Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Human development and business

As I became armoured with the programs of MBA, I know it will help my personality to be more aggressive and define my set of standards. A good communication is tantamount to a well rounded personality which can easily adapt to diverse levels of the business grounds.

Music in the treatment of children and youth with prolonged disorders of consciousness

First, ethical issues surround the provision of appropriate care regarding the design and use of the type of sensory stimulation and the intensity of the intervention. The factors of saliency and familiarity position music as an ideal stimulus for attaining optimum arousal and eliciting awareness in children and youth with PDOC.

Understanding and targeting centrally mediated visceral pain in inflammatory bowel disease

Chronic abdominal pain is a debilitating symptom of inflammatory bowel disease: a chronic inflammatory condition of the gastrointestinal tract, which includes Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, and is characterized by periods of inflammation and remission. There is a growing body of evidence from animal studies, suggesting that a dysfunction of the nervous system plays a →

Reducing the burden of mortality in older people with diabetes: a review of current research

A further distinction in the mortality burden in older people with diabetes, can be made in respect of the duration of diabetes. Examining factors associated with excess mortality in older people.with diabetes a 10 year cohort study of older people with and without diabetes.

Chronic and communicable diseases

This brief write up will examine the spread of diseases by vectors and the most common vectors that transmit diseases human beings. There are three factors that affect the transmission of diseases that are vector-borne to human beings.

Editorial: ai and financial technology

The European regulatory framework should enable Fintech companies operating in their jurisdiction to benefit from innovations in Technology and Finance while at the same time ensuring both a high level of protection for consumers and investors and resilience of the financial system. This point has been framed by the current European Commissioner for the Euro →

Editorial: innovative approaches to learning in environmental science

Editorial on the Research Topic Innovative Approaches to Learning in Environmental Science Over the last two decades, the context in which educational programs in environmental science are offered to students, at all levels, has changed tremendously. As a result, the articles collected within this RT explore innovation in environmental education from a broad range of →

Book review: the history of the basel institute for immunology

Ivan Lefkovits writes from the unique perspective of being present for the entire 32 years that the Basel Institute for Immunology was the global focus of immunological research and discovery. The book is the story of the place and people leading to the discovery of the genetic mechanisms of immunoglobulin diversity and the elucidation of →

Imaging brain change across different time scales

Anatomical brain imaging can be used to probe the changes in brains between different species due to evolution and, at the other end of the spectrum, functional imaging with electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography can be used to study very rapid changes in brain states due to sensory processing, cognition, and social interaction. Four of the papers →

Commentary: cognitive reflection vs. calculation in decision making

00532 The article of Sinayev and Peters proposes extensive and experimentally-grounded arguments able to shed light on the debate which compares the hypothesis that Cognitive Reflection mirrors the human ability of suppressing automatic answers in favor of deliberate ones, with the hypothesis that numerical ability alone is able to predict superior decision making and to →

Editorial: nutritional and environmental modulation of the endocrine system: effects on metabolism and growth

Editorial on the Research Topic Nutritional and Environmental Modulation of the Endocrine System: Effects on Metabolism and Growth Metabolism and growth are under the control of the endocrine system that, working in cooperation with the nervous system, regulates these functions. In the current Topic, Perez-Sanchez et al.reviewed the evolution of the GH, prolactin, and somatolactin →

Editorial: artificial intelligence for medical image analysis of neuroimaging data

Huang C.et al.developed a new fusion method based on the combination of the shuffled frog leaping algorithm and a pulse coupled neural network for the fusion of SPECT images and CT images to improve the quality of fused brain images. Lin C.et al.proposed a novel low-rank method for the simultaneous recovery and segmentation of pathological →

Toll-like receptors as modulators of mesenchymal stem cells

To date, MSCs are defined according to the three criteria of the International Society for Cellular Therapy: Adhesion to plastic: MSCs can be isolated by adhesion to plastic and expanded in vitro in serum containing media with no additional requirements for growth factors or cytokines; Expression of a specific combination of surface markers: MSCs are →

Editorial: fatigability and motor performance in special and clinical populations

In populations such as females, old adults, and clinical populations, there is limited knowledge on performance fatigability, the involved mechanisms that limit performance, how fatigability assessed in the laboratory predicts functional tasks in the real world, and the interactions with perceived fatigability. This Research Topic highlights several studies and reviews on: the debilitating effects of →

Skeletal muscle tissue engineering: best bet or black beast?

