Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Pediatric blood cancer survivors and tobacco use across adolescence and emerging adulthood: a narrative review

In particular, a lack of clearness exists about the method used to evaluate smoking behavior in this specific group of cancer survivors, and the tendency to consider adult and young cancer survivors together. Mainly, leukemia survivors can feel during the changeover from adolescence to emerging-adulthood a double pressures: from the hand, the increasing of the →

Editorial: origin of tropical diversity: from clades to communities

The Editorial on the Research Topic Origin of Tropical Diversity: From Clades to Communities For centuries, one of the main questions in relation to the Earth's biological diversity has been disentangling the causes for the comparatively high diversity in tropical zones, particularly the Neotropics. However, Pyron and Wiens showed that in amphibians the latitudinal gradient →

Editorial: active learning: theoretical perspectives, empirical studies, and design profiles

It is increasingly clear that the transformation of the educational landscape should involve a thoughtful examination of the work of RPPs, which in turn can lead to new approaches to both research and practice. Recognizing the limits of a " knowledge translation" approach to innovation, we seek to develop a social and cultural approach to →

Editorial: resource recovery from waste

A review on circular economy: the expected transition to a balanced interplay of environmental and economic systems.J. Google Scholar Jopson, J, and Velenturf, A.P.M." Research and innovation challenges for resource recovery and circular economy," in Workshop Proceedings.

Health and hygiene

The cooking and eating area should be preferably elevated. The kitchen surface and the floor should be regularly cleaned.

Mechanisms and representations of language-mediated visual attention

The goal of most visual search studies is to investigate the interaction between the bottom-up salience of the stimulus and the top-down goals of the observer. The likelihood of fixating a particular visual object thus reflects the overlap between stored knowledge of visual features of a word's referent, accessed on hearing the spoken word, and →

Time to go back to the original name

In the meantime, the name of the original virus was changed to human T-lymphotropic virus-1, because of the addition of the viral causative agent of AIDS as HTLV-III to the same group. Envelope is a major viral determinant of the distinct in vitro cellular transformation tropism of human T-cell leukemia virus type 1 and HTLV-2.J.

Advances and unmet needs in the therapeutics of bone fragility

In addition, as a consequence of the estrogen deficiency accompanying menopause, remodeling imbalance worsens and the rate of remodeling increases less bone is deposited than was resorbed by each of the many BMUs initiated upon the three components of the endosteal bone surface. The burden of fragility fractures is increasing in absolute terms because longevity →

Comment on lara rzesnitzek (2013) “early psychosis” as a mirror of biologist controversies in post-war german, anglo-saxon, and soviet psychiatry

The diagnosis of the mental illness " psychosis" or even " schizophrenia" may stigmatize the concerned person, e.g, it may put a strain on the atmosphere in the family and even may lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy in the sense of a disturbed mental development of the person involved.with the neutral term " integration disorder," →

Editorial: understanding social signals: how do we recognize the intentions of others?

Social signals are essentially multimodal but the analysis of human communication in human machine interaction is often limited to the literal content of verbal utterances. In a so-called " Ghost-in-the-Machine" study, Loth et al.show that human participants can identify social signals from the recognizer data of a robotic bartender.

Are older adults less embodied? a review of age effects through the lens of embodied cognition

The goal of this review is to introduce the embodied cognition framework to the field of gerontological research and to argue that it can be used to explain a wide variety of cognitive aging effects. Given the age-related decline in mental and motor imagery, it is not surprising that older adults do not benefit from →

Engaging students in science: the potential role of “narrative thinking” and “romantic understanding”

Moreover, if it is indeed true that personal engagement with a school subject, like science, has the potential to take the science knowledge beyond the walls of the classroom, and equally if it has the ability to transform one's outlook on the world which some philosophers of education, physicists and cognitive scientists identify with significant →

Causes and effects of air pollution essay sample

According to the statistical report, the toxic gases which released by factories is one of the most significant contributors to air pollution. Moreover, the toxic smoke released by factories without filtering is also one of the main causes of air pollution.

