Quality Literature Essay Examples for Your Learning

Difference between being successful and being driven to win at all costs

The earlier your child learns this lesson, the more fun he will have playing with other children as he grows older.- How to be a good winner and a good loser." A good winner knows not to say 'Na Na, I beat the *@%# out of you,'" says Dee Shepherd-Look, a clinical psychologist and professor →

Child observation

In terms of language, it seems like the kids understands and knows how to speak but with just little words. They were surrounded by a lot of toys but they only play with the ones that are near them and they arrange the toys to where they can reach it.

Theory of play

THEORY OF PLAY Play is behaviour that humans and animals participate in to explore and learn in their environments. In unstructured play children choose the activity and make their own rules.

A conspiracy of women in susan glaspell’s “trifles”

In the one-act play, Minnie Wright is being suspected of having killed her husband. Minnie's character does not appear in the play but she is the focus the entire time as the other characters talk about her and what she did. The play opens with Mrs. As both women contemplate on the →

Dirt, mud, and bugs or inside and clean

Even though technology is useful and the use of electronics is crucial in society, children should play outside more than inside because of the many health benefits. Parents have the responsibility to limit their children to the amount of time allowed using electronics, and encouraging them to enjoy activities that connect them with nature.

Waiting for lefty

The episodes simply inform us of the men's pasts. The episodes also change the entire outlook of the play. Dialogue is simply used as the main part of the narrative, and is often used to convey a message through the use of conversation.

The play “anne frank” essay sample

This essay will examine the play ' Anne Frank' and look into how she is as a person in the play, how she develops throughout the two years she is in the attic and explore the way in which she interacts with other characters. The play is about Anne Frank; a Jewish girl and →

Is faustus a tragic hero

In order to do this, Marlowe has drawn on the conventions of classical Greek tragedy, many of which dictate the nature of the hero or heroine. In ancient times, a hero achieved heroic status not because of saintliness or wickedness, but because of the acts he performed in life. By now the →

The play julius caesar is about dirty politics and power in rome

Whilst Caesar was at the Festival of Lupercal, he was approached by a soothsayer, the soothsayer warns Caesar to "Beware the ides of march." Caesar dismissed him as a dreamer and moved on, Caesar said 'He is a dreamer let us leave him: pass". This clearly indicated Caesar did not really take into consideration what →

Oedipus the king as a tragic hero

In the play Oedipus the King, the protagonist exemplifies traits that a tragic hero possesses as shown in his various actions throughout the plot. One of the traits that make Oedipus a tragic hero is his good nature, his social position, and his true to life consistency. As shown in the play, →

Wages of sport athletes

Due to these great wages being paid in particularly in the sport of basketball, the games greatness is being lost. Regardless of the motivation for playing the sport, a salary of 30 million dollars is outrageous.

Metamorphosis – form and structure essay sample

Form: * The play is performed as a piece of Total Theatre. * This is to stimulate all the senses, as they are all engaged in real life. * Every part of the actors' bodies, every facial expression, and all the vocal ranges of the actors' voices are used and pushed to the →

For the greater good of the community: the chorus and the importance of the “city-state” in oedipus rex

Evidenced in the text by their roles as observers and instigators, as well as social commentators, and then in the film-version of the play by their strong physical omnipresence and claustrophobic-like staging, the members of the Chorus represent the proverbial " village" , privileging not the sanctity of the self, but the interest of →

The external conflict of the story „my oedipus complex” by frank o’conner

He is not ready to share his mother's attention with the father, who is returned from the war and with new-born brother. Larry is strongly connected with his mother and wants her to belong only to him. In the story Larry wanted to get rid form his father and become more closer with →

Act iv of “much ado about nothing” is extremely crucial to the play essay sample

Claudio's answer is totally different to that of Hero's, as she just says ' I do.' In this he has used two meanings as if he is masking the truth. The denunciation of Hero is done in a sly way. This is totally different to the misogamist at the beginning of the play.

