Genuine Research Paper Examples

Syllabus risk

The minicases are designed to help you learn the mechanics of the methods covered in class and to give you an opportunity to apply the concepts in simple and illustrative contexts. The minicase should be based on a real business situation and must be analyzed using one or more of the methods or concepts discussed β†’

How research of marketing in businesses contributed to development of entrepreneurial marketing

Explain how the research of marketing in small businesses has contributed to the development of the Entrepreneurial Marketing concept. While studying the literature review, it becomes apparent that entrepreneurial marketing is widely applies in the context of SME and to some extent the success of such business ventures have been instrumental in development of the β†’

All consuming images

Style can be defined by its currency, and also defined by its consumption." One of the main points of a style is that it will not remain current." Ewen asked his students to write an essay entitled " What Style Means to Me." He established the ground rules: No dictionary definitions Noacademicor research papers Draw β†’

Vegetable production

Vegetables provide a major component to achieving a balanced and nutritious diet as they are a prime, convenient and natural source of minerals, vitamins, fibre and energy and are known not only to introduce essential nutrients to the diet but also to help to prevent diseases. There are different approaches into how vegetables can be β†’

Psych exam

Roy is interested in the details of the relationship between the brain structures and behavior. In his experiment, eating or not eating the snack is the independent variable, and the time until the onset of sleep is the dependent variable.

A study of the service cycle of medical tourism in india

One of the major practices in healthcare is the process of ' patient outsourcing', in the form of medical tourism or ' Medical travel'. Several organizations may be involved in the process of medical tourism including:- The governments They are responsible for framing a policy that would ensure regulated flow of tourists from one part β†’


UGC Regulations, 1985 UGC Regulations, 1985 regarding the Minimum Standards of Instruction for the Grant of the First Degree UGC Regulations, 1991 regarding Minimum Qualifications for Appointment of Teachers in Universities and Colleges List of Degrees specified for the purposes of Section 22 of the UGC Act. THE UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION ACT, 1956 Considered a β†’

Intangible resources

Singapore Airlines has a strong positive reputation as one of the best airlines in the world. The message of its brand is " Singapore Airlines - A Great Way to Fly".

Business studies

To get exposed to the realities of the business world, the business students need to be acquainted with the operations of business along with the office management systems. In view of this, this course is designed to introduce the students with the foundational knowledge regarding the principles and practices of business organizations.

A fair punishment

If the accident results in the death of another person, that first time offender is going to prison for a long time. Imprisonment on the first offense of drunk driving will help to diminish the amount of " mistakes" people continuously make when they choose to get behind the wheel of a car.

Cell transport mechanisms and permeability

Your answer: b.oth glucose and albumin Questions: The reason sodium chloride did not diffuse left to right is that You correctly answered: c.the membrane pore size was too small. Your answer: the solute and the MWCO Why do you think the urea was not able to diffuse through the 20 MWCO membrane?

Nothing gold can stay

Nothing Gold Can Stay The poem " Nothing Gold Can Stay" written byRobert Frosttells the story of nature, specifically leaves turning green and then turning old. The moral of the poem is to stay young as long as you can.

Editorial: enamel research: mechanisms and characterization

The Editorial on the Research Topic Enamel Research: Mechanisms and Characterization The idea to compile the present collection of articles on the topic on dental enamel formation and maturation was born in the course of a discussion over a glass of wine during the 11th International Conference on the Chemistry and Biology of Mineralized Tissues β†’

Nafta: gainers and losers

However, a simple method of study conducted by Baldwin and Kahane showed the effects NAFTA could have in terms of employment. Thus, the effect of NAFTA allowed a rise in trade in both Canada and Mexico.

Unity day

They start off the film with Miriam the little girl basically picking on Paul, the only colored kid In the class, by saying that Paul never washes, and passing it to the next person. That person then passes that little bit of information to the next kid, who passes It to the next kid, and β†’

What considerations are relevant?