One example of organ replacement that is likely to be successful is the Stapedius, which is the smallest and weakest skeletal muscle in the human body. A progressive increase in the architectural complexity of ECM and cells in tissue-culture grade constructs is likely to provide adequate experimental models for the in vitro study of phenomena →

Transcranial stimulation of the developing brain: a plea for extreme caution

A recent review by Vicario and Nitsche identified a number of opportunities and challenges for the use of brain stimulation in children. We have seen how incomplete knowledge of the effects of brain stimulation in adults and in children may entail risks when applied to children, and have seen that TMS and tCS are likely →

“guidelines recommendations on the treatment of tricuspid regurgitation. where are we and where do we go with transcatheter valve intervention”

The recent ESC/EACTS guidelines stress the importance of the awareness of tricuspid disease especially in patients with significant mitral valve disease. The recent ESC/EACTS guidelines insisted on the importance of an early treatment of TR, when surgery is performed only on the tricuspid valve or in combination with the surgical correction of a mitral valve →

Commentary: the problem of mental action: predictive control without sensory sheets

Different theories stress distinct aspects of action-directedness, such as for example the importance of sensory-motor regularities or contingencies to steer active perception loops; the reuse of the brain's motor system for " action simulation," in the service of action perception, imagery, and planning; that the brain may be organized to rapidly specify and select actions. →

Sharing assessment in health and social care essay sample

1Explain ' outcome-based practice' During the 1980's, the term " evidence-based" care surfaced to describe the approach that used scientific evidence to determine the best practice. The main aim of consumer/managerialist approach is to improve the efficiency, economy and effectiveness of services by drawing on the ideas and experiences of service users to improve management →

Human resource planning helping companies

As business planning alone without right number of people with the right skills will not be profitable to the extent that company want it to be. One of the stages in human resource planning is to estimate what will be required in terms of skills, number of people to archive the business goals.

Balance performance in autism: a brief overview

In the study of Chen and Tsai, children with ASD were permitted to lightly touch a wall with their fingertip during quiet standing. These and many other studies show that sensory information processing, as well as the sensory control of balance, works in a sub-optimal manner in ASD.

Biogenesis of the oxidative phosphorylation machinery in plants. from gene expression to complex assembly

In the first article of this Topic, Schertl and Braun illustrate the complexity of plant mitochondrial electron pathways involved in respiration and describe the many dehydrogenases present in plant mitochondria and the entry points of electrons to the respiratory chain. In summary, the collection of articles of this Research Topic highlights the complexity of the →

Philosophical and speculative economies of the vanishing body

The cognitive capacity belongs to the realm of thought but its effects in the reality belong to the realm of the real and the material. Such is the dyad at the heart of the non-human, the one consisted of the real of materiality made of machine and body, on the one hand, and language or →

Editorial: mixotrophy in protists: from model systems to mathematical models

While cellular and ecosystem drivers and the physiological role of mixotrophy are well understood for some protists, major gaps remain in our understanding of the broader biogeochemical and trophic implications of mixotrophy. In this Research Topic, Lin et al.use a dynamic mathematical model to illustrate the effects of temperature and nutrients on autotrophic and mixotrophic →

How we do things with words: analyzing text as social and cultural data

For example, the choice to work with data from a particular social media platform may be partly determined by the fact that it is freely available, and this will in turn shape the kinds of questions that can be asked. We are looking for a definition of the concept that is flexible enough to apply →