Editorial: oesophageal atresia-tracheoesophageal fistula

For the first time, the ESPGHAN NASPGHAN consensus guidelines on the management of gastrointestinal complication in children with EA were presented and very well received not only by the clinicians involved in the care of these patients but also the parent support groups. Innovative topics, which were presented for the first time and which stimulated →

Immunomodulation in cutaneous t cell lymphoma

Moreover, in a study investigating the prevalence of PCLs in solid organ transplant recipients it has been demonstrated a significant increase of PALCL in this group of patients whereas only one case of LyP was reported. The use of interferons in the treatment of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma.

Editorial: quality of life in breast cancer patients and survivors

An Editorial on the Research Topic Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Patients and Survivors Every year more than 2 million women receive a new diagnosis of breast cancer worldwide. We edited the present Research Topic to offer a new angle on some of the hot subjects about the quality of life in breast cancer →

Barriers to care

First, there is too much pressure in the military service and this subjects workers to stress and depression. Nations must invest in machinery and human insurance services to make sure people are safe from mental illness.

Corrigendum: control of sleep by dopaminergic inputs to the drosophila mushroom body

00073 The citation for the first use of P2X2 as an exogenous chemogenetic neural activator was inadvertently omitted from the manuscript on page 2, at the end of the first sentence of the Section entitled " Stimulation of PAM Neurons by ATP/P2X and Simultaneous GCamp6m Imaging of MBONs". Cell 121, 141 152.doi: 10.

Present illness of diplopia

Look for symmetry of pupil, reaction to light and color of the conjunctiva. Look for congestion of the throat, tonsillar enlargement, flaring of nostrils and postnasal drip.

One vs. two non-symbolic numerical systems? looking to the atom theory for clues to the mystery

To explain the inconsistency reported in the literature, Hyde hypothesized that the ANS may be recruited to represent small numbers and that the limits of attentional resources and working memory would play a key role in determining which of the two systems would be employed in the small number range. As a control test showed →

Flow oriented incentive spirometry health and social care essay

OBJECTIVE OF STUDY: The aim of this survey was to measure the effects of flow-oriented incentive spirometry on, atelectasis, Pao2, and PaCO2 in tracheostomized patients. The purpose of the survey was to compare the efficaciousness of flow-oriented incentive spirometry preparation with diaphragmatic external respiration exercising in tracheostomized patients.

Behavioral and multimodal neuroimaging evidence for a deficit in brain timing networks in stuttering: a hypothesis and theory

This article is not an exhaustive review of the literature on stuttering or the arguments surrounding the cause of the disorder, but rather a hypothesis as to one of the possible causes of stuttering. Although there were no significant differences between stuttering and non-stuttering speakers in the output of the SMA to the BG, there →

Canonical quantum gravity, constructive qft, and renormalisation

Specifically, the commutator between two temporal diffeomorphism generators is supposed to 1) be proportional to a linear combination of spatial diffeomorphism generators with operator-valued distributions as coefficients and 2) in an ordering, such that the following holds: The image of any such commutator of a dense domain of vectors in the Hilbert space must be →

Communication of diagnosis in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: stratification of patients for the estimation of the individual needs

In ALS the time of the communication of the diagnosis will often coincide with the communication of prognosis and therapy. The difficulties for the medical team in making a diagnosis of ALS, and in the moment of communication of the diagnosis to patients has been reported in a recent study.

The impact of bilingualism on working memory: a null effect on the whole may not be so on the parts

Also, Namazi and Thordardottir compared the performance of young bilingual and monolingual children through assessments of verbal short-term memory, verbal WM, visual WM, and visual controlled attention. 001 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Bialystok, E, and Cummins, J." Language, cognition, and education of bilingual children," in Language Processing in Bilingual Children, ed E.

Facing the challenges of global agriculture today: what can we do about drought?

