Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Editorial: large and giant dna viruses

In addition, some years ago, the discovery of the first mimiviruses shed new light on the study of DNA viruses field. In addition, the authors analyzed the pangenome of viruses belonging to Mimivirus genera, highlighting that discovery of new mimivirus isolates still contribute to the expansion of the pangenome and the consolidation of the core →

Office rotation

At the time, I was able to observe and assist the first hygienist. In addition, I was able to take the time to interact with the patient and assist if needed.

Editorial: disclosure within hiv-affected families

The research presented suggests that disclosure interventions/practices which train caregivers/parents/partners and healthcare professionals on how to disclose, and then provides post-disclosure support to the persons disclosed to and to the disclosing caregivers/parents/partners, may be important. Aderomilehin et al.conducted a systematic review of SSA literature to determine the perspectives of HCPs and caregivers on disclosure practices →

Public health & patient safety teaching in pharmacy and allied health care curriculum (except medicine schools)

The purpose of this study was to analyse the effectiveness of the new Public Health and Patient Safety module at the University of Hertfordshire. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Main results/Key findings In the key areas of the module, student knowledge demonstrated a weak 27% increase from the beginning to the end of the course.

The intestinal microbiome and the leaky gut as therapeutic targets in alcoholic liver disease

The severity of liver injury positively correlates with plasma LPS levels in patients with cirrhosis, which could also be related to a decreased clearance of endotoxin from the blood by the liver. SIBO is more frequent in cirrhotic patients and directly correlates with the severity of liver damage.

The future of musical emotions

And indeed, research shows that the appearance of recurrent and meaningful patterns of expressive behavior in infants is not best understood wholly in terms of predetermined developmental programs, but rather as emergent properties of the dynamic interaction of a range of environmental and bodily factors. 307 Ekman, P." Biological and cultural contributions to body and →

Concept of promoting healthy ageing health and social care essay

Harmonizing to them successful ageing depends in the capacity of the person to accommodate, version to alterations in the bodily map, to relationships and to alterations in outlook and resources. Osteoporosis and arthritis are besides one of the jobs that ageing people has to endure.

Can the mediterranean diet reduce heart disease

To further see the benefits of the Mediterranean diet, another study was conducted involving a one year intervention on the plasma fatty acid composition and metabolic syndrome for those with higher risks of cardiovascular diseases. A health habit that is rich in vegetables and fruits as well as vegetable-based fats such as virgin olive oil →

Commentary: epilepsy in leigh syndrome with mitochondrial dna mutations

In the abstract 14 of 25 patients had epilepsy but in the results section and Table 1 only 32% of the 25 patients had seizures. We should know in how many of the 14 patients with epilepsy, epilepsy or seizures were associated with a SLE, since seizures may trigger SLEs and vice versa.

Public health in uk in 1800-1900’s

Families of 8 or 9 would live in 1 room where they all slept, ate and washed if they had the water to, the sewage was all over the place as there was no proper sewage lines, People had to bath in the same water they urinated in, they also had to drink this dirty →

Editorial: bioactive compounds from microbes

The aim of the present topic issue is to try to describing the mediator molecules of a network of signals which is still largely underexplored and underexploited. G, and Cryan, J.F.

On the necessity of consciousness for sophisticated human action

In this paper, we argue against the notion of conscious thought being just the steam whistle of an engine, and for the idea that conscious thought is an important part of the inner, causal machinery instead. Conscious thoughts are distinguished from other mental processes by the fact that the person can report on them to →

Editorial: financial intermediation versus disintermediation: opportunities and challenges in the fintech era

Editorial on the Research Topic Financial Intermediation Versus Disintermediation: Opportunities and Challenges in the FinTech Era Financial Technology emerged in the 21st century as a significant and innovative force that profoundly disrupts the traditional financial intermediation channels. The study points out that traditional participants in the financial system are trying to approach the digitalization of →

Mesenchymal stem cells in transplantation and tissue regeneration

The effectiveness of MSC therapy needs to be established in follow up trials and knowledge of the mechanisms of action of MSC may help optimizing the therapy. J, and Dahlke, M.H.

