Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Corrigendum: application of the pipeline embolization device for giant vertebrobasilar dissecting aneurysms in pediatric patients

00179 In the original article, Cunegatto-Braga et al, 2018 was not cited in the article. The literature indicates that the use of flow diverters in children is considered positive, particularly for VBDAs; hence, the treatment modalities for these lesions have gradually shifted from parent artery occlusion to the PED technique.

Healthcare record system

The electronic healthcare record system has proven to be a better means of documenting medical records and this is the reason that I am interested in using this method in documenting the medical records of patients. This is another reason that I would like to work in this field using the electronic healthcare record system.

Development of anti-idiotype vaccine for human follicular lymphoma

In all, by their incorporation of the cases of NHL and their desired goal of making the information available for them to be able to easily study and review the situations and cases they previously have for them to execute and evaluate the validity of the existing tests in the current occurrence of the disease →

Health and well-being 2

The authors have been successful in bringing forth the discrepancies in the national and regional data on obese population. This, yet again questions the reliability of data of the agencies and forces one to identify the causes so that it can be addressed and evaluated in the appropriate context.

Translating tolerogenic therapies to the clinic – where do we stand and what are the barriers?

These networks encompass an enormous range of trials including the minimization of immunosuppressive drugs in organ transplantation, the induction of mixed hematopoietic chimerism without myeloablation, and the use of a variety of antibody and cell therapies that attempt to elicit immune regulation in autoimmune disease, and they vary in scope from small pilot studies to →

From theories of aging to anti-aging interventions

Following this meeting, a collection of articles based on the talks, reports and experimental outcomes related to the topics of the conference was published in Frontiers in Genetics of Aging. Unraveling the proximal cause of aging and creating a universal aging theory remains a difficult and ambitious task.

Editorial: cd1- and mr1-restricted t cells in antimicrobial immunity

The discovery of i NKT cell restriction by CD1d and the ability of these cells to recognize -galactosylceramide prompted the invention of -GalCer-loaded CD1d tetramer reagents. T cells are not a major focus of this Topic, but have been introduced and briefly discussed.i NKT cells are perhaps the most widely studied population of CD1-restricted T →

Editorial: tactile intelligence in robots

This Research Topic aims to highlight state-of-the-art research on the implementation of tactile intelligence in robots inspired by neural mechanisms of tactile information processing. The study demonstrates the possibility of modeling both the intensity and variability of human tactile perception using tactile intelligence in robots.

Breaching trust: a qualitative study of healthcare experiences of people who use drugs in a rural setting

One explanation for the under-utilization of medical care by people who use drugs may be their experiences with stigmatization.conceptualized the theory of enacted and anticipated stigma of those living with HIV and have since adapted the concept to people who use drugs. Therefore, a closer look at the way these interactions occur in rural medical →

Editorial: anthropogenic impacts on the microbial ecology and function of aquatic environments

The Editorial on the Research Topic Anthropogenic Impacts on the Microbial Ecology and Function of Aquatic Environments Since, the beginning of the industrial revolution, anthropogenic pressures on natural environments have steadily escalated due to increased human population size, modification and destruction of habitats, and pollution. During the last 40 years, a growing awareness of the →

Combining kidney organoids and genome editing technologies for a better understanding of physiopathological mechanisms of renal diseases: state of the art

More recent studies show the generation of structures with a higher level of organization, with nephrons in a distinct cortex, connected to collecting tubes radiating from the medullary and Henle handles plunging from the cortex into the medullary. In order to mimic spatial gradients existing in the in situ kidney development, placing in contact one →

History of surgery

Indeed, since the invention of surgery as a special branch of medicine as a profession, the association of human talents in the development of surgical techniques to modern sophistications has been utterly inseparable. The Rise of Surgery, in: A Short History of Medicine.

