Quality Philosophy Essay Examples for Your Learning

Everything is an argument

Using Reason and Common Sense a) Logic- formal study of principle of reasoning Syllogisms- method of deductive reasoning assuming a major principle applies to all minor cases, errors occur when middle term is unrelated to topic in discussion a.Ex. The reasoning itself can be introduced as a degree, an analogy, or a precedent.

The pragmatic education philosophy

They gives the example of field trips as he says that for a child to learn about dairy products, its better to take him to a barn and let him experience the whole thing himself instead of showing him a movie on the subject. Realist educationists would want students to learn through their senses of β†’

Approve or disapprove each proposal and provide your reasons such as costs, benefits and ethical issues raised in relation to your recommendation to approve or disapprove

This research will delve into whether the proposed research and cost, the experimental group and benefits, and the control group and ethics are balanced in experimenting with human subjects.II. According to Iversen and Gergen, " In experiments on human beings, the goal is still to assign people randomly to experimental and control groups.."..

Critical response

First, Sam will determine the different options or courses of action for him: he may continue working for Greyarea, Inc.to sustain financial stability, especially for his family; he may break the confidentiality agreement and expose the unethical actions of the company, saving a large number of people in the long run; he may act covertly β†’

Week 8 dq

In this circumstance, my values for respect and treasure of life will be based on the nature of the fetus whereby many questions are raised regarding the state of personhood of the fetus. The other value is self-confidence in that I cannot be afraid to ask questions on areas that need more knowledge and the β†’

Maslow’s and hertzberg’s analysis on cisco assignment

The purpose of this analysis is to examine the use of behavioral viewpoints of Abraham Maslow and Frederick Hertzberg to a company like Cisco and apply these theories so as to contribute to Cisco's development as a whole. Issues that will be discussed are the two types of behavioral viewpoints namely, Maslow's hierarchy-of-needs theory and β†’

Anxiety a philosophical and psychological probe philosophy essay

The connection between Adam's sin and the sin of the descendants is explained by the fact that the individual is individual through being related to the race and is a member of the race through being an individual: No matter how the problem is raised, as soon as Adam is placed fantastically on the outside, β†’

Einstein and ghosts

Review of Einstein and the ghost Review of Einstein and ghost Every night ghost-hunting groups traverse country with electronic equipment locating ghostly energy. Recently 8 million results linking Einstein's work on conservation of energy and ghosts, was found on Google which is repeated by ghost researcher John Kachuba, who writes that Einstein proved that energy β†’

Belief in god essay sample

Blaise Pascal's believes if we do a cost-benefit analysis of the matter, we find that it is eminently reasonable to get ourselves to believe that God does exists regardless of whether we have good evidence for that belief. However we must make a choice on this matter, for not to choose for God is in β†’

Short paper on mill

The main philosophical position of Mill's word is that the action's merits depend on the reference of the consequence. Is it possible to identify the actions that may lead to a great amount of happiness to many people without referring to future knowledge?

Florida’s sunshine law

This kind of transparency on the local and state levels means that their state and local governments are truly held accountable for their actions in relation to its direct impact on the residents. Residents of Florida will not and cannot be blindsided by the state and local governments when it comes to government policies.


Death Death Death means loss of life and is considered the ultimate fate of human beings. I witnessed the death of a relative as a result of a road accident.

Marx and nietzsche

We set out from real, active men, and on the basis of their real life-process we demonstrate the development of the ideological reflexes and echoes of this life-process.' Marx is of the view that primarily human beings are productive as they must develop a system of production to comply with their means of subsistence and β†’

What does the russian meteorite tell us about surveillance culture

The evidence for increased surveillance by people is also shown by the number of videos of the same event. Surveillance culture has helped in understanding the events that surround people.

