Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

The impact of covid-19 pandemic on clinical research in china: challenges and progress

A recent report released by the Information Office of the State Council, entitled " China Action Against the Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019," systematically introduced the functional role of TCM in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 infections. According to the 7th edition of the " Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for Coronavirus Pneumonia" issued by the →

Aiming accuracy in preferred and non-preferred limbs: implications for programing models of motor control

Therefore, the goal of the present paper is to explore the concept of motor equivalency by investigating the differences between preferred and non-preferred limbs within the context of throwing and aiming movements in keeping with the topic on manual asymmetries, handedness, and motor performance. The preferred limb was more accurate than the non-preferred limb, although →

Editorial: the role of microenvironment in the homing, maintenance, and release of glioma stem-like cells

Editorial on the Research Topic The Role of Microenvironment in the Homing, Maintenance, and Release of Glioma Stem-Like Cells Among brain tumors, gliomas are the most common primary tumors in adults. One of the challenges in the treatment of GBMs is the presence of a subpopulation of treatment-resistant cells with stem-like properties referred to as →

Health care model

It was a discussion about the efficiencies and at the same time cost control sought and achieved by the large restaurant chain of United States contrasted with perceptible absence and even resistance to, efficiency, effective and cost control by the medical practice in United States of America. One of the clear inferences of the article →

Grant project budget management

South Asian Diabetic Community Annual Budget of the of the of the Brief Overview of the Study The prevalence of diabetes in South Asian communities especially among South Asian women is very common and increasing at a rapid pace mainly because of the cultural and demographic factors. Direct and Indirect Cost There will be direct →

Circles within circles: commentary on ghosal et al. (2013) “circ2traits: a comprehensive database for circular rna potentially associated with disease and traits”

A commentary on Circ2Traits: a comprehensive database for circular RNA potentially associated with disease and traits by Ghosal, S, Das, S, Sen, R, Basak, P, and Chakrabarti, J. 112 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Memczak, S, Jens, M, Elefsinioti, A, Torti, F, Krueger, J, Rybak, A, et al.

Teachers’ emotion and identity work during a pandemic

Despite a slow march of policies and cultural practices that have chipped away at the professional status of teachers and the resources they need to do their jobs, the sudden closure of the nation's schools has brought into sharp focus the true importance of teachers and the work most do every day on behalf of →

Measuring psychological wellbeing for gnh vis-a-vis gdp: a few arguments

THE FALL OF CAPITALISM AND GDP, THE CAPITALIST MEASUREGDP is inherently a capitalist yardstick and " there is no doubt whatsoever that there is no future of capitalism....it is no more than 500 years old and it is demonstrating over and over again that it is destroying the world". GNH is a humble presentation to →

Editorial: the role of innate lymphoid cells in mucosal immunity

The collection of articles in this Frontiers Research Topic investigates and discusses the new and emerging roles of ILCs in mucosal immunity. The physiological regulation of ILCs in the maintenance of tissue homeostasis in mucosal sites is reliant on the exquisitely sensitive sensing of host-derived peptide and non-peptide signals that enable ILCs to integrate the →

Nutritional needs

For a good development of the fetus and embryo the pregnant mother needs to have a good diet that provides the fetus with the necessary nutrients for growth. According to the diet of the woman thus should have foods rich in soluble fat vitamins necessary for development of the embryo, Omega 3 responsible for brain →

Obsessive–compulsive disorder and memory-mixing in temporal comparison: is implicit learning the missing link?

A combination of normal explicit learning and a deficit in implicit learning would suggest that an OCD patient's perception of the current trial's signal duration would be less influenced by the context of prior signal durations. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Droit-Volet, S, and Meck, W.H.

