Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Evidence based practice – aim is to demonstrate well-reasoned argument skills

Should Medicare Cover Complementary Health Services Question one There has been a heated debate on whether Medicare should cover complementary and alternative health services. Complementary and alternative health services denote a wide variety of services that do not appear in the category of conventional medicine.

Health information exchange

In 2011 HIE Networks, LLC is created to manage the technical, social, legal, and security aspects of HIE under one management team to replicate the success of BBRHIO and offer provider-driven health information exchange at the local and regional levels across the nation. Health information exchange, enabling the interoperability of automated health data, can facilitate →

Managerial analysis on cute cosmetics ltd

It has many competitors in the market who are fighting to become the market leader and to grasp the majority of the market share. We also have discussed the requirements for having a private limited company and the advantages and the disadvantages of the formation of the company which are compared with those iscussed in →

Confidentiality of health information

When should the computerized medical database be online to the computer terminal The medical database should be online to computers when authorized computer programs for the data are used. Should individuals and organizations with access to the databases be identified to the patient Dissemination of confidential data is limited to only individuals or organizations with →

Review low back pain treatment health and social care essay

The direction of the status is based on its anatomy, physiology and continuance of the symptoms and hence the cost of handling it varies. QALYs provide a common currency to measure the extent of the benefits gained from a assortment of intercessions in footings of wellness related quality of life and endurance for the patient.

Protocol rct

The introduction of the topic is clearly done and the purpose of the study is also well articulated. The methods for the study are also well explained and this protocol meets the standards of a good RCT.

World history to 1500

Sumer- Is the site of the earliest known civilization and is located in the southernmost part of Mesopotamia between the Tigris and the Euphrates rivers. Beginning in the 9th century the independence of Phoenicia was threatened by the advance of Assyria and in 538 the rule was passed on to the Persians.

Health care costs

Physicians will benefit from the experience if they focus on a medical specialty that will lower the costs and improve health care quality with better patient outcomes. This defense against medical malpractice lawsuits will address most of the costs involved in health care delivery by doing away with unnecessary procedures, tests, and treatments which are →

Will health care reform survive the courts

Retrieved September 27, 2011, from The New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/21/opinion/sunday/will-health-care-reform-survive-the-courts.html SUMMARY: The article discusses as to how the courts may shape the laws on healthcare reforms in the country and what role Congress can play in this regard. The role of courts has been discussed with a view to establish as to how courts are →

Gene therapy: lab report

The Offender tubes were filled with poll of solution 1 before the yeast was added to them. The supernatant were discarded and the pellets were suspended in poll of solution 2.

Orthopedic physical therapy

By noting carefully the stability of the enlargement and its boundaries, one can decide whether this is due to bony widening, thickening of the synovial lining of the joint, soft tissue swelling of the structure surrounding the joint, an effusion into the joint capsule, or nodule formation, which might be located in a tendon sheath, →

Caring for a dying patient in hospital by katherine e sleeman

Family members should be there for a patient to make them feel important and have someone to chat with in the case of a patient who is still able to talk. They should identify with the signs of end times and have the possible precautions necessary for them to care for the patient especially their →

Understanding pregnancy and the three trimesters

UNDERSTANDING THE TRIMESTERS OF PREGNANCY: Discussing the Importance of the 1st Trimester Due INTRODUCTION The miracle of childbirth is only the last part in a complex and essential process that makes up the 40 weeks that make up the duration of the average pregnancy. The 1st Trimester encompasses the time from the moment of conception →

Health economics: individual market changes and the larger health care system

Health Economics Number A Selected Submarket in the First Line of Nursing Services One of the most salient submarkets in the nursing services is diagnosis. According to Gerdtham, the use of EBP factors research findings and incorporates them in nursing practices, with the ultimate intention of heightening the quality of patient care.

