Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

Medical and psychosocial aspects of chronic illness and disability

The stress of her diagnosis and anxiety about future changes are likely to have a psychological impact on Tracey. Vocational: Tracey will meet with a vocational counselor and her boss to talk about the effects of multiple sclerosis on job performance.

A dual process for the cognitive control of emotional significance: implications for emotion regulation and disorders of emotion

Putting their findings together, Harris et al.conclude that the self-control of desirable food is a product of both the early attention-related filtering of occipital cortices, and the late modulation of the vmPFC valuation system. Neurosci.doi: 10.

Seminal plasma activity to improve implantation in in vitro fertilizationβ€”how can it be used in daily practice?

However, this raises the question of which approach would most reasonably be expected to yield the highest effect with the lowest cost and burden for the couple, the IVF laboratory, and the physician. In conclusion, the application of undiluted SP seems to be more effective and safer than intercourse at the time of follicle aspiration.

Person centred values essay sample

Person-centred thinking is described by the UK Department of Health as " the foundation for person centred planning"[1] The British Institute of Learning Disabilities advocates Person centred thinking suggesting that such tools " can be really helpful in assisting the process of getting to know a person really well".[2] A major piece of research into β†’

On the effect of chess training on scholastic achievement

Gobet and Campitelli reviewed that research and reached the following conclusions: the educational effects of optional scholastic chess training remain undetermined; compulsory scholastic chess instruction may engender motivational problems among students; and chess instruction may be beneficial among novices, but is less important among intermediate and advanced players for whom the amount of practice and β†’

Autophagy in cancer therapy

Furthermore, obatoclax has been implicated in triggering ACD and the conclusion that it is in fact ACD contributing to obatoclax-induced cell death was drawn on findings showing that genetic silencing of essential autophagy genes such as BECN1, ATG5, or ATG7 inhibits obatoclax-mediated cell death. However, no genetic evidence has been provided in this study to β†’

Commentary: are the proposed benefits of melatonin-rich foods too hard to swallow?

962686 Even if the discovery of melatonin in plants dates back to 1995, in the past decade, the topic of melatonin in plant foods has been largely investigated. The author suggested that the claimed increases in circulating melatonin are not consistent with the amount of the dietary melatonin ingested, stating that " Studies reporting the β†’

Young children learning from touch screens: taking a wider view

In the interactive video condition, cameras were placed in both rooms and the experimenter interacted with the children throughout the hiding episode. In the non-interactive control condition, children watched a 5-min recorded video of the experimenter interacting with a previous participant and then watched the experimenter hide the toy.

Editorial: advances in the development of artificial metalloenzymes

Editorial on the Research Topic Advances in the Development of Artificial Metalloenzymes A wide range of chemical reactions such as hydrolyses, oxidations/reductions, isomerizations, and ligations are catalyzed by metalloenzymes. They showed that activities of these complexes can be rationally predicted using the metal-ligand and metal-nucleophile bond lengths, strain of the cyclen ring, atomic charges, and β†’

History and development of mac cosmetics

Since they already had connections in the field of makeup and fashion, they spread the idea of MAC through their networks. Estee Lauder kept the MAC name and continued some of the original owners' charity work, such as the MAC AIDS Fund.

Autonomic regulation in muscular dystrophy

Smith and colleagues in their review discuss the possibility of the exercise pressor reflex as one such mechanism that contributes to the autonomic imbalance in muscular dystrophy. The link between stress disorders and autonomic dysfunction in muscular dystrophy.

Commentary: ex situ aqueous mineral carbonation

Predicting the fate of CO 2 injected into geological formations containing these rocks and minerals and developing chemical processes for converting CO 2 to carbonates require a fundamental understanding of the kinetics of mineral carbonation and the corresponding morphological changes in materials. J, and Park, A.H.A.

