Quality Literature Essay Examples for Your Learning

Fear in things fall apart by chinua achebe

Okonkwo knew his friend was right. When he, Ikemefuna and other leaders of the tribe went to the woods to carry out the task, Okonkwo did not want the other men to think that he was weak so he cut down his own son. Okonkwo's actions were also motivated by the fear β†’

Structuralism and the wars essay sample

This novel is about a young man whose name is Robert Ross and is on his way to war because he feels guilty about the death of his sister. When Robert sees Taffler with the Swede, Goliath, he is both shocked and enticed. The war forces things to be exposed and it is a β†’

Private peaceful practice essay essay sample

Also it is shown that Charlie was expected to look after Tommo at war, just like he was when he was a kid. This caused Tommo to see that he needed to change his life and become a true man, especially when Charlie died.

Analysis of the main themes in the handmaid’s tale by margaret atwood

Or they are just romanticized books where the world went wrong but hey lets base this around romance. In the previous world of dystopian futures in books you have 1984 which is told from the perspective of a man, but in The Handmaids Tale is told from a women; excluding the ending where a professor β†’

Huck finn argument essay

Although, Jane Smiley states that Jim was not acknowledged as a human by Huck due to his racism and continuous use of the word " nigger", Huck concludes by the end of the novel that Jim is a human and friend in his mind. Smiley questions whether the novel should be taught in schools, deemed β†’

Famous names in american literature

In 1819 he published his volume of stories with such classic American stories as the " Legend of Sleepy Hollow" and " Rip Van Winkle". This famous humorous writer of the 19th century is best known for the novels " The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" and " The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn".

The impossibility of the american dream

Among these novels are John Steinbeck's _Of Mice and Men_ and the same author's _The Grapes of Wrath._ In the first, two men with the names Lennie and George roam California in the 1930's, hunting for ranches to work on. However, Lennie is mentally ill and always provokes trouble, driving the two β†’

The role of irony in arthur miller’s the crucible

The reason Miller writes in such simple humor is because he needs the reader to see it and know it. The most simple form or irony in the Crucible is when John was asked to recite the ten commandments to prove that he was a true Christan.

The crucible by arthur miller: why abigail williams is to blame for the witch trials

Abigail Williams, the girl who is in charge, likes the popularity that she gains from her accusing and she is willing to do anything in order to make sure she keeps it. She cannot be excused from her actions since she is not a victim of society. Abigail Williams is to blame for the witch β†’

Development and decline in the yellow wallpaper

In this way, we are presented with a dual narrative of the simultaneous decline and development of the protagonist's selfhood; the development of her autonomy is a direct side-effect of the decline in her mental state: a break-down of social and moral inhibitions.. It is in this state that we see the emergence of her β†’

The scarlet letter and the great gatsby

In contrast to Hester and Arthur, Gatsby's and Daisy's love is simply an extension of the psychological and spiritual emptiness created by the elusive ideal of the " American Dream". Their love is as superficial as the dream itself. In The Scarlett Letter, both sex with a minister and sex β†’

“black cat” a story by edgar allan poe essay

To a great extent, this approach helps the writer intrigue the readers of this text. It should be noted that the word choices of the writer are partly aimed at increasing the sense of suspense. However, the main strength of this short story is that the author enables the viewers to see the immense guilt β†’

The great gatsby chapter questions:

What is the effect on the reader of the repetition of the word " And"? What is Gatsby's view of the past?

The use of n-word: controversy in “the adventures of huckleberry finn”

Since the day The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain hit the shelves it has caused tension between people of different beliefs and understandings of the racial correlation twain presents in the novel including the use of the word, nigger. Since the novel is supposedly one of greatest pieces of American literature it must β†’

Lily lopez

Taking experiences from his time on the Mississippi and from his time in service, Mark Twain incorporated both into it. Not to mention Mark Twain's prevailing influence back in the post-Civil War period with his novels that helped people move on into the new political and social mindset of the century.

