Quality History Essay Examples for Your Learning

The balance between freedom and truth- a dialogue

I presume, everyone here agrees with the statement that religion is concerned with truth and hence the true religion should be enforced by the state: those who do not believe or deviate in their beliefs, from what the state says is the religious Truth ought to be punished, as severely as necessary to convince them β†’

The renaissance period 1350 -1600 in italy

Historically, it referred to the period in westerncivilization, which was characterized of the revitalization of three things classical world interest, commerce, and beliefs of human achievement. The major concern for human worth and individual potentiality gave rise to the new society ideal of achievements in various aspects of life.

I want to get married, ghad abdel aal

Ghada Abdel Aal's masterpiece portrays the existent difference between parents' expectations and the reality that is overpoweringly and rather agonizingly threatening to destabilize the marriage institution that was considered the core unit of organization by the preceding generations. It is rather depressing and heartrending that the Egyptian novel simply portrays the veracity in Egypt, a β†’

The history of maria kittle

The paper " The History of Maria Kittle" is a worthy example of an essay on history. Most of Indian Captivity Narratives, with an exception of a few, were racist attempts to sway the public against Native Americans.

Sarna conference about the role of jews in the us civil war

From the film, 10, 000 Jews fought in the war, 3000 from the confederacy and 7000 from the union army. American Jews including those in St Louis served in the American civil war.

The legacy of mahatma gandhi assignment

The harsh oppression of the British Colonial rulers in India and the strained relationship between Hindus and Moslems would have led to uprisings, riots, and even wars if not for the philosophy and guidance of Gandhi. Mahatma Sandhog's life and message for the world is distinctly marked by three key aspects: his philosophy of non-violence, β†’

American government and politics

For each lesson you will a select a single feature from the assigned chapters and write a critical analysis response to the questions posed at the end of the feature. The unique thing about pork was the fact that it ranked the requests based upon the urgency of the bill.

The attack on pearl harbor assignment

During the war the Japanese Empire continued to grow in China and bean to move into Indochina. Their mission was to eradicate the American naval and air presence in the Pacific with a surprise attack.

The great depression: effects and solutions assignment

The government did little to stop the buying and selling. It was designed to soften the problems of Great Depression.

The civil war and the union’s victory

The battle of Chattanooga proved the Union's supremacy in the region. Works Cited The Battle of Chattanooga in September 1863.

Speech pearl harbor assignment

In the final sentence of the speech, Roosevelt clearly asks Congress to make the formal declaration of war: ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7, 1941, a state of war has existed between the United States and the Japanese Empire. Therefore he had to β†’

Ireland’s culture grim take on the dark ages: traditional music received blow after blow

Much of the traditional music involved a harp in its scores, so in an effort to unite and band together the underground movement kept the traditions alive, finding the scarce number of harpers left in Ireland and having them play in secret. The harping tradition was still on the brink of extinction in this time, β†’

1968: the year that rocked the world

1968: The Unique Year in World History Admittedly, 1968 was a historic year in the world, and specifically in America. In this context, the closely successive assassinations of Luther King Jr.and Robert F Kennedy contributed to 1968 being a unique year in world history.

Assessment of female sex work in ho chi minh city, vietnam assignment

This assessment has three objectives: analyze the current situation of female sex workers who are working in the project districts; identify and analyze the full range of factors that contribute to risk-taking behaviors and the introduction, acceptance and continuing adoption of safer sexual behaviors; and make recommendations about the project intervention areas, project intervention approaches β†’

John steinbeck

College: The Grapes of Wrath John in his book The Grapes of Wrath pointed out the failures with the American society and the world as well during the period of Great Depression and eve of World War Two. The difference is perception and perspectives of how the current generation approaches issues and natural disasters due β†’

Bridget bishop

Bridget Bishop Trial Sort of evidences used in the Bridget Bishop Trial In the Bridget Bishop Trial where the Bishop was accused of bewitching several persons, the initial evidence put before the jury was the testimony of the person who were suspected to be the victim of witchcraft and undergone some miseries in life. The β†’

Reflective reading

According to one of the Chinese women, studying in the U.S.is good as it exposes a person to the rest of the world. According to the Chinese student, being socially active in the U.S.goes a great way in helping a person to know others.