Langdon winner’s artifacts/ideas and political culture w2

LANGDON WINNER'S ARTIFACTS/IDEAS AND POLITICAL CULTURE A reflection on Langdon Winner's popular article Artifacts/Ideas and Political Culture in the book Society, Ethics and Technology reveals very interesting and very important concepts with regard to the role of technology in modern society. Another passage whereby this concept is well elucidated is on the passage of the β†’

How time management skills can effect educational achievement education essay

A survey demand to be conducted to happen out how the pupils manage their clip throughout their period of survey and how it may impact their surveies. 1 To cognize how the pupils manage their clip and their day-to-day modus operandi during their continuance of survey.

Positivism & phenomenological research – dissertation example

It uses the deductive approach and therefore the research purpose is likely to be exploratory rather than causal or predictive. Mainly qualitative methods are used and a case study is conducted as the primary source for developing a research strategy.

Prior the earth rotated on its own

Prior to the Copernican revolution, the Ptolemaic model of the solar system was the dominant mode of understanding the solar system. Since the Earth is the third planet from the sun after Mercury and Venus, it is only natural that Mercury and Venus are always in closer proximity to the sun than the Earth.

Reaction paper: hobbes’ leviathan and rousseau’s discourse on the origin and the foundations of inequality among men

Hobbes Leviathan and Rousseaus Dis on the Origin and the Foundations of Inequality among Men Hobbes view man as anobject in motion, according to him, men are materialistic. Hobbes view on state of nature was different from that of Rousseau in that he believed that all men are naturally equal.

Cogent argument

Relevance is the relation of the various premises to the conclusion premise, it all the premises are true then it is said to be relevant to the conclusion. All the premises are true and combine to give the conclusion that is given in the above case.

Critical summary

Bulk of the denies the theory of feelings on emotions. Whenever emotions are felt, then emotions can be regarded as the part of feelings.

Conscience – personal creative writing

It reflected his character like a murky pond and the story he was feeding me smelt the same. I was sitting on the arm of the chair, trying to spot an intelligent comment from the ones reflected in his mirror forehead.

Aristotelian happiness defined in aristotle’s book nicomachean ethics

On a broader and more positive note, I now agree that happiness is the final good in all acts of life. I know believe that the function of man is to achieve happiness in their lifetime.


Philosophy Questions Question One: Dissatisfaction of Humans and Socrates: Through this ment, the lives of a high being, is far much more satisfying than the life of a being that is low. Through this statement, we are able to know that it is unethical to become a fool, and their satisfaction, cannot be equated to β†’

Socrates and meletus reagrading socrate’s trial

Discussion During the Socrate's trial, one of the people commented that, the estates belonging to one of the Athenian aristocrats were confiscated by the oligarchy. The Trial of the Socrates.2002.

Moral philosophy in β€˜liar liar’ by paul guay

In this case immorality will entail a violation of the categorical imperative and is therefore not rational. To be straight to the point, it is clear that we are commanded to exercise our wills in a particular manner and not to do some actions or others.

Mental processes

The mind-brain identity theory holds that the mind is the brain and that mental states are the brains. It dismisses the substance dualism on the ground that the mind is non-physical by affirming the mind as being a thing, which is the brain.

Extending rights within humanity

According to Gomes, the numbers of same-sex couples as well as same-sex couples that are raising children are rising every year, and these couples deserve the same recognition that is given to heterosexual couples in choosing to make their relationships legal. There are many arguments that support the position of legalizing same-sex marriage, but the β†’

Begin writing your funeral

I want my family and friends to be able to read these thing afterwards to be consoled. I want people to hear my favorite songs playing in the background or at least songs that are uplifting such as " Hallelujah" by Rufus Wainwright.

The author notes that there are three general strategies used by moral philosophers who wish to explain the sort of variation in moral codes discussed by ruth benedict. which of

Another strategy that is used is to provide the basis of morality and ethics in reason and the abilities of the individual to ascertain the suitability of a certain action. However, it is better placed than the other approaches that have been referred to in this essay to assess the moral codes of a society β†’

Romantic philosophers

The Romanticism is a movement commonly known as Romantic Movement, which begins in the very beginning of the 19 th century and flourished in the middle of the 19 th century. Among the elements of romanticism, worship of nature is the most important and common to the philosophers as well as writers.

