Genuine Research Paper Examples

Can you teach compassion?

Therefore, most of us, including nursing students, have a basic understanding of what compassion is and how to administer it. Adams has suggested that medical students be included in a two-year study of compassion to help them learn to recognize, appreciate, and integrate compassion into every aspect of the care they give.

Environmental law

Some legal definitions...i.S.of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 " The " environment" consists of all, or any, of the following media, namely, the air, water and land; and the medium of air includes the air within buildings and the air within other natural or man-made structures above or below ground." ii. The Preamble records the →

How do children become successful learners?

Also if a teacher is more of a facilitator the child is learning what they want to learn and having the achievement of accomplishing a task for themselves. If what they are learning is personal to them they are more likely to want to learn the information.

Ethical guidelines research paper examples

Some of these ethical guidelines include: the research question posed to the children should be important to the health and well being of the children. In order to ensure that the rights of children are not violated especially when used as participants, there are certain guidelines and principles that have been put in place to →

Cypop5 task 1

The learning and development requirements compromise: * The seven areas of learning and development and the educational programmes; * The early learninggoals, which are the knowledge, skills, and understanding that all young children should have gained by the end of reception year; * The assessment requirements. The role of Ofsted is to use the registration →

Aids and children

Some of the factors that play an important role in the transmission of HIV/AIDS from infected mother to child include the severity of the infection of the mother, the material viral load, trauma to the child during delivery, the mode and the duration of breastfeeding. In a study conducted, it was found that 63 % →

Parents should be active in child life

The first reason why both parents, a pop and ma, ought to have equal chances to nurture their children is that the father, by his masculinity nature, will be better to give his child the sense of braveness and teach them. The second reason why the father is an essential part of raising the child →

Your child model

Emilly= Ralph Crewe Sally's doll.she was the best friend for sally because it was a present from her father and it's look like to one of her friends in India. John She was a student her family in force her to study so, she found everything difficult.sally helped her in many subjects and when sally →

Unit 304 promote children and young people’s positive behaviour

The policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting children's and young people positive behaviour covers a range of six sectors these are Behaviour policy Code of conduct Rewards and sanctions Dealing with conflict and inappropriate behaviour Anti-Bullying Attendance Behaviour policy A guideline to all staff on how pupil's behaviour should be managed. Be →

Sample research paper on gaining a better understanding of adhd in adults

Also, about a quarter of the parents who have children with ADHD have ADHD themselves, and without treating the parents it is difficult for them to use the parenting strategies that are helpful to their children. Understanding how adults with ADHD are negatively affected by the disorder, contributing factors to children maintaining ADHD into adulthood, →

Music lesson for visually impaired children in schools

Although, they are non trained to cognize a manner to respond in the presence of any job, or, how to learn a vocal to each different instance of particular instruction demand, the music instructor is of import to be informed and take the appropriate preparation refering how to learn the kid. In other words, the →

Research paper on attention deficit disorder

The precise cause of the disorder is still yet to be known even though various empirical researcher findings point to heredity and several environmental factors such are diet to be the possible causes of the disorder. Heredity is alleged to be the leading cause of ADD; according to Rutledge more than 80 percent of the →

External reserach – childcare level 3

"It is important to plan to meet the care and learning needs of all children." External research CACHE LEVEL 3 DIPLOMA IN CHILDCARE ANDEDUCATIONIntroduction Criteria 1 - Criteria 2 - The first stage of the learning cycle is planning and this is where you plan for the children activities that will be carried out throughout →

Support children and young peoples health and safety

2 Explain how health and safety is monitored and maintained in work setting are made aware of risks and hazards and encouraged to work safely. 1- Explain the policies and procedures of the setting in response to accidents, incidents, emergencies and illness.

Common accidents among children

Children are injured in motor vehicle accidents when the children are not placed in the car seats, the car seats are installed improperly, or the child is not wearing a seat belt. Another common way children receive burns are when the children pull the cords of curling irons or irons.

