Quality Russian Literature Essay Examples for Your Learning

Nonverbal communication – people watching

Most importantly looking at how they persons in the restaurant sitting in twos or threes were talking and chatting. I noticed two men in the extreme corner of the restaurant. The body movement can also indicate how much someone is listening and concentrated in a conversation.

Of mice and men

At the end of the story Lennie forgets to listen to what George has said to him and accidently kills the puppy. His dog is very important to him and he could not bare to shoot him, so he agrees that Carlson does it for him.

Learning v/s cramming

Cramming is the practice of working intensively to absorb large amounts of informational material in short amount of time. Cramming is strongly discouraged by educators because the hurried coverage of material tends to result in poor long-term retention of material.

Law the social network movies essay

The paper provides an overview of the legal and ethical issues involved in the dispute between Facebook and the Winklevoss twins, the essay also reflects and discusses on the public policy favoring settlement agreements, and he various forms of ADR and their respective advantages and disadvantages in the context of the dispute between face book →

Outcomes of gender bias

The better the educational opportunities and social class, the greater will be the political participation by women, whereas poorer women often get involved in grassroots organizations. Unfortunately, women are acutely underrepresented in leadership positions and in the political arena in most political systems.

Human resource management (hrm)

The strategy in relation to HRM can be split into two terms strategy as a plan and strategy as a system of management. Strategy as a plan is when an organisation uses there strategy as a way of interacting with the competitiveenvironment. A business would have to look at the environment it is in before →

Good example of research paper on qualitative critical analysis: missed nursing care

Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 21 , 306-313 Missed Nursing Care, conceptualized in the missed nursing care model is referred to as the aspects of the care of the nurse that are required which can be delayed or omitted by the nurse. The author of this study proved that by observing missed nursing care →

Primary and post primary infection and pulmonary tuberculosis biology essay

2 The most common signifier of TB is pneumonic TB, an infection of the lungs, nevertheless the bacteria is capable of distributing to virtually any other organ. These induce the migration of big Numberss of macrophages to the lungs where they will organize a granulomatous lesion called a tubercule around the infection.

Motherhood in everyday use and i stand here ironing

Although both stories have similarities it Continues throughout both stories the theme of the sibling differences and sibling rivalries. In " I Stand Here Ironing" Olsen illustrated the meaning of the iron, which can be compared to Walkers quilt in " Everyday Use". In " I Stand Here Ironing," The meaning of the creases means →

The collection of solid waste

Stationery trailers may also be used for the collection and disposition of solid waste. The collection of solid waste can also take place through such processes as mulch and compost.

Theories of harnold innis and the internet

Innis would have analyzed the Internet as something else because it promotes both oral and written traditions; however, it also diverges from these traditions and presents an opportunity for balancing them, if only content producers, distributors, and consumers focused on using the Internet for preserving the positive characteristics and ends of oral and written traditions. →

Assignment: kite runner

CM Concluding Sentence (1 sentence that describes what this paragraph was about). Body Paragraph 2: Topic sentence (1 sentence that describes what this paragraph is about) TLQ, " CD". CM Concluding Sentence (1 sentence that describes what this paragraph was about) Body Paragraph 3: Topic sentence (1 sentence →

The financial system and the economy

The Financial System And The Economy The Financial System And The Economy The recent financial crises that were witnessed duringthe period of 2008 clearly depict one of the major failures of the global financial systems. The return is the determinant which is the amount of money that a particular security has earned and evens the →

A pesona of helen keller

Despite of her disability, with the help of her mentor Anne Sullivan, she was able to achieve her skills to excel her learning skills beyond her arisen to explore, and learn new things. She demonstrated when she was with her mentor Anne Sullivan about the question, when she has to learn, her curiosity grew, and →

The film “the internship” analysis

The enthusiasm and teamwork coming from Billy and Nick's group make them secure the jobs at Google. " The Internship" shows the " old-school " way of working versus the modern millennial way of earning a living. It was important that the various individuals listened to others point of view and made a compromise in resolving →

Spains robin hood article review

The theme of the paper is to show how bad leadership in Spain has caused many economic problems. As these workers move along the roads, they find two people who address them. They argue that with communism, the country will be able to provide jobs for the people and the →

Sociology of work article review examples

The Time Famine: Toward a Sociology of Work Time. The paper gives a description of a qualitative study of the way people utilize their time in the workplace. Glenn." Male and Female: Job versus Gender Models in the Sociology of Work".

