Quality Literature Essay Examples for Your Learning

Theme of journey in grapes of wrath

In John Steinbecks famous novel, The Grapes of Wrath, Tom Joad and the rest of the Joad family go through a wild journey in search of jobs in California during the great depression. It shows the important of family and how working together is extremely important in a time of need. In the beginning →

The great gatsby: prohibition

Bootlegging in the 1920's is the way many people got rich, including the main character in The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby. Prohibition is one of the pivotal ideas in The Great Gatsby, and is always something that seems to come back up in the book. In the novel The Great Gatsby, Jay →

Review of the “the crucible” by arthur miller

This story displays how men use witchcraft as a scapegoat instead of admitting their own fault. The climactic moment that relates to a major external conflict is when John Procter is found guilty and sentenced to hang. This is when John and his wife argue about the situation with Abigail, this foreshadows a key scene →

To kill a mockingbird study guide and activities

Sometimes throughout the book, you will see Cal acting as a motherly figure to Scout -Dill- Dill is a young boy that Scout and Jem meet in the beginning of the book, he is very small for somebody of his age, he is weak. What happened to Jem and Scout on the way home from →

Good and evil: “how to kill a mockingbird” harper lee

The coexistence of good and evil is portrayed in Harper Lee's " To Kill A Mockingbird" when the characters of Jem, Dill and Scout come across good and evil through Maycomb society. Jem is placed in situations where he is exposed to both good and evil in Maycomb. This is shown when →

Struggle between the rights of freeman and the mass efforts to destroy

Richard Watts Jr.describes the striking similarity between the Salem witch trials and the McCarthy Era as a " struggle between the rights of freeman and the mass efforts to destroy them under the guise of defending decency." All good writing conveys a strong message for the reader to take away, and effectively apply to →

Fairy tale traits in the great gatsby essay

Basing on the several evident parameters, for instance, the character traits, the behavior of prince and princess, and gender distinctions amongst others, Fitzgerald's masterwork stands out as a variation and sophisticated version of the fairy tale. The Great Gatsby characters exhibit traditional fairy tale traits through vividly intertwined with variations and sophistication of purely fairy →

Stereotypes and discrimination in the novel “to kill a mocking bird”

Wisely, though, Lee manages to tie racial prejudice to the many other forms of prejudice we all face every day of our life. Remarkably, the novel begins by focusing not on the racial prejudice that dominates much of the story but, instead, on the kind of insidious prejudice endured by those who →

Character of abigail williams in the crucible

Abigail Williams manipulates an entire town to do her bidding, stemming from her want to save her reputation and to be able to finally have the man she lusts over. She shows no remorse for causing the death of 20 innocent people all because of her want for John and to save her reputation. Abigail's →

The societal issues of slavery in the adventures of huckleberry finn, a novel by mark twain

Huck brings out the person in Jim and reveals his feelings that Jim is just like him, like the rest, someone who is free and someone with a heart. As well as the showing of how a human being is worth a reward like when Jim was put up wanted and people thought he killed →

The yellow wallpaper: interpretation & analysis essay

There is a need to point out that the author is deeply concerned about the role of women in society. In the following paragraph of the essay, The Yellow Wallpaper will be analysed in terms of its main literary devices. In other words, she allows us to understand that the house is considered to be →

Conflict in the yellow wallpaper

This is evident in " There are things in that paper," where the ' things' are a clear example of the author's use of irony, as they represent both the mysterious woman that Jane sees and the disturbing ideas that she is beginning to understand. This is emphasised through the diary format in →

Discuss the role of john proctor

This suggests he regrets the affair and wants no more to do with Abigail. As an affair is more likely to have happened in the 20th century, the audience sympathise with him as the play is set in the late 17th century, so Proctor is a man ahead of his time. Act II is mostly →

27 february 2013

Throughout the course of the novel, both characters are faced with their individual internal struggles; Huck in particular is faced with the pressing notion of whether or not he should turn Jim in to his rightful owner and do the " right" thing, or disobey the law and help Jim obtain his freedom. This is →

Is the great gatsby a tragedy

What makes this so tragic is the argument that Gatsby's love is not reciprocated and all his efforts of transforming himself into a rich man through crime, have been disregarded and unappreciated. Gatsbys mind is distorted by the idea that wealth will bring in Daisy, however their relationship remains as it was →

Problems in the catcher in the rye

Holden believes he can hold on to his innocence and not transition to adulthood, but later realizes his time for youth is concluded. Holden tends to isolate himself and resists society as much as much as possible. Later on, he does realize adulthood is not a choice, and it does start coming to him.