The harbinger of tom joad: john steinbeck’s approach to documentary reportage in “the harvest gypsies”

Steinbeck immersed himself in the lives of the migrant workers, paying close attention to the minute details indicative of their cruel situation. In his introduction to " The Harvest Gypsies," Charles Wollenberg affirmed the importance of such documents to the validity and realism that shone through in Steinbeck's writing: " The reports, which included social β†’

The lottery by shirley jackson and the destructors by graham greene

We see this when the story tells as, " The gang used to meet every morning in an impromptu car park, the site of the last bomb of the first blitz. " In both stories, there setting influences the characters. In the Lottery, the practice has been there for around seventy-seven-years we β†’

Tkam chapter

Find a sentence which illustrates the following idea/attitude: awareness of difference in social classes The Cunninghams from Old Sarum were the nearest thing to a gang in Maycomb. " the wrong crowd" 1. Chapter one introduces readers to the town of Maycomb, its appearance, its inhabitants, and the particular attitudes of many of β†’

Tamia barnes

He is not afraid to be himself and he is the same inside the house as he is on the streets. He explains this to his children, "' I want you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand.

Huck finn essay

Huck is very immature at the beginning of the novel in the sense that he is reliant on the actions of others in order to dictate the decisions he makes. Huck achieves maturity in the end and displays Twain's principle of independence.

Boo radley character traits

He is very misunderstood at the beginning of the novel and is portrayed as a mean person because of the rumor that had been spread around saying that he had stabbed his father in the leg. He is an innocent mockingbird and is kind to the people of Maycomb in ways they do not realize.

A perfect place for a perfect crime: creating the impeccable setting essay

Although the writer's descriptions of places and people are almost deprived of any emotions, Poe manages to create the perfect backdrop for the perfect crime, creating mystic atmosphere and leaving all to the imagination of the reader. It must be admitted that with his unusual gift of depicting the most petrifying environment so that it β†’

Gatsby and ebb comparison

The Great Gatsbyset during the Jazz age is an exemplification of thefailureand tragedy of theAmerican Dreamas well as the fragmented world where love struggles to survive. This contrasted to Elizabeth Barrett Borrowing's love sonnets set in the wake of the Romantics, making the sonnets in many ways typically Victorian with their tone of β†’

Literary devices in the novel to kill a mockingbird by harper lee

The author thoroughly describes and explains path of difficulties in Maycomb to effectively teach the audience about the evils of the human race, dramatically trying to change the audience's perspective about human nature. Through Scout's unfortunate exposure of the events of Dolphus Raymond's isolation and the misunderstanding of Boo Radley, the author β†’

The bildungsroman form in the great gatsby

In the opening of the novel, Tom is described as being a " freelance," shameless man: " His acquaintances resented the fact that he turned up in popular restaurants with her and, leaving her at a table, sauntered about, chatting with whomsoever he knew". Throughout the novel, Gatsby is so engulfed in his fantasy that β†’

Internal error

Holden's deep emotional turmoil as he tries in vain to come to terms with his coming adulthood is evidence of the theme of how painful growing up is in The Catcher in the Rye. On the bus into New York Holden meets the mother of one of his schoolmates, and although Holden dislikes the boy, β†’

Depression due to repression in the yellow wallpaper research paper

Therefore, it will not be much of an exaggeration to say that the short story The Yellow Wall-Paper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, provides us with the real insight onto technical subtleties of women's intellectual awakening in late 19th century's America. Gilman's story begins with the narrator telling readers about the way, in which her supposedly β†’

Maycomb’s society in “to kill a mockingbird”

In this novel, the overarching social stigma results in the destruction of its victim's lives as it limits Maycomb's society to view people in a prejudiced nature. The community of Maycomb believes Arthur Radley to be a " malevolent phantom" and decide to prominently call him " Boo Radley".This view destroys his life. β†’

The lottery by shirley jackson report (assessment)

The date was used as a platform for the Lottery tale. Shirley employed diverse writing styles in the Lottery story. Analysis of ' The Lottery', a Short Story by Shirley Jackson.

To kill a mockingbird chapters 1-4

Author's Style Lee uses reppetition to describe what summer was to Scout." Summer was on the way; Jem and I awaited it with imaptience. This adds to the writing because it uses motifs and imagery to paint a picture in the readers head of what summer is, in Scout's point of view.

