Genuine Research Paper Examples

Rubik’s cube loses eu trademark fight over its shape

But German toy maker Simba Toys challenged the trademark protection in 2006, saying that the cube's rotating capability should be protected by a patent and not a trademark. Last year, the court ruled that Nestle's request to trademark the shape of its four-fingered Kit Kat bar in Britain did not comply with EU law, supporting →

Free a short history of the western scientific progress research paper example

He was the first to discover the moons of Jupiter as well as the craters of the moon and the sunspots of the Sun. The Scientific Revolution and the Origins of Modern Science.

Research paper on how and why amadeus was inspired to music

In the history of the western music, Amadeus was not only recognized as a great composer but also a hero of his legendary time. His music was substantial a trait that almost all composers in the western music would wish to emulate.

The european parliament

This presents the direct election in the EU Parliament that decides together in the EU legislation in the Council, both the EU legislation and Commission Drafts. The combined decision-making process of the EU parliament has shared to develop the effectiveness of EU policy when it comes to the environmental legislation in EU countries.

Free research paper about the significance of shays war

These include, a government which was fiscally harsh and had been instituted in 1785 the debt problems of the state, a credit squeeze which had been caused by the absence of hard currency and difficulties which were financial and related to the economic depression which was after the war. The significance of the Shay's Rebellion →

Russian minority and border issue in baltic states

And there was quite little common in the history of Lithuania in one side and Estonia+Latvia in another side! Since 18th century all Baltic States were as a part of Russian Empire: Estonia and Livonia as a part of Swedish Empire was incorporated into the Russian Empire after the Sweden's defeat by Russia in the →

Direct effect of european union law

In light of recent case law, the courts are now using vertical direct effect as a way of invoking EU Law by demonstrating that the provisions give effect to general principles of EU law. Conclusion In light of recent case law decisions, the protection that is being afforded to individuals under EU Law is now →

Indian and european nations

The Indian nations relied on spoken means for the spread of history from one memorial cohort to the next, destined that the conclusion of their social constitution would obliterate their history, and thus complete the removal of their survival. In the early 16th century, Indian nations were crisscrossed by the Spanish expeditions, turning over new →

European crisis

In case the bonds grow to maturity, the peripheral countries would not have to bear the obligation of payment alone, as the whole region's economies would share that indebtedness. A 'Credit'-a combination of 'Greece' and 'exit' implying the escape of Greece from the Rezone-is believed to be vital for the restructuring of Greek economy as →

Global business – exercise a and b research paper

Post the inclusion of 12 new member countries since 2004, the combined GDP of the European Union is 12, 268, 387 million as of 2010, surpassing the economy of the United States. The metric system is used various forms such as: a) Medical examinations and physical tests, b) Engine capacity of cars, c) Prenatal sonograms.

Significant events that led to prussia’s expansion

Fredrick was important to the rise of Prussia because he was able to get a large standing army. During the Spanish war, he offered his army to the Holly Roman Empire and by doing so gave him the title of King of Prussia.

European union laws

If the Court of Justice of the European Union finds that the member state has failed to fulfil the obligation the member state will be required to take the necessary measures to comply with the judgment. If a Member State fails to ensure compliance with EU law, the Commission may then decide to refer the →

Research paper on how globalization affect culture, economy and education in future

The reason why the concept of globalization is becoming a primary topic of discussion in social circles is because the concept is a powerful force that touches on various aspects of different life. With the rate at which the economies of the world are becoming integrated, it is expected that in the near future, globalization →

What is nato for?

Through solving the dilemma regarding security as well as offering some institutional system for building of shared security strategies, the alliance has had a contribution in rendering utilization of forceful modes as regards the relationships of the nations within such a region almost inconceivable. NATO in 1992 reached a consensus to avail NATO property in →

Research paper on the economy of spain

In the latter half of 2007, Spain's economic growth began to decline. The government of Spain has in the recent past announced various measures to increase the liquidity in the system.