Computer processable classification of craniofacial clefts

00163 Different interpretations of the term " Cleft Lip" by clinicians and developmental biologists referred to by Wang et al.in the introduction of their article on evaluation and integration of disparate classification systems for clefts of the lip, mirrors my observations in an article on nomenclature in craniofacial embryology. Evaluation and integration of various classification →

Expressivism, relativism, and the analytic equivalence test

This is an application of the second principle that he introduced in the prolog of this work and that defined his logico-semantic project, ' never to ask for the meaning of a word in isolation, but only in the context of a proposition', the principle of context that shaped the development of logic and semantics →

A sporting and peronist youth in the making: the high school students union (ues) in argentina (1952–1955)

As a symbol of the social and moral decadence produced by Peronism, the UES was for a long time the subject of a sulfurous reputation, forged and exploited from 1954 to 1955 onwards by the opposition, and especially by the Catholic Church, which was then in open conflict with the Peronist government. According to the →

Editorial: innovative approaches in diagnosis of emerging/re-emerging infectious diseases

Timely diagnosis is hampered by the lack of clinical awareness, and the scarcity of laboratory tools able to provide accurate results with a short turn-around time regardless of the immune status of the host and the extent of the disease. The original research and review articles in this Research Topic highlighted the importance and constant →

Characteristic of the u.s. health care delivery system

Characteristics of the U.S.health care delivery system One defining characteristics of the US healthcare system is lack of en ment to basic and routine health care services of all American citizens since this system has evolved in response to such concerns as quality and cost. Retrieved from http://www.hhs.gov/about/.

Editorial: public health nutrition in the middle east

The Editorial on the Research Topic Public Health Nutrition in the Middle East The Middle East is one region in desperate need for public health nutritionists and public health nutrition strategies to address the ever escalating burden of diet-related diseases. The fact that public health nutrition aims to address lifestyle- and nutrition-related health problems that →

Bioactivity of thyroid hormone analogs at cancer cells

The appreciation of the existence of a receptor for thyroid hormone analogs on the plasma membrane of cancer and rapidly dividing endothelial cells has enabled the recognition of functions of thyroid hormone analogs that were previously thought to be inactive. Tetrac inhibits the actions of T4 at the integrin and in the absence of T4 →

Radiotherapy – one world essay

This is mainly because some long-term side effects include the growth of scar tissue, infertility and damage to other areas of the body, depending on the location of the radiation treatment. Referring to one of the main advantages, this is a very beneficial treatment as it limits exposure to radioactivity, and out of the different →

Public participation in health and social care: exploring the co-production of knowledge

There has been a surprising lack of progress in the development of such public and patient involvement in health and social care and a tendency to isolate the issue from its broader relations, for example, institutionalizing it as separate entity and abstracting it from its ideological connections. It was service users' exclusion from this process, →

On the incongruity between developmental plasticity and methodological rigidity

Thus, the success of each phenotype is dictated by the presence or absence of predators and, ultimately, by the correspondence between neonatal forecasting and adult life conditions. To test these predictions, we exposed neonate mice to a supplementation of corticosterone and evaluated, in adulthood, the inter-individual variation and frequency distribution of data obtained in these →

Editorial: enamel research: mechanisms and characterization

The Editorial on the Research Topic Enamel Research: Mechanisms and Characterization The idea to compile the present collection of articles on the topic on dental enamel formation and maturation was born in the course of a discussion over a glass of wine during the 11th International Conference on the Chemistry and Biology of Mineralized Tissues →

Lfe report on health and medical services essay sample

LFE has been designed to provide a brief knowledge over the living structure and social and economic and also the health condition of the rural areas of Bangladesh. A major aim of this report is to formulate the policy-response for achieving development for the village in our point of concerns " the health and Medical →

The neuroscience of time and number: untying the gordian knot

M, and Roitman, J.D." Nonverbal representation of time and number in animals and human infants," in Functional and Neural Mechanisms of Interval Timing, ed.W.H. M, and Meck, W.H.

