Genuine Research Paper Examples

A briefing for an organization

While convinced of the benefits of conforming to such standards, they are still in doubt of the financial feasibility of the same. The following brief has been designed to present to the management of Company ABC a summary of the revised requirements of ISO 9000: 2000 and also explains the extra requirements of ISO 9004: →

Evaluate an organizations ethics

The persons who are covered by the Code of Ethics are all directors, all officers and employees of the company wherever they are located are required to be familiar with the said code and they are expected to adhere and comply as to the principles and procedures set there in as far what applies to →

The role of organization development

Importance of Organization Development Organizational Development comprises the long-range effort to improve an organization's ability to cope with change and its problem-solving and renewal processes through effective and collaborative management of organizationculture. Furthermore, organizational change stresses learning as a characteristic of an adaptive organization the ability to sense changes in signals from both internal and →

Uncertainty and volatility

At the same time, the SME sector in Saudi Arabia is currently facing many barriers related to their relatively new economic situation, as the atmosphere of the economic world is constantly changing and tends to be somewhat uncertain. When an employee intends to leave the company voluntarily, the issue is of such importance that numerous →

My learning organization

As a comptroller of the company, changes that can help facilitate the company's transition from its existing performance to become high performing would have to be spearheaded by the sales force. I believe that the better strategy to adopt is to bank on the learning of the company as a team and make it work →

Free research paper on research methods

Why? In order to be able to generalize the results of your research it would be appropriate to use quantitative design in that after using a sample from the research subject it only requires the data collected from the sample to be computed under some aggregate statistics such as the mean or median of the →

Forces of nature mic heal porter

If an organization does not have a strategic plan they will only be able to address the immediate problems and this is a form of crisis management. The organization that does not have a strategic plan will not be able to make a future for their organization.

The nature of love in sonnets

Love for Shakespeare was beautiful; he was passionate about love and the sonnet form was a way for him to express his feelings. In his sonnets, Spenser talks about the love he has for his wife and what she means to him.

World wide fund for nature

There are charities such as the World Wide Fund for Nature with the motive to halt and reverse the annihilation of the environment. The international organization World Wide Fund for Nature works on issues regarding conservation, research, and restoration of the environment.

Mother earth

If we really don 't want to give our next generations a planet in such a condition that there will not be any hope for survival then, each and one of us should dig deeper to ourselves o the pros and cons to happen in the future to come. To make this happen, to make →

The top greenhouse gas emitter in the world

In US, the cars have catalytic converters that reduce fog and the government has imposed a limit on the emission of pollutants from the plants. Due to such economic growth, it is clearly seen that China alone is a major emitter of greenhouse gases, which is raising the earth's average temperature.

Natural calamity in uttrakhand

A similar analogy can be drawn to the travesty that now surrounds Uttarakhand, the sole exception being, the vanity and obliviousness of the Government has gravely pulverized the State Exchequer and costed the lives of its own denizens, as against the death of one ruler. Another important objective which the State while implementing the said →

Comtes three stages law research paper examples

It was while at this place when he discovered that his ideologies and way of thinking were very different from the way of thinking of the Catholics and the monarchical families that resided in the area. It is for this reason that they have stood the test of time and are referred to even today.

The nature of business

We will look at the business life cycle, the main elements of the business's environment, the internal and external influences on the business and the social responsibilities of the business.1. The Main Elements of the business environment The Sydney IMAX Theatre is located in on the waterfront in the heart of Sydney's Darling Harbor.

Free research paper on perspectives on the individual in taoism

For individuals, Taoism is the liberation from a system of structured beliefs and social standards, which offers the opportunity to practice processes of re-discovery of self by allowing the communion with the true self, the recognition of one's real values and worth and the embracing of one's true nature, liberated from the patterns of the →

The impacts of dams on the hydrologic regime

This impounding of water impedes the circulation of a river and subsequently changes the hydrology and ecology of the river system and its contiguous environments. Aside from the changes in the chemical constituencies of the water, a dam will also physically augment the river by modifying the shape of the channel.

