Essay Samples about Countries for Student Inspiration

Best american president

Roosevelt is, without a doubt, the greatest American president of all time. Roosevelt's undeniable dedication to America is what makes him the best American president.

Kevarian riley

KeVarian Riley 10/13/12 1st Block Essay Dating all the way back to the French and Indian War, the American colonists were getting fed up with the British. The colonists came to America in search of liberty and freedom.

Good example of midterm election race essay

In fact, in the last 21 midterm elections, the party of the incumbent President has lost in both the House and the Senate. While numerous midterm elections in the past have allowed the sitting President's party to remain in control of either the House or the Senate, numerous seats are still lost to the incumbent's →

Fredrick jackson turner seminar

Frederick Jackson Turner, " The Significance of the Frontier in American History," Annual Report of the American Historical Association for the Year 1893. He reviews the significance of this move and evaluates the various results of the expansion on different groups in America.

Slavery phenomenon and its causes in the usa report (assessment)

This is one of the differences that should not be overlooked. It is possible to say that the enslaved people could perform different kinds of labor. These are some of the main aspects that can be identified. In turn, the experiences of the owners could be very diverse.

Précis 1

Hoganson believes that the majority of America felt a need to be masculine. We had to the manly and paternal thing, which was to care for them until they matured.

Richard nixon presidential library essay examples

In addition, to the huge stock of literary materials and memorabilia that characterize this iconic library, the decoration and basic architecture of the building is nothing short of phenomenal. The total estimated cost of the entire construction process was $25 million. First, I learned that the Richard Nixon Presidential Library houses some key items and →

American history in “memoirs of a wobbly” by henry mcguckin essay

The writer lists several instances where financial constraints were witnessed in running the activities of the union. Their endurance gradually bred fruits. An outstanding aspect the writer has portrayed in his memoir is the fact that trade unionism goes beyond the classroom education levels of the leaders.

Maternal and infant mortality rate in the us essay

Maternal mortality is a situation where a mother succumbs to motilities through hemorrhage hypertension or heart attack at delivery. According to the experts estimation, there are more than fifty instances that are complication related to pregnancies for each birth Within the first twenty four hours of childbirth in the world, it →

Puritan values

All of the ideas had influenced the development of the New England colonies The Puritans values the church and was the center of their town. The way the towns were set up, the church and the town hall were the center of the New England cities.

The for britain these authors formed the literature

The Great Britain, founder of the United Kingdom, the empire on which the sunnever sets. In1700's Britain was the super power of the world " The Empire on which the sunnever sets" also many technological innovations were British.

What is a citizen?

A citizen is a member of a community of people who owe loyalty to a government and, in turn, are entitled to its protection. The idea of citizenship, or the rights and duties of citizens, dates back more twenty-five hundred years to ancient Greece and Rome.

Why current education system is not good enough argumentative essay examples

For this reason, various discussion and debates have been held across the state. With a focus on the objective of the American curriculum, the public fails to comprehend who talks the responsibility to structure the said objectives. Thirdly, the American education committee needs to be involved in the renewal and implementation →

Free essay about food culture in the middle east

The reasons as to why the middle easterners decide to live in America is because of their political reasons need to advance their schooling, as well as the prior emigration of some of the family members. In food preparation, olive oil is the one that is frequently used. When it →

The racial contract by charles mills critical thinking example

The paper observes that Mill's concept of the racial contract describes the policies informing the current social-political policies; thus, it is essential in describing the contemporary political ideologies especially the ones assumed by the United States such as the decision of invading Iraq. Racial contract regards to meta-agreements between whites that classify non-whites as individuals →

The kkk and the issue of hate crimes essay

The Ku Klux K was angry and focused it's violence on the republicans, which caused white Democrats to regain power in the southern states. The second Ku Klux Klan was founded in the early 1900's and focused on preaching racism, anti-communism, and wanted to fix the corrupt politics of America. The third Ku Klux Klan →

Essays park

The abstract conception of electricity started to become clear in my mind even though I was a young child. As a young child, I deemed electricity as warmth, luminosity and impetus of our society. I took a lab-based physics class inspire to explore the realm of physics and electricity engineering.