The third wave of biological psychiatry

To better understand the characteristics of the third wave, it will be helpful to take a short look at the first and second wave in the history of psychiatry. Since the declaration of the last decade of the twentieth century as the decade of the brain by the president of the United States, neuroscience has →

Editorial: emotion and behavior

Emotional processes underlying avoidance are reviewed by Diemer, Alpers, Peperkorn, Shiban, and M hlberger with a focus on the domain of virtual reality as a means to study the impact of perception and presence on emotional reactions, here fear and anxiety. The emotion of surprise is the topic of the contribution by Topolinski and Strack.

Human genome

Human Genome Health Sciences and Medicine of the July2, Human Genome One big purpose of the Human Genome project is to seek out the genetic bases of a range of common diseases that ail the humanity. The biggest challenge before the researchers and research administrators conducting genetic trials is to find the fasters and easier →

Service procedures level of risks reasons health essay

When the children wash their hands, it might be wet in the floor and the children could slipped and fall down. There are soft safety mats on the bathroom and carers always supervise the children to wash their hands.

Olfaction in alcohol-dependence: a neglected yet promising research field

After reviewing the results of the few studies which explored olfaction in alcohol-dependent patients, we will then underline the usefulness of olfactory studies to offer a better understanding of the impairments presented in alcohol-dependence. The olfactory system is connected with cognitive and emotional brain regions, and exploring olfaction might improve the understanding of emotional-cognitive deficits →

“omics” and immunologic approaches to optimizing cure rates in her2-positive breast carcinomas

In this research topic, Herter-Sprie et al.underscore the relevance of molecular alterations of HER2 that activate this molecule, including small insertions and missense mutations in the kinase domain, missense mutations in the extracellular domain, or large deletions of the extracellular domain in mechanisms of primary and acquired resistance to anti-HER2 therapeutics. A variety of immunologically →

Astaxanthin in exercise metabolism, performance and recovery: a review

The presence of the polyene chain alongside each moiety enables astaxanthin to exert multiple antioxidant functions, namely in the scavenging and quenching of RONS within the phospholipid membrane as well as at the surface. As a result, it was concluded that the antioxidant potential of astaxanthin is able to indirectly enhance the utilization of fats →

Editorial: nano-hetero-structures for chemical sensing: opportunities and challenges

The review of Li et al.summarizes the recent progress of microwave gas sensors including the characteristic of the various nanostructured materials, and propagative structures. The contribution from Chizhov et al.demonstrates that the illumination of ZnO/CdSe, ZnO/CdS@CdSe, and ZnO/ZnSe@CdS nanocomposites fabricated by the immobilization of nanocrystals colloidal quantum dots by a green light changes the population →

Editorial: herbarium collection-based plant evolutionary genetics and genomics

Remarkable examples of plastome sequencing from herbarium DNA include now-extinct species, as in, for instance, the de-novo assembly of the complete and mitogenome from a 140-year-old specimen of Hesperelaea, the reference-guided assembly of the plastome from a 167-year old specimen of Leptagrostis schimperiana to resolve its taxonomic position, as well as the reconstruction of the →

Bioinformatic challenges of big data in non-coding rna research

Even though bioinformatic-based methods for the identification of new ncRNA and their targets have become more sophisticated and required less CPU time, there are gaps and challenges that need to be addressed to justify their biological relevancy: cross-platform validation of genomic and transcriptional sequence data, cross-algorithm validation of search engines, and development of more accurate →

Anomalous experiences, trauma, and symbolization processes at the frontiers between psychoanalysis and cognitive neurosciences

The origin of the scientific and clinical understanding of anomalous experiences dates back to the end of the nineteenth century, and is based particularly on work conducted by scholars and members of the Society for Psychical Research, in Cambridge, the American Society for Psychical Research, in Boston, and the Institut Metapsychique International in Paris. →

Mouse genetic models of human brain disorders

The advent of genomic manipulation in mice began in the early 1980s through the microinjection of exogenous DNA into the pronuclei of fertilized eggs that randomly integrate into the mouse genome. In particular, the copy number and site of integration of the transgene in the mouse genome is random and therefore, cannot be controlled, often →