Gender in “twelfth night”

This homoeroticism is also echoed in the minor character Antonio who is very, very clearly in love with Sebastien. Even at the end of the play we are left in a fog of confusion especially focusing in the relationship of Orsino and Viola. The theme of gender in Twelfth Night allows the readers to see →

The glass menagerie is an alltime favorite play for many

Amanda also seemed to be like the one acting like the young girl in the film because she would flirt with the gentleman caller, Jim, as if she was going to be the one marrying him. Another thing that stands out from the text and the film is when Tom is arguing with his mom →

Trifles film adaptation

In the first part of the play, the plot begins when the sheriff, his wife, the county attorney, and a man named Mr. The play's exposition shows its audience that the entire play is about finding the evidence needed to solve the crime. At the beginning of the film, on the other hand, a scene →

A wise fool in king lear by shakespeare

He is able to make fun of the other characters in a comedic manner, he can act as Lear's inner conscience without repercussion and he speaks what he believes to be the truth without consequence. The fool in King Lear offers a sense of comedic relief throughout the play. He is the superego of King →

Oedipus and sophocles writing task

In doing so, analyze how the characters behave as a result of knowing what their destinies will be. What are the effects of discovering their destinies? In Antigens, Identify the difficult choices the characters make and analyze the effects that these choices have on the characters' lives. Option #3 - Tragic →

Oedipus the king essay

Oedipus did not even know that the stranger he was fighting was a King. The second part of King Oedipus tragic error, ironically occurs after Oedipus uses his wisdom to free the Kingdom of Thebes. Oedipus answers the riddle from Sphinx to deliver the Kingdom of Thebes from a curse". What is the creature that →

“the suitcase” play review essay sample

" The Suitcase" Play Review Essay Sample The play, The Suitcase, is about two men meeting in the most unusual of ways. And this is where the play's story revolves. Watching The Suitcase was a pleasure.

From courtroom to stage: susan glaspell’s “trifles”

To the residents of Warren County, the event that took place inside that courthouse was a trial to determine a woman's innocence; to Glaspell, it was a testament of American injustice towards women in society. Hale, the dirty roller towel, and the canary emphasizes Glaspell's focus on the injustice of men's feelings toward women and →

Hamartia with respect to oedipus in the play ”oedipus rex”

It must concern a man who is not eminently good and just, yet whose misfortune is brought about not by vice or depravity, but by some error or frailty.In Oedipus Rex, the character of Oedipus is a victim of hamartia, and his particular flaw is hubris. " Hamartia " is an Aristotelian term which often finds →

Zoot suit and the sleepy lagoon trial

The way this is used in this play is by the zoot suiter narrator pausing the story every now and then to remind us that we are watching a play, and to stay aware. During this, the audience gets a feel of what the play is trying to portray and its symbolism. Segregation During →

“julius caesar” act 3 scene 2

The Explanation comes next and tells the audience about the purpose of the case and the Argument is to support the speaker's case. I think that Antony's speech is successful and dramatic because in the film production, some of the citizens begin to cry.

Drama paper on trifles – susan glaspell

Wright is a farmer's wife at the turn of the century, at a time when feminism was beginning to come to the fore, but many years before the active burning of bras, in the 1960s, without children. Moreover, she is married to a man who is not known in the outside community for his social →

Oedipus the king – characters and performance essay

Consequently, Oedipus is made the King of Thebes and further marries Jocasta, a widowed Queen of Thebes who at the time was the admiration of many. Oedipus's cleverness makes his candidature to surface as the best individual to inherit the throne, hence becoming the King of Thebes. Unfortunately, the very prudent leadership skills that he →

“oedipus the king” by sophocle and “the bacchae” by euripide

The oracle, which is the oracle of Apollo, determines Oedipus's destiny of committing patricide and incest. The power that Apollo has is shown only through the words of the mortal characters; the reader never comes in contact with the God himself. Apollo's influence is limited to the determination of Oedipus's fate at the start of →

Comparison between creon and antigone in oedipus the king

In the Oedipus plays, two of the major characters include Creon, the brother in law of Oedipus and Antigone, the daughter of Oedipus. Basically, one of the similarities that Creon and Antigone have is that the burdens that they carried throughout the plays were passed down to them by Oedipus following →

Themes in a death of a salesman by arthur miller

Upon a closer examination, it becomes evident that the similarities stretch beyond just the time of publication, but into analogous themes as well. In particular, both plays battle with the distinction between illusion and reality, the incapability of living in the present, and the desire for escape. One uses their thoughts in →