Self consciousness issues

Since, however, humans tend to anthropomorphize everything from rocks to metal, and especially machines [Kat99], the Turing Test can only be effective in distinguishing machine from human to the extent that an answer must necessarily be profoundly and absolutely different for a human than for a machine. The second question assumes that machines with artificial β†’

Pre-socratic and aristotles philosophy

Aristotle believed that God initiated change and the motion of celestial bodies. The Consequences of Ideas.

Plato’s republic

His conduct is always immaculate in the presence of them, and he is never short of advice to the others, who hold him is various degrees of suspicion, regarding the pious and just life. The counter argument to this is that villains like Tartuffe are usually found out in the end, and therefore suffer in β†’

Rationalism empiricism

How is the Innate Knowledge Thesis different from the Intuition / Deduction Thesis? What is the difference between Descartes' defense of the Intuition / Deduction Thesis, and Leibniz's defense of it?

Gandhi ji’s principles of non-violence

Would all that is happening in today's world be possible if we were following Gandhi ji's principles? It is so much more required today to follow Gandhi ji's principle of taking care of our body and mind.

The guilty conscience is as bad as a guilty act

Othellois on trial for murder and I would like to remind you that he has admitted full and absolute blame for this and you should not heed that lightly. Othello planned the murder of his wife with his inferior soldier, he knew what he was doing was wrong, and he continued to smother her as β†’

Introduction to philosophy essay sample

What is the basics stuff of the universe and all about reality?* Thales The World * Anaximender Boundless in the form of tension of opposites. He also points out the fact that there is a lack of trust in the objective truth".

Ethics of culling doubled-crested cormorants

The preserving of rare plant life places a utilitarian halo on the culling of DCCO, but in actuality it negates the ethic of equal consideration, and places a question mark on the moral rightness of the action. The moral impetus behind the action of human beings in carrying out the culling of DCCO on the β†’

Philosophy of science

In the philosophy of science there are situations in which evidence is needed to know a belief and a theory which holds and underdetermination therefore comes in to contexts in such situations1. Despite the fact that underdetermination is known to pose a threat to the rationality of scientific enterprise, Laudan argued that the significance of β†’

Short answers questions

This is to say that Taylor advocates the role of narrative identity with the personal interpretations of how valuable a reader considers his/her ethical standards. This is also interpreted to mean that narrative identity is subject to personal interpretation of ethical identity and can be largely considered to be an illusionary identity of the reader.


Other necessary laws of the establishment of socialist community include the union of the class that is working with the peasantry, other echelons of laboring masses; the abolition of capitalist's assets and creation of civic ownership of ways of manufacturing. Principle laws in the creation of socialism include the eradication of state oppression and the β†’

Sensory perceptions

My goal in this paper is to research influences and factors that all contribute to the development of the brain that is the key instrument in interpreting situations, circumstances and experiences in the world. FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO PERCEPTION OF THE WORLD CHILDHOOD POSITIVE VERBAL COMMUNICATION When a parent is positive with their communication with their β†’

Distinction between just and unjust laws

The letter was written in 1963 to the government's higher officials to remind them of their civil responsibility to maintain equality irrespective of the race and cast. The law makers of Florida have devised the two laws, but they do not coincide in any way and creating a chaos for the residents of Florida.

Cognitive therapy and the elderly assignment

The following four literature reviews will attempt to demonstrate and support the hypothesis that cognitive behavioral therapy is effective for depression in geriatric patients Review 1: Satre, Knight and David proposed that looking at the social context along with cognitive behavioral therapy is an important factor in treating the older individual. This research proposal will β†’


It canbe argued that how a man can be wise when he knows that he knows nothing. A man can be wise when he has had the experiences that life has to offer and learnt from it.

Everything you need to know about francis bacon

It was told late in his life that his father had ordered the family's Irish groom to beat him with a horsewhip when he was a child. His sexual proclivity influenced his entire life and was evident in his art from the beginnings of hiscareer.