The future and the female academic leader: advancing student engagement

Here, it is clear that the unique collegial and social manner of a female style of leadership that is often seen with managers in industry is an ideal trait for leadership within academia especially with regards to the most important aspect of academia, and often the most overlooked, and that is the student. Gender and →

Corrigendum: food allergy and helicobacter pylori infection: a systematic review

The correct name of the first author should be Zheng Feei Ma and has been corrected. All authors have contributed substantially to the conception or design of the work, or the acquisition, analysis or interpretation of data for the work: ZM wrote the first draft of the manuscript; NA, YY, and YL revised and provided →

Levels of social sharing and clinical implications for severe social withdrawal in patients with personality disorders

In order to arrive at a comprehensive definition of the social sharing concept, keeping in mind these diverse areas of research, we must take into account the various constituent elements of this kind of social interaction: the motivational element, or the impulse which induces human beings in early ontogeny to engage in it; the contents →

Applying for residency program in surgery

Personal ment My decision to enter the world of Dentistry is the culmination of a life long dream to be able to bring a smile to the faces of people who thought that they would never smile again. It is because of the aforementioned reasons that I would like to have an opportunity to further →

Editorial: emerging viruses: host immunity and novel therapeutic interventions

In this Research Topic, a series of articles provides comprehensive insights on the current view of the virology, innate immune responses, and novel therapeutics to IAVs, MERS-CoV, EBOV, and flavivirus in experimental settings as well as in clinical trials. Immune cells, such as macrophages and DCs are important in the immediate control of viral replication →

M2s – intro to neonatal tetanus

Bailey Introduction to Public Health; MPH 502 Module 2; SLP An analysis of what the federal state and local are doing to aggressively combat neonatal tetanus has revealed one dilemma unknown to the author at the time the subject was chosen: Through past efforts of the public health department neonatal tetanus has been effectively eliminated →

Depression causes and treatment

In addition, at least 30 % of the women in the population are depressed, while the figure for men is half that of the women. It is believed that the evolution of agriculture was partly to use the grains for alcohol.

Parenthood beliefs of judy nicastro: a discussion

They both agreed that abortion would be the best option for the baby even though terminating the baby when there is two babies in the womb, can result in both babies being aborted, the couple still went through with the abortion after asking the doctor if they could postpone the abortion untill the third trimester, →

A cinematic representation of the most dreaded disease, alzheimer, in still alice

I think that the director and Julianne Moore did a wonderful job of portraying Alzheimer's and what the symptoms are and how it affects Alice's family. I think that the film portrayed Alzheimer's in a negative way because Alice's husband, John, gave up on trying to help take care of her and took the job →

Rethinking the role of oncogenes in papillary thyroid cancer initiation

Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Fusco, A, Grieco, M, Santoro, M, Berlingieri, M. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Guerra, A, Sapio, M.

Corrigendum: community composition and abundance of bacterial, archaeal, and nitrifying populations in savanna soils on contrasting bedrock material in kruger national park, south africa

01638 In the original article, we neglected to acknowledge the CRC 1076 " AquaDiva" funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, who provided financial support for this project. This work was financially supported by the CRC 1076 AquaDiva, funded by the German Research Foundation.

Editorial: neurocardiovascular diseases: new aspects of the old issues

The interaction of the heart and vessels with the central and peripheral nervous systems represents the major topic of the basic neuro-cardiovascular research, with the current aim of the field being to highlight the mechanisms of devastating effects of stress upon the cardiovascular system. Future studies are necessary for revealing the site of the interaction →

Challenges of immune response diversity in the human population concerning new tuberculosis diagnostics, therapies, and vaccines

In the case of TB, M.tb infection is followed by a spectrum of responses and outcomes. Geographically, most TB incidences in 2018 were in the WHO regions of developing countries of South-East Asia, Africa and the Western Pacific, with smaller shares in most developed countries of the Eastern Mediterranean, the Americas and Europe.

What does the “akt” stand for in the name “akt kinase”? some historical comments

Staal of the Johns Hopkins Oncology Centre, on " Molecular cloning of the akt oncogene and its human homologues AKT1 and AKT2: Amplification of AKTI in a primary human gastric adenocarcinoma ", mentioned " the isolation of a directly transforming retrovirus, AKT8 from a spontaneous thymoma of an AKR mouse". Therefore, the " AK" was →

Comparison of good clinical practices health and social care essay

The personal unity and public assistance of the test topics as defined in the Declaration of Helsinki should be the chief concern of clinical test. Apart from the test topic, legal defender and the household physician should be informed about the engagement of the topic in the clinical test.