“much ado about nothing” by william shakespeare essay sample

" Much Ado About Nothing" by William Shakespeare Essay Sample " Hero's and Claudio's relationship is nave, immature and unlikely to succeed, whereas Benedick's and Beatrice's relationship is a triumph.' How far do you agree with this interpretation of Much Ado About Nothing? Shakespeare uses fashion and manners as one of the main →

At the end of the play, malcolm refers to lady macbeth as “fiend-like” essay sample

This must be kept in mind during analysis to get a clear view of her state. As soon as Macbeth hears the prophecies of the witches, he writes to Lady Macbeth to inform her of his foretold future. In the presence of her husband, however, she is strong, encouraging and comforting.

Video games are beneficial

In the 90's there was even enough media attention to video game violence that the United States Congress had a hearing on issuing age appropriate labels, much like in movies, to video games to warn parents of the contents of a game. A study done in the article, VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES AND AGGRESSION, showed that →

The absent father in the glass menagerie

The importance of the father as a character manifests itself in the effects of his actions on the family as a unit, as well as on the individual members of the family. As a whole, the father's ' escape, or ' abandonment of the family has detrimental effects and is the catalyst that sets the →

Mcdonalds vs. checkers

McDonalds provides you with many of the luxuries that Checkers does not such as a dining in area and a play area for children. If you love getting it to go and never dining in then Checkers is the place to go, but why not go to McDonalds where you can have it both ways.

Oedipus – free will vs fate

Oedipus as the Puppet and the Puppeteer The bad luck that befall Oedipus the King in Sophocles' play show an essential relationship between the will of the gods and man's complimentary will. Oedipus chooses not to commit suicide at the end of the play and shows that he has control over his own death.

Oedipus and freud

This is a never ending fight between reason and feelings. In order to clarify my point of view I will use some examples from the play Oedipus The King: A) The intelligence and sides of Oedipus I think, is the representation of our desire to control things according to our own schemes, we →

Plays comparison: pygmalion, a doll’s house and trifles essay

After all, the end of the ' deal' between the two meant that she would have to return back to the ' rock bottom', from where she was picked initially. Yet, this was something Eliza could not possibly do after having been washed of the ' filth' of her past as a vulgar commoner; she →

Analyse the presentation and dramatic contribution of shylock

Shylock is the heart of the play- he being the main story to what is happening-, and he brings up many contrasts and topics in the play, such as Judaism vs. Christianity, this is largely used to say that Jews are greedy evil people that are not to be trusted; also mercy vs.orals, is it →


However, Oedipus continues to ignore these warnings until he discovers that he has committed patricide and incest, and is the murderer whom he seeks and thus is the source of Thebes' plague. However, Oedipus is driven by his duty and responsibility as King to find out who the murderer is in order to rid Thebes →

Influential people

The things I have learned and continue to learn from my Mother are endless; she has taught me all of the founding principles of my life and for that I am eternally thankful. This realization may be one of the most important things I have learned, my Mother has taught me to base my decisions →

Hero exposes the superficial nature of the society shakespeare creates in this play essay sample

None of the other characters are at all shocked that he should agree to marry a stranger, and only a few days after the death of his lover, but all is forgotten when the cousin turns out to be Hero herself, alive and innocent as ever. Messina, the Italian city in which the play →

Assignment 309

Senior Playworker To provide high care and stimulation for all children attending the play scheme. Senior Playworker To provide high care and stimulation for all children attending the play scheme.

Changes in willie by act 4 essay sample

In act four Willie has now gained all the qualities to what Brighouse thinks makes a successful businessman. Willie is no longer afraid to stand up for himself against others which is shown in act four on page 79 when Willie says " I will take you into partnership and give you your half →

The darker face of the earth and oedipus essay sample

The Darker Face of the Earth is a poetic version of the Oedipus and some characters resemble in many aspects framed in a more realistic sound of modern slavery. However, Dove displayed a different way of addressing the similarities, she wanted the audience to seek and trace those connections between Augustus and Oedipus.

Is troy maxson a tragic hero?

In the body of your essay, * Analyze how well Troy Maxson fits the characteristics of a tragic hero. The following list is a summary of his basic ideas regarding the tragic hero: 1.