Imperialism dbq

Mahan's book, The Interest of America in Sea Power, he expresses the idea that U.S.held on to the islands, and in Cuba's case, passed the Platt Amendment, to ensure that no other European powers, such as Germany, would attempt to control the nations. Yet, the reasons for keeping Eastern powers out of the West were →

Racism in america through the works of finney, trethewey and mckay essay

In the works of Nikky Finney, Natasha Trethewey and Claude McKay, the struggles of blacks to remain safe and surviving in a threatening and disenfranchising America are conveyed through discussion about life and death. Racism often led blacks to fear for their lives, as much of their interactions with whites →

Research suicidal actions among teens, depression should

In the United States, on average 40, 000people die as a result of suicide every year, making it one of the mostprominent causes of death for all Americans and tops the list as the second mostsignificant cause of death for teenagers in America. Since depression is mostly citedas a reason for suicide and suicidal actions →

Trash is money: the business of landfills research paper

In the United States, many local governments have turned to unit pricing in an effort to reduce the amount of solid waste produced and therefore the amount of solid waste that needs to be disposed of and paid for by the local government. In a case between the states of North Carolina and Alabama, the →

United states and peru essay example

The United States of America and Peru are countries located at the east side of the globe. As a developing country, Peru's economy is not much stable and its education is among the worst in Latin America.

Influence of americans culture on their political orientation essay example

The subject of this essay is analysis of the American culture, and how it reflects on the American politics. S politics is also highlighted. First of all, the aspect of equality among the Americans has a profound influence on the politics of the country.

Example of essay on language

Accent prestige theory suggests that any individual who speaks with an accent different from the accent of the dominant group in the society is rated less than those who speak the standard accent. No matter how good the person speaks the language of the dominant group, the accent is still a big factor in the →

Essay on the holy trinitybook review

They have grown to supplement national holidays like the Memorial Day and have become somewhat symbolic in marking the transition from one year to another in the US. The three sports reveal aspects that are otherwise intertwined in religion such as the views on past history, prospects of the future →

B. the way children were affected by the industrialization research paper examples

Negative effects of the process. The main result of the Civil War was the beginning of the industrialization. In conclusion, one can say, the main reason was different interests and ideas of the North and South of the USA. Industrialization stimulated a number of absolutely new inventions in the US.

The speech essay examples

With today's economy being in rough shape, and more people without jobs, it is a better idea to remove the financial burden of making families pay for school uniform items which can cost more than $300 when the total cost of shirts, pants, dress shoes, ties and jackets are taken into consideration. There are also →

Morphology research paper

The beans are singular sections of the seeds of the Sebastiana Paviniana shrubs. HABITAT AND GEOGRAPHIC RANGE Sebastiana pavoniana are found in the states of Chihuahua and Sonora in the Rio Mayo region. In fact, the Alamos in Mexico is dubbed the 'jumping bean capital of the world'.

Essay on jasmine

She is seen against the milieu of the rigid and masculine Indian society in which her life is controlled and dominated by her father and brothers who record female as shadows. However, Jyoti seeks a modern and educated husband who keeps no faith in dowries and traditions, Prakash. In India, as Jyoti, Jasmine is seen →

Breaking bad research paper example

Who knows what other idea would come into Gilligan's mind and whether it would have been as spectacular as the concept of the show he randomly got during the conversation with his fellow writer Thomas Schnauz while they both were unemployed and joked that the only possible option for them was to put a " →

Birth of the republic

This was but the first of a series of demands that led the colonial settlers to redefine and rethink the nature of their relationship with Britain. It is important to note that the colonial settlers did not truly wage the Revolution because of nationalistic impulses or because of too lofty ideals. More →

Freedman’s bureau

Freedmen's Bureau is also known as " the Ex-Slave's Friend" was created on March 4th of 1865 during theReconstructionera by the U.S.government as a federal agency and a part of the United States Department of War to help the newly released and freed slavery which is also known as freedmen and southern white refugees →

Example of essay on effective operation of the constitutional system of checks and balances in the united

The incumbent presidents who are to leave the seat go to the extent of inciting the supporters then war begins as they continue ruling. USA being federal government, still does not allow some of the states to make decisions without consulting with the president who is the executive and overall leader. The body also allows →