Embodiment and sense-making in autism

Sense-making plays out and happens through the embodiment and situatedness of the cognitive agent: her ways of moving and perceiving, her affect and emotions, and the context in which she finds herself, all determine the significance she gives to the world, and this significance in turn influences how she moves, perceives, emotes, and is situated. →

Sexual health

If we got some information from the people who are directly involved with young people, these can include the the GP's, health service providers, youth advice clinics etc easily accessible to the public and then encourages young people to be open and talk about sexuality then we can curb the problems that we face on →

Neuroscientific and neuroanthropological perspectives in music therapy research and practice with patients with disorders of consciousness

Inspired by theories of embodiment, which describe the engagement of culture and individuals through sensual perception and experience, we believe that the meaning of music in therapy develops within the therapeutic session as a specific tool of communication between the patient and the therapist. The therapy was, for example, adapted to the posture of the →

Moral theories in bioethical contexts

These insights outline key variations that define bioethics in Africa, and the underlying issues in comparison to the Western world. In essence, differences in moral values both in the West and in sub-Saharan Africa ought to be accounted for as far as bioethical practices are concerned.

The developmental origins of the social brain: empathy, morality, and justice

The aim of this review is to give account of the neural processes underlying each of the aforementioned aspects of the social brain, beginning with the distress detection ability, going through how this relates to empathy and harm sensitivity, thus, impacting moral behaviors, and ending with how the typical processing of others' distress is affected →

Commentary: lactate-induced glucose output is unchanged by metformin at a therapeutic concentration—a mass spectrometry imaging study of the perfused rat liver

A Commentary on Lactate-Induced Glucose Output Is Unchanged by Metformin at a Therapeutic Concentration A Mass Spectrometry Imaging Study of the Perfused Rat Liver by Calza, G, Nyberg, E, Makinen, M, Soliymani, R, Cascone, A, Lindholm, D, et al. Madiraju et al.reported liver mitochondrial respiration in the presence and absence of 50 M metformin by →

Editorial: applications of nanobiotechnology in pharmacology

Editorial on the Research Topic Applications of Nanobiotechnology in Pharmacology Nanobiotechnology, by definition, is a multi-strategic technique that combines nanotechnology and biotechnology to engineer the properties of therapeutic agents, e.g, target delivery of therapeutics by nanoparticles, in a unique way as paradigm shifts from fundamental biological study to clinical pharmacology. PEG-poly was able to deliver →

Food safety; pests and vectors; air quality

Food Safety; Pests and Vectors; Air Quality Air Quality The common health problems associatedwith indoor and outdoor air pollution in urban settings are as a result of the adverse effects of sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and other particulate matter. Several measures can be taken to protect the children from the deleterious effects →

Editorial: optimizing the delivery of multiple ecosystem goods and services in agricultural systems

The articles of this Research Topic enhance our knowledge of how management practices applied to agricultural systems affect the delivery of multiple ecosystem services and how trade-offs between provisioning, regulating, and supporting ecosystem services can be handled both above- and below-ground, and across multiple scales of space and time. A, Naylor, R, and Polasky, S.

“i trust in staff’s creativity”—the impact of covid-19 lockdowns on physical activity promotion in nursing homes through the lenses of organizational sociology

With the emergence of the coronavirus disease of 2019 pandemic in the early spring of 2020 and the associated national lockdowns and restrictions, nursing home residents were restrained from being physically active. The lockdown included the prohibition of visits by relatives and service providers, restrictions to leave the institution, and the limitation of group activities →

Free tec 393 technologies in world civilization essay sample

Having heard about the dependence of potatoes in Ireland and its aftermath, it is obvious that it parallel the events of the early twenty-first century and our dependence on computer technology. It is where the second option of coming up with a discovery to replace micro-processor will come in.

