Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Occupational safety and health administration

The mission of the OSHA is to make sure all workers are safe, and that the conditions of the work place are as well. The OSHA has over 200 offices across the country, and uses the available staff to help work places adhere to the strict standards and work codes that the OSHA puts forward.

Provider-patient relationship

For example, both nurses and health educators are required by their code of ethics to be responsible to the public. In other words, there is the significant need to support the health and welfare of the individuals and the public.

Spinal manipulation for back pain

The experts have raised serious apprehensions on the efficacy of these practices and propose detailed research to investigate the reliability of spinal manipulation for the treatment of low back pain. The process of spinal manipulation concentrates on the musculoskeletal structures and functions of the body, particularly of the spinal column and the nervous system, towards β†’

External analysis for himalaya healthcare company essay sample

The total value of the sector will compose of more than $34 billion and by the end of 2013; the sector is expected to grow to nearly $40 billion and in the other hand the personal care sector in India was estimated to be worth $5. The growth rate of the healthcare industry in India β†’

As a mercerian, what do you consider the most importasnt leadership quality and why

Intelligence appeals to me as the core leadership quality because it arouses and supports all the other requisite qualities for successful leadership. It is out of intelligence that a leader would be able to communicate sense to the audience, understand the desires of the followers and appeal to their support for the intended course.

First aid treatment for burns, cuts, fractures

In the event of the burn, ensure the fire is put off and the patient safe from it. In the first aid of 3rd-degree burns, washing the burnt surface with cold water, cleaning it dry, then dressing it.

Treatment of class ii malocclusion health and social care essay

The intent of this survey was to compare the skeletal, dental and soft tissue effects of Bionator contraptions with Multi-P contraptions in the intervention of Class II malocclusion. The comparing of the average values from the beginning and the terminal of the survey in each group were made by the usage of a mated t.trial.

Discuss and assess the potential for multiplied penalties for egregious violations. your response should be approximately 200-300 words and include a reference citation for your sources

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration rules on egregious violations might result in multi-million penalties for employers because instead of combining the violations and issuing an aggregate penalty for such violations, the OSHA now issues separate penalties per violation. Egregious violations are serious violations.

The deadly nature of the aids virus

The second paragraph deals with the mysterious nature of the AIDS virus. The third paragraph focuses on the prevention and treatment of the disease.

Collaboration in global public health

The future public health challenges include the provision of state of the art health care machinery and medicines, as well as the positive linkages amongst the doctors, paramedics, and the patients. Having their practical incorporation within the public health settings is important as it would save lives and bring treatment domains into a possible zone.

Ethical issues in health care

His family insists that he should be treated for the diseases and this brings a conflict between the nurse, family and the patient. The committee will consist of the family member's doctor and the patient.

Prenatal care

Effects of Prenatal Care on Developmental Lifespan Prenatal care for the mother and the child lessens a lot of threats that could occur during delivery, and after. Ways of Enlightening the Public on Prenatal Care The public needs to be aware of the significance of prenatal care, thus health specialist can use the following ways.

E-learning in health profession

The publication of the National Framework For Lifelong Learning and subsequently the development of the scheme Supporting Best Practice in e-Learning across the NHS work together to determine the development of C & A; IT expertness within the NHS work force; the National Programme for InformationTechnology delivered through local execution by Strategic Health Authorities and β†’

Faith community hospital case study

Moreover, by providing a clear set of rules regarding charity and uninsured patients, which will be communicated to the public, the hospital can also prevent being liable for not admitting some patients. By improving staff coordination, Faith can improve the efficiency of its staff and ensure their adherence to rules, which can both reduce expenses β†’

The importance of sleeping for a student

I have come to the conclusion that to sacrifice my sleep in order to get good grades is a paradox. Therefore, I have decided that I will plan ahead and make a schedule quite a while before my exams start so that I am familiar with the topic that I am studying and will not β†’

Personal ethics statement and support paper

The confidentiality ethical issue must be complied with to the utmost degree, unless the patients consent to the divulging of the patient's confidential information. With the strict implementation of the patient's confidential information, the patient is assured that he or she can freely talk to the medical doctor, nurse, physical therapist, medical technologist, pharmacist, or β†’

Florida public health and statutes health and social care essay

It is recognized that a substance maltreatment damage crisis is destructing the young person and is the underlying cause of many juveniles come ining the juvenile justness system, and that substance maltreatment damage contributes to the offense the school dropout rate, young person self-destruction, adolescent gestation, and substance-exposed neonates and that substance maltreatment damage is β†’

Career paper essay sample

It takes a lot of schooling and hard work, but I believe the job is well worth it. After I graduate form college, I plan to spend a year in Africa to experience, volunteer work, and on the job training at the hospital.