Nasality in cleft palate individuals health and social care essay

Some of the spectral features associated with hypernasality are reduced strength of the first format, the presence of excess resonance, displacements of the Centre of the low-frequency spectral prominence, increased amplitudes of the sets between first formant and the 2nd formant, and a lessening of the F2 amplitude, increased continuances of acoustic phonic sections in →

Explain the concepts listed below. use your own words to explain, but cite scholarly sources to support your statements

Cultural competence enables patients and doctors to discuss the health concerns in a manner that is respectful and patient leading to positive health outcomes. A healthcare provider must therefore be aware of all the negative perceptions of the patient toward the illness and based on this, they are able to break the news to the →

Health disparity and structural violence essay sample

According to the assigned article, " Health Disparity and Structural Violence: How Fear Undermines Health Among Immigrants at Risk for Diabetes," narratives tell the story of the interconnectedness between fear and health. There was a prominent theory regarding fear and the financial burdens of illness, many individuals were not seeking " preventative health care" and →

Binomial distributions in public health

According to Gerstman, a binomial event is that which has only two outcomes, and therefore if the probability for one of the outcomes is known, then the probability that the other outcome will occur is simply the difference of the known probability from 1. Villeneuve states that the binomial distribution can be used " to →

Irb guidance

Issues may crop up related to the research due to a difference in the interest of the scientists and the financial interests of researchers in the study, thereby making it theresponsibilityof the staff or the pollster to make others aware of the underlying rift in the interests of the two. The other duty of the →

Master degree in immunology

After completing my Bachelor studies in Biomedical Science, I would like to take my academic career to the next level by doing a Masters in Immunology from the University West of England. The best field to graduate in is certainly one that coincides with my past professional experience, so I have chosen to do a →

A press release

Ringwood: Palmer Higgs Investment Pty Ltd. M, & Alba, J.

Std education campaign

STD campaign STD campaign Aim of campaign: First, the involved persons should have a clear draft of the agenda of the campaign. The campaign team should supply condoms to the students during the campaign.

Food and environment

Benefits: One of the benefits is that the rest of the disposable income is diverted to other important matters like industrialization, infrastructure, and other kinds of development. This is due to the great usage of fertilizers, and chemicals and overutilization of the soils.5.

Organ donation: two deaths or one life

The United States should revitalize the organ donation system by implementing a presumed consent policy, allowing individuals to opt-out if wanted, as opposed to the current method of mandated choice or opt-in, in order to generate more awareness and increase the number of donors. It is a rising need and people's lives are in the →


Another exercise myth is that it's dangerous to exercise when at a given old age if you did not do the same when young.www.fitnessmagazine.com should state that one can always choose the exercise that best suits their age and health. The advertised belief that soreness that sets in after exercise is due to the build-up →

Development of a novel drug -eluting stent (des) platform for the delivery of drug -loaded magnetic nanoparticles

DEVELOPMENT OF A NOVEL DRUG- ELUTING STENT PLATFORM FOR THE DELIVERY OF DRUG- LOADED MAGNETIC NANOPARTICLES By Course: Instructor: Institution: Location: Date of Submission: Cardiovascular diseases affect the operation of the heart and blood vessels. The drugs functionality is based on the principle of inhibiting the hedgehog pathway in stem cells.

Quality improvement milestones

Quality Improvement Milestones The essay aims to focus on the milestone of the creation of the Joint Commision formerly known as the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations with the objective of addressing the following concerns, to wit: to evaluate how this milestone has influenced health care delivery; consider positive outcomes, failures, and unintended →

Aspect for mentally ill patients health and social care essay

In add-on, College of Occupational Therapists states that Occupational therapy helps client to achieve wellness, life 's satisfaction and wellbeing through engagement in business. Mental Health in Children and Youth: The Benefit and Role of Occupational Therapy.

Health effects of cigarette smoking

Likewise, statistics revealed that more than 68% of smokers have signified intentions to stop and that " the combination of medication and counseling is more effective for smoking cessation than either medication or counseling alone". The solution to stop smoking is a collaborative effort that starts with the smoker, the family members, and the local →

Dream to be a doctor

I know that becoming a medical doctor is my destiny because I am talented enough to succeed in this vocation. On my SAT II, I received a 760 in Chemistry, 750 in Biology, and 800 in Math II.

