Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Homelessness in women literature review examples

Women with high perceived competency tend to despise the regulations and rules in a structured environment. Homeless women with experiences of abuse and neglect tend to mistrust the social services out to help them.

Alcohol and world health/hunger

The gravity of the impairment is dependent on the level of alcohol in the blood. One major factor is the availability and legality of alcohol in almost every country.

Lang’s alcohol study: an analysis

The reason for this was probably because it was imperative for the results of the study that the participants be drinkers by nature, as only they could effectively have the best chance of differentiating vodka and tonic from tonic water alone. The use of other forms of alcohol other than vodka and tonic water would →

Alcohol abuse amongst teens

He explained that even if you are not drinking and are in anenvironmentwith alcohol that new laws in Pennsylvania claim you are still in the possession of alcohol and you can get charged for that. Coming from a family that has had alcohol and drug problems, I completely understand her viewpoint and why she feels →

Drug and alcohol use among adolescents and young adults

Running head: REGULATION OF DEVIANCE: DRUG AND ALCOHOL USE Regulation of Deviance: Drug and Alcohol Use among Adolescents and Young Adults Nikkee L Payne University of Nebraska at Lincoln Abstract This paper explores the overall affects that peers, familymembers, and religious affiliations have among adolescents and young adults when it comes to the use of →

Abc’s unique selling proposition

Even though, the ingredient has only 20 calories, it is still considered as great tasting and finest beer in order to meet the demands of the customer in both the higher and the lower ends. The fastest way to advertise the product is through TV commercials and product launching in one of the variety shows →

Unit 2 project: drug testing for welfare recipients

Cutting welfare benefits to known drug abusers will allow benefits to be doled out more effectively and efficiently to those Americans that are truly in need, diminish drug use in those poverty stricken communities that tend to rely on welfare assistance and take a chunk from the government's out of control spending. In addition, because →

Substance abuse in pregnancy research paper examples

The time period in which substance abuse occurs is significant; in the first and second trimesters danger to the fetus is less than in the third trimester. The abuse of drugs by pregnant mothers has long term effects on children; and it affects the state also.

Al capone and the prohibition

In the United States, the Prohibition marked the time when the production and sake of alcohol was banned. In 1917, the 18th Amendment was proposed; the amendment was about the prohibition of alcohol.

Example of drug abuse in pregnancy research paper

Instead, these measures undermine fetal and maternal wellbeing, and discourage the development of programs that can adequately address the needs of the women and their children. First, it is the responsibility of every health practitioner to ensure that all pregnant and postpartum women undergo screening for drug abuse.

Impact of psychiatric disorders on treatment for patients with substance abuse

The objectives of the study were to assess rates of depression and anxiety in patients seeking addiction treatment and examine how the existence of concurrent psychiatric symptoms will influence treatment outcomes. However, on the positive side, the study did include a large sample of patients and the outcomes were consistent with the outcomes of the →

A persuasive essay on underage drinking

This paper argues that there is need in the determination of the extent to which raising the minimum drinking age results in reduction in use and problems among young adults. There is now a strong and consistent body of knowledge in relation to the impact of drinking age laws for public drinking and making legal →

Substance abuse among health care professionals and nurses essay sample

Employers have an ethical obligation and most have a legal mandate to report an impaired nurse to the appropriate legal and regulatory authority in order to safeguard consumers.b. My change to this policy would be, to give an initial warning and opportunity to the nurse to give up addiction.

Fischer esterification conclusion

Dodd CHEM 2122 2010-09-16 Experiment 19: Fischer Esterification, Conclusion The objective in this experiment was to efficiently perform an Fischer esterification of 1-butanol and acetic acid to form water and n-butyl acetate, and to confirm the esterification using IR spectroscopy analysis. The product was confirmed using IR spectroscopy and boiling point confirmation.

Formal report exp 9

The samples were analyzed through different tests namely the involvement of the solubility of alcohols in water, the Lucas Test, the Chromic Acid Test or also known as Jones Oxidation, the 2, 4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone Test, the Fehling's Test, the Tollens' Silver Mirror Test, and the Iodoform Test. 50-mg or 2-3 drops of the sample was added →

Free research paper on ethical issues in counseling drug addicts

Marlatt & Gordon views the drug abuse counselors as a key player in the education, therapy and treatment of a drug abuse patient. Informed consent: the objective of informed consent is to build respect and autonomy on both ides of the client/patients and the drug abuse counselors.