If someone is to be blamed for a wrong doing than that person is also held morally responsible for that wrong doing. There are 3 considerations under which a person is not held morally responsible for an injury or a wrong.

Zoecon case recommendation

The primary objective was to determine the investment potential of the distribution of Coors. Similarly, as with the market and competitive environment, 70% of consumers have the intention to buy Coors' products.

E-adminstration of abu dhabi police (action plan)

However, the current state of affairs suggests that the development and implementation is in its initial phase and there is lot to be achieved in terms of fully utilizing the power of e-administration in order to become more efficient in carrying out the routine tasks. Other departments in other countries have been able to deploy β†’

Starting a business vs franchise

Establishing a new business involves the highest amount of risk due to the entrepreneur being solely responsible for everything that occurs in the business. As the success of franchises continues to grow in Australia, it is becoming an attractive option for many potential entrepreneurs in starting a business.

Neuroscientific and neuroanthropological perspectives in music therapy research and practice with patients with disorders of consciousness

Inspired by theories of embodiment, which describe the engagement of culture and individuals through sensual perception and experience, we believe that the meaning of music in therapy develops within the therapeutic session as a specific tool of communication between the patient and the therapist. The therapy was, for example, adapted to the posture of the β†’

Entrepreneurial in small business enterprise

The National Small Medium Enterprise Development Council of Malaysia's definition of the small business is mostly related to the income that the business is making or the annual sales turnover and the number of employees in the business. A small business owner is the initiator of the business and the one who start up the β†’

The act of manipulation is to control or influence someone

The government uses brainwashing, fear of thought, and fear of the party to control the psychological state of society. Another example of brainwashing is evident when the party forces Winston, the main character, to face his fear of rats.

The impact of united kingdom tourism

This had affect on some of the citizens of UK with less inbound tourism and outbound tourism with the taxation. During the world economic crisis, the whole world when in the recession and affect on the travel industry directly and indirectly.

What are the key elements of counselling theory?

The ego is the sensible side of us and try's to find ways of satisfying the id in a way that the superego will agree with, and that is also in line with reality. Great emphasis is placed upon the importance of the relationship between the counselor and the client and firmly disregards the concept β†’

Tourism, a factor of sustainable development

All forms of tourism development that are conducive to saving rare and precious resources, in particular water and energy, as well as avoiding so far as possible waste production, should be given priority and encouraged by national, regional and local public authorities; To minimize the use of scarce and non-renewable resources in the development and β†’

A gathering of old men: importance of standing up for oneself

Candy is the owner of the place in which all the men gather, and the organizer of the gathering. When he first arrives at the site of Beau's death, and the gathering of the old men, he acts with the same mindset of the Cajuns in that time.

Everyone is a traveler, choosing the roads

The use of the road suggests that life is a journey that the narrator is traveling. The " yellow wood" corresponds to the autumn season, a period that is often related to the end of the annual cycle in flora and foliage.

Steps towards participation in social movements

To define the mobilization potential, the term referred to the people who take a positive attitude to the social movement. With the respect to the collective incentives, a multiplicative relationship is assumed between the value of the collective goods and the expectancy of the success.

What was harriet tubman’s greatest achievement?

She ran away at the age of 27 in 1849 after her master died, and even though it was a very dangerous and long way to Philadelphia, she made it to her destination without getting caught. For Harriet Tubman, most of her life was spent lending a hand to strangers who were in need, no β†’

People have become overly dependent on technology

From the Greek word techne, meaning art or artifice or craft, technology literally means the act of making or crafting, but more generally it refers to the diverse collection of processes and knowledge that people use to extend human abilities and to satisfy human needs and wants. All this makes it particularly important that people β†’

Cpas professions

The role of CPA can not be underestimated in both the corporate and in the rest of the business world. Consequently, there is need to advocate on the roles of CPA in business organizations and companies.

Reduce the cost of marker making

Another objective is to increase the efficiency of the garment, when the marker made is good, the efficiency will increase and overall quality of the garment will be improved. Constraints of Marker Making During marker making, the work of the marker planner is subjected to a number of constraints.