The impact of a changing climate is not only about temperature increase, but it is also affecting the magnitude of rainfall and its distribution, and therefore its availability at critical times of the crop cycle: in fact, while the total amount of rain increased in Africa over the last few years, the erratic and unpredictable →

Editorial: challenges in vaccinology

In this issue, the wide breadth of outstanding issues and opportunities are raised relating to urgent vaccine needs, limitations of current approaches, and the potential of cutting edge technologies to facilitate new advances are highlighted. The impact of another comorbidity, inflammatory bowel disease, is considered by Lenti et al.in the context of susceptibility to encapsulated →

Experience working in the medical environment

The quality of education that your institution offers is one of the reasons for my choice to pursue the program at the college. The college is ranked among top colleges in the region and this means that it offers a reputable standard of education, a factor that will leverage me in entering the job market →

Transdisciplinary project communication and knowledge sharing experiences in tanzania and zambia through a one health lens

It is a 5-year project funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research and implemented by the University of Sydney in collaboration with the Tanzanian Veterinary Laboratory Agency, the Tanzanian Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives, the Tanzanian Food and Nutrition Centre, the Sokoine University of Agriculture, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied →

Corrigendum: mare incognitum : a glimpse into future plankton diversity and ecology research

The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Psychological capital in food safety social co-governance

The government can harness the PsyCap in food safety co-governance by using the Winston Churchill approach to appeal to the emotions of the food companies and social actors. Since the production of high-quality food is also dependent on the behaviors and attitudes of the workforce, the government can also reinforce the efforts of companies in →

Editorial: immunopathology of chronic bacterial and viral diseases prevalent in latin america

Moreover, the emergence of new pathologies related to arboviruses, such as Zika and Chikungunya, has added to the complexity of the problem and continue to be a center of scientific discussion with regard to regional immunology. Moreover, with the support of the International Union of Immunology Societies, this Research Topic was launched, devoted to current →

Bio-psychosocial model of health and illness

This is an attempts to move away from a simple linear model of health, to assess the effects of the combination of factors involved in illness, that is; biological, psychological and social/environmental. The biopsychosocial model of understanding diseases and illnesses is also similar to the World Health Organization's definition of health ' a state of →

Functional imaging in living plants—cell biology meets physiology

The articles contributed to this research topic are indicative of the work emerging from the plant imaging community and cover, variously, the characterization of individual protein functions; localization and interactions; the use of physiological biosensors; spectroscopic techniques, which utilize autofluorescence of plant tissues and label-free approaches; developmental studies and software engineering. A comprehensive overview of →

Grand challenges in evolutionary developmental biology

On the one hand are those centered around the notions of evolvability, robustness and constraint in connection with the increasing appreciation of the intricacies of the genotype phenotype map. This splitting is a natural consequence if origination indeed " refers to the specific causality of the generative conditions that underlie both the first origins and →

The highest rate of teenage pregnancies

While each program had their good and bad aspects, it was decided that the reasons needed to be determined as to why teenagers were practicing unsafe sex, to begin with, and then decide on the program that would be more beneficial to them. If these programs are effective as the article claims, then they should →

Debunking the myth of value-neutral virginity: toward truth in scientific advertising

We suspect that a careful analysis of the tensions between the intuitive economist and intuitive politician mindsets would help to explain the frequency distribution of misdemeanor types in science. Google Scholar Weber, M." Objectivity' in social science and social policy," in Max Weber on the Methodology of the Social Sciences, eds/trans.E.A.

Chemical exposure as etiology in developmental origin of adult onset human cancer

Genotoxic chemical carcinogens induce many different types of cancers transplacentally: for instance DMBA induces respiratory tumors in mice and hamster, and ovarian, uterine and lymphoid tumors in mice; ENU induces melanomas in hamster and respiratory tumors, nervous system tumors and kidney tumors in hamster and mice, and ovarian and uterine tumors in mice. Pubmed Abstract →

The developing world urgently needs phages to combat pathogenic bacteria

By decreasing such infections in dairy cattle, phages could potentially contribute to both the financial and medical health of populations in LMIC. The discovery and early promise of antibiotics in the 1940s eventually led to the abandonment of phage therapies such as these.