Informative essay on rough draft

Jordan was and is still known for his intense competitiveness and will to win, but that has not translated to his ownership of the Charlotte Bobcats. Jordan burst into the league as a rookie sensation scoring in droves with an unmatchable first step and acrobatic drives and dunks and concluded hiscareeras a →

Westward expansion

The expansion was magnified greatly by the Louisiana Purchase, when President Jefferson bought a large area of land west of the Mississippi river from Spain, the purchase added large amounts of futile, unsettled land to the United States. The Manifest Destiny was a belief that Americans were meant to explore the western territories and settle →

Vocabulary words apush

Although not adopted by the House, 4, 000 coop sees of the states' rights manifesto were printed and distributed at state expense; it proposed that each state in the union counter the tyranny of the majority by asserting the right to nullify an unconstitutional act of Congress 3. Nullification - the streetlights doctrine →

Free book review on learning in the key life

He believes that education is comprised of various life experiences and that there is a need for people to establish a balance between academic education and self education. Although there is significant value in academic education, Spayde feels that class and education are all about power. Spayde believes that the most efficient way to learn →

How a new york storefront points out the joy of the pencil

Initially she kept her stock in a closet in her apartment." The nice thing about pencils is they do not take up a lot of room," she quips. Pencil pusher: Weaver turned tosocial mediato spread the word." I love Instagram. Ultimately, she would like to open a store in Tokyo." The Japanese are so obsessed →

I affect 800,000 viewing. it is not a

They are eating up the jobs of the average American and putting more burden services on social. In this scenario, what should the USA be, inviting and maintaining skilled workers who can contribute to their society or people who have already stretched out the social service system. " The program is susceptible to fraud and many →

Good nondemocratic state creative writing example

In reality, Lukashenko is a puppet of Vladimir Putin. With the reduction of the US as an active world leader by Obama, Putin has started to recreate the old Soviet Union. Putin is reportedly looking at fomenting a rebellion in Latvia and Lithuania, former USSR member states, very similar to →

Racial diversity: historical worksheet

What is the common ancestral background of most members of this group? " Germans are the largest ancestral group in the United States; the 2008 census showed that about 17 percent of Americans saying they had at least some German ancestry. All of the different immigrants and biracial mixes has put the →

Finishing “x-men first class” in ten different ways critical thinking

Secondly, the missiles may reach the ships of humans in the ocean, and destroy both Russian and American conveys thusly sending the entire array of nations into crafting a joint action force that would eradicate mutants from the face of earth. Thirdly, Professor X wanted to have prominent seat in the government, and therefore, he →

Example of essay on the new liberal art

In his article " 7 Major Misperceptions About the Liberal Arts" in the " Chronicle of Higher Education," Ungar worries that the liberal-arts education is taking a lot of heat considering that it is a unique and effective approach to learning. This according to Ungar is threatening the well being of liberal-arts education. According →

The articles of confederation

The Congress of the Confederation passed very significant pieces of legislation dealing with the Old Northwest, the area of land south of the Great Lakes, east of the Mississippi River, and to the northwest of the Ohio River. The Land Ordinance of 1785 provided that the land of the Northwest should be surveyed and sold →

Reverse discrimination essay

The accusation of ' reverse discrimination' is often directed against those favoring equity programs or affirmative action programs. Online Dictionary) White males undergo Reverse Discrimination in schools, like in the Regents of the University of California vs. Invisible Victims: White Males and the Crisis of Affirmative Action.

A country i would like to visit

A COUNTRY I WOULD LIKE TO VISIT The one great desire of my life is to visit America, the richest and the most prosperous country of the world. I will pay a visit to the White House, will see the President and the American Congress in session.

Case study on gun control in the us

According to the Republican Party, the government should seek to expand the people's freedoms and protect the American way of life, which is rooted in gun ownership and sports, and thus besides infringing on the Second Amendment Rights, it is against the American way of life. In order to promote the Republican Position, the party's →

The development of the industrial united states

One way the new technology and inventions in the 1800s gave a positive effect to industrialization was Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. This was a positive effect to industrialization because the workers can work at night for a higher wage. The Bessemer process was the making of steel.