John proctor’s redemption by sin in the crucible

He is determined to save his wife and in the end makes a dangerous choice to tell the truth. He goes to to the with a friend, Giles Corey to prove the innocence of those accused including Elizabeth.

American culture in the novel “the great gatsby” term paper

In The Great Gatsby, Scott Fitzgerald documents these changes through an in-depth exploration of cultural changes such as the rise in consumerism, materialism, greed for wealth, and the culture of loosening morals in the 1920s American society. Thus, possession of material wealth was important for the placement of people in a given social class and →

Their eyes were watching god by zora neale hurston

In 1925, she moved to New York City, where she became an influential talent of the Harlem Renaissance, the blossoming of African American literature and art. While attending Barnard College, she satisfied the well-known anthropologist Franz Boaz, who persuaded her to study the folklore of African Americans in the South. She is attracted to Jody →

Tension in the “trial scene” of “the crucible”

In Act 3 of The Crucible the Trial scene is set in the Salem meeting house, this scene is so important because it is the most intense scene in the play because everything is revealed, and timing proves to be one of the most important factors. Proctor realizes that it is critical for Mary Warren →

Douglass and gatsby: similarities and differences

Douglass was born into a life of slavery and was not given an option to live a free life. He had many obstacles to overcome before he was able to be happy with the life he was living. As he got older he realized this was not the life he wanted, he was desperate to →

The ethicality of an action jay gatsby report (assessment)

This paper describes Jay Gatsby's action and applies the utilitarian theory to establish whether Jay's action was ethical or not. As presented in the novel, Jay Gatsby was trying to win Daisy back because he firmly believed she was the love of his life. With such kind of uncertainty and dilemma, Jay decided to take →

The grapes of wrath: movie analysis analytical essay

In the movie, the family is depicted as one of the struggling families in the United States after the economic crisis of 1930. The first part of the movie is similar to the novel, but the second part of the film differs greatly with the book. While the author of the novel is pessimistic, the →

Romanticism in american literature

Poe gave his Bernice in the novella of the same title a diagnosis of epilepsy as a reason for a premature burial. However, there was a good deal of unlikelihood in this, and when he came to this theme in " The Fall of the House of Usher" and in " The Premature →

To kill a mockingbird questions

Because Scout likes to taunt her older brother, Jem feels the need to put her in her place and prove to her he is the cool older brother. Atticus realizes how much this meant to Jem that he agrees they should keep the blanket and maybe Jem can return it someday. At one point in →

A comparison of the lottery and the destructors short stories essay

In " the Lottery", the mood is hasty, everyone is eager to wind up and go back home to their daily routine. The author uses several sentences and describes the events around to lure the reader into presuming that it is a normal community. In developing the plot of the story, the author foreshadows the →

Contrasting the movie and novel form of the grapes of wrath

Although both the novel and movie form of Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath are considered to be American classics, the novel provides a deeper understanding of the story's time and meaning. The interchapters in the novel form of Grapes of Wrath describe in detail the time period of the storyline, while the movie leaves the →

Lol huck finn

He wrote and published a number of stories and the narrative account Life on the Mississippi before finishing Huck's story. The story takes place in the Mississippi Valley " forty to fifty years ago," or about the time of Twain's own boyhood in Hannibal, Missouri, a town much like Huck's hometown, St.

The eulogy of a dream

The central theme of The Great Gatsby is the decay of the American Dream. Through his incisive analysis and condemnation of 1920s high society, Fitzgerald (in the person of the novel s narrator, Nick Carraway) argues that the American Dream no longer signifies the noble pursuit of progress; instead, it has become →

Young goodman brown- nathaniel hawthorne research paper

When the story begins, Brown is convinced of the righteousness of his father and grandfather until the old man, possibly the devil, tells him otherwise. Brown has faith in Goody Cloyse, the priest, and Deacon Gookin until the devil tells to him that Cloyse is a witch and Gookin is his assistant. Brown's estrangement from →

Throughout zora neale hurstons their eyes were watching god

Using an apron, a head rag, a blue satin dress, and overalls, Hurston communicates how Janie grows and evolved as a person throughout her relationships with Logan Killicks, Jody Starks, and most importantly, Tea Cake. In the beginning of the novel, Janie's marries a man by the name of Logan Killicks, a →

Dill pickle

Clemens in 1835, Mark Twain is widely considered the first truly American author. Why is Mark Twain widely considered the ' first truly American author'?