Editorial: diagnostic approaches for aspergillus infections

The current Research Topic includes in total 19 high quality manuscripts, ranging from reviews of current state of the art of treatment of aspergillosis in solid organ transplant recipients, the pediatric population, and the veterinary setting, to a variety of original articles focusing on new diagnostics of invasive and chronic forms of aspergillosis, including detection β†’

Methodological considerations for the neurophenomenology of dreaming: commentary on windt’s “reporting dream experience”

This has revealed qualitative and quantitative differences in the nature of dream experiences reported after awakenings from REM sleep, NREM sleep, and NREM Stage 1 sleep onset: REM sleep has been found to possess the most vivid and immersive dreams, NREM sleep the most thought-like mentation, and Stage1 NREM sleep the briefest but nonetheless REM-like β†’

Coronavirus disease pandemic is a real challenge for brazil

COVID-19 in Brazil: advantages of a socialized unified health system and preparation to contain cases. Data-driven study of the COVID-19 pandemic via age-structured modelling and prediction of the health system failure in Brazil amid diverse intervention-strategies.medRxiv [Preprint].doi: 10.

Editorial: advanced neuroimaging methods for studying autism disorder

The aim of this research topic is to present advanced neuroimaging methods able to capture the complexity of the neural deficits displayed in autism. The theories and methods for studying autism presented in this state-of-the-art research topic are strongly grounded in affective neuroscience and bring together scientists describing new ways to understand the developmental pathology β†’

Commentary: constructing nonhuman animal emotion

However, " at the core of [every] TCE is " affect" a global state characterized by valence and arousal that forms the basis of emotions". 1152 Scarantino, A." Basic emotions, psychological construction and the problem of variability," in The Psychological Construction of Emotion, eds J.

Stability and variability in aesthetic experience: a review

Aesthetic appreciation entails the evaluation of sensations and perceptions against relevant concepts like the beautiful, the elegant, the harmonious, the melodious, the rhythmical, and the like. For instance, the identification of the brain correlates of aesthetic judgment of beauty of novel, formal graphic patterns required the formal modeling of the participants' individual judgments.

Child obesity

The given paper presents the overview of three articles, in which the authors considered different sides of the problem with one main purpose that is to find the ways to decrease the level of obesity among children. The main purpose of the research conducted by the author was to study the effect of communication between β†’

Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (swot) analysis

Vision of the organization The vision of the foundation is to have a system in which every individual of the society is able to have access to quality health services irrespective of their financial statuses. Its values The development of the mission and vision, accomplishment of the stated mission as well as the attainment of β†’

Guiding undergraduates through the process of first authorship

Although mentoring students to be first authors can be challenging, the rewards can also be immense for both the students and the faculty mentors who are up to the challenge. Given the clear importance of writing as a factor in first authorship, and because students' contributions to idea generation, design, and analysis are often similar β†’

Editorial: physiology and pathophysiology of heat shock protein 60

Editorial on the Research Topic Physiology and Pathophysiology of Heat Shock Protein 60 The authors were invited to participate in this Research Topic before the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak and we all were very enthusiastic at the prospect of assembling a series of articles on the physiological and pathological roles of the chaperone Hsp60. These and β†’

Elements of evaluation

In words by McKenzie, Neiger & Thackeray evaluation of health intervention programs analyses the quality and efficiency of the intervention. Maintenance of an intervention reflects heavily on the evaluation results of the intervention which reflects the durability of an intervention and its ability to maintained and remain relevance in addressing the health problem stated.

The dichotomy of pathogens and allergens in vaccination approaches

The development of vaccines is dependent on the knowledge of: what pathogen causes the disease; how it establishes itself in the host; how the host's innate and cell-mediated immunity responds to pathogens; and how it maintains ongoing protection after the disease using antibodies. It is believed that Jenner was also aware of the rumors of β†’

Does spatial navigation have a blind-spot? visiocentrism is not enough to explain the navigational behavior comprehensively

For instance, Cheng, the former proponent of the high-level geometric module, suggested that view-matching models of insects' navigation, can be directly implemented in the studies on the spatial navigation of vertebrates, and even human. J, Huttenlocher, J, and Rieser, J.J.

