Genuine Research Paper Examples

I knew this was my moment

I could remember when I was young, one day, my mother suddenly dragged me out to a concert that I was not all that enthusiastic about. I was planning on persuading my mother otherwise, but the moment I stepped in and the concert started, I immediately fell in love.

History: luzon and philippine folk dances

History of Pandanggo sa Ilaw These a fore mentioned Philippine folk dances are ethnic in nature and origin. Some of the so-called " influenced" Philippine folk dances are the following: Pandango sa Ilaw, Carinosa, Balitao and Rigodon.

Fundamental positions

Folk dance Is a form of dance developed by a group of people that reflects the traditional life of the people of a certain country or region. Folk dancing originated in the 18th century to distinguish dance forms of common people from those of the upper classes.

Belonging strictly ballroom

Lack of a sense of belonging is portrayed in the ' mockumentary' film " Strictly Ballroom" through the character Scott Hastings as he is treated as an outcast because he refuse to conform to the mainstream way of ballroom dance. The over the top fakery is shown through the fluffy costumes and over the top →


One of the traditions and usually the highlight of the Debutante's Ball is the Grand Cotillion Waltz where the Debutante, her Escort and their Court will perform a highly -choreographed dance. Part of the tradition is where the Dad takes the 1st dance of the night, usually a waltz dance.

Play critique of cabaret

The story was easy to follow and I thought the characters, the costumes and the performance as a whole were good, but there were a few problems that I thought needed work. It made me feel like I was actually sitting in the club, and not out in the audience of a play.

Why i dance

So the bar is like my family and friends because it gives me the support I need when I dance. So in conclusion, dance is a perfect example of everything I want to be when I am older: Strong, beautiful, smart and hopeful.

Rocky balboa inspiration

Here Is a man of no worth who Is a victim of self-inflicted misfortune with nothing to his name, but a dream; a dream to make his life better. He is able to go the distance and amount to something creating a Journey all can relate to.

The artwork

The man in the center of this painting is confused. The lack of background provides me with the notion that he is alone and isolated from the world in his thoughts.

Looking paper

In The Countess Von Schonfeld with Her Daughter, Elisabeth Louise Vigee- Lebrun used size and placement to emphasize the figures of the mother and the young daughter. It is a painting of a women holding her daughter on her lap, the women being " The Grafin von Schonfeld." The woman is dressed in this beautiful →

The discoveries of cave paintings in the excavations of altamira in cantabria spain

It's famous for the outstanding artistic quality of the paintings it contains, as well as the quantity of motifs preserved. The artist would then blow across the open hollow bone and force the ochre up the vertical bones and onto the surface of the rock.

Courbet stonebreakers

Courbet's painting can either be interpreted as a painting that shows in detail hardship and emotion of manual labor, or a painting that just a " metaphor as an act of painting", but the understanding of it as hardship and emotion of manual labor is more sufficient because by the looks of the two men →

Visual perception – painting

Visual perception of art vs Perception of Visual Art: The main difference between the visual perception of art and perception of visual arts is that in the visual perception of an art we explain how our vision sees an art and sends it whereas in the perception of visual arts we explain how our vision →

Free research paper on music appreciation

The rhythm also compares to the spacing and organization of the figures in the painting. The form and texture of Da Vinci's art piece smooth, religious and calm.

Free research paper about impressionism

The painting as a whole is a bit blurred and loosely painted, and speaks of a dream like quality. Monet often used the fall of light in a way in which it would in nature, not just spotlighting key elements as was the previous style.