Editorial: plant disease management in the post-genomic era: from functional genomics to genome editing

Metagenomics and metatranscriptomics can be of help to describe the whole microbial community not only in terms of its ecology, but also to detect that fraction of the microbiome that, modulating the activity of plant pathogens in favor of the plant host, could be developed as biopesticides. The State of Food Security and Nutrition in →

Why i want to be a doctor

When I entered elementarily I would always volunteer to help out in the labs, and my teacher allowed me to work with the microscope. My exposure to this incidence provided me with a sense of fulfillment, a motivation to gain more knowledge in the clinical profession, and most significantly determination what I want to do →

10 things you can do to boost self-confidence

Here are 10 things you can do to build up your self-confidence." What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve".- Napoleon Hill Visualization is the technique of seeing an image of yourself that you are proud of, in your own mind. Reflecting on the major milestones, projects and goals you have achieved is →

Eeg correlates of self-referential processing

To evaluate event-related changes in oscillatory activity EEG is usually recorded before and during presentation of stimuli or performance of a task; EEG changes in the test period relative to baseline are treated as " event-related" activity and are believed to reflect brain activation involved in the processing of the task in hand. Wu et →

The association of tau with mitochondrial dysfunction in alzheimer’s disease

The nonequilibrium of tau binding to the microtubules results in aggregation and fibrillization of tau and dysfunction of microtubules. Observation of pathological interaction of tau with JIP1 and trapping of JIP1 in the soma in AD patients further supports these findings in the mouse model, while loss of axonal mitochondria enhances the abnormal phosphorylation and →

Intersectionality in the liminal space: researching caribbean women’s health in the uk context

Whilst analysis of the role of race and gender pre-dates the work of Crenshaw, use of this term names the realities of " being" in the social world as a Black women, spanning centuries of racialized and gendered existences. Taking such a position, seeking to place the research at the intersection with the research subjects, →

Social science sequestered

Mapping 5 of the social science across the UK GGR programme shows that whilst the methods and the conceptual lenses applied vary, and there is some room for interpretative and critical social science, the problems to address are predominantly seen through a narrow, instrumental frame: as drivers and barriers. Yet there is also a need →

Editorial: proceedings of ipsc 2019 – 2 international plant spectroscopy conference

Editorial on the Research Topic Proceedings of IPSC 2019 - 2 nd International Plant Spectroscopy Conference The 2nd International Plant Spectroscopy Conference took place in Berlin 2018, where 138 experts from 26 countries gathered to exchange new knowledge on the use of many different types of spectroscopy and microspectroscopy for the study and evaluation of →

The mark of the cognitive and the coupling-constitution fallacy: a defense of the extended mind hypothesis

Two of the main criticisms addressed to the functionalist version of the extended mind have been the so-called " coupling-constitution fallacy" and the alleged lack of a mark of the cognitive. In particular: the mark of the cognitive proposed by Adams and Aizawa does not secure contingent intracranialism; the coupling-constitution fallacy criticizes extended cognition on →

Williams syndrome – genetic pediatric illness

Thanks to his contribution to the study of what was then an unknown illness, the disease was named after the two men who contributed the most its understanding, Williams-Beuren Syndrome. A child afflicted with WS will do best under the care of a geneticist with experience in handling Williams Syndrome cases.

Editorial for: microbial symbiosis of marine sessile hosts- diversity and function

Raftos et al.review the history and impact of microbial disease on shellfish and using QX disease in Sydney rock oysters, illustrate the complex interactions that exist between pathogens, the environment and hosts. A clear link between organisms and their functions is important to define the importance of HGT in marine microbial symbiosis and this is →

Why conferences matter—an illustration from the international marine conservation congress

Besides the fact that poster and speed/short presentations may often be the best and most effective way to present some data, and may allow more interaction with interested peers, such funding restrictions mean that all the other benefits of conferences mentioned above are effectively discounted by agencies the reality that conferences are a learning/training experience, →