Enhancing health and wellbeing through immersion in nature: a conceptual perspective combining the stoic and buddhist traditions

Specifically, we consider the stoic idea of oikei sis, which Nussbaum refers to as the process of the human complex attunement to the intention of the universe and the Therav da Buddhist concept of mind awakening as abandoning of self. To date much of the research exploring the relationship between human beings and the rest →

Commentary: metformin reverses trap1 mutation-associated alterations in mitochondrial function in parkinson’s disease

The function of TRAP1 is severely impaired in Parkinsonism, in both humans and animals, and hence it may be a potential target in PD pathogenesis. TRAP1 acts as the stress sensor responsible for helping the cells to adjust to the changes in environment, and is phosphorylated by Parkinson's disease kinase.

The medical model emphasizes exclusively

The holistic model of health is defined by the 1947 WHO definition as a " state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." The holistic model integrates the medical model perspective and also introduced the idea of positive health. The main difference between modern and alternative →

Review of aids and stigma by gregory m. harek

The current literature as of 1999 is reviewed regarding the stigma that attaches to people with AIDS." Stigma" refers todiscriminationand prejudice directed at PWAs and PWHIVs as well as those people associated with them or caregivers for them. The existence of stigma has had a bad effect on the response to the AIDS crisis and →

Commentary: meditation effects within the hippocampal complex revealed by voxel-based morphometric and cytoarchitectonic probabilistic mapping

Since the first morphometric study of the effects of meditation by Lazar et al, a number of findings have been made showing increases in the volume and density of gray matter, and in the axonal connectivity of white matter. 061 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Lutz, A, Dunne, J, and Davidson, R." Meditation →

The future orientation of past memory: the role of ba 10 in prospective and retrospective retrieval modes

Today I know that such memories are the key not to the past, but to the future Corrie ten Boom The purpose of this article is to consider evidence that a retrieval process that supports retrospective memory is also engaged when monitoring is used to accomplish a prospective memory task. This is reflected in episodic →

Verbal working memory as emergent from language comprehension and production

In contrast, we consider the many ways in which various word and order representations are intertwined in language comprehension and production research and propose a new emergent account that incorporates these representations in VWM. In this view, VWM is simply the skill of maintaining and ordering linguistic material, and that skill, as with all subcomponents →

Views on living in orphanage health and social care essay

For the present survey, a descriptive comparative study attack was considered most appropriate as the intent of the survey was to derive an apprehension of the well-being with kids 's positions on life in orphanhood and to compare the well-being and position 's on life in orphanhood of both parental and unparented kids " Puting →

Editorial: “humanized” large animal cancer models: accelerating time and effectiveness of clinical trials

The potential failure rates, and the associated cost and time, can be mitigated if efficacy and safety of cancer drugs can be validated in translational preclinical animal models that mimic the complexities of the human disease, including comorbidities and confounding factors such as diet. Fan and Selting present the value of dogs with spontaneous tumors →

Editorial: nanomedicine for deep-tissue high-resolution bio-imaging and non-invasive therapy

Editorial on the Research Topic Nanomedicine for Deep-Tissue High-Resolution Bio-imaging and Non-invasive Therapy The interdisciplinary research of nanotechnology and biomedical application yields an emerging field of nanomedicine, which seeks to develop functional agents for in vivo bioimaging, advanced drug delivery, and innovative therapy. Wang et al.summarized the applications of nanozymes for disease imaging and detection →

Editorial: chronic illness and ageing in china

In this Research Topic 40 researchers from throughout China and invited international colleagues, examined a range of topics impacting on the health and well-being of older people living in China. Browning et al.reported a qualitative study of older Chinese people concerning their experiences of food and its cultural impacts and importance for health and well-being →

Editorial: advances in plasma cells in health and disease

Plasma cellular reaction and its relation to the formation of antibodies in vitro. Competence and competition: the challenge of becoming a long-lived plasma cell.