Anaysis of the yellow wallpaper by charlotte perkins gilman

As she describes the bedroom, which she says must have been a nursery for young children, she points out that the paper is torn off the wall in spots, there are scratches and gouges in the floor, and the furniture is heavy and fixed in place. Just as she begins to see →

Of mice and men differences between movie and book

We are shown the differences through the portrayals of characters, Lennie's sanity and, simply, the scenes themselves. When watching the film, the first difference the viewer can see between the book and the movie is how the characters are portrayed. Going back to the previous point of Crooks and the tar, the →

Literary analysis of “the necklace” by guy de maupassant essay

The life of the protagonist in the story, Mathilde, is used by the author, Maupassant, to contribute significantly to the overall meaning of the story. Her character, ambitions in life and her general point of view about various issues in life are used to bring out different themes and also help in the development of →

International human resource management essay

The US Society for Human Resource, in a research paper concluded that talent management is the coordination between the labour force of your company and the strategicgoalsof the company which leads to higher profits and increase in shareholder's wealth. After the Second World War there was a shortage of skilled labour as →

Example of billy beane: changing the game case study

Based on the " Billy Beane: Changing the Game" case, explain how and why the Oakland A's economic situation after 1995 shaped its: a) Compensation strategies: Oakland A's disobeyed the laws of baseball economics in the world of most important league baseball. However, Oakland A's' training was concentrated on the players' capability to achieve on-base →

Alignment of hrm and business strategies research paper

I would have the HR analyze their resource base and any areas found wanting will be addressed through training and development. I would ensure that the human capital in the Marriott is effectively aligned with the organizations strategy and objectives. To align their strategy with that of the business they →

The marvelous meaning of the scarlet letter

Despite the fact that Hester was able to defy the town in that small way, the townspeople saw a different meaning of the scarlet letter. The town used Hester and the scarlet A to strike fear into their children, to warn them against the sin of adultery. The letter cloaked Hester Prynne.

The natural rate of unemployment essays example

The Natural Rate of unemployment is the lowest rate of unemployment possible an economy can sustain in the long run. Uncertainty about economic conditions contributes to a rise in structural unemployment this is because employers suppress the hiring of new workers.


There is therefore the need to adopt the use of efficient energy sources in order to save on the resources that are wasted. In addition, they also ensure that there is a reduced water cost. Energy Efficiency and Renewable in Home Retrofits reduce the production of contaminants that can harm the health of occupants.

Use of animal imagery

In Shakespeare's play, Othello, animal imagery is a powerful tool used to further amplify the vulgar mindset on Othello's relationship with his wife, Desdemona. The commencement of the whole animal imagery pattern started at the moment when Othello and Desdemona's marriage was introduced. By being called a ram, Othello is apparently worth a lot less →

Explain how the existence of externalities (whether from congestion or pollution) cause a less than optimal allocation of resources in road transport

Externalities and Road Transport Economics Insert Externalities and Road Transport Economics The existence of externalities such as congestion and pollution often negatively affect resource allocation in road transport by distorting the various pricing mechanisms thereby resulting in the less than optimal allocation of resources to the sector. This is particularly attributed to →

Intro to film

The film also use untrained or real actors whose objective is the reasons of producing the film rather than how to do it. 2. Describe an important memory-image from that film. A significant memory-image in the film " How Green Was My Valley Says That" occurs in the last scene of the film.

Testiong prior to marriage

Importance of Blood Testing Prior to Marriage: It is important for a couple to conduct medical testing prior to marriage to protect themselves from the possible threat of STDs, AIDS and other life threatening diseases. Some people misunderstand the importance of blood testing prior to marriage and associate it with checking the blood groups of →

Death of a salesman conflicts and themes critical essay

Willy and his sons in a real sense do not have anything that can enable them to be successful. It is a significant confusion that Willy has thought that for one to be successful, he has to be well-liked by people. Willy wanted his sons to be successful and live largely. Willy used a wrong →

The objective of creating a piece of information

A written advertisement, for instance, will carry words that will make the reader identify, at a personal level, with the positive side of the product, which in turn will create an urge within the person to acquire the product. The way the pictures, whether motion or static, that we interact within the media are taken, →


Greenpeace also boycotts companies which pollute environment and cause damage to it. Green peace deals with many issues on national and international level to upgrade the sustenance of planet and global peace. As per " Green peace is committed to the principles of non violence, political independence and internationalism".

