Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

The roles of the mentor and of the preceptor in nursing

As a result of this great and continued need for the retention of new and newly advanced nurses, both mentors and preceptors are of overwhelming value to the profession. The learning contract is also a valuable learning and teaching tool that can be used to direct both the teaching process and the learning process, as β†’

Free essay on reply post 2 to: (name) nursing philosophy

I am gratified that you found my views on the value of education and experience of particular interest, and that you agree with my sentiments in that regard. I believe that the similarities in the nation's nursing practices exist not just because of nursing philosophers and theories that form the basis for nursing, but also β†’


The level of success of the project is evaluated in terms of the quality of services that the target market will enjoy. Additionally a marketing plan will allow the market to be aware of the service and interested in using it.

Concerns about research methods course

Concerns about Research Methods 27 AUG The Concerns about Research Methods The development of nursing - from the catholic monks of the Dark Ages who provided care for the sick, to the nursing care provided by prisoners in the 17th century, to the dedicated services of the famous Florence Nightingale who is considered a ' β†’

Inter professional working essay sample

By using the combined expertise and resources of professionals we gain a better understanding of the service user and this enables us to build a better picture centred on the service user and their needs to ensure appropriate and effective levels of care and support. Clear responsibilities and lines of communication lead to successful partnership β†’

The ethical dilemma of abortion

In this case, the ethical dilemma is which life ought to be saved, between that of the child and that of the mother, when it becomes apparent that the life of the mother is in danger, due to the pregnancy she is carrying. For the proponents of the view that life starts at conception, terminating β†’

Materials in supporting client education nursing essay

In a research study of using CAL modules in a pigmented lesion clinic in U.K.produced by, 227 patients were recruited for a true experimental design with pretest and posttest and follow-up of the knowledge score after intervene of CAL modules teaching about skin protection and signs of melanoma, it found a significant increase in patients β†’

Log 4

Upon my arrival, I met the nurse in charge, and she assigned me to a case involving the preparation of a patient for the operation room. In the process of the case, I learned that the checklist was a very essential tool in determining the flow of the whole process.

Choose and read an article

Also, the study employed a qualitative research method which primarily is prone to a lot of weaknesses. Nevertheless, the data collection method employed is a major strength of the research.

The history of impaired skin integrity nursing essay

On admission to the ward patient seemed slightly confused due to dehydration and hypoglycaemia, she was orientated to the time and place. I assisted patient with washing and dressing and patient was escorted to the procedure.

Discussion 2

Nursing Discussion 2: Factors affecting Nursing Education In the last few years, nursing education like all the other professions has developed its own reforms which continue to be in a similar pace with those of the higher education. One of the factors that affect nursing education is the shifting demographics in the health care sector.

Every the practice of nursing have originated.

Orem formulated its concept of nursing inrelation to self-care as part of a study on the organization and administrationof hospitals. The self-care theory, explains the conceptof self-care as a constant contribution of the person to their own existence.

Introduction of latest medical equipments nursing essay

Internal integration of services: It would be assured that all the services provided to the patients would be integrated internally so they maybe seamless to the patient. Development of multidiscipline strategic plan: For better services, proper multidiscipline strategic plans would be made by experienced personalities about the management and development of the hospital, the patient's β†’

The role of nursing theory

The role of nursing theory is applicable in the nursing practice in various ways. The nursing theory plays a very crucial role in drawing attention to the vital elements of nursing, for instance, the concept of home health, patient, and the environment of the patient, as well as the care nurses give.

The state of management in nursing homes

As such, I am sure that manager or leaders of nursing homes have comprehensively evaluated techniques and strategies that would ensure the continued existence of these nursing homes. Actually, in diverse settings, regardless of economic condition, organizations should harness the power of teamwork as a means of improving performance and productivity.

