Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Obesity in young children

Children in lower to moderate income family groups are more vulnerable to obesity due to poor diet in the form of fast food and limited opportunities for physical activities due to restricted spaces. Prevention is the only realistic solution to weight gain and obesity problems in children.

How to keep fit

By taking the stairs, you can easily get your muscles moving, not to mention burn a lot of calories. You can also do squats by leaning your back against the wall and rolling down until the back of your thighs and legs touch.4.

Public health related problems.

Public health is the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private, communities and individuals. The focus of public health intervention is to improve health and quality of life through the prevention and treatment of disease and other physical β†’

The causes of incease obesity among children

First of all, the major factor that caused the children to the phase of overweight is their eating habits and daily nutrition. Besides that, obesity problem is happened at the children because of their physical inactivity and secondary behaviour.

Paul voestermans the body as selfing device essay sample

Obesity Etiology Weight loss and regain is likely to be influenced, at least in part, by factors that contribute to the development of obesity. A low rate of fat oxidation reflects a reduced inclination for the body to use fat as fuel and is associated with poor weight maintenance.

Us food regulation research paper examples

The entity that is put in place to control it, to protect the people, the FDA and the USDA, do not do enough to protect its people from an industry that is harming consumers. Within these stories journalists tend to ask a several of the same question, " Is the US government doing enough to β†’

Metabolic syndrome

The two most important risk factors for metabolic syndrome are: * Extra weight around the middle and upper parts of the body. Expectations People with metabolic syndrome have an increased long-term risk for developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, kidney disease, and poor blood supply to the legs.

Knowledge and attitudes of a healthy lifestyle

If you are unable to get a team together do the same thing you did yesterday Do a kickboxing video. If you really feel into it do the stretches assigned to you and go for a light jog.

Australian health care system essay examples

Delivery of the primary healthcare in Australia is done by focusing on strategies such as: Undertaking the need of the community, Promotion of decentralized management of health services, development of balance between health promotion, preventive care and illness treatment, and prioritizing education of the community. That is usually predictor of for a healthy behavior considering β†’

Varying activity

And after weeks and weeks of figuring out what he believed he would commit to and what he thought would not take much time out of his day to accomplish was bike riding." Of course, the first days were rough for me because I have not been on a bike in years so my knees β†’

Tv is a bad influence

TV is a bad influence forhealth, the publicity should be regulated; for example adult content must not be shown at available hours and TV is not the only way for entertainment. In addition, overweight or obese actresses are more tend to be the joke of the TV shows and also to the violent acts.

Healthcare issues in the community

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's report notes that nutrition and obesity and an aging American population are health care challenges that define the healthcare system of the country. The need to address these healthcare issues cannot be overemphasized because of the adverse effects that they cause to the system and the general population; β†’

Free essay on obesity is not a disease

The best way to combat obesity is not to eat less, but by eating more of the healthy food such as fresh fruits and vegetables. A healthy mind and a healthy body will enable more citizens to participate in fulfilling the goals of the community.

Viability of ampalaya in making chips essay sample

This section includes the background of the study, statement of the problem and hypothesis, significance of the study, scope and limitation and definition of terms. It is good for rheumatism and diseases of the liver, aids in lowering blood sugar level and blood pressure, it can relieve headache, disinfects and heal wounds and burns, it β†’

Good example of obesity and chronic health conditions essay

Increased consumption of sweets and beverages, smoking are also the reasons of obesity. With the passage of time many of us in the community owns their own transport, this is also one of the causes of obesity.

The father hoog workout

The Father Hoog Story Motivation To Change Your Life From Overweight to Healthy Changing your life and deciding to do something different because you yearn to is something you read about, but I am here to tell you it can happen to you at any time in your life. Stretching the connecting groups of the β†’

Sedentary lifestyles

The questions at hand is what are the reasons behind living a sedentary lifestyle, whathealthissues can come from it, and why this lifestyle is not healthy? It is the same thing with a person and their body.

