Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Put your big girl knickers on! the experiences of two female leaders in new zealand primary schools turning schools around

The names of the participants and their school, including my school, were changed to protect the identity of the school leader, and past and present staff, students, and community members associated with each school. In the years following the implementation of Tomorrow's Schools, the Education Review Office and the Ministry of Education began to recognize →

Grand challenge in inflammation

A variety of safe and effective anti-inflammatory agents are available for short term control of acute inflammation including aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Thus the challenge is to develop anti-inflammatory agents that are orally active, safe, and effective for treating acute or chronic inflammation.

Adolescence, violence, and public health

In order to understand the scope of the problem, we need to look at the epidemiology of global violence. In 1996 the World Health Assembly declared violence a leading public health issue and as a result of this resolution a comprehensive report was published in 2002.

Nirs-measured prefrontal cortex activity in neuroergonomics: strengths and weaknesses

In the same vein, the possibility of conducting experiments with the subjects in a sitting or standing position is a specific advantage of NIRS, since lying down in the magnet has been demonstrated to increase the risk of subject drowsiness and so the level of attention. Firstly, the PFC is well-known as being involved in →

Maladaptive plasticity in levodopa-induced dyskinesias and tardive dyskinesias: old and new insights on the effects of dopamine receptor pharmacology

A change in the pattern of connectivity in the sensory and motor cortices was thought to lead to inappropriate associations between inputs and outputs of the motor areas and cause errors in selecting muscles used in voluntary movement. Glutamatergic mechanisms in the dyskinesias induced by pharmacological dopamine replacement and deep brain stimulation for the treatment →

Circulation weather types as a tool in atmospheric, climate, and environmental research

In the last decades, the advance of computing resources and the availability of datasets have fostered the development of fast and objective methods that process large amounts of data. Circulation weather types and spatial variability of daily precipitation in the Iberian Peninsula.

Maldistribution of physicians

The shortage of physicians in the rural setup has been a nagging problem with the country medical care system. However, the number of physicians that are in these areas is alarming.

Forming at corporate university

In the Best Heath Systems, there is an impounding need of the center for the development of the staff education wise and in terms of leadership. At the same time as the university keeps developing and capturing the needs of the staff members, there will be increased development in talent of the employees.

Health consequences of your personal behavior

HEALTH CONSEQUENCES OF PERSONAL BEHAVIOR SUBMITTED BY: SUBMITTED INSTITUTE: INTRODUCTION 1 Target Health Behavior Any behavior of a person, aiming at attaining a better health is a health behavior. The aim of this behavioral modification plan is to change my eating behavior for the better and move towards a healthy eating style.2.

Psychiatric genetics, neurogenetics, and neurodegeneration

The diverse contributions to this research topic reflect various approaches and opinions in the field of neuropsychiatric genetics and neurodegeneration and could be understood as innovative responses to the challenges in the research on common complex disorders. The authors of this special research topic call for the consideration of genetic and environmental risk factors, and →

Editorial: the art and science of heroism and heroic leadership

To acquire a full understanding all of the nuances of heroic action, a deeper trans-paradigmatic approach is needed that integrates the methods and approaches of the arts, the humanities, and the sciences. In doing so, the authors consider three aspects of heroism: the psychological typology of potential leaders, the basic characteristics of people's images of →

Improving health status in houston

B management is to provide guidance for making improvements in the health status of the community. B management has helped many groups and organizations with its approach to improving the health status of the community in Houston and covered the groups and people within the society.

Assignment example

Myocardial Infarction: This is an obstruction of blood flow to the heart which leads to a heart attack. Endocarditis is a condition associated with inflammation of the interior part of the heart chambers and valves.11.

Global climate change and above–belowground insect herbivore interactions

In particular, the plant-mediated interactions between above- and belowground herbivores may be important in the structuring of herbivore and multi-trophic communities. For instance, the presence of butterfly larvae reduced the abundance of the belowground herbivore and its parasitoid by up to 50% and decreased the body size of emerging parasitoid and root herbivore adults.

Use of antibiotics as feed additives: a burning question

Benefits in terms of the rate and efficiency in the gain of body weight, decrease in mortality and morbidity and reduction in the occurrence of subclinical diseases, were observed using of antibiotics during all phases of growth of pigs. Does the use of antibiotics in food animals pose a risk to human health?

Gratitude in organizations: a contribution for healthy organizational contexts

A, and Shelton, C.M." Gratitude and the science of positive psychology," in Handbook of Positive Psychology, eds C.R. Pride and gratitude: how positive emotions influence the prosocial behaviors of organizational leaders.J.

From phagocytes to immune defense: roles for coronin proteins in dictyostelium and mammalian immunity

Given the initial isolation of coronin A with actin/myosin, the roles for coronin A in the above-mentioned activities have been attributed to the capacity of Dictyostelium coronin A in modulating the F-actin cytoskeleton. Whether the motility and cytokinesis defects observed upon coronin A deletion are related to a possible function of coronin A in the →

Nutrition discussion unit 1

Standards of nutrient intake of Standards of nutrient intake Standards of nutrient intakehave become one of the most widely discussed subjects among public. Secondly, the references that are furnished in the guides explaining the standards of nutrient intake seem to be illogical as they are not able to define the individual standards.

The spatiotemporal dynamics of longevity-defining cellular processes and its modulation by genetic, dietary, and pharmacological anti-aging interventions

Collectively, the articles in this Issue highlight the various strategies used by evolutionarily diverse organisms for coordinating these longevity-defining cellular processes in space and time, critically evaluates the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying such coordination, and outlines the most important unanswered questions and directions for future research in this vibrant and rapidly evolving field. Insights →

Review of tissue-protective cytokines

This is an added benefit to the book because it helps the reader understand the models being used to evaluate the mechanism as well as the efficacy of tissue-protective cytokines that are being considered for therapies in various diseases. The therapeutic benefit of EPO in this model is well-described in a chapter by Cerevellini, Ghezzi, →

Conditions for minimal intelligence across eukaryota: a cognitive science perspective

Despite the manifest diversity in the behavior of animals, plants, fungi and protists, and the functional specialization of different eukaryote cells, cellular organization based on the division into a nucleus and a cytoplasm allows for the genomic collaboration in the overall guidance of the response patterns to be observed, for example, in growth and development. →

Grand challenges: refugees and conflict

Recent research has advanced our understanding of the causes of forced displacement and the experiences of refugees, and in doing so has questioned the utility of the categorizations imposed by international law and politics, which for example, divide refugees from economic migrants, and distinguish between forced and voluntary migration. Many refugees now find themselves trapped →

Platelet-targeted fviii gene therapy restores hemostasis and induces immune tolerance for hemophilia a

It has been shown that ectopic expression of factor VIII in platelets directed by either the glycoprotein Ib or the GPIIb promoter can lead to the storage of FVIII in platelet -granules and that platelet-derived FVIII can improve hemostasis in hemophilia A mice even in the presence of anti-FVIII inhibitory antibodies. In this review, we →

Heath education materials used to promote oral health

Elementary children should be assessed by analyzing the level of demonstrated interest in the key messages and how they are able to relate the messages to real-life contexts. Additionally, it is important to assess their level of knowledge construction and use with regards to oral health to determine the population's capacity to synthesize and understand →

Health promotion critical analysis

According to the World Health Organization, " Health promotion is the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health". The whole purpose of promoting individual health is to give the communities the ability to feel they have control over their health plan and help them to stay out of the →

Cloning an instinct species in jurassic park

In the film, they discovered dinosaur DNA trapped in the amber of a tree and extracted the DNA. In addition, we should enter the cloning process with the knowledge that nature will eventually find a way and begin to sustain without future interference of human beings.

Retraction: brassica juncea lines with substituted chimeric gfp-cenh3 give haploid and aneuploid progenies on crossing with other lines

Following concerns identified post-publication, the article was examined by the Chief Editors, confirming image duplication in Figure 5 and discrepancies in the data sets presented which precludes a Correction. The Field Chief Editor therefore concluded that the article warranted retraction.

Editorial: follicular helper t cells in immunity and autoimmunity

A clear understanding of the mechanisms that control the development of Tfh and Tfr cells and the factors that contribute to GC responses is vital to the success of Tfh-based immune-monitoring and therapy development. Serr and Daniel, in their brief review, reported the state of the art regarding the role of Tfh cells in the →

Editorial: tavi and the challenges ahead

Relevant topics for discussion include the relative merits/drawbacks of TAVI compared to SAVR, the impact and potential mitigation strategies for periprocedural stroke and permanent pacemaker implantation, the use of oral anticoagulation after TAVI, and the question of long-term transcatheter heart valve durability. The risk of cerebrovascular events and how to prevent them, the impact of →

Coach education and positive youth development as a means of improving australian sport

For example, without being part of mandatory education, positive youth development in sport is devalued and difficult for coaches to source. Introducing mandatory positive youth development education would ensure all Australian coaches are aware of the importance of positive youth development in sport and equipped with the knowledge, confidence and skills to foster positive development →

Commentary: the nature of unsymbolized thinking

It makes sense to speak of predicting the expression of a thought-content; the expression of a thought-content is an event. The linguistic determination of conscious thought contents.No s.doi: 10.

Critical thinking – basic concepts of quantitative reasoning; hypothesis formulation

Traumatic Brain Injury Traumatic brain injury is an attained brain injury resulting when an external force causes damage to the brain. Anyone with signs of traumatic brain injury ought to receive immediate medical attention; based on the fact that traumatic brain injury is a health risk.

If we build it comparative psychologists will come. commentary: a crisis in comparative psychology: where have all the undergraduates gone?

However, we recognize that lack of engagement with the field stems at least in part from the following related issues neglected by Abramson; a serious lack of financial support for programs of research in comparative psychology, difficulty accessing subject populations, and changing norms regarding the ethical use of animal subjects in research. In order to →

Work and life balance “if we are not happy both in work and out of work, we cannot provide happiness to others”

We were told, " always patient care comes first," and " we had a hard residency as well, and this is training"." Resident" in the Cambridge dictionary means " the person who lives in a place," and literally, we as residents were covering the hospital 24/7 in my home country of Japan. Most importantly, the →

From suicide due to an economic-financial crisis to the management of entrepreneurial health: elements of a biographical change management service and clinical implications

The intervention is aimed at opening up more possibilities in the way of configuring the problem and anchoring these possibilities to the daily life of the person in a future perspective. In this sense, it is advisable for the user to describe himself or herself at the start of the intervention and after the intervention →

Editorial: cognition in mood disorders

In addition, developing tools to measure cognitive deficits more objectively, may augment the diagnosis of affective disorder and support current, and future efforts, to improve the classification of psychological symptoms and processes in psychiatry. In this special edition, research papers published within this topic will be discussed within the following headings: the neurobiology of cognition, →

Family health assessment essay sample

At completion of the general assessment, I reviewed the collected data with the family and offered interventions that could increase health promotion for each individual, in turn, increasing wellness for the family as a whole. For example, the parents were aware of the possible dangers of alcohol consumption and see the father drinking 5-6 beers →

Decision-making in the surgical treatment of breast cancer: factors influencing women’s choices for mastectomy and breast conserving surgery

In his book, " The Breast Cancer Wars," Barron Lerner chronicles the convergence of the women's liberation movement and the rise of BCS as the standard of surgical care in the treatment of early stage disease. In a prospective survey of newly diagnosed breast cancer patients, Abbott et al.found that the mean estimated risk by →

Issues in the interpretation of “altmetrics” digital traces: a review

During this process from viewing to recommending, on the one hand, the level of interest in the research product increases, the engagement level of users increases, and the significance of individual acts increases; On the other hand, the number of counts associated with each product falls, and the coverage of these acts decreases. Similarly, the →

Hepatitis c transmission through direct contact with infected blood underlines mandatory implementation of infection control

The purpose of infection control is to reduce or eliminate the spread infectious diseases. Prevention controls for mitigating this risk include adhering to appropriate standards in the preparation of food and medications and in the decontamination of equipment.

The worldly constituents of perceptual presence

Refinements to PP allow Seth to explain both perceptual content and presence; the latter this is the most interesting aspect is associated with the counterfactual richness of predictive models. A predictive processing theory of sensorimotor contingencies: explaining the puzzle of perceptual presence and its absence in synesthesia.Cogn.

Radiation protection of patients in dental radiology

Focus of the literature review was based upon the different factors, such as the complications of ionising radiation, complications in different age group people, preventive measures and the current state of knowledge in the dentists all around the globe. The nature of ionizing radiation and its use in dentistry", Dental update, vol.

The grand challenge for psychoanalysis and neuropsychoanalysis: a science of the subject

Crucially, for example, the first intervention tool in mental health is the therapeutic alliance between patient and therapist, and this is more important than the specific technique 3, while in medicine the specific technical interventions are decisive for the treatment. In other words, we would like to point a difference between the constraining role of →

Motility control of symbionts and organelles by the eukaryotic cell: the handling of the motile capacity of individual parts forges a collective biological identity

The re-activation of the genes responsible for bacterial motility is a crucial aspect of the disassembly of the EPS matrix, and therefore, the destruction of a biofilm and the re-appearance of the planktonic state. Therefore, since the presence of flagella is unnecessary and energetically expensive, it has been suggested that the re-functionalization of the flagellar →

Schizophrenia and sex hormones: what is the link?

There are well-established differences in the expression of schizophrenia in women and men many of which have been attributed to the action of estrogen. Contraceptive counseling to women and their partners should be part of the care for women with schizophrenia.

Economic and behavioral influencers of vaccination and antimicrobial use

Despite the contextual complexity of health behaviors, a recent meta-analysis based on conditioned risk questions found that people are more likely to accept vaccination when they perceive a high risk of contracting the disease when unvaccinated, greater personal vulnerability to the disease, and greater severity of the disease. These concerns have increased relevance in the →

Policy analysis

Policy Analysis It is believed by many of the registered nurses that the staffing in the most of the acute care hospitals is considered to be inadequate. The maintenance of the minimum nurse to patient ratio will be beneficial for the patients as well as the nurses.

Food industry in the usa

Contrary, I believe that the cost of doing away with genetically modified foods is cheaper than the cost of treating diseases related to such foods, and worst of all, the loss of many lives. In order to well understand this documentary, people should remove themselves from their personal opinions and view it, just the way →

Perception of risk variation factors health and social care essay

Before reexamining the different paradigms of hazard perceptual experience it is critical to understand the really nature of the construct of hazard itself. The aim of this paper is to understand the part of such societal, cultural and psychological factors which form perceptual experiences of hazard.

Sdg implementation at the local level: lessons from responses to the coronavirus crisis in three cities in the global south

We argue that central to such reflections should be an acknowledgment of the territorial impact of the crisis in cities, considering their central contribution to securing sustainability, and that they have been the hotspots of both cases and responses to the pandemic. While many national governments recognize the importance of the contribution of subnational governments →

Book review: la paradoja de jugar en tríada. el juego motor en tríada

The second chapter is specifically dedicated to the analysis of the mathematical properties of motor team-triads, which I would rather call N-3 games after Parlebas' classification of the networks of motor communication of sports: the identification of three main properties of the networks of these tagging games, namely, " circulation," " transitivity," and " interactivity," →

Public submissions on the uganda national biotechnology and biosafety bill, 2012 reveal potential way forward for uganda legislators to pass the bill

In Uganda, the process involves the drafting of the bill by the first parliamentary counsel, approval by cabinet, first reading at the parliament, committal to the responsible parliamentary sessional committee, tabling of the bill for public hearing, consultations, and final approval. Those against the bill have indicated that this objective is to facilitate and not →

Editorial: advanced utilization and management of biogas

The present Research Topic aims to cover promising recent trends and advances in biogas utilization in the 5 high-quality papers contributed: the comprehensive reviews of Yentekakis et al, and Niakolas et al, focusing respectively on advanced utilization strategies for biogas management as an energy and chemicals production sector, on enhancing the energy efficiency of wastewater →

All hands on deck: nurses and cancer care delivery in women’s health

As cancer care grows in complexity and expense with an aging and increasingly diverse population, the Institute of Medicine and others have called for improvements in cancer care delivery and research. As integral members of the cancer care team during treatment, nurses' involvement in multidisciplinary cancer care treatment models can improve care post-diagnosis through management →

Mixed properties of mhd waves in non-uniform plasmas

Mathematically this is translated into the fact that the differential equations for the radial component of the Lagrangian displacement r and the Eulerian perturbation of total pressure P are coupled to algebraic equations for compression , the parallel and perpendicular projections of the Lagrangian displacement , , and vorticity 1. The spatial behavior of the →

Rfid in pharmacy …

RFID in Pharmaceutical Industry In 2004, USFoodand Drug Administration has called for the implementation of RFIDtechnologyto track the distribution of prescription drugs in order to protect the medical supply chain from counterfeit drugs by 2007. A new research report of Jan 2010 revised the market for RFID products and services in the pharmaceutical industry that →

Practicing veterinary medicine

These people are skilled in in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of animalhealthproblems. There are many different forms of veterinary practice, though 70% limit their practice to small animals or household pets and are said to have a 'large animal" practice.

What is a “sense of foreshortened future?” a phenomenological study of trauma, trust, and time

As it is debatable what " torture" consists of and the kind of experience we describe is not unique to torture victims, it might seem preferable to widen the scope of our enquiry to PTSD and depression. We can add to this that loss of trust in the world involves a pronounced and widespread sense →

Health communities: theory and practice

According to Stanhope and Lancaster the term community health is " the meeting of collective needs by identifying problems and managing behaviors within the community itself and between the community and the larger society. The goal is to improve the health of the entire community.

Physiology of fluid balance essay sample

The only obstacle to the fluid is the capillary wall and the basement membrane of the Bowman's capsule, in other words it is termed as selectively permeable. For this reason, water arrives in the blood via osmosis for the reason that the water potential of the filtrate is higher than the blood.

Task-specificity of muscular responses during motor imagery: peripheral physiological effects and the legacy of edmund jacobson

The importance of introspection can be demonstrated more clearly for mental timing tasks in which the basic idea is to simulate a motor task internally and to signal the end of the action, for example in walking different distances. This result demonstrated for the first time that the peripheral physiological effects of motor imagery are →

Editorial: fundamental characterization and performance of alternative fuels

In a uniform effort, supported by strong legislative framework research [RED and RED II in EU, American renewable energy and energy efficiency act in United States, Renewable Energy Agency Regulation in Australia and 5th strategic energy plan in Japan ] groups across the globe already achieved giant leaps forward and recent years have brought about →

Identity formation, marijuana and “the self”: a study of cannabis normalization among university students

The normalization process, we will argue in particular, is facilitated by a fluid view of self in which the identity of " user" and " non-user" is not fixed, but rather more contingent on the situated context or social circumstances of marijuana use. I mean that is a big incentive and that meant I can →

Retraction: revisiting hydrocephalus as a model to study brain resilience

Following a series of concerns regarding the origin of images in this article, Frontiers conducted an investigation. This retraction was approved by the Specialty Chief Editors of Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.

Editorial: novel immunotherapies against envenomings by snakes and other venomous animals

In Pucca et al, the history of envenoming therapies is reviewed with a focus on the key developments in the life sciences that led to the generation of the first antivenoms, as well as their subsequent refinement and optimization. Further, all proteinaceous components of bee venom are presented with a discussion on the two main →


Magnesium is important in the human body as it help in reducing the amount of stress and depression. The article will provide a clear example of how a person's mental health or mood affects their food diet and how stress is related to nutrition.

Healthcare availability in the united states

Health Maintenance Organizations HMO is a prepaid healthcare insurance plan in which a person just needs to pay a monthly premium to get a number of healthcare benefits. In a PPO plan, a person can go to the doctors outside of the network but needs to pay a large portion of the total payment himself/herself.

a human is a complex organism

They are organised to work together to perform specific functions as the result of cells in the human body do not work individually. Various systems in the human body are well organised to carry out all the life processes efficiently.

The interplay between spontaneous and controlled processing in creative cognition

The PFC activated as a part of a control network is well-poised to facilitate the evaluation and judgment of the social appropriateness of a novel idea, and the implementation of goal-directed plans. A, and Makel, M.C." Assessment of creativity," in The Cambridge Handbook of Creativity, eds J.C.

Corrigendum: novel ttc37 mutations in a patient with immunodeficiency without diarrhea: extending the phenotype of trichohepatoenteric syndrome

A corrigendum on Novel TTC37 mutations in a patient with immunodeficiency without diarrhea: extending the phenotype of trichohepatoenteric syndrome by Rider NL, Boisson B, Jyonouchi S, Hanson EP, Rosenzweig SD, Cassanova JL, et al. 00002 During the preparation of the paper the authors misspelled the name of author Jean-Laurent Casanova as Jean-Laurent Cassanova.

Summary of ppaca constitutional or unconstitutional

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is specifically designed to ensure that all Americans have access to quality, affordable health care and will create necessary measures to contain the costs. This act is constitutional given that it is a constitutional right for every American to have access to quality and affordable healthcare.

Editorial: car t-cell therapies in hematologic tumors

In their article, Vitale and Strati provide an overview of CAR T-cell therapy in the setting of B-cell NHL and chronic lymphocytic leukemia. The authors also provide a thorough description of novel strategies to improve persistence, potency, and trafficking of CAR T cells, such as the refinement of the CAR construct, the use of defined →

Monitoring public health in developing countries

This paper assumes an ethical orientation to highlight the need for developing and implementing effective disease surveillance systems in the developing world. This paper has assumed an ethical orientation to underscore the need for the development and implementation of effective disease surveillance and response mechanisms in developing countries.

A commentary on: affective coding: the emotional dimension of agency

00608 We welcome Gentsch and Synofzik's review of the role of affect in modulating a person's sense of agency. In this commentary, we describe recent findings that suggest that one way in which negative affect plays a role in the development of AH is by reducing the SoA associated with self-generated cognitions and suggest that →

The construction of “official outlaws”. social-psychological and educational implications of a deterrent asylum policy

The interplay between the federal and the cantonal prerogatives in Switzerland created disparities in the implementation of the legal provisions namely the introduction of an " emergency aid" that followed the social assistance suppression. These conditions maintain asylum seekers in a state of controlled illegality and affect negatively the experience of both the targeted group →

Corrigendum: how and why do root apices sense light under the soil surface?

Corrigendum: In the D-Root system, the light comes from the top and shoots perceive the same amount and intensity of light whereas roots do not get any light. D-Root: a system to cultivate plants with the root in darkness or under different light conditions.

Editorial: molecular function and regulation of non-coding rnas in multifactorial diseases

The Editorial on the Research Topic Molecular Function and Regulation of Non-coding RNAs in Multifactorial Diseases Most of the parts in the human genomic DNA do not produce any proteins. The above consideration was the motivation for the production of the topic entitled " Molecular function and regulation of non-coding RNAs in multi-factorial diseases".

Maternal immune activation and related factors in the risk of offspring psychiatric disorders

These models involve triggering the maternal immune system during fetal development using a variety of immunogens, such as lipopolysaccharide and polyinosinic: polycytidylic acid, and then observing changes in the brain and behavioral development of offspring for features corresponding to human neurological disorders. Great strides have been made through both epidemiologic work and basic science to →

Editorial: techniques advances and clinical applications in fused eeg-fnirs

Besides, there is a potential to combine fNIRS and EEG to inspect the neurovascular coupling mechanism, which can give complementary information about the functioning of the brain. Specifically, this Research Topic aims to utilize combined EEG and fNIRS techniques to examine the relationship between hemodynamic signals in the frontal cortex and various ERP components of →

Department roles

At the top of the department is the Chief Medical Director who oversees all the operations of HIM. Following is the organizational structure of a HIM department.

The emergence of primary anoetic consciousness in episodic memory

1 The Jamesian fringe of consciousness the stream of consciousness that is so hard to describe and study has been a mainstay of affective neuroscience a " missing piece" that can be integrated with our emerging understanding of higher forms of consciousness. We propose that the anoetic affective core-self-experience gives the individual a sense of →

Current and emerging therapy for celiac disease

While prescribing gluten-free diet is easy; the key to the success is the dietary education by a nutrition specialist and maintenance of adherence by the patient. Induction of remission Clinical: Resolution of symptoms Improvement in the quality of life Serological: Normalization of the titer of anti-celiac antibodies Histological: Reversal of histological abnormalities Avoidance of long-term →

Handedness genetics: considering the phenotype

017 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Hampson, E, and Sankar, J.S. 2044-8295.1985.tb01926.x Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar McManus, I.C." Handedness," in The Blackwell Dictionary of Neuropsychology, eds J.G.

Interaction of bci with the underlying neurological conditions in patients: pros and cons

Ono et al.combined motor imagery based BCI with two different types of feedback for rehabilitation of hand function in chronic stroke patients; a visual and somatosensory. Effectiveness of the P3-speller in brain-computer interfaces for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Cardiovascular disease burden: evolving knowledge of risk factors in myocardial infarction and stroke through population-based research and perspectives in global prevention

Those studies were designed to address the lack of representativeness of low-income countries and societal minorities as well as to evaluate the actual impact of traditional and emerging risk factors on the population attributable risk, i.e, variation in prevalence of a risk factor leads to different impact on specific population risk related to that particular →

Editorial: institutional determinants of social inequalities

The Editorial on the Research Topic Institutional Determinants of Social Inequalities To understand the persistence of social inequalities, research in psychology has traditionally focused on individual determinants of the unequal treatment of social groups. R, and Fiske, T.S." Introduction: a wide-angle lens on the psychology of social class," in Facing Social Class, eds S.T.