Stepping from modeling cancer plasticity to the philosophy of cancer

The immune system in this extended sense should thus comprise the following: the equivalent in all Metazoans of the major histocompatibility complex of jawed vertebrates, in charge of characterizing all cells of a given individual within its species; the immune response; and the cohesion watch. The latter is here assumed to be a complementary histocompatibility β†’

Physical and mental health issues

Plans of Care Plan of Care for Multiple Lacerations The plan of care for multiple lacerations includes washing the lacerating surface with soap and water to keep the surface clean." Most injuries of the wrist and hand require no intervention and heal without complication". The Journal for Prevention and Healing Link: http://www.nursingcenter.com/library/JournalArticle.asp?

Involving undergraduates in publishable international research: experiences in latin america

Challenges specific to international research, like working in unfamiliar locations and avoiding specific cultural and ethical pitfalls, can be managed by focusing on five issues: establish local collaborations, avoid " safari" research, understand students' cultural and research skills, get official institutional support for students' travel and work, and model international research ethics. While working with β†’

Problems with theories that equate consciousness with information or information processing

Chalmers takes information theory as his starting point, but immediately generalizes Shannon's two-state " bit" of information to the concept of a multi-state " information space," defined as an abstract space consisting of a number of information states and a structure of " difference relations" between them. But the only potentially testable prediction of theories β†’

Corrigendum: coping with brief periods of food restriction: mindfulness matters

An ROI analysis revealed that global efficiency in the insula/auditory cortex was significantly greater in the Low MAAS group compared to the High MAAS group for BOOST and NO BOOST conditions. However, an ROI analysis revealed that the average global efficiency in the insula/auditory cortex was significantly greater in the High MAAS group compared to β†’

Should we treat aging as a disease? the consequences and dangers of miscategorisation

In this article the word " aging" is used specifically to describe the operation of processes within whole organisms or populations of such organisms that result in an exponential increase in the chance of both death and sickness with the passage of time. Thus it is perhaps unsurprisingly that at the first meeting of this β†’

Effects of acupuncture on neurological disease in clinical- and animal-based research

As for the safety of acupuncture in the treatment of AD, the analysis indicated that there were only two acupuncture-related adverse reactions in 141 clinical trials; only 7 of the 3, 416 subjects had acupuncture-related adverse reactions, so the study concluded that these reactions are within the allowable range and are not severe. The results β†’

Editorial: industrial biotechnology forum ( )

In that context, the featured manuscript in this IBF special issue presented by Mindt et al, described the efficient conversion of the sustainable and cost efficient carbon source glycerol into Methylglutamate using a metabolically engineered Pseudomonas putida. In its conclusion the article suggests that linking algae biomass growth with wastewater treatment could be the key β†’

Commentary: how bayes factors change scientific practice

Dienes's main argument is one of best-fit-for-purpose: the Bayes factor pits the probability of the data under one hypothesis against that under another on equal ground, providing a symmetric assessment the data may favor either hypothesis, or neither as a continuous measure of evidence in the form of odds. The philosophy of Bayes factors and β†’

Mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance in finfish aquaculture environments

Nawaz et al.found a high prevalence of tet and, to a lesser extent, tet, tet and the co-occurrence of tet and tet in Escherichia coli isolated from farm-raised catfish. Kim et al.reported the occurrence of tet and tet in tetracycline-resistant bacteria from fish farms in Korea and Nonaka and Suzuki found the novel OTC-resistance determinant β†’

Knowing you beyond race: the importance of individual feature encoding in the other-race effect

An interesting extension of Lucas et al.'s findings is the consideration of whether attention to unique features of faces encourages deeper encoding of individuating traits and behaviors of outgroup members. Categorization and individuation in the cross-race recognition deficit: toward a solution to an insidious problem.J.Exp.Soc.

Bookreview of principles of data integration

This process, data integration, will be of central importance in how the scientific community to will be able to draw on the result of the next decade which doubtless will be the decade of the brain, in live sciences. Through the book the authors are leading the novice from basic concepts to the current state β†’

Mini review: linkages between essential tremor and parkinson’s disease?

