold on himself and his emotions; trying not to get too caught up in the crazy world he had been thrown in to. It is the story of a rebellious teenager who arrives at a new school, falls β†’

Social indignation and public condemnation research paper example

This paper attempts to dissect the theme of " social indignation and public condemnation" which is the root of evilness found at the core of human existence" in Hawthorne's three significant works which include " The Birthmark", " Young Goodman Brown", and " Ethan Brand". In the story Hawthorne tried to capitalize on what one's β†’

Outline the case for votes at 16

From giving Women the right to vote many citizens have believed that the voting age should in fact be lowered from the current standard EU Law of 18, to the minor age of 16. By the age of 16 they would have been able to form options and does Article 21 of the UNHuman Rightslist β†’

Advocacy for families and youth

Josie can be a behavioral problem in the home and community and has been referred to your agency for advocacy services. List at least three and explain why these are key issues.

Patriotism in the lives of today’s youth

That, however, does not mean that we are not mindful of thehard workof our countrymen, because of whom, we are living a dream life in a vibrant and growing India, which has created a niche for itself in the world. In a patriot's vision the image of his motherland assumes divinity and we can imagine β†’

Reading among youth

If I compared the youth today from the youth before, I can say that the youth before is more into reading than the youth today. That is why I recommend these kinds of books to teenagers since we are the people of tomorrow and as people of tomorrow, it is good that we already know β†’

The effects of mentoring at-risk youth

The ultimate goal is for a relationship to form and to build a bond of trust with an adult who can in turn, help them deal with the troubles that often arrive in life. Most mentoring programs are forced to rely on the kindness of the community for support and this usually comes in the β†’

Assessing youth’s education relative to health-related issues and concerns

It is in this juncture that one can realise the importance of taking good care of the young since they are the present and the future of the world. And since education plays an integral part for the health among the youth, taking surveys and field researches on the health status of these young people β†’

Lgbtq youth homelessness

Cristina Oliveira Mark Barnes DATE 3 May 2018 LGBTQ youth homelessness The largest and de most powerful nation in the world the United States fell in taking care of their youth. They are kicked out of afamilyand society for being who they are and this trauma is a part of the lives of these young β†’

Nurses experience on research paper

The Hvakvik and Dale study endeavors to examine the patient transition from independence to homecare from the nurses' point of view. As suggested by the work of Gadamer, recognition of the pre-understandings of the researchers before conducting this research were recognized and kept separate from the evidence supporting the understandings of the focus groups.

Mankind is no island

What makes this film visual What is specifically visual about it What makes the video shape my perspective of the situation What is the purpose of the video being made? - To be more aware of the homeless Ideas: There is a lack of giving to the homeless The homeless are taken for granted The β†’

Dorm life vs. home life research paper sample

Living in a dorm during your years of studies is the best way to have a full experience of college life. Living in a dorm during your years of studies is the best way to have a full experience of college life.

Homelessness and print ad

The print ad states the following: " When you give to the United Way, you are helping homeless people overcome the obstacles in their lives by providing things like shelter, hot meals, and training programs. In the picture on the print ad, you can see a person's hand is trying to shield a homeless man β†’

Good research paper about alternate living environment

He candidly discussed the research in the field of gerontology that might affect the future planning and the challenges of the new technology, and the nursing staff that supports the services. The CCRC's offer varying levels of care from the independent that has individual condominiums, the assisted living that has apartment style, and the skilled β†’

The vicious cycle of broken homes and unsuccessful marriages

Other studies show that children from broken homes are more likely to have sex before the age of 16. As children in broken homes become more and more distrustful of marriage and sustain more psychological trauma, broken marriages unsuccessful marriages form a vicious cycle that leaves everyone a victim.

Church pays tribute to a man whose home was its steps

A vast majority of people are of the idea that homeless people should struggle to get a job, and that they are homeless because they are lazy. The reality is that this can happen to any one of us at any stage in life, as there is no intention or will involved in becoming homeless.

Example of research paper on cultural sensitivity project

For instance, the curtains were blue because it was the color of the Lord Krishna, who is responsible for counsel and is a representation of the goodness in life. There was also a symbol and sculpture of a cow, which is greatly revered in Hinduism, which is the religion of the Indians.

Take home final exam

Charles Seller's Industry certainly earns a place in the history books not only because of this lance/symmetric sense of style shown in the image but it illustrates how the use of space or lack of can really accent the photograph as a whole and make it aesthetically pleasing to the eye. A second category could β†’

Classdate research paper

Personal growth is also enhanced by the making and maintaining of friendships and relationships with the people a student meets in a foreign country. By participating in an internship abroad, a student is exemplifying the qualities of openness, cultural sensitivity and courage.

Example of research paper on runaway & homeless youth

The aim of the legislature was to safeguard the best interest of the youth who are on the streets unsupervised by an adult. Another evidence to prove the need for a policy that would govern the welfare of the children who run away from home and the homeless is the result of the social research β†’

Broken homes and marriages

At first the couple with one or both coming from broken homes might become successful but in the long run they are less likely to possess the relative experience and knowledge required to establish a family and work out a marriage. The Only Solution To High Divorce Rates and Broken Families.2007.

Broken home?

All they know is that their parents used to live together and now they do not, used to " love" each other and now they do not. Growing up in a broken home may also cause children to have difficulty in future relationships and cause them to struggle with the issue of trust.