Microorganisms and fungi

Microorganisms and Fungi Bacteria and Viruses Viruses Vocabulary virus: A nonliving, infectious particle composed of a nucleic acid and a protein coat; it can invade and destroy a cell.pathogen: A virus, microorganism, or other substance that causes disease; an infectious agent.capsid: A protein sheath that surrounds the nucleic acid core in a virus.envelope: A →

Afghanistanr’s turbulent history in the kite runner

In the light of Afghanistanr's turbulent history and its impact on its people, the historical details incorporated into the novel could be seen to represent Afghanistanr's rape of culture and identity. The rafiqs, the comrades, were everywhere and they would split Kabul into two groups: those who eavesdropped and those who did not. The →

Pagan and christian symbols in beowulf

Rather, the monks writing the work interjected some Christian ideas in order to try and sell Christianity to the people that were familiar with the tale. The pagan and Christian ideas are perfectly laced together to introduce some of the ideas of Christianity to a pagan people. The monks who wrote down →

Key events in financial crisis

The Causes of Financial Crisis Key among the causes of global financial crisis was the credit crunch in which US investors lost confidence in the value of sub-prime mortgages that in turn led to a liquidity crisis. The event of September 14, 2008, when the Lehman Brothers collapsed, profoundly contributed to global financial crisis. →

Workers’ compensation term paper examples

Though the workers' compensation programs vary among states and jurisdictions, the common provisions include wage replacement monetary benefits in the form of disability insurance, reimbursement of medical bills and any other expense, incurred due to the work related injury, in the form of health insurance, compensation for economic loss due →

Current macroeconomic situation

Despite the augmenting economic productivity in the US depicted in the numerous productions and purchases in terms of goods and services, the rates of national unemployment have remained steadily high. Regardless of the surplus of goods and services in the US, containment of inflation has not been achieved beyond it potential rates that upshot continuous →

Free term paper on the american ideal

Twain's sarcasm on the ignorance of American society is very much reflected in the attitudes which were pervaise at the time especially with regard to slavery and other similar issues where blacks were seen as being something evil and without much hope for betterment. American society is built fundamentally on the power to better oneself →

Analyse the dramatic effect of the devices iago uses in act 3 scene 3 to convince othello of his wife’s infidelity

Iago does this a number of times for different purposes but it can be seen that his main use of this device was to create space for doubt in Othello's mind as well as building his trust on Iago. It has been seen that every so often Iago reminds his lord of his love and →

Mobile phones and economic development in africa by aker, jenny and isaac mbiti

Summary of Article Mobile Phones and Economic Development in Africa" Proliferation of mobile phone usage in Africa has recorded significant growth especially in the past decade. It has been noted that rate of mobile phone adoption and usage has a strong correlation with cost of handsets and calling rates perhaps because of the low economic →

Environmental economy

The global summits will take place in Paris at the end of the year with the goal of limiting the warming caused by human activities. Change in behavior has encouraged the executives of big companies to support climate change and are now raising the issue unlike before. Environmental and natural economics deals with the principles →

Planning healthy and safe indoor and outdoor environments and services essay sample

Children should always be within the sight of the adult whilst also allowing them to enjoy their environment. The needs of carers and parents like what are their views and understanding about risk and risky play/activities should always be considered. There should always be enough room for children to move freely around the learning →

Of mice and men analysis

Explore the way Curley's wife is presented and developed in ' Of Mice and Men' In this essay I will be exploring how Curley's wife is presented and developed in John Steinbeck's novel, Of Mice and Men, which is set in 1930s America and focuses on the lives of the workers on Tyler Ranch. →

White blood cells essay

The two types of these white blood cells are the monocytes and the lymphocytes. Monocytes are two to eight percent of the white blood cell population and they are twice the size of normal red blood cells.

