Quality Philosophy Essay Examples for Your Learning

3 ways to manage your time and boost productivity

Many people believe that all they need to do to remain productive is schedule blocks of time to work on given tasks. For a maker, a meeting in the middle of the day is a nuisance.

Knowledge, truth, belief

It is only being considered as a mere narrative that aims to make people believe in an idea of a parallel world from the point of a view of Supreme Being. Thus, the earlier statement that is negating the idea would complement the belief of an externalist philosopher.

The philosophy statement of kristina

The three core beliefs I have a professional in Education stem from my experience in the early childcare field, mentors in my training, and philosophers of excellence in education. My key focus as an early childhood professional is to always see the student as an individual and foster to their developmental needs, motivate to develop →


In this article, I will discuss the disadvantages of abortions, and some of the long-term effects one has to carry on after the procedure. I will also discuss on the legal nature of the act and the religious view of the practice.

Authordatesubject essays example

According to Kernan, the second part of the discourse deliberates on the three stages of liberation and the third creates a picture of the prisoner returning to the same cave. The reaction of the rest of the prisoners in the cave, on the return of their colleague, shows the universal reaction to knowledge and to →

My philosophy of leadership

I value the opportunity to live based on my personal values and firmly believe in leadership that is modeled to serve and benefit from each other. The effective leader is one who can clearly articulate the vision of the organization to all stakeholders in a meaningful and accessible way.

The nonviolence principle of gandhi

Gandhi was a great man that not only helped improve himself by his principle of life that he followed, but he also helped his country get freedom. I learned about this when I was a little kid and since then I have followed this rule as a rule of life which I rarely break.

Sophocles antigone

The letter addressed the issues of the Negroes of the Alabama state and the reasons for his intervention. The clergymen in the state of Alabama did not approve the pressure created by the protest and demonstration in the streets that has been a result of dr.king mobilizing the black community.

Broadening the common understanding of confucianism

Confucius also put a huge importance on the values and rewards that come with ideal relationships that are found uniquely in a family. Confucius outlines that the role of a young one is to serve and learn from their parents and that the parents should be teaching their children the proper virtues and values.

The laws of war and peace: how hugo grotius uses the natural law as a political philosophy

I would relate the rise of chaos to a lack of moral obligations, and the aspect that most natural law is ceasing to exist when conducting international affairs. A conflict between Radical Islam and the rest of the world is unacceptable; it hurts not only the nations fighting but the neutral ones that benefit from →

The melting pot persuasive essay

It suggests that all of the cultures that have been brought into America melt together and become the base material of the pot. A better metaphor that is also used to represent the assimilation of cultures in America is the salad bowl.

Socrates view on death

SOCRATES' APOLOGY Introduction The apology by Plato gives an in depth account of the trial and death of Socrates who was being tried on two accounts of corrupting the young minds with his philosophies and failing to honor the gods being worshiped in Athens. Death to Socrates is a transformation from one life to another →

Early childhood philosophy

Personally, I like the idea of Montessori about a controlled chaos wherein the classroom is designed to foster learning among the children at their own interest and pace. The soul of the child of course never changes regardless of era and that is perhaps the very reason why Montessori's principles are quite effective to various →

Nature vs nurture in early human development

A good example of this is the development of congenital anomalies and other problems in the fetus consequent to exposure to infectious diseases, maternal malnutrition, maternal smoking, and maternal alcoholism. While newborns are born with functioning sensory, the development of the sensory systems depends on environmental stimulation.

Transcendentalism in walt whitman’s and ralph emerson’s works

The personification of nature, schools of thought, and the ideas of good and bad by Walt Whitman characterizes the Transcendental value of expressing one's thoughts without constraint and never ceasing to question one's beliefs. Puritan values are fundamentally different from those of Transcendentalists because the Puritans want people to accept what they are told and →

Western civilization

Western Civilization Civilization refers to the advancement of a society to achieve a higher level of development and organization. One of the defining characteristic of western civilization is recognition of individual worth; moreover, the importance of an individual is granted priority and is believed to have worth, deserving a life of dignity.

