Genuine Research Paper Examples

Korean wave (hallyu) in china

" Korean wave was coined in China in mid-1999 by Beijing journalists surprised by the fast growing popularity of South Koreans and South Korean goods in China." However, the phenomenon of Korean wave flows into East Asia especially China during the early twenty-first century. Korean wave offers an opportunity for Chinese to experience the Korean β†’

Comparitive study: india, china and pakistan

Ans: One child norm in China has successfully reduced the growth rate of population. Ans: One child policy in china adopted since 1979 has reduced the growth rate of population from 1.

The hong kong women managers

A large number of studies have shown that a perception of women as managers is less favorable in the eyes of the residents of Hong Kong as compared to men. Researches have also shown that attitudes towards women as managers in Hong Kong include the need of more women as managers in Hong Kong workplace, β†’

May fourth movement

Typical was the work of Gu Jiegang, the young historian who applied to the classics the methods he has already used in his studies of the colloquial drama, treating the classics as accretions of tradition. To live in the present world, you must raise your head and proudly call yourself a person of the 20th β†’

China cultural heritage research paper examples

Kung Fu, for instance is regarded as one on the best-known arts in the traditions of the Chinese people. Culture and traditions of the Chinese people are well depicted in the performances in the opera.

Harmony and dream

This is most evident in the extremely obtuse article " Harmony and the Dream" which supposedly promotes the qualities of modern China and urges the United States to follow in its footsteps. The notion of collective thought may be " line" of the rulers of the Chinese Communist Party, but it is not thephilosophythat the β†’

Chinese and japanese foreign policy interests the similarities and differences research paper

By 9/11, Japan eventually became active in global security affairs and clung more to its UN-centric foreign policy to stray their thoughts to the growing threats in the region With regards with the US-influence in the Japanese foreign policy, the Japanese government became active in strengthening the alliance between them and the United States as β†’

Italian comedy

But the better acts and the more popular actors/ actress played in front of the kings and queens. The earliest uses of melodrama was late 1700s and early 1800s, but it was in the late19s century where melodramatic elements was taken to a whole new level.

Shakespeare`s comedy β€˜twelfth night`

This therefore supports the idea that 'a comedy then is a problem-solving story, ending in resolution and order' particularly when looking at Act 5 as this is when the rest of the characters find out Viola's true identity when she says 'that I am Viola' and that she 'hath been between this lady and this β†’

The sad comedy of really bad food

A restaurant customer is within her rights to send poor food back to the kitchen, and it is advisable for the restaurant to satisfy the customer at the expense of preparing her food again. This navvy, or workman, is referred to as " an employee of the Municipality" because he is so oppressed by his β†’

Comedy central roasts list

Related: How the Nerdist's Chris Hardwick Juggles 41 Podcasts, 2 TV Shows and More For seven years I was the liberal co-host on a late night FOX News panel show, so believe me when I tell you that a regular walloping can be good for the ole wallet. Sure, I am no longer with said β†’

I’m going! a comedy in one act

The wife on the other hand tries to reason with him and let him know that she is willing to have a good time and she would rather be out with him than to be home alone and neglected. A little farther in the conversation Henri tells Jeanne that he is off to the races, β†’

O what extent is measure for measure a conventional comedy?

The other two, possibly three, are the results of the Duke's doing - Angelo is to marry his jilted lover and Lucio is to marry a whore. There is heavy use of wit in this play, the Duke and Lucio often are the source though there are other gibes, for instance Escalus remarking that Pompey β†’

Political comedy in aristophanes

Cleon, when he was in power, trebled the wages of the Jurymen to give him a hold on the poorer classes, a move frowned upon by Aristophenes as he demonstrates in The Wasps by conducting a full arguement on how corrupt the courts are and how Jurymen have such little influence on the final outcome, β†’

Does globalization affect crime?

