Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Frauds, contracts and end of life issues in medicare

Frauds, Contracts and End of Life Issues in Medicare And their Implications This paper will describe different types of fraud, contracts and end of life issues and their impacts on individuals and organizations in the Medicare profession. Frauds, Contracts and End of Life Issues in the Medicare And their Implications A fraud is a deceitful β†’

Editorial: advanced interpretable machine learning methods for clinical ngs big data of complex hereditary diseases

It can also check the correctness of the models and avoid misleading caused by the bias of big data. The rfGPT used 2-gap dipeptide and split amino acid composition for the feature vectors and was combined with the synthetic minority over-sampling technique and an analysis of variance feature selection method.

What do we mean by smart contracts? open challenges in smart contracts

To answer the question, we will investigate the history of smart contracts and answer the following questions Are smart contract really contracts? To address the question whether a smart contract is really a contract requires the understanding of the term " contract".

Example of article review on blog posts on technology and scent

The art and design of human health and the wellbeing cluster of the society aim to offer a center to provide motivation, development, and to spread new knowledge. With the glassy illustration of the human brain, the doctors and other stakeholders in the health concept are able to find cures and solutions to brain problems.

Cosmetics and products

The more customer demand for the product the more profit to the organization, at the same time if there is no customers demand it's going to affect the organization in a negative manner. This is due to the high number of market players and large supply of diverse products to the market.

More reasons to move: exercise in the treatment of alcohol use disorders

Studies also demonstrate that exercise is effective in the treatment of common mental disorders and has a role in the treatment of serious mental illness. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome in alcohol use disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Interferon gamma in leishmaniasis

Seminal studies on experimental infections of Leishmania major in C57BL/6 and BALB/c inbred mouse strains correlated parasite control with the elaboration of interferon gamma by CD4 + T cells and uncontrolled infections with the absence of IFN- in the C57BL/6 and BALB/c mice, respectively. 1038/ni1304 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Ji, β†’

From industrial research to academic discoveries, toward a new concept of partnership: the biomathics model

The value of academic research is based on the small size of research teams, avoiding too much inertia and making it possible to work through close interaction rather than contracting; on the opportunity to test candidate molecules; and also on their ability to work on rare diseases and orphans drugs in the CNS area that β†’

Corrigendum: probing auditory scene analysis

00293 One of the funding sources was omitted from the Acknowledgments list and one funding source was incorrectly assigned. Sussman was funded by the National Institutes of Health.

Forensic pathology

This is because if the samples are supposed to go for DNA sequencing or finger printing then the DNA from every cell or tissue of the same body is exactly the same. So basically an autopsy is performed to find out the hidden cause of death and tracing it all the way back to the β†’

Commentary: proteomics analysis revealed that crosstalk between helicobacter pylori and streptococcus mitis may enhance bacterial survival and reduces carcinogenesis

The presence of non- H.pylori microbes suggests the possibility that gastric microflora may interact with H.pylori and modulate physiology and morphology of this bacterium. An example of one such relevant research was the analysis of Streptococcus mitis, a physiological inhabitant of the human gastrointestinal tract, and H.pylori co-culture effect on the proteomes of both bacteria.

Editorial: big data, pharmacogenomics and real-world research in pharmacology

In this topic " Big Data, Pharmacogenomics and Real-World Research in Pharmacology", we aimed for studies of pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics using big data approaches, studies of real-world registry or cohort studies in therapeutics, claim-based health database, and omics-level big data studies. Overall, we believed the topic, " Big Data, Pharmacogenomics and Real-World Research in Pharmacology", β†’

Diverse effects of smoking

The institution considers the diverse effects of smoking to the primary smokers and the secondary group. It is in the interest of the students to promote the campaign against the vice and enhance the functionality of the ban.

Dentist: dentistry and dental school

In order to become a dentist in South Carolina, you are required to graduate and attain a dentistry license. While interning for a practice, they are able to get used to the physical demands and everyday tasks of a dentist.

Corrigendum: musical intensity applied in the sports and exercise domain: an effective strategy to boost performance?

In the text, it reads " Bishop et al.retrieved similar effects regarding tennis players' CRT performance, with lower volumes indicating to amplify arousal levels". Yet, the correct text is " Bishop et al.retrieved similar effects regarding tennis players' CRT performance, with higher volumes indicating to amplify arousal levels".