Catcher in the rye critique essay

Slinger develops the corruption of the young by introducing several scenes in Catcher in the Rye where Holder's previous views of innocence are challenged by the adultery and corruption that he experiences in real world situations. An idea that can be interpreted from the fear of losing innocence that Holder eels is actually β†’

To kill a mockingbird critique

She is a rugged and reckless lady, who is the child of a prominent lawyer, Atticus, and her departed mother. This story follows the life of Scout and her trouble, Jem, as they witness and fight the bias and hatred in their neighborhood, causing a maturing experience for both Scout and her bro. In the β†’

Comparative essay: to kill a mockingbird and martin luther kin

Choose 2 of the texts we have studied and explain how each author has actually effectively communicated their message to the responder. In the text To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee and the ' I have a dream' speech by Martin Luther King Jnr, both authors have communicated strong messages that are communicated β†’

The story starts off

The narrator communicates the loathe she has for the room she is locked in due to the terrible wallpaper, so appalling it makes her insane. 2). In the story, when she used the word atrocious to describe the room, that was the first hint she gave us that told us she does not like the β†’

Reaction paper sample

Reaction Paper #4: The Prince and the Pauper Monica Sharma I read The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain and enjoyed reading about a wealthy prince name Edward Tudor and a pauper name Tom Canty trading lives with each other and experiencing how it is like to live a life that is totally β†’

The giver’s ending

When Jonas opens the door he sees that the fire place is lit which is weird since no one else would leave the community, but as Jonas turns he sees the grand piano and the person that's playing is Rosemary The Giver's daughter and The Receiver that had failed 10 years ago. Jonas looked shocked β†’

The great depression and the grapes of wrath

Many are starting to lose their farmers and livelihood from this drought that is beginning to plague Oklahoma. Tom Joad was just released out of prison and catches a ride with a man to head back to his family's farm. Tom and the preacher hear that the Joad family is working next door, picking cotton β†’

The crucible fear essay

I do believe that Abigail and the girls initiated the tragedy, what with all their talk about spirits and the conjurance with the devil during the opening act. Many different emotions and even specific characters are brought into the play and each one holds part of the blame therefore bringing down the entire of the β†’

“the crucible” by arthur miller

Hale's effort to convince the prisoners to confess fails. Reputation is one of the major themes in the play. Reputation refers to one's image in the eyes of other people; it is the public opinion regarding a person.

The daemon lover: shirley jackson and the articulation of ambiguity

Nevertheless, in its own modest fashion, " The Daemon Lover" is the equal of its more famous sister story in terms of revealing how Shirley Jackson remains one of the foremost and most prescient critics of patriarchal victimization of the female in American society through her singularly impressive talent for articulating the potential for multiple β†’

Young goodman brown essay

The dark side is considered as the basic environment the main character had to live. The weakness of the society depends on the faith of those who live there and if one loses faith and believes that others have made the same, it leads to unsupported suspicions of evil nature of people who live nearby. β†’

The giver

Jonas opend up many opportunities and choices when he left the community." Jonas sobbed and shouted and pounded the bed with his fist" Jonas obviously was angry with the situation he was in along with all the choices he was given. He was able to do this outside the community.

Man versus nature

In the world as Huckleberry Finn views it, society has corrupted the notion of justice and morality to fit the needs of its people in the nation at a particular period of time. In the very beginning of the novel " the Adventure of Huckleberry Finn" Huck plainly states that he did not wish to β†’

The powerful force of affection: short fiction from faulkner and porter

While Jesus' reaction represents his tendency to abuse the power he has in this relationship, Nancy's actions that led to this talk represents the unfaithfulness she has for her loved one. Nancy has the potential to be a strong woman, independent of and not controlled by her husband.

Dalia zada

When Atticus uses the gun to shoot a kill the mad rabid dog, it was done for the good of the community. It is not the disease of the body, but a virus of the mind.

Catcher in the rye dairy entires

I remember I was there overlooking the football field which I had no interest in being there were Penny plays its annual grudge. I was there because I was supposed to be in New York because I am the manager of the fencing team but I accidents lost the teams utile on the β†’

Tom sawyer representing the tradition and romanticism of walter scott in twain’s β€˜the adventures of huckleberry finn’

In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Twain uses Tom Sawyer to represent Scott's romanticism and tradition, and Huckleberry Finn to represent Emerson's progressive viewpoint, and through these two characters, Twain proves that neither viewpoint is plausible in society. Mark Twain uses Tom Sawyer as a symbol of Walter Scott's romanticized novels in the Adventures of β†’

Rose for emily and the guest explicatory essay

Emily and will point out the various facets of the character that are indicative of a loss of freedom. After such an examination, a comparison will be done with the character of the Arab with the climax of the examination of the character culminating in the scene involving the 1, 000 francs and the decision β†’

Great gatsby

Fitzgerald does this to introduce the main themes of the novel, hope and dreams. Nick has the money to move to New York and stay in a home for $80 a month.3.