The association between the two movement disorders includes a similar tremor frequency range of 4 8 Hz in both ET and PD, overlapping resting tremors and postural tremors in some of ET and PD patients, and many ET patients develop PD later in life. Asymmetry of tremor intensity and frequency in parkinson's disease and essential β†’

Miscommunication of science: music cognition research in the popular press

For instance, the Times of London reported, " Academic benefits of music ' a myth'"; a Boston Globe headline read, " Music does not make you smarter, Harvard study finds"; and TIME reported " Music can soothe the soul and speed along creativity, but it will not, according to researchers from Harvard, boost intelligence". For β†’

Historical review of the fluid-percussion tbi model

The fluid-percussion technique has flourished and become one of the most widely used methods of producing TBI in the laboratory and has been applied to a number of species, including rabbit, dog and sheep, cat, pig, and mouse, with the overwhelming majority of publications in rats. A prolific number of publications by the Richmond group β†’

Editorial: molecular basis of the response of photosynthetic apparatus to light and temperature stress

Editorial on the Research Topic Molecular Basis of the Response of Photosynthetic Apparatus to Light and Temperature Stress The fast growing world population requires an increase in plant productivity. Photosynthesis is an intricate and crucial function in plant productivity, and the ability of plants to adapt to changing environments is related to the plasticity of β†’

Editorial: molecular mechanisms in pulmonary hypertension and right ventricle dysfunction

In all of these forms, the diagnosis of PH is strongly associated with increased morbidity and mortality and in the vast majority of cases, PH remains a progressive, incurable disorder. To accompany this study, a pair of reviews by Sydykov et al.and Dewachter and Dewachter discuss the role of inflammatory mediators in maladaptive RV remodeling β†’

Hardwood tree genomics: unlocking woody plant biology

When the Populus trichocarpa genome, ' Nisquallly-1,' was released in 2006 it was the first plant genome to use shotgun sequencing assembly approaches, the first genome to create chromosome-level assemblies based on genetic mapping, the first woody perennial genome to be assembled and annotated, as well as the first metagenomic assembly of associated endophytic bacteria β†’

Corrigendum: probiotics reduce health care cost and societal impact of flu-like respiratory tract infections in the usa: an economic modeling study

Hansen, was not involved in the writing of the manuscript is incorrect. The funder was not involved in the study design, collection, analysis, interpretation of data or the decision to submit it for publication" Furthermore, there is a mistake in theConflict of Interest Statement.

Editorial: an omics perspective on fungal infection: toward next-generation diagnosis and therapy

The combination of omics technologies and advanced computational methods, together with the use of both established and alternative in vitro and in vivo models of infection, provides comprehensive views of the architecture and dynamics of host-fungus interaction networks at a level of complexity previously unanticipated. F, Carvalho, A, and Cunha, C.

Macrophages in inflammation and its resolution

The remaining seven manuscripts outline the role of macrophages during inflammation and its resolution in different tissues, including the lung, cardiovascular and adipose tissues, injured skeletal muscle and neuronal tissues, and synovial and oral cavities. Of the review articles that discuss the regulation of macrophage differentiation and function by discrete events, two cover the interaction β†’

Metformin during pregnancy: effects on offspring development and metabolic function

Here, we review both the evidence supporting the use of metformin during pregnancy along with studies in humans and animal models regarding the long-term effects of metformin in the offspring. However, metformin has a high percentage of ineffectiveness in the management of glycemia in GDM patients and 46% of women in metformin group needed to β†’

Editorial: doubled haploidy in model and recalcitrant species

The Editorial on the Research Topic Doubled Haploidy in Model and Recalcitrant Species Doubled haploid technology is a powerful tool in plant breeding to reduce the time and costs needed to produce pure lines, the cornerstone of hybrid seed production. This is the case of onion for gynogenesis, and of barley and rapeseed for microspore β†’

Parasites of native and invasive rodents in chile: ecological and human health needs

Thus, the aim of this study was to review and quantitatively explore the literature on macroparasites of rodents from the perspectives of public health and ecology. To determine this, we assessed the associations between the mean abundance and prevalence of a parasite species in the source host populations, and those in the recipient host populations.