What finished in took them 10 years.they

What is the Panama Canal? " The Panama Canal connects the Atlantic and the Pacific ocean together through the narrow Isthmus of Panama." From shoreline to shoreline is about 48 miles of the Panama Canal. President Theodore Roosevelt oversaw the realization of a long-term United States goal a trans-isthmian canal. Throughout the 1800s, American →

Westward expansion essay

To facilitate the migration of Americans to the west, the federal government passed several laws. This bill said that the people of this territory could decide whether they wanted to be a slave state or a free state.

Example of essay on the natural rate of unemployment rise

According to the statistic it is higher than before the crisis due to the mismatch between the employer and the available skill of the laborers. Frictional unemployment refers to the rate of unemployment due to the change of locality of the demographic factors. The crisis led to the rise of unemployment because the employer could →

Part i. ralph waldo emerson

As you read, determine what " self-reliance" meant to Emerson and how your meaning and his overlap.- Read " Self Reliance".- Open and complete the questions on the Emerson Questions page.- Then, continue to Part II. His refusal to pay a tax to the state stemmed from his opposition to slavery.

Thus, not only did trump see iran

Yet, several authors criticize the vagueness of Obama policies, others such as Harvey and Mitton argue, the use was coercive diplomacy was partly successful because Assad and his allies acknowledged its commitment, as the US would take countermeasures to sustain its reputation. Moreover, since 2014, the emergence of ISIS, the Russian →

Free similarities between china and the united states essay sample

The United States of America has emerged victorious in World War I and II, and this enables the country to remain as the world's superpower. In the onset of global financial crisis, the currency of the county has links to the dollar to permit resumption of a gradual appreciation.

Article review on international corporate finance

The U.S.and South Korea negotiators broke a three year impasse over the joint agreement by reaching an agreement on a deal to steadily lower U.S.tariffs on Korean automobiles. The deal must also win ratification by South Korean law makers. The deal gave a boost to the U.S.president's efforts to double U.S.exports →

Death tax

The " Death Tax" or more formally known as the Estate Tax in the United States is a tax imposed on the transfer of the " taxable estate" of a deceased person. Under the Tax Reform Act of 1976, a major overhaul of the death tax system led to rates that →

Restructuring business, labor, and government

One of them is the " capital flight" which made businesses in the United States of America move from the industrialised North to southern locations which had the advantages of cheaper labour, weaker labour unions and a great support of the local governments. This also meant an increase in the unemployment rate. Adding to the →

Andy rodgers

The War of 1812 was caused by the impressment of American sailors and the seizure of ships and their cargo, problems on the Western Frontier and land hunger, and a growing sense of party politics and nationalism. The impressment of American sailors and the seizure of ships helped to bring about the War of 1812.

Gun three types, handguns, rifles, and shotguns. rifles

Gun laws are the cause of a lot of violent crime in the United States and need to be changed in order to make it easier for Americans to purchase handguns, carry them as concealed weapons, and to protect themselves. Several colonies gun laws required heads of the households to own guns, and that →

The policy of the united states

In the emergence of a lax border security, finally, the issue of this juxtaposed with the opportunity that exists for terrorists to exploit will also be developed in the paper. In order for a more substantial argument to evolve in this paper a brief history with terrorism →

The great depression

" The Great Depression was the deepest and longest-lasting economic downturn in the history of the Western industrialized world" (The Great 2012). The depression was also said to have partially started with the crash of the stock market in the United States on October 29 1929, this was known as the →

Example of how the us military funding affects the world politics and justice research paper

For instance, the invasion of the Iraq by the military forces of the United States of America was partly due to the desire to control the vast oil resources in Iraq. The United States has also been involved in a war of ideologies such as the Cold War which was a war of the Communist →

A tree grows in brooklyn paper

In the world that Betty Smith describes in " A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" however, this poverty is depicted as a kind of virtue, a force that causes individuals to grow, and families to bond c. Johnny and Katie Nolan, exemplify a theme of gender difference in the overcoming of poverty for immigrants i.

Argumentative essay on the war on drugs

On the contrary, experts and opinion leaders are of the idea that the government withdraws the wars and decriminalizes the consumption of narcotics. One of the key points why the war on drugs is ineffective is simply because the government is attacking the drug menace from the supply side. Following the failure of all the →

Journal entry

Write a compare/contrast essay of the two poems you have read from Whitman and Hughes Josh Stone The poems " I Hear America Singing" by Walt Whitman, And the poem " Let America Be America" by Langston Hughes are both similar because the two poems talk about America. On the other hand, the poem →

Report on my election campaign

My decision to run with the Republican party was partly based on the fact that generally, the American public are divided on the subject of Republicans vs. I believe that this would show my allegiance to the domestic situation.