ο»Ώsatire essay “a modest proposal” essay sample

All of these seminars and required courses, etc would be presented and hosted by the Department of Public Health. The final part of this aspect of the plan to defeat obesity includes mandatory exercise sessions that would be medically required for those considered to be medically obese.

Kinesiology essay examples

The body stores those extra calories in the form of fat and the cumulative process leads to obesity. The NHLBI has conducted showing that due to the recent economic crisis hitting the nation, cases of obesity are expected to rise even more in the next two years.

Weight management

The most affective way of managing your weight is by controlling the amount of calories that your body consumes with the amount of exercise that you get in your daily activities. It is important to balance your body's energy with the amount of calories taken in verse the amount of calories that you burn by β†’

Nutrition essays example

Nutrition refers to the intake of food in relation to the body's dietary requirements. Good nutrition is the intake of a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

Chocolate can be good for your health research paper example

Chocolate is helpful when it comes to reduction of the level of bad cholesterol and increasing the good cholesterol. Chocolate is not just a sweet it has beneficial health effects to the people's health when it comes to their cholesterol, blood flow, and heart among others.

Health concerns in kuwait

The second factor that determines health is biology and genetics, many people in Kuwait marry their cousins, this leads to accumulated diseases in the genes, which leads to health issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure and more serious diseases. This is the lifestyle that most people in Kuwait follow which leads to obesity, diabetes, β†’

Evidence based practice research paper sample

It gives a detailed account of the impact of the pandemic in the American community. This gives the impact of the rising cases of obesity to the expenditure of the American healthcare system.


Third, the goal of the advertisements is to shock families into recognizing that obesity is a problem. Also, indeed, the reason why obese children are appeared is fault of their parent who does not recognition about obesity?

New york state and federal protection laws research paper examples

Funny enough, in the federal and New York State laws, there is no any single law that exists to interdict and protect the obese against prejudice and discrimination. The other shot that the discriminated obese have is the right to medical attention for a condition such as blood pressure and arrhythmia, which are related to β†’

Changing views on diet and exercise to combat obesity research paper sample

By downsizing the wallet every time an individual purchases unhealthy food, the government aims to instill in the minds of individuals that eating unhealthy food produces long-time negative effects to one's health. As a result, the government and concerned health groups began finding ways to curb obesity thus, the revival of the fat tax idea.

Good essay about urban sprawl and relations to obesity

Sprawl shows growth of a region that is beyond or outside the city because of the influence of the city. Since it is a form of extension of the urban life to the suburbs with the standards of the city being withheld, the residents are likely to embrace the city life.

An essay about obesity

In the case of anorexia, the lowering of metabolism and even the shutting down of essential organ systems is the body's last-ditch attempt at conserving energy until the ingestion of food. In essence the shutting down of vital organ activity is the body's means of dialing ' 9-1-1' for the input of more calories and β†’

Eating habits and exercise behaviors

Children, who are having problems in their lives, tend to keep their problems to themselves and this is where they continue to keep their eating habits in a poor selection and not taking care of their selves correctly. This direct to, when the children becomes adults, they tend to continue that eating habit and have β†’

Low fat diets vs. low carbohydrate diets

The Atkins diet plan, which is a low-carbohydrate diet, is a very popular diet. Someone has to have the willpower and a good attitude to stick with a diet and exercise plan.

Essay on childhood obesity

It is a very dangerous experience which can jeopardize the health of a child. Medically, obesity can be determined by measuring the amount of Body Mass Index of a patient.

Fighting the childhood obesity crisis in america

Fighting the Childhood Obesity Crisis in America The childhood obesity crisis in America is growing at an alarming rate and there needs to be a solution for our children's health and future. Schools can limit the sales of sugary drinks and unhealthy food choices to children.

The link between socioeconomic status and obesity literature review

Different research also point to several external factors which contribute to the decreased energy expenditure and increased caloric intake, which might have as well increased the rates of obesity for all the SES categories of US adults. Since food now is faster to make, there has been an enormous increase in the consumption of food β†’

Effects of parents on childhood obesity

The facts and statistics should accomplish a sense of ownership and understanding of a child's environment and the effects that the parent/guardian has in a positive or negative way. The nature of this problem and the vast amount of people it pertains to is incomputable.