A single european currency

Then the questions advance into finding how often the participants go to the movies, as well as their being accustomed to using the euro vs.the lire, in such a way that it will be possible to show how they were able to convert from the lire in thinking in terms of the euro. The median →

Example of women as nurturers: traditional occupations and perceptions of women in the workplace research paper

Women and the almighty dollar: why women make less than men and what can be done to change this income gap There are still men and women - who try to dismiss the existence of inequalities in the workforce, stating that there is no more need for feminism, and that society has achieved equality in →

Altran case

This incident reflected the lack of transparency and regulations of the company and the ease with which the employees involved in the scandal appeared to have falsified and manipulated the accounts. Refocusing strategy After the 2005 scandal and in order to improve its corporate image, Altran decided to change the governance of the company with →

Art and architecture: japanese art research paper

The beginning of the art era is marked by the Ashikaga family having occupied the position of shogun, one of the highest positions in the governmental system after the Emperor. In the second half of the 15th century a war, known as the Age of the Country at war, burst out, and the art practically →

Recognizing the fireside poets

They are given this title of Fireside Poets because most of them have used the image of the hearth or the fireplace where thefamilygathered together to read stories and learn their poems. The goal of the Fireside Poets is to create poems that were based on traditions but can also be of equal level in →

Wilfred owen war poetry

Owen uses personification and emphasis in his poetry to allow his emotions and thoughts to be branded into the minds of the readers and to allow them to grasp the sense of pithiness of war. In conclusion, Owens poetic insights in Dulce Et Decorum Est and Anthem for Doomed Youth allow readers to grasp the →

Research paper on adolf hitler benito mussolini and joseph stalin

This paper is therefore intended to bring out the similarities and differences of the above three dictators in terms of their ideology, usage of propaganda and methods that they used to improve their countries' economies. Hitler had special policies of his own and they were branded the Brown shirts.

Suburbanization research paper examples

Several cities witnessed the migration of huge number of people and process of suburbanization during and after Second World War. These facilities and infrastructure made these suburban areas a better place for the people who were living in the rural and remote areas of America.

What the bible says about gambling

In most instances, this was simply a way of determining something impartially: Joshua then cast lots for them in Shiloh in the presence of the LORD, and there he distributed the land to the Israelites according to their tribal divisions. Although the words " gambling" and " gamble" do not appear in the Bible, we →

New testament essay research paper

The New Testament is the " newest" part of the Bible. The books of the New Testament are known as the " canon of the New Testament" and they are the books that constitute the Christian Bible.

Increasing rates of quitting teachers research paper examples

The problem is that an increasing number of teachers cannot conquer the burdensome responsibilities in such a manner that they stick to the profession for a considerable duration of time. It is the responsibility of the educators to offer high quality education to students, the high rates at which teachers are abandoning the teaching profession →

Islam judaism and christianity common aspects and conflicts research paper example

In the second part, it evaluates both historical and contemporary conflicts with respect to these religions, and the efforts that have been undertaken to reduce these conflicts in the modern society. The list of these conflicts, Gregg noted, is endless and ranges from the Muslim and Jewish violence in the Middle East, to the Iranian →

Melencolia i

The idea of D rer's family being a large part of the subject matter of the work is revealed again in the presence of two rebuses in the D rer coat-of-arms and another in the engraving itself. Further investigation leads to the interpretation of a magic square as a further reference to a member of →

Research paper on income statement also known as the profit and loss account

This analysis and explanation is more important when calculating projected income and costs for a new business than when calculating and analyzing the performance of an existing business entity. Some of the accounts that make up a start up business plan include: Balance Sheet, and Three Year Cash Flow Projection.