Levittown experiment

Levittown project was taken up in the U.S.after the end of Second World War, with the aim of providing mass housing facilities to people in the wake of increasing urbanization and problems of accommodating large population in limited urban area. However, the strong private construction lobby was pressuring Congress to get out of the housing β†’

Living in a dormitory or living in an apartment

Not only the students living in a dormitory but also those living in an apartment have classes to attend an exams to take. Despite being alike in school work, the students living in a dormitory and those living in an apartment have to significant differences as far as freedom and transportation are concerned.

Martin luther king and the american civil rights movement research paper examples

His movement was instrumental in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Acts of 1965, which abolished segregation and disenfranchisement of blacks and other minorities in the United States. King combined the nonviolent methods of Gandhi with the Christian Realism of Niebuhr from the time he began leading the civil β†’

The rise of african-americans from 1865 to 2012

Most of the African Americans who went to war were isolated from the white soldiers." Many blacks were assigned to work in areas of manual labor. The Rise of African- Americans The 1950s brought many changes to the African American people.

Equality and civil rights for all research paper sample

It is this practice that saw the entrenchment of segregation, discrimination and isolation of the African American from the larger American society. The struggle to liberate the African American dates back to the efforts led by the likes of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, among others during the civil rights struggle in the United States β†’

Influence of religion on the civil rights movement

The thrust of the Civil Rights Movement...was that God was on the side of the oppressed, the poor, the downtrodden, the outcast, the persecuted, the exploited. Such a religious force in America that did not partake in the struggle for civil rights held back some of the potential of the movement.

Civil rights in philosophy

Civil rightsinphilosophyessay 10 BY BillBBowers Fighting For Rights and Justice: Civil DisobedienceSummary With Mill's argument for a limited or possibility for no government and then Hobbe's view that society and men where selfish and needed a sovereign offer to get along, brings us to the work of Henry David Thoreau. This moves back into a β†’

Civil rights/secret life of bees

The African American Civil Rights Movement aimed to eliminate all racial discrimination and segregation in America and demonstrated throughout Sue Monk Kidd's The Secret Life of the Bees. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their β†’

Good napoleon: champion or gravedigger of french revolution research paper example

The revolution was really a historical landmark in the world for the massive bloodshed and intensity of the revolution. By meting out the reforms on France, Napoleon was a real protagonist and reformist, In his efforts to see the fruition of the principles of the revolution, Napoleon was keen on the principle of equality for β†’

Sample research paper on feminism

Essentially, women who opt for radical feminism believe that if they are acting in a way that society deems acceptable, they are probably acting in a way that a man has deemed acceptable for the patriarch's primary cause i.e.keeping men in power and the further subjugation of women. To disagree is to be a part β†’

Idle no more movement in canada and lgbt movement in russia research papers example

The arguments of the paper are based on the presumption that the concepts of freedom and equality are sometimes being suppressed in some parts of the world including the Middle East, Russia, and Canada. The history of the movement has it that the creation of the movement was a response to the Bill C-45 which β†’

Martin luther king jr. and the civil rights movement

Martin Luther King Jr.was the leader of the peaceful Civil Rights Movement in the 1960's. The purpose of the speech was to achieve racial justice and equality for everyone especially African Americans.

Good research paper about the butler by lee daniels

The movie starts with one of the racially oppressed eras in the 20th century where President Eisenhower was the president. Given that African Americans have been forced into slavery in America and later racially segregated from the community because of their phenotype, the movie shares a limelight of the civil rights revolution in America and β†’

Martin luther king jr.’s role in advancing the black civil rights

However, many historians until around the sass were too easy to go for the king centric approach in which black civil rights started in 1955 and ended in 1968. But It Is natural to want to put Individuals responsible for great moments In history, It Is questionable whether Martin Luther King was the most Important β†’

The civil rights movement

In order to do this, we must compare the situation for blacks in USA currently, to that of blacks many years ago. Free education was introduced and the system of having to own land to be able to have the right to vote was also scrapped.

Example of research paper on nixons achievements in domestic and foreign policy

Nixon's achievements as president are in majorly, in the realm of foreign policy as compared to national policy; from the opening in china, to the arms treaty in the Soviet Union, the meticulous work in the Middle East, Vietnam and Latin America. Although the achievements of President Nixon in domestic policy are viewed as negligible β†’

Nonviolent movement

This was the case in the campaigns of the Indian National Congress for independence from Britain in the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s. One more difference between Gandhi and King lies in the paradigm of their activity.

Example of gender economics- the gender gap in the middle east research paper

Minister Al Hashimi added that the UAE believes that the success for achieving the MDG requires global partnership, in light of the recent and inter-related economic, financial and security conditions experienced by the UAE and the rest of the Arab countries in the past years. The UAE and Turkey are just countries in the Middle β†’

Modern history research essay: russia and the soviet union.

This included the declaration of initial reforms, i.e.the land decree, the marriage decree, the decree on workers, the signing of the treaty of Brest-Litovsk, fighting the civil war, starting with the ideologies of War Communism and lastly they introduced the New Economic Policy. With the return of Lenin, the bolsheviks had swept the nation with β†’

Research essay

Orwell's writing mostly focused on the nature of human in the society; his opinion about the non-democratic world and central authority focused in social and political areas. As exemplified in his story of poverty, Down and out in Paris and London; he captured the realism of life during the Spanish Civil War in Homage to β†’

Research paper on lost in translation: george kennan, the domino theory and the doctrine of

Kennan's treatise on the Soviet Union, the nature of Communism and the expected physical manifestations of that nature became the most impactful work on what would become the Cold War and the courses of action open to the United States. This was a major hole in the theory of containment, and in the prosecution of β†’