Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

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Aljawhra agreed to be my social support and in times where I feel I am weak or need someone to talk to she offered that I call her so she can encourage me and make me feel better. The course of stress management provided me a lot of information about stress and how to deal β†’

Editorial: roles of ion channels in immune cells

The Editorial on the Research Topic Roles of Ion Channels in Immune Cells Ion channels are critical membrane proteins controlling a wide variety of cellular signaling events in many different cell types. Collectively, this Frontiers in Immunology Research Topic provides a sample of the diversity and importance of ion channels in immune cells.

Exploring musical activities and their relationship to emotional well-being in elderly people across europe: a study protocol

Specifically in the context of the elderly, participation in leisure activities seems to increase well-being and can reduce the risk of dementia. The study will explore the daily use of music among elderly people, and we expect to find a positive correlation between frequency of participation in musical activities and emotional well-being regardless of the β†’

When grammar and parsing agree

The domain where the distance between generative linguistics and psycho-/neurolinguistics is more clearly manifest is the definition of the role of grammar and its relation with parsing. The alternative perspective - the one-system view - claims that grammar and parsing are part of a unitary cognitive system, with the former being recruited during the different β†’

Meat and vegetable proteins health essay

We should try and eat three servings of these a day. It is important to eat a wide variety of fruit and vegetables.

Probing different time-scales of oscillatory fluctuations in visual awareness: from behavior to phase

Results of the studies differ to some extent in the domains of time, frequency and space. Further research should elucidate the level of inter-dependency between both power and phase of these alpha oscillations, as suggested in the " pulsed inhibition" hypothesis by Mathewson and colleagues.

The covid virus crisis resurrects the public health exception in eu migration law

Answering these questions is quite complex in the case of the EU because of the existence of two levels of power and the issue of coordination of their action depending upon the distribution of competences between them, the difference between internal and external borders of the Schengen Area, and the existence of the intermediate category β†’

Prevention is better than cure

This statement is further supported by another study which has shown that over a course of five study waves that men tend to have a higher average mean compared to women in both characteristics of forgiveness and self-control. The findings in this study has also shown that during early marriage men will tend to perceive β†’

Rockwood and green’s fractures in adults

Distal radial- The part of radius near the wrist is known as the distal part and so the fracture of the radius is known as distal radial fracture. Scaphoid fracture- Fracture of any of the scaphoid carpal wrist bones is known as a scaphoid fracture.

Treatment & rehabilitation of grade ii medial collateral ligament (mcl) injury

The lateral and posterior aspects of the knee joint are encapsulated by a joint capsule whilst the anterior section of the knee is protected by the patella ligament. They are responsible for the flexion of the knee joint and the extension of the hip joint.

Digital approaches to paleography and book history: some challenges, present and future

Smith applied innovations in photography for the recovery of damaged or illegible script in the 1930s, and Malachi Beit-Arie's database of Hebrew manuscripts began in the 1960s and remains one of probably the most important works of quantitative codicology. Comparable also is the Center for the Study of Manuscript Cultures in the University of Hamburg, β†’

Editorial: emerging challenges in the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune encephalitis

Editorial on the Research Topic Emerging Challenges in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Autoimmune Encephalitis Autoimmune encephalitis is a group of antibody-mediated inflammatory CNS diseases with a variety of neurological and psychiatric symptoms. Firstly, the current syndromes associated with antibodies against cell surface antigens, including the use of the current diagnostic criteria and treatment options β†’

Commentary: effect of low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on impulse inhibition methamphetamine in abstinent methamphetamine patients

Considering the importance of prefrontal cortex in behavioral inhibition and risk decision making processes, the authors therefore designed a randomized controlled trial to investigate the effects of 1 Hz non-invasive repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on impulsivity of MA dependents, which is found to be effective in reducing impulsivity in other types of patients. High frequency β†’

Editorial: potential of extracellular matrix molecules in pharmaceutical development

