Genuine Research Paper Examples

Research in motion, strategic analysis

Is now in a dilemma of how to attract customers and recapture the market share to be the best one in the cell phone industry. With the business culture of " meeting the need of people who want simplicity, easing of use and speed, without having to think twice about it", we look forward to β†’

How have cell phones changed us socially?

In the beginning phones were just a way to contact people if they happend to be home when called. Cell phone use has increased in the past years because is really easy and economic to have one.

Htc corporation growth plan

As CMO Wang put it, the focus of HTC is to ' build a reputation of making the BMW of phones, slightly more expensive but still affordable, the ' better' product.' In this way, HTC's products should stay attractive for network operators to provide subsidies. In order to lower ASP, HTC should increase the portion β†’

Should people be allowed to use mobile phone while driving?

Taking " hands free" on a cell phone can be considered the same as talking to a passenger while driving. Another point in favor of the use of cell phones while driving could be that, responsible people who understand the risks involved in using mobile phones while driving and can actually handle this should be β†’

Johann kilian and the wends: the foundation of lutheranism in texas

A very small group of the Wends was training for the clergy in Prague and in Leipzig; as these students encountered political theories and topics of highereducationthey developed into the intelligentsia of the Wendish community. Since the time of the Reformation, the majority of the Wendish people had been Protestants.

Puritan dbq outline

The economic system of the Puritan settlers was helped shape by the views of the Puritan faith A. The colonists felt that God was on their side and was assisting them in the defeat of the Indians that were previously living on the land that the colonists were moving to.

Judaism, christianity, and indigenous religion

Religion 31 September 2010 Time Concepts on the Judaism, Christianity, and Indigenous religion The concept of time is full of mystery, by instinct we feel that time cannot be stopped. To the different concepts of time we have sacred time and religious time.


Saint Michael is one of the seven archangels, him being one of the three mention in the Bible. I heard about Saint Michael's from my father, a French Canadian, who grew up in the Northeast, and always spoke of this special little college in Vermont," she said.Dr.

Satan in christian worldview and modern society

But, it is not the talk of Satan that is alarming so much as the type of attention and talk that he is receiving. Satan is not only an ' angel gone bad,' but a being capable of knowing, learning, deceiving, and twisting the word of God.

The importance of man’s first landing on the moon

Because the Pope as well as the Catholic Church did not support the principles the Marxist held regarding Liberation Theology, the people hoped that if nothing else, he would offer words of compassion and support. The people of Nicaragua became painfully aware that the pope was not going to support their revolutionary cause during his β†’

Christianity vs. buddhism

Christianity will take the definition of " Actions of the Christ" as seen in the Bible and The adopted laws of the Christ in the Bible. The peace and love taught by Christianity's and Buddhism's founders are so alike, that the two can be united in the sense that the rules of living can be β†’

Christianity in the land of santhals

God created light and darkness on day one, the next day He created the atmosphere and divided it from the oceans, on day three God created land, water and vegetation, the next day He created the sun, moon and stars, on day five God created creatures to fill the sky and water, on day six β†’

The teachings of christ for christian education

In my opinion I feel that the biblical basis of educational ministries are four basic ideas that teaching should be seen as a light of the world, it should bring out old as well as new feelings in people, be an example to all mankind, and be followed always. Jesus taught twelve disciples the word β†’

Religious traditions

Igdo worship the goddess of the earth and various spirits such as the river, the yam, and the hearth. The pueblo people believed in the kachinas, and are the guardian spirits, and are believed to be with the people during ceremonial occasions.

Beowulf: pagan values tied with christianity

In order to enhance the value of the poem Beowulf, the author reconciles pagan concepts such as fame, vengeance, and fate with Christianity. The pagan concept of fame is accomplished when Beowulf defeats Grendel and gives the arm of the creature to Hrothgar.