Health policy analysis

They argue that when a public agency is designing a new Medicaid program, the main decision-making goal is assessing the economic viability of the program, whether the proposed outlay will be cost-neutral or cost-effective." To be cost-neutral, the proposal must not increase the overall costs of the agency. The article in exploring the impact of →

Literature review; data collection

The author offers a critical outlook on a number of consequences caused by both elevated and dropped levels of growth hormone to the healing process of patients with traumatic brain injuries. Cifu and Buschbacher's book develops a critical analysis into the neuropsychology, rehabilitation and therapy procedures related to traumatic brain injury.

Pap smear recommendations 2012

It collects some cells and some mucus from the cervix and the surrounding area and then the cells are placed in a bottle of liquid or on a slide. The combination of the Pap test and the HPV is the most preferred plan for women over thirty years.

Regression of the human race

At the rate in which the human race is depleting its natural resources, future generations are going to struggle living at the same standards of the current human race. This weapon provides several articles and studies concerning sustainability of the current human population as well as the effects of human resource depletion.

Current research and potential applications of the concealed information test: an overview

As long as information about the event has not leaked out to innocent suspects, the probability that an innocent suspect would produce consistently stronger responses to the relevant than to the neutral alternatives depends only on the number of questions and the number of alternative answers per question, and hence it can be controlled such →

Digit ratio (2d:4d): a biomarker for prenatal sex steroids and adult sex steroids in challenge situations

The effect size of this sex difference is small to moderate, and 2D: 4D attracted little attention until 1998, when it was suggested that a balance of fetal testosterone and fetal estrogen influences the formation of 2D: 4D, such that low 2D: 4D indicates high FT and low FE and high 2D: 4D indicates low →

Publisher statement on “questioning the hiv-aids hypothesis: 30 years of dissent”

00030 A Statement of Concern was issued by Frontiers about the article " Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis: 30 years of dissent" on 26 September 2014. Frontiers has received several complaints from public health professionals related to the article " Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis: 30 years of dissent," which questions the link between HIV and AIDS.

Dual role of microglia in health and disease: pushing the balance toward repair

In an early stage of the disease microglia have a beneficial effect while overly activated and pro-inflammatory microglia in the later stages of the disease become neurotoxic. The study of neuron-microglia interactions and the selection of the adequate model to study microglia contribution to this dynamics warrants attention from Neiva et al.

Beyond self-report: a review of physiological and neuroscientific methods to investigate consumer behavior

One of the goals of consumer scientists and marketing practitioners is to identify, predict, and understand the behavior of consumers. The successful implementation of physiological and neuroscientific measures in the field has attracted much attention of practitioners and there are a number of companies that offer analyses of consumers' physiological and/or neural responses to →

Corrigendum: carbapenem-resistant e. cloacae in southwest china: molecular analysis of resistance and risk factors for infections caused by ndm-1-producers

The correct number is HQ651093 and a correction has been made to Results, Characterization of the Genetic Environment of NDM-1 and IMP-8, Paragraph 2. A class 1 integron, located upstream of the bla IMP 8 gene in this isolate, was truncated due to the insertion of IS26.

Reducing the consumption of antibiotics: would that be enough to slow down the dissemination of resistances in the downstream environment?

Considering the correlation between antibiotic consumption and occurrence of resistances in bacteria, most recommendations proposed to take action in the public health and veterinary/farming domains by limiting the inappropriate exposure of bacteria to antibiotics in order to slow down a natural evolution toward resistance and its spread in the downstream environment in a One Health →

Editorial: training and enhancing executive function

Yet approaches to stimulate EF change are highly discrepant, have yielded inconsistent effects and limited transfer to untrained abilities and outcomes, and there is little agreement about the underlying mechanisms of change that are needed to stimulate development in EFs. This special issue thus aimed to provide a snapshot of current evidence, approaches and perspectives →

Mood disorders essay

Mood disorder is a group of several diagnoses in the statistical manual and diagnostic of mental disorders. Bipolar I disorder that was previously known as the maniac depression is exemplified by one episode of depression, mania or rather a combination of the two.