The last supper by leonardo davinci

The Last Supper by Leonardo Ad Vinci, created during the Renaissance, exhibits many of those values from that period, including the portrayal of religious subjects and the use of a realistic style and respective. While in the service of the Duke and the Duchess, he studied nature, aviation, thematic, and engineering, including designing the churches →

Free research paper on movies in art

The dark lines of the portrait demonstrate the intrinsic hues and glows with which El Greco's paintings are informed and the sense of emptiness and hollowness is never so far away. In ' The Dormition of the Virgin' which is also briefly referred to in the film, El Greco creates a sense of occasion and →

Pierre-auguste renoir

He is one of the most prominent founders and leading exponents of the Impressionist style of painting from the late 1860s." Renoir's art is a celebration of the beauty of women and nature; his images both of modern Parisian life and of idealized figures in a timeless landscape suggest an enchanted and radiant world". As →

Example of michealangelo research paper

Through his work as a painter, an architect and above all, as a sculptor, Michelangelo managed to single out art as a vocation and an occupation in itself, separating the job of an artist from the job of an artisan. The cut of the stone gives shape and texture to the clothing in a natural →

Picasso: cubism art technique

As well as this, her eyes seem to be falling out of her sockets, which could suggest that she has been 'crying her eyes out* this is linked to the civil war reaction that Picasso is trying to show the audience. This Is why I truly love the Weeping Woman because In my pollen It →

Art humanities research papers example

The presence of clouds displays the glory there is in the presence of Christ and heavens. He is considered as one of the best poets in his and an artist of the Romantic Age.

Good example of leonardo da vinci in florence research paper

At the same time he created few key paintings of the Renaissance: the altarpiece " The Virgin of the Rocks" for the chapel in the church of San Francesco Grande in Milan, which is an excellent early example of the technique, called sfumato, in which there are subtle, almost imperceptible, transitions between light and dark →

Free gustave courbet research paper example

As recorded, Gustave Courbet is perceived as an innovator and a role model to those that came after him owing the fact that his works were later developed and borrowed by many including the Impressionists and the Cubists. Courbet's childhood in itself exemplary owed the fact that it gave him the necessary skills and knowledge →

Free research paper about architecture museum essay

John the Baptist and the two angels being in the painting are symbolic since the angels are known to be holy. The angels are there to show that baby Jesus is the son of God.

Abortion in india

Not only is aborting a certain sex frowned upon, but the abortions given in India are often extremely poorly done because of the lack of trained professionals. Unfortunately in India the situation involving trained doctors and nurses for safe abortions is highly lacking making it much harder to provide for those in need of an →

Abortion: murder or necessity

Abortion: Murder or Necessity Abortion is defined as the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo before it is viable. Abortion is an intentional violent act that kills an unborn baby, without any anesthesia, the baby is dismembered, torn apart, and vacuumed out of the mother.Dr.

Research paper on legality of abortion

According to Bassco the author of the book, The underground guide to teenage sexuality, the pro-choice side in the debate concerning abortion suggests that the decision to abort depends on the woman. For this reason, to save the life of the mother, the fetus is normally terminated to ensure that the mother survives.

Abortion research paper

Abortion is an unnatural procedure since the premature termination of the pregnancy is medically and/or surgically induced, and as such, it is not the same as a miscarriage that occurs naturally and spontaneously. Moreover, during the early days of feminism, abortion was not a safe procedure as it is believed to be today, and getting →

The pro-abortion argument research paper

Arguably, one of the most significant advantages of having abortion accepted in society is the fact that it safeguards the lives of those expectant mothers that develop complications. The second advantage of having abortion in society is the reality that it is an effective means of controlling population by reducing the number of births within →

Election 2012 research paper examples

He supports the Supreme Court decision to protect women's health and also says that the women should be allowed their right to choose in the matter of abortion. According to Plato, the state is supreme and the subjects of the state adhere to the laws of the state.

Roe v. wade research paper

The verdict was fair, because the woman Norma McCorvey under the pseudonym of " Jane Roe" had admitted that it was not right that the Texas attorney defended the anti abortion law, she said that she had gotten raped and that is why it resulted in her being pregnant but yet she was forced to →

Placenta abruptio — a nursing perspective research paper

The paper concludes with a nursing process based plan of care for this condition including suggestions for assessment for the presence of the condition including possible presence of blood, fetal heart rate and maternal blood pressure changes, and shock symptoms. The prognosis of placenta abruption is fetal and maternal distress with continued bleeding.

Explore the many ethical dimensions of contemporary healthcare in terms of abortion

There is a clear need for the ethical implications of abortion to be addressed in relation to the thoughts, feelings and attitudes of healthcare professionals working with women either considering or opting for an abortion. Indeed, evidence supports the fact that where there is a " choice" between the continuation of a woman's life or →

To save a life

It is the responsibility that one has towards one's own life and the right to decide the course one's life should take. Concluding with this, Abortion is without a doubt, murder, according to the law of God.