Only chapter 17 of this . (gail collins’ 2003 america’s women: four hundred years of dolls, drudges, helpmates, and heroines.)

There were rumors that American women were sexually promiscuous and that the Women's Army Corps were said to have been recruited to aid with the morale of the troops. This led to the creation of the Women's Air force Service Pilots that saw women free men who were in service overseas.

Capitalism vs. welfare state: a debate

It has been stated by some that the welfare state is the express outcome of the ascendency of capitalism. This is because it ensures that taxpayer money is used to ensure a balance in the living standards of all in the society.

Confidential assessment and treatment plan assignment

As I started on this path, I was confident in my abilities to excel as a counselor, however, somewhere along the way I lost motivation and confidence in myself. I have always been aware of the thoughts in my head but to actually write them down and to discuss it is embarrassing.

Hell is other people

This attitude, which is typical of Hamlet and symptomatic of his " to be or not to be a dilemma," evidences the extent to which he is complicit in his own suffering. While, contrary to the case with Hamlet, Gatsby cannot be accused of lacking authenticity he is, nonetheless, complicit in his own death and →

Nietzsches thoughts on slavery and noble morality

The paper " Nietzsche's Thoughts on Slavery and Noble Morality" is a worthy example of a philosophy assignment. This led the slaves to create a morality that made them good and the nobles bad.

No man is an island

John Donne will mention in his poem " Each is a piece of the continent, A part of the main". Though the damage is restricted to a small finger, the pain is felt in the core of the heart.

Obeservational and sampling in traditional and cultural psychology research assignment

In addition, the fundamental problems that may be encountered by the researchers during the implementation of the observation and sampling in cultural and traditional psychological research setting will be addressed. However in the event of an observation taken place in a natural setting, and an observer decides not to intervene is oftentimes referred to as →

Response paper

Response Paper If you believe that there is a God who is all-powerful, all-knowing, and concerned with justice and the well-being of humanity, explain how there can be so much evil and suffering in the world. There is evil in this world because God wants human beings to differentiate between the good and the bad.

Logical fallacies

If not because of my mom and her eagerness to help and convince me to go to school, I will not find out that everything my friends and I believed in about sore eyes were not true. But it took a lot of my day to explain to my friends and classmates that they will →

Phl #6

His philosophy was mostly based on the concept of the mind. Human beings on the other hand, have additional powers of perceptions and locomotion and for this they possess a sensitive soul.

John locke’s theory about political power

A new government which is ble to work for the protection of society should be chosen in case the old one bitrates the trust of people. At this point a direct referral to the Locke's idea of perfect freedom is made.

Friedrich wilhelm august froebel

He is known as the founder of " Kindergarten" and was one of the most influential educational reformers of the 19th century. Froebel was not alive at that time and had no idea of the impact he left on the school system worldwide, and especially in the United States.

Humes critique of causality

Our idea of causality arises from our impressions of three kinds of relations between objects: the relation of contiguity or contact, such as when billiard balls collide, and second, temporal priority, the idea that the effect should immediately follow the cause. But from what impression do we derive the idea of a necessary connection between →

Six candidate ethical principles are given below essay sample

Immanuel Kant's Categorical Imperative If an action is not right for everyone to take, it is not right for anyone EXAMPLE: While using pirated software if you think that it does not make any difference to developer's income but, you think that if everyone started using pirated software then developer will get nothing from his →

Misunderstanding on karl marxs works and ideologies

It is the aim of this paper to study how Marx's theories and the reactions towards it are commonly applicable to minor life's details. The commentary on Marx is relevant to the Celtics game in terms of critics, interpretations, debates and its supporters.