Good active euthanasia vs. passive euthanasia argumentative essay example

Involuntary euthanasia is murder, and is carried out against the will of the patient. Passive euthanasia only prolongs their suffering, and this makes it better for the patient to die from active euthanasia than from passive euthanasia.

Euthanasia the best solution to the suffering

Euthanasia is the act or practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition, as by lethal injection or the suspension of extraordinary medical treatment, it is knew literally as " Easy and Good Death" and as the " Mercy Killing". To begin, one aspect of euthanasia's →

The double effect principle: conditions associated with it

The good outcome of the medication is the patient would have a comfortable and higher quality of life free from pain. In the circumstance of administering life shortening pain medication, the intent must be to relieve the patient's pain and not to shorten their life span.

Active euthanasia

The process in summation, consists of a person who is terminally ill and in excruciating pain, contacting the organization, becoming a member by fee, and submitting medical documents with diagnosis from a medical professional including those from a therapist, to a Dignitas physician. It is covered by a taboo, and we should speak about it." →

Example of ethics essay

The key point or thesis of this paper is to show that by applying the ethical theory of utilitarianism, euthanasia is an acceptable practice that should be embraced in the society. In regard to the consequences of an action, a Utilitarian considers all the bad and the good that arise from an action whether arising →

Speech on euthanasia and assisted suicide

The question is: 'Am I my brother's keeper?' The answering of that question has led, throughout history, to the righting of major injustices, like the abolition of the slave trade. A more nuanced version of the personal autonomy argument, and one which I strongly support, is to talk of 'principled autonomy' in which:...the rights of →

A paper on euthanasia

The term ' euthanasia' according to the 2007 guidelines on euthanasia published by the American Veterinary Medical Association is derived from the Greek term eu meaning good and thanato meaning death, combining the two Greek words, euthanasia means good death. The proponents of those who favor euthanasia emphasized that it good for terminally ill patient →

Destinee bridges

Vicki Lachman, a clinical associate professor at Drexel University is the author of this investigation of physician-assisted suicide and if it is considered compassionate liberation or murder. He takes a stance in the battle over the legalization of physician-assisted suicide.

Explain the argument for legalizing euthanasia

Currently, the laws in the UK make it illegal for a person to assist in allowing a person to commitsuicideunder the murder Act of 1965 and the Suicide Act 1971. Despite a series of proposed safeguards to be put into to prevent abuse of the system should the law be passed, the Scottish Parliament failed →

Euthanasia essay sample

In the UK, the British House of Lords Committee on Medical Ethics holds the opinion that this is a practice executed with the aim of ending life in order to relieve burdensome suffering. Moreover, involuntary euthanasia takes center stage when the physician ends life of the patient against the wish of the patient and yet →

Attitudes toward euthanasia essay examples

Mercy killing is considered as an act in which an individual's life is taken in order to alleviate a suffering, often as the result of a terminal and an incurable illness. The act called " Good Death" is one in which euthanasia is performed by patient's consent, also known as a mercy killing.

Example of physician assisted suicides (pas) argumentative essay

If the benefits and harms of the practice are to be weighed, practicing euthanasia seems to be a optimal choice, is practical and rational, all provided there is no other way out for the dying individual and his physician. What is debated even today is the moral limit of relieving a terminally ill individual of →

Nurse prospective of the sea inside

Palliative care achieves to meet the goal of giving the best quality of life that they can give to the patient and to the patient'sfamily. The tragic part of the story is that his family was well oriented and they have accepted that death is coming to Ramon.

Sample argumentative essay on active euthanasia

The argument against the psychological pressure of active euthanasia believe that besides the psychological pain, the patient should choose it as this will eventually relieve him from the pain of his disease and decision. The argument of the proponents of active euthanasia is to relieve the pain of the patient.

Good research paper on euthanasia: pros and cons

Pro-euthanasia people argue that all individuals have the explicit rights to choose what to do with their lives, even to the point of ending it. Hence, not far from the concept of various forms of self-annihilation, euthanasia is considered as an option by people who want to end their life, or those of their loved →

On euthanasia

There are two problems here - the definition of " terminal" and the changes that have already taken place to extend euthanasia to those who are not " terminally ill". Euthanasia is a rejection of the importance and value of human life.

Philosophical point of view on right to die

Due to the fact that there are other alternatives to euthanasia and because it violates the value of human life and it is clearly unethical to have a medically-assisted death regardless of the scenario. Philospher and utilitarian, Jeremy Bentham, argued that the whole purpose of life is not God or to follow certain rules but →

Legalized euthanasia argumentative essay examples

It thus indicates the need for legalization of euthanasia so as to relieve the patient from the miserable pain. This is based on the fact argument expounding on the right to life.

