Quality Health & Medicine Essay Examples for Your Learning

High-fat diets and endurance research paper example

Those in support of the use of high fat diets to enhance the performance of endurance athletes postulate that high fat diets proved a more concentrated form of energy, which is certainly crucial during periods of exercise that are often characterised by the increased energy needs. Therefore, consumption of high β†’

The introduction

The epidemic is obesity and it is sweeping the nation. It is the measurement of choice for many obesity researchers and is the definition used in most data on overweight and obesity.

Keeping fit

Your heart and lungs are able to work longer the more fit you are. To sacrifice yourself in the way of Allah you should be mentally and physically fit.

Jenniffer bonilla

The problem is particularly bad in the South, where in twelve out of sixteen states at least 25% of the adult population is obese" (" Can you afford to eat right? ") Everybody knows that America is a " salad bowl" society, as some of the immigrants call it. It is hard to believe that β†’

Example of what is her goal of weight loss amount of weekly weight loss and length of weight case study

Her long-term goal is to spend at least 30 minutes on most, if not all, days of the week in moderate intensity physical activity such as walking. 1.c) If Sandra is successful, she must learn the techniques and strategies to loss and maintain the weight loss. What are some of the techniques that she should β†’

Free research paper on profesor

It will also trace some positive effect and impacts of the law and how each school carry out the policies for the good and/or welfare of their students. According to the World Health Organization's 2006 Report , interventions for good nutrition should occur in the period between early childhod and puberty so as to β†’

Child obesety

While child obesity is a growing concern among society, is it an issue that should be dealt with as to who is responsible for the obesity itself, or is it an issue that should be analyzed as to what can be done about it? The problem with this fast food is that it has a β†’

Essay on global obesity

While many complain to their governments and related health organizations for their lack of action to prevent and resolve the problem of obesity, these groups are currently trying various solutions to end the current epidemic of global obesity. In the 2012 report of the World Health Organization, almost 2. Apparently, in contradiction to the Americas, β†’

Free research paper on dissociative states, panic attacks, or hallucinations as constellations of symptoms

It was only after the Vietnam War that the name posttraumatic stress disorder was coined, and so far the name has stuck. Posttraumatic stress disorder is caused by traumatic events that manifest themselves in the typical symptoms of fear, a feeling of helplessness, reliving the traumatic event, and efforts to avoid reminders of β†’

Free essay on suicide: as a self made monster

However, in the event that a person fails to find a good solution to his/her problems this aggravates the individual a lot more thus leading to an increase in the levels of stress. The increase in the levels of stress can be coupled with frustration and feelings of hopelessness. During this stage, the manner which β†’

The house of the spirits and the sorrow of war essay example

This helps to extend the protagonist role to each woman as a single entity; the persecution of the del Valle woman is portrayed as a constant throughout time. In Sorrow of War, Ninh shows Kien's life and his experiences in the Vietnam War as he feels necessary; the book alternates between various flashbacks of his β†’

Law case scenarios critical thinking

They are mail fraud law , Public intoxication and Immigration law. Mail fraud is a criminal act found within the locale of federal law in the United States. X is found guilty. This is a federal law in that it touches on the use of the U.

Is lowering the drinking age a good idea?

Although in most states, the legal drinking age is 21, teens are still allowed to drink under this age, regarding some circumstances. One of the biggest debates on the drinking age is whether or not teens are mentally mature enough to drink by the time they turn 18.

Example of research paper on biological influences – neurotransmitters

The excitatory neurotransmitters are those that cause the brain to perform certain physiological functions while the inhibitory neurotransmitters bring balance to these functions that are designed to suppress or inhibit them. The functions of the neurotransmitters in the body are significant as the neuronal signals transmitted by them influence bodily function. β†’

Lewy body dementia

Mayoclinic.om suggests that " in Lewy body dementia, abnormal round structures called Lewy bodies develop in regions of your brain involved in thinking and movement." Although the specific cause of dementia is unknown, specialists believe that it relates to Alzheimer's Disease, and Parkinson's Disease. Lewy Body Dementia is not preventable, but there β†’

Good fats and bad fats research paper example

Good and Bad Fats Fats can be classified as saturated fats and unsaturated fats. Unsaturated cis fats have similar structures to saturated fats and are easy to deposit in the body.