Mitigation and risk reduction in emergency planning

However, the local authorities, the meteorological department and other parties fail to plan adequately prior to the floods, and this leads to the amplification of the flood effects. In assessing the damage, I will inquire about the sources of the floods in the community.

Radiology technician and technologist

1146065 RESUME OBJECTIVE My objective is to combine the quality of self-motivation with my learned skill in radiography over the years to help promote the growth of the organization by brining on board very dynamic and innovative approaches to the role of the radiography in your organization. What is more, my entire tertiary educational experience β†’

Painful treatment: alwaseem

In conclusion, using traditional medicine is a common thing in the world but it is not always as good and useful as modern medicine. Alwaseem is a traditional medicine used in Oman, and it is a very painful way to treat people.

Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders

Under the manual guidelines published by WHO and the American Psychiatric Association, the term ' drug abuse' is not official anymore; instead, they have opted for the term ' substance abuse' that in its nature and scope includes the term drug abuse. According to APA, the term drug abuse can be applicable " to the β†’

Abnormal psychology

If the behavior elicits a response, or operant, that is positive, then the consequence of this positive response is that the behavior is likely to be repeated. With behaviorism, people can be trained to behave differently, and that would mean that, in the case of the patient, she can be trained to take her meds β†’

Assessment of lipid profile in sudanese pregnant women health essay

150 women were included in the study of two groups consisted of 115 pregnant women in different trimesters and 35 ) healthy non-pregnant women taken as control. This study aimed to assess the lipid profiles in Sudanese pregnant women.

How the model for ethical decision making can be applied to solve the ethical dilemma of removing vicodin from a schedule iii medication to a schedule ii

It can be seen that relieving pain using the drug Vicodin is an ethical principle but this can be violated to produce the greatest benefits to the greatest number of people while producing the least harm to the greatest number of people. However, on a different note, it can be seen that the removal of β†’

Hiv/aids discussion

HIV and AIDS Discussion al Affiliation) The biological basis for social psychological and physical problems related to the diagnosis of Mike's HIV positive status includes negative public relations and isolation by the family, friends, and the community thus affecting the social stigma. From the readings and video, I have learnt that the Miller family should β†’

Current issue

The participants walked past the vacant lots three months before and three months after some of the lots received the greening treatment. Further analysis concluded that the total net reduction in heart rate when near and in view of green vacant lots was more than 15 heart beats a minute".

Inserting a chip into each person. pros and cons

One concern would be that this would be a costly procedure, to have to store the medical history of each person in a separate chip and then to insert this chip into the person to whom it belongs. If the patient would have to bear the expense of this procedure, several people in the US β†’

Basic paramedic practice ( patient approach and call completion)

Patient Approach When approaching the patient, it is of the utmost importance to ensure the biological safety of both the patient and yourself; it has been termed as Scene Safety. To evaluate the critical signs and symptoms of the patient because as a paramedic, I should know how to assess the condition of my patient β†’

Epidemiology (article analyses)

Impact of Non-HIV and HIV Risk Factors on Survival in HIV-Infected Patients on HAART: A Population-Based Nationwide Cohort Study Summary This is a nationwide study that was carried out among HIV patients on HAART in Denmark to determine the effect of three risk factors on mortality among the patients. The aims of the study were β†’

Organization of fertility clinics

Fertility clinics are run and managed by doctors and help couples have their own child by in vitro fertilization or if the man has a low sperm count then the couple may consider a sperm donor and introduce the sperm in the woman body by artificial ejaculation. Nature has set childbearing years for a reason β†’