Mythic and fairy

Throughout the story, she uses several descriptions associated with the devil to serve as metaphors for the male character and what happens to Connie as also symbolic of the power of evil to tempt, conquer, and destroy the individual. Connie, of course, realizes the danger she is in although it takes some time to sink →

Achilles and the embassy book ix of the iliad

Achilles is right to refuse the embassy in Book IX because he keeps his honor as a man and a warrior intact. Agamemnon may be a better king and war strategist than Achilles would be, but he is not the warrior that Achilles is, he could never achieve the same status.

El nino fidencio the mythical curandero

What is interesting about el Nino and his legacy, is that he not only serves as an influential figure in the history of Curanderismo but also plays a large role in the spiritual practices and the contemporary culture associated with the Mexican folk healing practices. In a modern society whereimmigrationhas promoted syncretism and a separation →

Ovid the metamorphoses

Faulkner's ideology is prevalent in the story The Metamorphoses, by Ovid, as the poet tells of the god Jupiter destroying all man kind because of the actions of one, Lycaon. This concludes that, with the destruction of humanity, Jupiter exemplifies characteristics of ignorance and hypocrisy by: not considering the good and well being of other →

Athena and telemachus

Here Athena is trying to get Telemachus to realize that it's time for his father to come to Ithaca, and he has to get the suitors out of his home. In The Odyssey Telemachus is portrayed as a boy who has to grow up, he needs to find the courage and guidance to find his →

Raging achilles: achiles’ tragic flaw

Closer analysis of Achilles' spirited temper and its consequences illustrates that by Aristotle's definition, Achilles does not possess true courage, but merely a resemblance of it. Since a spirited temper lends to anger and passion, these often replace reason and knowledge as the incentive behind the actions of courageous men, such as in the case →

The role of mythology in a tale of two cities

One of the most interesting of these motifs is the present of myth and more specifically the extremes of human nature. Setting is of incredible importance in " A Tale of Two Cities" and takes place in the cities of London and Paris.

Zeus’s role in the illiad

Zeus, the Supreme Greek God In Greek mythology Zeus is king of the gods, ruler of Mt. In Homer's The Iliad, Zeus was the supreme god of gods and the overseer of all events that took place during the Trojan War.

Busting the 5 myths about small business lending

But if you are committed to finding funding and open to the necessary conditions, securing a loan for your brand new business is possible. Even so, before applying for a business loan, it is still important to take steps to make your credit report and score the best possible reflection of your financial history.

A prayer for my daughter: the poem

The poet hopes that instead of growing up to be a woman of immense beauty, his daughter should be blessed with attributes of a virtuous and a great soul. The father in the poet is keen that his daughter should be like a humble tree giving succor and shade to the people when she grows →

Measurement of sevice quality of apollo using servqual

It focuses on the dynamics of the the overall service provided, the trends over a period of time, and the key challenges faced by the industry. And it is reasonable that the patients' perception will be considered as a crucial indicator to evaluate the quality of service.

The grim reaper floats

All of them experiencing death In a different way, the man bitter and mean, the woman and baby oblivious, and the story of the woman who spoke to Satan is already destined for hell. In this passage the character is saying that outside is tantalizing and free, but she is bound only to the rooms →


The beginning of the Trojan War all started with three goddesses: Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera and the Judgement of Paris. Paris gave the crown to Ares with no hesitation, and because of that honesty was why he was hosen by Zeus to Judge Aphrodite, Athena, and Hera.

Thesus vs achilles

Through the choices and actions of Theseus and Achilles, we learn a lot about their characters. He chooses the difficult and dangerous land route, as opposed to the sea route, because he wants the challenge.

Myth of model family

The image of the modelfamilyis breathtaking, a housewife-mother, a breadwinner father, a couple of kids and a pet or two. The idea of the " perfect" model family is so widely accepted, due to the attention that it receives in the media.