Healthcare2 committees, euthanasia

The laws tend to specify whether euthanasia is permitted in the laws of the states and the legal aspect of it. From the advice given by the committee, the health personnel make the final decision regarding the step to take assisted by the patient and the family members Best Attributes Of Ethics Committee The committees →

Morals of euthanasia

Beauchamp thinks there is a problem with the definition of letting die and killing and that we need to make a clear distinction between them. Beauchamp's position on the moral ethics of a lethal dose say that 1) we should abandon the letting die and killing distinction, 2) when it is wrong to cause death, →

Euthanasia in society: positive or negative?

Euthanasia is the act whereby a physician can deliberately end the life of a patient with the intention of relieving them the pain or the suffering they are going through, as they are ailing. Voluntary euthanasia is ending life painlessly with the help of a physician and it is legal in some selected countries while →

Euthanasia: deadly compassion

The purpose of euthanasia is to relieve the terrible suffering and pain of a terminally ill person with an incurable disease. The causes of euthanasia are a desire to end suffering and the viewpoint of having mercy on the suffering person by ending his or her life.

Euthanasia: morally right or ethically wrong

The first viewpoint will support euthanasia or the " right to ii," the second viewpoint will support anti-euthanasia or the " right to live". The Pro-Life Alliance defines euthanasia as 'Any action or omission intended to end the life of a patient on the grounds that his or her life is not worth living.


Quill, stated: " The right of a competent, terminally ill person to avoid excruciating pain and embrace a timely and dignified death bears the sanction of history and is implicit in the concept of ordered liberty. In particular, this Court's recent decisions concerning the right to refuse medical treatment and the right to abortion instruct →

What is substance abuse counseling

Counseling Is needed when a client asks for resources In relation to addiction recovery and other crawls that derive from addiction or dependency, such asfamilyIssues, health Issues and challenges that affect the client's quality of life that were directly or Indirectly stemmed from the challenges of their addiction or dependency. I am learning that Counselors →

Recovering addicts in the field of substance abuse counseling

If a system such as this is establishedI believeit is possible and a good choice career for a recovering addict to pursue a career as a substance abuse counselor despite the risk and triggers that can lead to relapse many counselors and people working in the addiction field can relate to current addicts lifestyles and →

Theme of power in sive by john b. keane

Sive The abuse of power Power and the abuse of power is a central theme in Sive. Mena keeps Sive a prisoner in the house and lies to her concerning Liam Scuab's feelings about her proposed marriage.

What is physical abuse essay

This is one of the more extreme cases of physical abuse. Many do not understand the significance of homicide in physical abuse and do not link this importance to the fact that it still happens.

Harassment and abuse of women in the military

Women all around the world who are in the military are constantly getting harassed and raped by the soldiers and there is nothing that anybody is doing about it. The Army and the other services at first resisted sending women to Vietnam fearing that they would notbe able to handle thestressof being in a war →

Significant event

As a child I remember that for any little misbehaver resulted in a physical punishment as well as getting yelled at, as time went by my mind was set that I already knew when the " beating" was going to come. I also researched that in result of physically harming children increases their risk of →

Social work: components of working in the substance abuse field

Questions aboutanxietylevels, depression, unresolved trauma or grief are asked then shifts to the reasons for starting, stopping and continuing the behavior.- The social dimension involves engaging the client in review the various people in their life: family, friends, co-workers and other social networks. Exploring the strengths in addition to the negative provides a better balance →

A license for the future

However, it is the parents that are the main determining factor in the child's development, because they are the highest authority in regard to the child, by deciding such things as what schools the child will attend and directly as well as indirectly influencing the child simply through the relationship they share and the behaviors →

What parent characteristics are related to the physical abuse of the children?

The intent of this paper seeks to cognize whether the features shown by some of the parents are straight or indirectly related to the physical maltreatment of the kids. It is non a must for the injury to be wittingly inflicted, and in most of state of affairss physical maltreatment is ne'er intended and →

Chemicals used in cosmetics and perfume

Whether it may be a new hair dye, a newly bought fragrance, or a pleasant shade of lipstick, cosmetics and perfumes have taken over the world as a boost in confidence of a person's appearance and body smell. The former is excellent at allowing the skin to remain dry by sucking the moisture and stopping →

Sport & sport activities

Tennis and badminton games are able to test physical endurance in different aspects.badminton gameDifference in Badminton and Table Tennis GamesGames that can be played by two or more people are one of the most popular sports games in Indonesia. That is the difference between badminton and table tennis in terms of physical and mental challenges.