Constitution of sacred liturgy

This issue was addressed because the Liturgy of the Western Church was said in Latin something which none of the participants understood and came to an understanding that this was only benefiting the papacy and the clergy and it created a separation between the clergy and its believers. In the past the Reformation of the β†’

Christian dior: the new look

The style of the suits and dresses focuses on soft shoulders, a sleepyheads bodice, a narrow waist, and a full skirt flaring out from the hips to touch the medical. Britain had tried to deny it existed and their government banned Vogue from publishing about The New Look or Dior in the world renown fashion β†’

Retribution theology

Righteousness was what the people were to be and to do because of God. To be righteous was to have the teaching of God in one's heart, to know and to understand the things of God.

Christian ethics

Its focus is the poorer communities of the world, being the most vulnerable to the effect of Climate Change such as rising sea levels. The Church's opinion of deforestation is similar to that of Climate Change.

Why rhode island was the most democratic colony

Jews, persecuted by almost every other colony at the time, as well as Catholics were allowed to live in the boundaries of Rhode Island, and not fear punishment or persecution. This again proves that Rhode Island was the most " American" of the Thirteen colonies.

Benedict xvi

He might not be as popular as Pope John Paul II was or our present Pope Francis but he contributed great things not Just to Catholic church but to our faith as Catholics. He might not be as popular as Pope John Paul II was or our present Pope Benedict XVI was a mild and β†’

Bible: exodus 20:4-6

The Old Testament had charged the Israelites to take care of the disadvantaged and the poor, but there was a great disparity between the rich and the poor as Israel continued to reject God's commands. The word of the Lord always came to the prophet Ezekiel and God exposed him to many things that the β†’

Black churches and black clergy in cleveland

The Stoke's era in politics earmarked the emergence of effectual political influence of the Black church as a cooperative entity. As well, developing interests of respective groups in Cleveland's church community are influencing its range of interests and participations in the political process.

Theology 202 study guide 1

Bibliography is the theology of scripture Theology proper is the theology of God Christology is the theology of Christians Pneumatology is the theology of the Holy Spirit Anthropology is the theology of History What is total depravity? To what is the validity of one's faith measured?

Christianity- sexual ethics

Sexuality is important in the lives of all Christian adherents and it is for this reason that Christianity offers many explicit instructions on sexual intercourse and sexual behaviours, such as when, where and with whom sexual expression is permitted. Guidance for the expression of sexuality is sourced in the Christian sacred texts the New Testament β†’

Encounter part ii– john mcphee

Charles Fraser, a real estate developer in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina with David Brower, a conservationist, the leader of a conservation organization called Friends of the Earth, the most effective single person on the cutting edge of conservation in this country. They want to save things they like, all for themselves." Fraser's characterization of β†’

What extend was the religious settlement of elizabeth’s own?

But, I think that extend the Religious settlement was Elizabeth's own choosing because she was a Protestant, the Catholics were against her and she wanted to be sure that nobody will not make troubles in hercareeras a queen. Also, because she was a Protestant all of Protestants were for her so she was not afraid β†’

Swot of taobao

Connect with a reliable payment method and online trading & paying system A well-known brand for online trading platform in business field that can attract businesses to join and be the alliance with Taobao. Traditional shopping platform provide a direct way for customers to look, feel and touch with the product.

Steeples pestle market anaysis

It's a matter of personal choice, but for most situations the original PEST analysis model arguably covers all of the 'additional' factors within the original four main sections. For example Ecological or Environmental factors can be positioned under any or all of the four main PEST headings, depending on their effect.

Pest russia

The global economic crisis has caused the price of oil and gas to ' dwindle' which has caused huge fluctuations in the Rouble.' The EIUU forecasts 2. 1% for 2011, which represents a stronger and quicker rebound than in Western Europe'? ' Russia has undergone significant changes since the collapse of the Soviet Union, moving β†’

Hp swot matrix

The growth of 26% in the Americas; 28% world-wide percent in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa; and 16 percent in Asia Pacific and Japan with the broad-based global recovery. The innovation of product and system improvement is very important for 3C products.

Exchange rate system

INTRODUCTION The depth and intensity of exchange rate volatility and its impact on the volume of international trade was recognized during 1970s when the world economy shifted from fixed exchange rate to free floating exchange rate. Arize, A, " The Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on U.S.