Health problems on campus

The caterers may not give much importance to the hygienic conditions inside the dining hall and hence the germs can easily attack the students who are taking food from there." The need for strict adherence to sanitation and grooming regulations is extremely important in food service. The best way to avoid such health problems is →

The foundational frameworks for quality health improvements, roles of regulatory bodies, clinicians and patients in healthcare quality improvement

Another framework that plays an important role in improving quality in the health sector is the research and innovation; this involves the provision of a platform to various stakeholders to develop new ideas and concepts that can facilitate the provision of quality health to the society. Stakeholder definition of Quality in the Health Sector Various →

Trend of self medication among youngsters

2 Objective of the study The Aim/objective of this study is to determine the trend of Self medication among youngsters.1. The trend of self-medication is high in undergraduate youngsters as compared to the inter and metric level youngsters.

Pharmaceutical industry critisizm

The pharmaceutical industry is one of the largest and most powerful industries in the world. The actions of Pfizer were irresponsible and many analysts believe that despite the fine being very large it was a slap in the face for a company that generated $44.

Character and effects in neonatal institutes

The extent of the effect was determined by using the clinical patient index hence relay the scale of the effect. Procedure and data The study was hence based on an Australian incident that involved the assessment of patients in the ICU.

Gastrointestinal bleeding

Gastritis is the inflammation of the stomach lining and could be caused by the use of aspirin or pain medications. Outpouchings of the colon walls are a condition known as diverticulosis.

Week 8 705

Ordering of tests and prescription of medicines originates from DNPs and the professionals are the right source of information for budgeting for the necessary resources. DNPs' knowledge on budgeting can facilitate accuracy in resource allocation and availability of the required resources.

To duty of care in health social care essay sample

1) ' Duty of care' refers to the relationship between myself and a service user, within this professional relationship there is an obligation to take responsible care to avoid injury or harm to whom it can be reasonably foreseen. 2) It is my responsibility, as a care worker to ensure that I provide a good →

Scope changes in the wellness industry

The wellness industry is a growing Industry and the trend is predicted to see continual growth five years from now and beyond. The wellness industry is a very attractive and competitive industry.

The canadian cancer society

Given that this will be restricted to a matter of volition when it comes to privately-owned media houses, the government can craft, pass and implement policies that will enhance the publicizing of the health-related content. Only this way, will the less privileged or low income earners be able to access healthcare professionals and follow cancer →

Reflective piece about week 1 placement in the acute psychiatric unit

The use of music therapy can help improve the physiological, emotional and psychological needs of the patients by making their mood more stable. Occupational therapists can use art therapy to encourage the psychiatric inpatients to verbalize their hidden thoughts and feelings.

Factors associated with specialization intentions for paramedic practice

The implication for emergency practice is significant, however not many studies have been carried out on the intentions and motivations of students choosing a career in emergency medicine. Gender seems to play a significant role in specialization intentions, with males choosing to specialize in certain areas of the paramedic practice and women choosing to specialize →

Dietary(nutritional) recommendations for hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland)

Therefore, dietary recommendation is to maintain a healthy iodine intake instead of avoiding soy foods. Though iodine supplements may still be required in some cases, levothyroxine is usually considered sufficient for safe treatment of hypothyroidism.

Obesity – symptoms and causes

Habitual/behavioral causes of obesity Obesity is also a result of the activities and habits of an individual. Obesity is growing in the USA and is the cause of many health and socioeconomic risks for the people.

Stem cell therapy essay

Cell augmentation using stem cells could be the future of treatment for ALS but scientists are currently working to increase availability of the needed ESCs and ASCs to treat patients using cell replacement therapy. There are three different ways to harvest the necessary stem cells for neuron replacement: growing ESCs in vitro, harvesting stem cells →

Emergency contraceptive pills

For this first part of this paper the focus will be on whether or not ECPs should be in the available in the cabinet of every childbearing woman? It could be argued that if ECPs are only available by prescription and not kept in the household that this would most likely reduce the risk of →

Origin and development of medicolegal death investigation

Origin and Development of Medicolegal Death Investigation Introduction While deaths are natural, investigation in the nature of the deaths, provide fundamental details that help curb the causes of such deaths besides providing incriminating evidence that prove the unnatural nature of some of the deaths. The primary objective of medicolegal death investigation is to determine the →

Rational emotive behaviour therapy and other cognitive approaches

The use of REBT acknowledges the essentiality of other cognitive approaches. The underlying interest of all of the existing cognitive approaches is to foster the psychological welfare of individuals in their lives.