Important of tuition

Providing tuition reimbursement for employees will promoteloyalty, smarter employees who will benefit the company by having employees who are more understanding of profits, inventory, and working with others, as well as create future managerial prospects to better companies as a whole. The moremotivationand morale employees have from taking advantage of tuition assistance, the better example β†’

Dogeaters by jessica hagedorn

It is a melange of stories and themes, a kaleidoscope of motifs and a collage of characters combined to create what the author calls a " crazy-quilt atmosphere. In the introduction to her collection of poetry Danger and Beauty, Hagedorn explains that her work is a " love letter to my motherland: a fact and β†’

Romeo and juliet research paper

These sections of the brain are known as the prefrontal cortex and the temporal lobe, until the age of 25 the brain is developing and therefore is unable to correctly process key information needed to make the day to day decisions needed to be responsible adults. All of these components combined with the stress of β†’

Academic integrity

Academicintegrity must be enforced within the educational institution as students and faculty represent the image and reliability surrounding the reputation of the facility; therefore, dishonesty upon any level should be unacceptable which includes the act of plagiarism. 148) In a study conducted in 1997 with undergraduate students professionals found evidence that some students are not β†’

Psychology department of indiana university

He was born on the 20th of March in the year 1904. He was raised to be an American, but sources say he has a trace of English in his ancestral line.


According to the Hedonist this sickening act would be good because the molester is getting pleasure out of it. Of course they would argue that this is not the pleasure they speak of because it will turn out to be bad for the molester in the long run.

Technology and civilization: course description

You will then be asked to fill out Work's Attending Physician's Statement and submit it before you are allowed to write the exam at an alternate date and time. If your explanation is accepted, you will be asked to provide further documentation.

Phoenix rain customs: truck production

It is the goal of Phoenix Rain Customs to make this truck as dependable as possible so the customer can take the truck around the lock down the street to a local car show or be able to drive it across the country and have the vehicle as reliable as a new car. Phoenix Rain β†’

Epigeneti-what? approaches on translating research for primary breast cancer prevention

While much of this research is likely to find a home in pay-walled peer-reviewed publications for other scientists to read, very little is likely to make its way directly to the public those who actually funded this research in the first place. However, instead of relying on news personnel to essentially act as mediators between β†’

Economic exposure

This report reviews the foreign exchange exposure of Reject due to the future development plans and growth of the low cost airline company, this report also highlights the various risks Reject, faces in operating in different countries identifying, measuring, and managing the various foreign exchange exposures that might be faced by Reject. Management to tottering β†’

Greek cultural influences

The frieze that adorned the upper face of the Parthenon depicted the human procession in honour of the god Athena. The Greeks valued human emotions; their plays covered a wide array of subjects, all the way from the tragedies of war to the comedic side of a society in the perils of war.

Once upon a time x constant image of your face

In the poem " It is the Constant Image of Your Face" the persona chooses his woman over his county. In the second poem, " It is the Constant Image of Your Face" the persona reflects on the image of someone he cares for.

Is lactate an undiscovered pneumococcal virulence factor?

The survival of the serotype in the blood stream and ability to cause invasive disease are mainly determined by the chemical structure of capsule polysaccharide and thicknes of capsule.1.4. The size of the galactosidase depends on the type of the organisms.

An inconvient truth

He explains the relationship between all the weather changes and global warming and how it is affecting the natural worldenvironment. With that said we can move on to diseases that are another way the truth of global warming is inconvenient.