Happiness, psychology, and degrees of realism

My attempt here is to analyse the relationship between the concept of happiness/well-being certainly difficult to operationalize, it should be noted and the states of the external world and the brain events related to its occurrence. In fact, outlining the different degrees of realism linked to different conception and approaches to happiness has the purpose →

More than 500 kids could be saved each year! ten consensus actions to improve quality of pediatric resuscitation in dach-countries (austria, germany, and switzerland)

The following 10 actions/theses like the " 10 Bad Boll Theses for 10, 000 lives" published for adult resuscitation are intended to provide the action framework for a comprehensive, fundamental, and interprofessional reorientation of clinical and organizational structures concerning resuscitation and post resuscitation care of children. As in adults, post-resuscitation treatment and the level of →

The concept of e-healthcare information security and issues in e-healthcare information security

There are several issues linked with the security of electronic healthcare information such as the inconsistency between the laws that govern healthcare and the policies of different healthcare institutes. Other than that the internet and other technologies have further added to the challenges of securing and managing healthcare information that is electronic in nature.

Prevention of infection ivc

They should also drape the patient with the full body drape and maintain a sterile environment during the insertion. The health personnel should inspect site for erythema, swelling or drainage and review lines daily to prevent delays in removing no longer-needed lines that increase the risk of infection.

The fluoridation of public water – love it or leave it

It is the government that controls the fluoridation of public waters but, oddly enough, the FDA does not regulate the amount of fluoride that is pumped into the water supply. There are other arguments which state that the fluoridation of public water is a violation of rights.

Editorial: trends in neuroendocrinology

The Editorial on the Research Topic Trends in Neuroendocrinology Neuroendocrinology is the field of research that explores the interplay between the central nervous system and the endocrine glands. Miller and Caldwell examine the organizational role of oxytocin in the postnatal and peripubertal periods on the brain and behaviors.

Editorial: self-eating on demand: autophagy in cancer and cancer therapy

Editorial on the Research Topic Self-Eating on Demand: Autophagy in Cancer and Cancer Therapy The field of autophagy has grown enormously over the past 10 15 years, with rapid advances in our understanding of the regulatory mechanisms that control autophagy pathways in mammalian systems, and an improved understanding of the physiological influences of autophagy in →

Depression and what you learned about it

DEPRESSION: What I learned about it ID number: of Human Resources s Name: Name of University Location of University: Date of Submission: February 02, 2014 Estimated Word Count = 598 Introduction Depression is the state of feeling down due to a low mood that causes a person to avoid any meaningful activities. However, it stops →

Canadian national health plan

According to August Comte, the French philosopher whose ideas form the basis of the approach, true knowledge can be obtained by experiment and observation and is based on experiences of the senses. Positivist thinkers use this research approach as a way of generating knowledge, so it has to be understood within the framework of the →

Criteria of existence for a q fractional p -laplacian boundary value problem

In this work, we aim to investigate the following q -fractional boundary value problem with the p Laplace operator { a D q )+ Q p )= 0, t , u = 0, u = A u, a D q = 0, a D q u = B a D q u, where a D →

Postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy regimen of capox combined with ninjin’yoeito in an elderly patient with stage iii colon cancer: a case report

We report a case of postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy comprising capecitabine plus L-OHP combined with NYT for the treatment of stage III colon cancer in an elderly patient. In previous reports, NYT appeared to be useful for reducing the adverse effects of anticancer anemia, peripheral neuropathy and cancer cachexia.

Why and how. the future of the central questions of consciousness

The idea of the explanatory gap deepened with the help of several thought experiments such as the famous knowledge argument, inverted spectrum scenarios and philosophical zombies, and it finally resulted in the formulation of a distinction between easy problems of consciousness and the hard problem of consciousness. 024 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar →

Life-threatening hemorrhage during patent ductus arteriosus ligation in a cat: xenotransfusion with canine blood

0 kg was referred to the Small Animal Clinic of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Liege for investigation of heart murmur, cough, dyspnea and weakness. The cat received 24 ml of blood during surgery and the transfusion was maintained postoperatively until he received the 131 ml in order to match the →

Editorial: towards users’ optimal and pleasurable experience in smart environments

To provide readers, a view of recent developments in this research area, this special issue focuses on the application of a human-centered approach in the design of smart environments ensuring occupants' optimal and pleasurable experiences. Further, Kim et al.investigated the ways to control and adapt technology to fulfill the daily needs of users and developed →

Leukemia in children related to air pollution

The reason for this is the high levels of pollution in cities. The research goes to show the problems that high pollution levels can create especially with regard to children.