Economic reasoning and interaction in socially extended market institutions

For instance, the " endowment effect," which is the difference between the price a seller assigns to her own product and the price that seller would be willing to pay, had she to buy that product on the market, arguably affects the reliability of the market mechanism. In this and the next section, we build β†’

Fad diet

2 Although it is true that in adherence to Atkins helps the individual to lose a lot of weight in a relatively short period of time, one of the biggest problems with the diet is the fact that over time it is very hard to keep the weight off; unless of course one continues to β†’

Editorial for the research topic: information-based methods for neuroimaging: analyzing structure, function and dynamics

This was developed for multimodal integration of the resting state fMRI and the whole brain connectome and is based on the evidence that the level of resting-state functional correlation between any two regions decreases as the graph distance of the corresponding structural connectivity matrix between them increases. In Lee et al.the Approximate Entropy, a measure β†’

Editorial: methodological, theoretical and applied advances in behavioral spillover

The aim of this special issue is to unite contemporary psychological research on the issue of behavioral spillover, to improve conceptual coherence in the field, and to advance knowledge in this area. Elf et al.identify the importance of social support for spillover and examine the emergence of spillover effects in response to an intervention led β†’

Thinking in a non-native language: a new nudge?

Finally, we discuss the ethics of implementing active thinking in a non-native language as a nudge to influence the behavior of ourselves and others and conclude that further research is essential for determining the efficacy of the nudge. The idea that actively thinking in a non-native language influences the cognitive processes responsible for judgment and β†’

Editorial: introduction to the presentations at the factor xi and the contact system ssc session of the isth, montpellier, france, may 27, 2016

Editorial on the Research Topic Introduction to the Presentations at the Factor XI and the Contact System SSC Session of the ISTH, Montpellier, France, May 27, 2016 The present volume comprises some of the oral presentations that took place in the FXI and the Contact Activation Subcommittee on Standards of Coagulation in the Montpellier, France β†’

Commentary: genetic evolution of classical swine fever virus under immune environments conditioned by genotype 1-based modified live virus vaccine

Analyzing the global evolutionary patterns for CSFV, Yoo et al.stated that the genetic diversity of the CSFV-G2 was higher than that of the CSFV-genotype 1. Because of the emergence of neutralization-escape mutants from the CSFV-G2 strains caused by the disproportionate use of MLV based on CSFV-G1, Yoo et al.proposed that there is a need to β†’

Covid-19: cultural predictors of gender differences in global prevalence patterns

Cultural factors, in particular the extent to which long or " modest" clothing is worn and the convention of separating adults by gender, may inadvertently determine the rapidity and extent of the spread of communicable diseases including COVID-19. In a recent analysis of gender and COVID-19, a working group argued that " policies and health β†’

Editorial: topological soft matter

The behavior of many soft materials relies on vector fields, such as the nematic director in liquid crystals, velocity in fluids or in active particles, deformation in soft solids, or the orientation of fibers. A new open question in soft matter is to understand the role that topological defects have in the organization of active β†’

Cardiovascular autonomic dysfunction and falls in people with multiple sclerosis: is there a link? an opinion article

1159/000064949 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Gunn, H, Creanor, S, Haas, B, Marsden, J, and Freeman, J. 0000000000000064 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Kaufmann, H, Norcliffe-Kaufmann, L, and Palma, J.A.

Efforts to eradicate poliomyelitis health and social care essay

In 1988, the WorldHealthAssembly voted to implement a run to eliminate infantile paralysis by the terminal of the twelvemonth 2000, following the successful obliteration of variola in 1980. Therefore, the intent of wellness publicity is to beef up the accomplishments and capablenesss of persons to take action and the capacity of groups or communities to β†’

Raising awareness on the manifestation of ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer Is known as the silent killer, because it is a challenge trying to detect this cancer due to minimum symptoms in earlier stages, which makes it hard to catch before it is able to metastasize to other parts of the female body." Unfortunately, early ovarian cancer is hard to detect and there are β†’

The human heart

Heart pumps the pure blood to the different parts of the body and then takes the deoxygenated blood from all the parts to the lungs for oxygenation. Deoxygenated blood is collected from various parts of the body and is transferred to heart.

The iconographic brain. a critical philosophical inquiry into (the resistance of) the image

The eagerness of the press in this visual-centric time and age, where the image is a privileged commodity, is one thing, but the other more pertinent question is, what is the status of the image within wider culture, and more specifically, within scientific culture and science itself? In the fifth and final section, an engagement β†’

Corrigendum: neurodegeneration and microtubule dynamics: death by a thousand cuts

00343 In the original manuscript, an affiliation for Jyoti Dubey as Manipal University was missing. In addition we would prefer to write expanded name of InStem as Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine.

