Quality Russian Literature Essay Examples for Your Learning

Current events about a clinic in china infected kids with hepatitis

The astonishing beat of the story is that all the victims of the outbreak are from Anhui because the province borders Henan and the clinic is strategically situated for the service of both the two provinces. Another report showed that investigators from the health sectors were surveying 16 other local villages to ascertain whether a →

Reasons for vladimir i’s conversion to christianity and how it changed the culture of eastern slavs essay sample

What Motivated Vladimir I to convert to Christianity and how did the new religion change the culture of Eastern Slavs? Paganism was a mental mindset of the Eastern Slavs living in a world where a majority of the European countries surrounding them had already converted to a monastic religion. The gateway opened →

Discuss ways in which violence is presented in leda and the swan essay sample

The poem notes that there is a ' shudder in the loins', and the mix of animalistic imagery contrasted with human emotions presents the act of violence as one that can bring fear and confusion; Leda's emotions are questionable and even Yeats himself does not explicitly describe how Leda herself may be feeling in the →

Hiv and communicable diseases

In the contemporary health care practices, techniques for AIDS treatment have not just helped the foundation to be stronger but also develop a prevention society for AIDS patient. The efforts that it takes to diagnose an individual with HIV and further its treatment are relatively higher for which a great deal of time is needed. →

The call of the wild answer key for chapters 5-6 essay sample

They were advised to half the load and use twice the dogs if they wanted to reach Dawson.7. He then swims out to Thornton with the rope and finally they are both pulled to the safety of shore.9.

What’s the news

It gives the definitions of news as suggested by different authors, what it entails and elements reporters should consider when looking for news so as to provide their readers with the best news. The reading further stipulates considerations that journalists should have in mind when collecting news these are: timeliness, proximity, prominence and consequences that →

What causes an economic downturn

This increase in the number of debts has led to the vulnerability and the collapse of the housing bubble as well. This has in a number of ways led to the economic downturn becoming worse. b) Growth of the Housing Bubble: The year 2006 has seen a number of people refinancing their properties to be →

Of mice and men: an unexpected connection

The superiority of Curley's wife's qualities to those of Lennie later contributes to their tragic end. Both Lennie and Curley's wife have to constantly create physical connections in their lives, but each for a different reason. Knowing that they have the ability to satisfy each other's needs, Lennie and Curley's wife are in a very →

Best/worst experiences with coaching style

Correcting mistakes and supporting the team is essential since it motivates the members to work harder and develop self esteem. A coach is supposed to be committed to his/her team. A coach is supposed to collaborate with the team and allow them to share their ideas.

My side of the mountain and fahrenheit 451

After reading this book, an old fable came to mind, it is the story of putting a frog in water, and slowly boiling it, the changes are so subtle that the frog does not notice it, but in the end, winds up boiling. This old parable is an excellent example of how the ruling elite →

Good example of essay on the legalization of marijuana: why the world can agree on this issue

On the other hand, as in the states where marijuana is legal, in many of the European Union countries, religion is not a major issue preventing legalization. Consequently, it is no wonder that, in countries where religion is a major aspect of culture or of daily life, such as in many of the Islamic countries, →

Language usage in huckleberry finn

From this I concluded that Jim is most probably uneducated, I do think that he's not stupid though because up to this point In the book Mark Twain have showed how Jim uses his logic, for instance when Jim was arguing about Solomon, we can clearly see how he used his logic in criticizing the →

The role of central bank in the development of capital market

The main institutions in the capital market include the Securities and Exchange Commission , which is the apex body and serves as the regulatory authority of the market; the Nigerian Stock Exchange ; the Issuing Houses; and the Stock Firms. 7 JUSTIFICATION FOR THE STUDY The project work must be able to →

Essay on the views of blinder and bhagwati on offshore outsourcing of services

He looks at the implications of offshore outsourcing and the U.S.economy in four perspectives: the overall welfare, the total number of jobs, the wages or quality of jobs, and the dislocation. Bhagwati tells that outsourcing results into the expansion of skills abroad, which, U. In effect, Blinder has a view that offshore outsourcing of services →

Ccot china from 600-1450 essay sample

These changes over the Mongol Rule were directly traced back to the expansion of the Mongol people and the introduction of the Khanates to China and related territories. With the Mongol influence, changes over the Chinese became present during the rule of the Mongols which influenced political changes throughout the Mongol Rule. Although the →

About george herman

It is claimed, " He won seven world series championships, three of them with Boston Rex Sox and four of them with New York Yankees" In 1936, Ruth was elected in the baseball hall of fame receiving 95. One major thing that Ruth accomplished that brought a shift in the way of life →


Since the trade is overseen by the state, there are actually rules and regulations that insure the protection of the women in the trade, the men who partake of the benefits of the trade, and the state to whom the brothels pay business taxes to. Military Prostitution and the U.S.