The character iago in william shakespeare’s play

The superego's goal is to apply moral values to obtain one's wishes. The superego imposes guilt, shame, self-doubt, and anxiety to control one's actions. The ego is the section of your mind you are most aware of. Therefore Iago's id and ego are operating as they should and it is his superego →

I’ve attached the file

Basically, urban economists recognize the existence of agglomeration economies which arise when productivity increase with density; however, assessing the enormity of those economies is a real challenge. Baseline spatial equilibrium and study of urban economics The assumption of the existence of a baseline spatial equilibrium provides a map to understanding the role of agglomeration →

Need help with writing your assignment? essay sample

You might be surprised to learn that our typical client base is not the ' lazy student looking for an easy way out.' In fact, the majority of the students we work with are classic over achievers, they strive to balance work, life and school and often excel in their classes. What are some of →

Australian economy positive growth

This paper, therefore, aims to make an analysis of the economic and cultural situation in Australia and examine the various factors that have contributed to the positive growth in Australia. Introduction part 2 As already seen in paper one Australia is one of the world's biggest markets and therefore entering Australia for investment requires →

The ways jb priestley uses the character of sheila to develop his themes essay sample

The reaction and ideas of the audience are manipulated as they first think that the play is a mystery about the death of a young woman but later it is revealed that the mystery lies in who the Inspector (one of the most important characters) is. Priestley uses Mr Birling and Sheila as metaphors for →

Global water scarcity and iran

Global Water Crisis- A case of Iran Affiliation] Global Water Crisis- A case of Iran With the current rate of global warming, water scarcity is a growing concern with many people of the world having no sufficient supply of water. The nation is almost facing water stress and it is postulated that with the present →

The idea of greed in the necklace by guy de maupassant

Further, in the story, Mathilde is invited to a ball and complains that she has nothing to wear so, Mathilde decides to borrow an expensive diamond necklace from her former friend, Jeanne Forestier. Finally, at the end of the story, Mathilde decides to tell Jeanne the truth about the necklace and makes a startling realization. →

Theoretical and conceptual framework essay sample

Division of Credit Risk Credit risk refers to the probability of the loss emanating from the credit extended as a result of the non-fulfilment of contractual obligations arising from unwillingness or inability of the counterparty or for any other reason. It should be used to finance the customer's normal business operations and →

New york city education essay

The quest to impart education to every aspiring young mind is the overall goal and objective of a teacher. Seeing this importance, equipping schools with qualified and dynamic teachers can help foster a better environment for learning and motivation for growth and development. Committing yourself to something you believe in is one determinant of →

Fname lname research paper sample

Security also dictates that re-locatable power taps should not take the place of the normal electrical wiring and must pass through ceilings, walls or windows. The National Electrical Code has the sole purpose of safeguarding people and property from hazards resulting from the use of electricity. The NFPA 99 code provided by the National Fire →

Torso of apollo essay

Thus the ancient Greeks downplayed the divine aspects of their gods by giving them a typically human form as the example of the Torso of Apollo reveals. In other words, he was next to perfect, as the Torso of Apollo reveals.


Shakespeare show different types of loves and what it means through his use of different characters. Love is a significant theme in this play and it first appears in the meeting of the two search parties, each seeking Othello for a different reason thus bringing the relations of Othello and Desdemona into prominence. Iagos villainess →

Local laborers 310 union research paper sample

Labor unions have the obligation of protecting the rights and privileges of workers working in the private and public sectors. It has stood test of time and embrace reforms in its operation. Local laborers 310 unions background information and history Local laborers 310 unions operate as a subset of →

Accuracy of historical films

Len the creation of a film many historical Inaccuracies occur as seen In the film Gladiator. This film Instead of being a historical recreation of the Roman culture and gladiatorial games tends to embody the idea of certain characters and events. Historical films are merely a form of entertainment that is used to →

Shark tank movie review

However; by selling the sauce to restaurants, Lulu Bang has the potential to gain a competitive advantage as the sauce is being tasted and introduced to the customer first, and then if customers are satisfied by the sauce, they might want to purchase it to take home which will increase the sales of the business →

Good germs bad germs

The hygiene hypothesis is a dispute that links the over-sanitation of modern life to now-epidemic increases in immune and other disorders. In allergies, the antigen is part of a substance that the immune system mistakes as dangerous.

Racial harassment

It is therefore often demonstrated between or among persons of different races in an environment in which one is a member of the majority race and the other a member of the minority race. In other cases, the minority person might show more ambition than another member of the majority population, and in that case →

The concept of human nature in “the crucible” by arthur miller and “othello” by william shakespeare

The society was a theocracy which suggested that God is the leader of the society and he expressed his true will through his people, men and women. Human's readiness to defend their freedom is a part of human nature as showed by the character of Abigail, " Let either of you breathe a word, or →

Job motivation

This immediate reinforcement leaves no confusion in the mind of the performer, as to what the reward is for. The way it is today, everything you do has to be done " in a New York minute".