To kill a mockingbird by harper lee

In To Kill a Mockingbird these justices and injustices are represented through Atticus, Tom Robinson, Arthur ' Boo' Radley, and through the prejudices of people. Inessay on to kill a mockingbirdAtticus Finch represents the epitome of justice, through his belief in equality. He has a great belief in the legal system, and →

What are some literary devices in ‘a rose for emily’?

The tax is chivalry because it is the only reason why Emily is allowed to live in her father's house. Emily and the person next to her, which shows a change in tradition.

“what a wonderful world” a poem by louise armstrong

The poem is easy to understand; at the same time, it is meaningful and deeply rooted in the miserable lives of the African-Americans. At the time of the Harlem Renaissance, out of the many changes that have been brought out in America through African-American culture, Jazz music was one of the rich cultures that the →

Edgar allan poe’s paranoia

When the narrator describes the murder, he specifically only looks at the man's eye as if it is a seperate entity that he is after, even though the old man and the eye are one in the same. The narrator realises that this sound is the old man's heart, and as each moment passes the →

To kill a mocking bird critical essay

In To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, Gem's definition of courage changes from the beginning to the end of the book. At the beginning of the book Gem's definition of courage is from an innocent perspective and by the end of the book Gem has an experienced definition of courage. Gem learns →

Miss caroline

As soon as I ate breakfast I thought to my self that I have to teach the students of May-comb. And that girl that they call scout, after that I planed what I was going to wear to school I picked out a beautiful dress.

William faulkner biographical sketch

He was the first of four children, where his family was deeply influenced by their home state and the overall culture and lifestyle of the American South. Among other influences on Faulkner's writing are the region he resided in and his own family history.

The crucible is a study of power

As a character, Abigail was created to demonstrate power and manipulation tithing the play. It is possible to argue that for a short period of time, Abigail acts as God as she has the power to make anyone believe her lies, leading to the deaths of innocent people. Abigail became intoxicated by the power and →

Psych review critique essay

Slinger, the protagonist Holder Coalfield is really unable to accept people for what they are and for those that he cant accept, he marks them as phonies and whomever he does not think is pure or true is a phony as well. A person that he claims is a phony due to hypocrisy would be →

Appearance and disappearance: the theme of evanescence in the great gatsby

There are multiple more instances in which Gatsby's character engages in other moments of vanishing, but Will addresses the important general prevalence of evanescence in the language The Great Gatsby the novel, as well as Jay Gatsby the character. However, language is not the only component of The Great Gatsby in which scholars explored the →

Great gatsby

Gatsby could not stand the thought of Daisy going to jail and took the blame for it. Gatsby was the one who took the blame for Myrtle's murder and died because of it.

Harper lee’s to kill a mockingbird: character analysis

He resembles a mockingbird because of his natural desire to please the children with the gifts he puts in the tree and his tender compassion for them when they stand outside shivering in the cold watching Miss Maudie's fire. Boo Radley pours out his songs of joy or sympathy in a kind of blissful unawareness →

Lost in translation

Fitzgerald's precise use of diction in describing the characters of Tom and Daisy Buchanan and in creating a motif of movement in this scene provides valuable insight into the relationship between Tom and Daisy in a way that Clayton's translation fails to do. In the reader's introduction to the character of Tom Buchanan in this →

New life chopin story of an hour

After her husband Richards Mallard was reported dead after a train accident, because of the accident Louise was finally able to exit her marriage and she can start a new life. She now able to be free.the season spring had shown her she is able to have a fresh started of life.

Intolerance from the crucible

And Maurice Ogden's Poem, " The Hangman," which takes place in an unnamed town." The Hangman" shows how the ignorance of the townsfolk gives a pathway to the Hangman which enabled to execute every single one of the townsfolk on his gallows-tree. Meanwhile intolerance also takes place in " The Hangman" which makes the Hangman →

The facade essay on ‘the great gatsby”

In the novel, things may not be what they appear as shown by the illusion Gatsby lives, Daisy's attitude, and Tom's relationships. Gatsby lives an illusion that his wealth will lead to satisfaction and friendship. Tom's relationships, like the people in the novel, are deceptive. It is shown that →