The International Monetary Fund in 2000 identified four elementary aspects of globalization: movement of capital and investment, trade and transactions, migration, and the dissemination of knowledge, aspects which lead to the emergence of an international network of social and economic systems. The processes of globalization do affect and are affected by the organization of business β†’

Globalization between rich and poor countries

We will find that the impact of MNCs on LDCs can be under many aspects crucial to the development of the latter, even though it is important to bare in mind the positive contribution MNCs can bring in to LDCs. On the other point of view, the dependency theorists, do not deny that internal changes β†’

Globalization: overview

Globalization involves economic integration; the transfer of policies across borders; the transmission of knowledge; cultural stability; the reproduction, relations, and discourses of power; it is a global process, a concept, a revolution, and " an establishment of the global market free from sociopolitical control." Globalization encompasses all of these things. Concurrently, Swedish journalist Thomas Larsson, β†’

Globalization as a historical phenomenon

These companies have affected the areas in the U.S.that they have moved in by changing the wants and needs of the people of that area. When new companies start making new products, the wants and needs of the products will increase, changing the lifestyle of the people in the area.

Political, economical, social effects of globalization

With the increasing knowledge of many scholars regarding the effects of globalization to political, social, and economic status of different nations across the globe, it would be extraordinary on observing how people from different walks of life react to the benefits and loses that globalization has been offering to the international community. In response to β†’

Cemex case

CEMEX should aim to get a foothold in this market as it will continue to grow and its restructuring process was more advanced than China's. Lastly the Middle East, especially Dubai and the Arab Emirates should be on CEMEX's radar due to the growth of these areas due to its oil riches and recent growth.

Switzerland and india

The Swiss President visited India in 2003 to specifically add a new dimension in our bilateral relations, namely in the field of scientific and technological cooperation, and the visit of Indian President to Switzerland last year had once again reinforced our common interest to deepen and widen our relationship". In India, sculpture and painting are β†’

The impact of globalization in diversifying media in society

Due to globalization, innovation is exchanged at a significant rate from the West to the rest of the world, where new information and ideas spread rapidly and the gap between the rich and the poor are decreased. The presence of the indigenous and minority developments is results of globalization, particularly in the field of the β†’

Globalization and developing countries

On the other manus, pro-globalizers think that it really helps the hapless and disagreed with the " globalization is doing the rich richer and the hapless poorer" statement that the anti-globalizers came up with. The chief job of globalisation that cause people to believe of it as a ' beast ' alternatively of ' beauty β†’

International joint ventures

The objective was to recommend an appropriate ' Diversification Strategy' and identify ' Opportunities and Obstacles' that will be encountered by the ' Sandford & Freemantle' JV in the DRTL. The notion that this JV needs to be identified separately from both firm's existing operations, by diversifying, could improve competitive advantage by providing focus in β†’

Bound together and the issues on globalization

From merely being synonymous to " interconnectedness of the world," globalization is now being linked to the " destruction of the world." Chanda was able to identify that the term " globalization" is being widely used as early as 1960s. On final chapter of the book, Chanda provided a summary of the process of globalization β†’

Explaining variations in client extra costs between

Along with this, the economic enthusiasts saw the possibilities of using the low-cost options of taking the skills of other poorer countries in becoming a part of the work force of their growing economies. This is in an aim to lower the costs of both production and capital expenses and in other way focus on β†’

Effects of globalisation on brazil

Globalisation impact on Brazil Economically: Brazil'sfailureto embrace Globalisation in the 1960's 1970's and 1980's caused Brazil to be unable to fund its foreign debt and ultimately experience a currency crisis in the early 1980's. Brazil has also achieved a substantial degree of progress in the economic development due to economic growth of the country through β†’

Effects of globalization on the u. s. economy

The increased dependency imports almost crippled the situation as the US had to share the decline of the global market while enjoying the benefits of being one of the biggest players in the market. This has resulted in an artificially escalated increase of imported goods in comparison to the domestic production with few exceptions where β†’

Globalization research paper examples

At the global platform however, globalization is often thought of in terms of the various challenges it poses to governments' role in the global economy and international affairs. In conclusion, the issue of globalization has both positive and negative implications.

Globalization has shaped the world

Through globalization the world has become more connected with various stages of production taking place in various countries. The world population ash increased and this increase in population has taken a strain on the world's natural resources.