Editorial: bayesian estimation and inference in computational anatomy and neuroimaging: methods and applications

Editorial on the Research Topic Bayesian Estimation and Inference in Computational Anatomy and Neuroimaging: Methods and Applications This e-book brings together a total of nine studies focusing on imaging-based Bayesian estimation and computation. In fshape, a diffeomorphism was obtained by a joint optimization of the surface geometry and functional signals mapped onto the surface.

Grand challenges in environmental nanotechnology

The capacities of environmental nanotechnology can be further enlarged by the manipulation of the nanomaterials in terms of morphology, microstructure and composition. Design and engineering heterojunctions for the photoelectrochemical monitoring of environmental pollutants: a review.Appl.

Educate students on the risks of eating fast food health essay

The objective of this study is to test the hypothesis that a nutrition intervention in young adults in Manchester can help them change their dietary habits and improve it reducing the consumption of fast foods that contain high levels of saturated fat and sodium. Aim 1: To assess the amount saturated fat and sodium intake →

Enacting a social ecology: radically embodied intersubjectivity

Enactive cognitive scientists quote the philosopher Merleau-Ponty to provide perhaps the most dramatic example of such thinking: The world is inseparable from the subject, but from a subject which is nothing but a project of the world, and the subject is inseparable from the world, but from a world which the subject itself projects. The →

Control of adipocyte differentiation in different fat depots; implications for pathophysiology or therapy

Similarly, genetic labeling of a transcription factor that is enriched in fat cell precursors Zfp423 demonstrates a perivascular origin of pre-adipocytes, and this transcription factor is both necessary and sufficient for the development of a common precursor of white and brown adipocytes. Tcf7l1 acts in a different manner by responding to the confluence of the →

Editorial: nano- and microparticle-induced cell death, inflammation and immune responses

In the current issue, Shu and Shi gave a systematic overview of the physical and chemical properties of solid particles and their host responses. A wide range of solid particles is known to induce the formation of NETs, which results in the release of intracellular danger associated molecular patterns to initiate the inflammatory response.

Determining optimal routes to surgery for borderline resectable venous pancreatic cancer—where is the least harm and most benefit?

There are therefore fundamental issues to be considered and it is essential to critically appraise existing pathways, including the need to treat jaundice and reported outcomes to decide where the balance of risk and benefit lies in treating patients with BRPC. It is clear that the radiologic response of NAT to chemotherapy is often unreliable →

Editorial: e3 ubiquitin ligases: from structure to physiology

The topological nature of the assembled ubiquitin chain largely dictates the function of the ubiquitinated protein and the cellular outcome. Such insights include the mode of cooperation of E3s with other enzymes for ubiquitin chain initiation and elongation, the precise positioning of the donor and acceptor ubiquitin sites, and the principles underpinning substrate-assisted catalysis.

Human resource management roles

Role of HRM in healthcare industry Role of HRM in healthcare industry Recruitment, retentions, training and development of the employees are some ofthe major functions of human resource management." Human resources, when pertaining to health care, can be defined as the different kinds of clinical and non-clinical staff responsible for public and individual health intervention". →

Commentary: understanding the impact of infection, inflammation and their persistence in the pathogenesis of bronchopulmonary dysplasia

To this end, a critical area of needed research in this regard is the role of lipid mediators such as resolvins and lipoxins in BPD. Understanding the impact of infection, inflammation, and their persistence in the pathogenesis of bronchopulmonary dysplasia.