Cardiology fellowship personal statement examples

Since my early childhood I had a clear understanding that something was wrong with that so called health care system, and I have made a promise to myself to find ways to treat people who are in need of medical help. In order to have an ability to pay for my studies I have worked β†’

Balance scorecard method used in cattaraugus country rehabilitation center

ReHabilitation Center has seen great benefits from adapting the BSC to the center but the greatest benefit maybe that the personnel within the center has noticed how much more encompassing process that strategic planning is and not merely looking at a long-term plan. The Center has begun to focus on the importance of interrelationships among β†’

Conduct disorder

According to the DSM-IV-TR, a conduct disorder diagnosis is made when the child goes against the rules, age-appropriate social customs, and the rights of others in a period of at least twelve months. TREATMENT The treatment of Conduct Disorder is mainly based on the developmental age of the child.

Why and how people eat health essay

The researcher personally felt the school age children are unaware of the safe food habits and are more interested in fast food items. In this study it refers to the difference in the mean pre-test score and mean post-test score on knowledge, attitude and self reported practice regarding safe outdoor food habits among school age β†’

Written critique of drug therapy in nursing practice

Brown's regimen is presented to help verify the purpose of the drugs and their effects on the overall condition of the patient. The patient should be informed of the signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia and bleeding so that she could report it to the health care team immediately.


Understanding the characteristics of the future in the health field may help organizations anticipate movement in an out of the health field. This is so as to try and fill the number of spots that retired nurses, physicians, and professionals leave after serving in the health field.

Newspaper op-ed

The negative effect of the proposed bill to Public health In Turkewitz' s article identifies various efforts by the public in seeking rights to choose whether to use experimental drugs. The essence of any law is to regulate operations in a given manner.

Purpose to contribute to the enhancement of research

ment of purpose After joining Garyounis in February 2008 as an in the Parasitology Department, I learned that I want to contribute to the enhancement of research in my field, which will have direct relevance to Libyan public health and education. I aim to pursue Master of Science in Medical Parasitology in your university, because β†’

The implications of obesity on health

Obesity has wide ranging serious implications on the health of the children and adults and therefore needs to be addressed urgently. The fast food therefore, is highly detrimental for health.


In Sherry Baker's article, " Children in danger from exposure to common chemicals, new studies confirm," the author divulges into alleged causes of asthma in children, which are the toxic chemicals of common products. While Baker focuses on chemicals as a cause of asthma in children and Miller looks to unconventional techniques to treat asthma, β†’

Major drivers of health care spending health essay

The health care increasing rate of spending on the technology increase the cost on health care in great extends. Increases administrative cost also fueling the over head cost and one of the major contributing drivers of health care spending as it is the 7% of all the cost spend on health care.

Physical therapy/ implementing escape for knee oa patients in middle east

The objective of the proposed research study is to investigate the long-term cost-effectiveness clinical effectiveness of the Enabling Self-management and Coping of Arthritic Knee Pain through Exercise, ESCAPE-knee pain rehabilitation program, which combines exercise and self-management. The rationale for the proposed study is that, although chronic joint pain due to OA causes debilitating disability and β†’

Physiology and function

But most important function of CCK is contraction of Gall bladder and relaxation of sphincter of Oddi. When food rich in fat reach the duodenum, CCK cause expulsion of bile in the common bile duct and relaxed sphincter of Oddi allow easy passage into the duodenum to mix with the food.

Influence of space on human life

It is generally known that the largest cosmodrome on the Earth is in the territory of my country. Day and night, ebbs or flows in the seas and oceans all of that is a result of the influence of the space bodies on our planet.

Human profile

However, these stopgap measures address only the surface of problems that are rooted in the complex interactions of people and equipment within the larger system and the institutional and organizational structures and procedures that drive the planning, design, and management of these systems. FAA AND HUMAN FACTORS FAA Policy and Plans for Human Factors and β†’

Module 4 bhs427 health care finance cost of capital (case)

Capital Asset Pricing Model: CAPM Capital Asset Pricing Model: CAPM Introduction Capital Asset Pricing model is a model that is used to determine the viability of an investment based on the expected return of a bond. Under CAPM the expected return of a bond or security is equivalent to the sum of risk free rate β†’

Genital warts

Failure to treat genital warts increases the chance of transmitting the disease to a person's sexual partner. During childbirth, genital warts can hamper the ability of the vaginal tissues to fully stretch.