Example of research paper on the challenges of obesity prevention in the

For example, the rise in the rate of obesity in the United States can be traced back to children that were born in the 1950s and 1960s. The problem of obesity in the United States is widespread and difficult to address.

Health: obesity and overall personal feelings

What I see as outcomes by which to measure success is the way that clothes are fitting will help determine the success of weight loss and weigh-in once a week to determine weight loss success. Evaluation of potential health risks that may develop if the plan is not implemented is if I do not follow β†’

Media influences on plastic surgery and body weight essay

This is in contrast to the increase in weight in the average body size of the female over the years in the American society. The danger in the media portrayal of the perfect female is that the women have a tendency to compare themselves with these women in the television.

Good essay about rigid parenting style linked to obese kids

Obesity rates in the United States have more than doubled in children and have quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years, according to the U.S. In the nationally representative analysis of Canadian children, Kakinami and her colleagues found that youngsters aged 2 to 5 with authoritarian parents were 30 percent more likely to be β†’

Bone + oak forskolin review

In case you are in like manner encountering this weight get issue thusly, you ought to use Bone + Oak Forskolin weight decrease supplement that diminishes the fat from your body ordinarily and enables the assimilation to rate that is charm for your body. This weight diminishment supplement grows the level of your assimilation in β†’

Free research paper on current semester

During its treatment, its goal is to reduce the symptoms that have been caused by the disease and to improve on the quality of life of the patient. The two types of arthritis can be distinguished by the cartilage degeneration and the bony overgrowth of the joints once the patient is affected.

Associate program material

While both running on a treadmill and running outdoors are beneficial for a healthy lifestyle, there are factors that may affect the overall outcome of where you decide to exercise.I. Treadmill running and running out door are not quite the same a.

Obesity research paper essay sample

Another aspect of the rhetorical situation is the appeal of pathos with its basis being to intrigue the audience, show the relation in their lives, and appeal to an individual aspect within the reader's emotional bank. The statistical research and examples represented throughout the article seems never-ending, but more so, is striking and causes the β†’

Free essay on physiology and well-being

According to a renowned Greek philosopher the well-being and happiness of an individual of is based on their ability to overcome pain this theory by Democritus is known as hedonic. The Romans used religion to implement and execute laws that determined the well-being of individuals.

Casey farley

However, the issue proposed is that of the risk of using artificial sweeteners, which include carcinogens, or natural sweeteners, which tend to lead to obesity. Regarding the topic of which is healthier; I believe that the option of artificial sweeteners is superior to that of natural sweeteners.

Health care system report examples

The actual tasks of caring for the obesity and elderly in 2030 will engross: making certain society develop imbursement and insurance methods for long-term care which function better than presented ones, taking advantage of progressions in behavioral health and medicine to maintain those with obesity and the aged as healthy and active as doable, and β†’

Benefits of exercise

Exercise and physical activity deliver oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and help your cardiovascular system work more efficiently. And when your heart and lungs work more efficiently, you have more energy Exercise promotes better sleep Regular physical activity can help you fall asleep faster and deepen your sleep.

Brad ward

S and that issue is why some people say that they believe obesity is a disease and why another set of people that think a person chooses to live the lifestyle of obesity. This group of people feels that being obese is a lifestyle and that too much cost goes into providing the coverage for β†’

Facts and figures on childhood obesity

Facts and Figures on Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity represents one of our greatest health changes and is now among the most widespread medical problems affecting children and adolescents living in the United States and other developed countries. According to the American Obesity Association, approximately 15% of adolescents and children are obese in the U.

Good example of should we lower the drinking age essay

Supporters of lowering the drinking age chose 18 because that is the age the American youth become legal adults. According to Carroll 77% of Americans oppose lowering the drinking age to 18.