Disney’s hercules and the heroic code

Throughout the course of the film, Hercules faces a series of challenges and events which test his strength and ability. By Hercules' masculine nature, divine parent, divine helper, trip to the underworld, and fulfillment of kleos, Hercules would have been considered a hero in Ancient Greek society despite the archetypical traits left unfulfilled in the →

How did soviet-american relations change in the 1980s research paper example

The collapse of the Soviet Union, the Marxist rule and the end of Cold War marked the beginning of a turning point and a historical divide. The great transition American-Soviet relations and the end of the Cold War.

Nixon’s policies versus the strategies of cold war

He felt the need to change the country's foreign policy because it is at this time that thousands of American troops were sent to Vietnam. Then, there was a strong urge to win The Cold War over and stop communism at any cost, Nixon rather wants to divert it to another way that points to →

How far has the usa role in world affairs developed from 1929 to 2000?

They had taken part in the D-Day landings in June 1944 with the Allies which had led to the surrender of Germany in May 1945 and had governed the end of the war by dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. In 1947, America's role in world affairs had become proactive, attempting to →

Cold war impact on us foriegn policy

It was the main goal of the United States to contain the spread of Communism whenever possible." Brinkmanship" was the first major policy that was employed by the United States in the effort to stop the spread of Communism throughout the world. As time continued to go by both the United States and the Soviet →

Research paper on how did the cold war affect us culture in the 1980s

The Cold War was a time of pressure and antagonism between the United States of America and the Soviet Union from the mid-40s to the late 80s. In order to answer the question about how the Cold War affected America, it is apparent to try, contrast, and compare American culture and society in the 1950s, →

The cold war

Book Review Assignment TITLE OF THE BOOK: " TheCold War: A Very Short Introduction" by Robert McMahon This review focuses on one of the themes of the course, Main Currents of Modern History OBJECTIVE: The aims of this book review are: 1. To study about the final phases of the cold war and its impact →

American history-cold war

In the light of the goals established for the second stage of the war - to expel the Communist Chinese and to occupy and control the territory of North Korea - the war was afailure. The Sovietization of Eastern Europe, the Greekcivil war, the Czech coup, and the Berlin Airlift, not to mention the " →

Nuclear-powered submarines

With the development of the nuclear power, the first ship that was ever built by the Americans that went to sea is the USS Nautilus. The purpose of this submarine was the same as that of the Soviet's Victor Class.

The effect of the cold war on stem education

From the 1960s, upon the spark of the Space Race with the Soviet Launch of Sputnik, to the 1990s with the reunion of East and West Germany, the Cold War was a period of increase in occupations related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The purpose of this paper is to examine the extent to →

Good moscow olympic games and cold war research paper example

However, the 1980 Olympics in Moscow became pledge in the continued Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States. The Eastern Germany entered the games on the side of the Soviet Union while the West Germany took part in the games from the side of the United States, France, and England.

Adrienne rich on power in society

The aunt infuses the world of the tigers with many of the attributes she misses in her own life: a sense of being truly alive and in tune with theenvironment, and a state of fearlessness: " They do not fear the men beneath the tree/ They pace in sleek chivalric certainty. Paragraph 3 In contrast →

Points of machiavelli in the prince

Part 15 of Machiavelli's The Prince, entitled Of the Things for WhichMen, and Especially Princes, Are Praised or Blamed, states that, in order for aman to maintain control of a government and better that territory, he mustengage in certain actions that may be deemed immoral by the public he serves. With the reader in the →

Two halves of the same song

The story was a direct reflection of love vs.rebellion with the mother and the daughter, presented in a humorous almost sounding sarcastic tone to show the two kinds of people in the story; the one the mother thought the daughter should be and the one the daughter thought she should be, and in the end →

Legacies of horace mann and john dewey

In conformity to their educational philosophies, Mann made efforts that result to an organized, centralized, democratic American education while John Dewey was responsible for the laying down of American theories of democratic, science-respecting education. Public Schools and Moral Education: The Influence of Horace Mann, William Torrey Harris, and John Dewey.