The main aims of the new economic policy implemented in 1971 are as follows: research paper example

The racial riots took place in Malaysia in the year 1969 and this was followed by the New Economic Policy which was announced by the Malaysian Government in the year 1970. The supports of the New Economic Policy established in the year 1970 in Malaysia does point that the policy had been successful as the →

The disobedient angel gabriel

Through a message of an angel, Mary was able to know that she will be conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and give birth to the son of God. In the motion picture Constantine, the protagonist speaks to a woman who goes by the name Gabriel who rejects Constantine's attempts to reconcile the →

Basic managerial units for the operation – nypd case

The primary tasks of the patrol cars are responding to emergencies that are phoned in by citizens via the 911 emergency telephone system and patrolling the streets. The operators screen the calls to determine whether or not they are legitimate police matters, and key in to the central computer system information about the time, location, →

Effective leadership of a manager

In the past, this student has been the anger of our private practice but, with the transition to being a hospital owned office that role has evaporated to the established management team within the organization. In the opinion of this student, the most important role for a health care manager isleadership.

A human resource manager dealings

The more financial support that I have as a result of being in this field is for the better to I really felt no pressure in choosing this career, I made this choice on my own and I hoose to stick with it. I also realized that for me it is now do or die →

Violation of human right # 21 from the udhr, based on lack of this right currently research paper sample

Article 21 of the UDHR holds that citizens have the right participate in the governing of their country; Equivalent access to public services and the right to join in free and fair elections founded on universal suffrage. It is the Russians right to participate in the governing of their country.

A simple guide to the human rights act 1998

On the contrary, many of the rights, which have been included in the written constitution of other countries, such as the USA, were rights, which, at common law, existed in the UK through the form of freedoms. A Bill of Rights for the UK?

Do human rights mechanisms have the capacity to provide environmental protection outcomes?

This is because, at present environmental human rights problems are being dealt with by the ECHR, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights, the American Convention on Human Rights and the African Convention on Human and People's Rights. It is a prerequisite for the realization →

Bartolomé de las casas human rights missionary

Over and over the attitude of Las Casas is focused only on his description of the natives, whose plight is all the more pitiful, because of the brutal behavior of the colonizers. The description of the natives is in stark contrast to the description of the colonizers.

Good research paper on foreign media paper

In most of the cases that were highlighted in the newspaper that is of a daily type, it was manifested that, women were the most affected group of the society that suffered under the whims of gross violations of fundamental rights and freedoms. In Australia, the Australian Journal of Human Rights touched on almost every →

Humanitarian law research papers example

In that regard, the Arab League, an organization that consists of autonomous Arab States in the territory of northern and north-eastern Africa and south-west Asia, comprising countries such as Syria, Iraq and Egypt is one of the effective tools used by the UN to create friendly and diplomatic relationships amongst such warring nations through Youth →

The human rights act 1998

There is a clear divide amongst the academics as to whether the Act has gone far enough to protect the rights of individuals in the UK. Before the HRA, if an individual alleged that one of their Convention rights had been breached, then the only course of action available to them was to go to →

Sexual orientation and human rights

Civil partnership is believed to be equivalent to ' civil' marriage, although there is still diversity between the two and for this reason, this dissertation is going to focus on the question from the views of those same-sex couples who want ' marriage' itself. The Civil Partnership Act 2004 became part of British law on →

Understanding human rights

Human rights are entitlement gotten outside/withoutdiscrimination.these rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible in the sense that most states have the same human right laws that govern the security of individual and group with brings aboutequalitybefore the law and freedom of expression; economic, social and cultural rights, such as the rights to development and self-determination. →

Red brigade, italian terrorism

The Red Brigade viewed themselves as the evolution of inexorable historical and social forces, and that their ascendancy in Italy, and perhaps Europe was natural and inevitable. Curio believed that the Red Brigade would eventual become a key political force in Italy, and that the Brigade was destined through the natural evolution of the revolutionary →

Will american hegemony produce a better world for everybody?

Thus, according to Stratmann in the realist view of hegemony, the focus is on the hegemon's role " in mitigating collective action problems through the provisions of leadership over other donors and the creation of positive incentives to cooperate, assuming a larger share of the costs to set up and maintain a cooperative infrastructure". →

Public fear of terrorism

Of late there are clear indications of general fear in the public to the extent that, whatever the media reports, is seen as a representation of the real situation on the ground. Taking the example of international media houses, which broadcast, to the whole world, they are in the first place not bound by the →

Counterterrorism vs civil liberties

All the departments and agencies mentioned in the policy will see to it that the counterterrorism campaign of the state is given the highest priority. K, & Baird, R.M.