Is beauty in the hand of the writer? influences of aesthetic preferences through script directions, cultural, and neurological factors: a literature review

This paper is a review of the literature dealing with the impact of directionality on aesthetics, the degree to which this is a result of cerebral processing, and the degree to which it results from habit or cultural variation. Such a definition embraces rather than resolves the diffuse nature of perception, as it is based →

Mechanics of cricoids pressure health and social care essay

The cricoids force per unit area is performed as with the unassisted technique except the helper 's other manus provides antagonistic force per unit area beneath the cervical vertebrae thereby back uping the neck8 in the absence of a pillow. To assist clinicians use the equal sum of force per unit area on the cricoids →

The salience of complex words and their parts: which comes first?

In this approach, the idea of morphological salience refers to the relative importance or prominence of a morpheme in a morphologically complex word, the underlying assumption being that the salience of morphological components drives the mechanisms underlying complex word processing as well as storage and lexical organization. Both sublexical and supralexical approaches to morphological processing →

On the relation between grammatical number and cardinal numbers in development

There is some evidence that the grammatical number marking system of the language a child is learning may influence that child's learning of the cardinal number system. People in numerate societies construct these concepts during early childhood, in the course of learning the meanings for the cardinal number words " one," " two," " three," →

Editorial: metabolism meets function: untangling the cross-talk between signaling and metabolism

Clinical and pharmacological advances, for example the application of FDG-PET in the clinical setting and the development of novel pharmacological strategies based on antimetabolites, provide further support and validation of the role of metabolism in cancer. Here, we present a collection of works with the aim of bringing together work from a variety of scientists →

The role of the serotonergic and gaba system in translational approaches in drug discovery for anxiety disorders

To this end, this review focuses on the convincing evidence stemming from preclinical and clinical studies that genes involved in the serotonin and GABA system play a pivotal role in the development of anxiety disorders. The most intensively studied candidate genes are related to neurotransmitter systems implicated in the regulation of anxiety, to various neuropeptides, →

Enhancement for well-being is still ethically challenging

Julian Savulescu and colleagues distinguish various ways of conceptualizing enhancement and propose a " welfarist definition of human enhancement: Any change in the biology or psychology of a person which increases the chances of leading a good life in the relevant set of circumstances. Restricting the concept of enhancement to the addition of capacities or →

Disentangling neural synchronization and sustained neural activity in the processing of auditory temporal patterns

A recently published study by Herrmann and Johnsrude examined the relationship between NS and SA in the processing of auditory temporal patterns using EEG. This observation led the authors to investigate the extent to which the attentional state of the participant affected NS and SA in detecting temporally regular patterns.

Axia college material

5 Identify and name any rhetorical devices used by the author. 6 Identify and name any fallacies used by the author.

Extracellular vesicle-dependent cross-talk in cancer—focus on pancreatic cancer

The regulation of a broad range of cellular activities and biological responses is due to their biogenesis and probably to the extracellular environment and constraints. Further large prospective studies are needed to clarify the potential use of exosomal biomarkers in cancer diagnosis and prognosis.

Book review: the courage to suffer: a new clinical framework for life’s greatest crises

The authors begin on a very personal note, describing the death of the brother of one of the authors, his threat of a similar fate due to genetic circumstances, the death of a parent, the advice not to have children because of the author's condition and finally the diagnosis of infertility. In the following chapters, →

Stroke in symptomatic carotid stenosis health and social care essay

Purpose- The intent of this reappraisal is to look at the consequence of timing of the surgery on the hazard decrease from undergoing the process in patients that havediagnosticcarotid stricture and have suffered old transeunt ischemic onslaughts or acute shots. The tests being the North American Symptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy Trial the European Carotid Surgery Trial →

Editorial: microbial hydrogen metabolism

Two classes of metalloenzymes, [FeFe]-hydrogenase and [NiFe]-hydrogenase, catalyze the reversible oxidation of H 2 to electrons and protons; a third class of hydrogenase, termed [Fe]-hydrogenase or Hmd, catalyzes the reduction of the substrate methenyltetrahydromethanopterin with H 2. J, and Adams, M.W.W.