50 differences that make a difference: a compendium of frequently confused term pairs in psychology

This distinction is familiar to every introductory psychology student, who knows that negative reinforcement, which involves the withdrawal of a stimulus, increases the likelihood of a previous behavior, whereas punishment, which involves the presentation of a stimulus, decreases the likelihood of a previous behavior. These terms are widely confused in popular culture and are occasionally →

Editorial: serafino zappacosta and the ceppellini school: a pioneer model for nurturing education in immunology

Editorial on the Research Topic Serafino Zappacosta and the Ceppellini School: A Pioneer Model for Nurturing Education in Immunology This Frontiers in Immunology Research Topic is a collection of articles on the activities and the scientific interests of the founders, faculty, and students of the " Scuola Superiore di Immunologia Ruggero Ceppellini", an International School →

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

The emotional and behavioral dual diagnosis disorders tend to emerge during the middle childhood and early adolescent years, giving rise to the hypothesis that these are socially induced problems that occur as a result of the misunderstanding and mismanagement of the primary ADHD symptoms. The nature of the dysfunction in this system is described alternatively →


Articles Affordable care act: Implementing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: The time is now The explains provisions of the act that should be effective in the year 2014. Changes in the legal and technological environment has however complicated the scope of care and led to development of managed care model.

Acupuncture is an effective treatment for pre menstrual syndrome

Although there is not enough conclusive evidence that can substantiate the use of acupuncture, it is still a method that should be considered as an alternative or a complement for other treatment. Alternative treatment such as acupuncture might be the answer especially for those who have tried the usual methods.

Reforming america’s health care system – consumer-driven health care and money-saving solutions – implications for providers, payers, and policy-makers

Overall, the book is a highly informative source of understanding the weaknesses and strength of the American healthcare system and the benefits provided by the system to the American citizens. Overall, the book is a useful and significant source of acquiring a detailed understanding of the current practice of the healthcare system and its impacts →

Meat diet is healthier than vegetarian diet

In spite of the area, there is a great chance a person was forced to undergo a long argument concerning animal suffering, which, compared to the meat-eaters' view of that complainant, are habits comparable to cannibalism. This is because a lot of vegans and vegetarians take very little calcium owing to the limits of their →

Quantifying motor experience in the infant brain: eeg power, coherence, and mu desynchronization

In the following sections we review extant EEG literature on infant motor, cognitive and social development implementing power, coherence, and mu desynchronization. Overall, research on power and the A-not-B task suggests that neural maturity, particularly in frontal regions, is linked to performance on this cognitive task.

Editorial: cytotoxic cd4+ t cells in viral infections

In the context of viral infections such as West Nile virus, influenza, and Friend virus, it has been demonstrated that cytotoxic CD4+ T cells are readily detectable ex vivo and can contribute to viral containment even in the absence of antigen-specific CD8+ T cell or B cell responses. The role of CD4 CTL on the →


This will enable me understand the dynamics of the urban life from general and specific points of view and this will lead to understanding of people more and their functioning which differentiates them to a large extent to the rural people. This information and knowledge I hope will put me in a position of connecting →

Absence of evidence or evidence of absence? commentary: captured by the pain: pain steady-state evoked potentials are not modulated by selective spatial attention

Blochl and collaborators hypothesized that selectively attending to one of two painful inputs applied on the hands would lead to a selective enhancement of the magnitude of the SS-EP elicited by the attended input. 003 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Legrain, V, and Mouraux, A.

Editorial: the impact of active and passive smoking upon health and neurocognitive function

The Editorial on the Research Topic The Impact of Active and Passive Smoking upon Health and Neurocognitive Function Tobacco smoking is a major risk factor for a number of chronic diseases, including a variety of cancers, lung disease, and damage to the cardiovascular system. The aim of this Frontiers Research Topic is to bring together →

Health and circumstances

However, ads have enlightened the public on the effects of smoking on their health. Ads should be displayed to empower people, irrespective of age and gender.

Corrigendum: triage approaches send adverse political signals for conservation

00039 Reason for Corrigendum: Owing to an oversight, there was a mistake in the section " Triage of Populations," last sentence of the last paragraph. The author confirms being the sole contributor of this work and approved it for publication.