Free essay about legalize use of marijuana for medical purposes

ID Number Marijuana is a drug manufactured by drying the top leaves, seeds, stems, and flowers of the Cannabis plant without having to extract the resin. Also, marijuana is used in pain management as the Cannabinoids present in it help reduce pain and other difficult symptoms.


Summary Summary A researcher is supposed to use the concluding chapter of a thesis/dissertation as a brief summary of what has been discussed in the paper (Joyner, Rouse & Glatthorn, 2013). It should contain things such as recommendations and conclusions. Readers normally review the last chapter of a thesis first, which prompts the writer to →

Sucessful in the world

Each Student is randomly assigned one of the 6 chapters in Royle and Towers ' Labour Relations in the Global Fast -FoodIndustry'.- This book can be accessed and read electronically via the RMIT Library website) OR you may access the copies of each of these chapters that are placed here on Blackboard. A →

Book and movie 2

The Navajo tribe in Hillerman's novel became infected with the pneumonic plague after exposure to the fleas on the infected animals they hunted for food. Migration patterns are responsible for the shift in vectors, which spread the pathogens in different regions. Inoculation soon after contact with an infected human, animal or dead tissue proves useful →

An analysis ofthe transcript about the teentalk research study critical thinking sample

The study, as the researchers stated, was not aimed at highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the program, but to highlight the positives and the areas that needed improvement. From the onset, the researchers were able to clarify that the evaluation was not about the quality or the credibility of →

Neo-nazism in “american history x”

To get Danny to understand, Derek explains all the cruel things that he endured in prison, along with how he grew to become a better man with a new outlook. Derek realizes the unfair treatment of African Americans in their society, when listening to Lamont explain what he is put in jail for.

English 146: introduction to english literature

The flaws Shakespeare describes of his mistress in comparison to things of beauty is how he expresses his true feelings of love towards her. The poem uses the combination of his metaphors and contrast of beauty as a basis to explain his love for her.

Frankenstein creature, at least frankenstein thinks so,

His misery is caused by the creature, at least Frankenstein thinks so, but it is true that he is the motivation of it and he cannot say it's all the creature's fault. In short, Frankenstein has created his own fate by himself : he creates the creature, he abandons the creature, and he decides to →

Cafe yumm

You estimate the probability of the approval of the project by the city is 75%. For both the I-JO and the downtown locations, you have the following estimates of the expenses to become a part of the Caf Yumm! : Franchise fee: $35, 000.

Heinrich’s theories

In this law he considered unsafe acts of the person as the main root cause of industrial accidents. In this article the view of Heinrich is not supported and it is suggested that the two myths unsafe act and behaviorof workers are the principal cause of the industrial accidents decreasing accident →

The embedded energy in food waste in the united states

Cuellar and Webber through their research aimed at estimating the more recent and accurate estimation of wastage of energy due to wastage of food. 7% of the overall energy consumption in the US is accounted for by agriculture. Various assumptions are made in the research to find the energy wasted due to wastage of food.

Everything atmosphere and a perfectly “calculated” gravity.

The Human Genome Project, during which the sequence ofchemical base pairs that make up human DNA was calculated, was resolved bycomputers. All secrets of the universe are solved with the help of mathematics. Indeed, physicians believe that for the presence ofconsciousness it is only necessary to implement it in carbon-based biologicalneural networks, which can be →

Fahrenheit 451: contrasts between the novel and movie

There are numerous differences between the novel Fahrenheit 451 and the movie of the same name, including changes in characters, depiction of details, and plot structure. The characters in the movie versus the book play an important role in the difference between the two. It may have also been changed to cause a different perspective →