In this special issue of Frontiers in Pharmacology, Ahmad et al.contributed a minireview that manifests the current understanding of the major ECM components in muscle-associated conditions and their therapeutic potentials. Thus, Lin et al.provided an overview of the function of multiple types of bone ECM and the applications of both ECM-modified and decellularized ECM scaffolds β†’

Toward psychiatry as a β€˜human’ science of mind. the case of depressive disorders in dsm-5

As is well known in the philosophy of science, the term reductionism may have different meanings according to what exactly is held to be reduced: we may be reductionist in trying to reduce either the language of a theory T to the language of a reducing theory T , or the laws of T to β†’

The marketing campaign on antibacterial soap, or how to discriminate the benefical bacteria

Antibacterial soap indiscriminately kills good and bad bacteria and also accelerates bacterial evolution, which may lead to the emergence of new strains of antibiotic resistant bacteria. There is a reason it is never claimed that 100% of bacteria will be killed on the packaging of antibacterial products.


At the end of the trial, I realized I was strong in my vision but inferior in courage. When I look at my closest strength Ethics, I relate it to the vision and see a great leader.

Results analysis and discussions health essay

The results for the relative density and water absorption tests on fine and coarse aggregates are given in Table 4.1. The sieve analysis test results carried out on aggregates are illustrated in Figure 4.2.

Corrigendum: mΓΌller cell regulated microglial activation and migration in rats with n -methyl- n -nitrosourea-induced retinal degeneration

Department of Radiation Oncology, Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China 3. Department of Integrative Medicine and Neurobiology, School of Basic Medical Sciences, Shanghai, China 4.

Absolute lymphocyte and cd4 count health and social care essay

All the patients were evaluated for current age, manner of sensing of HIV and twelvemonth of sensing of HIV infection. Stebbing and co-workers besides indicated that despite minimally less dependability of TLC as a alternate for CD4, ALC is of import tool in the absence of expensive equipment to mensurate CD4.

Editorial: a hand at work: effects of aging

In a study of animals, Chen et al.found that increased neonatal iron supplementation resulted in the depletion of striatal dopamine and reduction of motor performance on rotarod and open field tests in aging, but not in young, rats. 2004 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Sailer, A, Dichgans, J, and Gerloff, C.

Editorial: digital skills and life-long learning: digital learning as a new insight of enhanced learning by the innovative approach joining technology and cognition

Editorial on the Research Topic Digital Skills and Life-Long Learning: Digital Learning as a New Insight of Enhanced Learning by the Innovative Approach Joining Technology and Cognition Digital skills represent enhanced learning abilities within which cognition and technology interact to model the knowledge processes in aging populations. The Research Topic aimed to elaborate the benefits β†’

How does culture shape creativity? a mini-review

Therefore, to deepen the understanding of the relationship between culture and creativity, particularly the role of culture in modifying and nurturing creativity, the major roles of culture in conceptualizing, manipulating, and measuring creativity were carefully identified. Typically, these suggest that Western cultures attach more importance to process- and product-based creativity and highlight the pragmatic, problem-solving β†’

The social neuroscience and the theory of integrative levels

The development of matter in the universe has been attributed to the combination of the fundamental laws and a contribution from historical accidents, and although to reduce one level to the lower one together with historical contingence is possible in principle, it does not by itself allow to understand the world: at each level of β†’

Where is pediatric rheumatology going, and why a new section of frontiers in pediatrics?

It has gathered the interest of hundreds of physicians and health professionals alike, who are involved in both the clinical part of the work and in all the other research and educational activities that are connected to the field. The interest for clinicians and clinician-scientists alike is growing at a fast pace, and the American β†’

Capital budgeting slp

The paper discusses the financial condition of the Hospital and the likelihood that it has sufficient cash flow over the next five years to pursue the project. In particular, liquidity refers to the ability of the company to meet its cash obligations or pay its expenses, and is related to the availability of assets to β†’

Effects of ultrasound therapy health and social care essay

The consequence showed that there is important consequence of Ultrasound therapy, Splint and Exercises in cut downing hurting in patients with Carpal tunnel syndrome. Tachibana, et al Conducted a survey the gesture of average nervus in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome and normal topics.

