Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Caring in nursing, nursing standards

The job and goal of a nurse is to deliver clinical care and progressively work towards healing the patient. In conclusion, in order to be successful and implement effective nursing practice and theory, the client must be the center of focus.

Critical evaluation of denzin and lincoln’s comments

Quantitative data is used test a hypotheses and check the cause and effect, and to make a prediction while the purpose of the qualitative data is to understand and interpret social interactions. The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research.

The affordalbe care act

The backing of the congress widely dominated by the democrats saw the enactment of the Patient protection and Affordable care act of 2010. Obama is for the notion that every citizen has the right to obtain affordable and dependable health care, which is the responsibility of the Federal government to make sure efficient provision of β†’

The history and background of postpartum nursing essay

Thus, the goals of care during the postpartum period are to: promote the physical well-being of both mother and baby; support the developing relationship between the baby and his or her mother, father, and family; support the development of infant feeding skills; support and strengthen the mother's knowledge, as well as her confidence in herself β†’

Health care disparities in the united states

These strategies combined with others by the government are bound to be successful in eliminating health care disparities in the US. The similar theme is that exists in the assigned articles is that eliminating health care disparities is key in improving the general quality of health care provided in the US.

White paper

The Effectiveness of the White Paper in Educating the target Audience The basis of the constituents of the paper is the enlightenment of nurses on how they can use social media to improve the nursing profession and to serve patients appropriately. White Paper: A Nurse's Guide to the Use of Social Media.Web.

Examine the key principles related to risk management and discuss its theory associated with the role of the advanced scrub practitioner

Principles of risk management and its theory associated with the role of the ASP Principles of risk management and its theory associated with the role of the ASP ASPs provide skilled and competent assistance to surgeons, under the guided supervision of the surgeons. 1, pp.

Theory final

Nursing practice theories guide the nursing practice; it gives a guideline on the nature and endeavours of the profession. P, & Boore, J.R.

Managing hiv-hepatitis b coinfection needs

Appropriate treatment regimes must be continued to prevent the development of drug-resistant strains of the virus causing the coinfection. Aware of the vulnerability of HIV positive patients to HBV, treatment options contain the appropriate combination of drugs to control both viral infections.

Applying positive psychology in nursing practice nursing essay

Looking back to the scenario, the continuous attempt by the nurse for calling the doctor shows that she well understood the patient's concern and felt responsible to cater the need of patient at that point in time and when the situation was explained by the doctor, the efforts done by the nurse was applauded by β†’

Discharge planning and processing of nursing care nursing essay

It is essential in the nursing care process of a patient with psoriasis to be educated and advised on how to live with the society, to avoid psychological torture and lastly to meet the prescribed medical instruction. Moreover in Medical care, the nurse give educational care techniques including assistance on the application of the medicine, β†’

Child and family health nursing

Enhancing Collaboration in Child and Family Health Nursing Enhancing Collaboration in Child and Family HealthNursing Problem Research findings on child and family health nursing reveal that there is poor collaboration among nurses, children and family members in health care. The inadequacy in collaboration among parties of child and family health nursing has led to lack β†’

A community based education nursing essay

The community, at large, will be able to utilize the Community-Based Education Project to strengthen their knowledge and understanding and will find the project to be a useful resource in their lives. The nurses would be responsible to report the community involvement, needs, and usefulness of the project to the Project Director.

Nursing practice research paper sample

Grand, Mid-Range or Situation Specific Introduction Nursing practice is defined by its fundamental characteristics of having to be deliberative, goal-oriented and work coordination for the purpose of enhancing healthful living, in which the nurses and the patients embodies the realities of human life, features and human agency. Situation-Specific or Micro-Range theories This is the β†’

Example of research paper on bipolar 1 disorder

Studies have shown that more single and divorced people suffer from bipolar disorder, as compared to major depressive disorder; this could be due to the earlier onset of the condition, as well as the result of of the swing of moods on the relationship of a married couple. For the diagnosis of bipolar disorder I, β†’

Expert practice

Expert Practice Affiliation: Part The primary and most direct role of a CNS is nursing care and improving the patients' health outcomes. This article is very informative and provides an overview of most of the direct roles CNS provide in hospitals.