Research critique

The title of the study is very informative and indicates the focus of the study. In this research, the abstract is straight to the point and contains most of the information a good abstract should have as stated by that the abstract should contain sufficient information about the stages of the research process for example β†’

Growing up in a large family

In cases where there are many children, as long as the parents are able to give equal love, care, and financial support to each child then the family can be a host to a well-rounded child. Brotherhood and sisterhood can also be cultivated in the mind of the child since he has a lot of β†’

Editorial: facing the other: novel theories and methods in face perception research

Additionally, five studies in the current issue have attempted to further delineate characteristics of holistic/configural face processing in healthy subjects in terms of the experimental design of the composite face task, of the physical properties of the face itself, and of the familiarity of the face. Given the distributed system for processing face identity and β†’

Research et al.). nonetheless, this does not

An example by Mantsala et al.whichwas related to the investigation stated that " In the presence of catalase, thedecomposition of H2O2 occurs 108 times faster than in the absence of catalase". This is achieved by having the catalase react to varying degreesof hydrogen peroxide concentration and timing howlong it takes to produce 20cm3 of oxygen.

The development of the village of meadowside

Show - describe Called - named Area - village Developed - the development The diagrams below present how the development of the village named Meadows into a outskirt of the Fenton city.2. The chart describes the findings of a survey conducted with an LILTS class which students were divided into two groups of males and β†’

Dealing with loneliness

I do not think he recognised me; at least he did not show it after all, the glasses had gone and I was sitting with loads of my friends, not in my old haunt in the corner. I did not want to contact the school, I did not want to do anything about it, but β†’

Julian assange; hero or villain?

He is fighting to keep the average citizen informed of any corruption within their government, fighting for the mainstream press to stop supporting the government's views on everything, fighting to introduce the power oftechnologyinto a political system that has become outdated and corrupt. The mainstream press refuses to even acknowledge Assange as a legitimate journalist β†’

How to help to suicidal person

Org/ Helps individuals in suicidal crisis within the United States to contact the nearest available suicide prevention and mentalhealthservice provider through a SAVE I Suicide Facts www.Save. Org: Suicide Prevention, Suicide Awareness www.

This ice cream franchise stands out with science

The Hancocks realized they could mix anything they wanted into a liquid ice cream, then blast the concoction with liquid nitrogen, creating almost any flavor imaginable in minutes. Before the Hancocks could seal the deal on a new franchise, they had to persuade a local liquid nitrogen producer to supply their franchisee.

Eth 125 syllabus course

1 of Racial and Ethnic Groups and the U.S. Describe, as if you were a member of that subordinate group, where the group originated, how it came to the United States, and one or two locations in the United States where members of your group live.

Functional immunity

For example, an English court held that a warrant could not be issued for the arrest of Robert Mugabe on charges of international crimes on the basis that he was a presently serving Head of State at the time the proceedings were brought: Mugabe, reported at 53 ICLQ 789. The reasons commonly given for why β†’

The effects of research on a psych 1 student

The first paper I read, titled " The impact of ingroup favoritism on self-esteem: A normative perspective" regards the need for positive self-esteem that people have, and the effect that ingroup favoritism has on one's self esteem. To create the discrimination norm, the researchers told the participants that " a transnational American-Canadian institution would provide β†’

Rhode island

This led to the industrial revolution and later invention of the cotton gin in US that paved way for the modern cotton industry. The supply of large quantities of cotton fibre led to the growth of cotton growing in the early 1800s.

Immigration, social problem

One of which is the country closest to us, Mexico, whom is believed to start controversy to the US citizens as they are believed to create alliance to theMexicandrug war. Even thought there are still immigrants in this county, there are believes that the number of immigrants coming from Mexico to the United States has β†’

Media and propaganda

The true cause of the strike is presented only at the end of the article: " Faculty and administrators agree CSU instructors are paid less that peers at comparable institutions in other states". Thus, the article describes the extent of the strike and its features for instance, the author notes that the job action is β†’

Native american dbq

In an attempt to overcome conflicts with the possession of Native American and, the United States set in place policies that were Often inconsiderate to the Natives, but that they believed to be better economically, politically, and morally. These policies varied from government providedfoodfor the Natives, to the distribution of the new land, and the β†’

Rising cost of education

Later, when I got a poor grade in Math Theorem, I decided to go into the Military to get funding for school. Having a way to pay for higher education was not an issue that concerned me or my Pops with him being an Educator, and after I completed military service and having access to β†’

Sop for public health

There I learnt that the delivery of health services and primary care was very difficult in a vast and diverse country as India. The project was a hard copy of pictures and slides that explained the various routes of transmission of HIVE, difference between HIVE and AIDS, what are the early signs and symptoms of β†’

Ethical business

We are working to ensure that by 2012, basic nutritional information Is available to consumers on packages for all of our food and beverage products In key markets. And we are rapidly expanding Implementation In a number of countries around the globe, including the U.