Examining “progress” in the euthyphro dialogue

Socrates and Euthyphro do not come up with a clear definition on piety by the end of the Euthyphro, but this does not entail a lack of progress entirely, as a conclusion is not inherently fruitful, nor is it Socrates' style to settle for any conclusion unless it contains thoroughly well-examined knowledge. Generalizing " what →

In two paragraphs, compare and contrast rationalism and empiricism

The underlying assumption in the rationalist position is that people are born with the natural capacity to generate knowledge. On the other hand, empiricism is the epistemological school of thought that argues that all knowledge comes from the senses.

Philosophy 6

Perspectivism is for the idea that there is no objective truth. The evidence against this idea is that the theory of knowledge relies on the reasoning power this is according to Kant and Descartes.

Rousseau, john stuart mill and g. d. h. cole

According to Rousseau, democracy is a system where citizens execute their democratic right of participation in the political system and also make the laws. The participatory theory of democracy effectively ensures that the citizens take part in making decisions which is a fundamental system of ensuring good government and protecting private interests.

Meditations on first philosophy by descartes

Remembered today primarily as the father of modern philosophy, Descartes introduced a shift in thinking from the empiricist school of thought in which people believed all knowledge ultimately comes to us through our senses to the rationalist school of thought in which it was believed that human reason was the source for all human knowledge. →

Plato’s phaedo

The main goal of the dialogue is to describe the last day in Socrates' life. In the dialogue all these are embodied in the sublime image of Socrates, who is dying for a sake of this future beatitude.

Kant metaphysics

The Groundwork of Metaphysics of Morals Immanuel Kant's " Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals", argues upon the basis of morality introducing the ideals of the categorical imperative as the central concept of moralphilosophy. The definition of the categorical imperative leads Kant towards the critique of pure reason arguing that without a goodwill one cannot →

The place you most loved to spend time as a child.

Walls that have been laquered to preserve what Ma Vio, as she was lovingly called by everyone, considered a amasterpiece that not even the most renowned of painters could have done with such perfection'. Her pound cake and whole grain bread were what my brother used to call 'the bestest in all of Trinidad and →

Analysis of aristophanes and peter meinecks clouds

The play has the main goal of informing the reader that, in the idealistic subtleties, there is neglect of the true wishes of Athenians. Aristophanes in the play, therefore, means that there was a need for a change of the status quo.

Hum m3 man

A close analysis of Burn's arguments on human emotions reveals that humans are in full control of their emotions. Values are the judgment of a person on what is important and what is not important in life.

Privatized prison health care and cruelty associated with this

I had never considered what the rising cost of medication meant for those at the mercy of the state and federal corrections system. The only real control that the government has over these institutions is the threat to decline the renewal of their contract should issues arise within the prison.

Bertrand russell: the value of philosophy

Russell states, " It is exclusively among the goods of the mind that the value ofphilosophyis to be found; and only those who are not indifferent to these goods can be persuaded that the study of philosophy is not a waste of time". Therefore the largest value of philosophy is for the philosopher, for he →

Example of essay on great philosophy question

Contrary to Plato's perception of the real objects floating somewhere in the air, Aristotle believes that the real objects exist inside the objects themselves. The difficulties that arise from this perspective are the isolation principles of the numerous aspects of a substance in order to make it distinct.

Different learning styles for different people assignment

Different Learning Styles for Different People As we learn more from one generation to another on how the brain and body work together the more we change how we teach our children. As a student we need to learn what works best for us, but also teachers need to realize the potential in all students →

How to write a philosophy paper assignment

It is likely that if you cannot state the central thesis of the paper In a clear, crisp, precise sentence, teen you do not really Know yet want you are trying to say. Thus, if you eve done a fair Job of presenting your thesis, offering arguments, offering objections, and replying to those objections, then →

Eminent domain

What is important is the interpretation of the law needs to be just and the end use of the acquired land needs to be for just purposes. When the State Government delegates the power to their political subdivisions, such as cities and counties, the chances of misuse of eminent domain is real.

Analytical and critical questions

What are the important implications of the author's position? Are the arguments adequate to support the claims?