The rewarding nature of social interactions

Accordingly, the topic of social interaction has increasingly been addressed in the field of psychiatry and psychotherapy as well as the cognitive neurosciences. Processing of social and monetary rewards in the human striatum.

Nirs in motion—unraveling the neurocognitive underpinnings of embodied numerical cognition

To investigate the functional relevance, generality and variability of associations of number magnitude and embodied representations, first correlation and training studies have been conducted. Furthermore, it indicates that we can and should use the association of number and embodied-spatial representations to support mathematical learning, meaning that we should use motion and bodily-sensory experiences that correspond →

Commentary: is the frontal lobe involved in conscious perception?

A similar type of distinction can contribute to the resolution of a debate regarding the role of the frontal cortex in conscious perception. The role of frontal and parietal brain areas in bistable perception.J.

Ultra-low dosage regimen of rituximab in autoimmune blistering skin conditions

B-cells play a central role in the pathogenesis of autoimmune blistering disorders and rituximab, which selectively targets B cells, has proven to be an effective and safe therapeutic agent in patients with autoimmune blistering skin disorders refractory to conventional treatments. In this study, the authors demonstrated that 2 rituximab depleted 97% of all B-cells and →

Integrating attentional control theory and the strength model of self-control

Most important for the present work is the finding that the ability to inhibit responses and to flexibly shift attention are also self-control acts that depend on the momentary availability of self-control strength. In a series of studies, Englert and Bertrams were able to demonstrate that self-control strength moderates the anxiety performance relationship in fine →

Specialty grand challenges in separation processes

The importance of separation processes is highlighted by the so-called Sherwood plot, which links the degree of dilution of a target molecule at the outlet of a production process to its price. Another indication of the importance of separation processes comes from the fact that they are classically considered to represent 60 to 80% of →

Intrapartum asphyxiated newborns without fetal heart rate and cord blood gases abnormalities: two case reports of shoulder dystocia to reflect upon

After the extraction of the fetal head, a maneuver of digital hooking was performed for the disengagement of the shoulders. The delay between the extraction of the fetal head and the disengagement of the shoulders was 2 min.

Epigeneti-what? approaches on translating research for primary breast cancer prevention

While much of this research is likely to find a home in pay-walled peer-reviewed publications for other scientists to read, very little is likely to make its way directly to the public those who actually funded this research in the first place. However, instead of relying on news personnel to essentially act as mediators between →

Flexible teaching and learning modalities in undergraduate science amid the covid-19 pandemic

In response to the unprecedented health crisis gripping the world and the associated restrictions, many universities have been faced with the difficult decision on whether to shut down and suspend teaching, or to rapidly adapt their approach to learning through online course delivery and streaming. The delivery of many practical and laboratory classes in such →

The rule with any allergy restriction essay sample

Vegan cheese is a crime that no one should commit, and unfortunaley I found that out the hard way along with hundreds of others. I would not wish the everlasting experience of melted vegan cheese on anyone and would not waste my time on trying to find a decent subsitute.

Pediatric gastroenterology—challenges great and small

These include the type and character of the conditions cared for, the changing patterns of conditions over time, new developments and technologies, and expanding knowledge. The development of new technologies has lead to huge advances in our understanding of the role of genetic mutations in the pathogenesis of IBD.

Health care in ghana essay sample

The statements in this report do not represent an opinion of the Austrian Red Cross on the political situation in the country. The current growth rate of the population is estimated at 1.

Global health priorities

Global Health Priorities Global Health Priorities The current global nursing shortage is going to affect the future of healthcare administration in hospitals first through the loss of noticeable nursing leadership and decreased access to medical nurse professionals. This spreading dissatisfaction will certainly hamper hospital administration as it attempts to implement solutions to the nursing shortage.