Was magellan worth defending

Another way someone could argue that he was not worth defending is that he made his crew do all the work. But after all that he is kind worth defending.


However, the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the influence of the Suprematism movement of 1915 brought about the birth of Constructivism, the modernistic architectural style of Russia from 1924-1932. The brief period that followed the 1917 Revolution marked the beginning of the influence of the avant-garde Constructivist movement in the structure and design of major β†’

Identifying ethos, pathos, and logos

The purpose of this essay is to examine the strength of the author's argument by weighing it against the different perspectives on argument essays. Logos is one of the pillars of a rhetoric that refers to the logical appeal of a material.

Philosophy questions

of the Philosophy of the Concerned 29 November Fiduciary Duties of a CFO The job of a CFO in any corporation is an immense responsibility and entails a wide range of duties. To be able to work and to be able to take care of my responsibilities in a professional manner, it is important that β†’

Famine, affluence, and morality

In the case of modern charity, there is the issue of geographical and racial boundaries that separate the more privileged countries from the ones that need their help. Considering the disparities in the quality of life between these two and the push for the standardization of this value, we should strive to improve access to β†’

Artist deconstruction: a starry night

The use of form is evident in this painting by the use of the use dot to dot effect and with the use of lines. The painting also has movement as it shows motion and has what I perceive to be a sense of flowing movement.

A comparative analysis of the dependency theory, modernization theory and the world system theory

This purpose of the paper is to review difference between Modernization Theory, Dependency Theory, and World Systems Theory as well as selecting the theory that best explains social change by giving reason. Modernization theory describes the progress and development of technology in developed nations of the world.

Exploration of form simulations

The greater the similarity of the tonal color of an object to the tone of the background, the more it will seem to recede toward the background. In a two-dimensional picture, the illusion of depth is created in several ways.

The case against physicalism by jacky chang

While there are many arguments against physicalism, the largest and most consistent one seems to be that of consciousness, intellect, freedom of choice, and all the qualities that make a human being fully human. Alter uses Descartes' argument, that phenomenal consciousness is not physical due to the fact that one can conceive of the body β†’

Response on the grand inquisitor

However, the story reflects the savior of the people meeting opposition from the religious authorities of the church when the great inquisitor arrests Christ and takes him to prison. This were the same people who really longed for the coming back of the savoir in regard to their torments and tribulations they had initially gone β†’

Materialism vs. simple living

This priceless experience could be unparallel to any acquisition of all the wealth in the world. Personally, I believemost of material things human acquire are not only meant to satisfy their needs but to either impress or entice this or that person, " vanity" to borrow a word from the bible.

Career goals and learning path assignment

What made me return to school and not allowing obstacles to interfere with me returning to school was a promotion I was interested in that I applies for as a Program Director. I work with a large population of diverse cultures and different beliefs; so as I continue to pursue my Masters in Psychology I β†’

Sexual morality

To begin with, research shows that in the field of medicine, female genital mutilation is unethical and illegal. Yet, performing of female genital mutilation endangers the life of women and not saving it in any way.

Surrogate mothers and human enhancement dilemmas

Anderson uses the concept of alienation to argue that during pregnancy, a mother develops love with the unborn baby hence reprising the baby psychologically affects the baby yet the remuneration provided is not enough to cater for emotional and psychological damage caused. He argues that the bond that often develops between the unborn child and β†’

Watch the movie and follow questions

Out of all characters performing this movie, it is only Gus, Lars' brother who looks afraid of what other people would say about his brother's inanimate relationship with a doll; otherwise, all others encourage Lars, including Dagmar the family doctor What I find most interesting in the movie is the realism in the almost impossible β†’

Aristotle theory regarding body and soul

Sur 16 November Aristotle's Theory Regarding Body and Soul Most of the works of Aristotle are based on the association of the body with the mind and relates to his philosophies and attributes of science. In the current study I have tried to reflect and analyze how Aristotle presented his theory of unity of the β†’

Lan based time keeping & payrol system ama computer

Reasons for the Choice: Since sales and stocks inventory is seen as the main core and repository of records related to the entire business transactions. Target users and Beneficiaries: The target users and beneficiaries of the proposed system is the owner of the business, employers and their customers.VII.