Gastritis: risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment case study sample

A small tube is inserted through the patient's mouth into the stomach to observe the inflammation in the stomach mucosal lining of the patient. Blood tests can be performed to investigate the presence of H.pylori, to get a blood cell count and to detect the existence of pernicious anemia in the patient.

Free alcohol and substance abuse among children: the effect of school-based health and education partnership program term paper example

Furthermore, the passage of the bill will authorize school health centers to assess, screen, and provide appropriate services alcohol and substance abuse among students. The reason is that the bill will have important implications for the health of students, especially in the context of alcohol and substance abuse.

Over 21 is not the answer

In 2008, over 120 college presidents came together to make a proposal for lowering the drinking age to 18." This, they suggested, would take colleges out of the untenable position of pretending that students under 21 are not drinking, and it would turn drinking into a public activity. It is not safe to assume that β†’

Free research paper on gustafsen lake

Moreover, the new program will also have to meet the needs of all the students in order to ensure equality in learning. The goals of this plan will be to provide awareness about the effects of alcohol and drug abuse among the youth in the reserve.

Effects of new alcohol marketing methods on youth population

The article consists of four main parts, which tell about historical milestones of alcohol advertisements and faces used in, evaluation of the advertisement methods in the last five years, newly produced alcohol mixed beverages and their impacts, and the academic examination and offers about restriction of the alcohol advertisement, respectively. In the end of the β†’

Tim shores

In this essay it will be discussed that drinking does not help college students, it increases fatalities in automobile accidents, and parents should be punished for giving alcohol to minors. From this essay, it is concluded that drinking does not help college students, lowers fatalities in automobile accidents and that parents need to be punished β†’

Life with father

When Njeri was 3 years of age she remembers this like it was yesterday, how her father punched her mother in the face while she was in her mothers arms. He worked so hard to get promoted when that promotion did not happen his family was the target of his domestic violence.

Facts about teenage drug and alcohol abuse: statistics and causes term paper

As one can clearly understand, the use of alcohol and drugs is widely spread among students up to the 12th grade and a large portion of the student body has dove into alcohol and drugs, which makes the problem more intense for the families all across the United States, among other countries. In order to β†’

Preventing injuries by providing information

As a result, alcohol related harm, among young people 16-24 years, is one of the leading causes of disease and injury burden in Australia and 52% of all alcohol-related serious road injuries are attributed to adolescents 15-24 years of age. It found that the burden of injury in Australia is high, and parent education and β†’


Acetaldehyde is present everywhere in the atmosphere and may be produced in the body due to the breakdown of ethanol. A, abstinence is believed to be the treatment of choice after suffering from alcohol abuse.

Effectiveness of bacterial disinfectants on surfaces of mechanical ventilators article review sample

The purpose of this article was to assess the rate at which bacteria contaminate the surface of ventilator equipment and other equipment being used by the hospital for the patients care. Aureus on the ventilator system was significantly decreased following the use of 75% alcohol aerosol.S.

Should the alcohol drinking age be increased or decreased argumentative essay

On that basis the main point of this essay is to show the advantages and disadvantages of increasing or decreasing of drinking age and prove why one is better than the other. In my opinion, the thing we do not want according to the present social, finance, and politic circumstances is that the legal drinking β†’

The effect of alcoholism on the family

The significant effect of the presence of alcoholic in the family has caught the attention of many scholars and institutions. Specifically, it aims to discuss the following: The parental behavior of alcoholics Spousal and childviolenceof alcoholics The biological effects on the child of alcoholics The psychological effects of alcoholism on the family members Considering the β†’

Alcohol essay 6

As it is usual for alcoholics to get insensible when they are drunk, they are not thinking of the safety of others and themselves. Excessive consumption of alcohol may result in consequences of one's health and, to a certain extend, the people around them as it is said " better safe than sorry", it is β†’

Good case study about employment law

The Supreme Court of Canada only recently released a ruling related to random alcohol and drug tests at the workplace in Canada. Concerning the Irving employee case, England reveals that the court established that the company was lacking insufficient evidence to support a random drug and alcohol test.