Good example of how education in an american university is important for an engineer from saudi research paper

This paper will address the reasons as to why pursuing an education from the United States is important for prospective engineer professionals from Saudi Arabia. Discussion Role of English language to engineer students from Saudi Arabia There are various reasons that justify the reason as to why attaining education from an American University →

After and understand. that being said, i think

The Bill of Rights is vital in the Constitution because of its role in individuals lives. In my opinion, the government cannot perform effectively due to its choice of representatives and the citizens.

Introduction to constitutional law essay

Reasonable Suspicion and Probable Cause The term " reasonable suspicion" is often heard when the topic is on crime and the need for a search and warrant. In the United States, " reasonable suspicion" is a legal standard which refers to a circumstance in which a person is " viewed" as engaged in a criminal →

Key symbol – statue of liberty

This is confirmed by the work of the sculptor Birthday, and his eloquent portrayal in the subtleties of expression, " Liberty serious demeanor underscores the Idea that liberty Itself comes at a cost and must not be taken lightly." (Scorcher Arts and Entertainment) " Finally, almost covered by the drapery, Liberty left foot, which few →

Life in philippines

Food and Drinks Costs in the Philippines Food and drinks are very cheap in the Philippines. The key is finding the best places to purchase these products from the myriad of stores available in cities and places throughout the archipelago.

Injustice the moment of unconsciousness and death.

Moreover, it must be remembered the death penalty is not only about the minutes during which the prisoner is brought from the cell and killed; a prisoner lives with the penalty of death hanging over their head from the moment he or she is sentenced to the moment of unconsciousness and death. There have been →

No child left behind act is a controversial united states

Repeatedfailureof a specific school to reach these requirements will eventually result in the loss of funding as well as a decrease in the number of students attending these schools. The latter is made possible by the freedom that the No Child Left Behind Act gives to students and their parents who are →

Women in the struggle for america’s independence

The countless women that aided in the fight for independence truly embodied the American spirit of the late 1700s, possessed traits that say a great deal about American ideals, and easily fulfill the definition of a hero. The seemingly fearless behavior of women and the acceptance of their new roles in society showed the American →

The on juries and run for local

XV, Sec.1. )." The VotingRights Act of 1965 (amended and/or extended in 1975, 1982, and 2006) wasspecifically written to overcome the use of legal and extralegal practices toexclude minorities from the voting booth and minimize minority political voiceand power". Holder, the Court held that " Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act imposes currentburdens that are →

Good example of specific racial stereotypes argumentative essay

Pozner holds the view that the show stereotypes the diverse races of women who come up to the show and they ought to survive up to their stereotype with the sole objective to advance them in the contest. These women are not merely animals and this resource of media is in a way causing to →

Example of essay on american presidency

He is also a chief diplomat acting as the top ambassador of the country on the international platform. These roles have been amended over the years to either encroach or strengthened the president's powers on a number of national issues. The American president is currently powerful due to the developmental strides made in various areas →

Amongst adduced in the us courts (grevling 671).

In the US, the right of the accused entails the right to due process, fair trial, and privacy. The following is a discussion on the exclusionary rule, double jeopardy, and Miranda rights conceptsa. I would agree with the views of the jury for many reasons. Firstly, allowing the accused to deny the police access to →

Free critical thinking on democracy in american political culture

Many joined the league of democrats since they believed that the government will create massive job opportunities to the jobless and lower the cost of living to its citizens therefore making life affordable to all citizens. Many believed that democrat party includes every spirit that has an affluent and a →

Research paper on quantitative reasoning in health care ma

Reference The main source of this report is from the national health and nutrition examination survey that was conducted from 2003 to 2006. Purpose This study was objected to examine the cardiovascular disease and human papillomavirus association that is within the women living I the united states.