Conformity, imbalance of power, and social injustice

The Crucible must be considered to be a great drama because of Miller's skillful play writing which created a script that not only addressed the idea of conformity in American culture, but also illustrated the unreal amount of power that select individuals hold because they define the means by which we all live. In The β†’

Women and the american dream

Ultimately, Daisy chooses a stable future with Tom over Gatsby's potential for love and wealth- her connection to Gatsby allows Daisy to avoid persecution and continue the stereotypical American dream with Tom. Although Daisy's status as an East Egger gives her more agency, Daisy's pursuance of her true American dream is hampered by her society's β†’

Winter mood in ‘the first snowfall’ poem by james russell lowell

In the poem, " The First Snowfall", by James Russell Lowell, a tonal shift from serenity to sorrow is created to support the poem's moral, through the integration of metaphor, simile, and personification. To accentuate the melancholic and serene tones presented in the poem, the poet incorporates the literary device of metaphor. Metaphor is used β†’

Is nick carraway a reliable narrator? essay sample

In the beginning of the book, The Great Gatsby, Nick could be described as the main character but as the book goes on Nick is having more of a secondary role, instead of the primary role which he was supposed to be. Nick is not always rational and objective: in chapter 3 of β†’

The catcher in the rye – childhood and adulthood

Spencer gives Holden a words of the wiser moment and Holden gives the impression that he doesnt want to grow up. Holden wants to protect the children at the school from growing up and he decides to scratch out the words that would potentially preserve the kids innocence.

Literature review: the giver

In many ways The Giver's society and our society are very different and the differences by far outweigh the similarities, similarities between Jonas' community and our society demonstrate that we are not completely different. One way is that our society you have a choice to work while in Jonas's community you are given Assignments such β†’

The uses of reverse psychology in “the cask of amontillado”

The location quickly changes from the lighthearted activities associated with such a festival to the damp, dark catacombs under Montresor's palazzo which helps to establish the sinister atmosphere of the story. It all starts when Montresor deceives his friend into going down into the catacombs with him to give him some feedback or β†’

Huck’s roles as defined by the river and the shore

Whenever Huck Finn steers his raft from the free currents of the river to the brambles on the banks of the Mississipi he renews his interaction with the society of the American south. When Twain's narrative comes ashore with Huck, the narrative becomes centered on the roles Huck is expected to play, and the β†’

Changes of john proctor throughout the play the crucible

John Proctor changed throughout the play because of events that made him have to change his judgment, beliefs and emotions. The beginning of the play, John Proctor is not presented as a good man, he is portrayed as weak and unfaithful. Because of his wife, Elizabeth, John has become a violent and angry man at β†’

The crucible movie review – essay example

The occurrences portrayed in the film have recurred with astonishing inescapability all through the history of humankind. The film and the play versions of The Crucible have many parallels. During the investigations, Miller was summoned to give his testimony in 1956. And, even though the play can be considered as an historical allegory for the β†’

Nick carraway as an unreliable narrator essay sample

3 Part of that dissatisfaction arises from Nick's moral withdrawal to the Middle West of his past, while a related response argues that the dream lives beyond Gatsby's death and that a " gleam of hope" is left the reader at the end, a hope perhaps inspired by the very limitations of Nick's consciousness. Nick β†’

About the ending of the catcher in the rye

If it's true Holden growed less bitter by the end of The Catcher In The Rye and her's learned the value of other people, then he may grow past his depression and move on to a more successful career at his new school and in his life beyond, emphasizing a sense of optimism, if not β†’

A lonely mind with a heavy burden: hope in the giver

Without the hope that pulled on the heartstrings of the settlers of this new land, the United States may not truly be the land of the free. The tone forces the reader to place themselves where Jonas is; the only person that has the knowledge of the past, experiencing everything and carrying the memories on, β†’

Courage (to kill a mockingbird)

Atticus is also forced to shoot the mad dog which is against his moral standards but he knew he had to kill it, not only to protect the people of Maycomb, he also had to put the dog out of its misery which took a lot of his strength and courage.