Can we improve patient safety?

However, there has been a slow uptake of the basic concepts of these costly lessons in surgical practice and the incidence of medical error as reported above may in fact be an underestimate. The process of " Time Out/Surgical Pause" is a series of objective checks to improve patient safety and empower all staff to β†’

Editorial: at the crossroads: lessons and challenges in computational social science

The Editorial on the Research Topic At the Crossroads: Lessons and Challenges in Computational Social Science The interest of physicists in economic and social questions is not new: during the last decades, we have witnessed the emergence of what is formally called nowadays sociophysics [ 1 ] and econophysics [ 2 ] that can be β†’

Editorial: from biology to clinical management: an update on aortic valve disease

In the present topic, Nchimi et al.performed a systematic review and meta-analysis in order to evaluate the role of imaging biomarkers in predicting AS progression to clinical symptoms and mortality. Aortic stenosis in the elderly: disease prevalence and number of candidates for transcatheter aortic valve replacement: a meta-analysis and modeling study.

Lipid biomarkers for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

The origin of the hypermetabolism in ALS is currently unknown, although recent studies have pointed to the altered function of hypothalamic neurons involved in the regulation of food intake and energy homeostasis. In many studies, the proportion of hypercholesterolemia individuals or the average contents of total cholesterol and LDL-c were shown to be higher in β†’

Future prospects of qiliqiangxin on heart failure: epigenetic regulation of regeneration

036 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Li, X, Zhang, J, Huang, J, Ma, A, Yang, J, Li, W, et al. Qiliqiangxin inhibits the development of cardiac hypertrophy, remodeling, and dysfunction during 4 weeks of pressure overload in mice.J.

Healthcare organization management

For a health care administrator, it is clear to utilize a strategy that assesses policies within the environment of the organization. This article is relevant because it discusses the intricacies of healthcare field, which is the focal point of discussion in our class.

Menopause is the technical term health essay

If your symptoms are more of a problem, there are different steps you and your physician can take to cope. You can make several changes to deal with some of the symptoms of menopause.

Remembering another aspect of forgetting

An important corollary to this principle is that the strength of responding is a direct function of the degree of similarity of test stimuli to the target CS. That is, the change in context presumably removed cues that were needed for retrieval of the fear memory, resulting in memory for the predictive value of the β†’

Habits as learning enhancers

The definition of learning as ontogenetic adaptation and the hierarchical view of habit are expounded in Section Learning and Habits. In the experiments of fast mapping, this behavior changes, and this change can reveal the role of habits in both the detection and the solution of a problem.

Neuroscience of childhood poverty: evidence of impacts and mechanisms as vehicles of dialog with ethics

In addition, the evidence suggests that the influences of poverty on cognitive development are a function of the accumulation of risk factors, the co-occurrence of adversities, the individual's susceptibility to family and social environments, and the duration of the exposure to deprivations. In this context, the aim of this paper is to give to an β†’

Weather and our health

In fact, one of the main topics of conversation is often what the weather will do next. The effect of changes in the weather on our health is undeniable.

Synesthesia: an introduction

00106 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Chiou, R, and Rich, A.N. 00755 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Perry, A, and Henik, A.

Commentary: primary emotional systems and personality: an evolutionary perspective

Allen, T, and DeYoung, C." Personality neuroscience and the five factor model," in The Oxford Handbook of the Five Factor Model, ed T.A. Between facets and domains: 10 aspects of the Big Five.J.

Editorial: new insights on neuron and astrocyte function from cutting-edge optical techniques

Neurons and astrocytes are the most numerous cells in the brain, comprising > 95% of the brain parenchyma, and are responsible for all aspects of rapid information processing in the mammalian brain. 059 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Ji, N, Freeman, J, and Smith, S.L.