The nature of social theory

Here, we simply note its foundational assumption that 'there is potential for mischief when the interests of owners and 1 For example, many of the criticisms of appraisal interviews focus on the perceptual biases that people bring to them. In addition, since contractual employees are new members of the organization, they have to understand processes →

Importance of biodiesel

The present work investigates the suitability of mesuaferrea oil seed as a source of alternative fuel in CI engines. C The thermo-physical and chemical properties of straight mesuaferrea oil were determined.

Moisture content experiment

The natural moisture content will give an idea of the state of soil in the field. 01gm Oven with accurate temperature control at 110 + 5oC Moisture Content It is defined as " the ratio of the mass of the ' pore' or ' free' water in a given mass of material to the mass →

Gas injection

In the production of oil from subsurface reservoirs, 65% of the oil initially in place, on average, is left in the reservoir after more oil as possible has been recovered by natural depletion and with the aid of water flooding. The injected gas either partially dissolves in the oil or mixes completely with it, leading →

Melting point lab oc

The bob]active of the Melting Point Lab was to learn the technique of melting point determination. Introduction: The range of temperatures between the temperature at which the first crystal Just stats to melt and the temperature at which the last crystal disappears Is known as a melting point.

Good research paper on the number e

The number e is the base of the natural logarithms that is created by John Napier. But the discovery of the constant e was credited to Jacob Bernoulli with his endeavor to find the value of the expression that is actually equivalent to e.

Part1 research paper sample

Her current job description is the Citizen Science Coordinator for the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary. Question 1: How did you first become aware of the fact that you wanted to be involved in marine conservation efforts and what were the factors that motivated you into venturing into your career path?

Good research paper about green ordinance for a city

The city will be one of the Greenest cities in the world and will be a global leader in the development of green cities across the world. For instance how to set window louvers to allow maximum sunlight and heat into a building.- All buildings must be maintained with an operations manual in place to →

Research project on the sociological perspectives

Conflict theorist believe that this contributes to the continuation of social inequality, as it gives kids in the " less able" classes the belief that they possess little to no academic ability. Or will you be on the side of history that gets to say, " I helped save us".?

Maximum fuel economy

In this case the power that is required to propel the ship is lower than that which is used in propelling the smaller ships. This research was done in relation to the amount of fuel that is used in the smaller ships.

Why we should save natural resources

Why We should save natural resources because if we do not, life will die out Have you ever wondered what would happen to the earth if we used all of the natural resources? And the Reason we should save them is because if we do not what will we have left for example if we →

Acids, bases and salts

Examples of strong acids are hydrochloric acid , hydroiodic acid , hydrobromic acid , perchloric acid , nitric acid and sulfuric acid. Bases and acids are seen as opposites because the effect of an acid is to increase the hydronium ion concentration in water, whereas bases reduce this concentration.

Ethanol as a fuel source

Year 12 Chemistry Assessment Task 1 Ethanol as an alternative fuel Melissa Weber 22/11/2010 Overview The commercial production of ethanol fuel in Australia is the use of sugar cane and wheat using yeast in the fermentation process. Diesohol is a mixture of 10-15% ethanol in diesel fuel - it has been made possible by the →

Good the effects of unemployment on the economy research paper example

In advanced economies, unemployment is usually caused by the increase of the production, and its structural adjustment, or it can also be the result of the technological progress. And the last significant positive impact of unemployment on the economy is the natural regulation of supply and demand of labor in the regional, sectorial, vocational and →

Hydrogen fuel cell research paper

The future of hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles depends on advances in four areas: the hydrogen source, the distribution infrastructure, the on-board fuel tank and the on-board fuel cell. The purpose of the fuel cell is to convert hydrogen to electric power.