The history of crayola crayons

And, in 1903, a new brand of superior crayons tucked inside a yellow and green box of " eight" was introduced to the public- Crayola Crayons. Because of this adjusting to the changing times Binney & Smith are still king at the market they created decades ago.

A social paranoia fueled by mccarthyism concepts: describing usa’s fear of communism

The blacklist of Hollywood developed in the fall of 1947 after public hearings to investigate the influence of Communists in the motion picture industry were held by the House Committee on Un-American Activities, an investigative committee of the United States House of Representatives. People accused of being communists were released if they agreed to become β†’

Nicholas ii

Nicholas II The unwillingness of Nicholas II to become the czar of Russia in 1894 after the death ofhis father contributed significantly to his incapability in offering good leadership to the Russians. The lack of leadership skills and desire for leadership, made Nicholas rely on the pieces of advices provided to him by his wife β†’

A. large and small, and to estabilish conditions

The contents of the preambleto the UN Charter are1:" We the peoples of The United Nations determined, to savesucceeding generations from the scourge of war, which in life has broughtuntold sorrow to mankind, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, inthe dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men β†’

England in medieval times

The city lords wanted to attract merchants more because they paid taxes to them, which was collected by the sheriff. There also was no proper sewage system in medieval cities because people would throw their bathroom waste and garbage right onto the streets which gave rise to many diseases.

Demographic decline black death and the ottoman turks

The Ottoman Turks played a peripheral role in the history of Western Europe. The Ottoman Turks were important in Western European history as a peripheral power.

Great depression assignment

Plus the women were working g so hard, taking men's jobs so that the production keeps going, and they were still treat De like they were not people Veterans They thought that they would come back and have a job and all the gifts that the government would give them like the money that they β†’

Teen in ancient china assignment

I also hope I do not marry a farmer because I will have to help him in the fields. I am not ready to get married yet because I would have to take care of my husband, and sons, and other men in my life.

Crusades: definition, religious wars & facts

The Crusades were a series of wars the were fought between the Christian Europeans and the Muslim Turks. The Crusades were a series of many military expeditions conducted by European Christians in the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries to conquer the land of Israel from the Muslims or to repel their counterattacks.

The strategic arms limitation talks history essay

Candidate Number: History Internal Assessment April 4th, 2013Word Count: 1933Cuban Missile Crisis and the Strategic Arms Limitation TalksHistorical InvestigationNichlas Rager2013 The topic of this investigation is to examine to what extent the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 affected the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, which will be explored through an examination of primary sources, such as β†’

An allegorical comparison between witches hunts and the red scare in the crucible play

Arthur Miller's purpose for the true message of the crucible was to provide his commentary about what was happening around him, with the red scare and the cold war. In the essay, Arthur Miller said that the red scare and the witch trials were seeming to become nearly one in the same, and that's because β†’

Henry david thoreau in comparison to chris mccandless assignment

Much of his work was read by Chris Mishandles during the grand journey of personal freedom he took on as you have all seen in the movie Into he wild. Chris took this journey as a get away from all the things he hated, society being a main one of them.

Response paper

Some of these issues include the reassessment the Franco-Algerian War, slavery, and the French Empire. Collective Memory: France and the Algerian War.

The rock pillar edicts: the emperor ashoka

Duiker and Spielvogel argue, " He accepted the concept of reincarnation and the role of karma as a means of influencing the movement of individual souls up and down in the scale of life". Spirituality and dharma are two sides of the same coin; it is impossible to separate them.

Relationship between democracy and economic development in latin america

Relationship between democracy and economic development in Latin America Most common conception is that democracy makes a positive impact on economic development of a nation. There seems to be both a negative and positive impact of democracy on economic development in Latin America.