Nature and nurture in frankenstein

He abandons the creature out of disgust because of its deformities and therefore initiates its long reign of terror against Victor's friends and family. Because Doctor Frankenstein refuses to have anything to do with his creation, the creature is immediately afraid to trust and must learn the ways of life on his →


However, with a promising market later in natural gas prices it is advisable to change the purchases in the end after ten years of the speculated changes with the company maintaining both diesel oil and natural gas trucks. In economics, the speculation of changes in the supply and demand levels as different factors that affect →


Hawthorne uses Chillingworth and the townspeople in order to show that, " When we judge others we are not defining them we are defining ourselves." When Hester's husband arrives in the village to find that she has committed adultery he tries to be as understanding as possible. From before Hester leaves the prison till the →

Does modern technology always improve the quality of people’s lives essay sample

Nuclear technology and sophisticated gadgets are also parts of the modern technology that have improved man's life. Modern technology in warfare can cause high number of deaths and thus worsening the quality people's lives.

Good example of research paper on free labor market and talent differences

The main task completed by the labor markets is to determine the wage as a result of the negotiation between the workers and the employees. It might be possible that the market creates a wage/productivity schedule, and every worker receives a wage equals to his or her marginal contribution to the production. Even though the →

Homeostatic control of blood glucose levels essay sample

The most important effects of insulin work to lower blood glucose levels, which may be too high following a large, carbohydrate heavy meal for example and are as follows. Blood glucose levels are reduced by the liver and muscle cells being stimulated to take up more glucose and convert it to glycogen which is insoluble; →

Oligopoly and how it deals with competitive forces it faces

Oligopoly and how it deals with competitive forces it faces Oligopoly refers to a market structure where few firms are dominating the market, while there could be several other firms operating in the same market, which are also sharing the same market with the few large firms. This strategy shifts the prices from the →

Sample argumentative essay on what does it mean to be a good person

Arguably, according to the book The Kite Runner as well experience, the definition of a good person is someone who loyal to their friends and family and also dedicated to doing good deeds to other people like helping them especially if they are in a difficult position to help themselves. According to Hosseni →


The Pandemic Threat of Avian Influenza A Virus The Pandemic Threat of Avian Influenza A Virus Background into the Virus According to the CDC , cases of human infections with the new avian influenza A virus were original described by the World Health Organization as →

Writing a news story

Three people involved were arrested and held overnight, but will be in court Monday facing charges of public nuisance and assault. Sergeant Bryan Thomsen of the Queensland police stated the violence in the area is getting worse and it seems to occur every weekend. The culture of the area is becoming wilder with more drug →

Unit 1 an introduction to working with children

Gateway primary school is a primary school in the statutory sector.' These are services that have to be available by law, i.e.legislation has been passed which requires either the government or local authorities to provide them.' The provision of care and education available from the school is education and care for the child →

Changing urban conditions

Even though laws are present to control the occurrence of crimes, they still happen as the forms of crimes adjust to the environment. There are many forms of crimes, but before going deep into the type of crimes, the definition must be known as it will serve as the basic understanding of that concept. The →

What are the factor causing the record low of 0.3% inflation and what are the consequnces

3% INFLATION A fall in inflation level can emerge from a number of factors; all of which stem from a shift in the supply curve. 3% inflation level is mainly factored by the fall in prices of widely consumed products and services. References BBC NEWS.

Original sin

Hester is the temptress of Dimmesdale, offering him the fruit of good and evil which, heretofore, removes all naivete and forces him to walk, tortured, through the world with the knowledge of right, wrong, and the magnitude of his sin seeming to accost him at each new turn of the dim path down which he →

Cadbury schweppes: competitive advantage and business level choice essay sample

Managing for value is the process that supports the achievement of the strategy by providing the overall strategic direction. Scope and Diversity: Cadbury Schweppes competes in confectionery and soft drinks markets, the logic behind this is so that it can develop specialist skills and remain one of the key players in these markets. All products, →