Regestration of job

In order to achieve this, the first step to follow is registering paramedics. One mandatory requirement is that a person has to pass the tests, which are issued under the ministry of health.

Editorial: quasars at all cosmic epochs

We think that one of the more remarkable outcomes of the conference was the realization of the many observational manifestations of accretion in quasars in a broad range of luminosity and cosmic epochs, and of their dependence on accretion parameters such as mass, dimensionless accretion rate, and spin. The overarching question posed at the meeting β†’

Editorial: diabetes and heart failure: pathogenesis and novel therapeutic approaches

The review by Bajpai and Tilley discusses the roles of leukocytes and particularly neutrophils, macrophages, and lymphocytes in the appearance of myocardial infarction and heart failure during diabetes. The review by Grisanti highlights the impact of diabetes on the electrical conduction system in the heart, resulting in atrial fibrillation and ventricular arrhythmias, with a focus β†’

Corrigendum: construction of sars-cov-2 virus-like particles by mammalian expression system

00862 In the original article, there was an error in the Materials and Methods section, subsection Plasmid Construction and Molecular Cloning. The four genes were cloned into the double NheI and NotI restriction sites of the expression vector pcDNA3.1.

Family systems essay sample

Explain in detail the relationship between Family Systems and Healthy Development. Discuss the effects of an unhealthy family system on development.

Specialty demos

This discussion would focus on the MedicsDocAssistant Oncology EHR and the NextGen Ambulatory EHR and comparison of their applications in patient data management. Due to the intricate nature of data management in oncology specialty, the MedicsDocAssistant Oncology EHR system promotes workflow between the members of the oncology care team.

The strange behavior of samantha stewart

As the client left, he called up 911 and informed that she had multiple pills in her purse and the effect of such a pill made her take the improper turn. I would like to argue that if at all she had violated the traffic rules, she could have been asked for papers of the β†’

Discuss and explain situations where osha would be able to enter and inspect a worksite without obtaining a warrant or the employers express consent

OSHA Inspections OSHA Inspections The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has been acknowledged and reported to possess the authority to " conduct workplace inspections and investigations to determine whether employers are complying with standards issued by the agency for safe and healthful workplaces". Only when instances where the employer expressly refused inspection would the OSHA, β†’

Genetic diseases

Genetic diseases have two modes of inheritances, which include single gene and multifactorial inheritance. The latter mode of inheritance entails the involvement of environmental factors besides multiple genes' alterations in an individual's body.

Quantitative assessment and validation of network inference methods in bioinformatics

We believe that this plurality denotes the diversity of usages and interpretations of such networks, while it may also reflect the lack of agreement due to the interdisciplinary nature of network inference in Bioinformatics. On protocols and measures for the validation of supervised methods for the inference of biological networks.

When ultrarapid is ultrarapid: on importance of temporal precision in neuroscience of language

Therefore, to capture the entire neural dynamics of language processing, it is important to maximally reduce stimulus variance, e.g, by using a fixed set of tightly controlled stimuli, and time-lock electrophysiological response to key psycholinguistic markers in the auditory stream, most importantly to the point in time, when the available information allows for differentiating the β†’

Editorial: gendered paths into stem. disparities between females and males in stem over the life-span

Factors contributing to such processes and to the development of a student's self-concept for STEM in general are investigated by Heyder et al.who explore the impact of teacher expectations as well as by Hohne and Zander who analyze the impact of belongingness. Therefore, Deiglmayr et al.as well as Hohne and Zander investigate in a sample β†’

Editorial: regulation of immune function by the lymphatic vasculature

Editorial on the Research Topic Regulation of Immune Function by the Lymphatic Vasculature The lymphatic vasculature is composed of a hierarchy of vessels that extend from peripheral tissues into lymph nodes and provide the critical route for leukocyte migration and antigen presentation that drive innate and adaptive immune responses. Garnier et al.provide a comprehensive review β†’