History & nature of the game

This is called a backcourt violation and the ball will be awarded to the opposing team.-Every player is required to bounce the ball while moving around the court. The person who gets the ball is the one with the most hunger for the ball and who is willing to do whatever it takes to get →

Geographic research of las cuevas bay

2 kilometer raised beach named after the caves that lie on the southwestern end of the beach. Las Cuevas Beach is a stable beach system with several erosional features and only one depositional feature, which is the beach itself.

Enthalpy lab

When the temperature of the water has risen by 10 C, record the temperature.6. As the mass of water is the same in the 3 alcohols the %uncertainty is the same for all the alcohols Absolute uncertainty of the measuring cylindermass of water?

Archaeological methods to date the materials

Thus, the degree of hydration in the rind can easily be a measure of the age of the material. The refractive indices of the hydrated and unhydrated material are different from each other and hence the hydration rind can be spotted easily and dated to reveal the age of the object.

Easter island’s end

In the article, the author clearly illustrate that the cause of the ending of the Easter Island is because of the islanders did not use their resources wisely. We must learn from the lesson of the Easter Island and start to use our natural resources wisely.

American bureaucracy and its budgetary decisions

The open environments within which budgets are developed, the variety of actors involved, the constraints imposed as well as the emphasis on publicaccountability, give budgets special and distinctive features in the public sector." The differences between microbudgeting and macrobudgeting are just what their prefaces imply." On the one hand there are a number budget actors, →

Frank o’ conor – oedipus complex

Though he is the only child till the birth of Sonny, but due to a very coddling behavior by his mother throughout this period of his father being in the war, it became obvious to him that he is " the boss around". All of a sudden he starts getting annoyed off the thoughts of →

My oedipus complex by frank o’connor

He is attached to his mother and wants her to belong only to him and considers his father a rival? for her attention. While his father was fighting in the WW1 and rarely went back home, Larry was enjoying himself and relishing all of his mother's attention and care, just as what he said in →

Oedipus translation

Pride breeds the tyrant.violent pride, gorging, crammed to bursting ith all that is overripe and rich with ruin 965 clawing up to the heights, headlong pride crashes down the abyss sheer doom! But if any man comes striding, high and mighty in all he says and does, no fear of justice, no reverence or the →

Optical illusion on oedipus rex and othello

The theme of appearance and reality is such a dominant one in Oedipus Rex andOthello, and the obsession with appearance plays such an important part in bringing them closer to Oedipus' and Othello's tragedy, that the plays can be termed a tragedies of appearance in human life, in which the opposite of appearance is truth →

Oedipus rex the tragedy aristotle

Oedipus Rex the Tragedy Aristotle created elements to prove a story is a tragedy. The audience can bring to a close from the elements of Aristotle that Oedipus Rex is a tragedy.

Fate vs. free will (oedipus rex)

The audience sees that Oedipus is the one making the divisions and altimetry it is himself that leads to his downfall. The truth is that Oedipus' choices are what led him to fulfill the prophecy.

The idea of predestination in “oedipus rexes”

Oedipus speaks to the people of Thebes from his palace and tells them that there Is nothing he cannot do to save his city. This prophecy is saying that in the future there will be a man that is blind and poor, opposite of what he is now.

Conservation of petroleum products

Oil & Gas Conservation Fortnight In order to generate awareness among the masses about the urgency of conserving petroleum products, the celebration of oil conservat ion week with the participation of PCRA and the entire oil industry under the guidance of the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas was started in year 1991. Considering the →

To what extent does preserving endangered species benefit us?

On the other hand, in contrast to the economic viewpoint, which is profit and value from the species, there are some concerns that cannot be ignored which is the environmental perspective. The numbers indicated in this source is a heads up about the risk factors in preserving and conservation projects; there are risk factors in →

Wildlife: biodiversity and net deforestation rates

The World Conservation Strategy was developed in 1980 by the " International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources " with advice, cooperation and financial assistance of the United NationsEnvironmentProgramme and the World Wildlife Fund and in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the United Nations Educational, Scientific →