Unit 2 – the developing child

According to Tassoni, page 41, " For children, this area of development is important too, as they will want to play with other children and have to learn to share and be with others in group situations, such as in school. This is used to record the time, interaction, who their socialising with, so I →

Cyp 3.1 support children and young people’s health and safety

The factors to take into account when planning indoor healthy and safe environments and services include: Floor area: The floors should be even and easily cleaned and free of clutter and debris that could cause a trip or fall. To be able to monitor and maintain a health and safety programme within the workplace a →

Contribute to children and young people’s health and safety

Reason being is so that, children and young people are able to follow and listen to a good set of rules. CCLD MU 2.-Contribute to the support of child and young person development.1.

A difficult child

On the other hand, the experts came to believe that difficult children are like this because of their innate makeup, they are simply born with certain traits, and it is not their fault. One more vital point for parents is to be more involved in child's life, it means thatfamilymembers should always keep a healthy →

Health for all children

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Articles 6 and 24 pertain to the rights of children to life, survival and development, enjoyment of the highest attainable standards of health and facilities for the treatment of illness and the rehabilitation of health. The effectiveness or otherwise of international health intervention programmes is →

Impact on children in the bilingual education programme

The positive impact will function as an protagonism message to the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport " for bilingual instruction to be portion of national instruction policy programs, and the programs must be implemented in pattern with sufficient resources in the signifier of allocated financess, decently trained forces and other necessary resources ".1. 2 →

Post traumatic stress disorder:todays best treatments research paper sample

According to the National Center for PTSD, out of all of the children who experience trauma, up to 43% of girls and boys develop p PTSD, with girls having a slightly higher incidence than boys. Because of the lack of research, Strauss and Lang recommend these types of treatment options not as a replacement for →

Childhood memories

I remember well the first and last time that I went camping, the thrill of it was unbearable but going to sleep in a pitch dark forest was more than complicated, the only thing giving us light was our trusty flashlights and the little glimpses of the moonlight coming in through the trees like a →

Gun accidents among children

Another reason why gun accidents are occurring with children is because of the lack of gun safetyeducationwith parents and children. If they choose to do so, educating them on the difference of a toy gun and a real gun is very important.

Major depressive disorder in children

Combinations of the different classes of treatment can be made in order to create a greater chance of improvement and recovery for the individual. The first step I would take would be to assess the child in terms of the type of depression he or she has.

Prostitution of children and child prostitutes

The Encyclopedia Americana defined prostitution as " the performance of sexual acts with another person in return for the payment of a fee." Child prostitution is therefore, prostitution embarked upon by children who are below the age of 18 and are supposed to be catered for by their parents. Some of the female prostitutes come →

Good example of research paper on the relation between autism and measles mumps and rubella vaccine

Despite the countering researches, many people still believe that measles, mumps and rubella vaccinations have the tendency to expose children to the risk of autism. A research was done in Japan, which was thought to be one of the most convenient countries to evaluate the relation of MMR and autism due to two factors.

Children of abraham

The purpose of this essay will be to discuss the historical, social and spiritual metaphor for the Exodus experience for Judaism throughout the ages. We will also discuss the ways in which the Exodus experience might parallel the salvation, conversion and the sanctification experience in Christianity.

Childcare diploma

Decoding not understanding the correct message due to language difficulties, not enough time to understand the message, past experience influence the meaning of the message, stressed or distracted and the information is not absorbed? To try and find different way and methods to make someone understand: translating and interpreting services?

Cyp core 3.4: support children & young people’s health & safety.

Lines ofresponsibilityandaccountabilityare down to everyone that is employed in a setting, responsibility for the health and safety of children and staff are down to all employers and there should be clear reporting responsibilities. We ensure the setting provides a clean and safe environment for the staff and the children to work in.

A child called it: one child’s courage to survive

Premium a Child Called It Review It David Pelzer's A Child Called It, is so good. Premium a Child Called It By " Dave Pelzer" Child Called It by Dave Pelzer is an intriguing journey through the torturing childhood of the author himself.