Universal precautions and using ppe

It follows that lay rescuers are expected to adhere to the practice of universal precautions. A common observation is that full-body gowns are mostly used in the hospitals as opposed to outside.

Obesity and type 2 diabetes

Link between Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Introduction The fattest country in Europe officially is the UK in which in every 15 is obese and in every 5 adults is overweight, and this is only the beginning; over the next two decades, the number of obese adults in the UK is expected to increase to →

Radiologic technology program

I am a high school graduate and have an A.A.degree. It can lead to a career that provides me with gratification in life and fulfill all the needs.

Cervical cancer and hpv vaccination health and social care essay

The purposes of this survey were to measure HPV inoculation rates and to analyze whether cognition and hazard perceptual experiences sing HPV were associated with the reported usage of the HPV vaccinum among female college pupils. The purpose of the survey was to analyze the rate and correlate the completion of HPV inoculation.

Child development

Behavioural change in relation to alcohol exposure in early pregnancy and impact on perinatal outcomes a prospective cohort study, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. Behavioural change in relation to alcohol exposure in early pregnancy and impact on prenatal outcomes a prospective cohort study, BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth.

Cost element structuring

The procedure is in the form of a list which contains information on the needed items like the equipment, supplies, expenditure of the resources among others. Appropriateness of the tool/method The costs in health care are not fixed and hence a list cannot be made of the necessities in advance.

Communicable diseases common to man and animals

Communicable Diseases Common to Man and Animals The prevention of communicable diseases within the vicinity of where people live is essential to promote healthy living. For example, it is essential to find better methods of dumping waste materials such as feces and dirty water in order to reduce transmission of the communicable diseases such →

Seeking a position as a nuclear medicine technologist – resume/cv example

According to Bruce Hanna who was the former president of the Community Cancer Foundation, the philosophy of the CCC is to " To give hope, when life is challenged by cancer and to care for all who need it in Douglas County". The description of the job was: " Nuclear Medicine Technologist/Diagnostic CT Technologist to →

Stress and the neuroendocrine response

The hormones that are produced in this type of situation assist the body to deal with the situation that the individual is facing. This signal is in form of a hormone, the pituitary and adrenal glands that are both in the kidneys and the brain are responsible for receive the stress alert.

Healthcare and financial operations

According to Chris, lack of basic patient information including the demographics of the patient, credit risk and the estimated price for the services leads to misrepresented bottom-Line financial results. In relation to the financial affairs of the provider, it is difficult to charge the necessary costs on a patient if the patient information is wrong.

Free technology book review sample

A case in example clearly is the question of astrology, where the practitioners of this art establish position of power by virtue of their doctrines and closeness to the rulers. The knowledge was the source of their power and not the truth.

Contiuum of care

Afifi, Rice, Anderson, Rosenstock, & Kominski explain the importance of the provision of a continuum of care. There is a description of the various stakeholders and the components of the continuum of care, therefore, making it relevant to use when making the presentation.

Nvq 2 health and social care

I also promote the service users dignity such as when they need to go to the toilet I would close the door so no one can see them and also when they are getting washed and dressed I would close the curtains for their privacy. I have carried out duty of care in my work →

Diverticular disease

The case study will discuss the causes of Diverticular Disease and the symptoms presented and also the different diagnostic modalities used and image appearance. A small number of patients suffer with a perforated bowel and peritonitis and arrive in the A&E department in a shocked and distressed state.

Recognition of depression and aknowlegement of depression

Presentation/publication worksheet My Idea Recognition and Acknowledgement of mental illness diagnosis of depression and treatment among Hispanic American and Asian Americans Topic: Mental Illness Write-sized Focus: Purpose/Intent: To discuss the mental health illness and to educate others about mental health illness, diagnosis and patients perceptions of treatment and plan. Readers: Healthcare providers, Lay population, nursing →

Government revenue essay sample

In your opinion, are these sources of healthcare resourceful? 3. Include a minimum of one scholarly reference, in APA format to support your discussion.5.