International criminal justice practice research paper examples

Crime is a problem that has been persistent in society in the past and still is today and will be there in the future. In the 1950s violence was just a small problem in the rural areas confects resulted in the case of the absence of the state or as a result of excess of →

War on terror research paper

Well on October 7th 2001, the war in Afghanistan began marking the first step in the War on Terror. A timeline of the iraq war.

Is it a threat of terrorism?

The terrorist attacks in Madrid in 2004 and in London in 2005 perpetrated by European homegrown terrorists have contributed to these concerns, as has the surge in terrorist-related arrests in the United States in 2009 and 2010. A closer look at the evidence, however, reveals that the threat of Islamic extremist engaging in lethal attacks →

Domestic and international terrorism research paper sample

One of the important distinctions between international and domestic terrorism appears to be the number of attacks and the lethality of the actions taken by those who carry out the activity. Definitions of terrorism in the U.S.code.

Violence war and terrorism research paper

The objective of this essay is to analyze the positive and negative impacts of violence, terrorism and war. The first significant of violence and war is creation of jobs and source of income for a good number of people.

Terrorism and terrorist groups research paper examples

Understanding the History and background of terrorism is a vital component in war against it. A clear understanding on these root causes can help in addressing the issues thus preventing future occurrences of terrorist attacks.

Countering global terrorism

The root causes of terrorism are varied and they depend on one's stand whereby the causes cited by the victims of terror for instance the US are different from those cited by the perpetrators. Terrorists on the other hand argue that the US and other western powers are the major causes of the problems facing →

Bioterrorism: biological warfare and public health nursing

Some people would actually take the agent and put it in boxes, envelopes, etc.and send it in the mail to affect others with the disease. Healthcare workers can review disaster plans in the workplace, be available as a first responder, review the evacuation plan, and help others to deal with the events that are taking →

Free research paper on states supported terrorism

The first and of course futile terrorist attempt by the United States was courtesy of Cuban exiles in America. The motive of American support for the invasion was for the exiles to overthrow Fidel Castro's government.

Counter-terrorism project

Moreover, the introduction of Al Qaeda's terror training manual clearly stated their words of advice to their opposition, saying that such unfaithful regimes must know the dialog of bullets, the ideals of assassination and the diplomacy of the cannon and machine-gun. In addition to this, the manual is a written proof of the things that →

Religious fundamentalism and terrorism

Specifically, the notion of a perceived necessity for a reassertion of religiosity as a response to globalization will be examined, particularly as a result of; the nonviolence and clash of beliefs and ideas; forces of secularism; the consequences of modernity and the anxieties associated with social disruption; and the issue of increased power convergence and →

Terrorism in peru

It was a fight between the proletariat and the state, between the landowners and the capitalists in the city. Generally, forgiveness is a decision to let go the resentment and thoughts of revenge.

Hizballah the lebanese party of god and its rise to global terrorism research paper

The Hizballah organization was formed in 1982 in reaction to the apparent disenfranchisement of the Shiite Community in Lebanon. In that strain, the organization has identified the United States of America has the largest threat to the establishment of Islam and extended the same to the Israelites as the representation of the American hatred →

The anthropology of terrorism

In 1998, the Arab Convention for the Suppression of Terrorism was implemented by the Council of Arab Ministers of the Interior and the Council of Arab Ministers of Justice in Cairo, Egypt. In Section 2331 of Chapter 113, defines terrorism as:...activities that involve violent...or life-threatening acts...that are a violation of the criminal laws of the →

Japan staffing approach

What is the crime rate of the country you have chosen? S? According to the Japan has low rate of crime.

Terrorism in the old testament

This is more evident in the story of Moses and the release of the Israelite's from the Egyptians. God first sent Moses to the Pharaoh to ask kindly for his people's release.

