Quality Personal Philosophy Essay Examples for Your Learning

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I don’t want to be nice, i want to be me

Therefore, I reasoned, I was not lovable and nice. And if I wanted to please the adults around me, I would have to continue to be nice.

The irony in the philosophical ideologies of socrates

The question that Socrates poses about Achilles " Surely you do not suppose that he thought about death and danger?" is revealed to be ironic in light of the entire portrait of Achilles, particularly given his additional curse against death as portrayed in the Odyssey. Although the principles that Socrates upheld were in great opposition →

Honesty, the best policy

Honesty can be the foundation for a well operating relationship, not only that, it nourishes the lifetime of most people, and it also builds the trust that is needed for most relationships. It never involves cheating and lying to others in life.it's an ethical behavior supported honesty and free from all the evil motives.

Life as we know it

Full of hurdles and hardships along the way because life is not easy and the best way to overcome a problem is to face it and keep moving. Do not hesitate for a second that your life is the hardest to live with.

Sport psychology – internal attribution

In the late 1970's and early 1980's, the work in classroom settings of John Nicholls, Carol Dweck, Martin Maehr and Carole Ames provided the early foundation for the understanding of achievement goals in sport when two distinctive achievement goals were identified based on the definition of personal competence: task and ego goals or, in other →

William james and stanley hall contributions to functionalism

Prior belief of the folks was that we see a bear, we get frightened and then we run due to that sensation of fear however in line with William James physical response occur before the manifestation of emotions. It is important to maintain good environment for the development of healthy habits because teen agers seek →

Integrity – a way of life

The scams and scandals that form our newspapers' headlines and become the subject of conversation in households lead to the erosion of the faith the society has, and continues to need to have, in our democratic institutions. The cynicism that all are tainted with the same brush of immorality leads to a form of parasitic →

The blind side – secrets of good people

Therefore, this reproduces relations of power and dominance in society as the African Americans are being stereotyped in a negative way which disempowers them. This is seen through how the White Americans in which are the dominant group, are empowered throughout the film, being represented to be of a higher social class and how the →

Analysis of socrates’ definition of justice

The philosopher-king is the rational part of a man as he is able to make the decisions that are best for oneself, while the tyrannical part only seeks to satisfy its own desires, at the cost of anything, making him unjust. In order to understand and know what pleasure really is, one must focus more →

Achieving the true essence of a life well lived

And finally, a life well lived is really just doing what makes you truly happy, not worrying about the opinions of others which can really be there to distract you and take you off your path to success. At times you have to be selfish and ask yourself, " What do I want to do? →

Finding the right outlook on the future in biblical readings

I pray that God helps me to learn to fix my attention on the matters at hand, today. On the topic of being present, much emphasis is being placed on this today, in the church and in the world. Jesus' exhortation to us to not worry about tomorrow could be, in part, a way to →

Old hollywood crime dramas in the film “noir”

The similarities and differences Blade runner and Brick are great examples at defining and portraying the effects of film noir. Additionally the setting of the movie also portrayed the techniques of Noir.

“boosting income while limiting expenses” – the philosophy of henry ford

Therefore, Henry Ford decided that change needed to occur in the form of the latest at the time assembly line, which featured a highly specialized workforce, the moving conveyor line, and interchangeable parts. Consequently, Henry Ford decided that change needed to occur in the form of the latest at the time assembly line, which featured →

Personal philosophy: my teaching experience

This collaboration of theories results in my philosophy on the purpose of education, how children learn, how children should be taught, and how to be a successful Christian leader in the classroom. According to the essentialist theory, the primary purpose of education is to transmit " essential knowledge and skills " to students. Furthermore, →

No, i am not okay

No, I am not okay. No, I am not okay and so are you.

Personal essay literacy example

I waited for the next day in lunch to sit at his table. I would never give up anything in this world to not be friends with the student.

Maya lin: a personal reflection

However, the most important aspect of the sculpture are the visual elements that it uses, such as line via direction and movement, color via color harmonies, and space via three-dimensional space. The first noticeable visual element in the piece, line, is clearly seen in the sculpture through the shapes of the children that are placed →

Analysis on personal philosophy

This is also a chance for me to make the children realize their unique potential for greatness and open their eyes to the beautiful world around them. Before getting involved in my formaleducationclasses and field experiences in Elementary Education at Pennsylvania State University, I thought being an educator involved teaching the students basic skills, assigning →

My personal opinion on meaning of life

According to my research on the meaning of life, " in positive psychology, a meaningful life is a construct having to do with the purpose, significance, fulfillment, and satisfaction of life". To understand the significance of life, you have to work on yourself first to flourish.

Why we should appreciate good times

My life will be short, just as everybody else's, and I want to make the best of it; I want to focus my time on things that I can remember until the day that I happen to " kick the bucket," as some say. The three of us had finally rejoined! Even to this day, →