Variability of blood glucose concentration

In the initial portion of the discussion section, the researchers present their conclusion that " variability of glucose concentration was a significant and independent predictor of ICU and hospital mortality and that it as a stronger predictor of ICU mortality than mean glucose concentration". One major deficiency in the study, that of not considering the β†’

Cerebral vascular accident

Formation of lacunar spaces as a result of narrowing of smaller arteries of the brain may cause tissue damage to the brain and compromised blood flow, Atherosclerosis which is a hardening of arteries due to the accumulation of fatty debris and plaque is another cause that can lead to a cerebral vascular accident. The case β†’

Mind you own business

The suppliers in the industry are the doctors, nurses and technicians while the consumers are the patients or anybody seeking health care. The current economic status in the world has spear rocketed the cost of medical care.

Compounding pharmacy regulation

Compounding Pharmacy Regulation Compounding Pharmacy Regulation A compounding pharmacy can be illustrated as a unique pharmacy that focuses and specializes in medication preparation through mixing of different ingredients to fulfill the requirements of certain patients. The regulations to compounding of drugs are enforced by the Federal Food and Drug Administration.

A review of ghost map: the story of london’s most terrifying epidemic — and how it changed science, cities, and the modern world

Introduction Steven Johnson compiles the contents of his book to present the plot of the Ghost Map in a manner to suggest the events prevailing within the minimally neglected entities within the society. There is the need to highlight the effects of bacteria on the society because the action is prompted to develop a counter β†’

Special situations in trauma recognition health and social care essay

Clinical profiling of the types of hurts treated in local infirmaries following a natural catastrophe give an indicant of the prevalence of this type of hurt in such state of affairss. The enzyme is released into the blood following cell rupture and the concentration of the enzyme in the blood is relative to the extent β†’

People of jewish heritage

People of Jewish Heritage People of Jewish Heritage Part The Jews believe in one God who is the creator of heaven and earth, andthe giver of life. The Jews also believe God is the giver of life and can also take it.

Diseases of the human body ii

This occurs after the death of the cell which leads to Dnase 1 responsible for serum, urine and secreta removes the DNA in the nuclear antigens areas of high cell turnover, hence helping in the prevention of the occurrence of SLE. It is characterized by the building of pressure in the eardrum which may lead β†’

Strategic and structural family therapy

Capuzzi, D &Gross, R, D, hold that though the strategic family therapist does not become ' part of the family', he would fit there-in in the sense that he would attend to the nature of the problem described by the members of the family experiencing it. A structural family therapist would join in with the β†’

What is muscular dysmorphia?

The abuse of protein drinks and other specialistfoodsubstances in order to add weight Because the area of Muscle Dysmorphia has only recently been identified, and because the incidence seems to be increasing in the USA and elsewhere, with an estimate of 100, 000 people worldwide suffering from the condition, there is a need to investigate β†’

Patients’ safety as an endemic concern

Within two weeks of the publishing of the report, the president of the United States of America ordered a study to be carried out to establish the feasibility of the implementation of the report's recommendations. To err is to human and errors will always happen despite the level of care practiced in health care facilities.

Discussion 4

To solve the issues crippling the healthcare system, all Americans should have access to healthcare insurance coverage. To save all Americans from unexpected medical costs, healthcare insurance coverage should be made accessible to all.

Health economics

For example, increase in the expected value of the good, increase in the value of a substitute, decreased price of the complementary good, increase in the number of the potential consumers and increased earnings of the consumer will lead to increased demand. Moreover, when there is a decrease in expected value of the commodity, increased β†’

An ethical issue in human behavioral pharmacology

A lot of how a drug affects a person is really in their belief of how the drug they are taking will influence their over all. So placebo controls are definitely needed to interact with groups of people and see whether or not the drug really is needed for a person, if it is really β†’

Product helath claims in the media

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine In an online article en d Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Strongly Protect Us from Cold and Flu, Melissa Sokulski explores the solution to colds and flu, which is through acupuncture and Chinese medicine. The author used this strong Chinese finding to back up her claim that acupuncture and Chinese medicine prove β†’

Opting for cosmetic surgery

Opting for cosmetic surgery Anderson explains the tormenting journey of Stardom Hills who are the MTV stars that are said to have sucked in a party in Los Angeles. Texas is said to be the leading Nation that has embraced cosmetic surgery, followed by Florida and New York.