Editorial: harnessing useful rhizosphere microorganisms for pathogen and pest biocontrol – second edition

Understanding the role of rhizosphere microorganisms in the control of pests and diseases appears as a growing research field, as shown by the sharp increase of studies carried out during the period 2000 2019. The antagonist colonized the rhizosphere of both crops and reduced the severity of black scurf on potato and bottom rot on β†’

Obesity in new orleans

The officials say it is obesity that is the cause for most diseases the New Orleans dwellers suffer from. One of the reasons for this process is that fast foods are gaining popularity in New Orleans, the same as in the other American cities.

Beyond the circulating renin–angiotensin aldosterone system

The activation of the classical renin angiotensin aldosterone system is known to be involved in the regulation of blood volume and blood pressure and plays an important role in cardiovascular pathology including hypertension and heart failure. New frontiers in the intrarenal renin-angiotensin system: a critical review of classical and new paradigms.

Against the environment. problems in society/nature relations

For Latour, a sociology of the social is doomed to be unsuccessful in its enterprise of understanding the uncertainty and dynamism of human life because it tries to explain the social by the social instead of focusing of the myriad processes of association of human and extra-human life-elements by which both " the social" and β†’

Editorial: cytokine-ion channel interactions in pulmonary inflammation

Because the alveolar-epithelial barrier is an integral component of the mammalian innate immune system, the effects of bacterial and viral infections of the distal airways on Na + transporters, ALC and integrity of the barrier itself are of high pathophysiological and clinical relevance. In a series of in vivo and in vitro studies, Brazee et β†’

From athens to the blockchain: oracles for digital democracy

The early enthusiasts of Bitcoin and blockchain tended to span communities of radical anarchists and advocates of e-government particularly given the technology's cypherpunk lineage but the idea of a technology that works as a " trust machine" has also been enticing to researchers in the areas of politics, governance, and democracy. In Section " Oracles β†’

Contextualizing the impostor “syndrome”

Overall, this suggests that, at the societal level, the group that someone belongs to, and the portrayal of those groups in society, play an important role in triggering individuals' impostor feelings. Consequently, we hope to spur future research that examines the role of individuals' social context in shaping their impostor feelings.

Book review: embryogenesis explained

The backbone of the theory is articulated as follows: 1.at early gastrulation, in each ectodermal cell there is a complex of cytoskeletal elements composed of a ring of microfilaments, a mat of microtubules at the apical surface and parallel to it, and a ring of intermediate filaments. Curiously, but not mentioned in the book, this β†’

Exosome-mediated genetic information transfer, a missing piece of osteoblast–osteoclast communication puzzle

By comparing the mRNAs in exosomes to those in their parental cells, the identified mRNA in exosomes was approximately 8% of the mRNA detected in the parent cells. Cells were transfected using a vector that codes for a luciferase reporter gene in conjunction with a sequence complementary to the target miRNA found in their exosomes β†’

Precision medicine in hormone receptor-positive breast cancer

In patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer, trastuzumab in combination with standard chemotherapy demonstrated a clear benefit in time to progression, duration of response, and OS as compared to chemotherapy alone. These studies have consistently reported a worse prognosis with regard to PFS and OS with increase in the number of CTCs.

Concrete vs. abstract semantics: from mental representations to functional brain mapping

One can often encounter in the literature such terms as " concrete and abstract concepts," " concrete and abstract words," or " concrete and abstract semantics". The behavioral patterns and neural correlates of concrete and abstract verb processing in aphasia: a novel verb semantic battery.

Medical ethics in the clinical laboratory science

The primary stakeholders in the scenario are the laboratory manager and john. The secondary stakeholder is the clinical laboratory that is offering the new job while the tertiary stakeholders are the society and the clinical laboratory science profession.