Cost The cost of a single Gatorade bottle, Powerade, or water varies significantly according to the size of the bottle and store of purchase. Advantages of consumption Water is a solution to the problems that come with dehydration such as headaches and fatigue.

The limits of resilience and the need for resistance: articulating the role of music therapy with young people within a shifting trauma paradigm

The authors note the wide range of clinical subpopulations that experience trauma, the heterogeneity of what is classified as PTSD, and the contextual factors that shape the impact of music therapy. In the remainder of this conceptual analysis, I outline an example of music therapy as a site in which to attend to the social →


The reasons for an organ developing cancer are varied, and could range from an over exposure to a certain carcinogen, to genetic factors, or to a constant physical irritant in the body. A major drawback of cancers, if not detected early, is the possibility of their spreading to other tissues in the body, as in →

Scientific scholarship and impact factors

However, there is a " dark side" to the system, in that there is a built-in conflict-of-interest in this interdependence of the publisher, journalists in editorial positions, and the reviewer. Scholarship in science is made easier than other fields because there is a written record of articles that allows the writer, the journal reviewer, and →

Ligand-gated ion channel interacting proteins and their role in neuroprotection

Various other proteins are involved in controlling the type and position of particular subunits in a given channel, as well as the function of the function of the assembled channel. The interaction between the D1 and NMDA receptor involves direct binding between the carboxy termini of the D1 receptor and the NR1-1a and NR2A subunits →

Do interprofessional education programs produce dissension that destroys them?

Ninety five percent of first-year pharmacy students and 100% of first-year prospective health professions students completed the newly developed Jefferson Scale of Attitudes Toward Interprofessional Collaboration at orientation to their programs in August and September, respectively, 2014. The Jefferson Scale of Attitudes Toward Interprofessional Collaboration: development and multi-institution psychometric data.J.

Environmental sciences in the twenty-first century

It provides the air we breathe, the materials we build our homes with, the energy to power our factories, the food we eat and the water we drink. That is to say, we are using the resources of the natural world to their exhaustion, and the discarded waste products of the industrial processes that feed →

Corrigendum: short and long-term effects of anesthesia in octopus maya (cephalopoda, octopodidae) juveniles

KR is grateful to the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Association for Cephalopod Research CephRes a non-profit organization. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way.

Editorial: machine learning approaches to human movement analysis

A model is a summary of the best knowledge of a system at the time it is investigated, capturing essential aspects that are critical in answering the question at hand. The automatic classification of athletic tasks based on motion data gathered in real-world conditions with inertial sensors is another expanding area of investigation, as evidenced →

Being mad in early modern england

In order to achieve that, I will briefly review documents about the treatment of mental disorders published and used in England especially, but not exclusively, during Elizabethan and Jacobean eras organizing the argument around the well-known markers: diagnostics and etiology, therapy, organization of the asylum, the public image of the mentally ill... It contained descriptions →

Editorial: plant genome-epigenome integrity under environmental stress

This review summarizes results on the relationship between histone acetylation and acylation under stress conditions in plants and provides a model showing the interplay between primary metabolism and epigenetic regulation of genes to adapt to stress conditions. This work provides a profiling platform for the analysis of chromatin regulatory genes and their regulation in response →

Corrigendum: the aging slopes of brain structures vary by ethnicity and sex: evidence from a large magnetic resonance imaging dataset from a single scanner of cognitively healthy elderly people in korea

A Corrigendum on The Aging Slopes of Brain Structures Vary by Ethnicity and Sex: Evidence From a Large Magnetic Resonance Imaging Dataset From a Single Scanner of Cognitively Healthy Elderly People in Korea by Choi, Y. 00233 In the original article, we neglected to include the funder National Institutes of Health and DOD ADNI to →

Please answer in short paragraphs

This will be followed by use of statistical methods to generalize information to the entire population and finally use of statistical analysis to create a statement about the health of said population. Some reasons why the cost of health care is rising Cleverly et al explains that one reason for the continued rise in the →