Unmanned aerial vehicles research paper examples

Technology plays a major role in the development of any country and also the human civilization. The paper also shows a series of trends analysis regarding image processing, all of which shows great applicability of UAVs in disaster control and public services.

Cia central intelligence agency research paper examples

The initiative of this research is to provide a more in-depth analysis of the agency's history, mission and role in relation to the issues they are facing and possible solutions. Elizabeth Bancroft highlighted the concept of the founding of the US Intelligence Community in her article to commemorate the CIA history.

Hominid evolution research paper examples

The Neanderthals were one of the brightest and the most alluring of earlier hominids. This is mention in the article, " On Neanderthals Stone Tools and Estimations of Their Intelligence".

Good research paper on emotional intelligence: best practices

These assessment should also be accurate and clear, and the people should be given time to be able to digest the information. Emphasis should also be on learner choices and the encouragement of participation in the training program.

Example of warrior king: ltc nate sassaman story research paper

When he left the force Sassaman wrote a memoir where he spilled the beans of what happened in Iraq and what led to the end of his military career. The part where LTC Nathan Sassaman put the loyalty of his solders before that of the army that's when he was not loyal to the commanders →

Example of multiple intelligence theory research paper

They are in touch with themselves, are reflective, and have a strong awareness of the various feelings that they have. A child's personality and aptitude is developed when the various aspects of intelligence are properly stimulated.

Example of research paper on charge syndrome

Learning in individuals with CHARGE syndrome is often a massive challenge where the educators have to cope with all these abnormalities, and move with the needs of the learners. Learners faced with CHARGE syndrome are forced to be in and out of class as they attend medical services.

U.s. model of the fbi research paper sample

Many in government and in the media have been extremely critical of the intelligence community, and in particular the FBI because of the failure to detect and prevent the attacks by terrorists on 9/11. In particular, this inquiry found that the FBI failed to collect useful intelligence, carefully analyze the intelligence they did have and →

Sample final project chapter 1

Giving the training to the employee is the company responsible. It is why, the writer interest to make research what program that must and need to be conduct by the company to increase the employees' job performance by choosing the title " THE EFFECTIVE TRAINING METHOD TO IMPROVE THE EMPLOYEES' WORK PERFORMANCE AT PT.

Cost implications

This is to be considered a long term investment and can be offset against the benefit of increased margins as a result of better long term decisions.b. Thiscase studyhighlights the importance of a controller and an effective Management Control System.

Case write up: samsung electronics

All in all, it can be inferred based on the given situations that there is a high threat of new entrant in the semiconductor industry, particularly in the memory industry which Samsung should really consider in order to maintain their market status. In exhibits 10a-10c, it shows how Samsung was able to innovate and advance →

political factors

Trends in social factors affect the demand for a company's products and how that company operates. Applicability of the factors The model's factors will vary in importance to a given company based on its industry and the goods it produces.

Characteristics of hispanic millennial generation research paper examples

The occurrence of these social malpractices is lower in the Millennial Generation as compared to Baby Boomers and Generation X. Most critics comment that the free and brotherhood tradition of millennial generation is a consequence of their diversity.

Labor movement

This act requires the employer to bargain in what is known as ' good faith ' and this clearly proves to be unfair and not friendly to the labor unions since the employer is not under any pressure to agree to the workers demands but the agreement reached must also be favorable to him. A →

Research paper on hall c s 1953 a cognitive theory of dream symbols the journal of general psychology

Under this theory, I can view the individual waves in my dreams as concepts of the different areas of concern in my life. As these re-occurring dreams are terrifying and disruptive I am going to try the process of holding on to the dream sequence in my mind, go back to sleep and try to →

Martin luther: sacramental practices research paper

Besides, the paper discusses the results of the 16th century Protestant Reformation facilitated by Martin Luther who is believed to have been the catalyst of the same. According to Marius: In Reformed Theology, the Lord's Supper and Baptism are sacraments, which are external signs by which God seals the promise of goodwill toward people in →

American history x: false portrayls

Leading the viewer to believe that the white majority of America is a cruel and ugly people. Incorrect racial treatment, hurtful language, violence, and hate are used in American History X in a way that is harmful to viewers.