Premiums Words Pages Geography Defining geography: translates to " Earth Describe- Write" The study of geography Is about places, Regions Geographers: study the spatial and temporal distribution of phenomena, processes, and features as well as the interaction of humans with their environments Human Geography. Premiums Words Pages Globalization in Thai the nation states which make β†’

About the effects of globalization

One important thing not easily confronted and at most times kept from the public's eye is the fact that the " failurerate of outsourcing remains high" and it may range from 40 to 70 percent. It is not easy to think about the ramifications of the economic direction that this country took because of the β†’

Aviation market in apac

Who are the key vendors in this market space? What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key vendors?

The accident research paper examples

Though both the pilots were properly certified and trained as per with federal regulations and the aircrafts properly equipped and maintained, the accident occurred due to insufficient regulations, the see-and-avoid concept, errors by the pilots and an air traffic controller. The TEB controller contacted the EWR controller who requested to have all the communications transferred β†’

Airbnb case analyses

Instead of being reluctant to comment on the " EJ" incident, Airbnb should have responded much more quickly to the public after the " EJ" incident; apologize via the media to the host " EJ", announce proper solution to such problems and publish improvements over such safety issues.-Assume that you were creating a financial model β†’

Free research paper on the charter of rights and freedom has greatly improved canada

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom, generally referred to as the Charter, is a bill of rights found in the first section Constitution of Canada enacted in 1982. The second aspect in which the Democratic rights in the Charter relates to the operation of the legislatures of the both the federal and provincial β†’

It projects research paper

There is, therefore, a need to have a system that will have biometric details of all staff and employees of a given organization. This will work in a way that there is a database that has all the details of staff and the details are linked to the CCTV system.

Correlation between attending the kipp school and college acceptance rates research paper examples

The principal focus of KIPP schools is to have its students gain acceptance and graduate from various colleges in the United States and abroad. The The model on which the KIPP schools are run is fit to replace the traditional college preparatory programs and methods.

Financial valuation of airbus a3xx

Airbus has maintained a steady growth of commercial and freight rates and based on the region and the trend of airline alliances, a larger aircraft will be most likely in demand. In terms of comparison with the 747, the A380 has the advantage of being wide bodied and having wider seats and wider aisles.

Aviation & sustainability

This paper explores the significance and implication of the pursuit of sustainability in the context of global airlines and airports. Dilemma of sustainability in the aviation sector The aviation industry is increasingly portrayed and perceived as a villain in the pursuit of sustainability around the world.

Flying ashtray

They came to the conclusion that the ash would clear by the time they were near the mountain. The passengers saw the ash but informed the pilot but they discussed it and they said it was harmless.

Automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast (ads-b) research paper

ADS-B starts when the aircraft's GPS records positional data and sends it to the ADS-B equipment. The inclusion of ADS-B in NextGen is also due to its safety record.

Example of structural bolts research paper

Type 3 is made of weathering steel In terms of connection types of ASTM A325: There are N, SC and X. The bolts of size between more than one and a half to 3 in diameter usually have a tensile strength of 90 min ksi, yield of 81 min ksi, 14 % Elong and RA β†’

Example of research paper on the inter american system

Following the European standards the Inter American system has expanded its protections creating the following additional instruments: the 1985 Inter American convention to Prevent and Punish torture; the 1988 Additional Protocol to the American Convention on Human Rights in the Area of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; the 1990 Second Additional Protocol to the convention β†’

Jetblue and westjet

However, the biggest risk to a business is the down time that they will occur when transferring and receiving data from the old system to the new upgraded system, not to mention the time it will take to train the employees that will be overseeing the new system. The time it took to transfer the β†’

Example of research paper on technical drawing and orthographic projection

The term ' technical drawing' in the field of engineering, also referred to as ' engineering drawing' mainly relates to the different dimensional views of an object from an engineering perspective. He is known as a pioneer for the approach of the orthographical projections as well as the founder of descriptive geometry.

Good research paper about aircraft spoilers

As shown in figure 1, the pivots of the spoilers are located almost midway through the width of the airplane wing for them to be effective. Spoilers may be used to control the orientation of the plane.