How harper lee develops the symbol of the mockingbird

Atticus strives for the rights of the mockingbird and the defenceless Tom Robinson, despite the fact that he knows as soon as Mayella Ewell screamed he was a dead man. From the beginning of the novel Atticus respects Boo Radley telling Scout and Jem not to play in his yard, as he deserves the sanctity →

Research paper on langston hughes

Only a select few can achieve such a task and it does not come easy; to be able to relate to a great amount of people and know that they have the same ideas. He was a true activist and brought hope and inspiration to many black people." Langston Hughes is one of the essential →

Philosophical context in franz kafka’s metamorphosis

Kafka wrote about the absurdity of existence, the alienating experience of modern life, and the cruelty of authoritarian power.-The word Kafkaesque has passed into the literature to describe an unsettling, disorienting, nightmarish world that is at once both fearful and menacing in its ambiguity and complexity. And the school system enforced a system of routine →

Maria tecla artemisia montessori

In the stage children we somewhat self centered to eve a bit egotistical at time s that lead these children to know the ways of nature which gave them children the drive and the core of self development. This was taught by showing the child two different materials that is not in any way represented →

Themes in night by elie wiesel

From then on, I had no other name" 42 The harshness of the camp quickly transformed them into selfish indifferent people * " I had not even blinked, only yesterday I would have dug my nails into the criminals flesh" 39 * " you are killing your father" 101 * " The old man mumbled →

Pride and prejudice jane austen

The Novel at a Glance Pride and Prejudice is a comedy of manners that explores how considerations ofmoney, familybackground, and personal vanity can complicate the course of true love. An entail is a restriction on the inheritance of family property, and in the case of the Bennets, the entail stipulated that Longbourn, the family home, →

Machiavelli: realism over idealism

To Machiavelli, this is an extremely dangerous delusion for it ignores what he considers the reality of the human condition: humans are brutal, selfish, and fickle. The prince has many characteristics that are crucial to his standing in a society such as: it is better to be stingy than generous, it is better to be →

Kapampangan writers and authors

At the time of Delfin's death, he was survived by eleven of his and Africa's twelve children namely, Celia Q. Delfin was one of the founding members of Aguman Ding Talasulat Kapampangan in 1964 and he was elected as the organization's president in June 1977.

Looking back by guy de maupassant

The audio lingual method: A systematic presentation of the structures of the l2 moving from the simple to the more complex in the form of drills that the student had to repeat. Communicative approaches: The reaction against the artificiality of pattern practice and also against the belief that consciously learning the grammar rules of a →

Leading change custom research by essay writers

Educators will also need to renew a commitment to lifelong learning, as they return to the classroom as students in order to learn the kinds of material that they in turn will be required to teach to the lifelong learner. Kotter poses a challenge to leaders, organization members, and the educational community in " Leading →

American lit

The present paper is designed to compare Faulkner's short story " A Rose to Emily" to the writings of the same genre by Poe and Hawthorne in order to identify the similar criteria, attributed to gothic literature. Poe, in " The Black Cat", employs the images of night and the black color is order to →

Explore the ways that writers present strong feelings to interest the reader or audience

In the prologue of the play ' Romeo and Juliet' the audience learn that two dignified households in the city of Verona hold an "ancient grudge" towards each other, which remains a source of the violent conflict which is central to the play. Considerably, the poet evokes strong feelings towards the emotion of love when →

The going by thomas hardy

The Repetition of " Why' beginning the first, third, and fifth stanza illustrate Hardys rejection of Emma's death, probably resulting from the regret of not having taken advantage of the time she was alive. The " IloW' sound created by the feminine end rhyme of " where I could not follow - with wing of →

Tennessee williams and his greatest work “the glass menagerie”

Tennessee Williams is of the greatest playwright of the American theatre and also the most important writer in the world of the twentieth century. While, when Jim broke Laura's unicorn horn and announced that he was engaged, the option of her helping him overcome his shyness and doubt was also defeated.

Work makes life sweet by bell hooks

The commitment and passion to work is best described in this essay. The right livelihood according to the author is the capacity of the individual to have determination and perseverance to work.