Nephrotic syndrome: oedema formation and its treatment with diuretics

Oedema is one of the four defining features of the nephrotic syndrome and is the symptom most commonly requiring intervention. Changes in the capillary basement membrane akin to aging exist in nephrotic syndrome, with thickening of the basement membrane, altered protein composition and increased stiffness; the thickening of the basement membrane increases protein permeability.

Editorial: neuroscience in africa

This research topic on " Neuroscience in Africa" is a collection of reviews and original articles on the diversity of research being done in Africa. Moroccan patients with non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease had decreased quality of life, and Deep Brain Stimulation in treatment of Moroccan patients with Parkinson's disease showed a reduction in the →

Changes to the employers’ use of genetic information and non-discrimination for health insurance in the usa: implications for australians

The year 2017 saw the introduction of the proposed " Preserving Employee Wellness Programs Act" to Congress in the United States of America. With access to healthcare tied with employment for most citizens of the USA, the decision for the employee to participate in any employer initiated requests for genetic information and disclosure are complex.


The hand washing coupled ubiquity experiment is aimed at determining the effect of hand washing in reducing the number of microorganism in the environment. The hand washing effectiveness is determined by quantifying of the number of microorganisms that colonies the hand after a through hand washing.

Should medical marijuana be a medical option?

Though the government has remained to disagree, there's evidence that clearly shows that marijuana has been accepted as capable of relieving the distress of great numbers of very ill people, and doing so with safety under medical supervision. There are many reasons why one would be against the legalization of medical marijuana, but they are →

Editorial: all 3 types of glial cells are important for memory formation

The Editorial on the Research Topic All 3 Types of Glial Cells Are Important for Memory Formation This editorial review of the research topic describes effects of the glial cells astrocytes, microglia and oligodendrocytes on memory. In astrocytes glycogenolysis is required for release of ATP as a gliotransmitter and for K + uptake.

Editorial: languages as adaptive systems

Editorial on the Research Topic Languages as Adaptive Systems One of the most puzzling features of human language and its use lies in its diversity of forms. When we think of the growth of the human population, the waves of colonial conquests throughout history, and the language contact situations they bring, the common estimation of →

Case study

To manage this, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have recommended steps for outbreak investigation as follows: preparation, ensuring that the occurrence is an outbreak, verifying the diagnosis, setting the definition of a working case, finding cases systematically, recording data, perform descriptive epidemiology, developing hypotheses, evaluating hypotheses epidemiologically, modifying hypotheses, if needed, comparing and →

Neo-human relations

The Human Resources function in this case would not just be to try and motivate the workers but also to encourage Directors and below to be supportive of their staff. Beyond the details of air, water, food, and sex, he laid out five broader layers: the physiological needs, the needs for safety and security, the →

New perspectives for motivating better decisions in older adults

To motivate older adults to apply more of their cognitive resources, it may be important to increase the perceived relevance of decisions. The perception of having better memory skills may influence the motivation to approach situations that require remembering complex information, and, hence, could potentially be important for motivating good decision making in older adults.

Executive function and academic achievement in primary school children: the use of task-related processing speed

This problem arises due to the need for participants to engage other, non-executive, cognitive abilities when completing EF tasks.van der Sluis examined the structure of EF and its relationship to reading, arithmetic and non-verbal reasoning in 9- to 12-year-olds. So far we have discussed the evidence that processing speed is important in EF structure, and →

Hijack it, change it: how do plant viruses utilize the host secretory pathway for efficient viral replication and spread?

Despite the fact that in animal cells the ER is mainly aligned with microtubules and in plant cells with microfilaments, the morphology of the ER in plants is quite similar to that in animal cells. Arabidopsis RHD3 mediates the generation of the tubular ER network and is required for Golgi distribution and motility in plant →

A role for autonomic cardiac control in the effects of oxytocin on social behavior and psychiatric illness

Thus, the purpose of this review is to integrate research on OT from these seemingly disparate fields to explain the physiological basis of social behavior and stress focusing on heart rate variability in particular; review the evidence for an important relationship between OT, its administration, and CV function; highlight studies that link CV function to →

Can the recording of motor potentials evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation be optimized?