Editorial: mitochondrial dysfunction and cardiovascular diseases

Editorial on the Research Topic Mitochondrial Dysfunction and Cardiovascular Diseases A deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the development and progression of cardiovascular diseases represents a major goal in cardiovascular medicine. Mitochondrial biogenesis is also critical for the regulation of mitochondrial turnover and function in cardiovascular pathophysiology.

Social and economic impacts on health care in present day related to budget

According to Khan and Hildreth, a budgetary cut hinders the purchase of hospital equipment. There will be no funds to employ new health workers despite the increasing rate of patients.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

Carl Rogers, originator of the person-centered approach, conceived it in the late 1 sass at a time when the therapeutic establishment was dominated by psychoanalysis, which holds that psychological problems result fromchildhoodfixations and biological drives buried in the unconscious mind, and behaviorism, which focuses on the annalistic mechanism of habits developing as a reaction to →

Cre-ating ways to serotonin

In the nuclei of those cells that express the Cre enzyme, the Cre cuts and rejoins the DNA between the lox sites, so that the intervening segment gets inverted or removed. S, Zhou, M, Lira, A, Hen, R, and Gingrich, J.A.

Editorial: from structure to function – the interplay between cell adhesion molecules and the cytoskeleton

The aim of this Research Topic is to highlight some of the key players at the intersection of cell adhesion molecule-mediated cell-cell interaction and changes in the cell architecture regulating eukaryotic cell function. Reciprocal interactions between cell adhesion molecules of the immunoglobulin superfamily and the cytoskeleton in neurons.

Analyzing the place kick in tackle football to determine the factors that achieve highest foot velocity at ball impact – lab report example

This paper presents an analysis of the ' place kick' in tackle football with the aim of determining the factor, which achieve the highest foot velocity at the ball impact. Work Cited Barfield, B." The biomechanics of kicking in soccer".

Editorial: phenotyping; from plant, to data, to impact and highlights of the international plant phenotyping symposium – ipps 2018

Editorial on the Research Topic Phenotyping; From Plant, to Data, to Impact and Highlights of the International Plant Phenotyping Symposium - IPPS 2018 The aim of this Research Topic is to provide a series of research articles on a range of subjects in Plant phenomics from the use of appropriate sensors for capturing morphological and →

Editorial: bispecific antibodies for t-cell based immunotherapy

Instead, De Luca and colleagues designed a trimeric format that localized IL-2 and TNF to CAIX-expressing tumors, with the TNF cytokine used both as an immune cell agonist and a multimerization tag for the protein itself. However, as reviewed by both Lejeune et al.and Caraccio et al, the presence of safe and specific tumor antigens →

Commentary: the expression of cd123 can decrease with basophil activation: implications for the gating strategy of the basophil activation test

A recent article by Santos et al.reported that the CD123/HLA-DR protocol used to gate basophils in an FC approach could be fully improved by considering the introduction of CD203c as a gating additional molecule, as they reported a degree of correlation between basophil activation and decreased expression of CD123 without making a direct causal link →

Editorial: the green side of the water cycle: new advances in the study of plant water dynamics

Editorial on the Research Topic The Green Side of the Water Cycle: New Advances in the Study of Plant Water Dynamics Dynamics within the water cycle is a crucial topic under current climate change conditions. To understand terrestrial ecosystems and their role in the water cycle, we need to characterize the uptake, storage and transport →

Advertising assignment

This paper will evaluate how well the Galvan Dental Care adverts complies with the requirements of the Texas Occupational Code, Texas Administrative Code, and the American Dental Association's Principles of ethics and code of professional code of conduct. 002 of the occupational code on the other hand deals with restrictions and the regulation of advertisement →

Searching and indexing genomic databases via kernelization

Gagie et al.recently gave a version of Karkkainen and Ukkonen's index that uses a total of? bits and returns the locations of all P 's occ occurrences in S in? time. Danek et al.'s index for the database for the 1000 Genomes Project is the first one to fit in the memory of a commodity →

Women’s health & preventative care

Women'sHealthCare and Preventative Care In the United States, the cost of health care is on the rise and it is almost impossible to receive any health care service at an affordable rate. Due to the rising cost of health care and insurance, more women do not receive preventative medical treatment and are currently in debt.

