Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

“lockie leonard, human torpedo” and “lex and rory” essay sample

Lockie gained friends but they seemed to be false friends because when they were on the bus going to the camp not even one ' friend' would sit next to him and also in the surf club that Lockie had started it was the same situation and in the end Lockie was thrown out by β†’

Mixed schools is the optimum

Mixed Schools is the optimum Coeducation or mixed-gender education is the integrated education of male and female students in the same environment, while unisex education is the education where male and female students attend in separate classes or in separate buildings or schools. Students studying in mixed schools get common with members of the opposite β†’

Sex education taught to 8 year olds

The average age of puberty for girls in New Zealand had fallen to between nine and 14 and for boys, it was between 11 and 16, Bird said." Some people are concerned that providing information about sex and sexuality arouses curiosity and can lead to sexual experimentation. Liggins Institute director, and newly appointed chiefscienceadviser, Professor β†’

The advantages and the disadvantages of being female.

There are a number of things female do to pick them selves up again that men don 't have the privilege of doing. A definite advantage of been female is the option to wear make up which really comes in handy.

Muet march 2012

According to the table, out of the eight household responsibilities listed, seven were female dominated in 1990. In conclusion, males seem to be contributing more towards parental and household responsibilities but it is still mainly the professional female graduates' responsibility.

Treatment of women in early complex societies

The variation of treatment of women from pre history to the Mesopotamian society was a huge advantage for the men, in that they were higher then the women in all standards. The equality of men and women soon changed with the men ahead of the women.

Biological factors in the formation of gender roles. essay sample

Prenatal exposure to hormones is the most important factor in the development of gender identity, and socialization plays as a subsidiary role as well. It views socialization as the most important factor in the formation of gender identity and adherence to general.

Gender and sexuality in the navajo culture

The assimilation of the Navajo people brings about the question: To what extent has the influence of western culture affected views on gender and sexuality in navajo communities? In this time the Navajo people were exposed to the pressure of western culture and the presence of Christianity to give up there tolerance for multiple genders.

A new phenomenon “girl love”

We get a lot of criticism already we do not need to do that to each other. Promote what you love: We are going to meet a variety of people in our life.

Female and male athletes’ perception of coaching careers

Also in the Kamphoff & Gill study, gender discrimination was found to be a perceived reason for not entering the coaching profession and a barrier that would prohibit female athletes from entering the profession. Thus, a primary purpose of this study will be to investigate whether women differ from, male athletes in intentions to enter β†’

Kathoey: transgender and thai

Central Idea: There is a growning number of transsexuals living in Thailand and the Thai are comfortable with it, which is not the norm in the west, these transsexuals play a part in many aspects of Thailand's culture and society Method of Organization: Topical I. THE THAI BELIEVE THAT BEING A KATHOEY IS PERFECTLY NORMAL, β†’

Teen sex problem essay sample

A Brief Take on Teen Sex Pregnancy: It is not that teen sex is an absolutely new problem suddenly surfaced on earth it is the rising magnitude of it and mounting health problems in teens that has pushed this issue up in the agenda of social concern. The above report carries other statistics too that β†’

Eth/125 gender and sex worksheet

Do our concepts of gender and sex contribute to the ways we embrace gender and sex in diversity? Yes, our concepts of gender and sex contribute to the ways we embrace gender and sex in diversity.

Lord of the flies – role of ge

What was it that caused the aggression and dominance exhibited by the boys of Lord of the Flies? These portrayals of violent behavior associated with masculinity target young men and convince them that in order to live up to society's standards, they must resort to aggressive and dominant behavior, the use of assertion, and physical β†’

Pornography and its effects and causes

To find the causes and effects of watching porn among men and women. To analyze the effects of porn and its psychology with intimacy.

Sex tourism thriving in bible belt essay sample

Child sex offenders have been prosecuted in many parts of the world and this is a clear indication that sex tourism is being fought. It is important for the relevant authorities to introduce harsh sentences for those who engage in underage sex tourism.

Single sex classrooms

It also expands ideas of educational opportunities and core values for both boys and girls, and the classes generate custom created learning strategies and instructions to better learning. Girls at single sex schools are more likely to take nontraditional classes such as physics and advanced math because they have the opportunity to excel in them.

Is there too much sex on t.v?