Helpful nursing experience

It is a recognized fact that not all nurses are given the chance to work in this particular section of a hospital since it requires not just a thorough knowledge in the processes involved in surgery, but likewise needs an alert mind to cope with the necessities of the situation at the shortest time possible. β†’

Advanced nursing

Credentials for a specialist require current licensure as a registered nurse, at least a master's degree in nursing, current national certification in the advanced practice area, and approval by the board of nursing,". Unfortunately, inability of government to establish in a timely manner guidelines for advanced nursing practice results in a conflict between the roles β†’

Problem identification

The percentage of individuals who are uninsured / underinsured is increasing at a rapid rate, and coupled with the rising cost of healthcare services the access to health care is become more and more elusive. 7 million people in the U.S.are currently uninsured, which is estimated to be at a record high and reflects the β†’

Mentoring to retain nursing staff

The purpose of the study aims to investigate the results of theeducation-based preceptor program of a community hospital intended to address the declining retention rate ofnursingstaff in the hospital. The primary strength of the study is the combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches to derive rich data.

Research critical appraisa

Research into the use of the evidence-based practice is among the fields that has remarkably affected the exemplar shift and is intertwined with the other fields. References The Impact of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and the Next Big Ideas.

Performance appraisal system

Performance appraisal system Table of Contents Coexistence of CQI and punitive reporting systems in the nursing homes on US 3 Methods of implementation of a CQI process for reducing medical errors 4 Changes in the incident reporting and the performance appraisal systems 5 Reference 7 Coexistence of CQI and punitive reporting systems in the nursing β†’

Practice act

One specific thing that came out of this is the idea of the angels of mercy. One of the primary stipulations of the act is in relation to the protection of lives as opposed to terminating them.

Inpatient and outpatient hospital services essay

The major differences between inpatient and outpatient hospital services are the type of services they provide, the coding, and billing process. Outpatient departments provide services such as same-day surgery, where surgeries are performed and the patient does not have to stay overnight or be admitted in the hospital.

Research critique qualitative study essay sample

The purpose of the study was to gain further knowledge and answer the aforementioned questions in order to improve the quality of life of patients with atrial fibrillation. Literature Review Part of the need for this study was due to the fact that there is very little research specifically to patients living with atrial fibrillation.

Goal after graduation

I believe that continuing my education at the community college would help me to understand the basics of the field that I am trying for. I believe that studying further would help me to climb the ladder and become experienced in this particular field.

Evidence-based practice

The aspects of evidence-based practice in home care are interrelated, and all of them have the opportunity of affecting the clinical decision. For a person working as a home care professional, serving the elderly population, evidence-based practice within the context of providing care may lead to the best clinical decision-making, as well as helping in β†’

Standards of care from a legal and a nursing perspective

Standards of Nursing Care Standards of nursing care from a legal and a nursing perspective All registered nurses hold the responsibility and accountability of safe, ethical, compassionate, and competent practice according to their individual and legislated scope of practice. In order to ensure that their practice is in line with the provided standards, it is β†’

Nutrition in school-aged children

The researchers have addressed the issue of nutrition and poverty and how it affects the school aged children. Research shows that children with poor nutrition are likely to miss days of school and hence repeat classes.

International journal of mental health nursing (2011) 20, 454459

The present project documents some experiences of a small cohort of RN during the rst 2 years of mental health 2011 The Authors International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 2011 Australian College of Mental Health Nurses Inc. It was discussed mostly in response to a memorable clinical situation with a positive outcome, but also in β†’

Ventura county medical center expansion project research paper examples

Ventura County will benefit because the approval of the plan was driven by the increased need in improved medical facilities and attention. This is because the increased bed capacity and facilities in the proposed expansion of the county medical center will ensure more patients are attended to at a time.

Hypnosis research paper

While these media descriptions of hypnosis is somehow true given hypnosis' definitions, many are left unaware as to the true nature of hypnosis and how beneficial it is to the public in terms of therapy and understanding how the mind works under a trance-like state. With psychologists showing the capacity of hypnosis to target the β†’

The clinical environment regarding teaching practice nursing essay

McBrien says that students find it difficult to adjust to a new clinical environment and this adjustment makes students feel anxious and scared, and affects students' participation in their learning process.states that the fundamental role of the mentor is to promote a sense of belongingness according to the third level of Maslow's hierarchy. The basic β†’

Adoption of standardized terminologies

In health care, it is, therefore, fundamental to use standardized nursing terminologies to help in capturing nursing's independent contributions that replicate the uniqueness of nursing care as a discipline. According to Nolan, a standardized nursing terminology is a common language among clinical nurses that they readily understand and that are unique to and describes nursing β†’

Foley catheter insertion teaching plan

Educational Activity September 2, Educational Activity of Activity: Foley Catheter Insertion Objectives Upon completion of the session, the learner will be able to: I. Inform the patient of the procedure and put him or her on his back D.