Corrigendum: zika virus infection results in biochemical changes associated with rna editing, inflammatory and antiviral responses in aedes albopictus

In the original article, we neglected to include funding from Pacific Southwest Regional Center of Excellence for Vector-Borne Diseases funded by the U.S. Its content is solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention or the Department of Health and Human β†’

Responsibilities of nonprofit health care organizations

In the preamble of the ACHE's Code of Ethics, one should utilize moral attitudes towards people who are in need of health care. Taxes play a vital role in the government as it is the source of funds, part of which goes to welfare.

Primary health care in nigeria: 24 years after olikoye ransome-kuti’s leadership

This opinion aims to inform policy decisions and actions by examining the evolution of PHC in Nigeria, the role of Professor Olikoye Ransome-Kuti in the implementation of Alma Ata Declaration, the present state of PHC, the challenges and opportunities in implementing PHC in Nigeria, as well as ways to maximize the opportunities. Investing in Health: β†’

The roles of embryonic transcription factor brachyury in tumorigenesis and progression

In addition, the role of BRACHYURY gene in developing mesoderm, morphogenesis, and cell fate is evolutionarily conserved. Formation of mesoderm tissue requires a regulatory loop in which Xbra activates the expression of a member of the FGF family and FGF maintains the expression of Xbra.

Canonical circuits of the cerebral cortex as enablers of neuroprosthetics

In this context, the concept of a canonical circuit, like the concept of hierarchies of processing, offers a powerful unifying principle that links structural and functional levels of analysis across species and different areas of the cortex". For many decades neuroscience has been dominated by the cell theory of Schwann and Schleiden that argued in β†’

Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for primary immunodeficiencies

The field of primary immunodeficiencies has pioneered the way in many of the advances in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation and cellular therapies over the last 50 years. 1016/j.jaci.2017.10.

Pragmatics always matters: an expanded vision of experimental pragmatics

As is often the case in experimental studies of human perception and cognition, we too often strip away the task demands in creating theories of pragmatics as if this critical feature of experimental studies is irrelevant to characterizing the role that pragmatics has in people's use and understanding of language in context. Yet this mistakenly β†’

Editorial: infants’ understanding and production of goal-directed actions in the context of social and object-related interactions

Editorial on the Research Topic Infants' Understanding and Production of Goal-Directed Actions in the Context of Social and Object-Related Interactions Goal-directed actions are central to our everyday lives. Much of the manuscripts in this research topic address novel aspects of infants' production and understanding of goal-directed actions in relation to object and others.

Discussion 3

Discussion 3 Discussion 3 Importance of DNP level professional nurses having a clear understanding of concepts as related to nursing It is important for DNP level advanced level professional nurses to have a clear understanding of concepts as related to nursing because it would help them in designing and assessing healthcare programs. J, & Kazer, β†’

Hepatic disorders

The conclusion, from the research study, was successfully able to support the thesis that BIA derived Pha can be used and applied as a tool of nutritional evaluation, in CLD patients. The use of BIA derived Pha can be used by a nutritionist to determine which therapeutic nutritional regimens have the most significant and positive β†’

Editorial: spores and spore formers

In addition, this Topic covers the ecological roles of spores, the taxonomy and systematics of spore forming bacteria, and the architecture and assembly of spores. The resistance of spores to environmental attacks is attributable to the unique morphology of the spore, which is formed by several layers: the core, the cortex, the coat, the crust, β†’

Best practice in surgical treatment of malignant head and neck tumors

The purpose of this article is to first summarize the evolution of such " best-practice" guidelines in the context of quality assurance programs for head and neck cancer surgery. For a longer period no further action was taken, until in 2001 the Institute of medicine of the United States published an article with the title β†’

Discussion forum #5 envm 510

Screening is usually taken to be a special form of secondary prevention, which has the aim of detecting diseases or health complications in pre-symptomatic individuals in order to administer effective treatment of the realized diseases and health complication. People should be made to know and understand the importance of medical screening.