Oedipus: a tragic hero

Through the play we see that Oedipus posses many of the characteristics of a tragic hero such as: he is of noble stature, his downfall was his own fault, and that his punishment was not wholly deserved. The Priest depicts when Oedipus defeated the Sphinx, which is the task that gains him the position of →

To what extent do you feel that the merchant of venice

Shylock, showing the cruel streak in his character, refuses all pleas of money from Antonio and the Duke himself. Here, the mood of the play is dominated by a tense atmosphere of inhumanity and despair. It would appear that the cruelty is towards the piteous merchant, Antonio, but actually, when the trial comes to the →

Sterilization and disinfection in a dental office

According to the CDC and the Food and Drug Administration before either of these forms can be used you have to clean the instruments. There are multiple ways to sterilize, but I am only going to talk about the four main ways of sterilizing in a dental office.http://www.nurseslearning. com/courses/fice/fde0008/c7/index.htm The first way is →


Pain relievers are defined as part o the medicine family usable for reduction of pain by not treatment of the cause of pain. However, the different pain relievers have differences in terms of their composition and level of effectiveness. It is claimed to aid in the production of phagocytes, the production of cytokines and lymphocytes, →

Improving our english vocabulary

Undoubtedly, the best way to learn a language - to immerse ourselves in the culture of another nation, living among those people who do not speak your mother language. This is the time to pick up a dictionary and learn an unknown word.

Gendered space in susan glaspell’s play “trifles” essay

The setting is significant to the meaning of the work of writing as it influences its outcomes, the characters, viewpoint, and plot since it is connected to the principles, ideals, and feelings of characters. Therefore, the setting feature of time fixes the stage for the dealings of all characters and the author moulds the events →

Explain the dramatic significance of mr alfieri essay sample

In the final piece of the play Mr Alfieri is on the street with the other characters although the other characters appear not to see him, it is as if he is looking at it all through a shaded window. He then turns toward the audience and says the final words of the play and →

Macbeth and soliloquies essay sample

Three witches who are the physical form of evil in the play and like the serpent in the Garden of Eden represent the force of temptation. At the beginning of this scene he is in the great hall where a huge banquet is taking place; he is sitting near the King of Scotland, Duncan.

  oedipus the king is a tragic hero

Oedipus the main character of the play is a great king of Thebes with ideal traits in his ideal personality also but he breaks moral laws so he is a tragic hero.this drama shows as catharsis at the end of the drama when all the good deeds of Oedipus are wasted in the struggle against →

Pride in antigone

The main difference between Antigone and Ismene is that Antigone is full of pride for her family and holds her family over the law of the city. Creon is now able to sympathize with Antigone and how she felt about the loss of her family.

Role of tiresias in oedipus essay sample

In Oedipus' case Tiresias brings him news of prophecies that have already been fulfilled, yet for Creon in Antigone his prophecy is in the works. Tiresias plays a key role in the reversal of Oedipus' fate in Oedipus Rex, but his role in Antigone has less of an impact. Tiresias is the first one →

Zone of proximal development

The state of a child's mental development can be determined only by clarifying its two levels: the actual developmental level and the zone of proximal development.III. The central core of the Zone of Proximal Development is the understanding of learning as a process of internalizing social experience.

Main methods and literary devices in oedipus

Oedipus, who is blind to the truths around him for the majority of the play, is vigorously seeking the murderer of the previous king so that he can lift the curse that has brought turmoil to Thebes. In the very beginning of the play, the reader is introduced to a situation where Oedipus is concerned →

Family’s effect on identity: the bean trees and a raisin in the sun

Whether it be attracting an individual to family life, like Taylor in Barbara Kingsolver's The Bean Trees, or repulsing them, like Beneatha in Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun, they will always help the individual find their true identity. Taylor Greer from Pittman County, Kentucky is an ideal example of how family life will →

The oedipus’ fate essay

Little do they know that the fate of Oedipus' will come to occur in their lives which would be a series of tragedies that blindly lead them to believe that the oracle would not be fulfilled. From an initial reading, most readers assume that the tragedies that befall Oedipus and his family are mere actions →

Sophocles’ oedipus as aristotle’s tragic hero essay sample

In which case, there was a presumed arrogance or sense of hubris on the part of Oedipus as his actions were meant to avoid if not challenge the will of the gods. In the course of his quest to escape from the oracle, he was unknowingly and actually heading towards his real destiny and →

Courage and cowardice in a doll’s house

Ibsen's play studies Nora's early courage and her confirmation of that courage at the end of the play. Nora's strength of character in forging her father's signature on a loan, and the repercussions of that act, provide much of the driving force for the drama.