Nursing research

In this regard, it is important to point out that the role of nurse educators, in teaching and preparing registered nurses and licensed practice nurses when entering into practice positions, is crucial for the profession. In line with this, the role of determining the quality of care provided by nurses is dependent on the quality β†’

Drug use and abuse: practice assignment

Another reason they said not to take drugs is because if I get caught, the chances of me getting a job or going to college are slim. They set my beliefs, practices and behaviours toward drugs which is not to take drugs as they are harmful and will change my attitude towards other due to β†’

Aspects of discharge planning nursing essay

It will examine the characteristics of COPD at end of stage in the first section, because this is what Mr Smith suffers from and will therefore determine the discharge package of care to be used for him. However a proper training is required for nurses, because there appears to be a limitation in their knowledge β†’


Social Rights of Women in Mexico: Due Social Rights of Women in Mexico. Efforts to salvage the rights of women in Mexico have had a plunge occasioned by repugnant tendencies of authorities and employers who actively and openly discriminate against women.

Analysis of relationship between nurse staffing and medication errors article by a.m. barbara

The latter view revealed a correlation between the number of nursing staff and the medical errors reported in a nursing unit. The second category of coefficient determines the relationship between medical errors and a particular predictor variable.

Week 9 case study

Objective investigation: The patient will be required to undergo certain tests to confirm the cause of the weight loss and lymphadenopathy. A diet rich in iodine and iron and high in energy is also recommended for the patient.

Nursing research

In this case, this type of research provides support for Evidence Based Practice in nursing by using statistical data and analyzing the data from various resources and samples in order to derive results that generalized the findings from the sample to the entire population. Hence, such information present in an article indicates the presence of β†’


How would the role of the Advanced Practice Nurse influence on EBP in my unit Lecturer's In an effort of enhancing progress and safety in the healthcare setting, advanced practice nurse need to base their clinical practice on the best clinical evidence. Advanced nursing practice entails an advanced level of clinical nursing practice that maximizes β†’

Allied therapies essay examples

The patient should provide the historical information of his or her problem to help the therapist know what could be the cause of the problem. The patients will have to provide specific information about the kind of problem they have to help the physiotherapist determine the kind of treatment to administer.2.

Health promotion essay sample

In order to encourage a patient to make immediate and permanent behavior changes, the nurse must determine individual's perception and understanding of the problem that affects the recovery. The most fundamental aspects for the patient are the willingness and readiness to participate and as for the nurse is to formulate individual plan in assisting the β†’

Summative assignment on learning disabilities scenario

Nursing and Midwifery Council states that nurses have a duty of care to act in the best interests of their patients and work with other' s to protect and promote health and wellbeing to those in care, their families and the wider community. It is important that James's care needs are taken into consideration and β†’

Nursing process recording

I asked her about her education and employment status. I also asked her how she experienced her illness, and whether or not she was hopeful for the recovery.

Free patient care essay example

If the patient corporate with the Physician, it becomes easy for the Physician to treat the disease well. It is for the benefit of Physician- Patient caregiver relation.

Nursing image in the movie “the english patient”

Thus, Hana demonstrates the values of service to others and humanism, since she does not limit her care to professional interactions, but is ready to take the patient as ahuman being. Maybe the reason is that Hana just happened to become a nurse because she wanted to make a contribution to her nation in the β†’

Legal regulatory , and etical issues

Preventing Discrimination in the Workplace Preventing Discrimination in the Workplace As a leader, I know for sure that discrimination in the workplace is one of the unethical and unlawful practices that should not be entertained whatsoever. This was an act of discrimination that directly violated Equal Employment Opportunity Act and Title VII of the Civil β†’

What is rheumatoid arthritis nursing essay

A normal joint and how it should beThis is when RA happens.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rheumatoid_arthritis#JointsDue to the entry of the white blood cells into the joint lining which because inflammation then the joint is swollen, hot, tender to touch, painful and the functions are poor and over time can be deformed. Musculoskeletal ultrasound can be used in the β†’

(love) ethical issues in healthcare

Describe examples of each morality type Personal morality is the contrast of right and wrong according to an individual's own perspective and own set standards. Group morality on the other hand is the contrast values of right and wrong that are stipulated by each group according to the group dynamics and its organizational culture.