What can cellular redox, iron, and reactive oxygen species suggest about the mechanisms and potential therapy of covid-19?

Improperly coordinated iron, especially in the presence of high oxygen and reductant concentrations such as in the lung, has the potential to generate ROS such as hydrogen peroxide, superoxide, and the hydroxyl radical. Importantly, the interplay between iron and cellular iron-binding molecules and reductants in the LIP is perhaps more likely to enhance the production β†’


This research technique is preferable in the assessment of diseases that pose as a burden to the population. Limitation of the technique Information collected regarding outcomes; exposure and disease is not reliable in drawing conclusion in reference to the health status of the sample population.

Energy metabolism and behavior in the corticotropin-releasing factor family of peptides

Since the 1980s, the CRF story has had many twists and turns from the finding that CRF and its receptors are located in many extra-hypothalamic brain areas and extending to the discovery that two genome duplications expanded the CRF peptide family hundreds of millions of years ago. Matsuda summarizes the data on CRF and appetite β†’

Journal entry

Journal entry March, 06 On the first day of my practicum exercise, after meeting the department manager, I was asked to wait for my preceptor who has to take me through the entire practicum exercise. March, 13 2013 My preceptor prepared me for the need to ensure hygiene in health institutions to reduce infections.

Pathophysiology of adhd and associated problemsβ€”starting points for nf interventions?

However, deficits in ADHD may already be seen in the resting brain, and a more fundamental neuronal network approach suggests that in ADHD particularly Default-Mode-Network activity may interfere with activity in neuronal networks engaged in task processing, leading to difficulties in state regulation and periodic attentional lapses. Thus, ADHD may be associated with a number β†’

The progress in diagnosis and treatment of exosomes and micrornas on epileptic comorbidity depression

And the objective of this paper is to explain the prospect of exosomes and microRNAs in the diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy comorbid depression, and to seek new ideas for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy comorbid depression. They consider that the demyelination disorder is associated with depression and the demyelination in the epilepsy β†’

The heart of the island

What I did not know was that I was running straight to the center of the camp. I reached the camp right as they were digging up the heart of the island jewel.

Private practice vs house md essay sample

Whereas House MD focuses on the events of a medical doctor mostly in a hospital setting, Private Practice focuses on several other aspects of the lead actress's life. Private Practice explores the themes of romance and family ties more elaborately as compared to House MD.

The purpose of food protection and safety

Purpose of Food Protection and Safety al affiliation Purpose of Food Protection and Safety Food protection has become one of the increasingly vital public health issues. These factors have led to the formation of rules relating to food protection, and tribal and local agencies to inspect and oversee food establishment, to ensure food protection.

The health education code of ethics

The Health Education of Ethics The Health Education of Ethics Introduction The nature of Health education requires a deep understanding of the professional ethics and the legal provisions associated with it. In these sense, several legal and ethical issues are faced in the health education in settings that are directly linked to the profession, the β†’

Effects of alcohol in human body

The effects of alcohol are numerous and vary with the amount of alcohol consumed as well as the personal characteristics such as body weight, nutrition status, age, period of consumption and gender among others. The insufficiency of blood in the brain leads to stroke while into the heart leads to heart attack.

Health professionals of prevention in italy: the value of expertise during covid-19 pandemic

The Health Care Professions of Prevention includes two degree courses to train professionals able to use prevention methodologies for the community or the individual health: Health Assistants and Prevention technicians in the environment and in the workplace. Covid-19 and the power of public health.

Global health

Rural areas, especially in Africa, are at a risk of not developing because of lack of accurate statistics. Vital registration in rural Africa: is there a way forward to report on health targets of the Millennium Development Goals?