Most TMS applications take advantage of MEP amplitude and latency to evaluate the integrity and/or excitability of the motor corticospinal pathway to study normal and abnormal aspects of neurophysiology, including the pathophysiology of many neurological and motor disorders. This may be supported by the fact that a surface electrode placed over the IZ/NMJ on a →

Irreversibility in active matter: general framework for active ornstein-uhlenbeck particles

In macroscopic thermodynamics, where entropy is a state variable, this change usually refers to the difference between the entropy in the final state of the " Universe" reached at the end of the process and in the initial state from where it started. A central result in stochastic thermodynamics is that the total entropy change →

Case study: 59 year old man with atherosclerosis and how the disease developed

The patient's right side was intact, but had hemiparesis on his left side due to a stroke located on the right side of his brain. The CVA also left the patient with homonymous hemianopia: the loss of half of the field of view on the same side in both eyes.

E-health mini-case

In this scenario we need to make use of some new technology based system development that can be able to offer a better, expandability and robust system approach. C, & Laudon, J.P.

Refractoriness about adaptation

1093/cercor/bhp277 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Fernandez-Alfonso, T, and Ryan, T.A. 1162/jocn_a_00562 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar May, P.J.

Implications for social impact of dialogic teaching and learning

Indeed, in spite of all the efforts to transfer the evidence on the benefits of dialogic teaching and learning to the classrooms, dialogism still encounters many barriers in the school setting, hindering a broader and deeper potential social impact of dialogic education. Such authors argue for the need to engage teachers and students in dialogue →

Water for thought: is there a role for aquaporin channels in delirium?

The movement of water in and out of the neuropil occurs with the help of the glymphatic system via special molecular pumps, aquaporin water channels located in astrocyte end-feet. This movement of water in and out of the neuropil enables both, clearance of molecular waste and volume transmission of chemical signals.

Methodological considerations in the recruitment and analysis of schizotypy samples

In the schizotypy literature, many authors opt to do median splits of their participants to create a " low" and a " high" schizotypy group. Firstly, dichotomizing the data results in a loss of power with estimates suggesting that dichotomizing equates to a loss of a third of the data.

Salvinorin a, a kappa-opioid receptor agonist hallucinogen: pharmacology and potential template for novel pharmacotherapeutic agents in neuropsychiatric disorders

Based on preclinical studies in rodents and non-human primates, and in human Laboratory studies, activation of KOPr is thought to result in a variety of robust effects summarized below: decreases in locomotor activity and arousal, also manifested as sedative-like behaviors, dysphoria and aversion, depressant-like behaviors and modulation in the effects of drugs of abuse. Given →

Editorial: frontiers of sulfur metabolism in plant growth, development, and stress response

A transcriptomics and metabolomics analysis of sulfate starvation response and the effects of sulfate resupply by Bielecka et al.resulted in identification of 21 transcription factors potentially controlling the response to sulfur. Calderwood et al.then discussed and proposed various mathematical approaches to dissect the control of sulfur fluxes in plants.

Dengue in brazil, situation, transmission and control

The first reported incidences of dengue in Brazil were in 1923 in S o Paulo and Niteroi in which 11000 people were infected. The ocurrence of dengue and weather changes in Brazil: A systematic review.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

OCD The disability chosen for the purposes of the current report is obsessive compulsive disorder, or OCD. The roles of obsessions and compulsions are different in the disorder, and can be seen in terms of cause and effect.