Chronic illness and sexuality

If the patient is sick with a chronic illness, sexuality should be the least of their worries with so many other issues regarding their health.a. This is a necessary evil and nothing can be done to prevent the sexual dysfunction, as treatment of the disease is most important.a.

Xct, not just an amino-acid transporter: a multi-functional regulator of microbial infection and associated diseases

In light of the emerging pleiotropic functions of xCT, the goal of this review is to summarize recent findings about the role of xCT in microbial infection and associated diseases, and to discuss potential future directions for research in this particular field. Remarkably, ectopic expression of recombinant xCT does not cure the poor target susceptibility →

Bovine viral diarrhea virus in zoos: a perspective from the veterinary team

The American Association of Zoo Veterinarians and Association of Zoos and Aquariums and similar organizations in Canada, Europe, and Australia maintain quarantine guidelines for the introduction of new animals, but those quarantine guidelines are designed to be flexible, allowing for nuances of individual collections. BVDV is of concern to zoos because of the variety of →

Math self-efficacy and stem intentions: a person-centered approach

Based on the fundamental assumption of social cognitive theory that behaviors are derived from the interplay of person predispositions and the environment, Lent et al.proposed social cognitive career theory, which outlined the interactive variables and paths that are involved in a person's decision to select and enter a career field. In addition to understanding the →

Editorial: hippo signaling in the immune system

Editorial on the Research Topic Hippo Signaling in the Immune System The Hippo signaling pathway, originally identified as a central developmental regulator of organ size, has been recently found to play indispensable roles in the immune system. Two of the review articles in the topic are specifically dedicated to the roles of Hippo kinases and →

Editorial: facing the other: novel theories and methods in face perception research

Additionally, five studies in the current issue have attempted to further delineate characteristics of holistic/configural face processing in healthy subjects in terms of the experimental design of the composite face task, of the physical properties of the face itself, and of the familiarity of the face. Given the distributed system for processing face identity and →

Dna, statistics and the law: a cross-disciplinary approach to forensic inference

A fundamental question that has accompanied DNA analyses since the early days of their use in the legal process thus remains: how do we handle the challenges presented to us by the use of contemporary scientific and technological developments in the field of law? Under the general theme " DNA, statistics and the law," the →

Harnessing oncolytic virus-mediated anti-tumor immunity

Using oncolytic vaccinia virus as an example, Thorne summarizes approaches to enhance the anti-tumor immune response by the introduction of immune stimulatory transgenes. Schirrmacher and Fournier from the DKFZ, Heidelberg and from the IOZK in Cologne put forward in a perspective article a new concept of a multimodal cancer therapy involving oncolytic Newcastle disease virus, →

The influence of collective behavior on pacing in endurance competitions

The role of emotions on pacing strategies and performance in middle and long duration sport events.Br.J. Collective behavior and the identification of phases in bicycle pelotons.

Postnatal human genetic enhancement – a consideration of children’s right to be genetically enhanced

In sum, these features of PoGE not only allow for a proper child rights discourse to take place but will also compel us, as enhancers, to consider the position of the minor on the matter; namely, to be attentive to her preferences, commensurate with her age, and to be mindful to the putative effects of →

Editorial: antidepressant prescriptions in children and adolescents

Editorial on the Research Topic Antidepressant Prescriptions in Children and Adolescents The use of antidepressants in children and adolescents has a troubled history, for almost all principles of good evidence-based medicine were violated or compromised. 30: 1 7.doi: 10.

Rapid release capsules: hydroxycut hardcore

The product is scientifically researched and multiple human trials have been conducted to authenticate the effectiveness of this product.f. In my opinion, since multiple studies have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of this product, the use of this product is likely to bestow therapeutic benefit to its consumers.