A role for neural modeling in the study of brain disorders

In an article that reviews a variety of computational methods for characterizing functional brain connectivity from electrophysiological data, specifically in the context of partial epilepsy, Wendling et al.also employ a physiologically plausible neural model to generate simulated data and illustrate how such modeling can be used to help interpret the experimental data. A third way β†’

The pathophysiological relevance of the inkt cell/mononuclear phagocyte crosstalk in tissues

The relevance of the interplay between iNKT cells and MPS populations can be defined as not univocal and linear, but dependent on several factors that can impact the reciprocal cell regulation in vivo such as: the strength of cognate antigen/iTCR signal, co-stimulation and the maturation state of the mononuclear phagocytic cell; the iNKT cell subset β†’

The use of microbial accessible and fermentable carbohydrates and/or butyrate as supportive treatment for patients with coronavirus sars-cov-2 infection

Butyrate represents a well-characterized short chain fatty acid and functions as a key modulator of the immune system both in the intestinal tract as well as in the lungs, and is instrumental in maintaining the physical integrity and balanced permeability of the gut mucosal lining. The landscape of lung bronchoalveolar immune cells in COVID-19 revealed β†’

The homophilic domain – an immunological archetype

Natural antibodies are the important components of the therapeutic intravenous immunoglobulin that is widely used in the therapy of autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. Human and mouse sera contain antibodies that express the homophilic domain, confirming that homophilic antibodies are part of the so-called natural antibodies.

Corrigendum: a curiosity-based learning method for spiking neural networks

The input is a string of letters with fixed length of 7, which is encoded into 189 dimensions. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way.

Targeting dendritic cells as a good alternative to combat leishmania spp.

Recently, Schwarz et al.have shown that T cell are the main source of IL-10 in early infection, however, BALB/c mice vaccinated with fragmented DCs that had been pulsed with L.major lysate and CpG oligodeoxynucleotides were able to suppress IL-10 favoring the control of infection. Toward a more rational and feasible DC-based vaccine against different pathogens, β†’

Proofreading exercise essay sample

Patient does have an aura on her left arm that she would like looked at by a dermatologist, and she would like a referral to be evaluated by Dermatology here. She has a script for Metrogel that she would like to have filed.

The grand challenges to cellular and infection microbiology

The development of these virtual models will allow simulation and prediction of the consequences of host microbe interactions, and translation of these interactions from a molecular-based reductionist approach to a host-based knowledge of the big picture of diseases. One of the grand challenges is to continue the study of the evolutionary aspects of pathogenic microorganisms β†’

A grand challenge for nutrigenomics

There must be thousands of SNPs that alter metabolism, yet today, in the published literature there may be as many as 200 SNPs for which there are proven metabolic effects, and only a subset of these alter nutrient requirements in a significant portion of the population [e.g, the rs1801133 MTHFR SNP and folate requirement in β†’

A journey in capacity building: revisiting the mullins framework for meaningfully engaging patients in patient centered outcomes research

The purpose of this paper is to describe the implementation of these themes as a framework in the context of building an initial engagement group and to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of our application of this model. We worked consistently throughout the project to maintain the relationship of trust that we established with the β†’

Editorial: components of the language-ready brain

The Editorial on the Research Topic Components of the Language-Ready Brain Our intention in putting together this volume was to exemplify and highlight new avenues of research in the language sciences concerning the neurobiology of language. We chose the term " language-ready brain" for our Research Topic, like we did for Boeckx and Benitez-Burraco, because β†’

Discussion 3: alcohol

Alcohol also affects the operation of body muscles in blood vessels, therefore, resulting to constriction of the blood vessels. The couple got married, and a year later Lillian discovered 82 bottles of cider in their backyard.

Editorial: the role of working memory and executive function in communication under adverse conditions

Thus, the role of cognition in hearing is a central theme in the field of Cognitive Hearing Science and has crystalized as one of the main themes of this research topic. This is reflected in papers reporting the role of cognition in hearing in persons with varying sensory and cognitive status and varying degrees of β†’

Population, reproductive, and sexual health: data are essential where disciplines meet and ideologies conflict

The flourishing of the individual human person, the health of human society, and the ecological well being of planet earth are inextricably connected with the issues of human population, sexuality, and reproduction. Programs to improve adolescent sexual and reproductive health in the US: a review of the evidence.