5 ps of logistics

They receive the items from the suppliers and ship the goods to the customers. Logistics careers like the shipping clerk are responsible for shipping the goods from the warehouse to the customers.

Introduction to psychology reaction paper guidelines

Questions to ask while reading the article: Use the " Template for Analyzing the Logic of an Article." The questions from the template do not necessary need to be answered in the paper. Make sure you state the title of the work and authors in the paper.

A commentary on passage from the book of saladin

It is not compulsory for you to respond directly to the guiding questions provided. If you had known me when I was a boy and Shahan Shah was my oldest brother you would never have imagined that I could be the Sultan of Misr, and you would have been right.

Demo: wrap a present

When giving a gift to someone it is important to put just as much thought into the gift wrapping as the gift buying.II. Bring the paper up around the gift until you have enough paper to cover the gift.

Biases against other cultures

Primarily, I was having a sense that my cultural group is superior to members of the culturally different groups, a feeling that the culturally different groups members are by nature different and alien, a sense that we have a proprietary claim to privilege, power, and prestige, and even a fear and suspicion that members of β†’

Short story about old woman

In a large town there was an old woman who sat in the evening alone in her room thinking how she had lost first her husband, then both her children, then one by one all her relations, and at length, that very day, her last friend, and now she was quite alone and desolate. She β†’

The best gift ever

But as attractive as it was, it seemed that the thought behind it was the source of its beauty. It was as if my mother put her entire heart in the gift to ensure that the world knew it was mine.

Directional imbalances in supply chain

It is a mismatch that happens along the same corridor causing large numbers of empty containers to be shipped back to the source. That means " large surplus of containers at one side and a deficit of containers on another." Studies show that " the situation is the worst in the corridor between Asia and β†’

Impact of democracy on economic development

This raises a critical line of thought in which three hyppotheses are possible on the correlation between levels of democracy and economic development. Wickrama and Mulford generate a hypothesis in which the levels of democracy is said to lead to the achievement of proportional levels of economic development.

3 ways for startups to master the art of emailing

Especially with cold emails, keeping the length short ups the odds that your message will be read and responded to. It's easy to look at email stats and make a few adjustments to your next campaign.

Sensitive periods

The mouth parts were so small they could not feed on the tough parts of the leaf they began to crawl towards light and by doing this; they found themselves on the softer side of the leaf where they could manage to eat the softest and most tender leaves. After a certain period of time β†’

Marx and locke

Modern society was the result of a long series of revolutions in the modes of production, of which the bourgeois class was the main beneficiary. Marx states, " The immediate aim of the Communists is the same as that of all the other proletariat parties: formation of the proletariat into a class, the overthrow of β†’

Socio-cultural influences on sexuality

For women it is that sex is for reproduction, so they seek out the optimal mate in which to love and settle down with. We have the option as a society full of culture to choose whether we want generations of sexual dysfunction andviolence, or love and sex.

How far do you agree with the view that the kite runner is a celebration of the bond of brotherhooh

I think that The Kite Runner could be seen as a celebration of the bond of the brotherhood because of the relationship between Amir and Hassan. Because to him, you are nothing but an servant.' We know that Amir would not sacrifies for Hassan as he is a Hazara for him and his servant.

Industrial engineering research paper examples

The huge information amount and the considerable number of scientists and their endeavors, funds, laboratories, human capacity, and companies together with other factors contribute in the success of the incredible novel branch of genetic engineering known as protein engineering. Additionally, the tools, concept and protein industrial application, engineered proteins and protein engineering are evaluated.