Hartman family: case study questions essay sample

The children are at a risk of suffering a heart disease if the disease is genetic in the family, and this underscores the need for the family nurse to ensure familial risk assessment is done for precautionary purposes. The family's strengths include the strong relationships among all family members and the availability of basic needs β†’

Final project part iv: core competencies

Analysis of Similarities and Differences in Implementation of the Competencies of Nurse Educators and Nurse Practitioners In the following paragraphs, the brief analysis of core competencies on Nurse Educators and Nurse Practitioners has been established in terms of similarities and differences: 1. Nurse educators have the responsibility for crafting an environment in laboratory, classroom and β†’


Research What are the challenges of ensuring the scientific rigor in qualitative research? The emphasis of this research is to examine the behavior of persons in their natural environment.

Community nursing

They are The Omaha System, NANDA international, Nursing Minimum Data Sets, Clinical Care Classification System, Nursing outcomes Classification, ABC codes, Nursing management Minimum Data Sets, Perspective Nursing Data Sets, International Classification for Nursing Practice, Nursing Interventions Classification, Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes and Systemized Nomenclature of Medical Clinical Terms. Standardized nursing languages: Essential for β†’

Library search

The Roles Of Unit Leadership And Nurse-Physician Collaboration On Nursing Turnover Intention. The Roles Of Unit Leadership And Nurse-Physician Collaboration On Nursing Turnover Intention.


Topic: The effective and efficient delivery of healthcare to depends on the ability of health providers to work in a team. In the hospital where I am working, there is yet so much to do to improve the relations of clinical teams and in bridging the healthcare professional's divide.

Hit terminology table

Health Care Terminologies and Standards Health Care Terminologies and Standards Introduction A standard coding system has wide acceptance as it relies on consistent terminologies for efficiency, reliability and interoperability. LOINC -Observation Identifier Names and Codes provides a universal code system that reports laboratory and other clinical observations in electronic messages such as health level seven β†’

Nursing intervention for renal insufficiency

Nursing interventions for Adrenal Insufficiency Medical interventions are undertaken in a bid to improve healthcare services that consequently influence the quality of patients' life. On the same note, and in pursuit of the said interventions, the cause of adrenal insufficiency is precipitated.

Martha e rogers

Her view on what the requirements for nurses should be which had led her to her pursuit ofacademicachievements was rewarded with the position of professor of Nursing and head of the Division of Nursing a New York University in 1954. It is during this period that she developed a new theory - the science of β†’

Ebersole:toward healthy aging – dissertation example

Functions and importance of touch Ebersole explains the function of touch as enhancing closeness and intimacy in old age couples. Though not seen as a problem, it results in stress and emotional problems among the partners, with the man mostly affected.

Bipolar disorder thesis examples

The prevalence of the disorder is 1. A severe variant of the disorder, which manifests in rapid cycles and is difficult to treat, is common in women.

Spreading innovation

Spreading Innovation Spreading Innovation According to Pedersen and Johansen, espousing innovations is considered one of the fundamental techniques or methods of supporting quality and safety in healthcare. The innovation I found of particular interest is the used of text messages and nurse follow-up in an effort to enhance individual behavior or actions relating to self β†’

Child abuse and maltreatment

Child Abuse and Maltreatment in Abuse Child abuse and maltreatment in toddlers Child abuse is not all about broken bones andbruises. Emotional abuse is when the parents rear the child with the aim of fulfilling their goals rather than those of the children.

Call midwife series 1 episode 5

Essentially, the idea is to aid people to become part of the influential group and to become being connected appropriately to the social structures of the society. The fact that nurses are trained on a wide range of issues related to care make them a viable source of help for disenfranchised people.

New procedure that physicians would like to adapt in the hospital

The third step in determining the scope of the new process would be to evaluate the professional opinions of other nurses with similar professional training. A new process must have a nursing remedy in case of further complications as a result of the new practice.