Historical figurs of nursing

Margaret remained dedicated to her commitment and established the first U.S.birth control clinic in 1916 in Brooklyn, N. A key to Margaret's continued success with the clinic was her marriage to J.

Nursing theory

The article informs the readers about how this theory by Dorothea Orem has been effectively used for the purpose of research in the field of nursing. The article is a very good source of information regarding Orem's theory of nursing.


The application of this method also reduces the possibility of one patient transmitting the disease to others. This is because the patient period of stay in hospital decline when drugs are administered using meter dose inhaler and spacer as compared to use of nebulizer.

How can the five hro principles help health care organizations improve patient safety

In other words, the healthcare environment and culture play a vital role in satisfying the objectives of healthcare organizations. For overcoming these challenges, the healthcare organizations are required to understand the causes behind inadequate supportive safety culture and process reliability.

To promote critical reasoning

The only request of the donor was to put the money to the most beneficial use. In this case, the highest authorities seem to be in the professional capacities of the Administrator and the Finance Officer with no clear distinctions of who should be in charge to decide on matters of the funds.3.


Another main difference in the recording of transactions between the two types of organizations is in respect of recording equity. In conclusion, the main difference in the recording of information in profit oriented and non-profit oriented organization relates to the maintenance of ledgers, recording of equity, and limitations regarding the use of funds.

Innovation in nursing ip phase 2

It is not just the adjustment time that is important, it is also the quality of care and appreciation for the process which has been introduced. Willingness to learn is somewhat associated with the fact that though one is knowledgeable in the field, there would be breakthroughs and changes which are needed to be executed.

Essay on theorist comparison paper

Nightingale in her theory emphasized on the humanistic approach to nursing, by use of meticulous data analysis of patients and their relation to their environment. The aspects that the patients responded to were conditions of a careful alignment of the environment of the patient to enable their recuperation.in this respect, nightingale addressed the human aspects β†’

Discussin question

She is a career nurse who was elected to the House of Representative for the first time as a Democrat in 2006. She was instrumental in helping to push forward the legislation of Advanced Practice Nursing task and for enhanced access to health care.

Nursing theory

Nursing Theory Nursing Theory STTI is a society that honors the profession of nursing and leaders in the profession, it is functionalin more than 90 nations, the society helps its members in acquiring information, scholarships and knowledge about the services that nurses should provided for the wellbeing of people throughout the world. All these organizations β†’

Find this and answer this questions schwarz, k., mion, p., & litman, g. ( 2007). telemonitoring of heart failure patients and their caregivers

Research Question The research question of the study is ' what are the ways of updating, reviewing, and assessing the effects of structured telephone support programs completed by Clark 2007?' Concepts Influencing the Researcher's Choice of Research Design The concepts influencing the researcher's choice of research design are depth of the study, logical similarity, hypothetical β†’

Free literature review about comparison of honey treatment and traditional ointments in the treatment of pressure ulcers: a literature review

In this paper, a literature review of five articles published in reputable journals compares the use of honey-based ointments with traditional ointments in the effectiveness in the treatment of pressure ulcers. The discussion of the study stated that the chances of infection increase with the duration of time between the burn and initial treatment; infection β†’

Samiul h. mozumder congressional cuts in kids health

Also this week, theNational Governors Association gave out a message to the greater number and fewleaders of both houses of two houses of Congress, telling " instantaneousaction" on spending for CHIP and the collective health clinic and home visitingplaybills that also finished during September 30." Manchin tells, ' nothing'sbeen done' due to the ' health β†’

Premise ato

To understand the ratio as to what is the percentage of providers that actually wash their hands according to the standard policies and procedures, this paper looks at secondary evidence and journal articles to look at what the percentage is and why hand washing is so important. This complaint from nurses of not having enough β†’

Research paper on nursing

Metaparadigm Concepts of Nursing Human Beings In nursing concepts, human beings are the most valuable as they need to be respected, understood and nurtured along with their rights to make some questions about the procedures and health care they receive. This is where the patient and nurse encounters care, health risks, and health's experience.