Values, personal attributes, and challenges gained from the mexican immigrant’s life experiences which have best prepared him to enter the healthcare profession

Both experiences have thoroughly exposed me to the rigor of scientific research, and have strengthened my resolve to pursue a career in medical research. I have experienced financial difficulties throughout my life, compelling me to work full-time to sustain my education and the basic needs of my family.

Anemia during the pregnancy health essay

Literature Review Anemia is a decrease in number of red blood cells or less than the normal quantity of hemoglobin in the blood. Red blood cells provide oxygen to body tissues[1] Numerous studies from the developing countries have shown that anemia especially the iron deficiency is highly prevalent in the pregnant women.[2-5]In General population, the β†’

Grand challenges in waste management in agroecosystems

The interest in and importance of waste management resulted from the concentration of the population in cities following migration from rural areas, industrial development, and the separation of livestock farming from crops, all of which led to accumulation of wastes which needed to be dealt with. The ideas of the Circular Economy and Bioeconomy Strategy β†’

Editorial: the silent cry: how to turn translational medicine towards patients and unmet medical needs

Editorial on the Research Topic The Silent Cry: How to Turn Translational Medicine Towards Patients and Unmet Medical Needs Translational Medicine encompasses the continuum of activities that extend from the conception of an idea all the way till the development of new therapies and diagnostics for the benefit of patients. The translational medicine journey should β†’

Life finds a way: young adults with lesbian mothers reflect on their childhood prior to legal recognition of same-sex parents in sweden

The present study is concerned with the perspectives of young adults with lesbian mothers and focused on their experiences of and reflections on family legislation in relation to their family of origin. The aim of the article is to explore how young adults with lesbian mothers have experienced legal restrictions and obstacles encountered in their β†’

Editorial: epigenetic modifications in mesothelioma

Editorial on the Research Topic Epigenetic Modifications in Mesothelioma We are pleased to announce the publication of this Research Topic focusing on epigenetic modifications in mesothelioma. More studies are required to further develop and validate the clinical applications of epigenetic biomarkers in mesothelioma.

The impact of human growth, development and identity on cognitive impairment

THE IMPACT OF HUMAN GROWTH, DEVELOPMENT, AND IDENTITY ON COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT By and City, State Date of Submission The process of human growth is a lifelong process spanning from birth to death. Physical changes drive the process of physical evolution, as the cognitive abilities advance and decline depending on the brains response to brain's growth β†’

Space and anthropology of limit: a philosophical perspective

These two virtues of rationality and inventiveness and here we come to the second Humanistic premise of that assumption strive for the most extensive control of the world possible, a mastery of natural resources and of men 2. To sum up, the anthropological profile we have laid out defines an idea of the human being β†’

Advanced healthcare management

There were three clearly identified causes of motivational problems in the health care working environment as noted by Burns, Bradley, & Weiner, as follows: inadequate definition of the desired performance; impediments to employee performance; and inadequate performance-reward linkages. Through these recommendations, the root cause of the problem would be determined through identifying the current number β†’

Neuroinformatics and the the insight toolkit

The primary goal of this article collection is to summarize the recent and varied contributions of the ITK community to neuroinformatics and related fields. To our knowledge, this is the first collection of articles that focuses on the science and engineering of the ITK.

Response: commentary: the brain basis for misophonia

Schroder and colleagues feel that the diagnosis of misophonia should be based on criteria that they have developed, based on a series of case reports and a descriptive account of the features in 42 subjects. The authors pointed out that our brain correlates could be of " general annoyance" and not of anger in misophonia.