Introduction to emergency planning and operations

Analysis of the Approaches Proposed the ERPC In the meeting by the community's ERPC, two perspectives of direction to be followed by the proposed plan emerged; first, I informed the committee that the best way to begin the plan was by identifying the different types of emergencies and disasters for which the proposed plan is β†’

Clinical population and people with mental disorders

To deal with the dilemma relating to the difficulty of obtaining informed consent, a researcher can contact and persuade close relatives such as parents or guardians of the subject to give and sign consent. According to Bordens and Abbott, deception refers to giving false information to the participants in research.

Pate memorial hospital essay sample

Market Medical and Health Services 1. Statement of the Problem/Opportunity A.

Topic selection form for

Aim of the study: To explore the impact of family support on the frequency of falls in the community dwelling elderly. To measure the frequency of falls as an evidence in the chart reported by patient.

Personal impact of substance abuse

You said that due to your financial crisis and the death of your wife pushed you to started taking alcohol. If you will go on to take alcohol like this, you will not only destroy your life but you will also be responsible for snatching away the future of your kids.

Replacing miracle berry for sugar in food

The increased consumption of sugar is largely associated with the increased consumption of processed foods. M, & Kern, M, ' Miracle fruit improves the sweetness of a low-calorie dessert without promoting subsequent energy compensation.

Liaison in health setting

There is a distinction to be drawn between a mental health concern as a cause of obesity and the associated psychological factors that accompany childhood obesity. One needs to be careful to avoid any excess attention orbullyingof the child if treated in a mental health institution, particularly because there is a misconception as to the β†’

Veterinary population medicine

The authors address the spread of diseases in wild animals and the effects of the diseases on the animals, wild animals' contributions in illnesses that individuals suffer from or the health of tamed animals, safety, financial side, trade, and how to take care of the environment when it comes to globalization. The authors left out β†’

Attachments and eating disorders

The hypothetical data gives a clear implication about how important is the roles of parents or caretakers to nourish the abilities and personality of a child. A therapist can examine the behavioral responses of a child, such as eating disorder, consult with the family and explain them how to respond accordingly.

Communicable disease crisis of global proportions health essay

Dissemination of health information is one of the ways of increasing knowledge on health and modification of behavior which is directed towards promotion of health and prevention of disease. The entry of the causative agent of the disease into the human body and its multiplication is known as the infection.

Crucial role in healthcare

It would be a great feeling to be a part of the health care team to deliver respiratory care for patients suffering from life-threatening disorders like heart and lung disorders. I would able to provide support to patients in accidents and emergencies and, confer pre-hospital respiratory care and treatment.


Secondly, people in rural areas are less educated than those in urban areas, and tend not to comprehend the importance of health care in elongating their lives. Lastly, people in rural areas have limited access to health care and must travel long distances to acquire medical care.

Hpm1s: evaluation – big brother-big sister

Evaluation of the " Big Brother Big Sister" Evaluation of the " Big Brother Big Sister Mission of the Organization Responsible forImplementing the Program The mission of Big-Brothers Big Sisters' as a community-based organization is to offer mentoring programs aimed at matching youths between the age of 6 and 18 especially those who hail from β†’

For pharmacy school

When I attended my first pharmacy workshop at UCI, I realized that pharmacy is the only profession that I wanted to adopt because it brings the best of me. Ever since, I conducted intensive research into the area, I was able to gain knowledge that helped me to identify the key areas for specialization in β†’

Senior capston project

People at the work site can convey the effects of the health education program to the members of their family, be it school children or even members of the community. Health education program need to be planned according to the age of the group it is to be implemented on.