The distinction between leadership and management

Teacher The Distinction between Leadership and Management Leadership and management may be interchangeable but there are actually distinctions about them that made leadership different from management and vice versa. Leadership provides the direction, vision and purpose on the organization while management provide the methods and tools to achieve it.

Nursing practice act requirements

A code of ethics guides the nurses to act professionally, honestly, and with integrity. Unlike in the nursing profession where every nurse owes a duty of care to patients entrusted to them, celebrities do not owe a duty of care to their fans.

The evaluating a website for credibility

Due to curiosity and the need to understand the spread of this dangerous disease, the urge to find relevant and credible information is necessary. The prime objective of this website is to enlighten the general public of the importance of vaccination, which makes it informative.

Ethical care & nursing as a profession

Nursing as a Profession Ethical Care and Nursing as a Profession Nursing as a profession has various regulations in concern to the entry level In the profession. As such, the entry-level education should be prioritized, in ensuring the services provided in the profession are of high quality.

Family interview

It is therefore in the interest of the scholars and general public to understand the series of social reconstruction that Haiti has gone through in order to attain its current identity. Even the name was changed and some events are undertaken to date in commemoration of the French departure in the era of Marcus guvey.

Week 5

The child is usually left under the care of the mother's boyfriend in the evening while the mother is working as a waitress. In addition, the mother suspects that the boyfriend is sexually abusing the daughter and has requested for a thorough examination of the child's urinary symptoms.a.

The importance of regular facials

Shockingly, getting a facial is regularly observed as something you do just when you need to treat yourself, or as an extravagance benefit whose advantages are saved for just the rich and celebrated who can manage the cost of it. After only one facial, you will see a prompt change in the presence of your β†’

Ethical leadership in memory care homes

Discussion The primordial consideration in caring for memory loss patients in a care home setting is the ethical standards that should be adopted and applied by the people who supervise the facilities, particularly the guests to be taken care of. Since the culprit health handicap attacks the patient more on the psychological and mental faculties, β†’

Critical thinking on hamad medical corporation

As a physician who is constantly in direct contact with the daily routine of the department, I would wish certain changes to be made in order to make the work environment better for both the health workers and the patients. I have provided here samples of some of the areas in the emergency department that β†’

Future of skilled nursing facilities

An even more important problem for the U.S.economy in the next couple of decades is the unequal distribution of gain from growth in the economy. As people born during the baby boom of 1946 to 1964 reach retirement age, the percentage of the population that is retired will increase sharply, while the percentage of the β†’

Post-surgical fall as a problem in singapore health care system

In this paper, the author will be discussing how ankle strengthening exercise compared to range motion over the lower limb, can strengthen the muscles of lower limbs of the elderly patient postoperatively to prevent fall in the surgical ward. Can ankle strengthening exercise as compared to a range of motion over the lower limbs, strengthen β†’


OF YEARS $1, 319, 035 NET COST OF INCARCERATION $ 14, 762, 320 In the above given figure, the Net Cost of Incarceration to the Taxpayer for Imprisonment is far more costly than the expenses incurred for probation. Aside from the fact that it is more practical because of the accumulation of savings for the β†’

Free managed care plan essay sample

Some of the advantages associated with the HMO include the fact that one is attached to a physician and can access inpatient and outpatient medication within the package at hospitals within the HMO. I disagree with the argument that there is no correlation between the cost of care and its quality in a managed care β†’

Public health recourses at the county, state and national levels

To achieve the above goals, the government has set up a cabinet department known as the, The United States Department of Health and Human Services, mandated with the task of protecting the health of the American population and ensuring easy access to essential human services. Initially, the department worked together with the department of education β†’