Time slows down during accidents

The issue at stake here is important for the reason that it is intimately tied to the question whether the speed of the passage of time, the flow of the stream of consciousness, is ever really experienced. In short, the proposed theory is that the experiences of time slowing down are related to the increased β†’

Neuroscience and human nature: review of the altruistic brain

Nevertheless, neuroscience has matured as a field of research and its practitioners are now ready and able to interpret the consequences of their research for our understanding of the individual as well as society as a whole. For step 3, the author relies on the cross-excitation of neurons to argue that representations of the " β†’

Response: commentary: variability in shelf sedimentation in response to fluvial sediment supply and coastal erosion over the past 1,000 years in monterey bay, ca, united states

A Commentary on Commentary: Variability in Shelf Sedimentation in Response to Fluvial Sediment Supply and Coastal Erosion Over the Past 1, 000 Years in Monterey Bay, CA, United States by Warrick, J. Warrick et al.contend that our conclusion that changes in the littoral sand fraction reflect coastal erosion was " speculative at best, and very β†’

Grand challenges in fungal biotechnology

Thus, the ability of fungi to produce and secrete prodigious amounts of proteins and metabolites is central to their value in biotechnology. The development of metabolic and regulatory models for a variety of fungi is made tractable by the rapid generation of new genome sequences and genome scale data.

Brittany maynard

On the contrary, there are some moral implications of understanding the issues that are revolved in providing life to someone who does not want to live in vegetative state or with a disability. It was clear that medical professionals do have the right to indulge in this issue, even if seems to be highly personal.

Article # 4

The elements of strategic management that are included in the article are strategic financial and human resources that are part of the strengths of the organization, and they are related to the article because these resources demonstrate how essential they are to successful anti-smoking programs. The article indicates that the entire service delivery process must β†’

Public health

The apparent reason for this is that these illnesses that could be easily spread and inflicts a greater number of people are more risky and dangerous; since these illnesses are not immediately treated, as required. As such, consumers are more alarmed at health information which discloses greater vulnerability of a defined population according to risk β†’

Risk management and insurance

Part A and B are the primary parts of the program, providing health insurance for hospital and medical needs. The inadequacies realized in Medicare necessitate the purchase of gap-filling coverage to supplement the Medicare coverage.

Editorial: highlights of pog 2019 – plant oxygen group conference

Due to their short half-life, high diffusion capability and ability to react with different components in the cell, ROS, and RNS are key signaling molecules participating in various signaling pathways involved in the regulation of transpiration, gas exchange, biotic/abiotic stress response, cell death, germination, and plant growth and development. In their review, Iacopino and Licausi β†’

The human mind is a delicate thing

I kept a tight hold of the plastic handle of the bag. As far as the law were concerned I was a corpse in the ground.

Republic of indonesia an overview health essay

The birth rate is typically a main reason in deciding the rate of population growth and the figure shows that death rate is considerably affected with age distribution. The urban population of Indonesia and rate of urbanization is also shown in table.

National surgery of dentistry essay sample

On the day of the appointment, the secretary copies the calendar for the dentist or his assisting nurse, and then she finds the patient's information from the name off the calendar. After allocating the desk the secretary puts the file in another box and, at the end of the day, the secretary returns the patients β†’

Grand challenges in public health policy

This article is structured into four parts: a brief outline of historic and current practice; a discussion of definitional and ethical issues in public health; a reflection on strengths and weaknesses as we see them; and, finally, a set of grand challenges that we hope to address in this journal, which are central to the β†’

Attitudes of multidisciplinary teams to the introduction of the edinburg depression scale

In the modern world where healthcare delivery is moving towards a disciplinary team structure, the attitudes of the team to the use of scales to measure depression is important to the outcome. H2: Attitudes towards the use of EDS in the measurement of post-partum depression in Saudi Arabia are negative.

Alpha 2 delta (Ξ± 2 Ξ΄) ligands, gabapentin and pregabalin: what is the evidence for potential use of these ligands in irritable bowel syndrome

The 2 subunit appears to play a role not only in the operational characteristics of individual channels, but also to enhance trafficking of the 1 subunits to the cell membrane, so influencing the number of functional calcium channels. Following the demonstration of the efficacy of gabapentin and pregabalin in animal models of neuropathic pain, investigations β†’

On the possible role of protein vibrations in information processing in the brain: three russian dolls

Thus each protein will have a signature dynamic pattern of colored noise in the form of a number of peaks in its noise emission spectrum, in which the number, size and frequency of the peaks will vary. In a review of the role of global and local vibrational modes in the dynamic allostery of protein β†’

Involvement of t cell immunity in avian coccidiosis

In this article, we reviewed the historical progress of immunological studies on the host immune response to avian coccidiosis, with an emphasis on recent findings in the understanding of the complexity of T-cell immune responses in avian coccidiosis, especially those mediated by Th17 and T regulatory cells. These results indicate that regulation of the protective β†’