Environment that learners find at international schools

The writer notes nevertheless that this is non ever the instance, as the bulk of the pupils are bilingual or trilingual and their ability degree in the linguistic communication of direction is equal to those of female parent tong in the linguistic communication of direction. The writer besides acknowledges that the definition of civilization that →

A pleasurable environment

Clifford believes that an environmental offense is an knowing act committed to potentially do injury to the ecological and biological systems of the environment and besides for the intent of procuring concern or personal benefit, While the Sixth study of the Environmental Audit Committee states that environmental offense comprises all offenses either formed by statues →

Cross-cultural work environments

Analyzing the management styles and cultures of the world will enable managers to understand the ideas of different cultures. The United States has always been in the forefront of the development of management theory, practice, and research; because of the current internationalization of business in the United States, they should be leading the development of →

Our environment: the sum total of our surroundings

The limitations of language make it all too easy to speak of " people and nature," or " human society and the environment," as though they are separate and do not interact. However, the fundamental insight of environmentalscienceis that we are part of the natural world and that our interactions with other parts of it →

Warning people about the approaching hurricane

The people have to move to safe refuge areas, where I insure you will there will be protection. If you are in the projected path of this hurricane, you have to take precautions, be alert now.

Economic environment

Impact on business changes in the economicenvironmentIntroduction- In this report I will describe and then explain how the GAP, inflation, interest rates and employment rates are affected by the growth and recession stage of the business cycle. I have also explained how the balance of payments is and how Deco's contributes to trade surpluses/deficits.

Hnd judge how the business and cultural environments

Both of these are examples of vertical mergers because they are in the same chain of production e.g.eer The brewer merging with the farmer would be a vertical backwards merger, because the brewer is merging with someone at an earlier stage in the production chain. The two have nothing in common Reasons for conglomerate mergers →

Environmental issues in asia

Some of these burning environmental issues faced by these Asian regions are thedeforestation, global warming, air andwater pollution, limited safe drinking water etc.apart from this manipulation of the natural resources and using unhealthy ways and means for developmental purposes is slowly destroying the resources of these nations which are of serious concern and needs immediate →

Businesses and the environment: roles, obligations, and implications

In fact, the drastic changes in the weather, the increase in occurrence of natural calamities, as well as the rise of sea level, are just a few of the well documented changes to the planet that are currently posing risks against mankind. The term ecological footprint pertains to the overall usage of resources as well →

National rules for limiting wastewater in the nigerian brewery environment

The jurisprudence associating to air pollution in Nigeria is contained in legion instruments as obtained in The National Environmental Standards and Regulation Enforcement Agency Act 2007, an Agency of the Ministry of Environment Housing and Urban Development is charged with the duty of implementing environmental Laws, ordinances and criterion in discouraging people, industries and organisation →

Business in the international environment

Some of the theories include the comparative cost advantage and the absolute cost advantage. The trade pattern of the country is to export manufactured and primary products and import both primary and manufactured products.

Environmental knowledge

The Body Shop mission are, to dedicate our business to the pursuit of social and environmental change, to creatively balance the financial and human needs of our stakeholders: employees, franchisees, customers, suppliers, and shareholders, to courageously ensure that our business is ecologically sustainable: meeting the needs of the present without compromising the future, to meaningfully →

Impact of water shortage on humans and the environment

She goes on to explain that human activity, the increase inglobal warmingtemperatures and humans altering of our natural waterways are the blame for the water problem. She talks about the importance of shrinking our personal water footprints and that the amount of water used to produce all the things we buy Is staggering.

Health and social care environments

There are a lot of useful strategies within ahealthand social careenvironmentfor example a hearing aid would be very useful as a deaf person would be able to hear people talking to them as it picks up and increases the volume of an individual's voice so the deaf person would hear them clearly but also it →

Positive and negative imacts on environment

We have not yet made our environment the best it can be, but we are working hard to fix the problems. In doing this we can have healthier humans that want to help get the environment back on track.