Not caring for country’s future over profits: child labourers in usa and dangerous workplace conditions

She makes it clear that the issues of child labor are relevant to most American citizens; it is not " only in the South that these things occur," but also in New Jersey, laws permit fourteen-year-old boys and girls to " enjoy the pitiful privilege" of working all night long. In essence, Kelley connects the β†’

Cold war study guide assignment

What decisions were made at Yalta, and what role did they play in the emergence of the Cold War. What was the Cold War and who did it involve?

Tecumsehs vision / shawnee people and native american resistance

It was his vision to retain what was left of to the Indians; he was born to protect the Indian and their property. A powerful orator, what did Tecumseh say to his people to revive the confederacy that he had known as a young man?- To revive the confederacy that he had as a young β†’

Modern history of japan

The Emperor's commands had no legal force within themselves, but required the signature of a " Minister of State".6. Moreover, according to constitution, the Emperor's commands had no legal force within themselves, but required the signature of a " Minister of State".

Why elizabeth i never married and the consequences assignment

Elizabeth was the last of her dynasty, and it was thought natural that her main concern would be to provide a child to continue the rule of the Tudors. For this reason, it was in the best interests of the country for Elizabeth to marry a man who, although of suitable rank and status, was β†’

Andean and mesoamerican societies

Andean and Mesoamerican Societies of Learning Introduction Though Andean and Mesoamerican societies can be analyzed in terms of pottery war methods and social structure, this paper focuses on comparison and contrast of their war methods. Differences in their fighting methods Andeans had poor weapons against their enemies and they majorly relied on the old war β†’

1984 the movie

1984, the Movie Totalitarianism is the central theme in the 1984, the Movie. Totalitarianism is a where the government acknowledges no limits to its power and endeavors to take control of all aspects of both the public and private life of its citizens.

Disaster of 9/11

Disaster of 9/11 The world saw one of the most tragic terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Bush in late 2002, is chartered to prepare a full and complete account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, including preparedness for and the immediate response to the attacks.

Latin american history and politics

The imperial conduct of US played an important role in stabilizing the Latin America' s economy through intervening on poor policies and exterminating geopolitical independence which proved to be a major threat to socio- political and economical angles. That is an implication that US is interested in well being of Latin socio-economic and political stability β†’

America at mid-century

The case is significant as the ruling of the Supreme Court to stop racial segregation of the white and black children became a turning point of the country development. The World Almanac and Book of Facts.

Bolivars government

He acts the Commander in Chief of the army and as the figurehead of the republic. The Vice President will succeed the President and administer the affairs the state and head cabinet ministers in managing the finances and diplomatic relations of the state and enforcing legislation of the tribune.

Alexander: a review

Although the film is so short to portray the real life of the legendary conqueror and king, it is not an excuse to misrepresent historical facts and show it to the public, who, in turn, without the correct information, would later on believe that what the film has depicted, is a reality instead of a β†’

The cold war

The Cold War began after the World War II where the United States emerged as the dominant power together with the USSR. I was quick to note that the zenith of the rivalry came in 1947 upon the establishment of the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan.

Parkland ( )

Kennedy The assassination or call it the murder of President John F. In the assassination, it is important to have the story of the common men as well.

N/a – thesis proposal example

The oil crises and the alternative energy political impact on the oil producing countries Statement: The alternative energy sources are independent sources of energy, which can benefit not only to the developed countries, but especially to the region of developing countries, which are dependent on energy sources. On the basis of the reliable empirical β†’

Conflict between palestine and israel

When the Arab community learnt of the Zionists intentions, they opposed further Jewish immigration and land buying because it was the biggest threat to the existence of Arabs in Palestine. Repression At the beginning of the Oslo process, Israel responded to the violence started by Palestinians by cutting down the flow of workers from Palestine β†’