Essay on defining stereotype

Most of the time, people do not realize that their perception is influenced by such conventional concepts and that it is leading them to being judgmental and prejudiced. As teenagers are expected to behave rebelliously, they start believing that such behavior is a norm for their age.

Research paper on underage drinking

Alcohol usage among the youth is becoming a drug of choice and this has resulted in the emergence of dire consequences to the society. This is because of the fact the alcohol impairs the judgment of an individual which is more dangerous to the young drinkers.

Essay on alcoholism in the native american society

He conveys alcoholism as a source of domestic conflicts, Loss of potential and lives, and the disintegration of the moral fabric within the Native American Society. Before he starts to engage in alcohol, he is the favorite of the whole reservation due to his great skills in the game.

Example of coffee and caffeine essay

The way the coffee is made, plus how the coffee drinker likes their coffee makes it alluring. This paper will look at the alluring of coffee about benefits and problems that coffee and caffeine can bring.

Research paper on alcohol and domestic violence how alcohol abuse has increased domestic violence

The paper analyzes and discusses the effects of alcohol abuse and domestic violence in addition to determining ways in which alcohol leads to domestic violence cases. The City is known to suffer from the highest rates of drug abuse and majority of violence case reported in the region have been linked to the abuse of β†’

Free case study on mock grievance

The decision of suspension and last chance letter, taken by the company was very right. Any employee who is under influence of drug/ alcohol can be a cause for a huge damage to the company.

Sample essay on mdma and alcohol

The rest of the alcohol travels to the intestines with the rest of what is being metabolized and is absorbed. MDMA attacks neurons in the brain, causing the release of serotonin and dopamine while alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream, causing incoherence.

Alcoholism and spiritual influence health and social care essay

The AA outgrowth as a personal transmutation potent vehicle has besides been committed and vastly influential, as it brings in the term spiritualty to the spotlight of the mental wellness professionals every bit good as the general populace. In add-on, in a sample of 101 doctors indiscriminately selected in a group of those monitored by β†’

Alcoholism people

According to Donald, family studies have repeatedly confirmed that the risk of alcoholism is higher among parents, siblings, and children with relatives that are alcoholics. With any substance that is introduced to the body, it becomes familiar with it and can withstand more of a dose that normal.

Riley warner

The first main point of not lowering the legal drinking age is teen depression. The second main point of not lowering the legal drinking age is health problems.

The destructive growth of alcoholism in america

Hence, according to the History of Alcohol, "[i]n 1920 America saw prohibition in an effort to prevent the social problems caused by alcohol abuse." Thornton, an economics professor, expressed that during 1920-1933, " national prohibition of alcohol [in the US was a] 'noble experiment'- undertaken to reduce crime and corruption, solve social problems, reduce the β†’

Course work on algebraic exponents and polynomials used in real-world applications

For example, if a person is brought to the emergency room with a high blood alcohol level the dosage of medication will have to be determined based on the alcohol concentration in the blood.Dr.E.M.P. Medical uses are more difficult for the layperson to understand because they have not studied the subject in terms of dosage, β†’

Alcoholism among the youth

The legal drinking age should not be lowered due to the fact at a younger age; people are less tolerant and less capable of controlling their reactions to the alcohol, potentially putting their lives and the lives of others in danger. One of the largest arguments in favor of lowering the drinking age is the β†’

Example of warrantless searches term paper

The paper will provide a succinct historical analysis of the development of the topic and will review the position of the Supreme Court with regard to the matter. The suspect went to court and argued that the police did not have a warrant that allowed them to search the vehicle.

College students: propensity to drink and drive

Its shown in the National Survey of Drinking and Driving Attitudes and Behaviors that persons driving within 2 hours of consuming alcoholic beverages in the year 2008 that do it most fall in the ages of 21-24. 8 million college students reported driving under the influence of alcohol in 2010.

Example of report on procedure

The general formula of an ester compound is as follows: The experiment aimed at preparing esters from alcohol and carboxylic acids and identification of the characteristic odors of the ester prepared. The test tubes were removed from the water bath and the smell of the vapor tested.