Urban economics homework

Therefore, it is not possible that all the 50 residents can have the same level of utility. c) Capitalization causes the equilibrium, and the price per unit housing may differ following the fact that, equilibrium between the two jurisdictions, and poor households are the majority in the inner parts of an urban area where they →

Why do celebrities make bad role models? essay sample

Most parents want their child to actually become something in life and by watching how celebrities do things, their children will not get anywhere. Most magazines have pictures of airbrushed celebrities and when teenagers look at these they start believing that looking like celebrities is the only way to be popular and loved. This →

Third world hopes and dreams essay

To add insult to injury, the war ended in a stalemate. The United States of America entered the war in Vietnam with the hope of checking the spread of communism in the Southeastern region of Asia. The Iran-Iraq war also points to one event that contributed to the straining of relations between the United States →

I am legend film review

We did!" But Smith is like a ray of hope and reminds us that there are good people left in the world. In this case, Smith feels it's his duty to save humans and " Light the darkness". I Am Legend is available in Blu-Ray and DVD on Monday 21st April 2008.

Evaluating obama’s presidential leadership

As the term " transformational" implies, a leader who is described as such is said to have the ability to change the views or goals of the people. By this statement, he wanted to emphasize the fact that he was the key to end the opposing claims of the Democrats and Republicans about the federal →

Love are far from it when it

We are far from it when it comes to our food. " Michele SimonLove this quote:" A true free market assumes equal access to information. We are far from it when it comes to our food".

Tempe general plan 2040

Through the General Plan process, the City of Tempe is considering the future of the next generation as it strives to ensure sustainable growth, continuous progress and economic prosperity. The General Plan is contains an overarching policy for the City of Tempe, the vision of the community for the future and is an expression of →

Cross-cultural management essay sample

In the later discussion, I will try to explain how the people in these two different cultures have conflict in the workplace. Dependent and interdependent Individualism and collectivism are subsets of whole world view, which have also been called, atomism and holism respectively.Atomism is famous in the western hemisphere and refers to view things →

Communication study

Babbie reveals that the scales employed by the social scientists in research are normally constructed in the ordinal data level. Likert, semantic differential and Bogardus Social Distance Scales, are the typically examples of scales normally used by social scientists in their studies according to Babbie. Babbie also considers the effectiveness of →

Gmo and novel “frankenstein”

The only benefit of GM food is that it is much easier to produce because the seeds are manipulated to grow larger at a faster rate. Genetic engineering is the process of altering the structure and nature of genes in human beings and animals. In turn this relates to GM food because it shows how →

Crate training

This can involve placing small familiar toys inside, moving the ped bed into crate, leaving unwashed items of the owner's clothing inside, rewarding pets for entering the crate and remaining inside, incorporating the crate as part of play, feeding the pet in the crate, allowing the pet to explore and use the crate until it →

Frankenstein and the human mind

There is nothing science can do to take the anger and sadness out from the creature. It is only natural to the mind that you will feel such emotions if a whole town is against you. The human mind is something not to be meddled with, and " Frankenstein" is a good →

Scientist perspective essays examples

The antibiotic-resistance mechanisms that have been identified so far include: - Enzymatic modification or destruction of the antibiotic. - Decreased uptake of antibiotic into bacteria. - Increased removal of antibiotic from bacteria. - Alteration of bacterial targets. Various organizations including the Centers for Disease Control , the Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics and World →

A rose for emily critical essay

This short story is told from the townspeople of Jefferson to create a point of view to be able to see from the outside of the situation getting an insight on reality of the plot. At the beginning of " A Rose for Emily" you would have never guessed that this short story →

Situational analysis – obamas inaugural speech

He must also bear in mind the millions of non-Americans listening to his speech, anxiously waiting for his remarks on the nuclear menace and war at large. America being the super-power and being at the watch by the world, his speech has to be well articulated.

Reading response

June 27, The Insanity of the Killings in Juarez: Beauty Brands and the Ugliness of Gender s The murder of hundreds of young women in Ciudad Juarez since 1993 is not new to me, as I have read and watched past news about it. In the case of disappearing and raped women in Juarez, their →

The santa rosa philharmonic youth symphony term paper examples

Their program planning and evaluation techniques are established, but always open to change as the students and musical tastes vary from year to year, says Burgess This organization comes along side students both in elementary and middle school and give them the opportunity to succeed in the musical world. There is already plenty →

Two summary for two article

Roubini warned that the expenditure of capital is slowing down and growth is expected to be negligible as the fiscal cliff is approaching and there is increased cautiousness among the firms by the fourth quarter. There is shortage of all types of construction workers in general and the construction tradesmen in particular.