Reasons to support the views that there is too much explicit sex on TV is that some people feel that sex on television has become acceptable and is being broadcasted in 'soaps' and other programs during the day. Sex on TV can also influence children in a huge way, many teenagers have admitted to having β†’

Critically evaluate

Discuss evidence for and against this explanation The subsequent part of this essay will now focus on the evidence against the theory of Evolutionary Psychology and will look at arguments in contradiction of this. The topic this essay will focus on in the argument against Darwin's evolutionary psychology theory as an explanation for sex differences β†’

Conjugal roles in the household

The Conjugal role of a man and a woman in the house In this research study I am going to investigate the conjugal roles within the household. Based on the information I gathered, I will prove my hypothesis that women are still performing the majority of household tasks and that the division of household tasks β†’

Sex marriage

The first is to remain celibate their entire lives so as not to " live in sin"; the second is to marry someone they do not truly love or find attractive simply for the marriage benefits; the third and final choice is to live together with their partner and face the dirty looks of fellow β†’

The reality of homosexuality in society

The fact that heterosexuals and homosexuals can engage in incest and bestiality shows the traditionalists to be begging the question in their grouping of the three. Journal of Homosexuality, "On the Prevalence of Homosexuality and Bisexuality".

Sex education is necessary in high-school

Sex education and HIV/STI prevention programs do not increase rates of sexual engagement, and do not lower the age at which youth engages them in sex, and they do not increase the number of sex partners and the frequency of sex among young adults. As of 93% who are actually in favor of the subject β†’

Detection of diabetic retinopathy

ABSTRACT: Diabetic retinopathy is a serious sight threatening complication of diabetes which causes damage to the blood vessels of the retina in people. Diabetic retinopathy is the most common cause of blindness of the eye.

Free research paper about diabetes in children

According to the preparation of the paper, the main aim of the researcher was to educate and inform the readers so as to understand the emotional effects of Juvenile diabetes in young ones with an estimated age of zero to 16 years. The purpose of screening is to accumulate all the data and information for β†’

Introduction diabetes

Normal Lips Appears dry Appears smooth and with moist Due to dehydration Ear > match the flesh color of the rest of the body> positioned centrally and in proportion to the head> no foreign bodies, redness, drainage, deformities, nodules or lesions The ears should match the flesh color of the rest of the body and β†’

Good essay on learning points from the critical analysis

[Institution Title] Given the case of the 52 year old Irish American patient suffering from malignant essential hypertension and beginning symptoms of history-related Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, the following learning points had been acquired:- Angina symptoms include severe chest pain associated with labored breathing and diaphoresis.- This is often mistaken for a heart attack because β†’

Chapter ii

The hormones of pregnancy or a shortage of insulin can cause gestational diabetes. Insulin is used for all types of diabetes.

Example of research paper on association of smoking cessation and weight change with cardiovascular disease among

In particular, the hypothesis of the study was that " weight gain following smoking cessation does not attenuate the benefits of smoking cessation among people with and without diabetes". The article did not have a separate section with the heading of literature review, however in the introduction and discussion of the results, the authors referred β†’

The prevalence of diabetes health and social care essay

It is indispensable to discourse the prevalence of diabetes and the its complications in order to hold a general thought about the magnitude of the job in Oman Diabetess prevalence is quickly increasing in Oman over last few old ages. The first national diabetes study, which was conducted in 1991, showed that the prevalence of β†’

Free critical thinking about a short research on health issues

Among the lifestyle preferences that lead to this health issue include lack of exercise and unhealthy meal planning. On the other hand, physical activities such as resistance and balance training, flexibility and aerobic exercises contribute to healthy lifestyle and control of aging among adults.

Letter literature review example

You and I have been friends for many years and you have stayed close to me as a sister; sometimes even more than a sister. Over the years I have watched you gain more and more weight and I fear for you because diabetes runs in your family.

Cataract research paper examples

Surgical removal of the cataractous lens is and the replacement of the optical power of the lens is the only effective method to restore lost vision. Majority of the cataracts cannot be prevented, though, sometimes, visual disability and blindness can be prevented in some cases.