Discuss the use of an assessment tool when caring for a child

To write about the new born baby assessment it is important to understand what assessments are, why assessments are important and how this particular assessment is an essential part ofnursing." Assessment forms the first part of any nursing activity and is the first step in the nursing process. The assessment of a new born infant →

Contemporary service provision for children and young people

This is good because children are now taught through stages however it is also a bad idea because not all children develop through the stages, some children will understand one topic more than another or there may be a child who was to have a learning difficulty and then this would mean that the child →

Child care: accidents and emergencies

The layout of the environment in a setting should be suitable for the safety of the children. The setting should ensure that engagements are provided for the number of children to ensure every child is safe, practitioners should know first aid and should be trained in the resources for the safety of the children and →

Children of men

Children of Men " Children of Men" is set in the year of 2027, when the world is in chaos with the multitude of political and social issues includingimmigrationand fascism. The lack of children and the possibility of children are the cause for all the action.

Disability and child

Whilst the child has the right to choose their friends, it is ourresponsibilityto involve the child in setting expectations of their behaviour and help them to make a positive contribution, which is one of the outcomes of the ECM framework. The meaning of these in the context of the positive outcomes for children and young →

Children’s pastimes today and yesterday

This article will show the differences in Children's Pastimes Today and Yesterday We will attempt to show you the difference in raising children today from yesterday. Today's children want Children's Pastimes Today and Yesterday everything handed to them and not to work for it as children did in the past.

Positive environment for children and young people

The physical aspects are the toys, furniture door wall, large garden equipment, buggies safety gates etc.he social environment in my setting is all about theculture, and customs of my setting and the activities and experiences we are involved in and interact with.a positive environment is warm and welcoming, consistent and stable, safe clean and tidy, →

Divorce impact on children

Divorce and the Pre-school Child Young child are vulnerable to the effects of divorce and separation, especially children young than 5 years old. The reasoning behind the vulnerability at this age is a combination of the interruption of the attachment relationships they have formed and the child's limited cognitive ability to understand what divorce is.

Third world and nestle infant formula

This could happen before the proper distribution of the product and might prevent also the malnutrition of the children. Moreover, on each label of the baby powder should be written the fact that the natural milk is the healthy one, and also be specified the circumstances in which the supplementary milk should be used.

Children and adolescents with new-onset epilepsy

In the paper they explore parent's perceptions of their child's quality of life and the impact of the diagnosis on theirfamily. Well I agree because it's already hard for children to fit in at school and to try to focus is even harder.

Observation and child

Aim of observation: The aim of this observation is to observe a TC for a period of 20 minutes in order to see TC emotional development in the free flow play of a child 3 years and three months. Method: Narrative Media used: Pen and paper Evaluation: The aim of the observation is to observe →


What activities could you plan to support the social development of children? How do you contribute to the policies and procedures of your service?

No child left behind

The strategy of the appreciative inquiry is the most efficient inculturechange in the public school. The strategy consists in making investigations of all the cultural activities which have been successful in this school during the last couple of years, identifying their positive influence on children, and looking for ways to repeat the previous success through →

Research paper on crisis intervention

The likelihood of developing a severe form of PTSD increases with the nature of the traumatic event. A professional should also be aware of the risk factors that a client experienced before in responding to PTSD.

Why adoptees should have birthrights open to them research paper example

The aim of this research is to discuss the rationale for denying the adoptees a chance to have information on their birthrights, assess the political, social and psychological effects and provide recommendation on the same.- Statement of the Problem The fact that existing laws deny the adoptees a chance to access information on their birthrights →

Why children and young people may need to be looked after away from their families

This may be down to bereavement of the parents meaning that they have died, if the parents have died then the child or young person will go to the closest otherfamilymember unless there are not any in which case the child or young person would be looked after outside the family. If a child or →

Explain child protection within the wider concept of safeguarding children and young people

In order to provide the most effective support and help for vulnerable children and their families, all staff managing services and involved in working directly with children need to be able to acknowledge their feelings and examine their different values and beliefs. Where parents fail to ensure a child's safety and are unable to protect →

Describe how to deal with disagreements between the practitioner and children and young people

Describe how to deal with disagreements between the practitioner and children and young people If it is TA versus a child, then the chances are that the child is being confrontational and disobedient. You would have to point out the boundaries and explain that it would not be wise to cross these boundaries if the →

Events that take place in alice and wonderland that make her grow up research paper samples

The rabbit hall and the fall is one of the events that affect the growth of Alice in a positive way. One of the critics of the novel says, " Alice in Wonderland, a novel that recounts the development of an individual from childhood to maturity".