Answer questions below

For example the benefits of using coal is the cheap cost and abundance in availability, however the social cost is at a higher end as the amount of carbon elements it releases in the air, while combusting are immense compared to other fuels. The very fact that the price of processed oil is very high →

Communication behavior report

I also ensured that I used good and polite choice of words that helped me to respond clearly to the questions I was being asked. I used various signals and gestures to ensure that presented my argument clearly in the conversation.

Leon: the professional film analysis essay sample

She arouses the same feeling of love he felt when he was young and Leon decides to keep her safe, risking his life in the process. And it is a spectacle to watch her perfectly embrace this role and pour it to the screen, considering her age at the time.

Organizational change essay sample

First and foremost creating a job description of every staff and giving direction to whom and where they should report. The way to address resistance is by communicating and education because change may go against the value of its members. Further, someone who wanted to create change must be visionary, persuasive and consistent and is →

Modual 6 questions see below

Module six Review Assignment of Unit Lecture Q A Soil is the core of civilization from the fact that it is the essential element used in the construction of building, medical uses and is a raw material for artwork. Making the Industrial farming one of the largest enemy of the soil. QC The soil →

Development of islamic banking in the uae essay sample

The ratios are calculated on annual basis and quarterly bases using the balance sheets and the income statements of both banks ADIB & ADCB taking into consideration that the bank financial reports are published quarterly and annually with each reporting being compared to that achieved in the same period of the previous year. Before →

“anne meets her class” by miss reed essay sample

As a result, she gets involved into the complicated rapport established at school. At first she seems to be alien to that environment and feels so (she feels helpless and is ignored by children), but at the end of the story she firmly establishes her position as a teacher and starts to be recognized →

Contribution in sme development

Initially this Bangladesh Bank Fund was started with only 100 crore taka which has now risen to 600 crore taka. During my tenure as Executive Director in charge of ACSPD, Bangladesh Bank implemented two other refinance window funded by IDA credit of World Bank under the EGBMP (Enterprise growth & Bank Management project) →

How the media influences our lives essay

There are many factors that can influence an adolescent to go the wrong way, such as society, family life, the media, magazines, movies, and the internet. The media, magazines and movies tend to focus on the bad, lower-class, and typical stereotypes of youth and young adults, and violence. The male headed household, almost 9 percent →

Margaret urquhart

The black box symbolizes death; the name of the " winner" to be stoned is drawn from the box at every lottery, it represents tradition in the fact that it is old and worn. The villagers are aware that the sacrifice is inhumane but none want to stand and voice their opinion because they are →

national institute of business management essay sample

Studying the past trend in business growth: A study of the past trend in the business growth of the branch helps the manger to take as stock of the inherent strength and weakness of the branch, the staff members and its location, etc. In this meeting, the regional manager present the macro level scenario of →

All quiet on western front movie review

Until Saving Private Ryan released in 1998, this film was considered the most realistic in its portrayal of the horrors, gore, violence and trauma that actually takes place in war. The movie is narrated by Paul B umer and follows the lives of B umer and nineteen of his classmates in Germany. Despite this, the →

What is the advantages of having green building and leeds certificate

It is done by an independent party and it brings out the affirmation that the organization operating the building is focused and environment friendly. The future of business goes to those who minimize cost and maximize on sales. Community benefits such as ensure that there is water efficiency which can be used in other ways →

Some thoughts of the article

Whereby, macro economics refers to a branch of economics that deals with the study of aggregate behavior of an entire economy. On the contrary, fiscal policies tool entails application of taxes as well as control of government expenditure to achieve certain economic goals. On the contrary, Micro economics refers to a branch of economics that →

Training banking: training kit case study

The staff is advised to incorporate other financial information and competencies relevant to the lending department. Reasons for Bank Analysis of clients' statements and Information In any commercial transaction in banking, the overriding objective often is that the bank should be able to make profits. In attempts to achieve this objective, staff are advised →

Tim burton and his original style

His use of Lighting, screenplay, and audible sounds gives the viewers a different perspective on the movies and helps the viewer understand the character's predicament. Alice in Wonderland In one of Tim Burton's most unique movies Alice in Wonderland high angles are used to display our protagonist Alice falling down a magic rabbit hole →