Nursing leadership philosophy

As with most life events, situations are changing without anticipation during the delivery of nursing care and one must be versatile and flexible to respond and adapt to the changes as they cur; thus for the purpose of this document is to present the significance of the application of the situational leadership theory in my β†’

Nursing research

In this regard, this process of dissemination will include submission of an abstract to the members of the audience three days prior to the presentation in order to give them an opportunity to scrutinize the contents of the presentation before the actual presentation. In effect, providing the audience with an overview of the presentation will β†’

Community population health issues

Men and the youth are the dominant alcohol addicts in my community and this issue wages severe effects to children and women though the later only takes few amounts of alcohol as compared to men and the youth. Alcohol and Public Health in the Americas.

Cuban heritage

In a similar approach, I would, to the best of my ability address Mrs. Hernandez stays at home most of the time, and it is likely that the number of hours spent of television and lazing around has contributed to her condition.

The professional nurse

Highlighting Administrative Issues in Nursing Highlighting Administrative Issues in Nursing Introduction Nursing has evolved into a complete medical discipline and profession in order to assist the doctors and physicians in the process of applying prescriptions and treatments. The regulatory bodies such as Board of Nursing are responsible for taking strategic decisions about the practice of β†’

The health and wellbeing assignment nursing essay

It also aims to acknowledge the inequities and social injustices surrounding adolescents engaging in the activity and will endeavor to explore strategies aiding parents, educators and the entire school community address these issues to ensure all students attain the necessary support to develop as young adults. The inequity surrounding lack of knowledge and teaching of β†’


Stakeholders Contribution to the Financial and Operational Success of the Organization al Affiliation: Stakeholders Contribution to the Financial and Operational Success of the Organization Stakeholders refer to the group of people who can affect or be affected by the organization. In many cases, both the stakeholders and the organization have a common goal in respect β†’

Physician patient relationship article review

The relationship starts when the patient goes to the physician for his treatment and the physician accepts the patient. The article says that the relationship between the physician and the patient is a bond of ethical and legal framework until it exists.

Case study

Learner objectives One of the learner objectives in introducing the technology is to develop, among students, the ability to bridge distance as a barrier to nursing practice as demonstrating the technology's application will inform students of facilitated online communication. Another learner objective of the technology's inclusion in the course curriculum is to promote ethics in β†’

Nursing study guide block 4 final

You cannot memorize the answers to the questions and do well on the exam- the questions are meant to stimulate thinking, not to be answers. Review heartfailure: right-sided, left- sided, pulmonary edema, cardiomyopathy and management of the patients; remember to review the hemodynamic changes associated with right and left sided failure RIGHT SIDED HF: Corpulmonale, β†’

Discussion authorship & guidelines

This kind of development is significantly tied to the growth and development of the professional body of knowledge. E, Riner, M.

Introduction of personal development planning nursing essay

Some of the main characteristics of the managers is to do critical analysis of the requirements of the department along with the end objectives of the organisation. Almost all the lessons during the module enhanced my understanding about this field and assisted me in setting goals for developing the required set of capabilities so that β†’

Out comes and content

This assignment document will guide you in the preparation of drafts of the first two sections of your Capstone Project: Outcomes and Content. Statistics also indicate that cancer is among the top ten leading causes of death worldwide with lung cancer being the most prevalent in the world and prostate cancer being the most prevalent β†’

ο»Ώwhy am i interested in a health career field essay sample

The program will prepare and help me become the person I know I am once it comes to my senior year. The training with me be strong, reliable, and help me my communication skills in this program if I come to a situation like my cousins.

Prayer and healing

However, researches in the field of health care sector have found that the aspect that plays more important role in healing and positive health outcome of the patient is his spiritual beliefs. In case of my patient, it was necessary to use prayer as a method to cope with the unexpected health problem, and in β†’

Nursing and nutrition

Yet the daily practice and the roles of nurses and doctors indicate that the nurses find themselves in the dilemma of making the decision more than other medical staff. In many cases where the withholding of nutrition is legally right and in the interest of the patient, the nurse still finds herself in the ethical β†’