Analysis of the structure and control systems of cvs caremark

CVS Caremark is committed to serving the healthcare needs of all customers by being the easiest pharmacy for customers to use, both in its stores and online at CVS.com. It hopes to deliver unique products and services that are responsive to the needs of employers, health plans and consumers, and do it in more convenient →

Healthsouth fraud: overview

It was eventually revealed that all four Accounting Statements were incorrect and that much of the inflated numbers were modifications made to the contractual adjustments and agreements; which in turn, made it fairly easy to hide from outside auditors. The consequences to HealthSouth Investors were devasting starting in 2002 upon the start of the investigation →

Corrigendum: bacillus velezensis fzb42 in 2018: the gram-positive model strain for plant growth promotion and biocontrol

02491 In the original article, there was an error in referring to the approved group of Bacillus cereus. A correction has been made to theConclusion and Outlooksection, " Apathogenicity":" Apathogenicity: Concerning biosafety issues, no representatives of the B.subtilis species complex including B.velezensi s have been listed as risk group in ' The Approved List of →

Integrated public health

In Newham, the Marmot Indicators for Local authorities' data is necessary to public health since it provides data used n proposed policy recommendations in a fair society. This data is essential to public health workers since it offers the real figure of the population in Newham.

Coastal and continental temperature ranges essay sample

Objective: You will graph the average monthly temperatures of costal and inland continental regions and interpret the range in temperatures. Vocabulary: Temperature range- Average daily temperature Average monthly temperature Procedure: Graph the average monthly temperatures for the four cities given on the data chart; make a LINE graph.

Space retrieval treatment with dementia

According to Camp et al, "[s]paced retrieval is an evidence-based memory intervention that can be effective for helping people with mild to moderate dementia". This procedure is based on turning a memory into a habit through repetition of an answer to the clinician's question.

The man who mistook his wife for a hat

She enjoyed this new her for a while but then once her friends began to notice it more and more and soon label it as inappropriate for her age she began to think that she was physically ill and that this illness was the cause of her new found euphoria. She lost the will to →

Constructing the context through goals and schemata: top-down processes in comprehension and beyond

As a matter of fact, one of the most developed theories in cognitive pragmatics is Relevance Theory, in which communication is analyzed as a special case of cognition precisely because both cognition in general and communication in particular have the problem of selecting what is relevant in the present context. Suppose that the brain is →

Commentary: exogenous testosterone rapidly increases aggressive behavior in dominant and impulsive men

009 I read with interest a research report, " Exogenous testosterone rapidly increases aggressive behavior in dominant and impulsive men" by Carre et al.that was recently published in Biological Psychiatry. Aggression, impulsivity, and suicide behavior: a review of the literature.

Editorial: interactive feedbacks between soil fauna and soil processes

Editorial on the Research Topic Interactive Feedbacks Between Soil Fauna and Soil Processes Soil fauna plays a significant role at all trophic levels of the soil food web and regulates processes that are crucial for soil functioning, such as nutrient cycling, immobilization and/or degradation of toxic compounds, formation of soil structure, greenhouse gas emissions, and →

Editorial: new advanced wireless technologies for objective monitoring of motor symptoms in parkinson’s disease

Editorial on the Research Topic New Advanced Wireless Technologies for Objective Monitoring of Motor Symptoms in Parkinson's Disease Nowadays, a growing number of researchers are using advanced wearable technologies with inertial measurement units to improve the evaluation of motor symptoms in patients with Parkinson's Disease. The 11 manuscripts included in this research topic deal with →

The history of malignant melanoma health and social care essay

In work forces melanomas are found between shoulders and the hips caput and cervix, and in adult females melanomas are found on weaponries and legs Over the past three decades the incidence of malignant melanoma has increased and is one of the fastest turning malignant neoplastic diseases than any other. With Asiatic and Africans with →

Commentary: alexithymia, not autism, is associated with impaired interoception

In light of this, the role of alexithymia in emotional and interoceptive difficulties in ASD and arising clinical implications are discussed. Commentary on " Autism, oxytocin and interoception".: alexithymia, not autism spectrum disorders, is the consequence of interoceptive failure.