Discuss the role of endogenous pacemakers

This study shows that the circadian rhythm persists without the cues of natural light, which demonstrates the existence of an endogenous clock. However the study also shows that external cues are also important to the sleep/wake cycle, because the clock was not perfectly accurate, meaning that without the cues of natural light, β†’

Good essay on conversational analysis

I will analyze not only the utterance of the speaker, but the manner of behavior, body language, as well. The language was flawless. The peculiarity of the conversation was the intonation and the tone of the speaker.

The fashion indistries affect on body image

But how does fashion media impact our body image issues? Celebrities in the media can impact us negatively, but they do not always have to be negative influences, they can be positive too, as well as different types of media may alter the opinions we have on ourselves. The positive side to these β†’

Descartes’ account of pain vs. kripkes account of pain, regarding the mind/body argumentative essay samples

Kripke is not saying that I create these possible worlds - for if I understand him correctly - he is not thinking of conceptually a series of real Rogers - he is using the imagination to conceive of the possibility of a Roger who is X, Y, and Z, but in all of them still β†’

Critical thinking on freezing of gait questionnaire an outcome measure

FOG can be dangerous and is detrimental to the PD patient's quality of life. The Freezing of Gait Questionnaire was constructed by the research of Giladi et al. The researchers were satisfied with the reliability of the NFOG-Q to measure the events but suggested more investigation was necessary β†’

Journal replies essay sample

Having a set of guidelines that political leaders can adopt and follow will help ensure that ethical leadership is maintained in the political leadership. Therefore, employing the use of the political prudence tool is a vital component in ensuring that their ethical leadership.

The perception of female college student toward portrayal body image of women in thesis examples

If, considering the height and weight ratio of the respondents and considering them to be in the average healthy ratio, this shows that the respondents believe that the thin models in the magazines have the ideal body image. Survey results also show that most of the respondents think that the body image the media shows β†’

Research paper on the last days of socrates

On the last days of Socrates, he faces death with courage as he understands the meaning of life and his transition to the other life. In the last days of Socrates, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, and Phaedo give an account of his trial and death. In the years of Socrates, philosophers saw the soul as β†’

Free essay on daily dietary intake

I took a total of about one gram of fruits, half a kilogram of vegetables, seven liters of plain water, two liters of vegetable soup, a handful of Brazilian nuts and one and a half kilograms of meat. This constituted the three daily meals and also in between meal snacks. β†’

Example of essay on the mark of the mental

The Mark of the Mental Part 1 The problem of the mark of the mental is in determining what distinct features constitute the mind itself, what is unique about them, and what unifies them. However, before determining that this special or privileged access is indeed the mark of the mental, Farkas demonstrates β†’

Summary of psychiatric journal

Therefore, this pilot study seeks to fill the gap in the existing literature on the effectiveness of introducing hourly nursing rounds in psychiatry settings. Major theme/hypothesis The major hypothesis of the article is that hourly nursing rounds would benefit inpatients in the psychiatric mental healthcare setting. The researchers seek to measure the outcome or β†’

Learning activity #1

The study also sought to establish the AD-prepared nurses' perception on the standard of patient care with regard to attaining a higher educational degree. In addition, the study also investigated the AD-prepared nurses' perception of distinctions in their professional ability as compared to nurses with more advanced educational degrees. Participants The study designed an β†’

Evaluation of collaborative care by cl

Evaluation of Collaborative Care by CL The introduction written by CL, provides a very clear picture of the issues of endocrine therapy as part of the treatment for hormone receptive breast cancer and providing an overview of what drugs are available, including what some of the side effects are. Therefore, it is β†’

Introduction to nursing theory

Both sociology and psychology majors spend the majority of their time studying theories and approaches to research. This paper discusses how nursing theory is different from medicine. Background Purposes of Nursing Theory Direct links exist among theory, education, research, and clinical practice. In Education Because nursing theory was used primarily to establish β†’

Teens perceptions about attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and medication

Teens perceptions about attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Medication Teens' perceptions about attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder and Medication Teens' perceptions about attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder and Medication Introduction The study of the perceptions about attention deficit/ hyperactivity disorder and medication is organized along the four effector modes of the Roy Adaptation Model. RAM is, β†’

How can i as a nurse change the public health system?