Ego, drives, and the dynamics of internal objects

Due to the id's lack of concern for external reality and safety, the ego assumes the role of an executive agent, attempting to satisfy the id through activity in the world: " As a frontier-creature, the ego tries to mediate between the world and the id, to make the id pliable to the world and, →

Endovascular neurosurgery in the netherlands: historical developments and achievements

Endovascular Neurosurgery in The Netherlands started in 1992 when Andre Grotenhuis at Radboudumc, Nijmegen studied the effect of balloon-expandable stents in the treatment of experimental carotid aneurysms. Within the context of this society, the abovementioned pioneering led to the gradual acceptance of non-radiologists in the field of neurointerventional procedures in The Netherlands.

Commentary: “compensatory plasticity: time matters”

A recent review on plasticity in the blind stressed the importance of critical periods and the influence of the duration of sensory deprivation on the re-organization of sensory cortices. The influence of a sensitive period on central auditory development in children with unilateral and bilateral cochlear implants.Hear.Res.

Embodied coordination and psychotherapeutic outcome: beyond direct mappings

While the former is easily measurable and occurs at the scale of seconds or less, the latter condenses a broad set of factors based on therapeutic experience and corresponds roughly to a timescale of whole sessions and longer. Second-order change, instead, implies a reorganization of the components that lead to a shift to a qualitatively →

Commentary: gut microbiome–mediated bile acid metabolism regulates liver cancer via nkt cells

The gut microbiota provides a prominent benefit to the host; however, there is also increasing evidence of the involvement of the gut microbiota in human disease. The findings from Ma et al.shed light on the prevention and treatment of liver cancer by targeting the gut microbiota in clinical application.

Weight discrimination in the american workplaces health essay

Some of the topics that will be covered are the costs of obesity in the workplace, the legality of weight discrimination in comparison to the ethics surrounding it and the question of obesity being considered a disability. In conclusion, it is clear that discrimination of a person's body weight impacts the American population.

Editorial: orphan gpcrs as emerging drug targets

This is in part due to the involvement of GPCRs in regulating a wide range of human physiological and pathophysiological processes, and in part due to the fact that current GPCR drugs only target ~80 known receptors, about 10% of all GPCRs encoded in the human genome. Given the tremendous progresses in exploiting the chemical →

Sop for public health

There I learnt that the delivery of health services and primary care was very difficult in a vast and diverse country as India. The project was a hard copy of pictures and slides that explained the various routes of transmission of HIVE, difference between HIVE and AIDS, what are the early signs and symptoms of →

Powerful partnership: crosstalk between pannexin 1 and the cytoskeleton

Further, Panx1 has been shown to physically interact with the actin cytoskeleton and the expression of Panx1 exhibits a significant level of control over multiple cytoskeletal elements. Although this has not yet been directly tested in the context of Panx1 channels, it is certainly of interest in light of the recent discovery of the Panx1 →

Beyond getting the numbers right: what does it mean to be a “successful” bayesian reasoner?

Throughout this short history of the psychological study of Bayesian reasoning, Bayesian performance has most commonly been defined, explicitly or implicitly, as the ability to generate the " accurate" value for the posterior probability p, or the probability that a hypothesis H is true, given a new piece of evidence D, based on the values →

Children’s self-regulation in cultural contexts: the role of parental socialization theories, goals, and practices

The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of cultural contexts for the development of self-regulation by reviewing studies on the relations between parental socialization theories, goals, and practices and children's self-regulation in diverse cultural settings. Accordingly, the study of self-regulation should be characterized by the acknowledgment that the efforts of an individual →

Non-additive effects in genomic selection

Shortly after the rediscovery of Mendel's rules, it was observed that, in some cases, the addition of the individual action of genes could not explain the mode of inheritance, and Bateson coined the term " epistasis" to describe the cases in which the actions of two or more genes interact. In the first, the dependence →

Demand for health care services

This essay reviews the demand for health care services of obese patients by discussing the demand and economic theory as it applies to the medical diagnosis treatment. Discuss the impact on the State funds for Medicare and Medicaid The impact of the State funds for Medicare and Medicaid that has improved the quality of health →