Online therapy paper

This does not mean that the website of online therapy is of non-effect but it is helpful for the right person in the right circumstances. There are many advantages and disadvantages to online counseling that includes animosity because of the value of personal information on the client's part.

Mouth and tooth health situation health and social care essay

The figure of rotten, filled and extracted dentitions of all people in the society should be counted and their norms be calculated in order to happen the community DMFT. In conformity with WHO report, in the twelvemonth 2000 the mean of dmft & A; DMFT in Iran was approximately mean so that they were in →

The science of recognizing anticipating health essay

The main Goal of the industrial hygienist is to provide and keep workers, with their families and the community healthy and safe, they provide an important role by ensuring that federal; state and regulation are followed in the work place. Training and educating the community about job related risksAdvising the government officials and participating in →

Editorial: changing perspectives on landscape perception: seeking common ground between the psychological sciences and the humanities

Editorial on the Research Topic Changing Perspectives on Landscape Perception: Seeking Common Ground Between the Psychological Sciences and the Humanities The history of the concept of landscape is intimately tied to interrelated developments in the visual arts, photography, aesthetics, and the scientific study of visual perception. The complexity of the analysis of the concept of →

Genesis of the heroin-induced addictive process: articulation between psychodynamic and neurobiological theories

Accordingly, it is in the historical constitution of narcissism, or its double, the self, that it is undoubtedly necessary to look for one of the causes of the recourse to this behavioral solution taking in place to protect oneself from the psychic traumas previously undergone. Moreover, Grunberger and Winnicott emphasize the role of the environment →

The neuroimmune-neuroplasticity interface and brain pathology

In this regard, taking advantage of the natural capacity of immune factors to exhibit " learned" responses and to traffic to and interact with cells at sites of pathology may be of particular importance. The role of orphanin FQ/nociceptin in neuroplasticity: relationship to stress, anxiety and neuroinflammation.

Editorial: using stress-based animal models to understand the mechanisms underlying psychiatric and somatic disorders

The Editorial on the Research Topic Using Stress-Based Animal Models to Understand the Mechanisms Underlying Psychiatric and Somatic Disorders Chronic or repeated stress, particularly psychosocial stress, is an acknowledged risk factor for numerous affective and somatic disorders in modern societies. The overarching goal of the topic is to reveal how chronic/repeated stress models can help →

Editorial: cerebral small vessel diseases: from vessel alterations to cortical parenchymal injury

Some of the major existing challenges in the field, that have hampered the identification and development of therapeutic targets are the following: conventional MRI does not capture the entire spectrum of CSVD manifestations nor does it directly show the smallest blood vessels in the brain, the histopathological features underlying some of the CSVD manifestations on →


The purpose of this paper is to enumerate the risks for catheter-associated urinary tract infection and to determine the effective methods of minimizing these risks. Healthguidance.org.n.d.Web.

End stage dilated cardiomyopathy cdcm health and social care essay

The weakening and the dilation of the bosom musculus finally lead to bosom failure [ 6 ]. Quality of life is normally good, particularly if the side effects of the immunosuppressant drugs can be kept to a lower limit.[ 20 ]I believethat bosom graft is appropriate in handling end-stage DCM as the new bosom is →

Affective infrastructures: toward a cultural neuropsychology of sport

While sport sociology has tended to focus on the large, macro-level, culturally derived aspects of sport and physical activity such as the economics of sport, the ways sport contributes to nationalistic ideologies, and the politics of gender, sport psychology and kinesiology have tended to focus on the micro-level aspects of clinical psychology and performance →

Toward a more embedded/extended perspective on the cognitive function of gestures

We argue that the current theoretical " embodied" movement in gesture research has fueled the upsurge of inquiry into the beneficial role of gestures in cognitive processes such as speech and visuospatial cognition, but that this line of thought is underspecified with regard to explaining how gestures as bodily movements aid cognitive processing. We suggest →

Editorial: how plants deal with stress: exploration through proteome investigation

A significant portion of the research articles included in this Research Topic investigated proteome level alterations in diverse organ parts of the plant body upon exposure to abiotic stress factors such as drought, salinity, and submergence. Overall, this Research Topic has provided a wealth of information in the field of plant stress biology from a →

Fibromodulin – a new target of osteoarthritis management?