The long and the short and the tall

This is his power, he is still a bit rascist with the " tojoboy" stuff but he is not as rude and aggressive as before. Bamforth's verbal communication in Act 2 is poles apart to any character known in this play, his language is inflexible and audacious we can comprehend this because he says." All →

The concept of willful blindness in oedipus the king

Our hero goes from blissfully in ignorance to thrown into the reality of his true identity." Willful blindness" is an innate human mechanism that keeps our minds in the dark, and it usually plays out in almost everything we do. Readers of any age that followed the sad hero across his journey to meet face →


Pride can from many characters; although the main signs of pride came from Antigone and Creon. As you can see; Antigone, Creon, and Oedipus sons' pride was not always a good thing because at the end they all ended up regretting what they did to themselves.

A gender bias approach to antigone

Kate Hamburger, the author of From Sophocles to Sartre, and essay on the tragedies of Sophocles with an emphasis on the heroic tragedy Antigone, claims that the effect of war in Sophocles' earlier youth is a contributing cause to his heroic tragedies. Antigone's Flaw is a review of Sophocles' play Antigone and her role in →

Willie loman and oedipus as tragic heroes (as defined by aristotle) essay sample

He could find the answer to the riddle of Sphinx but ironically he was not able to perceive the truth about his own personality. Willie Loman in " Death of Salesman" is also affected by blindness. At the end of the play Biff attempts to show Willie that he is just a commoner and →


Chalanging and fun to play, computer and traditional games add variety to learning experiences and offer opportunities to practice skills. At middle school and high school levels, students may prepare a product, which they then market and sell to demonstrate their understanding of the world of business, as in the computer game Hot Dog Stand →

The tragedy of oedipus

A tragic hero is " the protagonist, the hero or chief character of a tragedy, is a person of high estate, usually a king, queen, or member of the royal family, who is neither superlatively good and just not wholly vicious and depraved, but who is brought low by some error of judgment or shortcoming". →

Analysis of the play a raisin in the sun by laurence hansberry

Hansberry took years of confusion and mistreatment and put it into her play. The play is simply about an African American family who is a part of the lower class receiving a large amount of money.After the death of her husband the matriarch of the family Lena younger must make the decision of what she →

Hansberry’s a raisin in the sun shows the generalization about

A warm, loving, supporting character who longs for a decent house for her family to appreciate, Mama speaks to the perfect mother, conveying life to the sustaining side of ladies. Ruth is a lady who is genuinely impartial with regards to the manner in which she sees her job as a lady. Not as moderate →

Biff loman and tom wingfield analysis

At this time Biff realizes that he has been living a fantasy due to all the hot air that his father has been feeding him, but it is too late and the damage has already been done. Biff has developed all of the same unwanted traits that his father had. Even still, →

Stages of social-emotional development

The presentation is based on the Eight Stages of Development developed by psychiatrist, Erik Erikson in 1956.; According to Erikson, the socialization process consists of eight phases - the " eight stages of man". These stages are conceived in an almost architectural sense: satisfactory learning and resolution of each crisis is necessary if the child →

Much ado about nothing – character study on beatrice essay sample

Her attitude towards Benedick was cynical and unpleasant, such as when she was talking to messenger about him, Beatrice refers to him as " Signor Mountanto" which means she believes that he is " stuck up" or a social climber, and this makes her appear in this scene to be very unloving. However in the →

My oedipus complex argumentative essay

OEDIPUS: Children, young sons and daughters of old Cadmus, 1 why do you sit here with your suppliant crowns? the town is heavy with a mingled burden of sounds and smells, of groans and hymns and incense; 5 I did not think it fit that I should hear of this from messengers but came myself,-I →

Literature studies: men in susan glaspell’s “trifles” essay

In spite of the fact that men and women play equal roles as the protagonists of the play, it is necessary to analyze the viewpoint of men about the described situations because it is necessary to compare the socially adopted visions of the male roles with the biased visions of the gender roles. Thus, it →