Measuresure of organizational performance

LAKEFRONT REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER Introduction Lakeview Regional Medical Center states that, " hospitals of excellence become the best through continued dedication and commitment in providing the best in quality of care in an environment of compassion, dignity, and respect". Being regional referral hospital, the hospital is expected to experience an increase of both inpatient and →

Variability of fev 1 and criterion for acute pulmonary exacerbation

013 Morgan et al.concluded that cystic fibrosis in children and adolescents with a high baseline forced expiratory volume were less likely to have a therapeutic intervention or slower rate of FEV 1 decline after a single acute decline in FEV 1 of 10%. National treatment guidelines for acute pulmonary exacerbations in CF was based on →

Cross-cultural differences in somatic awareness and interoceptive accuracy: a review of the literature and directions for future research

Culture and Depression: Studies in the Anthropology and Cross-Cultural Psychiatry of Affect and Disorder. 922 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Matsuki, K." Metaphors of anger in Japanese," in Language and the Cognitive Construal of the World, eds J.R.

Editorial: engineering synthetic metabolons: from metabolic modeling to rational design of biosynthetic devices

It reaches from pathway engineering in living systems, i.e, the introduction of functional biochemical pathways into existing organisms, and the design of vesicle-based multicompartmented biochemical reactors and protocells to the creation of entirely synthetic cells with reproductive potential that is encoded by synthetic genes [with the work of Gibson et al.that attracted the greatest publicity →

Editorial: computational epitranscriptomics: bioinformatic approaches for the analysis of rna modifications

Yet, only in the last decade this research field rapidly expanded, due to the development of simple and effective methods for the genome-wide identification of some of these marks, such as MeRIP-seq for the profiling of N6-methyladenosine. The renowned interest in the field led to the identification of key effectors writers, erasers, and readers that →

Editorial: memory systems of the addicted brain: the underestimated role of cognitive biases in addiction and its treatment

Therefore, the aim of this research topic is to provide an overview of the current work investigating the long-term impact of drug use on learning, memory, and decision-making processes, how multiple memory systems modulate drug-seeking behavior, as well as how drug-induced cognitive biases could contribute to the persistence of addictive behaviors. The research topic begins →

Mild and asymptomatic covid-19 infections: implications for maternal, fetal, and reproductive health

The public health implications of the spread of SARS-CoV-2 infection from the initial site of infection to the female reproductive organs, in both pregnant and non-pregnant reproductive age women, are the focus of this paper. To evaluate the first risk of a secondary uteroplacental infection, studies should address the relationship between level of ACE2 expression →

Visual mismatch negativity (vmmn): a prediction error signal in the visual modality

Kremla ek et al.presented subjects with radial motion stimuli in the periphery of the visual field using an oddball paradigm and manipulated the attentional load by varying the difficulty of a central distractor tasks. The difference potential between the deviant-related ERP and the ERP elicited by identical orientation pattern in the control condition appeared to →

Caffeine does elicit

Caffeine-containing soft drinks are very popular." Caffeine taken in beverage form begins to reach all tissues of the body within five minutes. Caffeine increases blood pressure and stimulates the brain and behavior.

A biopsychosocial model based on negative feedback and control

Our suggestion, however, is that negative feedback is a mechanism that is fundamental to the biological, the psychological, and the social domains of human living. To understand the functional nature of negative feedback both the words " feedback" and " negative" are important." Feedback" indicates that output from a system is fed back to affect →

Sense-making, meaningfulness, and instrumental music education

So, let us start with the nature of enaction, as " enaction" is the core of 4E cognition, and of being in the world." The praxis of our living," state Maturana and Varela, is " enactive". In sum, as Gallagher and Lindgren write: " Cognition, as embodied and enactive, is not exclusively the result of →

Mitochondria are potential targets for the development of new drugs against neutrophilic inflammation in severe pneumonia including covid-19

In the serum from patients with COVID-19 the concentration of cell-free DNA correlated with the content of neutrophils, the marker of the acute phase of inflammation C-reactive protein, and the marker of thrombosis D-dimer. 20200652 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Bozek, A, and Winterstein, J.