Coming of age in to kill a mockingbird

At first, Scout does not understand the meaning of his words, but as she matures through the novel, her eyes are unveiled, and she understands what Atticus is trying to tell her. Over time, Jem, too, starts to see the meaning and depth of the statement. Dolphus Raymond is a character who is known by →

Maturity in the catcher in the rye

At the end of the novel, Holden does however find out that he has a problem but he still does not want to admit it which suggests that he is still trying to achieve is goal and believes that one day he will achieve it. Holden's view of society shows that Holden →

Prosperity and social justice essay

The short story was also the subject of debate when it was first written because it failed to fit in any particular genre at the time. " The Yellow Wallpaper" was mostly considered a horror story when it was first published because of the manner it unnerved readers at the time. The story depicts the place →

Gender roles in “their eyes were watching god”

Through multiple characters, as well as the plot, sexism comes to the surface. As soon as the novel begins, it is evident the roles of men and women play a very big part in this novel: " Ships at a distance have every man's wish on board. For some they come in →

The use of color throughout the great gatsby and the grapes of wrath

Whilst the use color is equally effective in both novels, it's function in ' The Great Gatsby' tends to be mainly for materialistic features in order to reinforce the theme of conspicuous consumption throughout the book, yet in ' The Grapes Of Wrath' color is used more to describe the atmosphere or the time of →

Penetrating the mind of young goodman brown

The ribbons constantly remind him of his ' faith.' Consciously, or subconsciously, it is the ribbons of the woman that refuse to release him. The staff of the devil is thus tempting Brown to see his own sexuality in a new light, one which he cannot completely comprehend.

Southern tradition in a rose for emily

The town may not want to hold her above themselves but they have to because of the code of duty in the old south. Faulkner also uses the sense of the importance of privacy to great affect as the narrator hints towards knowing that there was some suspicious activity between Homer and Emily, like the →

An analysis of empathy in to kill a mockingbird, a book by harper lee

In the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, Atticus teaches us to look at other people's perspective of things by climbing in someone else's shoes and walking in them, allowing us to sincerely understanding their thoughts and actions. Climbing in someone's shoes and walking in them will give you so much power and →

Many different short stories by edgar allan poe

These include The Angel of the Odd, The Tell-Tale Heart, Silence-A Fable, The Masque of the Red Death, The Fall of the House of Usher, and The Cask of Amontillado. It is evident that Poe likes to display a scary and dark mood in many of his stories, as he does in five out of →

Edgar allan poe: his life and legacy

Poe was alive during the romantic era which was evident in his writing, and he was one of the first gothic writers of his time. Her three kids were split up and Edgar Allan Poe was the only one of the three to not be formally adopted. Poe was put into foster care in December →

Time as a theme in the great gatsby essay

These traits are as follows: his obsession with the past, his unwillingness to see the problems of the present, and his desire to achieve a future no matter the cost. In essence, it can be seen that in his pursuit of what he thinks is his " ideal" love, Gatsby is, in fact, pursuing nothing →

Tessie’s revenge in the lottery, a short story by shirley jackson

Throw them harder!" Old Man Warner shouted above the crowd." No wonder the other towns quit the lottery," Nancy said as she covered her face, not letting anyone see the tears in her eyes. Old Man Warner, he was walking by, saw Tessie's hand and ran as fast as he could, even though it was →

Сompare and Сontrast: the lottery and the rocking horse winner

This paper's main goal is to compare and contrast " The Lottery" and " The Rocking Horse Winner" and examines themes, characters, settings, and literary devices of the two stories. The tone of the work is significant in its terms as well because it creates the fleur of seriousness, light-mindedness, sadness or cheerfulness, introducing the →

Optimism in the grapes of wrath

At the end of the novel The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck, it seems as though the Joads have nothing left to live for, however Steinbeck shows signs of optimism through symbols and biblical allusions. At the height of their struggles, the Joads are without food, shelter, and their strongest →

The concept of american dream portrayed in the great gatsby

The hollowness of the upper class is a repetitive concept that the audience sees in the film, and the meaning portrayed through this central preoccupation comes down to the context and Luhrmann's vision for the piece. Luhrmann uses the 2013 context to inspire his version in the way that much of the hollowness that can →

Comparison of realism in the adventures of huckleberry finn by mark twain and the awakening by kate chopin

Throughout the book, readers begin uncovering how a man's ethics and activities conflict with those of the general public around him. Twain indicates authenticity in relatively every part of his composition; the depiction of the setting, that of the characters, and even the manner in which characters speak. Chopin's style differed from Twain's in that →