Editorial: understanding extreme sports: a psychological perspective

Theimpact of extreme sports on health and well-beingrepresents one of the most interesting themes to emerge from the extreme sport experience reported in this special edition and supported by contemporary research. The majority of articles in this edition have questioned the assumption that a particular type of person participates in extreme sports or that the β†’

The evolution of virulence in non-o157 shiga toxin-producing escherichia coli

Genetic screens indicate that the substrates of the T3SS, called effectors, contribute to persistence in cattle of both O157: H7 and non-O157 STEC, and the individual contribution of some of these effector molecules in colonization, transmission and virulence has been quantified. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text WHO." Zoonotic non-O157 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli," in Report β†’

The impact of commercialization on the evaluation of dna evidence

In addition to the use of an LR approach, a second notion, that of the hierarchy of issues, is a vital element of evaluation. If a DNA-profile from a questioned sample can be attributed with a high degree of confidence to a particular body-fluid stain or material, then the results of DNA-profiling help address the β†’

Is dht production by 5Ξ±-reductase friend or foe in prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor that has high morbidity in Europe and the United States, i.e, the first among the male cancers and the second leading cause of death due to cancer in the United States. Drug insight: role of the androgen receptor in the development and progression of prostate cancer.

Radical embodied cognitive neuroscience: addressing “grand challenges” of the mind sciences

In the currently proposed version of RECN, " radical" refers to the rejection of the " mind as computer" metaphor and the central role of mental representations in guiding actions." Embodied" refers to the non-brain-centric treatment of cognition." Cognitive" refers to the target of investigation within this framework. Solymosi refers to this as the " β†’

Commentary: gaba depolarizes immature neurons and inhibits network activity in the neonatal neocortex in vivo

A commentary on GABA depolarizes immature neurons and inhibits network activity in the neonatal neocortex in vivo by Kirmse, K, Kummer, M, Kovalchuk, Y, Witte, O. In vitro damage and metabolic insult: The ketone body and the traumatic explanation of the GABA sequence have been infirmed by many expert groups and not confirmed by a β†’

Effect of methylphenidate on state anxiety in children with adhd-a single dose, placebo controlled, crossover study

The evidence regarding the efficacy and importance of pharmacotherapy in the treatment of ADHD is extremely robust, and pharmacotherapy is part of treatment recommendations and practice guidelines. In the present study, there was no immediate effect of a single dose of MPH on state anxiety in ADHD pediatric patients.

Embodied cognition with and without mental representations: the case of embodied choices in sports

Contrary to this tendency, for the ecological approach, the person and environment are mutual and reciprocal, in that the existence and influence of organism on environment and the existence and influence of environment on organism are both equivalent and complementary. Jarvilehto suggests that, from this perspective behavior is a reorganization of the organism-environment system, not β†’

Overview of the main forms of anticoagulant drugs

Heparin metabolisation cocurs in the liver and and the by-products or metabolites are excreted in urine. The effectiveness of heparin is affected if the patient has taken non-inflammetory drugs, such as aspirin, clopidogrel, ticlopidime or dipyridamole, and lead to increased bleeding.

The influence of humanity on education and women

In Wollstonecraft's " Vindication of the rights of women," the author utilized reason as a tool to argue her point about the history of women's suppression when it comes to achieving quality education and fair regard with men in the society. Given these descriptions of the works of Wollstonecraft and Rousseau, this paper posits that β†’

The uses and abuses of the coherence – correspondence distinction

In recent decades, research on judgment and decision-making has witnessed the development of several different approaches to human rationality, which differ in terms of the importance they attribute to traditional normative models and the adaptiveness of behavior in the assessment of performance. He introduced a distinction between coherence and correspondence criteria of rationality, where β†’

Drivers of and solutions for the overuse of antidepressant medication in pediatric populations

In this commentary, we discuss two other drivers of the overuse of ADM: 1) the demand for mental health and depression screening in youth, despite the lack of evidence to support it, and 2) the renewed momentum of the Global Mental Health Movement and concomitant calls to " scale up" the diagnosis and treatment of β†’

Suicide in dsm-5: current evidence for the proposed suicide behavior disorder and other possible improvements

In the DSM-5 and earlier versions of the manual, suicide is conceptualized primarily as a specific symptom of Major Depressive Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder, or as a possible negative consequence of other psychiatric diagnoses. The literature also reveals the importance of epigenetics and a variety of environmental factors on risk for suicide, and SBD β†’

Althete safety

The most common sports for these types of Injuries to happen are in football and basketball. Whether the sports are for the school or an intramural the number of injuries is still pretty high due to the fact of not training the symptoms of injuries.