Mill’s utilitarianism

It is necessary to note that Mill defines purpose of morality as creating a particular state of the world; Mills stand out to clarify morality as the essential one. Tarrant contends that Mill's radical ideology on education, laudable in themselves are not unswerving with his utilitarianism since in differentiating between lower and higher pleasures, and →

Albert einstein biography inventions philosophy essay

Einstein based this theory on two postulates: the principle of relativity, that physical laws are the same in all inertial reference systems, and the principle of the invariance of the speed of light, that the speed of light in a vacuum is a universal constant for all observers regardless of the motion of the observer →

A preview of issues surrounding women in china

Making a comparative analysis of women in the past and in current China, it is evident that a lot has changed regarding their lives especially when the concept of the family comes in handy. Majority of the women in the rural areas are uneducated or have poor education, live in poverty and still carry on →

Hurkas account of human nature

Hurka's Account of Human Nature Perfection in the human being s that the best life is resolute by the coreexplanation of what it means to be human. However, if being rational has no contribution to creativity and beauty-creation to a good life for human being, the essence of rationality and its welfare becomes very trivial.

Correctional philosophy

Clearly, the war on drugs has dramatically increased the influx of inmates to the correctional system. In addition, it is quite expensive to detain all the drug offenders.

What is justice what aspects of our society make it a just society what aspect make it unjust

Introduction The moral law within the society is presented in the values that formulate the righteous and unjust measures. The justice system in the society has been described using variable strategies as compared to the result generated to the individual affected.

America: an educated, yet illiterate nation

The media and certain political " spin-doctors /masterminds have exaggerated the differences between the two parties and insinuated that participation in either party seemingly requires a citizen to have ALL of the views of that party. Philosophy teaches us to question and analyze what we see and that not a definite answer to our myriad →

Free the last days of socrates essay sample

What makes the historical and philosophical character of Socrates even more elusive is the fact that Socrates himself did not write any big volumes of philosophy and the sole vessel to his philosophical contributions are the reminiscences of his equally gifted student Plato. This information contradicts the allegations of the private citizens who alleged in →

The tragic sense of life

of the Philosophy of the Concerned 28 September Miguel de Unamuno- The Tragic Sense of Life The Tragic Sense of Life intends to extend an idea of life in which the actual actions tend to endow the incumbent ethics with their inherent strength, resilience and timelessness. In The Tragic Sense of Life Unamuno declares himself →

American philosophy

The minor, middle and superior classes are all portrayed in instants of desolation, moving daily backward and onwards in the acreage of plenty. Frank uncovered a strain in the sheen of American philosophy and prosperity using the race and class variances.

Explain descartes’ method of doubt; what does he hope to accomplish from this method; is descartes a skeptic

9 August The Purpose of and Philosophy behind Descartes's Method of Doubt Descartes's Method of Doubt does not challenge the existence of knowledge, but it enables Descartes to reach a conclusion that cannot be criticized. Descartes achieved this by introducing a Method of Doubt with which, he could express his doubts regarding the knowledge's structure →

Believers of virtues and followers of rules philosophy essay

Such people are regarded as dependable and " good citizens", because they are depended on for the best thing to do for families and communities. They are hard working, and work for long spans of time, but they are not negligent in filling the work experience with energy and enthusiasm, because for them, it is →

How does the devil solve life’s most serious problems

A good person essentially follows the laws provided to man by God through religion, which is accomplished by taking into account the commandments provided in religious books such as the Bible and the Quran. The devil enjoys human suffering and engages in activities make people suffer in the end.

Jean paul sartre: the main criticisms of the concepts of existentialism

Jean Paul Sartre: the Main Criticisms of the Concepts of Existentialism According to Jean Paul Sartre, the main criticisms brought against the concepts of Existentialism are first, that they force man to understand his isolation and thus can never return to solidarity with the rest of his race and second, that they lead to →

The lady with the pet dog

Anton Chekhov original and Joyce Carol Oates's updated version of " The Lady with the Pet Dog" tells the story of two unhappy individuals trying to find love in a long lasting affair. The mix of the plot in Oates's version I feel allows readers to really understand Anna and her emotions.