Corrigendum: independent impacts of age and hearing loss on spatial release in a complex auditory environment

The calculation described on page 6 was implemented correctly, but the conversion from HL to SPL was not correct for the headphones used in the experiment. The sentence that begins on the end of page 5 and continues onto page 6 should read: This was achieved by first measuring the level at which each listener →

Commentary: mobile and interactive media use by young children: the good, the bad, and the unknown

A commentary on Mobile and Interactive Media Use by Young Children: The Good, the Bad, and the Unknown by Radesky, J. Supplementing Radesky et al, this commentary aims to clarify the influence of modern touchscreen devices on children's cognitive development from the perspective of embodied cognition.

What’s in a word? on weight stigma and terminology

1 One of the highly anticipated sessions of the 2-day event was a roundtable discussion on terminology used in weight stigma research and professional practice to describe higher-weight bodies and to identify best practice how to engage in the conversation without being part of the problem. Part of the problem is that the very act →

Potential contributions of psychological capital to the research field of marketing

The context of psychological capital is being applied in various contexts within the realm of management operations in order to increase the reach of the business and market the products of the different firms and institutions in ways that will increase the cohort of people belonging to the target market of the firm and hence →

Gene expression: sizing it all up

An increase in expression correlates with a decrease in regulatory elements and thus a decrease in intron and intergenic size according to the model. In a contradiction to the models, Ren et al.studied both Oryza sativa and A.thaliana and found that highly expressed genes contained more and longer introns and a produced a larger primary →

The past and the future of alzheimer’s disease csf biomarkers—a journey toward validated biochemical tests covering the whole spectrum of molecular events

In the studies evaluating the diagnostic performance of CSF biomarkers, the diagnostic entity " probable AD" based on the NINCDS-ADRDA criteria, i.e, an exclusion diagnosis made on pure clinical grounds, was used as gold standard in the evaluation of the CSF biomarkers. In 1999, a first paper showed that MCI patients progressing to AD with →

Corrigendum: let’s chat: on-screen social responsiveness is not sufficient to support toddlers’ word learning from video

Children of both ages reliably learned the word in the responsive live condition, and older children learned in the unresponsive live condition. Live, responsive video as implemented in this and prior studies is compared, with implications for the use of video chat via the Internet with young children".

Say what you please? really?

In addition to the subject- vs.object-relative clause distinction that motivated the PDC, a second case is discussed in the current paper: modifiers that may attach low or high. Also, it might be good to provide evidence that it IS the statistics themselves that guide expectations in comprehension, and not implicit knowledge of how the production →

Mathematics anxiety: what have we learned in 60 years?

Mathematics anxiety has been defined as " a feeling of tension and anxiety that interferes with the manipulation of numbers and the solving of mathematical problems in...ordinary life and academic situations". Mathematics anxiety has also generally been found to correlate with measures of general anxiety; and it is indeed possible that this may serve as →

Editorial: positive technology: designing e-experiences for positive change

1515/9783110471137 Gaggioli, A, Riva, G, Peters, D, and Calvo, R.A." Positive technology, computing, and design: shaping a future in which technology promotes psychological well-being," in Emotions and Affect in Human Factors and Human-Computer Interaction, ed M. E, and Gaggioli, A." Transformative experience design: designing with interactive technologies to support transformative experiences," in CHI EA '19 →

Stem cell : is it a great promise or false hope

Basing on what is deduced through the research, we will be able to determine whether stem cell research is a need of our times or not and also answer questions regarding the funding for the same. Stem Cell Research is considered to have significant potential for therapeutic purposes and found to be a great mileage →

Promises of music in education?