Unconventional medical approaches

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, National Institutes of Health has defined complementary and alternative medicine as " a group of diverse health care and medical systems, practices and products that are not presently considered to be part of the conventional medicine". According to the NCCAM: Complementary medicine is applied jointly with the →

How vyvanse works

It is important for patients to inform their doctor about any other medications or even food supplements taken because there are certain reactions of the drug to other medications and vice versa that may cause further health problems. There may also be side-effects that may be caused when the drug is simultaneously taken with vitamins, →

20th century medicine essay sample

Suddenly with the discoveries in chemistry and immunology in the early years of the 20 th century, illnesses that used to kill became conditioned to the point of innocuousness. Advances in research and technology allowed the development of the field of Medicine from prevention to greater prognosis in what used to be diseases equivalent to →

Lymphatic and immune systems – lab report example

This amplifies that the intensity of the signal detected classifying an illness early enough before is blows to the entire body of the patient. However, the Western Blot test takes its time to establish the status of an antibody, and that is why most of its results are negative.

Muscle dysmorphia

The primary audience for the proposed program will be youths of both genders at the Gym facility at the university of Florida. Thus, the location of the audience is very appropriate for the program as the program targets adolescent students in the school who exercise and work out hard in the school's Gym facilities.

Application for doctorate degree in health education

I have completed the Masters of Arts as well as the Masters of Science in the field of Health Education, the same field on which I intend to complete my doctorate now. In the nine years of my work experience in the different health organizations and five years in different administrative job profiles, I have →

Ethical theories chart

The theory holds that we possess the intrinsic duty to do things which are intrinsically good; the outcomes of what one does is significant, although an individual is obligated to always take the correct action even if it results in the wrong outcomes. Deontologists refute what eventually matters is the consequences of an action.

Romeo and juliet died of human action and not fate

Romeo killed Tybalt, true it was self defense but due to the choices of others previous to their encounter it was the last straw for the Prince who immediately banish Romeo even if he knew Romeo was a good person. Romeos banishment is what leads to the desperate plans of both Romeo and Juliet.

Darwin destroyed the concept of human specialness

It is the ability to see beauty in a sunset on a savannah, to hear the splendour in Tchaikovskys The Nutcracker, to read great works of literature and be able to travel the universe with our imaginations. Our ability to understand the universe and our position in it is one of the glories of the →

Radiation dose in pediatric cranial health and social care essay

3 Give the recent attending to radiation hazards, the radiation dosage of cranial CT in kids and the demand for accommodations in parametric quantities to the populace, we should understand more about existent pattern of cranial CT in paediatric patients. Radiation dosage is influenced by the radiation quality, the geometry of the scanner, the sensor →

Speech disfluencies in individuals with tourette syndrome

In particular, the authors analyzed self-reported data obtained from a group of children with Tourettes syndrome and without in order to determine whether there were significant differences between groups in terms of developmental stuttering and other kinds of speech problems. The authors concluded that, despite there being no difference in self-reporting, the children with Tourettes →

Research and describe advancements in healthcare based on the application of one of the body systems studied in anatomy & physiology i

The technology uses stem cells in the treatment of the disease. The stem cell technology in treating multiple sclerosis is designed in a way that resets the immune system functioning and focuses on slowing or reversing early diagnosis of the disease.

Period herbal medicine

Although this advertising channel still subsists, a new trend in the advertisement of herbal medicine in modern times is the aggressive marketing drive in both the print and electronic media. According to him, the results of the investigation would enable the board to take regulatory actions, including request for the revision of product information and →

How to take care of gold teeth and precautions

When you try to think about gold teeth, you tend to picture the versions of types of gold teeth available. Knowing how to take care of your gold teeth is important for your health.

Theories and models of health education

There are a number of theories and models that aim at describing, analyzing and altering the behaviors and actions of individuals in the health area. It further states that the health behaviors and prevention steps are dependent on the belief of an individual related to the gravity of the health condition.