Discuss the letter

Introduction An argument will be considered as a rationally strong argument if it provides a reason to believe to the audience, while on the other hand rhetorical power refers to the mixing of identity and personal characteristics of the speaker with the subject, with less rationality supporting the argument. Though audience has been provided with β†’

Austrian skydiver felix baumgartner philosophy essay

Firstly, the strength of a gravitational field is inversely proportional to the to the square of the distance, r from the centre of the Earth which in this case is Felix's distance from the centre of the Earth. We know that Felix leapt from an altitude of 39045 meters, therefore by adding that to the β†’

Advertising ethics, network ethics and information ethics in media morals

The value conflict of the media is basically showed within the conflict between the standards of the media itself and the common " goodness" of the society. This is often the manifestation of the secularization and vulgarization of the media.

Platos republic

Many questions are asked in the book, such as " What is an ideal city? " Or, " What is justice? " And, " Is justice in the city possible? " Socrates tries to find the real meaning of the word justice. Plato's " ideal city" is really the search for the truth of justice, β†’

Karl marxs doctrine

In order to provide a comprehensive understanding about human nature, Marx made a clear distinction between the actions of animals and the activities performed by human beings differentiating themselves as a superior creature in the earth. In the identification of human nature and taking into concern Marx's distribution theory, it can be affirmed that Marx β†’

A description of the pda psychometric test

In the case of generating a study of compatibilities between a person and a job description, it simply describes and provides details on the strengths and weaknesses. Back to Menu How does the PDA Report contribute to the professional growth and development of an individual?

Characteristics of philosophical reasoning

The second characteristic is the nature of the analytical thinking process. Speculative nature of it, is also a philosopher continue to test and then gave birth to a knowledge and can answer the question of the validity of the trust.

Greek philosophy of children and education

Running head: Education and Philosophy Greek Philosophy of Children and Education Introduction Philosophy is the origin of every sort of knowledge. Greek Philosophy of Children and Education ' The aim of the education was to make soldier citizen as per the ancient Greek authoritarian city Sparta.

Plato’s book phaedo: the last hour of socrate’s life

One of his arguments surrounds the immortality of the soul; where Socrates intends to prove to his friends that when the body dies, the soul lives on to be re-born into another living creature. Because the living comes from the dead, souls must exist in another world before they are ' born.' Life is the β†’

Explain dualism, materialism, and idealism. which is preferable and why

It posits the theory of the body and the mind by accepting the reality of a physical world as well as the existence of another dimension which is the mental.2. Idealism this philosophy is basically the exact opposite of materialism by claiming that all forms of observed phenomena are primarily ideal or mental in form β†’

Bioethics and health information management philosophy essay

In addition to identifying all the human genes; scientists would determine the sequences of all the base pairs in the human DNA; store the information in a database; develop tools for analyzing data; and address the ethical, legal, and social issues that would arise from the project. The other challenge is that while the genome β†’

John locke

The darkness in the cave would blind him as his eyes were used to the light and everyone else in the cave would think it a bad idea to leave the cave. The men in the cave would have been born with no knowledge, and as their senses developed they would have learned about their β†’

The ethics of abortion

Therefore, for the purpose of this essay, this paper will discuss circumstances that abortion should be allowed so that it is in line with the moral values of the society. On the other hand critics fail to agree with this school of thought and in turn advance the idea that abortion is termination of innocent β†’

Critical thinking questions

The implanting of the idea in a grand manner in conflict with an expedient metropolitan form led to a revolt of the idea coupled with classicism, not in favor of geometry of the scenery. This resulted in contemporary planning of the cities so as to suit the needs of the inhabitants.

A study of the euthyphro dilemma as depicted in the argument by plato

It may be said that God is the source of all holiness and embodies all that is holy. Thus, this is what makes God, God and shows that it is impossible for him to be under the restrictions and imperfections that humans succumb to.