However, in this contemporary world, the role of the nurses are not only limited in the caring of the patients, but also in changing the public health system to ensure that they provide quality and standard health care services among people. Accordingly, the public health is the core of a quality heath care system and β†’

Pros and cons of chip implantation in humans

It calls to the imagination devious ways and means that the information contained within the chip can be used to steal a person's identity in order to commit crimes that they can get away with simply because it can be attributed to someone else. According to These Last Days News those who opt β†’

Week 3 posts 8000

This gives us a wider scope of the nursing profession. Another possibility is the provision and execution of information technology in the nursing profession. This is done through intra and interdisciplinary collaboration In your post, you explained that the collaboration promotes strengthening networks, reduction of costs and better nursing practice.

Reasons to become a nurse

A calling to be part of the medical profession as a health care practitioner in the capacity of a nurse cannot be ignored. Concurrent with this, I became a maternity technician in the same hospital for three years until the present time.

Essay about philosophy of nursing

Health is the optimal potential of a client to be the best they can be for the person and condition that they are in. It is my belief that Environment is the blending of person and health and all of the internal and external factors that affect a patient and their overall concept of these β†’

Functional status

Assessment of Functional Status of older patients due: Assessment of Functional Status Assessment of elderly patients normally differs from the standard medical evaluation. For older patients, physical examination and history taking are paramount.

You have read about hitech act,hipaa,arra,and electronic signatures.summarize the intentof one of these laws and its impact on your practice

Nursing Informatics; HITECH The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health 2009 Act was enacted as a portion of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Such HIT includes electronic health records and secure and private exchange of electronic health information. McGonigle and Mastrian outlines that, in β†’

Foot care for people with diabetes

The population holds the belief that acceptance of diagnosis of severe illness limits chances of members of society from getting married. The health beliefs of the American Indians have jeopardized efforts to support and save them from debilitating diabetes condition.

Essential equipments in the healthcare of patients

This article identifies areas of concern in spiritual assessment of patients and the steps used in acquiring a proper spiritual assessment analysis in patients. Significant discoveries on patients Patients treat their spiritual and physical health equally. Patients who are ignorant and do not have any ideas on the importance of spiritual beliefs are supposed β†’

Nursing research

Importantly, I ensure that the instrument that I will use for data collection during my research is the most reliable and valid in order to ensure that the data collected answered the research questions. Thereafter, I have to establish the time to collect the data and seek permission from the relevant authority before engaging in β†’

Case study example

According to Campbell and Miller , " Of the three DSM-IV clusters of personality disorders, NPD is considered to be part of Cluster B, the " dramatic, emotional, or erratic" cluster". In addition, according to Campbell and Miller , the following characteristics of people with NPD include: grandiose sense of self-importance, preoccupations with β†’

A simple surgery checklist saves lives

Based on the four flow charts, the system has much duplication of activities or redundancies in time especially on the number of times the patient has to give his consent. The patient consent is required in more in six scenarios in the system, from the holding room, anesthesiologist to surgeon. The patient has three separate β†’

Business opportunities

A scalable plan should describe the industry of operation of the business and identify a niche that the competitors cannot fill. The health care has also focused on application of the technology in the improvement of the business operations and dissemination of the health information related to health.

The american cancer society

The American Cancer Society The American Cancer Society ACS provides support to cancer patients by educating them on the various aspects and challenges of cancer. The ACS helps cancer patients to understand their diagnosis, the available cancer treatments and their side effects, and how to conduct yourself through the ailment stages; β†’


What changes in policy and practice are most likely to affect these figures over time? One out of every 8 women is at risk of developing breast cancer in the US. This can help in the prevention and treatment of cancer because research is focused on how tobacco control and good physical activity interfere with β†’

Nursing advocacy

As such, when nurses spend more time with their patients, as part of the advocacy role, they would risk jeopardizing the undertaking of other responsibilities needed in their respective units. What are the benefits associated with being a patient advocate? The patient advocacy role has always been regarded to be imbibed in the nursing profession. β†’

Ethical considerations of the advanced practice nurse – dissertation example

Even though the Nuremberg Code of Ethics stipulates ethical considerations, health care practitioners should follow and implement research, it is apparent seeking consent of participants is a major ethical violation common in clinical research. According to the Nuremburg Code of ethics, using human subjects in clinical research is ethical as long as clinical researchers adhere β†’