Moreover, because of globalization, many countries have interests in other countries; therefore, to protect these interests, it has become necessary for the powerful to meddle in the political affairs of the weaker ones. This is because culture is one of the main identifiers of a state and globalization advocates for uniformity in the various aspects β†’

The violence of french revolution assignment

However, because of the inequality of the representation that existed in the organization of the estates, the third estate had the highest population and was made up Of the commoners, but they had the least amount of power. The next extreme feat for the National Assembly was to try to eliminate the privileges that members β†’

Cold warassignment assignment

To deal with this situation, they put the Containment Policy and the Marshall Plan into place, they organized the Berlin Airlift, and the United Nations was formed. The USSR tried to influence poor countries to adapt their way of life which was communism.


The consequence was that the third and fourth Dumas were heavily dominated by the right-wing parties, a reversal of the position in the first two Dumas in which the radical parties had held a large majority. Historians also emphasise the progressive work of the duma in providing state welfare and suggest that it was only β†’

The impact of technology on modern warfare

The Impact of Technology on Modern Warfare Introduction The emergence of new and advanced technologies has revolutionized warfare practices in the contemporary times. Specifically, this section will draw from the listed advantages and vulnerabilities of technology in warfare.

Ancient mexico and the spanish

As discussed earlier, the technology of the Aztec and that of the Spanish was incompatible. The technology used by the Aztec was na ve, ancient and could not stand a chance with the modern technology of the Spanish.

Economic changes in the later middle ages assignment

O Knights and Nobles want the new products - in order to get this they have to go outside of the manorial economy. O Above all they have a degree of FREEDOM because they do not fit into the system.

Causes of cold war assignment

Here are some of the affects coffee can have on your body, both the benefits of drinking coffee and the disadvantages. Used coffee grains can benefit the condition of your hair, to increase shininess and strength.

A brief history of shia muslims

So he put upon himself the guise of a Muslim and came to Iraq among Muslims who had just converted to Islam and were quite unaware of the fact that Islam abolishes every claim on the ground of birth, caste, race and kinship. They were familiar with the ways of their old monarchs who followed β†’

Influences on sir isaac newton and the acceptance of the heliocentric theory of the universe assignment

In the relay race of astronomic science, Newton was the last of the runners to be passed the baton, and he, adding to the work of many great scientific minds before him, sprinted the home stretch. This means that he got the ball rolling for the argument that the sun was the center of the β†’

Most influential man in history: benjamin franklin assignment

Benjamin Franklin is called the " first American" because of his role in the formation of the United States. All In all he was considered liberal for his time and one of the greatest contributors to all aspects of life Including government.

Sir sikandar hayat khan and demand for pakistan history essay

Punjab was considered to be the key to the Indian Muslim politics not only by Quaid-i-Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan and the leader of the All-India Muslim League but also by the Congress hierarchy, the Sikh leadership and the British policy-makers in India and London. The backwardness of the province of the Punjab β†’

Effects of the changing world on u.s intelligence

S and the Soviet Union include the nature of intelligence gathered, changing the use of intelligence by the government, and the influence of this intelligence on U. S intelligence is currently designed to establish and promote a culture of imperialism in which the U.

1984 – a dystopian novel

The only chance of survival is by showing obedience to the Party's orthodoxy and complete devotion to the cult of BB. Everybody is constantly watched and the use of language modified to try and crush independent, individual, autonomous thought, so that the Party will at last be in control of the whole inner being of β†’

The global influence of christopher columbus’ discovery on the world history

The result of Columbus's " Four Voyages" puts across the significance of religion and trade to Global History. The combination of Columbus's finds when he first reaches land, his encounters with the foreign people, and the role played by the Catholic Monarchs and Pope express the meaning of Global History.