Asian americans

Asian Americans Asian Americans The Asian Americans are referred to as the American community originating from Asia. A nurse should not forget to put in to consideration the Asian American cultural issues while providing health care services.

Essay on components of theory

The mainstay of the theory is the need for improving the independence of the patients so as to help accelerate the rate at which they outcomes improve while in the hospital. The theory poses a challenge to the nurses by emphasizing the basic needs of human beings and the role played by nurses in order β†’

Menopausal treatment

Most of the studies show that it is no effective in alleviating symptoms. However, it is uncomfortable to some of the women.

Pneumonia dq question

The high pH values are abnormal and are mainly experienced among patients with high blood pressure. The treatments are; hyperbaric oxygen therapy, surgery and step down therapy.

Nursing care plan

DiagnosticProcedures: The physical examination and the history of the exact details of the injury are the first steps in caring for a patient with head injury. Treatment and Prognosis: The treatment of head injury may be divided into the treatment of closed head injury and the treatment of penetrating head injury.

Curriculum development

Curriculum Development Curriculum Development Introduction ' The essentials of baccalaureate education for professionalnursing practice' and ' The essentials of master's education in nursing' are the two working papers published by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. The essentials of baccalaureate nursing and master's education in nursing play a significant role in guiding curriculum development β†’


This means that she lacks the transportation of adequate oxygen which is dependent on the number and circumstances of red blood cells, and the amount of hemoglobin the red blood cells have; thus displaying the symptom of no energy. This is done by the prescription of oral iron therapy, activity restriction, and diet adjustment.

Discussion post

Some of the popular themes used in DSME include the Health Belief Model and Social Cognitive Theory. Some of the predisposing factors of this condition include obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, and unhealthy eating habits.

Patient presenting with diarrhea

Appearance of blood in the diarrheal stool is the main risk factor in a patient of inflammatory bowel disease as the mucosal membrane is ulcerated. In contrast, patients presenting with sudden onset of signs and symptoms with a greater loss of the mucosa, the disease is termed as severe colitis.

Ethical principle of justice: how it relates to nursing research

Justice is important to research mainly because of the right to be informed and the fairness to be fully included/advocated for. Another step in designing a research study that includes proper justice consists of consistent privacy and the right to confidentiality.

Three strategies to meet learning needs of today’s online learners

Undoubtedly, the effectiveness of e-learning mainly lies with the appropriateness of the learning strategies intended for the needs of today's online learner and for the goals of the organization concerned. This also involves the quality of the design, operational feasibility of the system, and finally the range of learners' autonomy in the whole learning procedure.


The video provides an understanding of the various postpartum nursing assessments that need to be carried out in case of vaginal and cesarean deliveries in order to ensure that the mother is recovering well from the delivery and is not at risk of any postpartum hemorrhage. In case of C-section the mother is encouraged to β†’

Swot analysis for endorsement of hospital-at-home care

Weaknesses Some of the weaknesses circulating hospital-at-home care include regional disparity and organizational, quality and scope of care, lack of education and awareness on hospital-at-home care among physicians and nurses and most widespread problems of hospitals that offer hospital-at-home care. The percentage distribution of hospital-at-home care activities also does not echo the likely complexity and β†’

Discussion question

In the case of the five people in the provided situation, their ethical dilemma is the decision to either help the people downstairs or not. In addition, the doctor and Peter must follow the example of Margaret in saving the lives of other patients.

Dq comments

It would not be fair to find out that the students got too much of the theory and not enough of the practical. The planning should be carried out in way that it meets the goals of all these stakeholders.

Culture and health promotion

Korean Cultural Group: Relaxation for with Psychosocial Illnesses Korean Cultural Group: Relaxation for with Psychosocial Illnesses Amongst the Koreans, the issue of mental illness receives a lot of stigmatization in the society. In meeting these needs, it is important to look at the cultural attributes of the Koreans, which involves taking yoga and relaxation mediations β†’

Continued professional development

In doing this, the researchers compare nursing experience to nursing education in order to determine which improves the quality of the practice thus the safety of patients. They easily conform to the changes in the practice and uphold the ethical standards all of which enhance both the safety of the clients thereby improving the quality β†’

Cultural presentation about the jewish customs in the healthcare environment

Cultural presentation about the Jewish customs in the healthcare environment Medical practitioners despite their proficient in delivering g excellent services to their patients, they should observe both cultural and traditional aspects of the patients. It is the mandate of the Jews to offer their patients the necessary pastoral care.