Understanding the rise of the environmental movement through

Through the use of Max Weber's 4 types of ' social action', we are able to better understand and analyze the reasons for change, progress, and setbacks within the environmental movement. To begin with, in sociology, ' social action' refers to " all human behavior when and in so far as the acting individual attaches →

Tcs environmental policy

Aim to fulfill our environmental commitments through the following broad-level actions: * Integrate energy and environmental considerations in the design of new infrastructural facilities * Improve resource efficiency in operations, especially for key resources such as energy and water * Adopt the " 3-R" philosophy for all types of wastes toward prevention ofpollutionand dispose of →

How technology and environment might influence the structure of an organisation

Message board forums, e-mail and recorded video are examples of asynchronous technology.draw: frame} {draw: frame} Source: Andrzej Huczynski and David Buchanan, page 36. Pondy, and David M Boje, 1988, Readings in ManagerialPsychology, 4th Edition, The University of Chicago Press Ltd.U.S.A.

Water shortage solution: saltwater desalination

Desalination is a process that is undertaken in sea or ocean water which by in large contains the most saline of all the water in the world. Real estate development in general is also a part of the problem, which can be seen in the way many buildings are constructed over water catchments, leaving very →

Deforestation: ecosystem and private sector views

Deforestation is the felling and clearance of the land, mostly in the. They can take an ownership and contribute to a sustainable future for the environment, by being more socially responsible.

Environmental factors

Environmental Factors Heidi Wallen HSM/220 March 21, 2013 Environmental Factors The four external environmental factors are: economic factors, sociological factors, technological factors, and political and professional factors. Human Resources refer to the many functions that are involved in the supervision and management of the organization's employees and volunteers.

Blizzards vs hurricanes

Finally, the paper looks at the progress made in America in the latter part of the century. At the federal level, the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and the Fair Housing Act were the highest of the political struggle to improve legislation.

My ecological footprint

I think that as Yemen seeks to go more like the Western universe, particularly the United States, resource depletion will go more marked. Developing States should non hold the right to consume resources merely to go more like the West, because that will do merely the state of affairs with theenvironmentworse as clip goes on.

Planning healthy and safe environments

The main factors to take into account when planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments are; Risk assessment; a risk assessment is a process that identifies and assesses the importance of risk in a situation and then assesses the measures that control it. The use of sign in badges for visitors are used also →

Alternative energy sources

The greenhouse effect has been around for millions of years and is indeed responsible for the development of life as without it the earth would be too cold to support the variety of flora and fauna we see today. One of the key methods for mitigating the advance of global warming is by the reduction →

Marketing concept for environmental welfare

One of the ways to attract consumers to buy a product is to use the societal marketing concept. Societal marketing concept is the highest evolution form of marketing concept, where in addition to get a profit, manufacturers are also trying to improve the life of the community.

Hurricanes versus tornados

Two devastating and deadly natural disasters are the hurricane and the tornado which both cause heavy amounts of damage and are uncontrollable. Now this is what makes the storm and the light winds outside the hurricane steers it and this is how it grows into a formation of a hurricane.

What is the environment?

In the creation of the earth and the universe as described in the Quran, there are signs of the Power of Allah that we can see and observe. Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alternation of the night and the day are signs for those of understanding.

Is bottled water safer than tap water?

The National Resource Defense Council confirmed that the rules regulating bottled water were not sufficient to guarantee the people's safety. The NRDC after carrying out test on over 1000 bottles come to the conclusion that a reasonable percentage of all bottled water was just tap water, which was not treated.

The importance of environmental protection & practical steps to support it

These can be found on his homepage.H.H.the Karmapa has spoken for a number of years on the importance of protecting theenvironmentfor the future of this world and for the Dharma. We need to educate each other about the importance of protecting and caring for our environment.

How cleanliness can influence life of kazi zawad badruddoza

A clean room makes us feel freshness because all of the objects are clean and free of dust so that the air is fresh. So, with the progress of civilization man cleans himself more and more.

Energy conservation mitigation plan

In the first two months I will gather all of the data necessary to present to citizens on how to conserve energy. Energy conservation is essential due to the limited supply of natural resources.