Reader’s position in jane austen’s emma

As a result Mr Knightley shows to be the only one capable and willing around her, to help her through and towards her development. Knightley acts as Emma's amentor' throughout the novel, we see on many occasions, him upsetting her with the truth, them in conflict, and a lot of realisation about oneself.

Machiavelli and bush

Moreover, Machiavelli states that the end of the state is the acquirement/getting hold of, preservation, as well as, development/growth of authority/political power. Similarities of Machiavelli and Bush This is where President Bush connects with Niccolo Machiavelli, President Bush believes that by annihilating the ruler, for instance, Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, he will be →

George orwell’s “on the rainy river”

In " On the Rainy River," having a goodeducationdoes not have much on an impact on Tim's life, because if your nation calls on you to defend your country, you are going to have to make a difficult decision on whether you are going to flee or going to war. Although Tim is educated on →

Harriet jacobs and fredrick douglass

As the society at that time viewed and stereotyped African Americans in a way in which that tried to justify the cruel acts of slavery. This describes a possible stereotype where African Americans were thought to be treated as slaves and that their treatment was of no true concern for the general public.

Classic post-modernist writers

The downside to this writing style is that some of his characters are grotesque that they often overpower the stories." Dombey sat in the corner of the darkened room in the great arm-chair by the bedside, and Son lay tucked up warm in a little basket bedstead, carefully disposed on a low settee immediately in →

The tramp by barbara baynton

Baynton's stories challenge this vision of life in the bush in a number of ways: the majority of her protagonists are female; the real danger comes not from the bush but from the men who inhabit it. Despite the awfulness of the male characters, the decentering of the protagonist makes it possible for readers unwilling →

A fable by mark twain

In the sentence " The animals out in the woods heard of this through the housecat, who was greatly admired by them because he was so learned..".the cat is made to look astute because the other animals are oblivious to many of the things he tells them. The vocabulary used by the cat to describe →

Thomas hardy notes on hap

The poem is a sonnet, although it is presented as three stanzas in that the traditional octave is split into two stanzas each of four lines and the sestet is a stanza on its own. This is quite important in trying to dissect this poem in that Hardy questions whether the existence of such a →

Prelude to foundation author’s note

This is the first Foundation novel. The second Foundation novel.

James joyce background information

James Joyce Essay: First Two Pages James Joyce, author of " Araby," " Eveline," and Ulysses, attempts to correct the way of life in his home town of Dublin, Ireland, through his works. From his life in Dublin, James Joyce received ample inspiration from the social unrest of his hometown.

What is sylvia plath best known for?

The black is used to connote the evil of the Germans while the white represents the innocence of the Jews. Therefore Plath is using colours to create imagery of her view of the suppression of the Jews, this creates an empathetic impact on the reader.

Jorge luis borges – use of ambiguity

On the train ride back to his ranch, he describes that the car " was not the same car that had pulled out of the station...the plains and the hours had penetrated and transfigured it" and that Dahlmann " was traveling not only into the South but into the past ". Borges states that, " →

My favourite writer

Since " the World of thieves" Asprin becomes that Asprin which is read by millions, - the magnificent master of a comic science fiction and fantasy. Asprin's heroes are real as we and relations between them are not less real, that certainly is a sign of the big literature.

Rhetoric in writing and audience

The importance of rhetoric provides significant changes in the areas of learning and the development of a persons and institutions. It provides as a precursor for the semiotic study of communication Under the influence of Structuralism, rhetoric has been seen as a precursor for the semiotic study of communication, as in the work of Genette →

Malcom x and amy tan

At the prison he would read the dictionary to get a better understand of how to read a book and know the meaning of every word. His views did give me a outlook on the history and makes me want to read more into black history and see if it is true that we started →

Sula by toni morrison

The period in history and the mentality of the people in their immediate surroundings played an impressive part in the formulation of the friendship between Sula and Nel. This new feeling left Nel in a state of flux and bewilderment, since she felt love for Jude and for Sula, but the love for Sula was →

Reaction paper on african short stories

The role of this paper will be to reflect on the socio cultural and economic conditions of folks in South Africa by establishing the thread they all seem to have in common, to elaborate on the context that makes these conditions possible and in the end, we will try to suggest some solutions to these →