Research paper on type 2 diabetes

It is interesting to note that ever since the 1970s, when middle-class families moved out of the urban areas and decided to reside in the suburbs, the market offering healthy foods moved out with them, leaving low-income families unable to purchase healthy food and have a balanced diet. In regards type two diabetes, or also β†’

Mobile device software in diabetes health and social care essay

To analyze the salient characteristics and measure grounds scientifically for the effectivity of mHealth engineering and results indiabetespatients self-management around the universe. The intent of this survey is to place the salient characteristics and measure grounds scientifically for the effectivity of mHealth engineering and results in diabetes patient 's self-management around the universe.

Peptide hormones report examples

Peptide hormones consist of a linear chain of amino acids, with the sequence of the amino acids determining the primary structure of the protein. Enkephalin, a neurotransmitters and a peptide hormone that is known to act like morphine and vie with same for the binding site in brain.

Good research paper about biology

PANCREATIC CANCER History of Pancreatic Cancer Cancer of the Pancreas is a malignant neoplasm coming from transformed cells occurring in tissues that form the pancreas. In the United States, this cancer is the fourth most general cause of cancer-related fatalities in the United States.

History of art Β– cubism

Historical Account Cubism is a part of the abstraction period of modern art in the beginning of the twentieth century. The Impressionists and Realists of the late 19th century started to paint more everyday items and in a ore spontaneous fashion, in contrast to the classical period which came before.

Type 1 diabetes: islet-cells transplant term paper sample

2014 Type 1 Diabetes: the Islet Cells Transplant Diabetes is a metabolic disorder in the endocrine system. The advanced islet cells transplantation experiment aims at finding the cure for type 1 diabetes, but it is still in trail stage.

Type 2 diabetes gene-environment interactions report examples

It is estimated that 30 percent of the population suffers from diabetes, and 90 percent of all diabetes cases are type 2 diabetes. Components of the " metabolic syndrome" and incidence of type 2 diabetes.

What is diabetes type 1 health and social care essay

Furthermore, the glucose is unable to be transferred from blood stream to the cells and the glucose degrees in the blood will be higher than normal. There are four types of bolus form which can assist the pumpers to find what is best for any given nutrient and by accommodating the bolus form to their β†’

Research paper on the dietary therapy of diabetes mellitus

The use of dietary therapy in the management of diabetes is a safe and a very effective means of improving the metabolic control. In the case of Type 1 diabetes, the use of dietary therapy helps in the reduction of the solute load that is getting into the kidney.

The use of motivational interviewing to help patients achieve better self-management research paper sample

In the process of operationalizing motivational interviewing for diabetes care, it is necessary for the management of health care organizations to provide the necessary resources and support for training of health practitioners and the evaluation of the operationalization process. The process of institutionalizing motivational interviewing in primary care is a continuous process.

Puerto rican health research paper

From all over the world, people refer to Puerto Ricans living on the mainland and dry lands mainland Puerto Ricans and those living in the islands or near the sea island Puerto Ricans. Puerto Ricans in the island would turn out to be healthier, due to all the fruits in the island and the non-processed β†’

Myra levine’s conservation model essay example

According to Levine's theory of conservation, the concepts of the patient and the environment include adaptation, response, and conservation. Nursing care in this case has to conform to the fact that the patient must be cared for to promote adaptation and maintenance of wholeness through conservation; hence, the care will focus on influencing the patient β†’

Essay on the risks of not breastfeeding for mothers and infants

For infants, not being breastfed is associated with an increased incidence of infectious morbidity, as well as elevated risks of childhood obesity, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, leukemia, and sudden infant death syndrome from diseases such as pneumonia, otitis media, gastroenteritis such as necrotizing enterocolitis, and lower IQ scores. The Risks of Not Breastfeeding β†’

Comparing quantitative and qualitative studies research paper sample

Meanwhile, in In Nurmi and Steiber-Roger's " Parenting Children Living With Type 1 Diabetes: A Qualitative Study," the researchers used a case study qualitative research design to discuss the sense of meaning parents receive when parenting diabetic children. In Nurmi and Steiber-Roger's " Parenting Children Living With Type 1 Diabetes: A Qualitative Study," the researchers β†’

Diabetes report essay sample

1674 brought Thomas Willis who had made a claim that rather than being a disease of the kidneys, Diabetes was a disease of the blood and that the sweetness of the urine was originally found in the blood then transferred to the urine. Bouchardat also had noticed that exercise was somewhat beneficial in the treatment β†’

Regenerative medicine – a potential cure for type 1 diabetes?