Impact of international trade on the environment

International trade has a great potential to uplift the lives of people in developing countries as well as increasing profits for companies in the developed world. The Environmental Protection Agency regulates the imports and exports of these products in an effort to prevent health and contamination issues as well as to supervise fair competition.

Principles and cases in the legal environment

So with a shipping contract " Once the seller makes a proper contract for the carriage of the goods and surrenders them to the care of the carrier, the goods belong to the buyer, the buyer has title and risk of loss".. E, & Forsythe, L.M.

Ecosystem lesson plan

Students will be introduced to two new and different ecosystems and all of the elements that are found inside the ecosystems. I will do mental note of lending pupils and guarantee that all pupils have had an chance to lend to the diagram or to the conversation.

Environmental toxicology

The material covered will be useful for the consideration of two case studies on the impact of toxic chemicals in the Great Lakes of North America and the Baltic Sea in later lectures.[pic] Environmental Toxicology or Ecotoxicology? [pic] Introduction It was after World War II that increasing concern about the impact of toxic chemicals on →

Identify what is happening in the external environment in terms

That's way the factor of product and service is impacting McDonalds. Employment law also affects McDonalds in the UK and Lithuania.

Product of my environment

O'Brien would say that Fraser's method of getting attention to her theory would be a great approach, however, if all that evidence is needed then his way to get through to people would not be relatable because to his own because he believes in simplicities and getting through to people with tantalizing and basic approaches →

Women and environment

Female Participation in the Labor Force over the last century, the issue of women in the workplace has been a tumultuous one. This is a testament to the slow but steady progress of women in education.

The need for protecting the environment

Environment, the word is a bit common, everything that surrounds us consist of our environment. For thousands of years man has exploited the environment in the name is development and in return we humans defile it and pollute it.

Water conservation

The presenter on the water conservation was a man who is in charge of the water preservation in Santa Monica. The topics included varied from water content in the soil to less water consuming showerheads to newer ways of watering the lawn.

Cuba’s environmental problems

The amount of environmental damage falls into two categories: a) small-scale environmental destruction committed by individuals through illegal hunting, deforestation, dumping of waste into aquatic ecosystems, etc; or b) large-scale environmental destruction resulting from major projects and industries approved by governmental agencies and owned by international companies, like hotel chains and mining companies after the →

Going green

Argument Essay Draft Going Green Today in our society we are always thinking about what we have to do, how much time we have to do it, and what can we use to get it done. To do this, we should reuse and recycle, find green alternatives at home, and lastly save energy to savemoney.

Macro level factors in an external environment

They are essentially out of the control of the company, and it often requires a change in the operating, management, production, and marketing of the company. The mood and demographics of the inhabitants can create the formation of the social area of macro environment factors.

Plastics bags: a devil to be banned

Plastic bags should be banned in Canada because it have a criticalenvironmentproblems, healthproblems and also because of its cost of production and recycling. Therefore, it is better to ban a usage of plastic bags and it must be banned.

Basic legal environment

This will also discuss which will be the best way to go when starting a business and why. This would be to the best way if you are starting up a new business.

Describe the influence of two contrasting economic environments

For example the Andrex toilet rolls will be brought instead of Tesco value, because of this it means more money is being spent in the store which is an advantage for Tesco. P6-Describe how political, legal and social factors are impacting upon the business activities of the selected organisations and their stakeholders A PESTLE analysis →

Environment is our surrounding

In actual parlance if one has to describe a natural environment it is one that has natural existence and the built is one that man is responsible for like the dams cities etc. The growth in population and also the economic advancement that has added to pollution as well is the causes that affect the →

Environmental impact of textile production – handloom production is the answer

One of the root causes of problems in achieving the required shade is that if dyes in a mixture have different dyeing profiles the shade and depth of dyeing may change with time and the timing of the dyeing process is therefore crucial. The use of some dangerous chemicals in textiles is restricted such as →