Needs of safety in the scarlet letter by nathaniel hawthorne

This causes the townspeople to feel safe and protected so they decide to mock and taunt Hester to make themselves feel stronger. People also conform to live their lives in a strict manner because sometimes they just need guidance. Because she decided to stray from the path a puritan is suppose to →

Macbeth & frankenstein: compare & contrast essay

The first impression the characters give is not that of someone who can easily become corrupted. In the being of the play, we assume that Macbeth is akin to the king, a loyal soldier, and a person " full of the milk of human kindness". Macbeth changed from a person " full of milk and →

Syndrome do not need any necessary treatment.

Double heterozygous mutations ofMITF is one case that can cause the extreme phenotypes of the syndrome. Thisprotein is one of the six affected proteins that cause Waardenburg Syndrome.

Analysis of the article “danske didn’t keep its guard up” by paul davies

The author begins by stating that the tracking of money which has been laundered or illegally transacted can be extremely onerous, more so when it is done through offsetting in different countries and use of unidentified shell companies to cover the tracks of these deals. He goes on to mention that the handling of this →

Media relations

25 February Forum 6A Three of the things that surprised me were the comment that the internet makes it hard forpeople to find information, the idea that print is not dead, and the idea that it is important to disseminate friendly evidence, regardless of whether or not the issue is real in a media crisis. →

Kite runner symbolism essay

Hassan's cleft lip is one of his most representative features as a child, and is one of the features Amir refers to most describing him; " A Chinese doll...and the cleft lip, just left of mid-line", this shows Amir's description of Hassan's appearance. It signifies his poverty, which is one of the things that separates →

Essay summary of the kite runner

The movie contains many universal themes however thesymbolismand significance of the pomegranate tree often represents and supports the nature of Hassan and Amir'sfriendshipas the story progresses. Amir uses Ali's knives to carve " Amir and Hassan, the sultans of Kabul" into the trunk of the tree.

In greed we trust by john schumaker

Greed is described as the sole motivation of a consumer economy but is destructive to the modern economy He, on the other hand, thinks positively of the same as he quotes several authors who insist that greed is the cause of economic stability. He also uses authors and philosophers to prove claims. However, his →

Good creative writing on medical marijuana should be legalized

17 states have so far legalized it for medical use since there is a lot of scientific evidence and patient reports pointing to its health benefits and it should therefore be legalized. Marijuana has been used for medical purposes since time immemorial, ancient civilizations such as Egypt and Greece used it

Othello, the moor of venice: psychological approach

There three main characters in the story: Othello, the Moor in the service of the Venetian state, his wife Desdemona, and Othello's wicked servant Iago. From the Freudian point of view, both male characters, Othello and Iago have the developed id (the part of the human mind that seeks pleasure). The →

Qualitative and quantitative research methods: public issue of preventing children fatality essay sample

The general assumption was the exclusion of fatality rates of children that were not covered by the said provision. According to Houston and his colleagues , the implementation of status resulted in the reduction of the number of motor vehicle fatalities. The article was in the form of a discourse analysis for the →

Art hisory paper

As industry and urbanization gave rise to the metropolis, the subjective society of the individual became replaced by the objective society imposed by the machine and the factory. The purpose of the artists who worked with the phantasmagorical was to re-discover the base of humanity that had been largely lost within the confines of the →

Analyzing short stories

The outcome of the conflict in this story is that with the power of the people backing it up, the tradition of the lottery is resolute and unbeatable. The main conflict of this story is the conflict between the girl and the way she feels about her place in the world.