”the death cure”by james dashner essay sample

This book is one of those I would definitely recommend to everyone, also there is some things that needed to be changed and as you read through the book you notice the point of view the novel is written. Some of the plot twists and answers some things I questioned, but overall it was a →

Literary analysis of “the daughters of the late colonel” by katherine mansfield essay sample

Literary Analysis of " The Daughters of the Late Colonel" by Katherine Mansfield Essay Sample " The Daughters of the Late Colonel" by Katherine Mansfield is a subtle short story about two daughters of the late colonel who are left with the task of preparing his funeral and getting on with their lives →

Character and plot in “why i live in the p.o.”

For example, the first problem occurred which made the reader feel that there is going to be a problem is when Francis -the protagonist got infatuated with the babysitter and bought her a bracelet. In the story why I love in the P.O.for Eudora Welty, we see that the writer uses characterization to show the →

Division/classification essay essay sample

Their interactions are odd and would fall into the fantasy category because in reality, a spider would not befriend a pig and be able to rescue them from their fate. Charlotte's intelligence is mind boggling at first because when she reveals her plan to Wilbur that she will advertise what a unique and special →

Oa oa

Henry like " The Cop and the Anthem, " " The Gift of the Magi, " " A Retrieved Reformation, " and The Last Leaf." The theme in each story is different because in every story they talk about something different. The theme in " The Cop and the Anthem" is live life calm and →

Fiction coursework final draft mollie coucill

The house was humongous and daunting, a charcoal-burned monstrosity towering over its extensive graveyard, with hundreds of memorials and tombstones protruding from the ground at various angles. Of all the various windows lining the stone walls of the house, only one was lit; and through it was a collection of the most curious and fearsome →

The welcome table

The ladies of the church are sitting there looking at their husbands as to say, " Get her out of Here! " and then it is only by force that the men felt that it was their duty to pick her up and throw her out the church. Though she was not welcome in to →

Technology: the downturn of society

In Michiko Kakutani's " Bananas for Rent," she writes about the change that the media, a form of technology, has brought to the American society. The author foreshadowed that the technology was going to kill the parents of the house as it tore the family apart.

C’est la vie

C'est la vie The literary art of realism is used by authors in pieces of literature to portray how life really is for some people and also to prove that there is not a happy ending to every story. This was the time in history that writers realized that all stories did not need →

Short story and caribbean background essay sample

During that time most writers were getting away from writing with the Caribbean background." There is little that is obviously Caribbean except a few details of the setting like the references to jalousies and whistling frogs and while we can admire its particular qualities this story also serves to remind us of the cultural assumptions →

Citations and bibliography of a small good thing

The Visual Poetics of Raymond Carver. Raymond Carver: a study of the short fiction.

Examining pathos in steven crane’s ‘the open boat’

The indescribable effort that comes with rowing is once again highlighted and we are almost assured by the hard work of the correspondent and oiler, thinking how incredibly cruel it would be to have one of them die at the conclusion of the tale. It is not their own wallowing that binds us to the →

Example of essay on other

There are many roots of science fiction and fantasy as a genre that can be explained through the course of this study. In this research, we also argue that there are major creators of science fiction and fantasy who contributed some of their works in this field, which helped the →

The judges wife

Using such imagery the author allows the readers to form a solid conception of the harsh life of her character. In combining all of these tools the characters are given a realistic overtone that makes this short story easy for the reader to enjoy.

How does robert louis stevenson explore the concept of duality in dr jekyll & mr hyde? essay sample

Dualistic symbols and events were used through out the story but towards the end there were more religious aspects used than scientific, to differentiate the importance between them. The characters of Jekyll and Hyde have been used to symbolize the division between science and religion, representing the theory of Darwin. Ever since Darwin →

How to read literature like a professor – part 1 essay sample

The stated reason to go there is that Huckleberry wants to escape the society that wants to civilize him. Authorial violence is death and suffering that the authors create for the good of the story.

Love in l.a. essay sample

With no such luck, in the end, his efforts are in vein and a distant dream and during the whole thing he is lying to her and himself. Another trait which Jake possesses' is that of a dreamer. Not only does he have feelings of her while he " fondled" the taillight and he →