The community health nurses

The people of my community follows a common belief about the community health services in terms of access as well as values and care, based on which, care and treatment facilities are to be offered and enhanced. In this regard, the sharing views of the people signify the community as a phenomenological community (Saenz, Bukoski, β†’

Choose one strength and one weakness of parsons sick role model. do you agree with them why or why not

For parsons, the primary role of the doctor is to communicate the norms governing the functional sick role to the patient to control their deviance. One of the strengths of Parson's sick role model is that it provides a rational background through which people can understand deviant behaviour and excuse it. The model also enables β†’

Reflection paper

In this connection, for me to fit into this 5th recommendation of IOM, I will ensure that I enroll for a doctorate program in the next five years after graduating with a baccalaureate degree. However, since I have a lot of passion for education that would enable me better the lives of others in the β†’

Frankie and alice

Frankie and Alice Frankie and Alice The movie Frankie and Alice begins in Georgia in 1957, showing a girl in a car accident and stars Halle Berry as Francine Murdoch , a lady suffering from multiple personality disorder. This paper will write a personal plan to promote re-integration of egos in a case such β†’

Article evaluation sleep deprivation to aggressive behavior

The researchers produced an experiment to explore the variable of sleep deprivation & its correlation to self-control & aggressive behavior. According to the Limited Self Regulatory Model, self- regulation is more difficult when someone is fatigued or has limited energy. When energy of mental activity is low, a person's self-control is impaired, β†’

Dealing with limited resources

By carefully identifying the patients that badly need quality healthcare services and attending to their needs first, the task to provide healthcare is not compromised. On the contrary, the provision of quality healthcare is still a priority so that the patients will not suffer from unwanted consequences from the limited resources.

What is the western scientific paradigm, and what are its implications for health care in the u.s.?

In the western scientific paradigm, education, professionalismand scientific thinking have a very important role to play. Today the western scientific paradigms may be working successfully in various areas such as epidemiology by which the ways of causation of an infectious disease is understood and means of preventing, β†’

Adult learning theory on healthcare organizations

This instructional designs or curriculums are much needed to inform the manpower of the organization on recent developments on technologies and applications on cases and situations, new regulations needed to be implemented or any other pertinent information for the organization's and its staff's needs to know. However, β†’

Health social care

Making sure they have their fluids I set my standards very high and undertake all of my tasks for my service user to a gig standard even down to their cleaning, if standards are not set high then this can cause problems with the service user for example: - if you do β†’

Our family business

Those two toxins are responsible for the damage to the colon, and that damage ultimately causes the symptoms of C-Diff. Soap and water is a must, as the alcohol-gel based hand sanitizers do not kill the spores.

Personal statement on career goals

Seeing them diagnose disease and treat patients combined with the experiences I had watching my family struggle to find appropriate medical care instilled in me a desire to become a well-trained physician and improve the health of my own city. It will afford me the opportunity to grow as a researcher and provide high quality β†’

Facility planning part i

The planner must evaluate the community to find out what type of community the facility is located in and if the facility is serving the needs of the community. This paper will take a look at a community in on the south side of Chicago and the new development of a long-term care facility in β†’

Sunrise model: east indian

To preserve a patient's cultural belief, accommodate the practice and develop new patterns at the same time respecting their values, can sometimes be challenging. However, this process needs to be understood and acknowledged for the patient's well-being.

How far medical treatment and technology is going to change in the future

In order to get a ' reliable analysis, bulky tools sometimes need to be used for pluripotent induced stem cells processing for instance, ' not only would it be expensive but would take up a lot of time and effort to regain the information analysed. Another futuristic concept is the Da Vinci XI, this is β†’

Personal hygiene 101: washing hands to prevent diseases

The main reason why it is important to clean hands is in order to reduce the spread of deadly germs as well as lower the risk of healthcare provider colonization or infection caused by germs acquired from the patient. According to Conover and Gibson , alcohol-based hand sanitizers are essentially the most effective in β†’

Comprehensive overview of cataract disease

Cataract is defined as the loss of lens transparency because of clouding of the lens. Definition A cataract is an ocular disease in the lens of the eye. Therefore, the older lens fibers are compressed into a lens nucleus and being harder than the cortex. A cataract is any opacity in the lens.