Editorial: on-orbit servicing and active debris removal: enabling a paradigm shift in spaceflight

Editorial on the Research Topic On-Orbit Servicing and Active Debris Removal: Enabling a Paradigm Shift in Spaceflight As of April 2019, the satellite database maintained by the Union of Concerned Scientists showed 2, 062 active satellites orbiting the Earth. Having servicing robots routinely roam Earth orbit, removing debris objects and repairing, refueling, maneuvering and upgrading β†’

Pradaxa market description

Although their functions seem almost the same, what moves and will continue moving the sales of Pradaxa as compared to warfarin is that Pradaxa has performed much better the latter. However, researchers found it worth recording that, patients treated with a lower dosage of new Pradaxa are less likely to encounter a major bleeding problem β†’

Do the benefits of male circumcision outweigh the risks? a critique of the proposed cdc guidelines

Although their main focus is on the potential for male circumcision to provide partial protection against female-to-male, heterosexually transmitted HIV, due to the comparatively rare occurrence of such infections in the United States, the CDC notes in its draft report that the " the overall public health benefit [to] the entire U.S.population may be limited" β†’

Living with fibrosis: from diagnosis to future hope

In the case of IPF, the extent and progression of lung fibrosis is known to directly relate to disease progression and survival. Fibrosis of the liver can arise following a number of insults including toxins, viral infections and in the case of the patient associated with this article, autoimmunity.

Types and characteristics of joints – lab report example

On the other hand, the cartilaginous joints are bonded by the cartilage while the synovial joints are usually separated by a fluid-filled cavity. The major symptoms of the disease are portrayed by swelling and stiffening of the joints.

Universal newborn screening for severe combined immunodeficiency (scid)

In the case of newborn screening for severe combined immunodeficiency, data were lacking in key areas that hampered the initial fulfillment of those principles, at least in the eyes of public health officials. Newborn screening for severe combined immunodeficiency: analytic and clinical performance of the T cell receptor excision circle assay in France.

On the all-or-none rule of conscious perception

We even do not know whether this owes to the alternating activity of different circuits, the change in the activity of the same circuits, or both. For example, we do not know whether conscious experience of a stimulus is a gradually emerging attribute of the activity of the corresponding neural circuits or is it an β†’

Psychosocial screening and assessment in oncology and palliative care settings

The implications and the impact of these disorders for the patients and the families are of paramount importance in oncology, with studies demonstrating the association of psychosocial morbidity with maladaptive coping, reduction of quality of life, impairment in social relationships, risk of suicide, longer rehabilitation time, poor adherence to treatment, and abnormal illness behavior, family β†’

Editorial: mitogen activated protein kinases

Saba-El-Leil et al.also point out evidence supporting the ERK1 and ERK2 redundant roles in embryonic development and in physiology, and in addition discuss the redundancy of JNK and p38 isoforms. The anti-inflammatory role of MSKs, by regulating the production of IL-10, and their implication in neuronal proliferation and synaptic plasticity in the central nervous system β†’

Comorbidities in spondyloarthritis

Osteoporosis in axSpA, particularly in long-standing forms, can be related to ankylosis and immobilization: indeed, prevalence of osteoporosis in radiographic axSpA patients has been reported to range between 19 and 50% and disease duration and ankylosis of the spine [e.g, measured by the modified Stokes Ankylosing Spondylitis Spine Score ] have been classically found to β†’

Editorial: interactions between education, practice of physical activity and psychological well-being

Editorial on the Research Topic Interactions Between Education, Practice of Physical Activity and Psychological Well-Being Physical activity is scientifically recognized as a modifiable habit lifestyle with a wide array of benefits for a human being. The visibility of gender knowledge in the Physical Activity and Sport Science degree in Spain.

Variation between populations in the innate immune response to vaccine adjuvants

Failure of vaccine effectiveness to avoid the three million annual vaccine preventable deaths may be due to suboptimal vaccine coverage and breaks in the cold-chain of vaccine storage and delivery, but may also be due to failure of vaccine efficacy in populations different from the ones studied in the original trials. Building on the observations β†’