A study of totalitarianism in louis xiv leadership

Since it was believed that the King had a direct connection to God, it was thought that the complete power the King had would be what God wanted. That is not all there is to absolutism, as it was also believed that the King was divine and had a direct connection to God.

Free agency is a chimera

[Position Paper #2] " Free Agency is a Chimera" Based on the irrational behavior exhibited during the of human endeavor, it is obvious that man lacks the ability and is in fact devoid of the capability to make free choices. Our actions are not driven by free agency but are the result of self-defense and β†’

Symposium and phaedo determine why socrates is spared the tragic fate of many old greek heroes

Socrates is a philosopher, and he analyzed the dynamics of love in the Symposium; as a result of his analysis, the word " Platonic love" emerged and he is the generator of this type of love. To him, Resource is the father of Love and Poverty is the mother of Love.

Utilitarianism and kantβ€²s theory

Through the use of this theory, one is able to make the right decisions. The other advantage of this theory is the fact that it is universal.

Race as a social construct

Race as a Social Construct Omi and Winant's discussion from " Racial Formations" are generally about race being a social construct and is also demonstrated in the viewing of Race - The power of an illusion. And as a social construction, race functions as a source of management that sustains the importance of certain groups β†’

A philosophy of leadership

The intention of this paper is to expand on the leadership qualities I possess, how they relate to my role as a nursing student and communicate my philosophy of leadership. This theory seeks to fulfill the needs of the follower by involving the whole person and their thoughts, leading to a mutual relationship with the β†’

Hume philosophy

Even if we do indeed believe that the future will be like the past, the truth of that belief is not self-evident, it is always possible for nature to change. Hume offered some explanation for the fact that we do hold it, the technique needed is to search for the original impression from which our β†’

Karl marx and weber

A strong discrepancy in interpretation of religions exists between the two great thinkers, Marx and Weber, in that Marx saw religions as " the opiate of the masses" meaning that religions justify believers' bitter lives and make them passive whereas Weber saw religions as having power to bring about not just social but economic changes. β†’

Buddhism culture

Siddharta Gautama had realized the significance of maintaining the health and vitality of the body by going through extreme situations. The great importance placed by the Buddhist in a healthy lifestyle is evident to their adherence to a lot of health techniques.

Kierkegaard and sartre’s versions of existentialism

The main difference between the two versions is that Sartre, an atheist, fronts a rationale idea that the choices man make define their existence and their will shapes their image whilst Kierkegaard, a Christian, fronts a stronger idea that the existence of men is due to their religious beliefs and the in-depth understanding of God. β†’

Answering questions

The ideal city has three classes of people; the guardians, the auxiliaries and the producers. The role of the ideal city is to preserve and protect the universal principles.

Elements in life

Weil aided the working class in the demand for their social rights, even joining a local factory just to experience the lives of these people. These three special elements present in the lives of Weil, King and Teresa are unique.

Feeding people versus saving nature

On the other hand, he may be trying to emphasize that nature should not be sacrificed for the sake of achieving substantial human development because when nature falls; it would be against all humans because it is their life support system. Based on the point of view of Rolston, it is clear that humans are β†’

Classical humanism in art

The most enlightened renaissance popes encouraged the humanist assimilation of ancient greek and roman philosophies into their own Christian faith Inspired by the ideas in ancient greek and roman texts, which confirmed their new intellectual and scientific interests in understanding the world The praise of the deeds of great figures from antiquity that the humanists β†’

Inside the teen brain

The prefrontal cortex is the area of our brain that causes us to react rationally in the face of emotional situations.True." The prefrontal cortex can be referred to as the part of the brain that performs the executive decisions of an individual. The frontal lobes in teens are not fully developed.True." Studies have shown at β†’

Fukuyama and the regulation of love

Fukuyama and the Regulation of Love ment of the Problem The problem is that one pharmaceutical company would like to market a type of medication that interferes with a person's neurochemicals in order to reduce the degree of romantic attachment. Nevertheless, the problem with this drug is shown in the fears of Fukuyama that biotechnology β†’