The swot of emirate group

Listening to and identifying with consumers has allowed Emirates Airline to construct a corporateculturethat bears little resemblance to the Emirates Airline of the past. The ability to continuously renew and improve their service in the airline and aviation while effectively managing the needs of their target audience is the key to maintaining Emirates Airline's leader β†’

Swot for

Com to include new products in line to improve services and the image of the brand. Competence: the e-commerce field has evolved rapidly and it is highly competitive, companies such as eBay, Wall-Mart, andGoogle are a constant SWOT By Mimickers to maintain an important inventory; this could be risky due to the fact that demand β†’

Pest htc

Power in negotiating prices User friendly Known for best overlay of Android SO with ETC interface High product quality Highly popular in the urban market. Is booming in current years, and G is coming in the phone market.

Increased prices of necessary goods and inflation affecting the poor working class people

The Research consists of the Introduction containing Background of the Research, Areas of the Research, Hypothesis, Methodology, Data Analysis, Findings, and Recommendations. According to the study, as a consequence of the price hike, the majority of people of Dhaka metropolitan city and other parts of the country are facing deep trouble in coping with the β†’

Obstacles in international pricing

This shift and low prices is the obstacle in the international pricing strategies of the products. In this case, the firms observe and look into the existing situation of the market, determine a suitable and appropriate price of the product and retain the price as fixed until or unless there is some different situation in β†’

Pestle (social) mexico

Religion: There are many religions in Mexico, but the Catholic Church is the most represented. Soda is a very popular drink in Mexico, as the country has a well-developed beverage industry.

Rice pest and its control

The larva hides in its case then float on the water surface during the day and crawls to the rice plant with its case to feed. It is common in irrigated fields and feeds on the central whorl leaf of the vegetative stage of the rice plant.

Godiva chocolatier swot

However, in December, 2007, the company announced its interest in selling Godiva to one of the largest and prominent consumer goods manufacturer in the Turkishfoodindustry, and by 2008, the process was completed, and Yildiz Holdings gained ownership of this company. They trust and remain loyal to the company since the company is well known in β†’

Panera swot

The second threat to Pander Bread Company would be a disruption in the company's supply. The increase in theminimum wageis the fourth threat to Pander Bread Company.

Pestel and porters tesco

Increase in UK ethnicity population has lead to a wide range of food items available in store TECHNOLOGICAL-Increase in population access to internet has caused an increase in Online grocery shopping. Greener living scheme which advices customers on environmental issues such as how to reduce food waste and carbon foot print when preparing meals LEGAL-Increase β†’

Allowing for inflation and taxation

A project has the following projected cash inflows: Year 1 $50, 000Year 2 $75, 000Year 3 $105, 000Working capital is required to be in place at the start of each year equal to 5% of the cash inflow for that year. Working capital of each year is 3% of sales which will be required at β†’

Example of research paper on alien limb phenomenon

For many people the dissatisfaction comes to a point where it can become an overriding negative influence on a person's life even to the point of becoming life threatening when the negative emotions around the episodes of disphoria are severe to the point where he chooses to take drastic actions to physically correct the problem. β†’

Radiologist technician research paper sample

This necessitates that the radiologist technician explains the whole process to the patient. After they capture the images, the radiologist technician reviews the results they obtain from the images and they give the images to the physician.

Left brain vs right brain: how does it impact learning

For the first step of the sequence, you might walk to the frond door; for the second, to the kitchen; for the third, to the den, etc. But the right side pays attention to coherence and meaning; that is, your right brain tells you it " feels" right.

Zombies rogerian argument

Whether it's a mob of zombies sucking the brains out of a helpless victim on the big screen or zombies terrorizing families on television shows, it is hard to ignore the gory entourage. The possibility of a zombie apocalypse is very real and terrifying; and most of the population simply would not survive.

Graphic arts research paper sample

This work is to ensure that the text in the design is readable. The font size of the body text is the most important.

Rheumatoid arthritis research paper sample

Immune response: The two main types of the lymphocytes from the immune system family are known to play a role in the manifestation of RA are the T cells and the B cells. Rheumatoid arthritis and the role of oral bacteria.