Free essay on moral tale: our uniformed friends

14 The respect and honor bestowed on the uniformed friends is now questioned. 23 The city is secure.

Course work on education

New Preschool Facility The physical environment of the preschool impacts the behavior and development of both the children and teachers. Independence and learning will be encouraged if the shelves are open to aid in accessibility. For the outdoor design of the preschool facility, the space should be adequate, preferably contiguous for the large →

Clearwater seafood: product analysis essay

Its fleet harvests for all Clearwater's seafood product in the North Atlantic region, and 7 land-based holding facilities which integral links vertically integrated structure are the locations for primary processing. The organization of the company is well integrated; the headquarter has functions of HR, IT and finance are integrated under the management of VP Finance →

Comparison between 2003 wild fire and hurricane katrina disaster

Unfortunately, during the disaster it was noticeable that there was less preparation from the part of the government authorities as to the emergency response and rescue measures to save the disabled people. The Local fire authorities and police agencies were seen to be less alert towards this disastrous event and provided an inferior service to →

Describe urban blight

The paper studies the reason for the urban blight and identifies the needs for the people in the shanty town. Reasons for Urban blight: Urban Blight has become a popular phenomenon in most of the developing countries of the world. The concept of urban blight deals with the decay of the parts of the older →

The and elongation wear resistance (manjaiah and

Another major disease that is faced by the aged and sometimes the young peopleis arthritis, it courses impairment to the life of those affected and it couldlead to unbearable pain and immobility. Apart from people that are affected bydisease, agile and young people like sports men and women often needreplacements due to fracture and excessive →

Relationship study – psychosis patient in mental health facility

The patient's response was that she probably had already told the therapists, but she understood what I was saying and she agreed to speak with me. I was able to accept the patient as she was however, and able to talk with her.

Business process outsourcing

Outsourcing in the US In the United States of America, outsourcing has become a subject of great concern and debate. To the outsourcing business, it is evident that the benefits of outsourcing far outweigh the disadvantages.

Mass wasting lab essay

Once all Of the sample is On the tray I observed the shape of the pile and recorded it into my table. Once I noticed movement in the sample I stopped help the tray and used my protractor to measure the angle of the slanted tray.


Having determined the type of study the next big question is the determination of the study design that has to be employed when carrying out this research on the effects of the antibiotics on patients. The most appropriate study design that will be used when carrying out the research work is the randomized controlled trial. →

Othello prelim essay

Iago's zealousness in Shakespeare's play Othello reflect the elements of a fatal flaw in an individual, and the disruption of the Chain of Being, both being key features of a tragedy. Iago's words, " Men should be what they seem", are ironic, as he hides his true self from Othello, →

German regulator orders facebook to delete whatsapp user data

A German privacy regulator ordered Facebook on Tuesday to stop collecting and storing data of German users of its messaging app WhatsApp and to delete all data that has already been forwarded to it. The Hamburg Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information said Facebook was infringing data protection law and had not →

Phoebus army with a plague and lead

Often described as the epitome of youth and beauty, Apollo is thegod of music, oracles, archery, plague, medicine and the sun. His unrivalledbeauty and various talents make him one of the most loved of all Greek gods. Apollois an oracular god and serves as the intermediary between gods and men-prophesising through Pythia at the oracle →

Educating rita essay sample

Rita then realised that she was not satisfied with the life she was leading, " Is this the absolute maximum I can expect from this living lark?" Frank later on tells her that she " barely had a basic schooling", and she would "....never passed an exam in her life". At first, Rita could not →

“crime and punishment” and “othello”

" Crime and Punishment" and " Othello" In both Crime and Punishment and Othello there is a theme of necessary balance. In Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov's extreme intellectualism caused him to stop functioning as a complete and balanced individual which ultimately cost him his freedom. For Othello, it was his extreme jealousy that caused him →

Example of research paper on the labor problem in colonial settlements

It was, however, in the agricultural areas that the pinch of labor shortage was felt much. The shortage in labor was a consequence of several things. The lure of such items made thousands of young men and women sign indentures and make their way to America. It is plausible to hold the opinion that the →

Child development at 2 ½ months

Afterbirth, a child still continues to draw lessons from the parent in terms of the physical, social and behavioral. Therefore it is imperative that the parent is equipped to provide the right lessons essential to build the foundation for growth in the future. By knowing the major indicators of change in this →

How globalization and liberal economic idea have influenced today’s monetary

Currently, it has become evident that the liberal ideologies within the economic context together with the fundamental concepts that emerge from globalization markedly influence the monetary structure of different economies around the globe. Economic activities that enhance the flow or supply of monetary resources within the financial system augment the performance of the monetary institutions →

Is human resource management the most indispensable part of an organization?

He has pointed out some main things about the motivated employees like: They perform better and show an increased willingness to help their colleagues. They are loyal towards the organization. He has suggested four tips for the best performance of the employees in an organization which are as follows: Give employees training and development. Make →