Freedom in bioinformatics

More importantly, the philosophy of freedom in the field of computing has been framed by some important rules governing the free use of software. The companies that sell these proprietary products are thus making money on the back of freedom and, importantly, decrease the reference ability of the free software included in the proprietary interface β†’

The relevance of explanatory first-person approaches (efpa) for understanding psychopathological phenomena. the role of phenomenology

Sass and Fishman give the following examples: the bracketing of theoretical assumptions concerning consciousness corresponding to the phenomenological concept of epoche; the attentional shift " from the narrow content to the complete act of consciousness" corresponding to phenomenological reduction; and the emphasis on the mitigation of the traditional distinction between the internal, the mind, and β†’

Axon terminal arbors of retinal horizontal cells lose control

The dendritic arbors of the post-receptoral neurons in the retina, the horizontal cells and bipolar cells, spread their processes during development in a manner that establishes a uniformity in their coverage across the retinal surface, yet the degree of dendritic overlap varies conspicuously. But a new study demonstrates the molecular control of the size and β†’

Corrigendum: induction of robust b cell responses after influenza mrna vaccination is accompanied by circulating hemagglutinin-specific icos+ pd-1+ cxcr3+ t follicular helper cells

Although some of the animals in the ID group already showed titers at the protective level after the prime immunization, all groups had titers that exceeded this level following boost. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way.25.

Editorial: local aspects of sleep and wakefulness

Editorial on the Research Topic Local Aspects of Sleep and Wakefulness In the last two decades, the traditional view of sleep and wakefulness as global, whole-brain states has been challenged by a growing body of evidence indicating that both sleep and wake are regulated locally and that sleep- and wake-like activity can often co-occur across β†’

The pacified face: early embodiment processes and the use of dummies

The second provides a brief overview of existing research on pacifier use and discusses the relevance of this practice for understanding the role of imitation and embodied processes in emotion processing. Compared to the control condition, in which participants could freely move their face, the upper face manipulation made participants less accurate in categorizing facial β†’

Childhood autism

The thesis statement of this paper is that autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder which can be diagnosed and treated effectively at the early stages of a child's life". Diagnosis of autism includes various methods such as observations and interviews to determine whether the signs of autism exist in a child or not.

Biomedical instrumentation and technology by nestor damasco

Therefore, in the year 2004, homecare opted to approach the biomedical repair segment in order to manage the home care equipment so as to eliminate such enormous costs. The technician was able to learn about home care professionals who work in that environmental setting and different types of equipment available.

The unhealthy trend of obesity among children the national heart

The main objective of this program is to offer assistance to children and parents alike in obtaining a lifestyle that is more active in every sense of the word.'A sound mind in a sound body' is the goal that is set forward to achieve. This report is actually a precaution and suggestion on ways to β†’

Cholera an epidemiological review health essay

Furthermore, the causes can be related to the epidemics in a way that socio-economic status of a region plays a significant role in the acquisition and transmission of cholera for the reason that recent evidences suggest that cholera spread is greater in areas where the living conditions are crowded and where there is no proper β†’

Perinatal programming of obesity: an introduction to the topic

143 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Palou, A, and Pico, C. 0803585 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Pico, C, Palou, M, Priego, T, Sanchez, J, and Palou, A.

Parallels and overlap: the integration of homeostatic signals by mesolimbic dopamine neurons

This review focuses on a particular form of mesolimbic dopamine activity the phasic activation of dopamine neurons and subsequent phasic release of dopamine in striatal terminal regions and will consider what these signals mean for goal-directed behavior and how they may be tuned by perturbations in physiological state. The data described below provide support for β†’

Socio-cultural influences on situated cognition in nature

The aim is to identify socio-cultural components and sources that are likely to moderate not only the relation of the natural environment with cognitive states in ART but situated cognition in general. The attitudes appear in the discourse surrounding the experience of the green environment, what is articulated and explicitly pointed to, and in the β†’

Editorial: the past and the future of human immunity under viral evolutionary pressure

Editorial on the Research Topic The Past and the Future of Human Immunity Under Viral Evolutionary Pressure " Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution " was argued by Theodosius Dobzhansky in 1973. This conflict manifests in the genetic variability of Influenza viruses, a result of the absence of proof-reading by β†’