Internal & external lives of characters in the great gatsby vs the valley of ashes & east egg

From the instance of the enigmatic relationship of the Buchanan's, to Gatsby's antagonizing conflict with his past and Nick Carraway's judgements, the internal and external concepts these characters carry can be compared to something as significant as the deteriorating climate of the Valley of Ashes versus the opulent lifestyle of the East Egg. When reviewing β†’

Report on typology in american writing

Typology, in a biblical sense is what you are looking at as different signs and different interpretations of symbols and readings in the Bible. Another example of antitype and type in Jonathan Edwards's writings is in his Doctrine when he explains that it's not the light that shows you are sinful, and it's not a β†’

Compare and contrast the rocking horse winner and the lottery

Lawrence both use symbols to help the reader understand the theme of the story; however the themes of both stories were completely different, one about love the other the lack of love. In " The Lottery" and " The Rocking Horse Winner" both authors use symbols to help convey the central message β†’

Great gatsby: the immoral twenties

Not only did the book express the exciting side of the Twenties, it also expressed lack of morality of the time. Alcohol mixed with materialism leads to a grave ending. However, within The Great Gatsby alcohol alone fuelled many instances of immorality.

Corruption of the american dream

Corruption of the American Dream The American dream is an ideal that has been discreetly present since the beginning of American literature. Daisy and Tom's marriage is further proof of the collapse of the American dream.

Edgar allan poe: the master of horror writing

The scandal he would be involved in would definitely he drug related due to his wife dying at a young age of tuberculosis, and him struggling economically this is a recipe is disaster he would definitely try to find an escape from problems. William Shakespeare would be one of the people would that he would β†’

The great gatsby- jay gatsby v

But he is still called great, and in a sense he is. Gatsby is a dreamer, he lives for and in his dreams.

The adventure of the speckled band

The Adventure of the Speckled Band The story is called 'The Adventure of the Speckled Band' and is a detective fiction. The use of the words 'the speckled band' is slightly interesting to use on a snake, but also clever and mysterious.

“great gatsby” green light

TJ Eckleberg, the mysterious Valley of Ashes, and the glowing green light Gatsby finds himself mesmerized with. The green light Gatsby reaches out for at the end of Daisy's east egg dock represents his hopes and dreams, and is symbolic of Daisy as his ultimate key to success, not only romantically, but monetarily and socially, β†’

Essay on catcher in the rye

In Catcher in the Rye, Salinger uses Holden to suggest children around the world are depressed and want to gain a relationship with anyone who's willing to talk to them. Duringdepressionpeople may appear unfriendly to and irritate others, unfortunately in Holden case he was friendly to others because he was so depressed β†’

Irving’s devil and tom walker

Although he too associates the Indians killing their prisoners to be a sacrifice for the Devil, he does not fear the Forest the same way Goodman Brown does: Anyone but he would have felt unwilling to linger in this lonely, melancholy place, for the common people had a bad opinion of it, from the stories β†’

The two parts of to kill a mockingbird

Part I is more of an overview that foreshadows what is to come later on; she lets the reader get to know the characters and the setting of the book which takes place during the Great Depression in the deep south of Maycomb, Alabama. As the book progresses and the reader begins Part II the β†’

12 angry men and to kill a mockingbird

In To Kill a Mockingbird, the prejudice is seen because Tom is a black man going against a white man's word, and the jury is all white and prejudice. In Twelve Angry Men, prejudice is seen because the boy in trial is from the slums; he is criticized because of where he lives. Juror # β†’

Most important themes in the crucible

Arthur Miller's The Crucible' and George Clooney's Good Night and Good Luck' positions the audience to view the actions and events portrayed in the texts as unjust. The two texts explore the acts of injustice, credibility and a person's ability to protect the people and things they care about. Good Night and Good Luck and β†’

Argumentative essay on rhetorical analysis: to kill a mockingbird by harper lee

This study seeks to elaborate on the metaphorical analysis of the mockingbird in To Kill a Mockingbird, as it relates to the socially relevant themes on race, class and gender that have affected various people alluded by the characters described by Harper Lee in the novel (HarperLee.com; Johnson 15-21, 83-91). Analysis of the Mockingbird in β†’

The yellow wallpaper: breaking free

Gilman discloses the necessity for women's equal opportunity and freedom as men through the constant conflict between the narrator's desire to express creativity and society's patriarchal expectations of her. The narrator's connection to the nursery and its wallpaper corresponds to her relationship with her husband John. Although she expresses irritation and frustration β†’

Goodman brown political views and religious beliefs essay

In addition, the departure of Young Goodman Brown from his wife's comfortable house into the darkness of the forest symbolizes the birth of Brown's new life. Hawthorne's religious beliefs are evident in the short story and feature death and birth. This concept of death and birth is seen from the beginning of the story due β†’

Censorship and classics

The first is that the slurs add to the realism of the book." If a book was set in a period of time when racism against blacks was common, then slurs are used by the author to make the reader feel like he/she is actually experiencing the book, rather than reading it". The final reason β†’

Eulogy of mrytle wilson

I wanted to look my best for you, I wanted you to notice me, I wanted you to like me. I want you to see the world.