Dynamic character

Because he goes through a metamorphosis as he struggles through internal conflict during the novel, Guy Montag is a dynamic character. In the beginning, Montag is a very normal man relative to his society. He then, as a result of her insight, begins to question himself and even the society he lives →

Essay on government influence on work, employment and labor market

If a government is lucky enough to have enough economic resources and a well developed economy in terms of structure and human capital that should be considered as a present from previous governments and public-, it might have a chance to implement expansionary economic policies; therefore it guarantees to be elected again. Legal regulations, economic →

English essay social networking essay sample

When we look at the social impact of social media sites, we find that it has many cons to social media. Though social media does have some benefits, it is a dangerous tool and should be avoided. Social media should only be used to communicate with people and to check on updates such as →

Nuclear proliferation: if more states acquire nuclear weapons, will the world be more or less peaceful and stable

Identification and of the Debate Kenneth Waltz's Peace, Stability and Nuclear Weapons and Scott Sagan's The Perils of Proliferation in South Asia both detail the discussion of how best to assess the proliferation of nuclear weapons, especially in regimes that are emerging, unstable, or " third-world". With the exception of this last point, I will →

Intercultural communications essay comparing new york, california and italy

New York City Suburbs, Middle Class Orange County, And Italy: Explored There are many definitions for " culture." The best definition and the definition that we use is " Culture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, norms and social practices which affect the behaviors of a relatively large group of →

Comparative analysis of dominant russian and american values

The earliest settlers who came to the North American continent were motivated by the desire to escape the control and the social order of monarchy, aristocracy, and established churches. Students and children are encouraged to work part-time to gain valuable experience and become contributing members of the family instead of being a dependant.

Communuication ethics, and society

Communication, Ethics, and Society Communication, Ethics, and Society Introduction Economic theory on the factors that inform thecontent of the Americans news and Entertainment media stipulate that media content is fueled by financial motivations. The audience should be critical and skeptical of the TV shows and should not allow the shows to have significant influence on →

Human resource management discussions #2

In this case, the employee takes all the necessary steps to ensure that a business; interests and reputation are advanced in all work practices. Employee engagement practices have become important assets belonging to the relationship between the employees and the organisations itself. In this case, organisations that have high rates of employee engagement perform much →

Of mice and men empathy task

I lost Lennie as well, he was someone to talk to and I hope he finds the damn rabbits he always wanted, in fact; he was the one that told me about the dream in the first place. She was responsible, i wanted to kill her, but she was already dead!! I →

Short-term company outlook: citigroup incorporated

Consequently, the interest revenue generation from the credit offered to the customers in the banking has increased that has seen the profitability growth in the banking industry increasing. Consequently, the monetary policy been adopted by the government has the potential of increasing the demand for the banking industry services in the market.

Good example of macroeconomics article review

Cutting the spending meant that people are going to lack basic commodities that have in the past been influenced by the state spending thus calling for the overall government to regulate on policies that will affect distribution of basic need for the jobless and elderly who depend on government on →

Example of medical marijuana and legalization research paper

' Medical Marijuana' is the term used to contrast the use of marijuana as a pharmaceutical to the recreational use of marijuana; it is marijuana which is used as a pharmaceutical. The hypothesis is that legalizing medical marijuana offers many advantages that make a federal change in the categorization of marijuana a necessity. States Rights →

Global ecology and shadow of development at liberating the world from development by wolfgang sachs

Thus, it was during the 1980s that the ascent of a worldwide environmental cognizance was communicated by numerous voices, all regretting the dangers to the world's biosphere and the offense to the eras to come. Until and unless we try and stop ourselves, we will have to face nature's fury at some point in the →

Statements of purpose-phd medicine and health essay sample

I was introduced to biology and physical sciences while in high school and after a while, I considered to pursue a career in this area. The yearning to learn molecular science, hematology and clinical microbiology prompted me to study relentlessly and subsequently got admitted at the King Fahad Aziz University. My success in greeting a →

Reading response

The second element of new media is a look into the communication behaviors, and the procedures that we undertake in the process of using these gadgets. Lastly, there is a consideration of the resultant social implications of the use of the communication gadgets, and the manner in which they are used.

Fahrenheit 451 symbolism-the river

Also, it is interesting that, in the old South as well as in Biblical times, the baptisms of new Christians often would take place in the nearest river or creek. Montag's journey in the river seems to be a baptism of sorts, as it frees him from the shackles and chains of →