Teens pressure on body images

Girls feel that tin order to be accepted by others they have to go the extra mile to look their best. Another study indicates, " 40%of all 9 and 1 Earldom girls have already been on a diet." Most girls that diet are either underweight or their weight is just normal." Provided that 70% of β†’

Study guide of biology exam

When there is an overflow the brain stops making it naturally and when the drug wears off it takes mime for the brain to star making the chemical once again on its own system. And subject reactions at the completion of the study.

Strategies of body shop

Due to the advancedtechnologyand creative mind of the marketers, the marketers need to face different challenges and issues in the twenty-first century. It is the protection of the rights and interests of consumers and avoid misled by the company.

Influence of the media in forming negative body image among females

These conclusions are supported further by some of the work of Garner, Garfinkel, and Olmstead who claim that media exposure to stereotypes of very thin women models and reinforces the association between thinness and the characteristics such as physical attractiveness, desirability, personal self-worth, and success. First, of all the effect of pervasive media influence, such β†’

Research paper on proteins

The participation of the proteins in the cell processes are great as most of the proteins are enzymes that are involved in several reactions as they catalyze the reactions. The gene sequence defines the sequence of the amino acids in the protein.

Research paper on successful implementation of electronic health information technology

First of all, the problems of the organization must be understood in order to do this, a representative body of all major parties involved with the system should be included, from administrative down to the nursing level. The reason for this is that all people involved in the healthcare process will be using this HIT β†’

Sample research paper on hepatitis

Before discussing the causes and dangers of having an inflamed liver, it is necessary to understand the exact functions of the liver." The liver is responsible for filtering out from the bloodstream harmful substances such as dead cells, toxins, fats and an overabundance of hormones, and a yellowish substance called bilirubin that is a by-product β†’

Media’s negative effect on women body image

Dove produced this video in response to the negative comments of the changes of the company's models called Evolution which shows the transformation from a regular women to a model and how unrealistic perceptions of beauty are.5. 20 Nov 2011.." Body Image and the Media." Canadian's Women's Health Network.N.p, 2005.Web.

The importance of postural analysis in resistance training programs research paper examples

In the head and neck, the plumb line passed through the lobe of the ear to the acromion process. In the lumbar vertebrae, the plumb line falls in the middle of the abdomen and back and slightly at the sacroiliac Joint's anterior.

Example of research paper on impact of working in night shifts

on the Work Performance of a Nurse Shift work, meaning working in odd hours outside the daylight hours is seen to have significant impact on the health of the nurse as well her performance in the work place. E, Drew, D, Sleep and errors in a group of Australian hospital nurses at work and during β†’

Stem cell research research paper sample

Skeptics, especially the Church, argue that the usage of stem cell is similar to cloning and disregards the sanctity of the human body and life. Moral supporters of the stem cell research noted that the utilization of stem cell research is crucial to end the suffering of human kind due to diseases and debilitations.

Deep vein thrombosis research papers examples

Ultrasound: The clot will be visible in the ultrasonographic image - Venography: This is basically an X- ray procedure where a dye in injected into the large veins of foot or ankle, and the image is taken, thus the location of the clot becomes clear.- CT or MRI: Both the procedures gives an image of β†’

The body of law is a site of gendered power

In this essay, ' the body of law' will be taken to mean not just the law laid out in the statute books, or expounded by judges in their judgements, but also the application of law, in the courts and in dealing with those who are deemed to have violated the law's provisions. Instead more β†’

Example of king creon is more of a tragic hero than antigone research paper

Moreover, a comparative analysis of the tragedies of Antigone and King Creon are followed by the story, and Creon is proved the real tragic hero of the story. Antigone decides to give burial to the dead body of her brother Polynices against the will of the new King Creon of Thebes.