Child protective services

Department of Health and Human Services, the Child Abuse and Neglect National Statistics, the composition of children in foster care is the result of, 10% sexual abuse, 19% physical abuse, and 63% neglect. In addition, I will study the current plans for reform and what types of community programs are available to children and their →

Working with exceptional children

The children would have the joy of the experience some of the school structure and activities which includes gym, arts, home economics and other program to suit their needs. The educational assistant will have a better understanding of the teacher's needs and the needs of children with exceptionalities.

Explaining of the child protection in the wider concept of safeguarding children and young people

In doing this there are many policies and procedures to follow regarding a child's health and safety, in which companies have to enforce these policies and procedures in a child based setting. Also setting up a CAF and making contact with multi agencies for a child who they have cause for concern for and putting →

Darkest child

Tangy Mae went to school longer than all of her other siblings and wanted to continue but her mother would not allow her to because she wanted her to work like the rest of her siblings. Her mother would often beat her and her other siblings an example from the book is " The belt →

We must promote good health of all children

The premises, environmentand equipment must be suitable to cater for the children, these include outdoor and indoor spaces, furniture, equipment and toys and they must be safe and suitable for the children in your care, age/stage appropriate. Kosher is not a style of cooking, it is the way in which the food is prepared or →

Cache level 3 childcare and education

It is also important when building a relationship with parents that you understand what they think is best for their child. As a childcare practitioner you may think that it would be better for the child to learn though playing.

Maybank research airasia

Sax's operation is strategically located to tap unto a population base of b -? roughly 50% of the world's population, and catering to the huge undeserved budget market hereby competition and the number of players are low. Sax's partnership with Raisin has enabled it to have all the hallmarks of a big established airline, whilst →

Judaism: its identity and position to society

Culture, customs, ethics, and sense of self these are a part of Judaism as much as the faith and the rituals of the Jewish religion. A Jew is one believes in the One God, Creator and master of the Universe, the God with whom the people Israel have a special relationship.

What is gender identity?

But people are all different and to think that one way is the right way would be a misunderstanding of how the body works and what can happen to the human body if something is out of tune. Through the years of research, many people have argued over gender identity and gender inequality.

How does appearance define our identity

When looking at a particular group of people, it is usually possible to examine the trends that they exhibit and spot people who look out of place and may be trying to change or enhance their identity through their clothing. Bringing yet another set of catchy pop tunes, Christina enforced the idea that it was →

Identity: through others we become ourselves

Through Others We Become Ourselves Rachel Sealy-Fisher In this essay, I will be discussing how people create identities for others through propaganda and language usage, perceptions and first impressions and how we accept these identities because of fear. Although we may be aware that our identities may be created for us, and often by us, →

Language and identity

Today the approach is interactional, and this must be compared to the systematic investigation and analysis of the speech of groups of individuals that began in the early nineteenth century, at which time the interest was on the organized language of the Enlightenment period. In Hemnesberget, a native speaker displays great pride in his dialect, →

The re-inscription of identity: black affirmation

Only when the perspective was shifted to the African-Americans will the readers realize that the girl referred to by the schoolteacher as the " nigger with the flower hat" was Baby Suggs. In this way, Sethe chose to dwell in the past, and Beloved became the symbol that effectively removed Sethe's link with the murder →

The changes in ethnic cultures over the years in america

Characteristics identified from Hipic cultures include: the dominance of the family concept having a obviously defined authority hierarchy; an individualized though ritualistic admiration based upon selfhood as opposed to achievement, and that which makes persons from conventional Hipic civilization to feel at ease amid north American-typeprofessionalismthat accordsrespectbased on a person's possession of particular skills and →

How health science research played a significant role in racial formation

Fischer conducted a ' race mixing' study in Namibia to prove his theory that racial characteristics were hereditary by observing the physical characteristics of the " Rehoboth Basters" who were the children of Dutch men and Khoikhoi women.Dr. Lenz however was a supporter of mass sterilization due to his belief that ' race mixing' was →

Pygmalion. the identity of eliza how does it change and is it for the better?