Unhealthy lifestyle

CAUSES OF UNHEALTHY LIFESTYLE An unhealthy lifestyle is one of the major contributor tohealthissue which is growing at an alarming rate issue in whole world as well. In addition, alcohol consumption and smoking are the sources that lead to unhealthy lifestyle.

Becoming a vegetarian: reasons you should go veg

It is important for everyone who is considering a transition to a vegetarian diet in any form to thoroughly study the benefits and risks, and to learn what would create a balanced, healthy diet free of animal products. The conclusion that these authors came to is supportive of a vegetarian diet due to the health →

Public health recomendations analysis

The objectives of this study were to report on the prevalence of healthy lifestyle characteristics and to generate a single indicator of a healthy lifestyle. The 4 HLCs were summed to create a healthy lifestyle index, and the pattern of following all 4 HLCs was defined as a single healthy lifestyle indicator.

The role of vitamin consumption in maintenance of good health and appearance

As we grow, in order to combat the aging caused by oxidative stress, we need antioxidants, vitamins and supplements to preserve the health of our skin and our body. Currently, Philippines is the largest market of glutathione skin whitening injections and the treatment is now trending number one to the USA.

Healthy lifestyles

A combination of these is a good start to a healthy lifestyle. Keeping stress in check is the final key to living a healthy lifestyle.

Overview of the main dietary minerals

Most of the calcium is present in bones and teeth. In adolescent and adults the RDA is 2.

Causes of childhood obesity health essay

This research also showed that if the health care professional that weigh our children in first two years and observe the environment that child is in and also look at the parents BMI, the health professional can monitor the babies weight more, and advise the parents that their children weight is increasing rapidly and can →

Causes, effects and treatments of childhood obesity

That being said, how is childhood obesity defined and what leads a child down the path of obesity? The number of children who have obesity and are becoming more severely obese is astounding.

Can breastfeeding prevent childhood obesity

In the next two decades, a number of similar studies also suggested an association between breastfeeding and a reduction in the risk of childhood obesity. For example, a cohort study examining the correlation between breastfeeding and childhood obesity in groups of English and Brazilian children found that breastfeeding was associated with reduced risk of childhood →

Critical analysis of the study on the efficiency of the mend program for childhood obesity intervention

The purpose of the study by Sacher et al.is to evaluate the efficiency and success of the MEND program, the Mind, Exercise, Nutrition, Do it childhood obesity intervention. The main results of the study refer to the 116 children that participated, 60 placed in the intervention and 56 in the control group.

Child obesity

The mother of the patient is also obese and this makes the patient predisposed to obesity. This is important because one is able to regulate the energy intake of the child.

Child obesity research: literature review, design, sampling and identification

The purpose of this project is to analyze the literature to identify evidence-based approaches in for management and treatment of pediatric obesity in primary care, addressing the question " In school-aged children, how does implementing a comprehensive multidisciplinary approach compare to care solely provided by the primary provider influence the child's BMI within a year?". →

Investigating insomnia as a form of sleep disorder psychology essay

Sleep apnea- the obstruction of a person's airway during sleep- is related to increased risk for stroke and heart attacks. Moving on, there is a more extreme case of insomnia that can lead to death, the fatal familial insomnia.

Effect of phototherapy on sleep disorders

Principles of Phototherapy The goal of the Circadian Rhythm is to maintain a bridge between sleep patterns and the internal clock that is set at a optimally synchronized time. The immune system is connected to the sleep regulatory system and actions of the immune system to fight disease.

Case study of sleep disorder and sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is one of the most well-known sleep disorder face by many and said to be one of the most dangerous disorder to be faced compare to others. OSA is more common of the two forms of apnea and normal the causes is a blockage of the airway usually the soft tissue in the →

Sleeping disorder

Disturbed sleep includes the inability to fall asleep, the inability to go back to sleep, and frequent waking up during the night. In addition to alcohol and drugs that are abused, a variety of prescription medications can affect sleep patterns.

Sleep disorders: narcolepsy, insomnia, obstructive sleep apnea

REM sleep usually occurs near the end of the sleep cycle and is typically the stage in which we begin to dream. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Sleep apnea is the hardest of sleeping disorders to be diagnosed.