In the first recordings at the age of 7 years, when most of the children in the music group just started their training, there were no group differences in the brain responses of interest. It was found that the music intervention improved the verbal abilities of the children and that this was paralleled with the →

Emotions as pragmatic and epistemic actions

While in the philosophy of emotions these representations may come in form of judgments of value and importance, reactions to known values or attitudes toward an object exhibiting certain evaluative properties, psychologists regard an emotion as the process of appraising a stimulus' significance to a subject, either according to various aspects of the stimulus' properties →

A progressive mental disorder health essay

The risk is also great if a family member is suffering from the Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's is not a part of regular and normal aging, however, the majority of persons with Alzheimer's are 65 and above.

Editorial: from fires to oceans: dynamics of fire-derived organic matter in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems

The relics of fire, in the form of PyC, are present in all compartments of the Earth: In the air, soils, marine and fresh water sediments, rivers, and the oceans... This research topic explores these different questions in our understanding of fire-derived organic matter, from the characterization and quantification of PyC components, to the transformation →

Initial post with a description of two patients

The seizures are then put in classes as per the cause factors, the type of the seizure, the epilepsy ailment and the circumstances leading to the time of the seizures. In addition, the patient is experiencing Glucagonoma.

Genetic variations in drug-induced liver injury (dili): resolving the puzzle

Nevertheless, there are discrepancies in the findings and many studies are based on small cohorts and subsequently insufficient to confirm a prominent association between genetic variability in drug metabolism and the risk of DILI. The utility of genome-wide association studies in hepatology.

Symbiosis, parasitism and bilingual cognitive control: a neuroemergentist perspective

Moving beyond the notion of language switching and its neural bases, work in the neuroimaging literature supports the view that bilingualism has the potential to strengthen frontal-striatal pathways due to the constant use of more than one language leading to advantages in cognitive control. The notion of a simple bilingual advantage has also led researchers →

The role of virtual reality in screening, diagnosing, and rehabilitating spatial memory deficits

Ecological validity refers to the degree to which the findings of a study or a diagnostic assessment relate to a real-world setting; in this case, how well the VR spatial memory task represents real-life spatial memory challenges faced by MCI and AD patients. This review article will discuss: the utility of VR for the screening →

Health related conditions and high lipid consumption

High consumption of lipids also results in atherosclerosis that is responsible for the thickening of the arteries. The weight of such persons is also expected to reduce considerably.

Mental illness and violence

Mental Illness and Violence Summary The article, Mental Illness and Violence, by Donna Sabella was published in the American Journal of Nursing on January 2014. The author highlights that the public links mental illness to increased acts of violence in the society.

Normal glucose metabolism in carnivores overlaps with diabetes pathology in non-carnivores

Lessons learned from species such as the dolphin and the domestic cat may cast light on general metabolic pathways that have evolved to meet the unique glucose needs of carnivores as well as the defects in metabolism that contribute to diabetes development and progression in humans. There is evidence from dolphins and related toothed whales →

Default positions: how neuroscience’s historical legacy has hampered investigation of the resting mind

To develop psychology as a practical science, behaviorism jettisoned the study of consciousness as the object of study, and hence the introspective techniques promoted by scientists such as Wundt and Titchener gave way to the use of external stimuli to explore both human and animal behavior. In addition, the experience of mind-wandering and the process →

Movement-based embodied contemplative practices: definitions and paradigms

Francisco Varela was one of the first to introduce the term " embodied mind" into cognitive neuroscience as a counter to the concept of a " disembodied mind," a mental entity considered independently of its relationship to a body and the environment, and. Similarly, the dynamical systems approach to developmental theory, psychoanalysis as well as →

Computational anatomy for studying use-dependant brain plasticity

Building on pioneering studies in rodents based on post mortem assessment of experience-induced brain volume changes in rodents and non-human primates most recent in vivo works demonstrate at the cellular level the complex dynamics of use-dependant dendritic spine plasticity and at the systems level the extent of cortical reorganization after lost of peripheral input. In →

Early flowering as a drought escape mechanism in plants: how can it aid wheat production?

In reality, the classification of plants into the discrete categories of DE or DA is not entirely accurate since they take place at different times: prior to and after the occurrence of a drought event, respectively. The development of both shallow and deep roots in wheat plants is reported to be advantageous for grain yield →