Infant neurosensory development: brain development

Infant Neurosurgery Development Brain Development In Infants Trident Technical College September 11, 2013 In the article, Infant Neurosurgery Development: Considerations for Infant Child Care, The Internal and external environments affect the development of physical and neural structures that gulled visual, auditory, comprehension, compensatory, and limbic system functions. I found It Interesting that " Colonization also β†’

The effects of the media on body image

The pressure to be thin has amplified significantly due to the growing influence of the media. Despite numerous of other factors that contribute to society's view of the ideal body image, the media by far has the largest influence on society through icons that constantly reinforce unrealistic beauty standards and idealize the thin.

Premature baby

Kangaroo care is also known as kangaroo mother care, kangaroo baby care, and skin to skin care. Although the name varies, the concept is that holding an infant, naked except for a diaper and hat, against the bare chest of an adult for the purpose of providing the infant with a natural thermal environmental, nurturing β†’

Big ass english paper

This is because the children learn quicker and easier if they have fun while doing something, and while Ender enjoyed himself at first, right about when he was made a commander he started to hate the position because of the amount of work he had to do without frequent breaks, or breaks at all. When β†’

Social influences on childhood obesity

In America, the diet consists of fried and greasy foods such as fast foods, the lifestyle lacks enough physical activities that are necessary to increase the metabolism and prevent weight gain that leads to obesity. The issue of obesity is related to the obvious factor of over eating and also the lack of physical activity.

Is childhood the happiest time of your life?

This is an adult world and though children may be deeply loved, they have to be manipulated so as not to interfere too seriously with the lives of their elders and betters. Think of the curfews, the marital law, the times you had to go to bed early, do as you were told, eat disgusting β†’

All of childhood is essentially preparation for adulthood

In " The Man in the Well", Sher begins by having the nine year old child, whose name is the only one among all of the children that we never learn, state that although he remembered that the children had made the decision not to help the man stuck in the well, he did not β†’

Outline and evaluate research into the effect of day care on children

NICHD study studied over 1000 American children; the findings were that the longer the child was left in day care the more aggressive he/she became. However overall Campbell et al found that the longer a child spent in day care the less sociable he/she became as they got more tired; this study also stated that β†’

My childhood blank-kee

It was my constant companion, my partner in crime, and my source of comfort. It was given by my godmother to my mother the day after my mother told her that she was pregnant with me.

Arguments against abortion research paper

The proponents of abortion claim that the fetus is not alive and that it is just a blob of tissues and that most abortion occur before the fetus can exist independent of the mother. Since death is declared on the basis of when the brain waves and the heart beat cease it is only logical β†’

Affects of childhood trauma

Some kids are more mentally traumatized to neglect than a lot of others are.3. Self-awareness will give us a more open eye for the actions and behaviors we see in our kids and others.3.

Early childhood research and practice

From the heading I am able to see that the journal is going to be about " Learning Stories and Children's PowerfulMathematics." There are three authors in total who were part of the publishing of the journal, they are Bob Perry, Sue Dockett and Elspeth Harley. From reading the title and the abstract, I have β†’

Childhood obesity in america

Parents of obese children are left in a difficult position of fearing for the social and health consequences of their child's obesity, and fighting a losing battle against the powerful presence of the media and constant exposure to unhealthy foods. Because of the lack of information linking breastfeeding to obesity, it is now said that β†’

Early childhood education and children

Many mothers prefer to give their children to their mothers, but if there is not grandmother to care child, that will be problem especially if the child is still baby or infant. In fact, mother's decision; that choosing stay with her children at home or going to work and joining her children in convenient place, β†’

Plastic money advantages and disadvantages

Plastic money is referring to the credit cards or the debit cards that we use to make purchases. However, in case of debit/credit card you can report the matter to the bank and block the card to avoid misuse.3.

Example of research paper on memorandum

The bracelet was lost in a mysterious way in that Carla was sure that she had packed the bracelet and saw it in the jewelry box as she was unpacking her clothes on her arrival at the hotel on Sunday afternoon. She found out that the bracelet was missing in the morning of the next β†’

Good example of research paper on sociology of homosexuality in pauls case

In Willa Cather's short story " Paul's Case," the titular character has no shortage of problems his middle-class malaise, his dissatisfaction with life as it is, and the frustration of the ideals of art not matching the mundane nature of his existence. However, one implicit, unspoken frustration he has is Paul's sexuality, which is either β†’

The role money plays

In the Bahamas, Haitians are populating our islands in vast amounts and are influencing our culture. This was displayed in the twelfth paragraph, " A thoroughly diluted version on Junkanoo, Junkanoo Lite, is currently serving as the official mascot of the Miami Dolphins." These instances show how our culture is constantly placed at risk.