Exam questions

According to him the physical transformation and appearance is not the beauty but the art, inner self, purity of heart, sculpture is important which defines the beauty. Beauty is when it rests in the hearts of the people watching or experiencing it and not meant to evaporate or vanish out as the ages fall.

Daily time record

This Automated Student Attendance Daily Time Record focuses on the need to design a system that will automatically arrange the record and calculate the average attendance of each student. Our school using ball pen or log book to record a attendance this system need a computer and the student will record his attendance with a →

Human enhancement

It is obvious that the child might have emotional issues in life upon discovery that it is not the mother who bore him or her directly hence in other words defends the child who has no capability to complain of the mode of birth. If the decision is because of a genetic defect in the →

Assignment: psychology and health problems assignment

Headaches and menstrual problems are two of the health issues explained in the text that will be discussed in the reading. As irregular menstrual cycle is tested according to the cause, it is determined with a blood test, ultrasound and biopsy.

American materialism

What this does is to project the image of America as provider of all things and the land of greatness- the reason for American consumers' clamor for products. Corporations is not a reason for the materialistic America, their main goal is to provide consumers with a range of products they need, they want, and can →

Sociology and socialization assignment

Anthropological interest in socialization or enculturation coincided with the emergence of the " culture and personality" orientation of the late 1920s and 1930s, when the works of Mead, Benedict, and Malinowski focused on cultural practices affecting child rearing, value transmission, and personality development and helped shape the anthropological approach to socialization. The development of self →

What does machiavelli mean by a corrupt people what does he mean by corrupt leaders what circumstances promote corruption can a corrupt people be reformed

In Machiavelli's view, Italy fell to the French and the Spanish because of corruption of its leaders and people. Machiavelli denotes that because of the brutal and selfish nature of the people, it is dangerous for a leader to become a philosopher king3.

Future job

The one thing I strongly believe in I will not succeed if my job is not exciting and there is not any kind of adventure. It seems to me that doing things I love and getting paid for the that is the best thing in life ever.

Ayn rand

However, regardless of this increase in knowledge and the proliferation of theories and explanations that had come to exist during this time, arguably one of the most absurd approaches that has been taken is with regards to Ayn Rand and the " objectivist" approach. Seeing this as the ultimate virtue for individualism and accounting for →

Rosalind hursthouse’s view on virtue ethics

Eliminating the possibility of a child prodigy in ethical studies rejects ethical studies as a set of rule-based theories and asserts that utilization of moral education, knowledge, and wisdom result from ethical studies as a set of virtue-based theories. The major objection to eliminating the possibility of a child prodigy in the study of ethics →

A wrinkle in time novel

As she gets caught up in the battle to save the universe from evil, Meg uses both her strengths and her weaknesses to help her. Meg's love for her mom is so strong that she reacts by getting angry, gaining more strength to use in the battle against evil.

The psychological context of bystanders apathy

The Psychological Context of Bystander's Apathy The case of Kitty Genovese was a sensational event which had become a of much discussion in the field of Psychology in recent times. The reaction was based on available information and not a show of unconcern.

Deconstruction final

Fond's rhetoric of emotion, character, and logic appeals to each Juror in differently and draws them into to his goal of discussing the trial and ensuring their decision is without doubt. The knife that killed the father is brought to the Jurors and as the group discuss its' uniqueness.

Personal coaching philosophy in soccer.

1998-April 2007Store Manager, Herter Music Center Flint, MI Retail Sales and Customer service. March 1996-July 1997 Banquet Manager, Wyndham Garden Hotel, Marin County, CA Supervised all banquet set-up, teardown, prep and bar service.

Study behaviors assignment

In this essay I will be talking about my test results from different test we took in class, study behaviors, and what I plan to change to improve my study skills. We also took a test for learning styles which are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic in my test it showed that I am a kinesthetic →

Teaching philosophy

According to the University of Texas, the core teaching philosophy is the realization of the goal of teaching itself that is to foster learning. One of the prominent teaching philosophies that are used by many teachers is the integration of Piaget's philosophy of development and Vygotsky's philosophy of cultural development in learning.