Negligence/malpractice issues

There are a number of nursing negligence issues that lead to settlements or verdicts against nurses and in favor of patients/plaintiffs. Categories of nursing negligence that could result in a lawsuit include lack of working in accordance to values and principles that relate to care, and lack of employing and utilizing medical apparatus in an β†’


Case Study Critique Case Study Critique-Hypertension case study In the case study in question, the has began with a presentation of the problem, an important aspect in any piece of work, as it serves to inform the reader about what to expect in the entire piece. The author is also very keen to give additional β†’

Chest trauma essay sample

Pathophysiology Injuries to the chest are often life-threatening and result in one or more of the following pathologic mechanisms: * Hypoxemia from disruption of the airway; injury to the lung parenchyma, rib cage, and respiratory musculature; massive hemorrhage; collapsed lungs; and pneumothorax * Hypovolemia from massive fluid loss from the great vessels, cardiac rupture, or β†’

Role transistion

Collaborative Conflict Resolution Collaborative Conflict Resolution Collaborative conflict resolution targets at helping individuals in satisfaction achievement of their needs in constructive means. Various tools are used in the resolution of such issues and they include mediation, using psychotherapy, and involving collaborative law, which help solve a broad range of conflicts.

Cranbery supplements as prophylactic treatment

The further anticipated outcome will be the reduction in the frequency of antibiotics prescribed or there will also be a reduced need to escalate the dosage and class of an antibiotic. Further decreased need to escalate the dosage and class of an antibiotic also implicate that chances of antibiotic resistance would not be high, if β†’

Nursing management

Some of my main responsibilities on the ward includes the assessment of care needs for patients, the development of programmes of care and their implementation and valuation and most importantly carrying out all relevant forms of care without direct supervision, and demonstrate procedures to, and supervise qualified and unqualified staff and contribute to the overall β†’

Necessity of nursing

The Necessity ofNursingAssistants to Improve the Quality of Patient Care Introduction The quality of care received by patients is of fundamental importance to healthcare organizations. Investing the time and cost to educate and develop the internal resources of the facility will increase the capabilities of the AN.

Nursing theorist grid

The nurse must explore these behaviors with the patient to determine the needs that must be met to resolve the problematic situation that the patient presents with. Validating the behaviors with the patient ensures that the nurse can fulfill the function of nursing, which is to find and meet the patient's immediate need for help β†’

Good example of psychological aspects of depression and patient perspective research paper

According to the author of the article, " to choose the correct way, it is necessary to know how people live with the depressive disorder, how they go to work, communicate with others, how they suffer from various side effects of the drugs. The treatment of the depression is often expensive, and not all patients β†’

Nursing conflict management

Conflict Management Summary of the Article The article en d " A literature review of conflict communication causes, costs, benefits and interventions in nursing" written by Brinkert which was published in the Journal of Nursing Management proffered pertinent issues relative to presenting a review of related literature on the subject of conflict communication. Finally, β†’

Nursing theory website paper

of Nursing Theorists Internet sites on nursing theories Presented by Name [Pick the date] A RESEARCH ON THE INTERNET FOR NURSING THEORIST SITES Casey's Nursing Model by Anne Casey The website is one of the easiest webpage that displays on the search engine once the inherent topic, and when searching for nursing theories. Imogene king β†’

Define the role of the nurse – 500 words

Berridge and Liddle demonstrate that the definition ofnursingaccording to the Royal College of Nursing is " the use of clinical judgement in the provision of care to enable people to improve, maintain, or recoverhealth, to cope with health problems and to achieve the best possible quality of life, whatever their disease or disability, until death." β†’

Nursing profession is more stressful than other profession nursing essay

Nursing is a profession which needs lots of personal commitment and time, due to the nature of the profession, where patients care is priority. Most of the time nurses dealt with the death and dying people and remains upset and stress.