Why am i interested in pharmacy

My interest in pharmacy began when I was twelve years old when I had to move in with my grandmother who lived in. However, throughout all this, I held on to my interest in pharmacy; I got a part-time job as a pharmacy assistant in my neighborhood pharmacy.

Mental disorders, illicit drugs, and hiv proliferation in children

Decriminalization is actually part of a back door effort that will help easy society to accept the use of addictive drugs; this will include the use of drug-related social problems. 3) Children are very sensitive to the issue of HIV/AIDS.

Dental experience

I have had a good experience as well as academic background that has provided me with a good foundation for my admission for an international dental program at your university I have worked as a dentist in India for about two years at Anu dental care where I learnt a lot under the senior dental →

No link between autism and vaccination

According to the WorldHealthOrganization and the American Psychological Association, autism is a developmental disability, manifesting itself before the age of three, and resulting from a disorder of the central nervous system. After it was discovered that parents had begun to fear the MMR vaccine because a debate had been waged with regards to the data →

Overweight, underweight, and obesity

The fat settles on the outer lining of the heart, which leaves little room for the heart's activities. Similarly, the fat in the body builds the lining of arteries and veins.

Major pairs of salivary glands health and social care essay

The parotid secretory organs are the largest brace of secretory organ locates posterior to the angle of the jaw, inferior and median to the ears. The most obvious and of import map in the unwritten pit is to keep of wellness of the dentition and the soft tissues.


Bernanke explains that the aging of the United States population will shape the health administration field in many ways, for example, it will affect Medicare and Medicaid programs by sharply increasing their costs. This transition will increase the dependence of technology in the health care field.

Alleviate silo effects —build a healthy enterprise.

And Noel W.state that communication problems In the organization are not unlike the progressive development of a headache. Therefore, in terms of trying to alleviate silo effect, it is recommended to build a internal platform which could opening and freeing to make contribution to the organization.

Gotta go right now

Intake of a lot of water increases the amount of the urine contained in the bladder and as a result, the urge to urinate increases. This approach involves drinking a lot of water that equals to the lost one.

Discussion 700

She was inspired by the realization of the importance of partnership between nurses and clients to the success of treatment. One of the assumptions of Interpersonal Relations theory is that nurses and patients can interact.

Health care administration as a career path

I believe the role of a healthcare administrator is a hectic and a challenging one at times as it links the concerns of administration with health care. I believe that I do possess the above qualities and will endeavor to understand more of diseases, as well as of the organization, financing, and delivery of healthcare.

Be smart exercise your heart: exercise effects on brain and cognition by hillman.h.c

Studies have proven exercise to be an unparalleled method of preventing a number of epidemics like obesity and in helping to maintain mental stability. Today, there are many unanswered questions related to the age and full effects of exercise on an individual's mental health.

What does stem cell therapy mean research paper samples

The adult cells helps in the regeneration of worn out tissues and are located in some of the tissues in the body of living things e.g.the intestine lining, the skin' s epidermis, the bone marrow and so on. These landmark discoveries in the field of stem cell research has gone a long way to ascertain →

Right to reject vaccines

Therefore, it should be made mandatory for the school going kids to be vaccinated before being admitted into any school. Therefore making it mandatory for school going children to be vaccinated before being admitted might make the parents follow up the whole schedule of vaccination.


Introduction Gendercide is one of the traditions in India where pregnancy is terminated due to the sex of the fetus. The preference for boys is higher than girls in the country and with the current technology that allows the parents to know the sex of the fetus, gendercide is on the rise.

You too can have a healthy skeletal system

Announcer: We both are getting up there in age, and I hope you realize that It Is not serially what is on the outside, but what is happening on the inside that matters when it comes to arthritis, osteoporosis, and injuries from falls. Yes, the fact that you are able to keep a good weight →

Health policy bill

A 1968: Personal Needs Allowance for the Elderly Residing in Nursing Facilities of the Health Sciences and Medicine Name of the Concerned Professor October 3, 2011 A 1968: Personal Needs Allowance for the Elderly Residing in Nursing Facilities It is a known fact that most of the times the persons residing in nursing facilities and →