A divided world and a divided self

The moral, social and familial institutions at work in the lives of the characters are inseparable from the behavior of the characters themselves and their behavior, in turn, affects the ways they perceive and challenge the institutions that establish a collective social identity. While the Widow Quin is perceived as an outsider and generally shunned →

Utopia & dystopia: definition and characteristics

Powerfully explores a speculative world by the name of Gilead, in which Atwood challenges her readers to comment and reflect on her context of the imagined world. In the text, Atwood's intentions to confront her readers of the human tragedy, craftly imagines a society worse than our own, warning readers of where our own society →

On descartes’ argument from illusion

Empiricists believe that, when it comes to the nature of the world beyond one's minds, the experience is the sole source of information. He goes on to assert that we never remember the beginning of a dream; however, we get ourselves trapped in the middle of it.

Staples’ “black men and public spaces” strays only slightly

Staples refers to publications by Norman Podhoretz and Edward Hoagland who had expressed their views on the same type of fear the woman who ran from him had experienced and although the fear was factually founded it did not give much comfort to Staples. After Staples realizes and begins to understand the reasons behind this →

Should class attendance be required assignment

If the students went to class, the professor would be able to teach them how to learn, how to absorb information and how to apply what they have learned. College classes also teach students how to work with the other students in the class.

The discussion of nagel thomases death

For example, in comparing the perception of death of a young person and the death of an old person, one can easily point out that the death of the younger person is more of a loss because he still has his whole life ahead of him. Another context is if the person has seen his →

Environmental racism, climate change,

The pros of legal pragmatism include, the attitudes and methods of pragmatic thought are good for public environmental decisions making; it focuses on the accomplishment of social ends and social justice through advocating for judicial adherence to the interpretations of environmental statutes; it focuses on innovation and experimentation to problem solving. Either the most affluent →

Reflective assignment

A great majority of those people would fall under the categories of elderly, handicapped, dependent beings, and those who cannot or choose not to think for themselves, and depend on the social system to care for them. Where myself is concerned, I would follow the footsteps of both Vincent and Equality to preserve my " →

Main ideas of neoliberal ideology

The base is comprised of those institutions that determine the chances and circumstances of one's material reproduction, whereas the ideological superstructure is largely embodied by the state and cultural institutions whose mystifying and moralized discourse acts to conceal the inequality at the heart of the economic base. This is effectively how neoliberal policies and ideological →

H.g. wells`s time machine critical essay

The initial events: The novel begins as the Time Traveller invites his friends to inspect his new invention - a time machine. The Epilogue: The Time Traveller then returns to his own time and to his friends.

Philosophy 4

The statement uses the word think to express different psychological activities that Descartes wanted to identify his body and mind with. Skepticism allows for the coherence of logic and empirical evidence in academia today.

Philosophy of teaching assignment

I try to get my students to realize the mistake that they have made and try to learn from them and how to make right choices. The assessment that I like to use with my class is traditional testing.

Pygmalion poetry deconstruction

PoetryDeconstruction: The Story of Pygmalion and the Statue The poem " The Story of Pygmalion and the Statue" was originally written in Greek by Ovid, and is found in Book Ten of his work, Metamorphoses. The poet also refers to the birth of Pygmalion and the statue's child, as a way that they " crown →

How john locke inspired maria montessori essay sample

John Locke believed that " The well educating of their children is so much the duty and concern of parents, and the welfare and prosperity of the nation so much depends on it, that I would have everyone lay it seriously to heart". Locke, on the other hand, thought of children as human beings and →


To begin with, Meletus had indicated that Socrates was an evil doer in that he was found corrupting young people, did not believe in the state gods, and had introduced personal divinities. The Meletus opposition to Socrates was based somehow on grounds of religion because he simply did not confide his faith in the gods →