Symbolism in a rose for emily

Death of freedom Form of control Death of south after civil after Isolation death of Faulkner utilizes foreshadowing to foretell events that will appear later in the story like the theme of death. The initial use of foreshadowing happens as the beginning of the story introduces the death of Emily Grierson, an event that also →

The american dream in the great gatsby essay

In 1925, Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald wrote The Great Gatsby after many years of academic problems and indifference that prevented him from graduating from college. The Great Gatsby is told by Nick Carraway, who comes to settle in New York from Minnesota to learn the bond business. Therefore, the characteristics of the American dream, →

The story of an hour

The rising action which adds complication to the story can be found in the part of the novel when " she was beginning to recognize this thing that was approaching to possess her, and she was striving to beat it back with her will as powerless as her two white slender hands would have been. →

Comparing william faulkner’s short stories: a rose for emily and dry september

Organizing his two stories against a scenery of clich? characters and a southern code of respect, Faulkner purposely retains essential points of interest, parts ordered occasions, and breakers the past with the present to infer the character's demonstration and inspiration. The characters in Faulkner's southern culture are drawn from three social levels: the privileged people, →

Folklore in their eyes were watching god

Janie's story of her journey to selfhood, recounted in her own voice, is framed and aided by that of a third-person omniscient narrator, who possesses the folk wisdom and knowledge of the black experience for which Janie is questing and can, therefore, represent the minds and speech of all of the characters from a timeless →

The dark themes of american slavery in the adventures of huckleberry finn, a novel by mark twain

Mark Twain's novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, attempts to take the reader into the dark heart of American slavery, but by the end of the novel, the reader is following Huckleberry Finn and Tom Sawyer's childish escapades. However, by the end of the novel, it's clear the issue of racism has been swept →

Creeping in daylight

Through decoding and analyzing the yellow wallpaper in her nauseatingly oppressive room, Jane sets on a path of self-empowerment and rediscovering her identity a vague, restricted identity which at first, mirrors that of the amorphous figure she spies behind the wallpaper. When Jane finally succeeds in breaking through the wallpaper and forging her own identity →

Use of imagery in the catcher in the rye

When he asked all he gets in return is a cold answer from the cab driver when he tries to explain that the ducks stay under the ice like the fish. Allie is Holden's role model who he judges the rest of the world to.

The multiple meanings of “their” in hurston’s their eyes were watching god

This pronoun in the title refers to both the people of Eatonville and African-Americans due to their looking up to Joe Starks and God, respectively, who are both higher authorities. In the novel, the people of Eatonville are watching Joe because of his godlike nature. The title can mean both that the people of Eatonville →

Multiple times lottery winners throughout the united states

Premise would be " I have already won a hundred dollars in the state lottery" and premise would be " hardly anyone wins that much twice" because they are smaller claims that lead up to the conclusion. The conclusion is " So I am not likely to win that much again" →

Pride and revenge in the cask of amontillado

The The Cask of Amontillado is a Gothic fiction by Edgar Allan Poe who develops the theme of pride and revenge to show the motive for Montresor actions and to foreshadow what is to happen in the story. The Cask of Amontillado is told in past tense about a chilling murder Montresor committed 50 →

Analysis “young goodman brown” by nathaniel hawthorne

Common allegories found in ' Young Goodman Brown' are the fall of man, loss of innocence, destructing of mankind, and sin. ' Young Goodman Brown' follows the story of newlywed Goodman Brown and his wife Faith and fellow Salem residents. Three months into their marriage Goodman Brown sets off on a journey into the forest. This, →

Assignment 01: compulsory

In order to do this assignment you need to have read the book To Kill a Mockingbird.' Cry about what, Mr Raymond?' ' Cry about the simple hell people give other people without even thinking...' In an essay of approximately 1000 to 1500 words give your opinion of the prescribed novel, To Kill a Mockingbird. →

Literature studies of “the destructor” and “the lottery” essay

Misery or why Tessie was stoned was an intentional facet to let the readers develop their own theories regarding the origin of the actions that were done. It can be seen in both essays that it is up to the reader to imagine why the characters in the story acted the way they did. Misery →

The catcher in the rye expository essay

" The catcher in the rye expository essay" The catcher in the rye is a book I have read and really enjoyed because of the plot and the characters in the novel." I always call it the catcher of the rye of the new generation." (www. The story takes place in New York City and →

Ernest hemingway: a farewell to arms

Henry's commitment to the war is not genuine. This type of attitude shows he is not committed to the war.