Role of abigail williams from the crucible by arthur miller

In Arthur Miller's The Crucible, Abigail Williams serves as an instigator, but she also represents the repressed desires of the Puritan women. Abigail Williams has the beauty and the respect all of the young women in Puritan society strive for, and she uses this beauty to gain the trust of the townsfolk. She is often β†’

Materialism portrayed by cars in the great gatsby

The entire party scene foreshadowed this, describing the guests, as coming and going, "...like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars ". These shallow qualities of the party guests are epitomized at the end of the scene through the use of the car accident.

Informative essay on to kill a mockingbird

As Ambrose Redmond had said, " Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the Judgment that something Is more Important than fear." That quote directly relates to To Kill a Mockingbird and the Finchfamilyin that the fear of standing up against Macomb's abundantracismand unfortunate prejudice is nothing compared to the β†’

Analysis of the yellow wallpaper

The act of hiding her writing whenever John is around is similar to the way literary women in the 18th-century, and the late 19th-century had to hide their work from their families. The narrator feels like she is imprisoned, not being able to control her mind or her thoughts, " It is quite alone, standing β†’

Male dominance in marriage

The main female characters in Kate Chopin's The Story of an Hour and Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper similarly provide the concept of male dominance in a traditional marriage. Albeit not directly stated in any of the two stories, the very situations of the wives in the hands of their β†’

Huck finn does what is right

When Huck leaves in the canoe, he has the intention to turn Jim in. These words made Huck realize returning Jim to slavery would be breaking the trust of a friend. Just because society expects you to return a person to slavery, it does not mean it is the morally correct decision to make.

” the great gatsby”: pursuit of dream

He decides to take the blame of killing Myrtle and stay in town to protect Daisy; according to Nick: " He would not consider it. The reason why Gatsby buys his mansion is because he wants to be close to Daisy and it is across the bay of Daisy's house.

The sins of mayella ewell

In Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, Lee uses the characterization of Mayella Ewell's guilt, loneliness, and fear as a source of motivation to accuse an innocent man of rape; this shows the reader that good and evil exist together. First, it is reasonable to conclude that Mayella's guilt about kissing a β†’

Essay outline for tkam:

1 Boo Radley is feared b.i.1.a Because of lies and rumours b.i.1.a.i Maycomb people spread b.i.1.a.ii " As Mr. 2 Tom Robinson is hated b.i.2.a Because of lies b.ii Both very nice b.ii.

Twisted but innocent

The importance and impact of this quote can be seen through personal interpretation, revelation of Nick's dual-natured character in the novel, and validity of its message in today's society, through the baby boomer generation and increased dependency on technology. This quote discusses the extreme parallels of life. An over-abundance of both are present in the β†’

The father-daughter relationship of atticus to scout

The same is true for the relationship between Atticus and Scout in the novel To Kill a Mocking Bird. The stereotypical father to a daughter is usually large, protective, and very kind. The way he instructs her about life, and about how to deal with people, it seems Atticus is attempting to β†’

Through a lens, darkly: the use of eye imagery to illustrate the theme of an extinct god in the great gatsby

Scott Fitzgerald makes in his novel The Great Gatsby, when he uses an oculary motif to link to the idea of God, and, more specifically, to develop and explore the theme of God's death in the materialistic and careless world of The Great Gatsby. Nowhere in the novel is there a clearer example of the β†’

Courage and bravery in lord of the flies

Its presence is observed by the narrator Scout from the characterisations of the central character Atticus, his influence on his children's upbringing and other the members of the community that displays such qualities e.g. On another occasion in the face of danger when a mad dog is running down the street, Atticus shoots it perfectly β†’

To kill a mockingbird moral

If it were not for Boo and his encounters with Scout, she would not understand the meaning of stepping into someone else shoes, and seeing things from their point of view. The second lesson that Boo helps teach Scout is the meaning of a mockingbird, and how a mockingbird can be the β†’