The ending of the play is ambiguous because although Eliza has changed her identity, she is so unrecognizable to the other street flower sellers that she no longer fits into her old class and society anymore; she is no longer sure of who she actually is. A change that Liza encounters is her hygiene, in →

Body, perception and identity in ‘the birthmark’ and ‘hands’

It is the purpose of this essay to explore the ways in which the characters of Georgiana and Wing construct and alter their identity and self-image by the way in which their anatomies are described and treated by others. As a young man, he has a positive view of his hands because they are the →

Colonial language, behavior and identity formation in two tempests

The influence of colonization is present in The Tempest, and is demonstrated in the characters Caliban and Ariel; who become Prospero's servers in order to get free. The two Characters, Caliban and Ariel are described differently in Shakespeare's The Tempest and Cesaire's A Tempest.

Ethnic drinking subcultures

Does: It provides the background knowledge required to understand the contents of the book. The Irish and Italians are high on power and support, while the Swedes and Jews are low.

Ethical identity of islamic banks in society

There has been massive growth in the financial sector through out the world in the last century and ethics involved in the capitalist economic system has been in a state of flux. As far as the small shareholders are concerned, their relationship with the bank is generally confined to receipt of profit, if and when →

Dissociative identity disorder in women

I chose this topic because I had to do a research paper about it in myPsychologyclass, so I just used the research I did to do this paper. I learnt that to judge the relevance of anything- a journal article, website, a book, we do so with the following criteria: The purpose of the article, →

Ethnic research paper

As the western culture is so resilient, it is going to cause cultures including Indian and Native American culture to decay along with native languages of the cultures as the future generations are born after another. In the beginning of the film, it proves that the struggle to preserve the Native American culture and land →

Adoption and identity formation

In this research, the main question that is going to be answered is; " How des Adoption Affect Identity Formation in a Negative way? The focus in this literature review is going to be on the adopted adolescents and their process of identity formation.

The dangers of television

The firstdanger of television, as the author mentions is the lack of as family outings' the going of the whole family together such as family take a walk, dine out, go to the cinema are constrain when one or more family members do not go by they want watching more go out. The second danger →

Cushings vs. addison research paper example

Whatever the cause of Cushing's syndrome the end result is an increase in cortisol secreted by the adrenal. Other reasons for the features of Cushing's syndrome include, bilateral adrenal hyperplasia and an ectopic secretion of ACTH such as in the case of some cancers.

The impact of local television in today’s society

According to State of the News Media, viewership and ratings have drastically changed over the years and as of 2012, it is suggested that it is in large part due to the pressing and irreversible shift towardssocial media. This is the prominent concern in our local news media world today and a question that must →

What is the big bang theory

According to my knowledge about Big bang is the oldest theory that took place many years ago, it was a Cosmo that contained fundamental particles of electrons, protons, and neutrons and it exploded into the space and created this beautiful universe. When the Big Bang exploded and created a big universe into different galaxies, it →

Reality tv and it’s effect on society

Reality television shows have a negative influence on today's society by portraying a false sense of communal experience, creating unrealistic standards of living, as well as affecting the productivity of growth to the younger generation. Jake Halpern, author of the book, Fame Junkies, states, " The children and teenagers I meet are convinced that fame →

The simpsons: an imperfect ideal family

Although Van Allen over exaggerates the obstacles of the everyday life, he refers to The Simpsons as a " nuclear" resemblance of the typical 20th century family. It was not until fully reading and understanding Van Allen's essay that I started to click into the logic behind the mirror image ideology that The Simpsons family →