With the growing number of diabetes cases this essay aims to explore the possible options to reverse the destruction of -cells with the use of stem cells. Even with treatment these complications can arise due to the chronic exposure of hyperglycaemia.with this in mind he best way to counteract T1DM is not to treat the β†’

Research paper on motivational interviewing for better self-management

The effectiveness of motivational interviewing techniques in eliciting behavioral change is determined by the skill of the health care practitioners in using motivational interviewing techniques and the degree of collaboration by the patient. According to Steinberg, some of the parameters that can be evaluated in the determination of the overall effectiveness of motivational interviewing include, β†’

Example of current debates in health and health policy: the case of diabetes mellitus essay

Yet, knowing how to deliver the right kinds of treatment to patients of diabetes requires recognizing the contribution of two fields in the social sciences, namely history and sociology, alongside the perceived influence of public policy pertaining to diabetes. Moreover, a prevailing problem among state-level policies on diabetes is the lack of cultural appropriateness, in β†’

The impact/effect of obesity on the united states essay sample

Therefore, effect of obesity is increased diabetes in the States and the associated economic costs to the economy. The management of pediatric obesity and diabetes.

Example of diabetes mellitus research paper

S and affecting the 6 percent of the world's population diabetes mellitus is a serious health condition that should be treated with proper diet, medication and by educating patients about their disease to be able to monitor their condition and inform their health care providers of any worsening or other problems. Being a progressive disease, β†’

Diabetes mellitus

Canadian journal of diabetes: Canadian diabetes association 2008 clinical practice guidelines for the prevention and management of diabetes. Diabetes prevalence and income: Results of the Canadian community health survey.

An overview of diabetes health and social care essay

Diabetes develops when the pancreas fails to bring forth sufficient measures of insulin - Type 1 diabetes or the insulin produced is non working and can non reassign glucose into the cells - Type 2 diabetes. The deficiency of insulin consequences from the inability of the pancreas to let go of insulin because of automatic β†’

Free essay on new diagnostic tool for diabetes

The proposed method is use of HbA1c levels for the analysis of diabetes and its related outcomes. It will help in identifying the progress of the disease, how well the glucose levels have been controlled, how effective the treatment provided seems to be, the benefits of the dietary regulations and exercises.

Frequency of diabetes mellitus health and social care essay

The Asia and the Pacific have really high rates of diabetes and this is peculiarly due to the effects of modernisation, life style and the ripening of populations [ 1 ]. In fact, despite increasing consciousness of the turning job of diabetes and the recent publication of a figure of anticipations of current and future β†’

Manistique inc.

We will begin by analyzing the correlations between the different variables in the dataset to ascertain a conclusion as to whether the program has really improved safety attitudes and improved the time lost in injuries or whether the change is statistically insignificant Correlation between safe training attitude & i) Total number of injuries Using the β†’

Example of article review on statistical learning in children with specific language impairment

The first phase was administered on children with SLI condition and children without it as control to compare the results of tests done upon them. The second experiment with increased duration gave similar results which showed that there is a certain difference in the grasping ability of normal children and children with SLI.

Pttls legislation and codes of practise

Summarise the key aspects of current Legislation requirements and Codes of Practice relevant to your subject and the type of organisation within which you work In education there are certain Legislation requirements and Codes of Practice that must be abided by. Legislation requirement is enforced by the courts and is ' a duty to act β†’

Disability in society

Bartel and Guskin explain that through the social settings of normality and the expectation to maintain desirable attributes, ' those who fail to conform to these attributes are labelled deviant' thus, Haber and Smith add, ' the general tendency of the able-bodied population is to treat a disability as an extension of the sick role'. β†’

Healthcare educational resources essay sample

What are the challenges to implement the technology? 1." Children with disabilities sometimes need and are entitled to special equipment and services to ensure that they have access to a free and appropriate public education. Illinois provide a lot of different services and technology.

Person centred approaches in social care settings essay sample

It is important to work in these ways e.g: To meet the needs of the individual To provide the best possible quality care service To ensure a good quality of life of the individual To treat the individual as you would want to be treated QUESTION 3 DESCRIBE HOW TO FIND OUT THE HISTORY, PREFERENCES, β†’

Research paper on learning disabilities and current issues

Moreover, the current issues in learning disabilities are highlighted i.e, the more appropriate measure to identify and treat learning disabilities. Moreover, effectiveness of the treatment of learning disabilities in a child could not be predicted on the basis of diagnosis of discrepancy.