Youth, alcohol, and drugs

Youth, Alcohol, and Drugs Drugs as well as alcoholic beverages are one of the many things that have a negative outcome on young people. These causes can lead one to drugs and the effects that most of these drugs have on human body are devastating and can be worse for an adolescence that is still β†’

Arguments for a lower drinking age 18 years essay examples

It is also clear that individuals below the age of 18 are physiologically in the process of maturation and therefore are likely to develop complications as a result of alcohol consumption. This brings us to the conclusion that the minimum drinking age should not be lowered to 18 since it is more beneficial, responsible and β†’

The prize winner of defiance ohio

Although he disagreed with his family all the time, the children learned to be patient with him, through their mother. In the end, she changed him out of his wrong habits and made him love to be hopeful.

Analyzes the real and potential threats of the problem for the united states and research paper

The threats and effects of alcohol and drug addiction in the US are evident from the nature of criminal activities, overstrained healthcare sector, environmental destruction and loss in productivity of the people in the society. The addiction to alcohol and drugs is a potential threat to the level of criminal activities in the US and β†’

Essay on drugs and alcohol

This includes the type of substance, the frequency and other questions pertaining to the habitual use of the substance. Studies show that individuals, teenagers in particular, who are exposed to environments where drug or alcohol abuse is rampant, the risk of developing a substance abuse problem is higher.

How does alcohol affect our society and our health?

The highest percentage of Alcohol is normally in spirits and the lowest is in beer. The question is, " If alcohol is a killing drug, should it be advertised in the manner of making one think it tastes great and will make you stronger? ".

Slide 6 (treatment barriers) dissertation samples

On the first RQ/H1 mention that " the hypothesis was developed based on the fact that all states were included in the survey and that geographic data was collected. Upon further investigation of the codebook, the researchers mentioned that the data was coded to protect the participant's privacy.

The american diabetes association recommends that people with diabetes who need essay example

They do not take in the proper amount of nutrients and mineral and thus have abnormal bone density levels, which can affect the healing of bone and connective tissue. The glycemic index for sucrose is low because the sucrose is a disaccharide made of one fructose and one glucose molecule.

Example of argumentative essay on marijuana

By a careful consideration of the benefits and effects of marijuana as well the benefits and effects of other equally harmful but legalized drugs falling in the same or almost the same category with marijuana, it can be argued that marijuana should be legalized. The most formidable arguments siding with the legalization of marijuana are β†’

Research paper on why is this still a problem

In the process of presenting a suggestion or idea to the person who has the power to implement it, the procedure of presentation influences the decision maker's acceptance or rejection of the idea. That shows that in the span of two years more people continued to die due to accidents caused by drunk driving, β†’

Alcoholism and its effects on the family

The said disease is said to be distinguished by periodic or continuous intake of alcohol, without worrying about the adverse effects the addiction may incur on the individual. The normal signs include problems in the stomach and in the intestines, ulcer, nausea and vomiting, deliriums, and the urge to have more of the habitual vice.

Soma drug in brave new world critical thinkings example

The text is informative with regard to the state of mind of the people within the society and how the use of drugs to deal with challenges in societies has become a rule rather than the exception. Based on Huxley's use of soma drug and the social concepts that the author discusses throughout the novel, β†’

Current event analysis essay sample

It should also be appreciated that the event occurred in the wake of a rising call for the strengthening of the provisions of the SEC with the ultimate view of developing a progressive tax regime. It is the expectation of the company that it would reach out to the market through the introduction of the β†’

Kayla goad

Michael is very supportive of this vaccine; he feels that if the effects of this vaccine work, it will have an impact on all the alcoholics everywhere. The purpose of this vaccine is to give alcoholics an instant and excessive hangover if they drink even an insufficient amount; it sends a biochemical messenger to the β†’

Literature review on sociology

In the FT study conducted, the percentages of those who went through the therapy successfully were derived from the actual cases that were used in the study. This is information is in congruent to the results discussed at the end of this article after the results of the study are presented.