Television has made our lifes better

The essay will convey how television makes us more intelligent, assists us to lose weight, acts as a catalyst in thefamilyhome, provides us with knowledge how to do certain things and also how it is a great form of entertainment. This is where the TV comes in to play as it takes our mind-set from →

Lg background

Merge the power of Google, the boundless content of the Internet and one of the most innovative TVs ever made, and in a very short announcement, LG told the world that its OLED TV and Ultra Definition TV panels, in 55in and 84in sizes respectively, would be available before the year is through. LG says →

Research paper on facts: body image with girls ages 9-13 years of age

In a recent study the resemblances and variances amongst cultures in relations to negative body image in women were deliberated shadowed by an investigation of the part of acculturation in the growth of negative body image. The publicist of some of the television stars has even shared publicly in interviews the pressure that is placed →

Television: the downfall of american society

The amount of time America's youth spends watching television can be correlated to a decrease in the quality of the lives of children across this nation. The children who spend more time in front of the television do not gain the experience that comes from playing sports, being part of a team/club, or getting to →

Harpo productions inc

Winfrey used her popularity on television to expand into movie production and publishing, making her the most successful African American business owner in the United States and one of the wealthiest entertainers in the world." The HARPO Productions one of the most successful corporation in the entertainment history. According to the article " Bloomberg →

The bad influences of television

Parents should also be familiar with the shows that their children are watching so they could see immediately whether or not their child can watch the show. Parents should also reason out to the child whenever they are watching television.

Advantages and disadvantages of television for kids

Television offers lots of benefits to kids, including: * Because of its ability to create powerful touchstones, TV enables young people to share cultural experiences with others.* Shared viewing gives family members of all ages an opportunity to spend time together.* Parents can use TV as a catalyst to get kids reading following up on →

British satellite broadcasting: the beginning of the end

In 1982 BSB was awarded with two channels through the British Broadcasting Corporation and in 1983 it started to negotiate with the Independent Broadcasting Authority to join a joint-venture with other countries and start a joint satellite service but failed in 1985. It was said that the government insisted that the BBC should pay for →

Consolidating the directv acquisition

Case 7: News 2005, Consolidating the DirecTV acquisition The case focuses on the acquisition and consolidation of DirecTV by media mogul Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. There are a various aspects of the generalenvironmentfirstly; the political/legal aspect of the general environment was initially most significant in the purchase of DirecTV by News Corp.

Type of mass media

It continues to be as relevant and potent as it was in the early years despite the emergence of more glamorous media. It is a matter of fact that radio is an important instrument to foster the sense of unity and integrity among the people.


InternationalCase StudyConference Case study title-" Once Upon a Time in Doordarshan" Abstract An Indianpublic service broadcaster, a division of PrasarBharti and once the only and most viewed television channel. Uptill 1975, only seven Indian cities had a television service and Doordarshan remained the sole provider of television in India.

Themes of loss and retrieval in “the stranger”

I however do not believe that either one of those themes has anything to do with the Mersault and the exile to which he returns to so often, ratherI believethat Mersault's own attitude is the reason for the exile he experiences in the story. Though Mersault does lose his mother in the beginning of the →

Children & television

How children learn and retain information, along with the type of programming they watch, can inspire children and adults alike to become more involved with educational shows using flashcards and instructive guides. Restrictive mediation is a method that some parent's use to restrict the amount of time, type of programming, and forbidden content from their →

Morals and reality television

As I get more of my research done I know my paper will get narrowed down even further because this topic is of a big interest to me and I want to read as much as I can from different standpoints and opinions. I will limit my topic to focusing on the morals and values →

Watching television is bad for children

It is obvious that children prefer to spend their time watching TV than doing daily homework for school purposes or going in for sports. However parents should control what their children are watching and also do not allow them to watch TV more than two hours per day, because watching TV for a long time →

Renaissance and discovery

The renaissance was the period when people began to adopt a rational and statistical approach to reality and rediscovered the worth and creativity of the individual. Five major, competitive tastes evolved: the duchy of Milan, the republics of Florence and Venice, the Papal States, and the kingdom of Naples.