American romanticism

The Literary movement and story I decided to choose was American Romanticism, and " The Birthmark" by Nathaniel Hawthorne. A short story that shows irony, and how Hawthorn's characters end up in bad situations is called " The Birthmark." " The Birthmark" is about a scientist named Laymen who decided to leave science for spiritual →

American history paper

Why the Kansas-Nebraska bill succeeded for some time where the 1850 compromise failed was because while it kind of tried to end slavery in the Southern as was being propagated by the Northerners the Kansas-Nebraska bill gave the Southerners a say in making that decision which they exercised by voting for the continuation of slavery →

George washington presidential outline

His major foreign successes would have to be the Proclamation of Neutrality and his treaties with Europe. His major domestic successes would be the Bill of Rights and Hamilton's Financial Program.

American history: emerson and whitman

It meant that when a man is given the opportunity to do what he wanted, given the freedom to use it the way he thought fit is Whitman's take on independence. He showed a friend what there is to see in places near and far, and the road to take.

Economic recovery post-depression: the new deal

It was the " deepest and longest-lasting economic downturn in the history of the Western industrialized world up to that time". Roosevelt after his election put in place reforms for economic recovery, job creation, and civic uplift to reverse the effects of the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression called the New Deal.

Latin american history

Guevara is conscious of his place in history and writes for posterity, to preserve a history of the armed struggle against the tyranny of the dictator Batista. Because of the Cuban revolution the country has become one of the most influential nations in the world.

African-american history

Trotter's views are to some degree far harsher than Du Bois' were, but the general idea theme is the same, that Washington was not helping the African-American race by deemphasising the importance of social equality, and that he was in fact hindering to movement. Du Bois also put more empathise on academic teaching and did →

Westward expansion

To what extent is it accurate to claim that the ideal of manifest destiny was a motivating factor in the western expansions of the United States? Although manifest destiny was a huge motivating factor in the western expansion of the United States, other factors such as the rising population, expansion of slavery and freedom-seeking slaves, →

American legal and constitutional history

In order to understand why and how this can happen, we will first examine the concept of citizenship and the Constitution of the United States as it relates to freedom of political speech. The part that is especially important to American as it relates directly to their rights is the part of the Constitution that →

American history x and racism

Another important scene in the film is the presentation of Derek and his change of heart. There is blackness of the heart even in the whitest of white, and a whiteness of the soul in the pitch black-colored person.

Hitler was a bad leader

Hitler was a terrible leader in that he manipulated the young, he was very hypocritical, and he caused the JewishHolocaust. Aside from his manipulating of innocent children to become his personal slaves, another reason he was a horrific leader was that he was a hypocrite.

The case of adolf hitler

Yet, central to the success of this therapy is the conviction that BPD is a biological disorder exemplified by sharp sensitivity to emotion and amplified emotional intensity. And this was characteristic of Hitler.

Hitler & stalin: the roots of evil

Hitler & Stalin: The Roots of Evil Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin were two of the most ruthless and infamous dictators of the twentieth century. When he was a boy, Hitler wanted to be a priest, and like Stalin, sang in the church choir.

The second half of adolf hitler’s life

Subsequently, Hitler and the Nazis failed to recapture Germany in the supposed Beer Hal Putsch in 1923. During Hitler's stay in the penitentiary, he was able to write Mein Kampf, his political declaration and proposal for a Nazi government.

Adolf hitler research paper samples

In the break of the world war, he seized the opportunity and got involved with the German army as he wanted to proof that Germany had the superior army. He took the opportunity to turn the soldiers against the Jews and the Marxist.

Hitler slept late: and other blunders that cost him the war

Another key factor that supports the sheer impossibility of Hitler's occupation and domination of the world, at the time of World War II, lay in the form of the Empire of Japan. In April of 1945, as Hitler cowered in his underground bunker, occasionally enveloped in darkness as the bombs of his enemies knocked out →