Role of the advanced practice nurse

Role of the advanced practice nurse: Differences of RN and NP role emphasized from the Spain article name: Date due: Differences of RN and NP role emphasized from the Spain article Although a registered nurse and nurse practitioner follow a nursing career by providing care to patients, differences are in their job descriptions and nursing β†’

Analysis of management theories

Analysis of Management Theories Daft addresses three theories of management The ical perspective, 2) The Human Relations perspectiveand 3) The Systems Perspective. The advantage of adopting the Human Relations school of thought is that organizations are able to portray equal importance and opportunity to all classes of employees.

Participant observation assignment

The employees are rushing up and down to ensure the increasing number of customers is served to satisfaction. One of the ladies seems to be in her early thirties is wearing a short black skirt and a plain white blouse and carrying a brown handbag.

Negative consequences of medical checkups procrastination

They took me to the hospital and I was diagnosed with a heart disease that the doctor said that it had been developing over it and it would have been easier to treat if I had gone to the hospital early. I have developed the discipline to attend regular medical checkups having noticed that you β†’

Concept analysis

In nursing theory development, Townsend and Scanlany acknowledge that the identification of antecedents and consequences is the most important step of concept analysis. In this case, cognitive reasoning is an antecedent to the concept of risk.

Article critique

This would be helpful as the legislation will provide autonomy to nurse practitioners to provide services on their own without waiting or consulting to a doctor. However, the bill should be passed and the nurse practitioners will be allowed to independently handle patients.

Nursing research

In line with this, the nursing profession has been on the forefront in using the knowledge, in the field of nursing, to develop solutions that promoted quality and safe care in the nursing practice. In this case, the nursing profession requires continuous education of nurses in the profession in order to equip nurses with the β†’

Ways for enhancement of career plans nursing essay

The age was the obstacle in order to bring the knowledge and experience and the career plans were affected by this age in the case of getting health insurance in organizations. I need the support of this organization in order to mitigating the challenges in career plans.

The importance of pain management during palliative care nursing essay

It is natural to expect that because pain can have a wide variety of origins and interpretations, the treatment of pain needs to be as individual as the experience. It is important to acknowledge the merits of pain management during palliative care, as well as the potential barriers to providing adequate pain relief, in order β†’

Research proposal on does hourly rounding improve patient satisfaction

In the proposed study, the role of hourly rounding in improving the quality of healthcare and patients' perception is evaluated. A reduction in patient satisfaction rate, as well as a deterioration in the quality of health, would compromise the image and business of the hospital in question.

Self assessment of tiger nursing informatics competencies

Self-assessment of Tiger Nursing Informatics competencies May 28, Self-assessment of Tiger Nursing Informatics competencies McGoningle and Mastrian identify different levels of practicing nurses and information technology competencies that are expected of the four levels. Even though my areas of experience have not required a high level of competency, improvements in clinical information management and informatics β†’

Informatics for nursing services

In addition, employees around the world also use computers for graphics and design, programming, calendar and scheduling. The use of computers can help in interpretatation and the monitoring of various Physiological Variables.

An overview of pancreatic cancer nursing essay

Pain may be due to a variety of reason, initially the pain may be due to the irritation and edema of the inflamed pancreas, and as the disease progresses increasing tension and obstruction of the pancreatic ducts contribute to pain. Camilleri is also encouraged to keep a daily dairy with the onset and details of β†’


It is defined as the " systematic study of human conduct in the area of life sciences and healthcare, insofar as this conduct is examined in the light of moral values and principles". This article analyzes the justification of the use of Xenotransplantation, keeping in mind the principles of Bioethics, using theory as well as β†’

Develop an evaluation form that includes 7 objective criteria to evaluate the effectiveness of the developed plan (regarding nursing shortage)