American aviation during wwi

With a few trial and errors supported by the government, the Bureau of Aircraft Production and a separate Division of Military Aeronautics were established. This could be accredited to winning decisive battles and the U.S.being a " learning organization." With the employment of balloons and fixed wing aircraft for trench warfare {text: soft-page-break} reconnaissance, the β†’

Emirates sky cargo

Emirates SkyCargo is based in Dubai and it began its operations in 1985 and is one of the divisions of the Emirates Airline and Group. Managerial Aspects o Corporateculture/philosophyEmirates Sky Cargo's philosophy is the commitment of the employees as well as the top managers to ensure that they provide quality services and that they perfect β†’

Radio telephony english in atc communication research paper

The use of a universal language in ATC communication is important because it ensures uniformity and understanding between the ATC personnel and aircraft pilots. The investigation reported that the mayday element of the call was not heard by the controller due to a combination of poor English pronunciation and lack of protocol in announcing the β†’

Product/service idea: target marketing and market research essay examples

Information saving features helps a traveller to control and own data, which might have been collected during the journey; he can disseminate and receive data to and from his clients. Since this mobile/table application, can cite the locations of accommodation and hospitality facilities, as well as give a review regarding their ratings and services offered, β†’

Good research paper about the ufo controversy

Allen Hynek, a well-trained astronomer and one of the scientific advisors of the Project Blue Book, was originally skeptical on the existence of UFOs. In conclusion, the evidence for the support of UFOs is purely testimonials and lacks a concrete scientific basis.

Business aviation operations (is it luxury or a necessity)

This will then be followed by the view that business aviation is a necessity because of the substantial benefits in which it brings to the economy and globalisation. This clearly illustrates the importance of business aviation and although it may be considered a luxury by many, it is undoubtedly a necessity.

Norfolk general hospital

I am very close to my family and my yellow lab Jake. I enjoy listening to Ill Wayne and his lyrics " Life is a beach I am Just playing in the sand" personifies much of my demeanor.

What makes a top 100 hospital

The services that they offer to international patients are that they have a team that is fluent in 20 plus languages and they tailor the patients' cultural, religious and special needs if needed. I feel that what they can offer to their international patients and out of state patients is something that places them higher β†’

Marysville general hospital

To propose my plan of improving the current situation of the hospital, I will need to get a current report on all past, current and future collection data from thefinancedepartment to determine how much we are actually losing at this point. Clear instructions will be given to these staff members to ensure that we have β†’

Migration of nurses

In essence, the author suggests that " the migration of nurses such as those in Irish territories during the 19th and 20th centuries illustrates the need to revise the global care chain analysis" commonly used in order to " protect the welfare of nurses migrating from across the globe". In her article, Yeates believes that β†’

The hospitality in the odyssey

The only reason that Kyklops was sociable at all was because he desired the wine and Odysseus was the only one that could bring him the wine. Upon meeting Kirke she was so impressed with Odysseus because he was immune to her poison, that she assumed he was a man of the gods, and she β†’

Midwifery today

Midwifery models of care monitor the physical, psychological, and social aspects of women throughout the childbearing years. It inspects beneficial impacts midwifery models have on refugee women and the importance of culturally safe midwifery models practiced in midwifery care in Australia.

The exchange took only less than ten minutes

We do not have to be superman to possess the strengths that will be able to bring down a 20-foot building; we just have to believe that we hold the courage and the strength to deal with our daily tribulations. It was a rather difficult time and I was about to give up, but then β†’

Hospitals and consent to treatment

The ' functional' test was discussed extensively in Re C, a case which drew together the strands of the test and indeed proved to be the foundations of the 2005 Act's s. Croydon District Health Authority a three-stage test was elicited by the Law Commission which found its way into the 2005 Act: Can the β†’

The advantages and disadvantages of the country’s hospitality

The tourism in New Zealand is bringing in good inflow of foreign exchange to the country and is very helpful to the economy. The major advantage of New Zealand's tourism is to the country's financial background itself, and the major advantages of it can be assessed by the following:' Tourism is important for New Zealand's β†’

Tourism & hospitality industry in india

To analyze the share of the Indian tourism industry when compared to the rest of the world and the Asian and Pacific region. 44 percent during 2004-05 to 2009-10 and the growth rate in 2010-11 was 7.