Strength of human emotions in poems

Emotion Is defined as a " strong feeling" and this will be explored in the paired poems: 'Having' and 'Remember'; 'A Mother In A Refugee Camp' and 'Mother Any Distance'; 'Sonnet 1 16' and 'If. The key themes in these passages are the universal feelings which we all experience, such as love and β†’

Analyze the health psychology essay

As a text aimed at undergraduatepsychologystudents, it is hard to fault." Times HigherEducationSupplement HealthPsychology: A Textbook has made a major contribution to the teaching and study of this rapidly expanding discipline. Maintaining its strong review of theory and research and its details of behaviours such assmoking, exercise, eating and screening, the β†’

Substandard patient care of health care delivery

In the worst of the cases patients may end up in an emergency room and occasionally become a victim ofdiscriminationbecause they have no resources to pay for the services. In regard to these facts, the following information aims to describe hospital emergency rooms compliance with standards of services. How Substandard Care Relates β†’

Analysis of alo yoga marketing strategies and the conflicts company had to face

Because the brand transcends yoga and is applicable to a variety of exercise genres, fans of the brand are found beyond the yoga mat. After examining the brand's Instagram account last week, I tried to approach this week as an objective observer with social movements and behavior, influencing audiences and engagement in mind. The first β†’

Pandemic or panic (2010) by brian molloy analysis

First, Molloy argues that WHO send everyone into a panic about H1N1, but it is not the threat people imaged it to be. Grove, however, states that it is necessary for the WHO and the government to take the threat of H1N1 seriously. Discussion: Molloy claims that the WHO and β†’

A discussion of control infection in healthcare

Infection control is essential in all general care settings in which patients receive health and social care and this will protect the healthcare workers, patients and visitor from hazards and risks. This research concentrates predominantly on infection control in healthcare settings, including the policy of infection prevention related to health and safety β†’

Lasers introducing into the field of dentistry

Lasers have travelled a long way from ruby lasers to erbium lasers and are being fondly used in every aspect of dental treatment. The term " LASER" originated as an acronym for " Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation" termed by GORDO GOULD in 1957. HISTORY OF LASERS: The principle of the laser was β†’

Health care utilization

Qualifies for Medicaid but lives in a rural community with no public transportation to travel to access his benefits due to provider office hours and the distance he must travel to the location. 2011)," blood pressure is when blood is forced against the artery walls to disperse oxygen and turbines carried in the blood to β†’

Competition in health care essay sample

But one must ask, with all the health care competition is it keeping the United States healthy? The known competition among health care entities recognized would be controlling cost, enhancing quality of care, and increasing accessibility of care. With health care always a problem for the world, the Health care reform act gives patients β†’

Blood pressure care: prevention and treatment of high blood pressure

Moreover, the cause for the same is not easily noticeable and there are chances that the situation may run out of control. Below given are some useful blood pressure tips and blood pressure information that will help you deal with the situation effectively. Some Effective Blood Pressure Tips: First and foremost solution for this problem β†’

Health care studies: statistics article review examples

The study entitled " The impact of the AIDS pandemic on health services in Africa: Evidence from Demographic Health Surveys" written by Anne Case and Christina Paxson for the Research Program in Development Studies and Center for Health and Wellbeing of Princeton University in March 2009, is an example of the health studies that β†’

Mobile devices and applications literature review sample

The regulation of mobile health applications. Healthcare in the pocket: Mapping the space of mobile-phone health interventions.

Preventive care

The government is still quite hesitant to allocate funds for several reasons: the estimated costs of spending is different based upon the type of preventive care that is provided, lack of evidence to show the effects of a decrease in rising health care costs due to preventive measures, and the evidence shows that the actual β†’

Free essay about patient protection and affordable care act (ppaca)

Statement of the Problem During the passage into law of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010, many of the Americans even the poorest citizens were given chances to avail of better health care services. Also, this contribution would act as a health care savings policy that would enable the β†’

The professional role of a nurse

The outline of this essay will be in six parts, an introduction, the main body which will explore the role of a nurse, conduct and the requirements for the effective delivery of care, responsibilities and work of a nurse , ethical, moral and social care β†’

Healthcare management

The speedy shifts in the healthcare system, the opportunities to advance or develop mycareer, and a wide-ranging business edification which is helpful in facing the " real-world healthcare industry" are only some of the major reasons why I extremely want to earn a masters degree on Healthcare Management.