FMOD was also detected in the hypertrophic chondrocytes of the secondary ossification centers and growth plate of mice at 10 days old, and transcription of FMOD was diminished and finally disappeared with maturation and aging of the trabecular epiphyses. 1042/bj3550577 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Scott, D.L." Arthritis in the Elderly," in Brocklehurst's →

Communication and aging in the film big fish

My studies also highlighted the importance of communication on aging which is depicted in the movie to a certain extent. Although, our studies bring this to notice and highlight the importance of effective communication with the elderly and its benefit of their well being as well but the movie lack in conveying this message to →

Pharmacy technician

It can bind with a receptor, in which gives the same similar cellular response if the messenger and receptor binds.* Antagonist: drugs that does the opposite of the agonist. If a drug's half-life is six hours, how long would it take to remove the drug from the body.* Half-life: it is the estimated time that →

Future topical areas of public health

Presently, the health of most of the people has seen drastic deterioration all over the world. The major focus of public law is dealing with all the legal issues which relate to the practice of public health.

Future morphology? summary of visual word identification effects draws attention to necessary efforts in understanding morphological processing

The authors have diagnosed a controversial accumulation of findings in the field of visual word identification and, hence, have provided an overview of the field with the aim to separate substantial effects from findings that need further confirmation. Amenta and Crepaldi are the first to attempt a comprehensive psycholinguistic review of the major forms of →

The economy of social resources and its influence on spatial perceptions

We propose social resources are evaluated in accordance with a baseline that varies with individual differences and with respect to the capabilities of the social network. Social support and the perception of geographical slant.J.Exp.Soc.

Cellular iron homeostasis and metabolism in plant

Our intent was to recruit a panel of leading experts in the field of plant Fe homeostasis to prepare focused papers advancing our current knowledge in this field and contributing to the development of a comprehensive understanding of iron homeostasis in plants. These findings underline a big open question in the plant Fe homeostasis field: →

How community ecology can improve our understanding of cholera dynamics

Chitinous zooplankton communities of several water bodies were analyzed in order to understand the interaction of the zooplankton population composition with the population dynamics of pathogenic V.cholerae and the incidence of cholera. Like the determination of a potential keystone species, or assemblage of species associated with the occurrence of V.cholerae, understanding the community dynamics of →

Unmasking host and microbial strategies in the agrobacterium -plant defense tango

Given the relative paucity of published studies on the defenses affected by Agrobacterium, our goal here is to synthesize for the reader those facets of the host response that appear most relevant to Agrobacterium infection. R gene-mediated resistance results in severe host defense activation, including a HR, or apoptosis at the infection site, in an →

Microplastic incorporation into soil in agroecosystems

In summary, both in terms of the more physical aspects and for soil biota there is now experimental evidence that microplastic particles are moved into the soil when deposited at the soil surface. In agroecosystems, plowing is a widespread practice, and through this activity microplastic particles can be very effectively moved into the soil to →

Microbial consortia: promising probiotics as plant biostimulants for sustainable agriculture

To this end, it is important to consider the inclusion in the registration pipeline of Plant Growth Promoting Microbes: microbial individuals and consortia, their bioactive compounds, and potential multi-component mixtures as they are important components of many successful plant biostimulant products. The PGP effect is attributed to the role of Trichoderma in the solubilization of →

Cognitive and neurocognitive effects from the unique bilingual experiences of interpreters

The first is language proficiency, which refers to the need for high-level reading proficiency in the source language and writing proficiency in the target language. The proposal for processing control is assumed to be accounted for the multi-tasking nature of interpreting, attempting to investigate the frequency and effects of switching between listening in one language →

Implementation of the intervention

Every year, millions of people are diagnosed with different types of cancer and almost half of these people die from the disease. Cancer ranks as killer disease in many parts of the world, with the old people been more susceptible to the disease.