Describe one approach to identity. discuss how this approach can help to explain the identities of people with disabilities.

Social construction theories reveal the extent of autonomy that individuals have in relation to their identities. In examining how identity is actively constructed through social interaction and the employment of language, as well as by being affected by dominant discourse and societal change, such theories explain how people are able to negotiate their multiple identities β†’

Lecture 10

The Equal Regulations 1984 established the right to equal pay for work of equal value. The Employment Equality Regulations 2005 The Regulations made changes to the Sex Discrimination Act including the following: a) Redefinition of indirect discrimination.b) Specific definition of sexual harassment c) Pregnancy and maternity Sexual Harassment see note in text.

Disability film essay

The strength of the disability character is that she steps firm to ignore the resistance that comes from her father and aunt. The woman loves her child despite that he is a result of rape.

Abortion: the responsible decision

The decision or choices to terminate a pregnancy can be a difficult one and not well accepted by many people around the world, but aborting the child will be a smart and a responsible choice for a mother who is going to have a child with severe disabilities. To many parents this is not a β†’

Investigating special education internet resources

5 Community Family Village For Families of Children with Special Needs - http://www.familyvillage.wisc.edu/websites.html This website offers a wide variety of resources for the community to use when trying to navigate around the internet. This is a must to parents with a child that has a disability due to the fact that the website gets you β†’

Good these led to discrimination and marginalization essay example

Philosophers and thinkers have tried to analyze various elements of these classes and inequality system in the society and this has led to the marginalization of women as the fairer and weaker sex. In this way the concept of race has a lot of significance as it helps relate to the social and cultural characteristics β†’

Article critique education

Principals' Attitudes Towards Inclusion and the Effects For students with special needs and parents of children with disabilities, having a principal who supports inclusion is beneficial when it comes to receiving quality services for special needs children. The study indicated that principals who have positive experiences with students with disabilities and are familiar with the β†’

Good example of essay on education

The main challenge of providing EMS services in the rural setting is having a challenge reaching the patient, as it's sometimes hard to reach the patient prior it's too late. The future challenges surrounding EMS manpower issues are: Low system finance, low profit for EMS personal, lack of knowledge in special cases, bad patient care β†’

Living in a normal world

From birth Doodle was told he would not be able to do the things that others have because he has a heart condition. It might be difficult for the family to finally understand to the full extent that the handicapped member should be treated the same as other members but with a little caution.

Good research paper on disabilities in australia: policy barriers

The Australian Bureau of Statistics Report on Disability, education and employment outlines that there is a drop in the participation of people with disabilities in the labor force. Policy amendments ought to be made in order to increase the awareness and acceptance of the rights of people with disability.

Example of active student engagement of students with disabilities essay

First and foremost, they need to provide an enabling environment in which all students will not only be equal, but also appear to be equal. It is vital to understand that they undergo a unique set of challenges unlike normal students.

Support positive risk taking for individuals

The Person Centred Approach meets this by asking for a clear picture of what the person wishes to achieve, why this is important to the person, what success would look like, a history of the risk and uses the wouldoughnut' tool and decision making agreement tools to look at staff roles and responsibilities, and at β†’

Panasonic autonomous wheelchair: 6 things you need to know

In the trial stage for the WHILL NEXT wheelchair, collaboration was reached between Panasonic, WHILL Inc.and the Japan-located Haneda Airport. Its third function was designed to make a number of the wheelchairs to move a group of persons going to one destination and then return by auto-pilot to the start point as well.

The medical model of disability essay sample

The power to change the disabled individual and their life often is controlled by persons in a medical profession or common fields, whose main purpose is to focus on cures and recovery rather than a change in societal structure to adhere to the needs of a disabled person. In the point of view of the β†’

Essay on developmental disabilities

With the increased cases of behavioral, developmental and learning disabilities, it is very important for the parents, childcare providers and medical professional to understand clearly the causes and treatment of these disabilities in order to reduce their effects to those persons affected. Parents should discuss the conditions of their child with the pediatricians as β†’

Disability film essay examples

The King's speech movie is about an Australian speech therapist called Lionel Logue who was been retained by the Duke of York so that he could assist him to rectify his stammering disability at the time of the abdication crisis. The greatest strength of all is that the King overcomes the speech challenge and he β†’

Understanding cerebral palsy creative writing examples

As such, he should be encouraged all the time and a correct distinction should be there regarding his misbehavior and expressions due to his disability. He should be encouraged to participate in discussion and arguments with the help of speech and writing.