Analyzing a web page

The Value and Relevance of this site to Clients The value of this website to the clients is user friendly for the elderly and the website is easy to operate. The objectivity of the website is to put the information out about the Aging Parents and Elder Care website.

Understanding the experiences of caring for someone after stroke: analysis of a study of caregivers and stroke survivors

Therefore, this study is to explore the experiences of male-patients post-stroke and their wife-caregiver's perceptions of factors that impacting the patient's quality of life and wife-caregivers' strain encountered during the first year after discharge. Some of the wife-caregivers felt overwhelmed and they loss of social contact due to their husbands'.

Psychotherapy embraces the use of lsd in treating several afflictions

Although the social media praises the ideas and colors of " tripping," it is actually becoming an increasingly popular trend in the medicinal world to study the behavior and effects of LSD and how it can aid those dealing with all sorts of mental and physical issues, especially in psychotherapy. Before discussing the trend of β†’

Former smokers and non smokers health and social care essay

2 Aims The chief aims of this research are to find the differences in the degree of cognition between current tobacco users, former tobacco users and non-smokers in Universiti Teknologi Mara Puncak Alam and Shah Alam on smoking wellness hazard and smoking surcease aid available in Malaysia, to find the relationship among β†’

Family medicine assignment essays examples

The paper focuses on objectives of family medicine, ICEs and how these can be combined to enhance care delivery. Family medicine practitioners provide care in the context of the family and must consider the needs of the family members. Accurate classification of asthma is vital as it affects the priority areas, and determines the prescribed β†’

Example of addiction counselling research paper

In the program, there are twelve steps that are formulated by the counsellor that will be used by the addicts in order to overcome their addiction of sex. Interpersonal therapy for sex addiction Most sex addicts feel like they have a huge load of weight in their shoulders due to their addiction. In method β†’

Dangers of smoking

Making the right decision for ourselves and not giving in to society's image is beneficial for everyone. Society is the one to be blamed, but we do not have to fall into the trap.

Hubbly bubbly – harmless recreation or not?

In fact, the World Health Organization is concerned about the increase in hubbly smokers around the world that they have compiled a research paper on the topic and are hoping to distribute it around the world. A typical hubbly session last much longer than smoking a few cigarettes and it has been suggested that the β†’

Drug and alcohol abuse and social imagination

In one way or the other, we all have friends or even family member who abuses drugs and alcohol while sometimes we may be the one who is involved in the misuse of the same drugs. It is good therefore to understand that it is one of the challenges that most individuals are grappling with β†’

Effects of smoking ban on students education essay

The result of this research will be of import to the implementers of smoking prohibition in schools as it will assist them maximise the benefits associated with such a policy. Introduction The execution of tobacco-free environments in school is now a common tendency in most parts of the universe and this follows a recommendation β†’

Essay on smoking cigarettes should be illegal

Casual smoking is the act of smoking occasionally, usually to relieve stress or in a social situation. Smoking cigarettes have adverse effects on the health of smokers, passive smokers and the environment at large and should, therefore, be made illegal.


Smoking tobacco is legal.2.it's the person making the decision to smoke choice.B. Banning public smoking not only avoids serious health problems to the non smokers but it could possibly decrease the death of the smokers.A.

Essay on the main constituents of the earths atmosphere

The following are discussions on the structural compositions and importance of these gases. The first very important constituent of the atmosphere is nitrogen gas. Presence of water vapor in the atmosphere is a combination of evaporation and precipitation processes.

Example of swimming research paper

Fangshicun Health states that the kicking motion of water can help facilitate the circulation of blood to the body's organs. Blood circulation to the body is crucial. Some of the disadvantages of swimming include chlorine exposure and water getting into the nose.

Video game addiction

Addiction makes one to be quite aggressive, it is hard to concentrate and one does not even have time to eat or sleep, because the only concern are video games. In my opinion video games is a good way how to kill the time when one is bored.