History and memory

History and memory both provide adequate insights into the past, but it is through the consideration and combination of the two that compelling and unexpected insights are generated. After having analysed and studied a selection of poems from Denise Levertov's anthology ' Freeing of the Dust' and ' Millicent's Story', which is an extract from β†’


The economics of the US was undergoing a big blow from the depression that did not seem to end and the rates of unemployment were an all-time high similarly to the prices of food and other commodities. The Roosevelt's administration came up with the aspect called " New deal" which featured a series of changes β†’

Analyze the impact of globalization, technology, and the quest for democracy in the middle east today

In both of the books the protagonists are overambitious and dare to defy the laws of the universe. The tragedy of the situation involved the inability of the creature to find its place in the community, no matter what it did, and the unwillingness of people to understand the needs and aspirations of the Frankensteins β†’

The portrayal of katherine, the conflictual character, in shakespear’s play henry v

His masquerade as a solider as opposed to a king is played to lower Katherine's defenses and his transition to speaking to her in French is a maneuver to show Katherine he intends to marry her. The romance of Katherine and Henry is central to the final fifteen minutes of the film.

Manifest destiny u.s history ap assignment

The idea of manifest destiny held that the United States was a superior nation chosen by God to be the best of the best. Their cocky attitude is what led to the expansion of the asses, which later on cause d the Americans to believe they deserved the right to the territory of Mexico.

Frederick douglass importance of education assignment

Towards the beginning of the narrative, Douglass is eager to learn, and when his master forbids his learning, it only fuels his desire to further his education. He soon puts his education to good use and starts writing Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, in hopes that it will tragic reality of slavery.

Haiti history

Haiti has the distinction of being the first black independent republic, who only two centuries ago was the wealthiest country in the New World and represented more than a quarter of France's economy. A long history of political oppression, soil erosion, lack of knowledge and population density of 618 people per square mile has caused β†’

Social security program

Social security program The United s social welfare program has been formed both by long standing conventions and by changing budgetary and social conditions. Social Security, Medicare and Government Pensions: Get the Most Out of Your Retirement and Medical Benefits.

Pols 102

However, since 1995, the Supreme Court has limited the reach of numerous federal laws and regulations passed by the congress thus curtailing their power to make unilateral decisions about the federal states. The Supreme Court has come in handy to provide guidelines on how provision of rights and liberties has been spelt out in the β†’

Baroque: rococo assignment

The significance of this painting is that behind the theme of love and happiness, is wistfulness and melancholy, unusual in Rococo art. Derby's " A Philosopher Giving a Lecture at the Orrery" is significant in its depiction of a scholar introducing the theory of the placements of the planets and its qualities of a grand β†’

The decision to drop the bomb

The assertion that the USA bombed Japan to end the war was not correct but a war gimmick to justify the massacre of innocent civilians asks. According to Edwards, the use of the atomic bomb on Japan triggered the start of the cold war, Historians record that the killings of close to 200000 people were β†’

Consenting fathers: benjamin franklin and thomas jefferson assignment

The backgrounds of Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson dictated the different views that each had with regards to the education of the peoples of the colonies and eely formed confederacy. Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson grew out of very different backgrounds to emerge as eminent statesmen in the same fold.

The crown jewel of archaeology: pyramids and the discovery of their creation

Based on the information I have gathered, I have come to the conclusion that the Egyptians are the ones who built the ancient pyramids because there are archaeologists with first hand experience, the Egyptians strongly believe in their religion, and the people who think another species built the pyramids do not have enough evidence. The β†’

Cavin kare – history & future

When he was in the fifth standard, he had a lot of pets - more than 500 pigeons, a lot of fish and a large variety of birds. Selling things in sachets is his motto and as he says, 'this is going to be the product of the future.' But his father could not market β†’

Principles of war

Principles Of War Washington, which was referred as the Americans, had been observing and applying the best principles of war that enabled them to acquire the advantage during their battle with the British. The effect of this principle is that the British were able to push back the Americans hence giving them a chance β†’

The overlapping periods of the renaissance

Teacher Renaissance I would like to choose the Renaissance period because I believe this period made the most significant impact in the Modern Western Civilization. In sum, the Renaissance period revived interest in reason which gave birth to renaissance that paved the way for inventions and many discoveries that Modern Western Civilization is based upon.