Weber on separation of church and state in the us essay

According to Weber, the argument of the salesman seeks to clarify that religion and trustworthiness go hand in hand. Perhaps aware of the corrupt and unscrupulous members of the guild, the seller explicitly expresses his optimism with the sect members. From this analogy, it is worthwhile to conclude that the ancient America's spirit of capitalism →

Los vendidos essay examples

The purpose of sarcasm, ridicule, and humor in the play is to highlight the different marks and stereotypes of both White Americans and Mexican Americans. One of such characters is Johnny Pachuco. In Los Vendidos by Luiz Valdez, Johnny Pachuco is the stereotype of the Mexican society villain a menace to the society.

Wealth and power in the united states

Wealth and Power in the United States Hugo Lindgren Chief Editor New York Time Magazine[email protected]com This letter is to inform the public of how social class division is related to the concentration of wealth in the United States and support the need to redistribute wealth in America. This inequality of →

Malaysian public administration

The Malayan Union, established in 1946 and consisting of all the British possessions in the Malay Peninsula with the exception of Singapore, was quickly dissolved and replaced by the Federation of Malaya, which restored the autonomy of the rulers of the Malay states under British protection. The Superior Courts consist of The Federal Court as →


He was in charged with the selection of the girls who will work at Camarin. After three days of searching, they found Fred Villa who had survived because of the water that is being drop from the faucet but unfortunately he had been paralyzed.

Alexander c. faltado

N Given this 9th day of December, 2004 at De Ocampo Memorial College Sta. Formaran M.A.N, R.

Quibuyen’s rizal; by: joyce anne tuliao

Furthermore, the illustrados provide the masses the ideology of European liberalism.- Ileto: texts of Rizal have 2 opposite and irreconcilable meanings the elite's modernist discourse on Rizal as the ' liberal reformist' and the peasants' folk perception of Rizal as the " Tagalog Christ" - According to Quibuyen, the conflict between Rizal and del Pilar →

A study of socio-economic essay sample

There had been arguments on how mining industry can recover an acceptable role in society and the economy? Employees of the mining company are the primary concern on this study because they are implementers and violators what the Mining Act of 1995. Importance of the Study As a response to the →

Jaime zobel de ayala

His brother, Fernando Zobel de Ayala, is president of the corporation, while his father, Jaime Zobel de Ayala, was president until 1994 and currently holds the title of chairman emeritus. Zobel is chairman of the Board of Directors of Globe Telecom, Bank of the Philippine Islands, and Integrated Microelectronics Inc.; vice chairman of the Board →

Biography of andres bonifacio

Absorbing the teachings of classic rationalism from the works of Jos Rizal, Victor Hugo's Les Miserables, Eug ne Sue's The Wandering Jew, books on the French Revolution, and the lives of the presidents of the United States, Bonifacio acquired an understanding of the dynamics of the socio-historical process. When the Liga was dissolved upon the →

Condition of the philippines essay sample

Power Crisis The Philippines was experiencing widespread and frequent brownouts because of the huge demand for electricity and the old and depreciated power plants. PROMISES DURING THE ELECTIONS AND INAUGURATION Restoration of Civic order Make politics serve the not the family, favored groups, or themselves, but the nation Restore Civility →


From brewing and bottling of what is one of the largest selling cervezas and among the top 10 beer brands in the world, San Miguel has expanded its business to food and packaging. The company has strategically positioned its breweries in the country to ensure the freshness and availability of the product and so as →


The functions of these agencies were re-coordinated, with the aim of fulfilling the common objectives of the land reform programs. In addition, recognition of the ownership of the ancestral lands of the native Philippine population also came under the jurisdiction of the Department of Land Reform.

Reaction paper in jose rizal movie

Moreover, the film made known the line of attack did by our heroes and countrymen to achieve the freedom of our country under the rule of the Spaniards friar and military force. There were a lot of discrimination and ruthless treatment in Filipino on that period and that is the reason of the rebellions between →

Influence of the pinoy rap battle “fliptop” and balagtasan to high school students essay sample

To transmit to the young generation the value of friendly debate through poetry. Significance of the Study This study will be of help to the following: To the students This research study can help the students to know the difference between the Balagtasan and Fliptop, and to know what is much →

”the molave” by rafael zulueta da costa essay sample

Youth of the land, you are a bitter pill to swallow.**Here, although he wishes to commend or show approval to the his countrymen, he is faced with the fact that the youth of today are not worthy of it. This is a testament of youth borne on the four pacific winds: This is a →