Editorial: ubiquitin and ubiquitin-relative sumo in dna damage response

In the last decade the PTMs, ubiquitination and SUMOylation, have emerged as the essential and most critical PTMs in the regulation of the DDR. Our intention is to invite the most prominent scientists in the field, together with a selection of young and promising scientists, and give them the opportunity to summarize our current knowledge →

Book review: bayesian statistics the fun way: understanding statistics and probability with star wars, lego, and rubber ducks

A Book Review on Bayesian Statistics the Fun Way: Understanding Statistics and Probability With Star Wars, Lego, and Rubber Ducks Will Kurt, 2019, 234 pages, ISBN: 9781593279561 Bayesian Statistics the Fun Way is an engaging introduction to Bayesian inference by Kurt. Kurt's book thus places itself well as a continuation book to McGrayne's The Theory →

The other half of the embodied mind

The embodied view of the mind is also reflected in computational models which reproduce the part of the body more directly linked to the mind, i.e, the brain and, more recently, the entire body of the organism, and which have abandoned the disembodied view of the mind which is at the basis of artificial intelligence →

Power, privilege and knowledge: the untenable promise of co-production in mental “health”

Knowledges that are prized and accorded the status of " science" and " truth" are an intrinsic part of the difficulty in shifting power relations and this is in part because they are situated in a taken-for-granted or implicit hierarchy of ideas and methodologies. Important, and often remaining unacknowledged, is the fact that the value →

Safety and the environment

This prevents water bodies' siltation which causes an imbalance in the aquatic environment One of the major effects of pesticides on the environment is the destruction of the aqua system. When consumed by aquatic animals it causes complications in their bodies leading to death The human being is also affected by these chemicals when they →

Health care

The change in Nurses roles When shortage of nurses hits any health institution, the most affected are the patients who are in dire need of adequate monitoring to assist them recover from various ailments, but in order to maintain nurses the health institutions have to reconsider empowering nurses in order for the nurses to realize →

Bilateral mastectomy

Bilateral mastectomy is a pre-emptive surgical procedure to completely remove the glandular breast tissue in patients with high risk of breast cancer. Honyoker Press.2010.

Slow time perception can be learned

Reported experiences of slow time are commonly associated with accidents which are sudden, unexpected, and immediately life-threatening; and they also involve a perception of greatly increased speed and clarity of mental processes. 00196 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Aston-Jones, G, and Cohen, J.D.

Editorial: glycan diversity in fungi, bacteria, and sea organisms

Pomin and Mour o have made clear the relevance of certain structural combinations of sulfation and glycosylation to the anticoagulant activity of the marine carbohydrates of well-defined chemical structures. The diversity of the composition of the fungal cell surface and important aspects related to structure and function of fungal glycans has also been reviewed in →

The embodiment of objects: review, analysis, and future directions

In this sense, affective embodiment is one of the fundamental components of the embodiment of objects and tools: the first step toward such an embodiment is the actual sense that a given object or tool is part of one's body. In both cases, the signatures of the embodiment of objects and tools are not taken →

Social networks, interpersonal social support, and health outcomes: a health communication perspective

Theories and methods in future research need to take into account a more comprehensive perspective of the influence of both types of social support on health outcomes, including the main effects and interaction effects of online and offline sources of social support, additional predictors of engaging in online support, mediated variables, and key demographic and →

Expectations of social inclusion and exclusion

In this article, we highlight research focused on how individuals calibrate their expectations of social inclusion and exclusion, and how these expectations influence the effect of exclusion on individuals' feelings of relational value and other adverse effects of social exclusion. Psychol.doi: 10.

Dramatic irony in a midsummer night’s dream

There is a main emphasis on dramatic irony, juxtaposition, the confusion between the characters, the characters talking directly to the audience and having a play with in a play. Dramatic irony is a technique that is used to help maintain the audience's interest in the play and the confusion between characters.

The limits of human power.

The simple truth in the minds of just a few that life on this plane is not the real story is enough to weaken the whole plan. This is just another round at the Tower of Babel, and it will end the same as before, in mass confusion.