Transcranial direct current stimulation in sports training: potential approaches

The result of this stimulation is modulation of excitability of the region of cortex lying directly under the electrode. For example, Hummel et al.found that tDCS in stroke patients resulted in improved scores on a test reflecting motor activity related to daily living and that this effect persisted beyond the time of stimulation.

Review of “managed care in a public setting”

ISBN: 978-1-62417-970-9 Published as part of the series onHealth and Human Development Rick Steele makes a passionate case for a more community-based system of managed health care with the overall goal of decentralization of services and the expectation that this will result in lower costs without lowering of services. He finds both positives and inadequacies →

Treatment paradigms for patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer, squamous lung cancer: first, second, and third-line

There was a trend to greater benefit from the addition of cetuximab to chemotherapy, in patients with squamous NSCLC compared to patients with adenocarcinoma. However, due to the adoption of pemetrexed in the first-line setting, docetaxel remains an option for second-line chemotherapy, in patients with non-squamous histology.

The early events that initiate β-amyloid aggregation in alzheimer’s disease

According to the amyloid hypothesis, A is the pathological factor that initiates the onset and progression of AD. This review highlights the relationship between risk factors of AD and A aggregation to bring us closer to a comprehensive understanding of the pathogenesis of AD and prevention potential of early events in AD.

Perspectives on “good” in blockchain for good

In such structures, data is freed from the silos of the large firms and becomes fluid and able to create value for the individual and the organisations who help them create and share it. Research needs to be done to capture both the benefits and the drawbacks to really understand the meaning of value and →

Sengi exceptionalism

A second emphasis of the study is a detailed cytoarchitectural and quantitative analysis of the major hippocampal subfields. What is the role of species vs.habitat in adult neurogenesis and hippocampal subfield composition?

Hearing and music in unilateral spatial neglect neuro-rehabilitation

In each of them, the number of reported elements located in the contralesional side of space is considered in order to evaluate the presence of USN. The complexity of these tasks can also be enhanced during training sessions by increasing the number of distractors in the cancelation task or reducing the letter size of the →

Therapeutic potential of extracellular vesicles

In this Research Topic, Andreu and Ya ez-Mo discuss the evidence for proteins of the tetraspanin family to be considered as exosome markers and deliberate on their functions on exosomes, starting from biogenesis and cargo selection to the final binding and fusion with the target cell. De Jong et al.discuss the function and role of →

Get up early in the morning

Basic to any understanding of the advantages of getting up early in the morning is the good things that nature offers in the early morning. Therefore, I prefer to get up early in the morning and start the day's work.

Commentary on: “motor switching and motor adaptation deficits contribute to freezing of gait in parkinson’s disease”

In a recent article published in Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, Mohammadi and colleagues used a split-belt treadmill that can independently control the speed of the left and right sides to evaluate gait symmetry and adaptation in healthy subjects, non-freezer, and freezer PD patients. Moreover, the adaptation of gait asymmetry during split-belt and the re-adaptation during →

Editorial: controversies in pediatric cardiology

The three topics considered in this Research Topic are the pulmonary valve replacement for pulmonary valve regurgitation, the current role of echocardiography in the diagnosis of congenital heart defects, and the best modality of cardiopulmonary bypass for pediatric heart surgery. In this edition Morgan and Corno present the controversy surrounding whether pulmonary valve regurgitation should →

The elderly and the covid 19 crisis: a chronicle of deaths foretold, in isolation and total indifference

The elderly population is one of the prime targets of COVID 19, finding itself on the front line and, as a result, it has already paid a heavy price. Goodman-Casanova et al.conducted a survey to explore the impact of lockdown on the health and well-being of community-dwelling older adult and to evaluate the benefit of →

Family practitioner career

In other words, the family doctor provides comprehensive medical services including counseling and general medical care to a family or individual without regard to gender and age. In order to join this noble profession, aspiring practitioners must be self-motivated, have the desire to serve sick people, able to withstand long hours and a lot of →