African american history sharecropping

During the period of slavery, the land was concentrated in the hands of the few, and it was logical for landowners to continue producing agricultural commodities on a large scale using the sharecropping system. Sharecropping system helped to control black labor in the face of the emancipation.

French revolution

Yet, in the following years, the common people along with the " peasants in the countryside" succeeded in destroying the old regime to bring radical changes in the social and political fronts. The Estates-General had members of all the three Estates of French Society which included the clergy, nobility and the common people.

Middle passage assignment

The author of Middle Passage, Charles Johnson, wrote this book to show the imagery of what the slaves went through, the rumors that were around during slavery and transformation. The slaves who were put on the ships going to America had no idea what as going to happen to them.

2 cold war

Kennedy was an iconic personality given the great contribution of his role to the war. The technology that led to the landing on the moon started during the Kennedy's regime.

The nicene creed

The name of the creed is taken from an adaptation of the name of the city where the council formulated the creed. The Nicene Creed should not be confused with the revised creed adopted by the Council of Constantinople in 381 as the two creeds contain different wordings and attest to different forms of divination, β†’

An essay on the history of pickles

Much has been said about the influence of the media on history of pickles. Inflation history of pickles It is apparent from the graph that the influence of history of pickles is strong.

Kennedy administrations successful handling of the cuban crisis

The Cuban crisis was sparked off the US political move to overthrow the Cuban regime that was in power at the time, prompting the USSR to respond by sending its nuclear missiles to Cuba, so that it could deter any further attempt by the US to attack Cuba. The involvement of the USSR forced the β†’

Andrew jackson: renegade president or trailblazer? assignment

President Jackson was a renegade because he wanted to destroy the Bank of USA so that it benefit the common American. Therefore, Andrew Jackson was a renegade President to support the average Americans.

The impact of the cold war on the middle east

The Cold War Impact of the Cold War on the Middle East The cold war had a lot of effects not only to the participating countries but also the neighboring states: moreover, the effects were both positive and negative depending on the situation. On the other hand, military development and spending has continued despite β†’

Thinking globally; do you think the us should convert to the metric system

The metric system is more accurate or precise than the system utilized in the United States. The metric system is still being introduced and utilized in majority of the industries in the United States; the most remarkable industries using the system include the food and beverage industry.

The word amputation originates from the latin amputare history essay

The 16th, 17th and 18th centuries are probably the most significant time in the development of limb amputation technique and the evolution of amputation parallels the maturation course of surgery throughout these centuries.A. He was the first person to make use of ligatures to reduce the amount of blood lost during the amputation.

Athena: greek mythology assignment

Athena Athena is the goddess of wisdom and war, patriotism and good citizenship She is the protector of Athens, as she is the patron deity of the city. Athena was the favorite daughter Of Zeus, and her share of wisdom was given to her by him.

Leonardo da vinci: renaissance man assignment

Leonardo dad Vinci: Renaissance Man During the Renaissance, the ultimate goal of a person was to excel in all aspects of life. Leonardo dad Vinci is the Renaissance man because he excelled in art, science, and engineering.

Overview of the political activity of the exponential figure of communism, leon trotsky

Trotsky helped found the South Russian Worker's union in 1897, and because of his participation in the Union, Trotsky was arrested in January 1898. Because of the Bolshevik Party's success in the Revolution of 1917, Lenin had become the new Soviet government's leader and Trotsky his second in command.

How significant was martin luther king assignment

On the 29th of May 1 961, the Kennedy administration announced that it had directed the Interstate Commerce Commission to ban segregation in all facilities under its jurisdiction: With this ruling we can see that this event did have a large impact on the breaking down of Jim crow laws and the advancement of civil β†’

How to change the world

In addition, it is important to create a relevant project for easy adoption and integration; Souza adapts her teaching ideas to India's specific issues, a thing that saw the incorporation of EVS into the India's education curriculum. How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas.