Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Organ donation argumentative essay

SUMMARY SPEAKER 4." In this debate, the resolution has been that " ORGAN DONATION SHOULD BE COMPULSORY". We, on the negative team, win this debate because we have clearly shown that having a society in which the organ donation is mandatory is a real imposible thing, and even it could be considered as a mistake.


Diagnosing Espalier's Is not the easiest, there Is no specific test that can tell you If you have Espalier's Syndrome, you have to go through a series of test such as, x-rays and blood work. When a person with AS is notified about their actions they may come off as shocked and set because neurologically →

Editorial: beyond cpg methylation: new modifications in eukaryotic dna

Editorial on the Research Topic Beyond CpG Methylation: New Modifications in Eukaryotic DNA " Modification [mod-uh-fi-key-shuh n]": Numerous definitions exist for this word, but they all include descriptions that fit the theme covered in this collection of articles: "....the making of a limited change in something..".; "...a limitation or qualification of the meaning of a →

Pathways connecting late-life depression and dementia

Clinically, the onset or worsening of a depression after the onset of vascular disease, the profile of cerebrovascular risk factors in depressive patients, and the impairments depending on the location and extent of a cerebrovascular lesion, as well as a poor response to antidepressant medication speak in favor of a vascular depression hypothesis. The increase →

Continuous quality improvement

This is a continuous and recurrent quality improvement policy in the health promotion which takes a number of forms including plan-to-study-act or the Deming Cycle, which is a designed plan for improving the services/product in the health sector. Therefore, for satisfaction to have a meaning contribution to the CQI, customers should feel free and safe →

Management of pregnant patient in dentistry health essay

The general principles that apply in this situation are discussed, followed by the relevant physiologic changes and their treatment implications, the risks of various medications to the mother and fetus, the management of concomitant medical problems in the pregnant patient, appropriate timing of oral and maxillofacial surgery during pregnancy, and management of emergencies during pregnancy. →

Editorial: new frontiers in the search of antimicrobials agents from natural products

Editorial on the Research Topic New Frontiers in the Search of Antimicrobials Agents from Natural Products Infectious diseases still one of the major causes of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Both cases result in diminution of antibiotic shelf time and make essential the search of new active compounds to be used in antimicrobial therapy.

Global health issue – lung cancer

Global health issue - Lung Cancer Further work is required to investigate the impact of outdoor air pollution which is currently on the rise on lung cancer worldwide. In this regard, further studies and real time solutions of outdoor air pollution globally and lung cancer in will need to detail concurrent or past exposures →

Wet amounts and hanging drops – lab report example

For the Vaseline to be in touch with the slide and the depression to be above the culture drop, the depression slide was upturned over the cover slip. This was meant to assist in making observations close to the edge of the culture drop and not in the middle.

Differences in the myths of the toad, the snake, and the medicine

This myth implies that Kanu finds it strange that the people kill the snake, but not the toad, considering that the snake loved them. The second myth, " The Toad and the Snake," tells that Kanu wanted to save both animals and people.

Commentary: csf and plasma testosterone in attempted suicide

I suggested that if testosterone plays a role in the neurobiology of suicidal behavior, this connection may be related to a direct effect of testosterone on suicidality; a testosterone effect on mood and, consequently, suicidality; a testosterone effect on cognition and, consequently, suicidality; and a testosterone effect on aggression and, consequently, suicidality. Zhang et al.compared →

Corrigendum: toward high-resolution vertical measurements of dissolved greenhouse gases (nitrous oxide and methane) and nutrients in the eastern south pacific

00148 In the published article, there was an error regarding the affiliations for Macarena Troncoso. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way.

Knowledge & the flow of information

Basing on the problem at hand, two other alternatives include: a) Introducing a time based mapping process in the centre b) Increasing the number of workers at the centre in relation to demand 4. It is optimistic that with the use of the first method, the changes will give a solution to the problem.

Brain tissue oxygen reactivity: clinical implications and pathophysiology

Simultaneous elevations of PbO 2 and PbO 2 / PaO 2 values reflect the imbalance between the oxygen delivery and consumption. This is a result of a mismatch between the rCBF and existing cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen, which leads to accumulation of CO 2, converted by erythrocyte carboanhydrase into HCO 3 and H + →

Editorial: role of rna modification in disease

Editorial on the Research Topic Role of RNA Modification in Disease When first discovered, mRNA molecules were considered as the simple way through which the information stored in the DNA could be transformed in the real effector molecules, the cellular proteins. Therefore, the two final chapters in this research topic look at RNA-based therapeutic strategies →


To this extent I can authoritatively note that the results of the survey are valid and reliable to the extent that they are an accurate representation of the patient satisfaction. Seven of the patients noted that the food in the hospital was better compared to the others.

Public health

On the other hand, quality issues in health care organizations will improve considering the technological advancement, and if there the implementation of pay for performances and non-payment of " never' events stipulations, which I suppose can greatly enhance and encourage high quality among the health care institutions. This is because some people are very ignorant →

Editorial: why people gossip and what it brings about: motives for, and consequences of, informal evaluative information exchange

Three papers focus on gossip senders' motivation to engage in, or refrain from, gossiping; three papers focus on the reactions of both gossip recipients and gossip targets, and they also address the longer-term consequences of gossip that had been neglected in previous research. They report that situational variables can trigger different motives to gossip; having →

A concise review of gradient models in mechanics and physics

For diffusion problems, the IL enters through the additional term d 2 2 j i where d is a diffusional internal length and j i denotes the diffusion flux which generalizes the classical Fick's law = D 2 by the expression = D 2 - c 4 ; c = d 2 D, in a →

Stress, coping and social support in hiv

Depression is closely associated with HIV and mainly a consequence of social stigma caused due to isolation and beliefs associated with AIDS. Treatment of stress caused due to anxiety disorders and depressions includes a combination of psychotherapy, counselling, and anti-depressant medications.

Starting a gym business

This will be the initial workforce of the gym. The employees will all enjoy free access to the use of the gym's facilities and meals will be offered from the cafeteria.

Natural fiber wide use health and social care essay

The mid-ribs of the foliages and the fibres from their chaffs are used in doing industrial coppices and brooms. RSM is a aggregation of mathematical and statistical techniques that are utile for the mold and analysis of jobs in which a response of involvement is influenced by several variables and the aim is to optimise →

The definition of lymphocyte activating factor: giving a helping hand to serendipity

143 The idea that soluble cell products play important roles in the complex process of the immune response was supported by scientific evidence in the sixties in several publications including those by David et al.and Bloom and Bennett, who discovered the activity of macrophage migration inhibitory factor, Gordon and McLean who reported that media of →

Editorial: experimental models of epilepsy and related comorbidities

Editorial on the Research Topic Experimental Models of Epilepsy and Related Comorbidities Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disease and patients with epilepsy have an increased risk for cognitive, behavioral, and psychosocial disorders that can adversely impact the quality of life. The review article by Kumar et al, focuses on the current status of our understanding →

Health administarion

The assessment emphasized the adaptability to changes and approach to tackle new issues and cases. The reflective practices proved to be of great help to the employees.

Psychosocial and neurocognitive factors associated with hepatitis c – implications for future health and wellbeing

In a biopsychosocial model of the disease and the treatment, it is essential to understand HCV's clinical and social impact on a broader life perspective and how individuals experience it. A longitudinal study evaluating the effects of interferon-alpha therapy on cognitive and psychiatric function in adults with chronic hepatitis C.J.

Editorial: animal transport and related management

In Canada, Rioja-Lang et al.reviewed available scientific literature related to the welfare of pigs during transportation as part of the update of the codes of practice. In their perspective paper, Edwards-Callaway et al.describe the process of sending dairy cows to slaughter in the US, including discussion of animal welfare and fitness for transport.

Commentary: yawning, acute stressors, and arousal reduction in nazca booby adults and nestlings

Our commentary addresses the inference of a communicative function of yawning, discusses the match between the reported patterns and a thermoregulatory function, and draws attention to important shortcomings of the arousal reduction hypothesis as an explanation of yawning. The authors state in the abstract that they " tested the hypothesis that yawning communicates to others →

The interplay of human and mycobacterium tuberculosis genomic variability

This work highlighted the importance of considering the coevolution of host and pathogen to better understand clinical progression of diseases involving infectious agents and suggested that resistance and susceptibility to infectious diseases are probably best understood when considering both the genetic make-up of the pathogen and the host. In this review, we present selected findings →

Familial hypercholesterolemia in russia: three decades of genetic studies

A population study in West Siberia, conducted under the auspices of The Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Diseases in Regions of the Russian Federation Study, is a very recent example of evaluation of the frequency of heterozygous FH in Russia. At the very beginning of the study of FH in Saint-Petersburg, it became clear →

Should euthanasia be made legal

Euthanasia is the ending of the life of a person who is sick with the aim of ending pain or suffering. No one is allowed to take the life of the other person.

Fragile x syndrome: prevalence, treatment, and prevention in china

In the study by Nolin et al, 38% of FXS patients with full mutations and mosaicism have both the premutation and full mutation alleles. The IQs of FXS patients vary vastly, ranging from normal to severe ID, based on the percentage of cells with the full mutation in the mosaicism.

Editorial: novel approaches to the neuropharmacology of mood disorders

The effects of inflammatory processes in mood and anxiety disorders and the possible efficacy of current and novel psychopharmacological approaches in tackling mood disorders symptoms by acting on peripheral and/or central inflammatory events are evaluated in three contributions to the present topic: First, Zhang et al.study the effects of the dual serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake →

What is depression in epilepsy?

In this section, we make suggestions in order to clarify the concept of depression as a psychiatric comorbidity in epilepsy. The role of seizure-related stress for depression etiology is highlighted by the fact that the depression prevalence in patients with non-epileptic seizures and for those otherwise healthy parents caring for a child with epilepsy is →

The grand challenges in obstetric and pediatric pharmacology

Optimal use of medications in these populations, in order to provide greater understanding and confidence for both patients and caregivers, and training the next generation of pediatric and obstetric pharmacologists, are our primary goals. The necessity for extended follow-up of pediatric and obstetric populations to ensure safety is a primary reason for the lack of →

Identification of putative natriuretic hormones isolated from human urine

Thus, ECFV-expansion was accompanied by a decrease in Na-K-ATPase in the renal cortex and the appearance of an inhibitor of Na-K-ATPase in the serum of these rats, respectively. We concluded that a natriuretic factor emerges in the circulation with excessive salt load whose mechanism of action was to modulate the Na-K-ATPase enzyme in the vasculature →

Women school leaders: entrepreneurs in low fee private schools in three west african nations

In order to understand the expanding school leadership role of women in some of the least developed nations of the world, we have organized the background literature into six sections. However, huge challenges remained with children in the poorest households being four times as likely to be out of school as those in the richest →

Editorial: augmentation of brain function: facts, fiction and controversy

This a review of the main classes of drugs potentially capable of the enhancement of cognitive functions in healthy individuals. The article also discusses the role of sleep in memory consolidation and the acquisition of new memories after sleep, the role of sleep-specific brain oscillations in these processes, and the neurotransmitters involved.

Corrigendum: development of foot-and-mouth disease virus-neutralizing monoclonal antibodies derived from plasmablasts of infected cattle and their germline gene usage

The citation has now been inserted in theMATERIALS AND METHODS, subsectionIdentification of FMDV-Specific Plasmablasts in Infected Cattle, paragraph one:" PBMCs were isolated from the heparinized blood samples of the three cattle with HISTOPAQUE 1. Highly purified FMDV O/Mya/98 inactivated 146S antigen was biotinylated with EZ-Link TM NHS-LC-Biotin reagent according to the manufacturer's instructions, and the →

Overview of amytal: pharmacology, action and pharmacokinetics

Duration of action, which is related to the rate at which the barbiturates are redistributed throughout the body: varies among persons and in the same person from time to time. Only a negligible amount of amobarbital sodium is eliminated unchanged in the urine.

Science meets real life

The arts class of Truman School has the lowest absence rate compared to the other classes in the school. The class that indicates a sudden rise in absentees is the band class between 18 May and 25 May, which is consistent with the behavior of the graph representing the school.

Editorial: cell stress, metabolic reprogramming, and cancer

Dahl and Aird's review highlights our current knowledge about ATM's regulation of carbon metabolism, the implication of these pathways in cancer, and the development of ATM inhibitors as therapeutic strategies for cancer. With this respect, in view of the existence of a mitochondrial l -lactate dehydrogenase, Passarella and Shurr propose in their Opinion a revision →

Editorial: frontiers in skeletal muscle wasting, regeneration and stem cells

" Frontiers in Skeletal Muscle Wasting, Regeneration and Stem Cells" is a Frontiers Research Topic aimed to highlight the available knowledge regarding skeletal muscle and stem cell biology in the context of both physiological and pathological conditions. Still regarding skeletal muscle atrophy, Koopman et al.discuss recent findings linking changes in metabolism to changes in muscle →

Studying social interactions through immersive virtual environment technology: virtues, pitfalls, and future challenges

Also, the degree of immersion in the virtual world and in the interaction with virtual humans can be manipulated by providing more or less sensorial information to the participants. Using a standardized simulation of a social interaction with virtual humans and IVEs provide the opportunity to subtly manipulate something in the virtual environment or the →

Publish with undergraduates or perish?: strategies for preserving faculty time in undergraduate research supervision at large universities and liberal arts colleges

Other factors include the level of preparation and motivation in the undergraduates themselves, the support structures for undergraduate research, and the faculty mentor's obligations. Both the undergraduates and faculty need to be committed to the research in order for publications to result, but faculty may need to delegate some responsibilities to ensure efficiency.

Peritoneal dialysis and its local and systemic complications: from the bench to the clinic

Among those, adverse remodeling of the peritoneum is a significant problem as it may result in the inability of the peritoneal membrane to sustain effective ultrafiltration and toxin removal. In addition, they showed that the development of peritoneal alterations was associated predominantly with the duration of exposure to PD rather than with a history of →

A suggested approach for management of pediatric asthma during the covid-19 pandemic

With the spread of the epidemic, Coronavirus infections in children have appeared in other regions of China and abroad. Children's asthma compliance is closely related to parents' understanding of the condition, belief, and behavior.

Covid-19 and immigration: reflections from the penn state law center for immigrants’ rights clinic

The Immigration and Nationality Act, enacted in 1952, serves as the basis for U.S.immigration law but most of the changes made in the wake of COVID-19 have been through policies by federal agencies. On April 22, 2020, the Trump administration issued a Presidential Proclamation suspending the entry into the United States of individuals into the →

Benefits of massage therapy

Getting the Most out of Your Massage The value of a message to your overall wellbeing cannot be understated. If the message is meant to simply relax and rejuvenate, it is helpful to at least drink plenty of water before and after the massage in order to maintain proper hydration of the muscles.

A reconciliation for the future of psychiatry: both folk psychology and cognitive science

The crucial assumption of the FP view is that it is the job of philosophy of mind to reveal and articulate the essential contours of our commonsense understanding of the mind which are assumed to be the only bona fide conception of mind. 4 All in all, the FP view insists on a particular understanding →

Editorial: balancing act: structural-functional circuit disruptions and compensations in developing and aging brain disorders

Editorial on the Research Topic Balancing Act: Structural-Functional Circuit Disruptions and Compensations in Developing and Aging Brain Disorders The last decade has witnessed an increasing interest in exploring the network connectivity of brain areas and communities. The tremendous potential for neuroplasticity and environmental sensitivity also characterized this period of development and individualized the brain functional →

The neural systems of forgiveness: an evolutionary psychological perspective

Empirical work on this model has formulated and validated the Relationship Value and Exploitation Risk scale, and used it to investigate several hypotheses: that the relationship value of the transgressor is positively associated with forgiveness; that the exploitation risk posed by the transgressor is negatively associated with forgiveness; and that the interaction of relationship value →

Editorial: nephrotic syndrome in pediatric patients

In this special pediatric nephrology series, we have combined contributions from experts in childhood NS working in a variety of fields, including basic science, clinical medicine, and epidemiology to provide the reader with a comprehensive and the most up-to-date information on different aspects of NS. The article walks readers through inspiring stories of tremendous efforts →

Describe key aspects of public health strategies

Also, the government and the local authorities as it is their job to ensure that the public is protected from such infectious diseases which are becoming a major of the illnesses. This is important to the service users and the authorities as it helps in the betterment of their health through the promotion of various →

Comparison of vaginal microbial community structure in healthy and endometritis dairy cows

Article Review Summary of the article The objective of the current study was informed from previous studies that assessedthe protective properties of the normal flora in the reproductive tract. The study used sampling of five healthy and five cows with the condition of interest.

The need for post-publication peer review in plant science publishing

A published paper should not be the final step in the half-life of a scientific manuscript and critical analysis, post-publication, through post-publication peer review, should be part of a new and dynamic process that should be embraced by scientists, editors, and publishers alike as one form of ensuring scientific and academic integrity. Regarding the third →

Book review: what matters? putting common sense to work

More on that question mark in the title later, but the words presage a concern with what matters to us as cognitive agents as we engage purposefully with our world and what we, as cognitive scientists and designers of cognitive support systems, should attend to as we build a science of purposeful cognitive engagement with →

Antipsychotics, metabolic adverse effects, and cognitive function in schizophrenia

The inter-relationships between cognition and metabolic side effects are therefore complex, and this review aims to examine them in the context of schizophrenia and AP treatment. This raises the question of whether the apparent impairment in cognition is a result of the medication or inherently linked to the illness and its premorbid cognitive dysfunction.

Review of medicine literature

This paper will discuss the purpose of health promotion, thenursingroles and responsibilities, implementation methods, and a comparison of the three levels of health promotion prevention. The ultimate goal of the health promotion model is to promote a sense of well-being, not just the absence of disease.

Challenges in fatty acid and lipid physiology

Taken together, a number of proteins are involved in the transport of fatty acids and lipids throughout the body, and in this way determine their availability and functioning. New insights into the roles of proteins and lipids in membrane transport of fatty acids.

Commentary: physical exercise as personalized medicine for dementia prevention?

Hence, the individualization of physical interventions relies on the modification of exercise prescription in order to account for the influence of non-modifiable factors and modifiable non-exercise-related factors, including sleep, nutrition, and social and cognitive activities or stress; these are also crucial factors in adaptive responses and dementia prevention. Neurophysiological and epigenetic effects of physical exercise →

Rifabutin: a repurposing candidate for mycobacterium abscessus lung disease

In a screen of approved drugs against Mab, we were surprised to find that the rifampicin analog rifabutin was active in vitro. Just as inclusion of a rifamycin was a game changer in the treatment of tuberculosis, rifabutin may both improve cure rates and reduce treatment duration of largely incurable Mab lung disease.

Central idea essay

You can also go to Alzheimer's alliance charity Tyler's website, click the link donation and fill out the form. Dementia & Alzheimer's, A guide for family members to help plan and prepare for the road ahead.

Functional health pattern

Functional health pattern Assessing the health status of the community enables one to understand the community and the definition of a client. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

pseudomonas aeruginosa: resistance to the max

This review provides an overview of antimicrobial resistance in P.aeruginosa that is acquired, either via mutation of endogenous genes or via acquisition of exogenous resistance genes.-Lactams, including penicillins, cephalosporins, carbapenems, and monobactams are commonly used in the treatment of P.aeruginosa infections. Recently, the production of AmpC variants with improved activity against oxyiminocephalosporins, cefepime, and carbapenems, →

Stress responsiveness of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis: age-related features of the vasopressinergic regulation

In turn, the glucocorticoids act through the pituitary and limbic structures, especially the hippocampus, in a negative feedback loop to regulate the activity of CRH-producing neurons in the PVN and, thus the entire the HPA axis. While it is generally accepted that CRH is a critical coordinator of HPA axis function in resting conditions and →

Python in neuroscience

The use of Python as a scientific programming language began to increase with the development of numerical libraries for optimized operations on large arrays in the late 1990s, in which an important development was the merging of the competing Numeric and Numarray packages in 2006 to form NumPy. Brainlab: a Python toolkit to aid in →

From crisis to crowd control. commentary: a crisis in comparative psychology: where have all the undergraduates gone?

To address the central question of Experimental Research in Cognitive Psychology, students reach beyond a purely cognitive approach and explore the wide range of comparative psychology evolutionary, ethological, behavioral, motivational, and cognitive. The dog lab requirement, easy and inexpensive, allows students to confront comparative psychology research first-hand, which has the dual benefit of improving their →

Addendum: shaping the cortical landscape: functions and mechanisms of top-down cortical feedback pathways

00033 Due to the addition of the published article to the Research Topic " Feed-forward and Feed-back Processing in the Cerebral Cortex: Connectivity and Function," the inclusion of the followingTransparency Statementis required to ensure full transparency of the previous review process and to prevent any perception of a conflict of interest". This manuscript was published →

History of the amputation procedure health and social care essay

The first amputations were performed in the Neolithic times, the first recorded instance of an amputation and prosthetic replacing surgery appears in the book of the Vedas. Above-knee amputation is the remotion of the thighbone up to the degree of the thigh; the victim can still sit with this type of amputation.

Independent and collaborative contributions of the cerebral hemispheres to emotional processing

While the debate over hemispheric asymmetries for emotion perception and identification has been ongoing for over four decades, the most recent observations are a mixture of findings such as a right hemisphere (RH) superiority for negative emotions ( Kumar and Srinivasan, 2011 ; Önal-Hartmann et al., 2012 ; Sedda et...

Revisiting the first long-term culture of antigen-specific cytotoxic t cells

In support of this notion, several investigators had reported that repetitive stimulation of T cells with allogeneic lymphocytes in a mixed lymphocyte culture could result in the long-term culture of alloreactive T cells for several months. At the time, we were in the process of examining ways to promote the generation of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes capable →

The comfort of approach: self-soothing effects of behavioral approach in response to meaning violations

In this review, we will provide an overview of the neuroaffective and psychophysiological processes that have been linked to the typical compensation behavior of the threat-compensation literature, and suggest directions for future research in this field. As we have discussed, the initial response to threat is the activation of the behavioral inhibition system that increases →

Editorial: radioembolization in the treatment of liver cancer: a multidisciplinary approach for individualized therapy

This is ideally read in tandem with a review article on the side effects of 90 Y radioembolization, and followed by an article describing the use of hepatobiliary scintigraphy as a tool for imaging regional liver function following radioembolization. Pasciak et al.have provided a must read article on the role of PET/CT in tandem with →

Minds, brains, and capacities: situated cognition and neo-aristotelianism

We must distinguish the claim that the brain and its parts are subjects of cognition the things which possess cognitive properties, are in cognitive states or undergo cognitive processes from the claim that they are the location of cognition. Since the subject of such neurophysiological processes and states is the brain or one of its →

Commentary: sublingual allergen immunotherapy in hiv-positive patients

The presence of allergic inflammation prior infection and the immune response of HIV-infected patients being under HAART may have a major role to diagnose and treat these individuals for pollen allergy. In HIV-infected patients, the role of CD4 + Th17 is particularly important to elucidate the effect of immunization in these compromised individuals.

Professional regulation and criminal liability paper essay sample

However, regulations of nursing practices does vary from one state to another but in Pennsylvania; the state Board of Medicine and the Board of Nursing controls registration, licensure and certification requirement of NP's that practice medicine throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. In most states, a required written and signed description of the practice or behavior →

Iontophoresis use in physical therapy ( therapeutic modalites)

In iontophoresis, electrical stimulation is applied; thus, applying iontophoresis in patients with demand pacemaker may interfere with the function of the pacemaker and eventually could alter the heart rate. Although iontophoresis is occasionally used to control pain in patients with known malignancy, precaution is still necessary as it is known that electrical stimulation may enhance →

Organ donation critical analysis

Extreme weather events, such as floods and the heat wave that gripped much of the U.S.in the summer of 2012 are on the rise, too. Although scientists may not agree on the pace of climate change, the realization that specific feedback loops may be amplifying the change is causing a profound unease about the planet's →

A gender factor in shaping t-cell immunity to melanoma

Interestingly, they found that female patients with melanoma had significantly higher frequencies of TAA-specific T-cells as compared to male patients, raising the possibility of sex differences in anti-tumor immunity in this disease. The sexual dimorphism in the immune system of female and male patients has long been recognized by the existence of sex differences in →

Early integration of palliative care in the care of women with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer: the time is now

The specialty palliative care team aims to address all of the domains of palliative care, including not only the physical but also the emotional, spiritual, and social domains of care. These include the lack of availability of outpatient specialty palliative care services, poor reimbursement for palliative services, and a perceived lack of training and exposure →

Editorial: metabolomics in crop research—current and emerging methodologies

Besides the aforementioned applications, it is extremely valuable in the discovery of biomarkers and in the improvement of crop yield and quality. It comprises 13 articles from 109 authors that show the importance and the contribution of metabolomics in the analysis of crop's traceability and genetic variation, in the study of fruit development, and in →

Lab work 9

Pericardium- a fibrous tissue that covers the outside of the heart and some parts of the attached major blood vessels. The capillary is the site of the actual exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide and other metabolic products between the blood and the tissues of the body.

Ten-month-old infants’ reaching choices for “more”: the relationship between inter-stimulus distance and number

These observations by Piaget, together with the evidence from the adult literature on the perception of number and density, lead to the conclusion that, the more spread items are, the more likely we are to perceive number as " more". The purpose of this was to get the infant used to reaching for items on →

Sugar levels relate to aggression in couples without supporting the glucose model of self-control

The work by Bushman et al.draws on the proposal that " self-control requires brain food in the form of glucose". Hence, the only conclusion licensed by the findings reported by Bushman et al.is that blood glucose relates to a single-item self-report measure of aggressive impulse, not to the ability to control these impulses.

Event-driven contrastive divergence: neural sampling foundations

The event-driven CD framework assumes the foundations of neural sampling in mapping spike rates of a deterministic IF network onto probabilities of a corresponding stochastic neural network. Neural dynamics as sampling: a model for stochastic computation in recurrent networks of spiking neurons.

Fighting incivility in the workplace for women and for all workers: the challenge of primary prevention

Relational decency implies the ability to understand the relational dynamics of a given situation and constructively contribute to the relationships within the workplace. The ability to dialectically integrate work and relationships, strengthening the aspects of the self in a relational environment, is a central aspect of the Positive Self and Relational Management model.