Nurse-patient ratio

Nurse-patient Ratio laws are state mandates requiring hospitals to keep to a maximum sealing limit of the ratio of nurses to patients. At the moment, states that have yet to apply any nurse-patient ratio limits typically charge each of their nurses the care of at least 6 nurses and even as high as 8 to β†’

Total hospital information system hospital selayng

HIS serves as a platform to provide the required information to each level of the management at the correct time, in the correct form, and in the correct place, contributing towards improved decision making. HIS plays a pivitol role in planning, initiating, organizing and controlling the operations of the subsystems of the hospital and thus β†’

Vying for patients, hospitals think location, location.

In accord with the original meaning of the word, hospitals were originally " places of hospitality", and this meaning is still preserved in the names of some institutions such as the Royal Hospital Chelsea, established in 1681 as a retirement andnursinghome for veteran soldiers. Improvement of the quality of services by hiring of the best β†’

Introduction of hospitality industry

Lack of employees is a general problem for the hotels, so the limit for the research is hard to find the special theory or method to solve the problem. In my hotel, lack of employees is a main problem, especially for the F&B Department.

Professional integration

HSHS understood that in todays health care consumer is more likely to receive care outside of the traditional hospital setting and uses care integration to bring continuity at every point of access in the health care system. In addition driving costs out of the system was another strategy employed to enhance care integration and make β†’

Surgical site infections

In this paper I will discuss what a surgical site infection is, why it is considered preventable, the legal implications related to the patient, the role disclosure plays, accreditation expectations, and analyze the cost of continuous quality monitoring as it relates to quality. Organizational learning occurs when this process is ocumented and results in the β†’

Virginia mason hospital

The commitment to lean must start at the very top of the organization, and all staff should be involved in helping to redesign processes to improve flow and reduce waste. The path to better quality and safety is the same as the path to reduced cost.2.

Scholar-practitioner model paper

Scholar A scholar is a person who is engaged in the art of learning any branch of information to attain literary or scientific knowledge. What is the Scholar-Practitioner Model?

Research paper on homeland security: galveston hurricane documentary

The writer rightfully points out where hurricanes have a high prevalence of striking and the destructive force they hold. Thus, the writer's suggestion plus the recommended preparedness and mitigation steps, if correctly adhered to, should minimize destruction and losses from hurricanes.

Eyewitness testimony research paper sample

The first five questions that were asked in the questionnaires included describing the accident in the participants own words, the number of cars involved in the accident with specific answer choices, and the time of the occurrence of the accident. The verbs hit and smashed were used differently in order to identify the magnitude of β†’

Research paper on what is covenant in the hebrew bible

God in the covenant made with Abraham promised to endow him and his children with blessings and in return Abraham had to give promise to keep faith in God serving as a bridge between God and the rest of the world. He wrote down all the conditions of the covenant in a book, made a β†’

Example of research paper on the ctv building collapse in christchurch

This essay will follow the following format.- Introduction - Discussion - Events leading to the collapse of the building and events following - Different roles involved in the design processes - Different roles involved in the approval and building process - A discussion of IPENZ's role - People who made the building collapse - Safety β†’

Example of research paper on the bhopal disaster

The consequences of the contextual investigation depicted emphatically in numerous reports, recommends that such illnesses exist independently of the foundation of infection in the city's populace. Regardless of the possibility that it were an instance of treachery, the circumstances paving the way to the disaster underscored gross carelessness by the organization that hatched a fiasco.


The seismicity, seismism or seismic activity of an area refers to the frequency, type and size of earthquakes experienced over a period of time. The largest earthquakes in historic times have been of magnitude that was slightly over 9, although there is not really a limit to the possible magnitude.

Research paper on haiti research paper

In the beginning of the 20th century, while Germany was aggressively pursuing its control over the Haitian economy by integrating merchants into the internal Haitian commerce, United States approached the military occupation of Haiti, with the declared purpose of protecting its investments in the country. The effects of the American occupation of Haiti had a β†’

Hiroshima and nagasaki bombing research paper

The use of weapons of mass destruction has been a burner issue in most world conferences including the UN annual summits of the Security Council and even in the meeting of the G-8 and G-20 countries. The armament and even the Non- proliferation treaties have been used to cut down the usage and the β†’

Efficiency in energy conversion research paper example

Solar Energy: Solar energy is described as the energy that is generated using rays of sunlight produced deep down in the core of Sun. The principles of energy conversion can be applied to this form of energy, and hence wind energy can be converted to other forms of energy such as mechanical energy.

Mitigation of earthquakes

The location of Kobe town played a great role on the magnitude of the damage caused by the earth quake that occurred in the town in 1995. The deformations were in the order of tens of centimeters and this could have been the likely cause of the damages that included tilting of the building or β†’

Research paper on worried-well patients

The discussion would encompass effects of worried-well patients, reasons of seeking emergency services during emergency, preparation of health institutes for an influx of these patients, and management of these patients. The theory of learning proposes that medical conditions of the patients are as a result of classical conditioning; they are signs occurring and result in β†’

British petroleum “bp” oil spill

The article detailed the result of the BP Oil spill of 2010. In addition, BP dedicated a section of their website to the Gulf oil spill in an effort to keep the lines ofcommunicationopen.

Evidence for human impacts on downstream flood risk

The most obvious way in which humans impact downstream flood risk is through direct adaptation of the river itself and this is also arguably also the most important way in which humans can have an impact on flood risk. We can therefore say that although humans adapting the type of vegetation in a catchment area β†’

Texting and driving research paper examples

While the authorities and government officials actively campaigned for the reduction of accidents related to texting while driving, the statistics of cases pertaining the issue continues to increase each year. Some may argue that the concern or sentiment of the authorities warrants no importance given that people tend to be capable of multitasking and still β†’

Research paper on typhoon haiyan

The purpose of this research paper is to discuss the hazard and impact of the typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. This paper also opts to analyze the mitigation strategy and the recovery of the Philippines after the wreckage left by the typhoon.

Global warming research papers example

This paper is going to focus on the cause as well as the effects of global warming and other fuel use in the UAE. For instance in the united states, 40% of carbon dioxide emission to the atmosphere, is as a result of electricity production whereby, 93% of this emission relates to the burning of β†’

Research paper on functions

This implies that the period depends on the length of the string and the gravity Two variables can be used to show that the motion of simple pendulum is periodic. The displacement equation is given by = 0 Cos where w = l/g which is equal to the angular frequency of the pendulum.

The latin dance

The step would be done by the leader of the tribe, and the rest would follow dancing and repeating the same as their leader. According to Musmon on her book " Latin and Caribbean Dance" she explained that " These influences included classical music of the era and, more important, folk and popular songs and β†’

Dietary supplements and muscle growth

Protein Intake: The decisive factors for the ideal amount of protein intake are the total calorie consumption, and the person's fitness targets. The more hydrated a muscle is, the better will be the production of protein as well as its breakdown.

Sebastians voodoo

The uses of deem lightning was a major contribution to the eerie feel of the animation. The dark silhouette of the witch doctor also contributed to the fear of the unknown.

Example of pop music and non western world-fela kuti research paper

It is seen that after blowing the trumpet with the intention of getting the audience in the mood for more of his music, he starts talking to them and later even joins in the dance. The video that I watched showed that he was in a good mood as he sung, blew his trumpet and β†’

Beyonce giselle knowles

She is not only a singer, but she is also a song writer, record producer, actress, and model who was born and raised in Houston, Texas. It came pretty easy for Beyonce to start the pop group Destiny's Child, but it is how she was raised that has ultimately contributed to her success and in β†’

Good hip hop research paper example

As the superpower, the country enjoys the diversity in cultural practices that differ primarily from the hip hop, rap, poetry and other aspects of cultural diversity, which the country enjoys. The overall contribution of hip hop in United States of America comprises cultural changes that have been reflected in the number of aspects on the β†’

Elizabethan life/elizabethan dance

Dances for the upper class included the Tintertell, the Saltarello, and the Ballet. It was unique in the many types and formations of dance.

Razzle dazzle

The use of Tinsel's archival footage shows the audience a perspective of a past and makes it Lear that Justine is eager for her daughter to be a star. In conclusion, competition destroys the fun and enjoyment of activities like dance as the pressure and competitive attitudes has a negative outcome.