Editorial: association between human cancers and small dna tumor viruses

Investigations on the association between human cancers and small DNA tumor viruses have become significant for the scientific research in the field of oncology and virology. In this Research Topic, a collection of reviews was published with the aims to favor the spread of the basic knowledge of this field and the translational medicine for β†’

Editorial: exploration of the physiological effects of exercise in cardiovascular diseases

Editorial on the Research Topic Exploration of the Physiological Effects of Exercise in Cardiovascular Diseases With the cost of treatment for cardiovascular diseases increasing exponentially every year it is important to find adjunct therapies to compliment established treatments. Exploring the feasibility of an exercise programme including aerobic and resistance training in people with limited cutaneous β†’

Determination of cholesterol conentration

The risk of heart attacks is also increased by the presence of blood clots in the arteries. This is because of the high likelihood of developing a cardiovascular disease; her family history, her age, and her cholesterol levels.

Commentary: winning a competition predicts dishonest behavior

A commentary on Winning a competition predicts dishonest behavior by Schurr, A, and Ritov, I.Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.U.S.A. M, and Epstein, J.A.

Portions of the spinal column

The ribs are usually attached to the spinal column on the thoracic vertebrae. The lumbar spine has a curve that bends inward.

American medical association ama

The AMA's Strategies To achieve their goal to consolidate scientific advancements in the field of medical science, they institutionalized the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1883. 2, 2007, from http://webapps.ama-assn.org/doctorfinder/home.html Founding of the American Medical Association.

Editorial: bacterial exotoxins: how bacteria fight the immune system

The Editorial on the Research Topic Bacterial Exotoxins: How Bacteria Fight the Immune System Upon infection with a bacterial pathogen, the body initiates both innate and adaptive immune responses with the ultimate goal to eliminate the invader and to return to homeostasis. The intention of this special issue on bacterial exotoxins is to gather current β†’

Locality is dead! long live locality!

The idea of hidden variables refers to the existence of some unknown parameter space , such that all measurements A and probabilities p associated with an experiment are functions of values, that is, A, p, where x refers to all of the overt variables associated with the experiment. From an observational/epistemological perspective the key problem β†’

Financial costs of diabetes

Financial Costs of Diabetes Diabetes is one of the most common chronic ailments in the US and to evaluate the burden of the same, a reliable method must be established for attributing diverse clinical conditions. Approximately 1/5 of health care dollars in the United States is used to care for individuals diagnosed with diabetes β†’

Current challenges in plant cell walls: editorial overview

Cell wall mechanics and growth control in plants: the role of pectins revisited. Recent advances on the posttranslational modifications of EXTs and their roles in plant cell walls.

Editorial: chemical insights into the synthetic chemistry of quinazolines and quinazolinones: recent advances

The research presented in this collection will summarize the recent developments in green and sustainable methodologies as well as identify new opportunities in the exploration of medicinally relevant drug candidates based on quinazoline and quinazolinone motifs. Mohammadkhani and Heravi have comprehensively covered the synthetic approaches adopted for the formation of quinazoline and quinazolinone skeletons using β†’

Benefits of treatment plans

Failure to have a treatment plan in a psychological counseling process exposes counselors and clients to various risks. Without a treatment plan, the parties may forget to fulfill certain legal responsibilities and face an increased risk of litigation.

Hsa 535 wk10 db1 and db2

Lam Pham I agree with you on the focus of health services management should be and that is the on the health population they serve and not on the fiscal health of the institutions. This means we need a change of agents in the health care system in relation to aligning economic and social objectives β†’

The normalization of conservative gender politics in chile and the role of civil society

After the end of the military dictatorship, some protagonists of the women's movement became members of the national women's secretariat, thus shaping the gender politics of the young democracy. The study of Chilean women's movements is based on a literature review of the role of women's movements in transition and on a secondary analysis of β†’