Medical field

Trauma and Orthopedic Surgery- These specialists deal with the restoration and development of bones, joints and muscles and sometimes concentrate on a particular area such as sports injuries, upper limbs, hips and knees or feet and ankles. Some of the disorders and Vascular Surgery - This specialty concentrates on the vascular system.

Nursing perspectives: reflecting history and informal coercion in de-escalation strategies

In order to avoid coercive measures through de-escalation strategies, health professionals need to have specialized training and be aware not only of the use of informal coercion but also of the importance of a respectful and empathetic attitude and ward climate, a positive admission process, as well as debriefing strategies after coercive measures. Leadership is →

Editorial: brain-metabolic crossroads in severe mental disorders—focus on metabolic syndrome

Considering the role of these metabolic pathways on the functioning of the brain, it is not surprising that metabolic syndrome, which is highly prevalent in patients with bipolar disorders and schizophrenia and tends to increase over time, contributes to cognitive decline and brain ageing in schizophrenia and even interferes with the efficacy of cognitive remediation →

Mediterranean diet and covid-19: hypothesizing potential benefits in people with diabetes

The prevalence of diabetes in individuals with COVID-19 has been reported to range between nearly 10% and up to 30%, depending on the location of the study, population, age of participants in the studies, severity of illness, and method of testing. The MEditerranean DIet and Type 2 diAbetes study, provides further evidence of the anti-inflammatory →

Project content elements

Haitian Culture and Mental Health Experiences in Boston " Using a Multicultural Lens to Understand Illnesses Among Haitians Living in America" by Nicolas, DeSilva, Grey, & Gonzalez-Eastep, 2006 Presently, racial and ethnic minority represent quite a significant proportion of the population of the United States with the numbers expected to skyrocket in the four decades. →

Reflecting journal

The informational portion of the study indicates potential effectiveness associated with informing the IDU population about the risks of heroin overdose and how to curb its cravings through halving methods. In this treatment philosophy, the addicted patient receives knowledge and interventions between patient and counsellor as a means of altering maladjusted ways of thinking and →

International governance of the arctic marine environment

The book by Weidemann is about the implications of climate change for the arctic marine environment and the deficits of legal regimes that govern this part of the world. I believe Weidemann has written a comprehensive text that summarizes and evaluates numerous aspects that influence the international governance of the arctic marine environment.

The juggernaut of modernity collapses. the crisis of social planification in the post covid-19 era

It is now becoming evident that this pandemic has no equal in our recent past, in terms of the global extent of its spread, the restrictions on personal freedoms, the extent of the economic crisis, and the duration of the emergency situation. The sociological premises of this development model are the ones that have driven →

The legacy of sickness behaviors

This unrealistic state of affairs began to collapse in the late 1970s as a consequence of the purification, cloning and expression of the first cytokine, human interferon- , in 1978. Hans Selye advanced the concept of stress by showing that a variety of discomforting challenges in rats cause hypertrophy of the adrenals and involution of →

Healthcare finance

Impact on the health care organization and its financial operations The financial lease has a positive impact on the organization since the health care provider according to James and Aaron can grow technologically by leasing medical equipment and machinery which are costly. The leasing program assists the health care providers reduces the pressure in the →

National health service reorganization

The NHS has gone through many stages of development in the last century, however the 1990 act introduced the most radical accounting control system since the birth of the NHS. This essentially involved the separation of two of the main functions of the NHS, purchasing and providing.

Insights into muscle degeneration from heritable inclusion body myopathies

003 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Garatachea, N, and Lucia, A. 003 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Wagatsuma, A, and Sakuma, K.