Cellular respiration

Glucose is the greatest rate of cellular respiration because it is a simple sugar. Glucose turned out to be the greatest rate of cellular respiration because it a simple sugar which is easily broken down.

Cellular respiration vs. photosynthesis

Though they share the same function of changing energy from one form to another, there are many differences between cellular respiration and photosynthesis in regard to the input and output molecules, energetics, cellular location, and ecological importance. The energy flows in both cellular respiration and photosynthesis through different parts of organelles.

How are cellular respiration & photosynthesis almost opposite processes?

Photosynthesis is the biochemical pathway that converts the energy of light into the bonds of the glucose molecule. Retrieved fromhttps://socratic.org/questions/what-is-the-importance-of-photosynthesis-and-cell-respiration

Editorial: lupus and the brain: advances in neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus

Editorial on the Research Topic Lupus and the Brain: Advances in Neuropsychiatric Systemic Lupus Erythematosus As systemic lupus erythematosus is a notoriously demanding disease, involvement of the nervous system, collectively termed neuropsychiatric SLE, represents the foremost diagnostic and therapeutic challenge for the treating physician. Value of multidisciplinary reassessment in attribution of neuropsychiatric events to systemic →

Toward a more nuanced view on organizational support theory

In particular, a high POS could be perceived by employees as an indication of incompetence or a lack of confidence on the part of the organization toward them, leading to a reduction of employee performance. Perceived organizational support and employees' well-being: the mediating role of organizational dehumanization.Eur.J.

Editorial: function of renal sympathetic nerves

The aim of this research topic was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of renal denervation, to explore the contribution of both afferent and efferent renal nerve activity to hypertension and non-hypertension disorders, and to stimulate future research to better understand the function of the renal nerves and the effects of RDN by highlighting gaps →

Investigating cell death mechanisms in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis using transcriptomics

This was an important demonstration of the potential of this sort of study and whilst it depended upon a predefined group of cDNAs that were present upon the array, the results gave an overview of gene expression in the anterior horn of the lumbar spinal cord. Ultimately, a series of seven genes was identified as →

the merchant of venice in auschwitz: taking apart shylock using the scm and bias map

A tendency to see Shylock as the centre of the play, as opposed to Antonio, the Venetian merchant, appears in the historical record as early as 1598 when the play was listed in the Stationer's Register as " the Jew of Venice". He eventually saw Jean Gascon's production of The Merchant in 1970, at the →

Targeting nutrient retrieval by francisella tularensis

To meet the demands for high levels of amino acids for its robust growth in the host cell cytosol, F.tularensis triggers the host macroautophagy degradation machinery, which is required for optimal intracellular bacterial growth. It would be interesting to identify the bacterial factor responsible for triggering host autophagy, as this would constitute a promising potential →

The theory behind the age-related positivity effect

This flurry of scholarship has provided overwhelming support for the basic concept but also has added to our understanding of the subtleties and limitations of the theory while enriching our understanding of the role of emotion in cognitive processing in both younger and older people. Our research group coined the term " positivity effect" to →

Editorial: trends in regulatory peptides

They highlighted the potential limitations in the characterization of biased agonists and provided a general approach to assessing biased agonists that should help the development of this promising new class of drugs. Neuropeptides represent one of the largest families of regulatory peptides and regulate many physiological functions in the central nervous system and in peripheral →

Editorial: hypoxia in kidney disease

In the 90's Fine et al.proposed kidney hypoxia as a mediator of progressive kidney disease. Since then, experimental and clinical studies have solidified the view that kidney hypoxia plays a critical role during the genesis and progression of both acute and CKD.

A key factor for psychosomatic burden of frontline medical staff: occupational pressure during the covid-19 pandemic in china

To identify the major source of the medical staff's psychosomatic problems in order to provide targeted mitigation measures, we systematically and completely compared the degree of seven psychosomatic problems in the different exposure groups, explored the risk factors for psychosomatic burdens, and analyzed the relationship between psychosomatic problems and medical occupation. Therefore, the MS in →

Breathe right

This means that there was an increase in the amount that the company was able to transact in a day. The company had to increase the amount of money that it spends in order to maintain the new operations at the various places where it expanded.