Review of acts for children and human rights

This will help make sure that child is safeguarded from any danger or risk because if other practitioners in the setting are made aware of the issue then they can look out for that individual more and being more alert of how the child is acting in the setting or to others around the and β†’

Vulnerability: disability and family reform act

The current definition, in the Department ofHealthguidance " No secrets", states that a vulnerable adult is " a person who is or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness; and who may be unable to take care of him or herself, or unable to β†’

Similarities between us gaap and ifrs for impairment of intangible assets – research paper

It is the requirement in both, IFRS and US GAAP that the intangible assets which have long life or indefinite life should be reviewed every year to assess the impairment. Moreover, Both GAAP and IFRS require that when the asset is recognized to be impaired then the asset has to be written down and the β†’

Biomedical and socio-medical models of health essay sample

I am going to assess the two models of health which are the biomedical model which this is objective and socio medical model which is subjective, I will be capering the two models of health by linking it to perspectives and to write my own examples to show my own understanding. The model says that β†’

Living through the sting of disability – new mobility

Stampler, 44, who became a wheelchair user following a spinal infection 14 years ago, sees himself as a work in progress." Bad days can bring the sting back to me, but I am learning that's when I need to reengage, get out and do something". I think to drown out the sting you have to β†’

The most distressing symptom essay sample

In her work life, she feels that the work she is producing is not of use, and has a very low view of herself and her abilities as a designer she is becoming increasingly worried that because of her lack of acceptable work, she may lose her job as well. Julie would be a good β†’

Positive attitudes towards essay sample

They will set steady targets for parents, key worker and anyone else involved with the child will follow and help to make a steady progress. They will assess the child behaviour and put stragities in place for all involved with the child to follow.

Task 1 (601.3.2-05)

The quality of educational services provided to students with disabilities must be equal to those provided to non-disabled students.- to ensure safeguards by defending the rights of parents and their child with a disability.- to aid states with early intervention for infants and toddlers along with their families.- to provide the necessary tools and support β†’

Work cite literature review example

The above event appears in the book once and it is in the author's ways of developing the plot of his book. Therefore, this event was important to the author as it help develop the plot of the book as well as the theme of drug abuse.

Free causal pathways essay example

Overview of Substance Abuse Substance abuse refers to the excessive and hazardous use of any psycho active substance or drug that affects a person's mental processes, leading on to a dependence syndrome. Prevention and treatment of substance abuse requires a comprehensive approach that includes medical, social and psychotherapeutic approaches.

High intensity substance abuse programming for offenders essay sample

The initial program that was implemented is known as High Intensity Substance Abuse Programs also known as, which consist of three intensive levels of treatment in which the offenders must complete in order to help reduce the recidivism rate as well as to have a better understanding as to the root of their substance abuse." β†’

Good example of drugs use causes increased crime rates research paper

Among several studies of the concept that drugs lead to crime, Gottfredson et al.report that following more than two decades of research by the Drug Abuse Research Center of UCLA, it was concluded that " crime was an inherent part of illegal drug use and the commission of property crimes almost always increased to support β†’

Alcohol use disorder

Alcohol-induced psychiatric syndromes The essential feature of alcohol-induced psychiatric syndromes is the presence of prominent and persistent symptoms, which are judged- based on their onset and course as well as on the patient's history, physical exam, and laboratory findings to be the result of the direct physiological effects of alcohol. The accuracy of these measures β†’

Use of alcohol by adolescents health and social care essay

This papers chiefly contains the inside informations of the intoxicant usage among the grownups and it besides contains the cultural, ethical, economical facets of intoxicant usage by the underage childs. Results verified that kids who are of the position that their parents are more of control of them were able to predate intoxicant and were β†’

Is it ethical to expel children carrying drugs or alcohol to school

Is expulsion of a child found In possession of narcotics in the best Interests of society and the child In question? It is important to also mention that since most of the children procured the absences from a knowing or unknowing adult, should the adult be vicariously responsible for the child takeresponsibilityand face the consequences β†’