Bourgeoisie & money

The pictures represent the emotion of the people. The latter nineteenth century gave birth to a generation who was resentful of where they were at in social class.

5 ways to make more money as a coach or consultant

To elaborate on this thought, try answering for yourself " Personally, what can I offer my client in terms of an area of expertise in addition to the professional training as a coach?" Once you have established your main area of coaching like business, personal orcareercoaching, you can zero in on a niche within that β†’

Lease accounting research paper examples

Following are the criteria, that if fulfilled, the lease is classified as finance lease;- If the entitlement to the lease is transferred to the lessee at the end of the lease.- At the concluding year of lease agreement, leased asset can be purchased by lessee at a price which is less than the fair value β†’

Some people think that most employees like to earn money for a better life than any enjoyable job

That is a reason why they mainly concentrate on spending most of their time to work hard any business that needs them for a seeking of money and dream pursuing even it is not their passion. As well as this, it is highly likely that such job brings emotional satisfaction to worker and contributes to β†’

Trade, money and capital

TRADE, MONEYAND CAPITAL Features of a modern economy 1.- Specialization and division of labor 2.- Measure economic values 3.- Stock of capital * Trade, specialization and division of labor.* Specialization: occurs when people and countries concentrate their efforts on a particular set of tasks, it permits each person and country to use to best advantage β†’

Good research paper about healthcare funding and financial planning

Episode-of Care Reimbursement It is a health payment system where providers get a lump sum on all the services offered associated with a disease or condition. Risks of Fee-For-Service Reimbursement Methods Payer learns of expenses of the healthcare services once the patient or client has received care.

Money always comes with strings attached

The criticality of diversifying was a big decision that we had to take. We diversified again to enter the cloud market, and was started in 2005.

Choosing a course

Choosing your college major consideration # 1: Your Interest The most basic consideration in the choice of a college major or college course is, of course, what you want. In that case, you would have to weigh your priorities: pick a college major you will be good at or pick a college course that is β†’

The reserve bank of australia and interest rates

How is an increase in the cash rate likely to affect imports An increase in the cash rate may attract an additional flow in of foreign investment funds which will increase the AUD exchange rate. How is an increase in the cash rate likely to affect the exchange rate?

Getting stuff and spending money

Nature is not Just a bunch of trees and water, but nature is the wilderness and the places where a human can go and replenish but we think nature Is not ours and find ourselves not in touch with It. I would look out to the sea and it would not just be a bunch β†’

Is money a motivator?

In this article I would like to focus on three theories in particular which discuss motivational needs for an individual and how as a manager you can address them in the work place: The first is Maslow's need hierarchy which led to McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y and the last theory is Herzberg's Motivation β†’

Citigroup inc subprime mortgage crisis

Further, decline in Countrywide's revenues is mainly due to write-offs of the mortgage loan and pipeline and inventory of securities and loans to the tune of $ 322. 7 million, which is mainly due to disruptions in the secondary market in the latter of the year 2007.

Secured and unsecured credit

In an unsecured credit, the creditor turns over his or her money, goods, or services to the debtor with only the latter's promise to pay as a guarantee of collection, relying heavily on the dignity and the capacity to pay of the debtor based on factors like salary and other monies due him/her. In a β†’

Alimony research paper example

In most cases, this leads to tax saving for the two spouses involved in the alimony transactions, given that income is shifted from the higher tax bracket to lower tax bracket, as a result of transferring alimony payments from the spouse who earns a high income to the one who earns lower income. Hoffman, W, β†’

Q81. does a person have to earn a lot of money to be considered successful?

Model Essay In society, we are taught that having a large amount of money means that we are successful. My family does not have a lot of money, but they are happy with the lives they have made for themselves.