Concerns of gloving practices health and social care essay

A study conducted by in an English infirmary with 717 nurses, they were questioned sing the cognition of HIV and AIDS and besides the attitude towards the attention given to the patients to the HIV positive patients. This survey chiefly points out the current and future function of the professional Nurses in supplying disposed attention β†’

Blood pressure

It de s the force of ventricular contraction, the resistance within the arterioles and the capillaries and the volume and viscosity of blood. In the brain, the set point for mean arterial pressure is 100mmHg and a pressure of less than that triggers responses that include increased sympathetic outflow to the heart and blood vessels β†’

The fundamental reasons people eat organic vegetables

He argues vociferously that this study is the more valid of the two, and makes many good points along the way. While Benbrook's review did address the idea that the Stanford study failed to examine all aspects of food and health, he did not pay enough attention to that point.


Some of the health risksof obesity are; Individuals with abdominal obesity are likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Question 2 Modifications and considerations for testing for persons with diabetes Diabetic persons need to be tested by a physician in order to check that the level of glucose is controlled through medication before embarking on physical β†’

Critique of health related information sources

As a health professional, one needs to be aware of the extensive amounts of new and existing research available over the internet, but also how to valuate, discern and decide which information is reliable. The aim of this report is to evaluate and critique, two health related internet sources, a journal article ' Energy density β†’

Major theories of human development

According to Erikson, the developing individual must master and resolve, to some extent, a core conflict or crisis during each stage by integrating personal needs and skills with the social and cultural demands and expectations of theenvironment. Kohlberg's six stages of moral development are: 1) Right is obedience to power and avoidance of punishment.

Hospitals in chicago

A governmental hospital in Chicago is the Alton Mental Health Center which is fully funded by government agencies. This is a psychiatric treatment hospital in which patients are residents.

704 discussion 1

The leadership would seek to influence implementation of the rules and effectiveness of the rules on healthcare outcomes investigated in the capstone. The content of the roadmap reading informs methodology of my capstone through suggesting an experimental design for data collection and data analysis on possible effectiveness of redesigning the health care system.

Introduction to emergency planning and operations

The Concept of Operations to be followed in case of a fire emergency is as follows; the first step is to evacuate everyone from the building and from the vicinity, gather them at fire assembly points and account for everyone, meanwhile, the fire brigade should be called; if it is safe, put out the fire β†’

Six dimensions of health

The ones that I have noticed is that you need to be able to maintain a certain level ofprofessionalismwhen interacting with certain people, work staff and clients. Emotional health: To me this refers to my job and my daily life, at times I am extremely overwhelmed and I have to remember not to displace my β†’

Examine the effects of the impact of human activity on soil

In the context of living in the modern world theenvironmentis very important to study and maintain. In protecting soil we have to consider not only the land but also the land use and the pressures on it, and then find the correct balance of how to help both the land and people.

Annotated bibliography example

Purpose of study/Research question The purpose of the study was to identify the occurrence of dehydration among older individuals and the variations in physiological factors that are utilized in assessing dehydration amongst the population of hospitalized older adults. These outcomes were relevant to the purpose of the study and that is why they were reported.

Laughter is the best medicine

If you want to associate a child with a book, try not to visualize the child reading the book that's too simple and forgettable. You may remember the information for your exam the next day, but you will barely recall the unit when it's time to take the final.

Chapter questions

Some of the direct and indirect causes of under nutrition Direct causes of under nutrition are shortage of food that leads to intake of insufficient amount of nutrients and energy from consumed quantity of food and consumption of food of poor quality that has insufficient levels of nutrients and energy. Links between nutrition and health β†’

Critiquing internet sources

In her submission, it would be noted that there is an attempt to overcome forms of biases that exists in the delivery of healthcare where only the rich get the best of care. This is one such post that can be said to be highly valid in information delivery as the scope of arguments and β†’

Therapy dog visits cancer patients at cone health

The patients have the opportunity to hold the dog, which reminds her of her dog pet that she left at home. This article is linked to the idea of bringing animals and human beings close, an important topic in the contemporary studies.

Qualitative methods for social health research

In an attempt to understand the experiences of the current crop of students, this paper will analyze the themes of stress, academic performance and coping strategy through a focus on the interview results of four students who responded to questions that are related to the themes. When asked on How satisfied the participant is with β†’