The evaluation form is designed to measure the effectiveness of attaining the following objectives, as identified below: Objectives Completely Met Partially Met Not Met Not Clearly Measureable No Comment to invite students to pursue the nursing profession; to disseminate crucial information that promotes various opportunities for nurses; to assess current nursing requirements given historical information β†’

1.) mary is really the mother of god

Mary, Mother of GodThat Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ our Lord and named as the " Mother of God" or in greek term " Theotokos" or " Birthgiver of God". According to CCC 509, " Mary is the " Mother of God" since she is the mother of the eternal Son of God β†’

Oncology, hematology, immunology

The aim of this study is to find out the diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia, signs and symptoms, care and management of the. Further examination on Susan Clare showed her liver and spleen was enlarged, this might be due to the abnormal blood cell that lowers the immunity of the body.

Literature searches

Information found at this level of the hierarchy focused on specialty areas, such as work stress and physical assault in nursing homes. Sources and effects of Work-related stress in nursing.

Study guide for maternity nursing

Study Guide for Exam 1 * What are the risk factors for uterine atony? 741 * Review signs and symptoms of PIH.* What treatments would be given for endometritis and what is the rationale? * Review care of the client with mastitis.* The math will include all of the same type problems as last exam β†’

Waht a healthy community can offer its members

If I cared for a community whose definition of a healthy community is different from mine, I would use health education to put the various issues into perspective. I would involve the community in finding the rationale for their definition of health and also provide my rationale.

Medication errors

Check the MD order and check it against the medication label. Check the MD order and the medication label.

Family health assessment for the nursing process essay sample

The mother feels that education is a team effort between the teachers and parents and is in close contact with her children's teachers in order to accomplish this. Her relationship with her family is very close and she is the go to person or factotum for her family.

Individual continuous practiced development nursing essay

Through development a sense of joining in the public and a profounder knowledge of the public wants, reflection enlarges the prospect that learners will continue dedicated to service outside the period of the lesson. The procedure of measuring and evaluating the benefit can be signified to as the performance pointers subject to what is about β†’

Emergency radiology: a vital aspect of radiology

Emergency Radiology is a subspecialty of radiology whose growth over the years as paralleled that of emergency medicine, and as such is defined as the imaging and imaging management of the injured and acutely ill. Management of facial trauma has to be seen in the context of the treatment of injuries in general, and the β†’

Application for registered nurse scholarship

In that vein, I am hoping to secure a scholarship from your good office-for my course as a nursing student in order to help me out with the financial aspect of my education. I am applying for the scholarship to lessen my financial burden, giving me enough money to continue supporting my family and my β†’

A qualitative research term paper sample

Because of the delicate nature of this job, it is therefore important to have constant appraisal and feedback from both the care-givers and the patients. For example, qualitative research is used to investigate nurses' perceptions regarding quality care for the aged in long-term care facilities (Sung, Chang & Tsai, 2005.

Tiger/ticc/himss 5 questions paper

In the same way, TIGER aims at upholding transparency in the field of nursing through the use of information technology. As a result of the use of modern technology, TIGER expects to provide appropriate guidelines that will streamline the performance of nursing organisations globally.

The history of the borderline personality disorder nursing essay

However, it indicates that 67% of staff consider themselves knowledgeable in the management of BPD despite 76% of staff expressing that more workshop training would be advantageous with 74% discussing the need for " regular education...to aid in the management of patients with BPD". The use of education as a means of changing negative staff β†’

Pediatric nurse population for adhd education

Pediatric Nurse Population for ADHD Education Prof: Pediatric Nurse Population for ADHD Education Pharmacokinetics refers to the study of the effects of genetic differences in the personal response to medication. The nurses have a lot to offer especially to the patients and victims of ADHD.

The importance of needs assessment in nursing practice nursing essay

Nurses are obliged to take in to consideration a patients physical, emotional, spiritual, social and intellectual needs when making an assessment.'When nurses are conducting a health assessment on a person it may require knowledge of techniques of collecting and analysing subjective and objectives data to include both what the person says about themselves and physical β†’