Nike the big athletic product producer

Nike The big athletic product producer " Nike" has come across some problems that have diminished their reputation as a great business for the people of the world. The whole company was renamed Nike in 1978, and grow in to the largest worldwide seller of athletic goods.

Independent reading: i am malala

It describes the tragedy that it was to be a girl at the time. This word attracted me because I was unfamiliar with it.

Abolition for bilingual education

Proposition 227 was passed in June of 1998 that was to eliminate bilingual education and place children with limited English proficiency into classes where English is the only language spoken. Instructing children in their official language and not teaching them English is making the children unable to succeed in society.

Auditor independence – 2

The Nature of other services provided by the auditors In the classification from APB, non-audit services is composed of any engagement where an audit firm provides professional services to an audited client other than the audit of financial statements, and pursuant to those other roles which legislation or regulation specify can be performed by the β†’

Do a about sex education in bc curriculum but, only need parents view and how they can be involved in sex education

Sex Education in BC Curriculum Sex Education in BC Curriculum Parents can be involved in sex education through several ways: Parents should talk to their children about sex education once they become aware of sexual behaviors during their adolescence. Parents should not be ashamed to admit to their teen children that talking about sex is β†’

Pragmatist curriculum

Since it is impossible to teach everything, that selection from the culture reflects in part some sense of what is most worthwhile in that culture as seen in relation to the kind of institution the school is and what it can reasonably accomplish. On the other hand, since this is a parochial school, the organization β†’

Kava business scenario

A solution to the situation the company in Kava is facing can be found by applying a critical analysis to the problem so as to arrive at the best decision and get the most ideal solution. The best technique that should be used so as to arrive at the best decision for this situation is β†’

Fear of heights

Researchers have said that " those with an extreme fear of heights, that the stronger their fear is, the bigger the error could be. We can associate the conditioned stimulus to their fear of heights and know when they show those symptoms that is their conditioned response to facing their fear.

Syed mokhtar al bukhary

As far as Syed Mokhtar is concerned, he is merely the steward of wealth that is meant to be spent in the service of mankind. As a " Philanthropist Millionaire", an honorable value which has been instilled by his parents when he was young, Tan Sri Syed Mokhtar is a humble man and never acts β†’

Counseling self-awareness

I recognize the importance of identifying these so that I can effectively deal with my clients and the advice and resolution that I can provide my clients would be effective. Another strength that I have when it comes to dealing with the counseling profession is my ability to separate my own principles and my own β†’

Features of sahara desert

With freezing temperatures in the winter the climate of the Sahara is one the of the strangest on the planet. 5 cm and in the eastern parts it only gets.

Alfred wegener ideas about continental drift

One of them is Kiyoo Wadati, who suggested that plate motion has resulted in often earthquakes in Japan, and those earthquakes are connected to the continental drift. Idea of the seafloor spreading connects theories of plate tectonics and continental drift.

The 13th of december, 1666

Sarah and Will looked in shock when they saw me in the state that I was in". We went in together and where my dead mother once laid was now missing.there was a silence in the room I said to my self who or what was it.

Reaction paper: comprehensive agrarian reform program (carp)

The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law is the basis of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program which was the centerpiece program of President Corazon Aquino's Administration. The sources of the Agrarian Reform Fund was proceeds of the sale of the Assets of the Asset Privatization Trust, the sale of the ill-gotten wealth recovered through the Presidential Commission β†’

5 ways to increase your ecommerce business sales

But, if you thought you could squeeze every bit of profit out of your business without optimizing your store and using the right strategies to engage customers, you thought wrong. If you are interested in a product like that, it's probably for one of three reasons: 1) You are a podcaster; 2) You are buying β†’

Conservatives favour pragmatism over principle

Their ideas may be based upon the idea of tradition; which aligns itself with the Darwinian belief that only the fittest policies have survived over the years- and have created what Chesterton called the ' democracy of the dead' which is much more reputable than todays ' arrogant oligarchy'. Although one could argue that these β†’