Editorial: frontiers in synaptic plasticity: dendritic spines, circuitries and behavior

The Editorial on the Research Topic Frontiers in Synaptic Plasticity: Dendritic Spines, Circuitries and Behavior More than a century ago, in 1906, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Camillo Golgi and Santiago Ramon y Cajal " in recognition of their work on the structure of the nervous system". These contributions present →

Long term outcome and immune function after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for primary immunodeficiency

Patients with ADA-deficient SCID often develop cellular and humoral immune reconstitution in the absence of conditioning, possibly because the local toxic effects of ADA deficiency on the marrow act as " auto-conditioning" combined with a selective growth advantage and permit donor stem cell engraftment in the absence of chemotherapy. The advantageous effect of conditioning on →

Aeromonas: a book review

ISBN: 978-1-908230-56-0 and 978-1-908230-57-7 " Aeromonas " is a new coming reference hardback and ebook that provides an overview on taxonomy, ecology, and pathogenicity of the genus Aeromonas, a group of bacterial species in the gamma subclass of the Proteobacteria. The first chapter Introduction and overview describes the roots of research and the increasing interest →

The face-name associative memory test as a tool for early diagnosis of alzheimer’s disease

The FNAME was recently adapted for the Spanish-speaking in the United-States, and its psychometric and demographic characteristics assessed in a Spanish sample by Alegret et al.and compared to those of the Wechsler Memory Scale. The results confirm the superior performance for face-occupation compared to face-name associations, and a correlation between performance in S-FNAME and WMS-III.

The power of asteroseismology for early stellar evolution

The distribution of stars in young associations gives the impression that there is an upper boundary in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, i.e, that pre-MS stars by their very nature are restricted to relatively modest luminosities and that the upper parts are unpopulated. Recently, a relation between the oscillatory properties of Scuti -type pre-MS stars and the →

Editorial: using small molecules to treat macromolecule storage disorders

The Parets et al.paper introduces a novel therapeutic approach for Alzheimer's disease: Instead of targeting the amyloid cascade, according to which proteolysis of the integral membrane protein amyloid precursor protein by -secretase is the culprit of AD, the authors focus on the changes in membrane lipid composition and structure as triggers of AD pathology. This →

Tbx1 functions as a tumor activator in prostate cancer by promoting ribosome rna gene transcription

In the present study, we investigated the clinical impact of TBX1 expression in human PCa samples and the biological role and underlying mechanisms of TBX1 in PCa. Immunohistochemistry was used to detect the expression of TBX1 and ki-67 with anti-TBX1 and anti-ki67 polyclonal antibodies.

morbillivirus -host interaction: lessons from aquatic mammals

And, if so, could CypB incorporation into the viral surface contribute, to some extent, to Morbillivirus prolonged persistence inside the host's brain, with subsequent development of human SSPE, canine ODE, and SSPE/ODE-like cases of morbilliviral infection in dolphins? Furthermore, both MeV and CDV, along with the more recently characterized Phocine Distemper Virus, have been shown →

The psychology undergraduate research conference: a pathway to publishing?

Undergraduate research conferences can offer students a forum for dissemination of their research findings and opportunities to " complete the research cycle" through to, in some instances, a peer-reviewed publication. Compared to the US, opportunities for students to present at undergraduate research conferences in the UK are limited, and the literature on such opportunities is →

Interferon α enhances b cell activation associated with foxm1 induction: potential novel therapeutic strategy for targeting the plasmablasts of systemic lupus erythematosus

In the present study, we investigated the effect of pretreatment with IFN on B cell activation and the effect of FOXM1 inhibitor on B cell proliferation and survival. Isolated B cells were labeled using CellTrace Violet Cell Proliferation Kit and analyzed via flow cytometry after the culture was prepared.

Resources: ch. 1 of contemporary nutrition, ch. 2 of visualizing nutrition, week one and week two individual assignments, wileyplus, iprofile

One should ensure that they choose healthy food as a way of ensuring a healthy diet. Nutrition density is tremendously essential in the determination of the various types of food that one should feed on to attain the required level of calories.

Book review: handbook of the economics of risk and uncertainty

Consider the future as a product of interplay between the states of the nature on one hand and our choices on the other. Addressing these issues, the Handbook of the Economics of Risk and Uncertainty consists of two masterfully crafted prefaces and 14 chapters written by leading economists in theory, empirical, and experimental economics.

Feasibility of de-escalation implementation for positive blood cultures in patients with sepsis: a prospective cohort study

One of the main concerns on the management of patients with sepsis is the increase in the number of infections due to multidrug-resistant pathogens which limits the treatment options. Hazard ratios and 95% confidence intervals were obtained using Cox regression in order to estimate the effect of therapy directed by blood culture on mortality and →