Symbolism in the crucible

Both sides are significant in the play. In the beginning of the story the girls are in the woods trying to conjure spirits around a crucible. In the play the courthouse was a symbol for harshness and injustice.

Liberate elizabeth – the crucible

Trapped, the only way Mary would get out of Abigail's trick was turning the accusations to Proctor.' You are the Devil's man! ' As the girls were just making the situation more complicated for Proctor, he realises that the only way to liberate Elizabeth is to confess his sin of adultery to the →

The story the yellow wallpaper

The narrator starts to describe the setting to the readers and she talks about the revolting wallpaper and how much she wants to rip it of the wall, which later turns into an obession in the story. He was a student in the University of Virginia but his acceptance ended when he fell into drinking →

To kill a mockingbird overview

The reader is not told the date until more than halfway through the book, but the references to the NRA, Hitler, and the quote " we have nothing to fear but fear itself" set the time in the reader's mind. Summary Scout is the narrator of and a main protagonist in To Kill a Mockingbird.

One of poe’s most extraordinary works

Poe is effective in keeping up a " spirit of perverseness" that is common in the majority of his works. The perspective assumes an essential part in affecting the readerr's impression of the story. This puts Fortunato at a noteworthy detriment in the battle for the reader's enjoying, and eventually the battle for his life. →

To kill a mockingbird

However, by the end of the Tom Robinson case, they both come to realize that the court system and juries can ignore written laws. Throughout the novel, Atticus promotes the necessity and importance of the written law. Therefore, Atticus is forced to prevent the jury from hearing evidence that he would have used for a →

Gatsby’s fall from greatness

Ultimately it is clear that the dream is corrupt, and that the notion of overcoming the walls of class is a myth. The fall of the great Gatsby documents the corruption of the American society, and the hypocrisies that forbid Gatsby from ever attaining his dream.

Babylon revisited & the great gatsby: motifs & themes term paper

This essay compares the two works of Fitzgerald, focusing on their themes and motif. The main protagonist of " Babylon Revisited," Charlie, and Jay Gatsby of The Great Gatsby continually strive to win back the females they loved and lost. The narrator of the novel, Nick Carraway, cautions Gatsby by saying, " You cannot repeat →

“the lottery” by shirley jackson and “the shawl” by cynthia ozick

Although there are many ways in which the elements in the two stories can be interpreted in comparing The Lottery and The Shawl it can not be overlooked that there is parallelism of the two short stories symbolism, plot, and theme. OutlineI. Thesis Statement: By taking a closer look as to what →

The theme of revenge in the cask of amontillado by edgar alan poe and the count of monte cristo by alexandre dumas

The Cask of Amontillado and The Count of Monte Cristo both have various ways to show how the theme of revenge is betrayed in the text. Montressor was pushed too far which caused him to get revenge and wall up Fortunado alive. However in the book The Count of Monte Cristo we are shown →

The portrayal of maslow’s hierarchy of needs in the character of holden caulfield in the catcher in the rye, a novel by j.d. salinger

Salinger's novel The Catcher in the Rye, the main character, Holden Caulfield, fluctuates between the levels of Maslow's Hierarchy; however, by the end of the novel, he has finally reached transcendence. In the beginning of the novel, Holden Caulfield, the protagonist, is in quite a despairing situation. He even gets to the level of self →

Irreality in‭ ‬to kill a mockingbird: an overview of scholarly perspectives

However, what is a more likely and more critically supportable is the idea that the contradictions in the novel represent Scout ' s limitations as an unreliable narrator and that the irreal and childlike elements of the narrative are a deliberate choice made by Lee in order to underscore her theme of lost innocence and →

“catcher in the rye” by jd salinger

Phoebe asked Holden to name something that he would like to be when he grew up, the only thing he wanted was to be a" catcher in the rye". And he's standing on the edge of some the cliff and he has to catch everybody if they start to go off the cliff. In the →

Huck finn rough draft

The people that argue that it should be banned state that the book has irrelevant and hurtful reference to the slang word for an African-American. The most important reason that it should not be banned is that the students reading the book are taught by teachers the context and history of the word " nigger".

To kill a mockingbird: controversial issues

During the 1950's in the small county of Maycomb, the mentality of most southern people reflected that of the nation. Boo is the outcast of the neighborhood, but at the time, Tom Robinson was the outcast of the society.